Save the Miners

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Level 3
Type Encounter
Faction Gallente Federation (Minor Standing loss for killing ships)
Best damage to deal Damage to deal not defined for Gallente Federation (Minor Standing loss for killing ships)
Damage to resist Damage to resist not defined for Gallente Federation (Minor Standing loss for killing ships)
Ship suggestion Hurricane, Ferox
Mission briefing
Yes. Well, not me personally — but Ducia Foundry needs your help. As you probably know, Ducia often sends mining ops into dangerous areas. Most of the time, they are able to handle whatever belt-rats come along, but it sounds like something terrible has happened this time. They lost contact with their mining colony in Mehatoor.

The only information we have is a garbled message. Listen...

...*SQUAWK crackle crackle* ... unknown intruders ... picking apart ... communications ... *hisssss* ... help us! ... escorts are ..."

We fear its already too late, but we have to do something. We‘ve made several attempts to contact them, but their com network appears to be down.

We want you to enter the Mehatoor system and look for survivors. If you find any, pick them up and bring them to me. And be careful. We don't know what might be out there.


Cruiser 3-6 x Cruiser Gallente Privateer

Pocket 1
Spawn 1

Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Gallente Privateer Final kill of these is trigger for second spawn.
Cruiser 3-6 x Cruiser Gallente Privateer Leader
Spawn 2

Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Gallente Privateer Final kill is trigger. Mission objective in final kill.
Spawn 3

Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Gallente Privateer