Fire and Ice

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Revision as of 08:40, 11 February 2024 by Drebin 679 (talk | contribs) (Added lore blurb and mission accept/completion texts.)
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Level 1 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Deliver 14x Arctic Warfare Marines (448  m3)
Mission briefing
Two days ago, a covert Gallente strike team infiltrated and destroyed a brand new Command Center on a nearby ice planet. We think they managed to infiltrate as local civilian workers due the fact that the facility's Personnel Security Identification Systems had not yet been fully brought online. This unforgivable lapse in security enabled the four-man team to gain access to a highly secure area that contains the controls for the counter-harmonic stabilizers which, in short, keep the entire facility level and secure in the very harsh climates encountered on that planet. A series of well-placed explosives damaged these stabilizers, however, taking them offline and causing the entire command center to collapse and sink through the ice to the ocean floor some two kilometers below. Fortunately, the bulk of the work force was not scheduled to arrive for two more weeks, so casualties were very light. The financial and economic costs were, however, staggering.

Now that you understand the gravity of the situation, we can proceed to the reason that we contacted you to help us in this critical moment in the company's ongoing rapid expansion phase. We need you to very quietly transport a company of our best Arctic Warfare Marines from this station to the destination station with all possible haste. From there they will flown to the ice planet to provide a very high level of security for this and other nearby command centers and facilities. It is just a matter of time before this disastrous event becomes public knowledge, and we need to prove to the senior management, shareholders, and investors that we have the security situation resolutely in hand.

So, <Character>, are you willing to help us out by delivering a large number of Arctic Marines to the designated station?

Level 4 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Deliver 25 x Arctic Warfare Marine Squads (8000  m3)
Mission briefing
Two days ago, a covert Gallente strike team infiltrated and destroyed a brand new Command Center on a nearby ice planet. We think they managed to infiltrate as local civilian workers due the fact that the facility's Personnel Security Identification Systems had not yet been fully brought online. This unforgivable lapse in security enabled the four-man team to gain access to a highly secure area that contains the controls for the counter-harmonic stabilizers which, in short, keep the entire facility level and secure in the very harsh climates encountered on that planet. A series of well-placed explosives damaged these stabilizers, however, taking them offline and causing the entire command center to collapse and sink through the ice to the ocean floor some two kilometers below. Fortunately, the bulk of the work force was not scheduled to arrive for two more weeks, so casualties were very light. The financial and economic costs were, however, staggering.

Now that you understand the gravity of the situation, we can proceed to the reason that we contacted you to help us in this critical moment in the company's ongoing rapid expansion phase. We need you to very quietly transport a company of our best Arctic Warfare Marines from this station to the destination station with all possible haste. From there they will flown to the ice planet to provide a very high level of security for this and other nearby command centers and facilities. It is just a matter of time before this disastrous event becomes public knowledge, and we need to prove to the senior management, shareholders, and investors that we have the security situation resolutely in hand.

So, <name>, are you willing to help us out by delivering a large number of Arctic Marines to the designated station?

Lore Blurb: Need to Know
We have so far managed to keep this event a closely held secret, as we do not want to discourage the senior management of the company from further exploiting the extremely valuable materials that are in largely untapped abundance on the sea floor. If word of this was to get out at this critical stage, it might give them reason pack up and move to a safer location - perhaps even to another planet. Well, this would simply be unacceptable, as our new planetary industry efforts have so far generated record revenues - the one thing keeping our shareholders and investors happy. And we want to keep them happy, if you understand my meaning. We must allow nothing to interrupt that flow of ISK into our corporate coffers.
Mission accept text
Are the Marines behaving themselves? Good. Please continue to make all possible haste in delivering them to the station. They tend to get a bit rowdy when they are cooped up too long.
Mission completion text
I just got word that you delivered all the Marines safely to the station, great job! However, I must now coordinate the follow-on shipment of their equipment and weapons, which is going to mean another all-nighter here at the office. Oh well, business first, yes? We will be in touch for future missions, so thanks again.