Mission running: advanced

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This page presents advanced mission running topics with specific descriptive details and advice for running

  • level 3 and higher missions
  • Epic Arc missions
  • Anomic (burner) missions.

See also:

Useful Stuff to Bring on Missions

Some items are not necessary for completing missions, but are nice to have around.

Tag/Keys: Gate Key for Dread Pirate Scarlet, Angel Pallidum Tag for L4 Angel Extravaganza bonus room, or Zbikoki's Hacker Card for Worlds Collide. When doing Locust Fleet you may not want to fly all the way back to station to pick them up. Consider carrying extra for fleet mates! (How many times have I had people warp out of the AE bonus room then be unable to get back in to help because they don't have a diamond tag?)

Warp Core Stabilizers: These are great during wartime. If your mission is in a different system than your agent, you can fill your lows with core stabs so you can escape if you jumped into some war targets (WT). When you arrive at the system your mission is in, just dock up and refit your usual low modules (which you placed in your cargo hold before you left :) ). I saved my hurricane from a WT this way (having 6 core stabs means need at least 3 scramblers and 1 disruptor to stop your warp). This isn't a good idea for just missions; it's always a good idea to keep core stabs in your cargohold. If a WT comes into your system, you can dockup, refit, then go to a different system. Remember to count: if there's 3 WTs and you have only 4 core stabs you could be scrammed. If you plan to do this, know your aggression mechanics and have a hardy shield tank.

ECM drones: Also good for wartime. If you're scrammed, try unleashing these guys. If you're lucky, the WT will lose lock and you can warp away. These go in your dronebay, not in your cargo.

Extra Mods: Most people switch resists for what rat they're against. Say you're mid-mission and discover your tank isn't so great. It's easier to refit in that system then jump back to your base to pickup extra resists. Also applies if you want more damage mods. Having an omni-shield buffer goes nice with lows full of core stabs when traveling is nice during war. Remember you have a limited cargo space, so don't go overboard.

Mobile Tractor Unit (MTU): This tool is very useful for looting and salvaging mission pockets. Bring it in your cargohold (100  m3), deploy it in a mission pocket and it will automatically collect and loot all wrecks created within 125 kilometers of itself. This also greatly increases the efficiency of salvaging by effectively eliminating the transit time for looting and salvaging, while also providing a convenient structure to orbit around during this process. When scooping the MTU, it will automatically eject any cargo it has remaining into a standard, temporary cargo container.

Standings and Agents

Main article: NPC standings

Standings are a measure of how much one entity likes or dislikes another entity and are measured on a real number scale from -10 to +10. A standing of -10 is tantamount to complete and total loathing and conversely +10 is complete and total adoration.

Why Standings Matter

The standings of NPC entities toward a player are important for a couple reasons. Firstly, because higher standings make more profitable missions available. And secondly, because several perks become available when an individuals or player-run corporations standings are higher with a specific entity.

For an individual:

  • At 5.0 all L4 Agents for that faction become available to you (4.0 with certain Corporations)
  • At 6.67 you are no longer subject to the refining Equipment Tax with that corporation
  • The higher your standings toward an NPC entity the lower the broker fee is in their stations. As an example, with a faction and corp standing of 10, the broker fee is reduced to 0.185%, saving you more than 1% through the buy and sell process

Standings Incremental Increase and Loss

When standings go up or down they usually do so as a percentage; this is always a percentage decay towards the extreme end of the scale. For example, if someone has 1.0 standing with an NPC corporation and completes a mission that changes standing by +5%, then the current standing is increased by 5% of the difference from +1 to +10; that's a change of +0.45 with an end result of +1.45. However, if someone else with a 4.0 standing completes the same mission under the same circumstances and also gets a 5% increase, then that's 5% of the difference from +4 to +10; that's a change of +0.30 with an end result of +4.30.

If something causes a standings decrease, then it's a percentage decay towards −10. For example, if someone with +1.0 standings suffers a −5% change, then that's 5% of the difference from +1 to −10; that's a change of −0.55 with an end result of +0.45. If someone with +4.0 standings suffers that same −5% change, then it's 5% of the difference from +4 to −10; that's a change of −0.7 with an end result of +3.3.

What this means is that gains are reduced and losses are increased incrementally as your standings become higher, and vice versa.

Declining Missions

The "decline mission" timer tells you how long you have to wait until you can decline another mission from this agent without losing standing.

