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<font size="4"><font color="white">'''''Hello &amp; Welcome to EVE University!'''''</font></font><br> By joining EVE Online's premier learning institution, you have taken one of the many steps to becoming successful in New Eden. If you have not yet joined the University, proceed to [[Applying to EVE University]] to learn how to get started.
= Important Steps =
First of all, welcome to EVE University. As a member of the University, you have joined because there is something that you want to learn. No matter what it is, we take great pride in helping students become successful in their endeavors. The information contained in this page should be covered with you by the Personnel Officer that interviewed and welcomed you into the University. Please take a moment to review everything below to ensure that nothing has been missed. Everything here is a base that we want everybody to know and understand in order to ensure that your beginning with the Uni is the best that it can be.
== <br> <font size="3">'''First: '''Chat channels and their use</font> ==
Hello and welcome to EVE University! If you've just joined you're one big step closer to learning more about EVE Online. The information on this page should be read along with the Welcome mail that you will have received when you were accepted. We understand that this is a lot of reading but please make sure you review this information as it will help you get started and make the most of your time in EVE University. You may find it useful to bookmark this page so you can refer back to it in your first few days and weeks with us.
Note: Before speaking in any channel be sure to read the MOTD to understand the purpose and rules of the channel.  
You will be automatically joined to the Corp and Alliance chat channels when you accept your invitation to the Uni. Through your interview with a personnel officer, you should have been welcomed to the Chat.E-Uni channel as well as some others. It is recommended that remain in this channel as well as Q&A.E-Uni as both are good places to ask for advice and help.
During wartime, which is a normality for the University, you should join LiveIntel.ILN in order to see reports of war target locations. On this channel you can report any war target activity as well, so long as you follow the rules in the MOTD for posting.
==First steps==
*"<span style="color:#0099CC">Corp</span>" chat tab is used to request skillbook reimbursement, hangar requests, etc. This is also where questions about university policies or clarifications about where to ask should go. If you are looking for a staff member, this is also the right place to ask for one.
What you should do first (once you're done reading this page) is visit our [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=76| Hi and Bye Forum] and introduce yourself. The button to create a new thread is in the top left of the forum next to the search bar (it looks like a golden page). It is quite normal not to get any response to threads in this section, because we do get a lot of new members! But this is a requirement to obtain your first [[Titles_Within_EVE_University|title]] so its best to get it out of the way early.
*"<span style="color:#0099CC">Alliance</span>" chat tab is for fleet formation. You should only be typing in Alliance to form or join a fleet. To understand how fleets are formed in alliance please read [[The Rookie's Guide To Fleet Ops]]. If you still have questions please ask them in corp chat. You will also see events or classes announced in this channel.  
The below channels are password protected. The password can be found [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=23156 here].
EVE University, as you will have gathered during the application process, normally finds itself at war. During the application process you were asked to read the [[Tips For War]] page. It would be a good idea to read over this as a refresher now that you are a member. When you have time, you should also read over [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=86550| this forum thread] on surviving during war time.
*"<span style="color:#0099CC">Chat.E-UNI</span>" is the general chat channel for the university. Questions about fleets or fleet formation should not be asked there but should instead be asked in Mess.ILN.
*"<span style="color:#0099CC">Q&A.E-UNI</span>" is a chat-free question and answer channel.  Feel free to ask all sorts of questions there.  You will find it free of chat so your important questions will not get lost in the constant din of social chatter in other channels.
*"<span style="color:#0099CC">LiveIntel.ILN</span>" is a place where information about current enemies is posted. The password is found under NeoCom -> Social -> Corporation -> Alliances -> Bulletins. Read the Message of the Day at the top, and pay attention to warnings that effect your area of EVE.
Other channels can be found here [[Chat Channels and Mailing Lists]].
Remember that now you are a member we will expect you to follow the [[EVE University Rules]] and have our [[Overview]] installed.
== <br> <font size="3">'''Second: '''Is the University at war?</font> ==
EVE University (Ivy League) is almost under constant war from one corporation/alliance or another.  Be sure to read through [[Wartime Operations in EVE University]] and [[Applying to EVE University During War]] so that you understand your options and what we expect of you.
==Your access as a member of EVE University==
You will also want to read through how to [[Tips For War]], a most excellent write-up with a link other wiki pages and the forum.
During your interview the Personnel Officer will have changed your access to that of a member. You should now have the following access:
It is very important to understand that while we will do our best to teach you to be safe, the overall responsibility for your safety is your own. If you are nervous, have questions or just want some help, please feel free to ask in Chat.E-Uni or consider joining one of the campuses where help will be abundant. For new players, the [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Highsec_Group HSG] is a great place to start.
* Your access on our [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/index.php forum] will be updated so you can access the members-only sections of our forum, as well as the public areas. The icon to the left of each section shows you who can view it. An EVE logo means it is public, EVE University logo means current members and alumni, and an EVE University logo with a star on a green background means current members only.
