User:Paxte Eriker/incursions/True Creations Research Center

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Intelligence Reports

Headquarter sites Fleet of 40 pilots (up to 60 in low/null)
6 - 10 logistics needed (5+ utility cap needed)
10 - 15 snipers needed
Sites take about 10 - 20 minutes

Special roles

  • 1 MTAC Pilot - Ship fitted with a tractor beam that upon entering the site will immediately go to the Concord MTAC Factory and start (using a jetcan to hold the MTACs) moving MTACs from the factory to the Shield Transfer Control Tower to prevent the target station from repairing itself.
  • 1 Meatshield - Heavily tanked ship that will enter the site in advance of the fleet to consolidate initial aggro on a single target.
  • 1 Drone Bunny - Responsible for killing all non-respawning frigates and all Niarjas.

Note: It is highly advisable for the MTAC Pilot to have a timer of some sort, to time the drop's of the MTAC's properly.

Military Intelligence

Your objectives are to re-secure the area around the True Creations Research Center and then destroy the station itself. To do this you will first need to make use of a local CONCORD MTAC factory that has been commandeered by Nation forces. Take control of the facility and transport the MTACs to the shield transfer control tower. Once inside, they can recapture the station controls and power down the shields, leaving the research center vulnerable.

Background Intelligence

True Creations is suspected to be chiefly responsible for the re-cloning and implantation of abducted planetside civilians. In addition to this role they spearhead the development and application of new technologies. DED surveillance teams have noted, on repeated occasions now, that True Creations is now deploying mobile research centers directly to the field of battle.

Normally choosing to hide these sorts of centers well from view, this move of theirs is not fully understood. Current research is investigating the potential role these supposedly "observatory" facilities are playing in the larger battle. The proximity of these research centers to the front lines is something that will take some time to fully investigate and understand.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0083. DED Special Operations.
Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.


Below is a list of enemies that spawn in this site. See Sansha's Manual for a full list of the incursion rats.