It is worth noting that running out of time on a mission you have accepted will usually cause a standings loss with the agent, corporation, and faction. Declining a mission for a particular agent more than once every four hours will also cause a standings loss with the agent, corporation, and faction.

If an agent you recently declined a mission from offers you another undesirable mission, you can click DELAY, wait out the four hour timer while you go do something else, and then click DECLINE.

To see a history of how your standings have changed, you can go to NeoCom > Character Sheet > Standings, scroll through the list of NPC entities, right-click an entry and select SHOW TRANSACTIONS to see how much your standings went up or down for what actions and by how much. All the percentage changes you see in the Transaction Log are as described above, with the exception that (due to a possible bug) any percentage changes due to "Derived Modification" are percentage changes of 10.0, not percentage decays towards an extreme.


All common mission agents have a name, a Level, and a Division. "Level" describes the general difficulty level of the mission that the agent can offer you and can range from 1 to 5; it also affects the standings you need to reach in order for this agent to give you missions. "Division" determines what type of mission - security (combat), distribution (hauling), or mining - you will be offered. [1]

An agent will offer you missions only when your standings reach a certain amount, depending on the agent's level:

  • Level 1: Any standings
  • Level 2: 1.0 or higher
  • Level 3: 3.0 or higher
  • Level 4: 5.0 or higher
  • Level 5: 7.0 or higher

You must meet this requirement for either the agent's personal standing towards you, their corporation's standing towards you, or their faction's standing towards you; any one of the three will suffice. For example, Eveynel Daerne is a Level 3 agent in Orduin IX - Moon 4 - Transstellar Shipping Storage. This agent is part of the Transstellar Shipping corporation, which is part of the Gallente Federation faction. The standings requirement is therefore 3.0, so at least one of the following 3 conditions must be true to get missions from Eveynel Daerne:

  • Eveynel Daerne's personal standing towards you is 3.0 or higher.
  • Transstellar Shipping's standing towards you is 3.0 or higher.
  • The Gallente Federation's standing towards you is 3.0 or higher.

The fact that Eveynel Daerne is located in the Orduin solar system, which is the sovereign territory of the Minmatar Republic, is completely irrelevant. High Minmatar Republic standings will not give you access to missions from Eveynel Daerne. This concept applies as a rule to all agents of a faction who are located in a different faction's sovereign space.

Gaining access to higher level missions can be eased by training two skills: Diplomacy (1x, 200k ISK) and Connections (3x, 200k ISK) ("Connections" is not to be confused with other social skills such as "Criminal Connections" or "Security Connections"). Diplomacy gives you a standings boost with agents, NPC corporations, and factions that dislike you to begin with, and this boost is 4% per level of the Diplomacy skill. Connections gives you a standings boost with agents, NPC corporations, and factions that like you to begin with, and this boost is 4% per level of the Connections skill. Between Diplomacy and Connections, only one will apply, but it will give a boost significant enough to ease the process of getting access to Level 2 missions.

When you complete a regular mission for an agent, you get increased standings with the agent and the corporation, but not the faction. It is worth noting that if the mission involves destroying ships or structures of a different faction, then your standings with the target faction go down due to "Combat - Ship Kill", but your standings with the agent's faction will not change. Those who wish to be able to fly in all High Security space are advised to decline all anti-Empire missions (that is, anti-Amarr, anti-Ammatar, anti-Caldari, anti-Gallente, and anti-Minmatar). Some exceptions or workarounds exist; for example, a Minmatar agent might give you the mission Friendly Spies, where if you destroy the mission objective but none of the hostile ships, then you don't lose Gallente Federation standings. In other cases, the standing losses due to "Combat - Ship Kill" are almost insignificant, such as Amarrian Tyrants, Level 3, or Against the Empire, Level 3. Some missions, though, will incur -2.4% standing losses for ship kills and might require one or more completed storyline missions for the opposing side to repair the standings losses (for example, Against The Empire, Level 1; yes, the Amarr standing loss on Level 3 is insignificant while the standing loss on Level 1 is bad; losses are only consistent for the exact same mission and level).

Storyline Missions

The game tracks how many missions you've completed for each level and each faction. For every 16 missions of the same level and faction (but not necessarily the same corporation) that you complete, you will get a new Storyline Mission offer from a Storyline Agent of the same Faction. This will always be the Storyline Agent closest to the regular agent who gave you your 16th mission (in terms of number of jumps) with two exceptions.

