Serpentis Drug Outlet

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Site Details
Serpentis Drug Outlet
Type DED Rated Complex
Rating 1/10
Found in High, Low
Max ship size Frigate
Faction Serpentis
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Thermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Sig. strength 20% in High, ? in Low

Serpentis Drug Outlet is a DED Rated combat site belonging to the Serpentis Corporation pirate faction. It can be found via exploration by scanning anomalies in high security and low security systems (confirmed in 0.1 security system). Frigates (and their Tech 2 equivalents) are the maximum ship class allowed to enter the site. Completing this complex frequently awards the player with valuable Coreli C-type and Shadow Serpentis faction modules, as well as a possible Daredevil blueprint copy.

On warp in:
This deadspace complex is under control of the drug-dealing Serpentis Corporation. This particular branch is a drug dealing outlet, containing narcotic supermarkets and local storages for illicit substances.

DED Threat Assessment: Training (1 of 10)


First Room

On warp in:
This deadspace complex is known to be a haven for Serpentis drug dealers. The Dealer Gate is merely the actual entrance gate of the complex and is usually guarded by a single henchman from the corporation. Hundreds of drug dealers use the gate every week to get their hands on the newest merchandise from the local vendors.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 1 x Frigate Serpentis Rookie Gatekeeper Renamed Coreli Initiate/Scout

Second Room

On warp in:
This part of the complex houses the center of the local drug dealing scene. Only the overseer of the dealers can give access to the Core Serpentis base of operations hidden deep beyond the acceleration gate at the far end.

Note: In the second room, kill the Serpentis Drugstore Overseer and loot his wreck, then kill all the rats and burn to and take the gate into the last room. The Drugdealer passcard is consumed on use.

Left Group

WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate Centii Minion/Servant
Frigate 3 x Frigate Coreli Agent/Scout/Spy

Gate Group

WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate Coreli Agent/Scout/Spy

Right Group

WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 8 x Frigate Coreli Scout/Spy
Overseer Frigate 1 x Overseer Frigate Serpentis Drugstore Overseer Contains 6th tier Overseers Personal Effects and Drugdealer passcard to storage area, and may rarely contain Shadow Serpentis Frigate Modules


WD EWAR CollapseL

Container 2 x Serpentis Property Locked until ships guarding the are destroyed Metal scraps, T1 ammo and drones

Third Room

On warp in:
This pocket houses the local headquarters for the drug vendors. The central station is divided into four wings. The first one handles communication to other Serpentis branches within the constellation. The second manages the financing behind the operation. The third one contains the narcotic storages and warehouses, while the fourth and last segment handles advertisement and marketing. Ship equipment and supplies are stored beneath the base superstructure.

Note: In the third room, kill only the Serpentis Financing office, loot the cargo container it drops, this drops your shiny loot, not the Overseer.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 22 x Frigate Coreli Agent/Initiate/Scout/Spy
Overseer Frigate 1 x Overseer Frigate Serpentis Outlet Crime Boss May contain 3rd Tier Overseer's Personal Effects

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 1 x Serpentis Financing Office Contains 3rd Tier Overseer's Personal Effects, Coreli C-type Modules, and May contain Shadow Serpentis Frigate Modules, or, rarely, a Daredevil BPC
Container 3 x Serpentis Container Metal scraps, T1 ammo and drones


Item Name Est. Value Drops from Note
6th Tier Overseer's Effects 358k ISK From Serpentis Drugstore Overseer 100% drop rate
Coreli C-Type modules From Serpentis Financing Office Up to 3x
Shadow Serpentis modules From Serpentis Financing Office
Example loot drop from a Drug Outlet

DED Complexes
[hide]Serpentis Corporation
Drug Outlet
Live Cargo Distribution Facilities
Narcotic Warehouses
Hydroponics Site
Logistical Outpost
Paramilitary Complex
Prison Camp
Fleet Shipyard