NameSig [1]Speed [2]Orbit / Speed [3]Damage / Volley [4]Range [5]Effective HP [6]
3 Icon red cruiser.png Auga Hypophysis
Auga Hypophysis Warp disruption - 2 strength at 9 km rangeWebbing - 60% speed reduction at 10 km range
325 Signature 325 m 1100 Velocity 1,100 m/s 6000 6 km Orbit 170 m/s 480 480 dps Turret damage 2,400 hp 20000 12 - 20 km Effective range (from optimal up to double falloff) 51597 52k ehp 51,597 effective hit points (31,185 raw hit points)
5 Icon red battleship.png Deltole Tegmentum
Deltole Tegmentum Warp disruption - 1 strength at 20 km rangeEnergy neutralizing - 360 GJ every 12 seconds at 12 km rangeTarget painting - 37,5% strength at 45+90 km range
540 Signature 540 m 850 Velocity 850 m/s 12000 12 km Orbit 118 m/s 818 818 dps Torpedo damage 4,500 hp 45000 < 45 km Effective range 179075 179k ehp 179,075 effective hit points (73,150 raw hit points)
5 Icon red battleship.png Intaki Colliculus
Intaki Colliculus Remote Shield Booster - 380 hp every 5 sec for up to 3 targets at 25 km range
320 Signature 320 m 980 Velocity 980 m/s 50000 50 km Orbit 140 m/s 282 282 dps Torpedo damage 2,256 hp 148050 < 148 km Effective range 315598 316k ehp 315,598 effective hit points (138,600 raw hit points)
3 Icon red cruiser.png Mara Paleo
Mara Paleo Remote Shield Booster - 700 hp every 5 sec for up to 3 targets at 70 km range
65 Signature 65 m 2050 Velocity 2,050 m/s 60000 60 km Orbit 310 m/s -1 (no weapons) -1 (no weapons) 29505 30k ehp 29,505 effective hit points (8,085 raw hit points)
1 Icon red frigate.png Niarja Myelen
Niarja Myelen Jamming - 6 strength at 32+36 km rangeEnergy neutralizing - 450 GJ every 10 seconds at 18 km range
53 Signature 53 m 2760 Velocity 2,760 m/s 15000 15 km Orbit 405 m/s -1 (no weapons) -1 (no weapons) 3786 4k ehp 3,786 effective hit points (2,575 raw hit points)
5 Icon red battleship.png Ostingele Tectum
Ostingele Tectum
530 Signature 530 m 850 Velocity 850 m/s 40000 40 km Orbit 118 m/s 528 528 dps Turret damage 2,640 hp 65000 45 - 65 km Effective range (from optimal up to double falloff) 289853 290k ehp 289,853 effective hit points (105,000 raw hit points)
5 Icon red battleship.png Outuni Mesen
Outuni Mesen [7] Warp disruption - 1 strength at 24 km rangeEnergy neutralizing - 3,000 GJ every 24 seconds at 25 km rangeWebbing - 60% speed reduction at 20 km range
400 Signature 400 m 790 Velocity 790 m/s 18000 18 km Orbit 110 m/s 352 352 dps Turret damage 1,760 hp 65000 45 - 65 km Effective range (from optimal up to double falloff) 215104 215k ehp 215,104 effective hit points (92,400 raw hit points)
3 Icon red cruiser.png Romi Thalamus
Romi Thalamus
200 Signature 200 m 1520 Velocity 1,520 m/s 18000 18 km Orbit 205 m/s 320 320 dps Turret damage 1,600 hp 33000 23 - 33 km Effective range (from optimal up to double falloff) 105551 106k ehp 105,551 effective hit points (43,750 raw hit points)
1 Icon red frigate.png Schmaeel Medulla
Schmaeel Medulla Warp disruption - 1 strength at 30 km rangeWebbing - 60% speed reduction at 15 km range
36 Signature 36 m 4000 Velocity 4,000 m/s 12000 12 km Orbit 640 m/s 50 50 dps Turret damage 252 hp 20000 12 - 20 km Effective range (from optimal up to double falloff) 9234 9k ehp 9,234 effective hit points (5,775 raw hit points)
5 Icon red battleship.png Yulai Crus Cerebi
Yulai Crus Cerebi [8]
400 Signature 400 m 800 Velocity 800 m/s 60000 60 km Orbit 118 m/s 397 397 dps Turret damage 1,984 hp 210000 160 - 210 km Effective range (from optimal up to double falloff) 117850 118k ehp 117,850 effective hit points (57,750 raw hit points)
  1. ^ While using their propulsion module, they suffer the same signature bloom as players.
  2. ^ This is the speed of the ship while they try to get within orbit or as they try to chase after you, suffering the same signature bloom as players do with the propulsion module on. They will turn off any propulsion modules once they get close to their preferred orbit.
  3. ^ Preferred orbit range and regular speed while orbiting, which is their regular speed without the propulsion module turned on.
  4. ^ Damage per second as well as damage per volley. Unless stated otherwise, turrets do an equal amount of EM and thermal damage while torpedoes do an equal amount of kinetic and explosive damage.
  5. ^ This is the effective range of this ship, presented with two values for turrets, optimal and optimal + double falloff, as well as a single range for torpedoes.
  6. ^ This is the amount of damage this ship can take, taking into account their resists. All ships, except the Lirsautton Parichaya have omni tanks. Hover over the icon for information about raw hitpoints.
  7. ^ The Outuni Mesen does 82% EM and 18% thermal damage with its turrets.
  8. ^ The Yulai Crus Cerebi does 63% EM and 38% thermal damage with its turrets.

Special Mechanics

This site has two special mechanics that must be understood in order to complete the site and then exit without losing any ships.

Enemy Respawns

Enemies in this site will not warp out after the battle tower is destroyed and the site is completed.

Many of the enemies in this site will respawn on timers after they are initially destroyed. The respawn timers for battleships are longer than an average fleet should take to complete the site the respawn timers for frigate and cruisers are very fast.

As these respawns include both Augas and Schmaeels that can warp disrupt it is very important to ensure that any last second respawns are killed before the fleet leaves the site. Most fleets will specifically tag the respawning Augas and Schmaeels so that they can be shot after the site is completed and will no longer respawn. Identifying the Auga is simple as there will only be one on grid, identifying the two Schmaeels that will respawn is simple if the rats have not started moving from their initial spawn positions, as the two respawning Schmaeels will be next to the Concord MTAC Factory, all other Schmaeels not near that tower will not respawn.