  • First, if the closest Storyline Agent has already made you an offer that you haven't accepted or declined, then it will be the second-closest Storyline Agent that you get the offer from.
  • Second, if the agent who gave you the 16th regular mission that you completed was in High Security, then the Storyline offer will always come from a Storyline Agent in High Security.

You cannot work for a Storyline Agent unless you've received an offer from that Agent.

Completing a Storyline Mission substantially increases your standings with the agent's corporation and faction. When your faction standings are increased in this way it affects the standings of friends and enemies of the faction in question toward you. The amount that the other factions standings change toward you is directly related to their affinity for or dislike of the faction that you are involved with. For example if you are increasing standings with the Gallente Federation, your standings toward the Minmatar Republic will increase by 80% of what the Gallente standing increase because the Minmatar have an 8.0 standing toward the Gallente. Note that your standing with factions which dislike the faction you just ran a mission with will decrease (by the same proportion as above), so if you don't want to alienate too many factions make sure to run missions for each of them.

When trying to increase standings with a particular NPC corporation, it is possible to plan your missioning such that when you hand in your 16th mission, you get your offer from the Storyline Agent of the corporation that you are focusing on. See Mission Hubs for examples.

High Level Security Missions

The objective of a Security mission is usually to kill a ship or a set of ships located at the encounter, but it could also be to destroy a structure, to get close to a location and then escape, to pick up an object at the location (which may or may not be an ambush), or to fly from beacon-to-beacon. Be sure to read the mission description carefully. If you find that you cannot figure out what a mission is asking you to do, consider looking at a walk-through for that particular mission.

When you accept a Security mission, the game will always create a region of space in some solar system that is populated by objects also created specifically for the mission. If you need specialized gear or items to carry, these will usually appear in the Hold of the station where you accepted the mission. If there are exceptions to these conditions, the mission statement will spell them out.

Eve Refinery is a tool that helps make the decision as to whether loot should be sold or reprocessed.

High Level Mining Missions

Mning missions require you to mine an asteroid or set of asteroids in a mission space, usually until the asteroids are depleted, and bring the ore back to the agent's station.

There is a risk of combat in mining missions, though the hostiles that show up tend to be much weaker than hostiles found in encounter missions. It is advisable to have some offensive capability (like a set of combat drones) or have a strong enough tank that you can ignore any hostiles that show up and start shooting at you.

The mission may require you to mine more ore than can fit in your cargohold; this is typical of mining missions. Level 1 missions will require mining up to Template:Gaps  m3 of ore, level 2 up to Template:Gaps  m3 of ore, level 3 up to Template:Gaps  m3 of ore or Template:Gaps  m3 of ice, and level 4 up to Template:Gaps  m3 of ore, Template:Gaps  m3 of ice or Template:Gaps  m3 gas.

Mission mining is defined as harvesting the asteroids that are commonly found in Deadspace combat/encounter missions. The Mission Mining page of this wiki presents a complete list of these missions.

High Level Distribution Missions

A Distribution mission is a mission to take a piece of cargo from one station to another station. When a Distribution mission is accepted, the necessary cargo is spawned in your personal hangar at the pickup station. You then need to haul it to the destination ("drop off") station using your ship. Once docked at the destination station you may complete the mission by talking to the agent. The cargo only counts as delivered if it is either in your personal hangar at the destination station or in your ship's cargo hold while you are docked at the destination station.

Distribution missions never spawn any hazards of their own; you only have to deal with the normal hazards of Stargate travel (gatecamps, suicide gankers, warp interdiction bubbles on Stargates in NullSec, and so on). Level 1 missions will keep you within the agent's constellation, level 2 and level 3 will possibly send you to a neighboring constellation, and level 4 missions will always send you to a neighboring constellation. [2]

It is worth noting that although you are at the destination station you can still talk to the original agent remotely to complete the mission without going back to the original station. They will be listed in the station's "Agents" tab after you dock, or you can start a conversation with them using your mission journal. However, until you fly back and dock at their station, they will not give you a new mission.

If a Distribution mission has an item as a reward instead of ISK, then the item will appear in your personal hangar at the agent's station (which may or may not be the dropoff location for the mission).

Level 1 and 2 Distribution missions can be run using frigates, although you may need to use cargo modules in the low slots. Cargo size for L1/L2 missions can be up to 450  m3 in size. For level 3 and 4 courier missions, you will need an industrial hauler because cargo sizes will be in the Template:GapsTemplate:Gaps  m3 range.