* Your [[Mumble]] access will be updated also, so you can access the members-only mumble channels. Please note that it will take several hours for Mumble to show this change, so don't panic if you can't get into the other channels straight away. If you need to get into the channel e.g. for a fleet or class, ask in the Chat.E-UNI in-game chat channel for someone to drag you in.
* You will see our Corp and Alliance channels in game, and in addition to the default channels, the Personnel Officer will have brought you into some other channels for members. See below for more information on our chat channels.
* Your kills and losses will now appear on the [http://killboard.eveuniversity.org/| EVE University Killboard]. You should review your kills and losses from after joining EVE University and comment on them to show what you have learned. For more information on how the Killboard works and how to post comments, see [[Killboard]].
* You will automatically be added to the Corp and Alliance mailing lists, meaning you will receive mails of general interest to the Corporation. These are often used to advertise classes, fleets and events, or to make announcements about the Corporation or Alliance. Please be careful about using these and do not click "Reply All" on a message, or it will be sent to the entire mailing list. It can be annoying for members to receive lots of mails about the same subject so keep these mailing lists as spam-free as possible.
* EVE University uses an application called Fleet-Up for fittings and doctrines. For instructions see [[Fleet-Up]].
== <br> <font size="3">'''Third: '''Expectations of Students</font> ==
Students are expected to follow the advice and direction of EVE University staff.  And there is also the expectation that students will take responsibility for their own education in reviewing all the material presented to them, such as this wiki page and the wiki pages that the links direct one to.  There is a lot of information to get to know.  There is nothing wrong in asking in an appropriate channel for help or clarification.  Fellow students providing any answers are expected to be providing accurate information and not hearsay or misinformation.  Yes, we expect students to do some homework in reviewing the information.  EVE University and it's staff cannot be held responsible for actions a student takes against advice or other presented information.
==Chat channels and their uses ==
= First Steps in EVE University =
We have various different chat channels and we understand that these can be a bit daunting for new members. The most important ones are summarised below.
== <font size="3">'''Step 1:''' Bookmark these Pages</font> ==
* The "<span style="color:#0099CC">Corp</span>" channel is used to request skillbook reimbursement and to request items from our hangars.
* The "<span style="color:#0099CC">Alliance</span>" channel is used for forming fleets and also making announcements about fleets, classes or events happening soon. To understand how fleets are formed in the Alliance channel please read [[The Rookie's Guide To Fleet Ops]].
* The "<span style="color:#0099CC">Mess.ILN</span>" channel is used for general chat about PVP. If you need a fit, or have questions about joining a fleet, this is the best place to ask.
*Bookmark these sites for future reference in the In-Game Browser (IGB) or your favorite browser.  
The below channels are password protected.  
**[[Welcome to EVE University]] (this page)
* The "<span style="color:#0099CC">Chat.E-UNI</span>" channel is the general chat channel for EVE University, as well as where new members are welcomed into the Corporation. You can ask general questions in here. The password can be found [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=23156 here].
**[[EVE University Consolidated Information]]  
* The "<span style="color:#0099CC">Q&A.E-UNI</span>" channel is a chat-free question and answer channel.  You can ask any type of questions here, and since there is no chat it may be easier to get an answer. The password can be found [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=23156 here].
**[http://www.eveuniversity.org EVE University Website]
* The "<span style="color:#0099CC">LiveIntel.ILN</span>" channel is our channel for reporting intel on war targets. Read the Message of the Day for instructions on how to post information. There is also a handy "Intel map" which you can use to report intel from your current location with one click. The password for this one is found in-game under NeoCom -> Social -> Corporation -> Alliances -> Bulletins.
== <br><font size="3">'''Step 2:''' Introduce Yourself</font> ==
Other channels can be found here [[Chat Channels and Mailing Lists]]. Feel free to join any of the chat channels which cover an area you are interested in.
*'''Navigate to''': [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=76 Hi and Bye forum]
*Make a post in the Hi and Bye forum and let us know you better.
*This is a requirement to obtain the [[Titles Within EVE University#Freshman|Freshman]] status.
*Please note that most "Hi" postings won't get a reply from anyone (this is normal) unless you post something that someone else finds interesting or relates to.
== <br> <font size="3">'''Step 3:''' Setup Communications</font> ==
==What to do next?==
*As part of your application to EVE University you should have set up your Mumble access and tested it. This is mandatory as classes are held in mumble as well as fleets and many other activities.
Now you've taken the step of joining EVE University you are free to make use of the various activities we offer, and we would encourage you to do so. If you're not sure where to start, try the following:
*'''Read''': [[Mumble|Install and Setup Mumble]] if you had not yet done so. If you require assistance you can ask in Chat.E-Uni.