The shield transfer arrays next to the Sansha battle tower are capable of repairing the tower from near dead to full HP in a matter of seconds. Destroying the tower before the repairs start is not possible so the repairs must be disabled in order to complete the site.

Further to the left of the shield arrays are two additional structures; a Concord MTAC Factory and a Shield Transfer Control Tower. Taking a MTAC from the factory and placing it in the control tower will prevent the battle tower from being repaired for a short period of time.

MTACs are too large to fit into the cargo hold of any battleship, including marauders, and must be moved from the factory to the control tower by using a jetcan. MTACs will respawn in the factory at a fast enough rate that it is possible to permanently stop the repairs after the first MTAC is dropped.

Entering the Site

Unlike most incursion sites a freshly spawned TCRC does not immediately have all the rats present on grid. A significant number of the rats only spawn in after someone warps into the site for the first time. After someone has warped in the remaining rats spawn in groups over time, taking approximately one minute for all rats to spawn. Because of this a common tactic is to have a scout or alt warp into the site before the fleet wants to run the site in order to spawn all the rats (aka preload). Once someone has warped into the site the rats will spawn on their set timers even if the person immediately warps out of the site.

Having all the rats spawned before the fleet enters the site is significantly safer as it allows the meatshield to enter first and have all the rats attack them instead of having each spawn group potentially target a different ship.

Upon first entering a TCRC there will be no rats nearby the beacon and no Deltoles on grid, in this state the site is usually called as being in "Normal" state. The Deltoles are in the first group to spawn and a site that only has Deltoles within approx. 40km of the beacon is usually called as "Deltoles" state. The second group of ships to spawn near to the beacon will all be frigates, and if they are present the site will usually be called as "Frigates" state. The final group to spawn includes Outinis and a site with them present will be usually called as "Full" state.

Completing the Site

The meatshield is always the first person to enter the site under normal circumstances. Upon loading grid they will inform the FC about the state of the site. The FC will then determine when the rest of the fleet should enter. If the site is called as "Normal" this may include having the meathshield warp out and wait for the spawns to finish appearing before entering the site again. After the entire fleet has entered the site the MTAC will immediately move to the Concord MTAC factory to begin collecting and dropping MTACs. The remainder of the fleet will move to the tower to start bombarding it, this may include killing some of the rats (especially Deltoles and Outinis) along the way.

While the fleet is bombarding the tower the Drone Bunny will be clearing out the Niarjas and all non-respawning frigates.

After the tower has exploded the fleet will kill all remaining enemies that can warp disrupt before leaving the site. Leaving the site is normally done in two stages to prevent anyone being left behind and dying to the significant amount of dps from the rats still left alive. The first stage will usually involve all everyone except for the FC and logistics warping out, while the FC and logistics align to their destination, usually the next site. After the FC has confirmed that only they and the logistics are left in the TCRC the FC will warp all remaining ships as a group.



  • Anchor
  • MTAC Pilot
  • Logistics Commander
  • Cap Chain Partner
  • Fleet Commander

Damage Dealer / Sniper / Drone Bunny

  • Anchor
  • Drone Bunny
  • Cap Chain Partner *

Note: If you need a cap chain partner, be aware of the distance necessary to facilitate the transfer properly and co-ordinate with your partner or partners for less confusion in the battlefield.

Pirates / Kill Order

There is a slightly different protocol when destroying Sansha in this type of site. Other than killing the last of each type of ship, it is best to "trim down" the spawns leaving some rats alive in order to avoid unnecessary re-spawns of that type of ship. Logistics will have their hands full managing reps and split DPS, but it should be manageable while the battletower is destroyed.


Each pilot should anchor themselves on the tower within their own optimal range. The logistic's anchor should burn toward the Concord MTAC Factory and keep approximately 30km from the factory. This position should allow logistics to rep from the entry point to just behind the Sansha Battletower.

Before Tower Bombardment

Important: While DPS and Snipers are taking out the tagged ships, the MTAC Pilot will retrieve MTACs from the Concord MTAC Factory and place them into a jetcan then using a tractor beam will drag the can to the Shield Transfer Control Tower and place the MTAC inside. The MTAC pilot will repeat this process, dropping the MTACs every 1 minute and 30 seconds. Failure to drop an MTAC every 1 minute and 30 seconds will allow the tower to repair to full health within seconds.

This Kill Order may vary widely from different FCs so it is extremely important to pay attention.

