Angel Port

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Site Details
Angel Port
Type Combat Anomaly
Rating Class 7
Found in Low/ Null
Max ship size Not Gated
Pirate faction Angel
Damage to deal Explosive damage Ex
Kinetic damage Kin
Damage to
62% Explosive damage Ex
22% Kinetic damage Kin
Sig. Strength 100% Anomaly

The Angel Port is a combat anomaly found in Angel infested regions. The site is easily done with sniper Dominix T2 fit.


Ungated normal space pocket. There are 2 variants of this anomaly. The incoming damage can be overwhelming if warping to zero range.

Asteroid Port Variant

Angel Port Asteroid.jpg
Total expected enemies
Enemy Type Count
Icon red frigate.png Frigates 6- 7
Icon red destroyer.png Destroyers 3- 4
Icon red battlecruiser.png Battlecruisers 14- 18
Icon red battleship.png Battleships 2- 8
Icon red tower.png Sentries 4

In local:
Defense Commander: We have incoming! All ships, engage the hostiles and buy the transports time to escape. We need that ore out of here!
Transport Captain: We're in the middle of loading operations. There's no chance in hell we can take off any time soon!

Initial Defenders (22- 41km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 3- 4 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Ambusher/ Hunter/ Impaler
Battlecruiser 3- 4 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/...
Sentry 2 x Sentry Tower Sentry Angel II
Sentry 2 x Sentry Angel Heavy Missile Battery
In local:
Reinforcements arrive to bolster the defenses. Their arrival comes too late for their comrades however.

1st Reinforcement Spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 2-3 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Ambusher/...
Battlecruiser 2-3 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/Tribunus
In local:
More ships warp in as the engagement escalates!

2nd Reinforcement Spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 3- 4 x Destroyer Gistior Defiler/...
Battlecruiser 6- 7 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/...
Battleship 0- 4 x Battleship Gist Malakim/Throne
In local:
Further reinforcements arrive at the scene.

3rd Reinforcement Spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Battlecruiser 3- 4 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/Primus/Tribunus...
Battleship 2- 4 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/Warlord/...

Domination Boss
WD EWAR CollapseL

Battleship 0-1 x Battleship Commander Battleship May drop Faction Ammunition, Modules and Tags

Mining Port Variant

Total expected enemies
Enemy Type Count
Icon red destroyer.png Destroyers 6-7
Icon red cruiser.png Cruiser 6-7
Icon red battlecruiser.png Battlecruisers 6-8
Icon red battleship.png Battleships 5-7
Icon red tower.png Sentries 4

In local:
Defense Commander: We have incoming! All ships, engage the hostiles and buy the transports time to escape. We need that ore out of here!
Transport Captain: We're in the middle of loading operations. There's no chance in hell we can take off any time soon!

Initial Defenders (20- 42km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Gistior Defiler/Shatterer/Trasher Last ship triggers next wave
Cruiser 3-4 x Cruiser Gistum Centurion/Phalanx Last ship triggers next wave
Sentry 2 x Sentry Tower Sentry Angel II
Sentry 2 x Sentry Angel Heavy Missile Battery
In local:
Reenforcements arrive to bolster the defences. Their arrival comes to late for their comrades however.

1st Reinforcement Spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 3-4 x Destroyer Gistior Daefacer/Defiler/Haunter/Shatterer/Trasher
Battlecruiser 3-4 x Battlecruiser Gistastis Legatus/Primus/Tribunus
In local:
More ships warp in as the engagement escalates!

2nd Reinforcement Spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Gistum Centurion/Liquidator/Marauder/Phalanx
Battleship 2-3 x Battleship Gist Malakim/Throne
In local:
Further reenforcements arrive at the scene.

3rd Reinforcement Spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Battlecruiser 3-4 x Battlecruiser Gistastis Legatus/Legionnaire/Praefectus/Primus/Tribunus
Battleship 3-4 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/Seraphim


Approximately 5-7 million in bounties


Angel Military Operations Complex
Your scanner has picked up a transmission originating from a nearby system. It would be wise to investigate this mysterious signal further.

This site can escalate to Angel Military Operations Complex.

See also

Combat Anomalies
[hide]Angel Cartel
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Burrow Refuge Den
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Yard Rally Point
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Port Hub
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Haven Sanctum