Angel Forlorn Hub

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Site Details
Angel Forlorn Hub
Type Combat Anomaly
Rating Class 8 Level 4
Found in Null
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin

The Angel Forlorn Hub is a combat anomaly found in Angel infested regions. It is a level 4 variant of the Angel Hub. The site pays an estimated 26 million ISK in bounties.

Total expected enemies
Enemy Type Count
Icon red frigate.png Frigates 7- 8
Icon red cruiser.png Cruiser 8
Icon red battlecruiser.png Battlecruisers 12- 13
Icon red battleship.png Battleships 20- 22


On warpin:
Operating from the heart of the Curse region, the Angel Cartel is today the largest and best organized of the space-based criminal factions. The Angels are divided into several groups, each with a very special function; it is commanded by the Dominations. In the century they've been lurking in deep space, they have stolen, plundered, or sabotaged countless number of ships and kidnapped, assaulted, or murdered thousands of people. The Angels recruit members from all the races, and are thus not bound to any one zone of operation; instead, their reach spans almost the entire known universe. Many believe that the Angels got their power by uncovering Jovian technologies hidden in their ancient homeworlds, now infested by the Angel Cartel.

Single ungated normal space pocket. The damage can be overwhelming if you warp to the site at zero range. The battleships have 80 km range.

Initial Defenders (28-42 km)

Elite Frigate 3-4 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Hijacker/Outlaw/Rogue/Thug Warp Disruptor
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Centurion/ Phalanx
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/ Tribunus Last ship killed of this class.
Battleship 3- 4 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/ Seraphim

1st Reinforcement Spawn

Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Centurion/ Phalanx Last ship killed of this class.
Battlecruiser 7 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/Legionnaire/Primus/Tribunus
Battleship 3- 4 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/ Seraphim

2nd Reinforcement Spawn

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Hunter/Impaler
Battlecruiser 3-4 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/Praefectus/Tribuni/Tribunus
Battleship 7-8 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/ Nephilim/Saint/Seraphim/Warlord Saint and Nephilim uses Target Painter. Nephilim triggers last spawn. Target Painter

3rd Reinforcement Spawn

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Outlaw/Thug Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Centurion/Phalanx
Battleship 6 x Battleship Gist Seraphim
Possible Rare Reinforcement Spawn
Commander Battleship 1 x Commander Battleship Domination War General encounter on Feb 05 2022 Faction Module


Angel Domination Fleet Staging Point
Systems have intercepted and decrypted an encoded DED transmission suggesting the presence of another Angel Cartel fleet staging area nearby. The location has been uploaded to the Expedition panel in your NeoCom's Journal.

This site can escalate to Angel Domination Fleet Staging Point~ and also Angel Shielded Starbase and Angel Occupied Mine(as of March 2025)

See also

Combat Anomalies
[hide]Angel Cartel
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Burrow Refuge Den
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Yard Rally Point
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Port Hub
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Haven Sanctum