Ammatar Detective Spotted

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Ammatar Detective Spotted is a Level 3 mission involving combat against the Ammatar Mandate.

Level 3
Type Encounter
Faction Ammatar
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
EWAR Web by Delta II Support Frigate
Standing loss -0.3 Standing with Ammatar Mandate

Mission briefing

We recently discovered an operative working for the Ammatar military snooping around <System>. Thing is, we happen to have a secret base in the area that we don't want him to discover: I want you to go out there and eliminate him before he finds it and reports it to his superiors ― we certainly don't want them complicating our operations. Be warned, though, those detectives are tough, and they usually have a scout or two backing them up. I wouldn't want you getting hurt; capsuleers like you aren't easy to come by!


Auto-aggro on warp-in. Destroy the Detective to complete mission.

Hostile NPCs, 40-45km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 6 x Frigate Ammatar Navy Detective/Officer/Delta II Support Frigate Stasis Webifier

Tags and other drops are not very valuable.