Blood Raider Naval Shipyard

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Site Details
Blood Raider Naval Shipyard
Type DED Rated Complex
Rating 10/10
Found in Null
Max ship size T2 Battleship
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Sig. strength 1.25% in Null Sec

Blood Raider Naval Shipyard is a null security DED rated site found through exploration.


The Complex consists of three rooms. All these rooms have serious numbers of battleships, cruisers and frigates inside them. The third room contains an overseer structure, which when destroyed has a chance of dropping Corpus X-Type or Dark Blood modules and a Bhaalgorn BPC. The structure also always drops 23rd Tier Overseer's Personal Effects.

The complex contains many normal battleship NPCs Renamed as "Dark Corpus", however they are not faction and drop nothing of value.

Warpin message:
Incoming Transmission You are entering the Blood Raider Covenant's Naval Shipyard. Despite its relatively small size, many consider it to be the single most heavily guarded illegal military outpost in existence, and definitely the largest ever built by the Blood Raiders.

1st pocket

Activating the acceleration gate to next room requires skill Warp Drive Operation V.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 11 x Elite Frigate Elder Corpior Upholder/Herald Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Destroyer 5 x Destroyer Corpior Devoter
Elite Battlecruiser 2 x Elite Battlecruiser Elder Corpus Bishop Tracking Disruptor Energy Neutralizer
Battleship 12 x Battleship Corpus Oracle/Monsignor/Apostle
Sentry 8 x Sentry Blood Cruise Missile Batteries
Sentry 9 x Sentry Blood Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier

2nd pocket

Activating the acceleration gate to next room requires skill Warp Drive Operation V.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 10 x Elite Frigate Elder Corpior Upholder/Herald Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Battlecruiser 2 x Elite Battlecruiser Elder Corpus Bishop Tracking Disruptor Energy Neutralizer
Battleship 9 x Battleship Corpus Patriarch/Monsignor/Pope
Sentry 2 x Sentry Blood Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier

3rd pocket

Rat info here is not exact. Only some of the frigates and battleships use EWAR.

The final room deals incredible amounts of EM and Thermal damage and should not be taken lightly.

Destroy the Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold for the loot, other NPCs can be ignored if you can tank them for long enough and then escape.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 15 x Elite Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier Tracking Disruptor
Cruiser 10 x Cruiser Elder Corpus Bishop Tracking Disruptor Energy Neutralizer
Battleship 20 x Battleship Corpus Archbishop/Harbinger Energy Neutralizer
Sentry 8 x Sentry Point Defence Battery
Sentry 6 x Sentry Cruise Missile Battery
Sentry 8 x Sentry Blood Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier

WD EWAR CollapseL

Tower 1 x Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold 23rd Tier Overseer's Personal Effects, Corpus X-type modules, Bhaalgorn BPC and Dark Blood faction modules.


Item Name Est. Value Drops from Note
23rd Tier Overseer's Effects 133M ISK Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold 100% drop rate
Corpus X-Type module Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold
Bhaalgorn BPC Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold
Dark Blood module Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold
DED Complexes
[hide]Blood Raiders
Old Meanie - Cultivation Center
Human Farm
Intelligence Collection Point
Mul-Zatah Monastery
Psychotropics Depot
Crimson Hand Supply Depot
Coordination Center
Prison Camp
Naval Shipyard