Full Fleet DPS (DPS and Snipers)

Outuni Mesen - Neut / Warp Scrambler / Webber (Tag 0-1)

DPS Only

Deltole Tegmentum - Warp Scrambler / Neut (Tag 2-5, J)

    • DO NOT SHOOT** Deltole Tegmentum - Warp Scrambler / Neut (Tag J)

Ostingele Tectums - Sansha High DPS DD (Tag 6-9)

    • DO NOT SHOOT** Ostingele Tectums - Sansha High DPS DD (Tag J)

Note: If done properly, there should be 2 ship's tagged J - a Deltole Tegmentum and an Ostingele Tectums. None of the ships tagged J should be targetted or shot at, before or during tower bombardment. All Deltole Tegmentum will be destroyed after tower bombardment, and ships will be able to warp out before next Deltole spawn.

Snipers Only

Yulai Crus Cerebi - Sansha DD (Tag A-H)

Note: Yulai's are a secondary target and depending on the Logistic Pilot's abilities may not be necessary to kill. The FC should be able to determine if they need to be destroyed and act accordingly.

Drone Bunny

Niarja Myelen - Jammer / Neut (Tag X)
Schmaeel Medullas - Warp Scrambler / Webber (Tag Y)

Note: Two Schmaeel Medullas and onew Niarja Myelen will respawn roughly every minute. While it is critical to remove the Niarja Myelen ASAP due to its Jamming capabilities the two respawning Schmaeels can be left until after the tower bash. The two Schmaeels will be located approximately 90km from the entry point and linger close to the CONCORD MTAC Factory.

During Tower Bombardment

Important Note: Deltole Tegmentum wave will generally re-spawn at 12:00-15:00 minute mark, Ostingele Tectums will generally respawn at 16:00-18:00 mark.

DPS / Sniper / Drone Bunny

Battle Tower

Respawns of Deltole Tegmentum and Ostingele Tectums should only be tagged if Logistics are unable to manage aggro

Snipers Only

Outuni Mesen - Neut / Warp Scrambler / Webber (Tag A-B)

Note: IF the Outuni manages to get close to the fleet it should become a full fleet target.

Drone Bunny

Niarja Myelen - Jammer / Neut(Tag X)

After Tower Bombardment

Note: The point at this junction is to take out anything that warp scrambles so everyone can leave site and still have a ship after payout. There will no longer be any respawns at this point.

Full Fleet DPS (DPS and Snipers)

Outini Mesen (Tag 0-?)
Deltole Tegmentum - Warp Scrambler / Neut (Tag 1-?)

Drone Bunny

Schmaeel Medullas - Warp Scrambler / Webber (Tag X)
Auga Hypophysis - Scrambler / Webber (Tag Y)

Hints and Tips

  • If nobody has gated in (aka 'preloaded') the site before the fleet enters site, all groups will spawn in short intervals. If someone preloaded a site, and started the short intervals, all the different types of ships that would otherwise spawn intermittently, will all be on field when the fleet enters the site. Logistics will need to make repairing the shields of the anchor, their top priority before setting up Energy Transfers, due to the alpha strike of the preloaded site.
  • If MTAC's are not deposited in timely intervals, the Sansha Battletower will almost immediately repair itself to full health. This will take place whether the station is at 75% sheilds, 100% armor and 100% structure or 0% sheilds, 0% armor, and 1% structure. There is no stopping the repair until the MTAC's begin being dropped in the Shield Transfer Control Tower again
  • MTAC's are created every two minutes, but the Shield Transfer Control Tower needs one every two minutes. The stockpile is created to avoid the MTAC Dropper from running out.
  • This site is the only HQ site that has Niarja's, as well as Auga Hypophysis on field
  • This is the only HQ site where anything tagged J is not to be targetted/attacked until the very end.
  • There will be no more Yulai Crus Cerebi spawns after the death of the first wave of Yulai Crus Cerebi.
  • The Trigger mechanism is similar to that of an Override Transfer Array
  • Respawns can be ignored if the Logistics Commander, as well as Fleet Commander are comfortable with the level of aggro on the field and know that the fleet will be able to tank it prior to site completion

Special thanks to veteran Shield HQ Fleet Commander 'nomatech' for his input as well as many of the links to sort through and provide in this wiki article.