Vitoc Vector

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Vitoc Vector is a 4 part mission chain issued by Distribution division Agents. The chain consists of a Courier and 3 Encounter missions.

Vitoc Vector - The Pickup (1 of 4)

Level 1
Type Courier
Objective Pickup and deliver 1x Small Warded Container (5 m3)
Rewards 1x Civilian Relic Analyzer
Mission briefing
Well, some good, some… Heh. Just kidding. No, folks are saying good things about you.

Anyway, listen, I have a lead on a Vitoc shipment not far from here. I've arranged a buy, but I need someone to make the pick-up under the radar. We've arranged for special packaging that will keep the authorities from being able to scan the stuff in your hold, since the stuff is normally highly illegal around here, so you don't need to worry about that.

<Pilot>, this could provide the breakthrough our researchers need. Can I trust you to handle it?

Keep the Civilian Relic Analyzer. You might need it for part 2

The Vitoc Method
The Vitoc Method is fundamental to the Amarr slave market. The Method has two key components: a deadly, highly toxic drug with a seemingly viral ability to mutate, and its carefully-guarded antidote: Vitoc. The subject infected with the chemically engineered virus will suffer an agonizing death without regular doses of Vitoc; his daily dose, however, will react with the toxin to bring him several hours of euphoria in addition to keeping the virus inert for a short time.

Vitoc Vector - Earning Their Trust (2 of 4)

Level 1
Type Encounter / Hacking
Objective Bring the hacked data chip to your agent.
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Extra Use Relic Analyzer
Mission briefing
Well, I've got a job you can do to prove it. We're always looking for information. After the last job you ran, I think I can trust you with something a little more sensitive.

I just got a tip that there's a wrecked Amarrian science vessel nearby that is likely to contain something useful; apparently it was here on some kind of "goodwill incentive program" devised by some clown in CONCORD, but the ship was jumped by Brutor Tribe radicals before it landed in station. Heh. Stupid CONCORD, and pathetic Amarrians ― no doubt they were using this program to scout for slave-ship raids anyway.

Point is, though, that I need you to get in there and hack it; take whatever data you can from it before the pirates rip the whole thing to pieces for salvage. This is more important to us than you can understand right now. Matari lives may well be at stake here.

Fit either the Civilian Relic Analyzer from part 1 or use a regular Relic Analyzer. Approach the "Wrecked Science Vessel" which is 33km from warp in. It's a "Spawn Container" and You have to hack it to get the mission item "Data Chip".

WD EWAR CollapseL

Hackable Structure Wrecked Science Vessel Need to be hacked Mission objective Data Chip

About 10 seconds after grabbing the Data Chip a group of defenders show up.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Gistior Shatterer/Defacer

Vitoc Vector - Mounting a Defense (3 of 4)

Level 1
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy all the Ammatar attackers.
Faction Ammatar
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Ship size limit Cruiser
Mission briefing
One of our research stations ― the very one where I sent the information from that science vessel you hacked for us ― has been compromised, and we believe that the Amarr and their allies, the traitorous, mongrel Nefantar, will attempt to destroy it. As you know, we Minmatar have many small research stations scattered throughout space to better avoid Amarr detection, but as a result, our resources are necessarily splintered.

The loss of this research station would be a tremendous setback to us. We need you to get in there and defend the station, for I can't be sure I can mobilize local military forces in time. The Amarrians will go to any lengths to prevent us from reverse-engineering a treatment that could invalidate the Vitoc Method. If we can make it costly enough for them, though, they may just be forced to give up on this station, with it being so deep in our sovereignty.

The Nefantar
The Nefantar go by many names, but Ammatar is the most common ― though their former Minmatar brethren sometimes refer to them as “the Lost Tribe” in pity, but more often “the Fawning” or “the Yoked” in scorn. The Nefantar have left behind their tribal heritage and taken up many (but not all) aspects of the Amarrian religion, a movement that has resulted in a unique blend of cultures.

The Ammatar Mandate and the Minmatar Republic have been locked in a state of cold war for years now; since the Vindication Wars, there hasn't been a large-scale battle between them, mainly due to former Prime Minister Karin Midular's diplomatic efforts. However, after Midular's passing, the animosity between the two peoples cannot be denied.

The old, traditionally aristocratic bloodlines of the Nefantar see themselves as the rightful rulers of all the Matar tribes; for their part, most Minmatar hold little more than bitter animosity toward the tribe that long ago betrayed its cousins, and a widespread hatred of the Ammatar is still common among all other Matari.


Group appearance is triggered by time.

Blitz: Forget all ships, go straight for the gate.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 4 x Minmatar Bunker
Acceleration Gate Acceleration Gate Not locked
Wave 1 50km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Executioner/Inquisitor Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia I/III
Wave 2
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Executioner/Inquisitor Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia I/III
Wave 3
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Scout Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia II
Wave 4
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Inquisitor Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia III


No aggro on Warp In.

