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Divine Intervention is a storyline mission issued by Distribution divisions agents.

Level 1 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Deliver 10x Riot Interdiction Team (300 m3).
Mission briefing
As you know, there are many hundreds of thousands of Minmatar slaves working to provide essential services to the Empire, just as they have for centuries. Given their considerable natural physical abilities, they have always made up one of the most important and valuable ethnic groups within the vast Amarr slave workforce. One unavoidable consequence of this, however, is that we have had to invest a considerable amount of money, not only in the health and welfare of these slaves, but also to ensure their obedience.

One important aspect of this latter effort has been the establishment of Labor Reeducation Centers, or LRC's, which are designed to house some of the more problematic slaves in order to facilitate their eventual return to the workforce. In recent months, however, there has been a significant increase in violent disobedience at certain LRC's, with some of the more severe instances leading to near-riots.

Our immediate problem is that one of these facilities, <System>, has been taken over during just such an uprising. The slaves have reportedly killed and injured dozens of our personnel and taken the remainder hostage. They are demanding the immediate release of their fellow slaves at a nearby Amarr mining operation, along with transportation to a destination of their choosing. We have, so far, managed to keep this incident quiet; if the Minmatar Republic leadership were to learn of this, it could very easily lead to much more severe consequences for both races. The only way to ensure this does not happen is through the immediate application of overwhelming force.

Therefore, we need you to deliver a large contingent of specially trained Riot Interdiction Teams to a nearby station, from which they will join up with other security elements for final transportation to <System>. Will you assist us?

Amarr Labor Reeducation Centers (LRC)
The Amarr Empire, realizing many centuries ago that it could not simply work slaves to the point of death, instituted a number of improvements to worker conditions in an effort to prolong the usable lifespan of its slaves. These changes were not universal across the Empire, due in large part to the Empress's unwillingness to create what might have amounted to significant friction between slave -based companies. Therefore, these decisions were largely left to the Five Heirs and their subordinate regional offices. Thus, we can state here that history has shown a lack of consistent application of these worker improvement programs across the Empire. Those Amarr systems that have chosen to incorporate these adaptations have, however, consistently derived greater revenues due to these enhanced and ongoing pacification efforts.

These shortcomings led directly to the establishment of Labor Reeducation Centers (LRC). An LRC is designed much like a multilevel prison, with facilities for low, medium, and high risk inmates. The inmates are those slaves who consistently exhibit defiance or even outright hostility towards the managerial staff at the mine, construction site, or other location to which they are assigned as slave labor. Once we have identified these persons they are immediately removed from their job site and taken to the nearest LRC for corrective behavioral conditioning. This conditioning can include a wide variety of attitude modification methodologies, from intensive drug assisted counseling, to religious indoctrination, and from advanced torture techniques and a concurrent system of rewards - the so-called “carrot and stick approach” - and any number of programs in between. In this way, we break the individual slave's will so that he may be returned to the workforce as a docile and useful component in the labor pool.