Drone Assembly

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Site Details
Drone Assembly
Type Combat Anomaly
Rating Tier 3
Found in High, Low
Max ship size Unrestricted
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Sig. strength N/A

Drone Assembly is a combat anomaly inhabited by Rogue Drones that can be found in high and low security space.


This site has two variants: one with a hollow asteroid and another with outpost remains.

Hollow asteroid

On start to warp:
This large, hollow, asteroid would make an ideal location for a Rogue Drone Hive and that is something that this group of Rogue Drones seems all too aware of.

New drones spawn after finishing previous spawn. All spawns are coming out of the asteroid.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure Hollow Asteroid Large Collidable Object

On arival
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Decimator/... Alvi

First spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Infester/Splinter Alvi

Second spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Decimator Alvi

Third spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2 x Frigate Sunder/Raider Alvi

Fourth spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Sunder/Raider Alvi

Fifth spawn (Optional)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 1 x Frigate Hunter Alvi

Commander spawn (Optional
WD EWAR CollapseL

Commander Destroyer 1 x Commander Destroyer Sentient Shatter Alvior Rogue Drone 46-X Nexus Chip (aka Astero wanna be)

Outpost remains

On warp in:
You observe the remnants of a small outpost, probably used by smugglers or perhaps it was a small mining colony. All that remains now are dust and echoes.

Blitz: Blow up the Cargo Rig structure.

New drones spawn after finishing previous spawn.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 1 x Cargo Rig T1 Ammo
Structure 1 x Dirty Shipyard


The Cargo Rig has a large amount of hit points in structure.

21 Veldspar asteroids in site.

On arival
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Infester/Splinter Alvi

First spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Hunter/Devilfish/Silverfish/Barracuda Alvi
Destroyer 1-2 x Destroyer Ripper/Shatter Alvior

Second spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Hunter/Devilfish/Silverfish/Barracuda Alvi
Destroyer 1-2 x Destroyer Predator/Shredder Alvior

Third spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Hunter/Devilfish/Silverfish/Barracuda Alvi
Destroyer 2-3 x Destroyer Ripper/Shatter Alvior

Fourth spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Hunter/Devilfish/Silverfish/Barracuda Alvi
Destroyer 2-3 x Destroyer Predator/Shredder Alvior

Commander spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Commander Destroyer 0-1 x Commander Destroyer Sentient Shatter Alvior Wreck may contain Rogue Drone 46-X Nexus Chip as well as Drone Components.


Possible drone component drops are Capillary Fluid, Synaptic Relay Wiring, Tactical Limb, Cerebral Fragment. Sentient drone wreck contains 1-2 stacks of random type.

Item Name Drops from Note
Rogue Drone components Sentient Shatter Alvior 100% drop rate
Rogue Drone 46-X Nexus Chip Sentient Shatter Alvior rare
Sentient faction module Sentient Shatter Alvior rare


This site can escalate to Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation.

Combat Anomalies
[hide]Rogue Drones
Cluster Collection Assembly Gathering Surveillance Menagerie Herd Squad Patrol Horde