Forces on grid
WD EWAR CollapseL
Group A 40km W
Frigate 2 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Inquisitor Last ship: Reinforcement A Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia III
Group B 56km N
Frigate 5 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Executioner Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia I
Group C 60km NNE
Frigate 5 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Executioner Last ship: Reinforcement C1 Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia I
Reinforcement A
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 1 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Inquisitor Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia III

Reinforcement C1
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Executioner Last ship: Reinforcement C2 Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia I
Reinforcement C2
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Executioner Last ship: Aggro from al remaining ships Ammatar Navy Midshipman Insignia I

Destruction of this group triggers aggro from all remaining ships.

Vitoc Vector - A Terrible Thing (4 of 4)

Level 1
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy the Amarr Breeding Facility and return the enslaved Matari to your agent. 32x Breeder Slave (48  m3)
Faction Amarr Empire
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Ship size limit Cruiser
Standing loss For destroying breeding facility 0.24 to Ammar Empire
Mission briefing
We have tracked down an Amarr "breeding facility." <Pilot>, I was held in one of these places once, when I was young, and it is only thanks to the efforts of one such as yourself that I find myself a free person today. They're hellholes.

You will find only women and children there; the boys are shipped elsewhere before they turn nine. Most of these facilities don't even bother with Vitoc; they prefer cheaper, more primitive methods of control. After all, the work is hardly complicated: Where humane restraints don't work, brute force and fear often will.

Destroy this place. Rescue as many Matari as you can, but be certain that even those who die are better off.

Amarr Breeding Facilities – Even Death Is Better
This type of breeding facility produces Minmatar children ready to assume their place as servants to the Amarr; rumors abound that the slaves in these places hail from other races as well, including even fallen Amarr who are sent here rather than to penal colonies.

Brood slaves are held within breeder colonies for the sole purpose of increasing a slaver's stock. Discarded when they have outlived their usefulness, these poor souls have a terribly short life expectancy, although that fact might be a blessing when one considers the misery of their existence.

Slavers who use such methods tend to be secretive about it, often anchoring their breeding centers in low-sec or unclaimed space; however profitable, these facilities are generally looked down upon even in polite Amarrian society (especially since the Doriam reforms).

To accomplish this mission destroy one or more of the 4 Ammarian Breeding Facilities, in pocket 2, until one of them drops Breeder Slaves. Bring them to the agent. Destroying Amarrian Breeding Facilities gives standing loss, so destroy only just enough to reach the objective.


All Groups aggro immediately on appearance.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure Amarr Cathedral
Structure Amarr Chapel
Structure Amarr Lookout
Structure Occupied Amarr Bunker
Structure Amarr Tactical Unit
Acceleration Gate Acceleration Gate
Asteroid 6 x Veldspar
Forces on grid
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2 x Frigate Imperial Paladin/Felix Last Ship: Reinforcement Imperial Navy Midshipman Insignia II
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Imperial Mathura/Mazukir Imperial Navy Sergeant Major Insignia I

Pocket 1

This pocket can have none, 1 or 2 Reinforcements

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 2 x Amarr Cathedral
Structure 2 x Amarr Chapel
Structure 2 x Amarr Lookout
Acceleration Gate Acceleration Gate
Asteroid 12 x Veldspar

Group A aggros on warp in. Group B aggros when approaching the gate at around 11 km

Forces on grid
WD EWAR CollapseL
Group A 23km (2 ships)
Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Imperial Sixtus Lastship: Reinforcement A Imperial Navy Midshipman Insignia II
Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Imperial Bahir Tracking Disruptor Imperial Navy Midshipman Insignia II
Group B 39km
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Imperial Muzakir/Mathura Lastship: Reinforcement B Imperial Navy Sergeant Major Insignia I
Reinforcement A (Optional - 2 ships)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Imperial Matendi Imperial Navy Midshipman Insignia I
Frigate 0-2 x Frigate Imperial Forian Tracking Disruptor Imperial Navy Midshipman Insignia I
Reinforcement B (Optional
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2 x Frigate Imperial Sixtus Imperial Navy Midshipman Insignia II

Pocket 2

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 4 x Amarrian Breeding Facility The right one drops cargo containers at destruction, containing the mission objective Mission Objective
Structure 1 x Starbase Silo Random Trade Goods
Forces on grid
WD EWAR CollapseL
Group A 37km NE
Frigate 2 x Frigate Imperial Paladin/Felix Imperial Navy Midshipman Insignia II
Group B 33km E
After a slight delay
Drone 2 x Drone Guard Drones Renamed /Arachua/Asmodeus/... Apis
Group C 51km SE
Aggros when destroying Breeding Facility
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Imperial Muzakir/Mathura Imperial Navy Sergeant Major Insignia I


  • Mission Objective is 32 Breeder Slaves.
  • One of the Breeding Facilities drops 2 containers on destruction, one with the Breeder Slaves and one with Slaves.
    • Be aware that Slaves are Illegal Cargo in some factions space. When getting caught the Slaves will be confiscated, you will lose standing with that faction and you will be fined. the fine will be 4 till 10 times the estimated market value, depending on the faction.