Angel Military Operations Complex

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Site Details
Angel Military Operations Complex
Type DED Rated Complex
Rating DED 7/10
Found in Null
Max ship size T2 Battleship
Pirate faction Angel
Damage to deal Explosive damage Ex
Kinetic damage Kin
Damage to
62% Explosive damage Ex
22% Kinetic damage Kin
Sig. Strength 5% in Null Sec

The Angel Military Operations Complex is a DED rated cosmic signature that can be scanned using Core Probes in Angel infested regions of Null Sec space. It may also be received as an escalation from an Angel Port anomaly.


On warpin:
This military complex belongs to the Angel Cartel, which sent a crew of their finest engineers and military personnel here to establish a mining complex. Unconfirmed DED reports state that the Cartel plans to use this complex to develop new weapons, as well as practice combat maneuvers and strategies away from prying eyes.

No hostiles at initial gate. The site offers a choice of 3 acceleration gates in the 2nd Pocket each leading to an alternate variant of the 3rd pocket and further leading to a common 4th pocket.

1st Pocket

On warpin:
The rumour is that the building of this complex was only half-completed before the Angel Cartel's military operations started. Blasted asteroids and debris from reckless dogfighting litter these deadspace pockets. Caution is advised.

Your transmission decoded flickers, a locator signal seemingly emanating from a typical container inside this deadspace pocket. Other transmissions indicate that some kind of a disaster has struck and a massive explosion knocked communications offline a while ago.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate 40km
Container 1 x Container with Blast Marks 62km Dented Cipher

Dented Cipher from Container with Blast Marks alternative opens 1st gate

Defending Fleet (40-80km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 10-14 x Destroyer Gistior Defacer/Defiler/Seizer/Trasher
Battlecruiser 9 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/...
Battleship 8-12 x Battleship Gist Malakim/Nephilim/Throne Nephilim uses Target Painter Target Painter

2nd Pocket

On warpin:
Available data indicates that this deadspace complex pocket was supposed to contain the first deadspace Stargate. Reports indicate that the Angel Cartel was not successful.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Acceleration Gate 1 x Ancient Acceleration Gate 40km, leads to 3rd pocket (Supply Depot)
Acceleration Gate 1 x Ancient Acceleration Gate Mark II 30km, leads to alternate 3rd pocket (Tactical Operations Center)
Acceleration Gate 1 x Ancient Acceleration Gate Mark III 60km, leads to alternate 3rd pocket (Watchpost)
Structure 1 x Stargate Under Construction Isogen (50K), Pyerite (100K), Tritanium (200K)
Structure 1 x Angel Cop Bunker Common items

Defending Fleet (2.5-72km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 9-11 x Destroyer Gistior Defacer/...
Battlecruiser 7-10 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/...
Battleship 8-9 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/...

3rd Pocket (Supply Depot)

On warpin:
The Angel Cartel has established a well fortified supply depot with a lot of troops stationed in military bunkers. A scout mission revealed that the battlestation in the center is not fully operational and supposedly serves as supply management HQ and storage facilities.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Acceleration Gate 1 x Ancient Acceleration Gate

Defending Fleet
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 10 x Destroyer Gistior Defacer/...
Battlecruiser 6-10 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/...
Battleship 7-10 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/...
Commander Battleship 1 x Commander Battleship The Stronghold General Immune to EWAR Possible Domination Battleship modules

3rd Pocket (Tactical Operations Center)

On warpin:
Tactical operations in the entire deadspace complex are coordinated and handled from here. The batlestation is reported to be well defended.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate 90km

Defending Fleet (1-100km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 10 x Destroyer Gistior Defacer/...
Commander Cruiser 1 x Commander Cruiser Control Headquarters Immune to EWAR, very strong shield tank, HIGHEST resist is Explosive, deal EM damage here. Possible Domination Cruiser modules
Battlecruiser 10 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/...
Battleship 11 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/...

3rd Pocket (Watchpost)

On warpin:
The Outer Perimeter Watchpost is on the outskirts of the deadspace area. Despite the protection the warp-free space offers, the Angel Cartel nonetheless monitors the area closely. A CONCORD diplomatic committee is negotiating an information-sharing deal to relieve tension.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Acceleration Gate 1 x Ancient Acceleration Gate

Defending Fleet
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 12 x Destroyer Gistior Defacer/...
Commander Cruiser 1 x Commander Cruiser Security Coordinator Immune to EWAR Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier Possible Domination Cruiser modules
Battlecruiser 11 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/...
Battleship 9 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/...

4th Pocket

On warpin:
A scouting mission spotted the so-called "underground Overseer" before warping out under heavy fire.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate

Defending Fleet (2-97km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 10-12 x Destroyer Gistior Defacer/...
Battlecruiser 11-13 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/...
Battleship 7 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/... Nephilim uses Target Painter Target Painter
Overseer Battleship 1 x Overseer Battleship Tritan -The Underground Overseer Immune to EWAR Possible Domination Battleship modules

5th Pocket

On warpin:
The innermost deadspace pocket in the Angel military complex has received a lot of expensive high quality minerals. Ready-made building blocks are steadily freighted in, but there have been no reports of what they are actually building.

The overseer battleship has strong structure hitpoints.

Defending Fleet (1-60km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 18-20 x Destroyer Gistior Defacer/Defiler/Seizer/Trasher
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Gistum Centurion May not spawn
Battlecruiser 12 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legatus/...
Battleship 11-12 x Battleship Gist Cherubim/...
Overseer Battleship 1 x Overseer Battleship The Battlestation Admiral Deals thermal damage 20th Overseer Personal Effects, Possible Domination Battleship and/or Gist C-Type modules, rare possibility of a Macherial BPC
Sentry 1 x Sentry Angel Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier


Item Name Est. Value Drops from Note
20th Tier Overseer's Effects 61.2M ISK The Battlestation Admiral 100% drop rate
Gist C-Type module The Battlestation Admiral
Machariel BPC The Battlestation Admiral
Domination battleship module The Stronghold General
Domination battleship module Tritan -The Underground
Domination cruiser module Control Headquarters
Domination cruiser module Security Coordinator

See also

Stats of the Control Headquarters, The Stronghold General,Tritan - The Underground Overseer,Security Coordinator, and The Battlestation Admiral

DED Complexes
[hide]Angel Cartel
Minmatar Contracted Bio-Farm
Creo-Corp Mining
Repurposed Outpost
Occupied Mining Colony
Red Light District
Mineral Acquisition Outpost
Military Operations Complex
Cartel Prisoner Retention
Naval Shipyard