Sansha Forlorn Hideaway

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Site Details
Sansha Forlorn Hideaway
Type Combat Anomaly
Rating Class 1 Level 4
Found in High
Max ship size Not Gated
Pirate faction Sansha
Damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EM
Thermal damage Th
Damage to
53% Electromagnetic damage EM
47% Thermal damage Th
Sig. Strength 100% Anomaly

Sansha Forlorn Hideaway is an unrated combat site belonging to the Sansha's Nation pirate faction. It can be found via exploration as a cosmic anomaly within systems owned by the Amarr Empire and Ammatar Mandate. As an ungated complex, the limitations as to which ships can complete this site are tied to the security rating of the system where the anomaly spawns (T2 Battleships for high-security systems, and up to Titans in low-security and null-security systems). Completing this complex may award the player with valuable True Sansha faction modules and ammunition.

This combat site consists of a single ungated pocket of space containing a variety of Frigate-, Destroyer- and Cruiser-sized enemy ships. Three variations of this combat anomaly exist: Sansha Hideaway, Sansha Hidden Hideaway and Sansha Forsaken Hideaway.

Pop-Up on warpin:
"Sansha's Nation was founded well over a century ago. Sansha was a Caldari tycoon who carved out a sizable piece of space for himself; there, he set out to create an utopian state. His vision and charm attracted thousands of people, and for some time the Nation flourished. But Sansha became ever more warped as his success increased. He started experiments, combining capsule technology with the human mind, creating zombie-like creatures having the cold, calculating minds of computers, yet retaining the ingenuity of humans. When this terrifying truth became public knowledge, Sansha was condemned, and special forces from each of the great empires joined forces to bring him down. His "true Sansha" servitors were decimated, scattered to the furthest reaches of known space. Remnants still remain far in the outer regions, but the once-glorious Nation has been reduced to small gangs of pirates and pillagers."


Initial Group
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 5 x Frigate Centii Slavehunter/Centii Savage Triggers Wave #2

Wave #2
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 4 x Frigate Centii Slavehunter/Centii Savage
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Centum Ravager Triggers Wave #3

Wave #3
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Centior Mishape
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Centum Ravager/Centum Ravisher Triggers Wave #4

Wave #4
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Centum Ravager/Centum Ravisher
Commander Frigate 0-1 x Commander Frigate True Sansha's Ravener Rare spawn Possible to contain faction ammo, tags, modules



  • 500.000 ISK


Item Name Est. Value Drops from Note
True Sansha Copper Tag 10k ISK True Sansha's Ship 100% drop rate
(True) Sansha Ammo 6k - 58M ISK True Sansha's Ship 100% drop rate
True Sansha module 10k - 190M ISK True Sansha's Ship rare
Mid-grade Nirvana Implant BPC 15M - 50M ISK True Sansha's Ship rare


This site does not appear to escalate.

Combat Anomalies
[hide]Sansha's Nation
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Burrow Refuge Den
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Yard Rally Point
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Port Hub
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Haven Sanctum