Research Missions

Main article: Research missions

Research missions are a part of the Industry career path. Instead of Loyalty Points, these missions award Research Points that can be used to buy datacores from the agent who gives the missions. Unlike other mission agents, research agents work for you ... and you must start, and if necessary stop, their research.

See Research missions for more details.

Epic Arc Missions

An epic arc is a series of up to fifty missions which are split up into chapters. Throughout the arc, the player will be offered several choices which will branch the arc in one or more directions. The missions that make up these arcs typically have very good ISK rewards and typically the last mission of the arc carries a handsome reward.

There are seven Epic Mission Arcs. One for each of the empire factions, two for pirate factions (Angels and Guristas) and one for the Sisters of Eve corporation. The last of those is an especially good starting point for new pilots. Most of the Sisters of Eve epic arc missions can be easily solo'd in T1 fit destroyer class ship. The last few missions may require the help of a corp mate.

If you click on the title of an Epic Arc in this list, you will go to a walk-through page that describes the Arc in full, including a listing of all its required missions.

The Blood-Stained Stars

  • Faction: Sisters of EVE
  • Corporation: Sisters of EVE
  • Agent: Sister Alitura
  • Agent Level: 1
  • Location: Arnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of Eve Bureau

Right to Rule

  • Faction: Amarr Empire
  • Corporation: Ministry of Internal Order
  • Agent: Karde Romu
  • Agent Level: 4
  • Location: Kor-Azor Prime


  • Faction: Caldari State
  • Corporation: Expert Distribution
  • Agent: Aursa Kunivuri
  • Agent Level: 4
  • Location: Josameto


  • Faction: Gallente Federation
  • Corporation: Impetus
  • Agent: Roineron Aviviere
  • Agent Level: 4
  • Location: Dodixie


  • Faction: Minmatar Republic
  • Corporation: Brutor Tribe
  • Agent: Arsten Takalo
  • Agent Level: 4
  • Location: Frarn

Angel Sound

  • Faction: Angel Cartel
  • Corporation: Dominations
  • Agent: Ellar Stin
  • Agent Level: 3
  • Location: Konora

Smash and Grab

  • Faction: Guristas Pirates
  • Corporation: Guristas
  • Agent: Yada Vinjivas
  • Agent Level: 3
  • Location: Taisy

Anomic Missions

Main article: Anomic missions

Anomic missions (also known as "burner missions") are optional encounter missions that are given out by level 4 security agents. They can always be declined without penalty.

They present a different and higher challenge compared to other security missions since you will encounter a small number of very powerful adversaries and you are restricted in ship size. The NPCs in these missions are modeled after a capsuleer using perfect skills, faction modules, implants, drugs and links. Accordingly, they also give much higher ISK and loyalty point rewards (~12000 LP) and there is a decent chance for valuable faction items in the loot.

See Anomic missions for more details.

Farming a Mission for Loot

Farming a mission means to do the same mission over a few days by NOT completing the mission. Ie.,for Vengeance, you can kill everything except one rat in the last pocket and then redo the mission after downtime (all the rats will respawn) until the mission expires. This is very good for high value missions like Angel Extravaganza (AE), Blockade, Worlds Collide, Vengeance, or Cargo Delivery.


Say I usually play every day for an hour, and it takes me an hour to do Angel Extravaganza. Angel Extravaganza gives me 40 million ISK with bounties, loot, and salvage. To maximize my revenue, if I got AE, I would kill everything except Tiogo Kargaz. That way the mission would not complete and I could then repeat this after every downtime until the mission expires. This would give me 40 million ISK × 6 days = 240 million ISK

Now say I decided to kill Tiogo and complete the mission. On the next 6 days, I could get average missions that give ~20mil ISK. This way I would only get 20 million ISK x 6days = 120 million ISK

The downside is the repetitive monotony and if you want to play some more after you semi-complete the farm-mission. This can be somewhat mitigated if you have multiple agents. I can have an agent on standby for farming Blockade and then keep doing missions with another agent.


  • To check the viability of farming a mission you can use [Eve Survival] to see if your mission has a 'completion trigger'.
  • Say you have a pocket with wrecks that you want to loot and/or salvage, but there's a pirate you have to keep alive in it to farm. You would need someone to loot/salvage while you tank the rat (or vice versa). You could also try fitting salvagers and/or tractor beams on a tanky ship or just abandon the wrecks.
  • A similar technique can be used to repeatedly mine ore from asteroids found in missions. See Mission Mining for details.

See Also