== <br> <font size="3">'''Step 4:''' Understand Our Rules</font> ==  
===Obtain a mentor===
*'''Read''': [[EVE University Rules|EVE&nbsp;University&nbsp;Rules]]
Mentors are members who volunteer to assist newer players one-on-one. If you have less than 4 months experience in EVE Online and less than 6 million skillpoints you may be eligible to apply for a mentor. You will need to fill in a form indicating your timezone and areas of interest so that you can be paired with a mentor with a similar timezone and with experience in the areas you want to learn about. For more information and to apply for a mentor see our page on the [[Mentor Program]].
*You are expected to read, understand, and follow all Rules at all times.
*You should also ensure that you are familiar with our [[Tips For War]].
== <br> <font size="3">'''Step 5:''' Configuring the Ship Overview</font> ==
===Attend a class===
*'''Read:''' [[Overview Guide]].  
Classes are advertised in various ways. Almost all classes will be listed on our calendar (if you click the clock in the bottom left corner of your screen in-game you will see the in-game calendar), as well as our [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=72| Scheduled Classes] forum. In addition, we send out regular bulletins to the mailing list about upcoming classes and they are normally advertised in the Alliance channel in-game shortly before they start.
*Configuring your overview to the University standard is a great learning process about your overview.
*University Standard Overviews are '''required''' for fleet operations.  
== <br> <font size="3">'''Step 6:''' There is no "6"</font> ==
Most of our classes are suitable for new players, check the forum thread of the class you are interested in to see whether there are any pre-requisites and where it will be held. Most will be held in voice on our public mumble server and will have an in-game channel assigned for questions. You do not need to RVSP to attend a class, just join the class' Mumble channel at the scheduled time. For more information on joining a class see our wiki page on [[Classes]]. We also record a lot of our classes for people to listen to later, and they are accessed via our [[Class Library]].
Origins for [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_p0CgPeyA "There is no 6"]
===Attend an event===
== <br> <font size="3">'''Step 7:''' Check Corporation/Alliance Bulletins</font> ==
Like classes, events are normally announced beforehand on the calendar, and will also be posted in our [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=104| Corporation Events] forum. Again, check the forum thread to see whether there are any pre-requisites for joining in. For some events there may be particular ships you should fly, so make sure you have the skills and the ship ready beforehand. You do not need to RSVP, just turn up on the day. Most events will also be suitable for spectators, if you just want to watch.
*'''Find''': In Game NeoCom &gt; Corporation Button &gt; Home Tab
===Go on a fleet===
*Corporation Bulletins are found under the Home Tab.
*Alliance Bulletins are found under the Alliances Tab.
*You'll find our passwords under the alliances bulletins.
== <br> <font size="3">'''Step 8:''' Review the Consolidated Information Page</font> ==
You may think that you need more skillpoints before you are ready to go on a fleet, but this is not the case. EVE University is a corp with hundreds of brand new players, and our fleet commanders will be prepared for inexperienced fleet members. A lot of fleets are advertised in advance on the calendar and the [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=266| Combat Fleets (ILN)] forum, but some of them are just announced when a fleet commander feels like taking a fleet out, so keep an eye on the Alliance channel. Before you attend your first fleet make sure you read over the [[Rookies_guide_to_fleet_ops|Rookie's Guide to Fleet Ops]], which will teach you how to join a fleet and some basic fleet commands. Fleets labelled as '''Noobs on Patrol''' in particular will be aimed at brand new players (but they are not the only fleets you can join by any means!).
*Please take the time to review the page: [[EVE University Consolidated Information]].  
Once you see a fleet you are interested in joining, read the forum thread to see if there are any pre-requisites. Some fleets will have a 'doctrine' meaning only certain ship fittings are permitted, whereas some will be 'kitchen sink' meaning you are free to fly whatever you like (providing the fleet commander allows it). As with classes and events, there is no need to RSVP. If you are a little nervous, make sure you are at the starting destination a little bit early and ask any questions in the Mess.ILN chat channel in game. Our other members will be more than willing to help you out.
*It is meant to introduce you to the programs &amp; information you'll need to get the most out of your time at the University.
== <br> <font size="3">'''Step 9:''' Attend a Class</font>==
===Join a campus===
* Take a look at our [http://calendar.eveuniversity.org/ Calendar] and plan to attend classes that you find interesting.
* Browse the [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=72 Class Forum Section] to read about upcoming classes that have not yet been scheduled, or to indicate your interest in a particular subject.
* Miss a class? EVE University records nearly every class and hosts it in our [[EVE University Class Library|Class Library]].
== <br> <font size="3">'''Step 10:''' I feel lost, what do I do next?</font> ==
[[Campuses]] are groups of EVE University members living together in different areas of space, with EVE University support. They each have their own community, including their own forum, chat channels, mumble channels and hangars, but they are still part of the wider corporation. The campuses are one of the biggest strengths of EVE University, as they give members an opportunity to try out living in different areas of space to see what they enjoy, without the commitment of joining a more specialised corporation.
*You can ask any general questions in the Chat.E-Uni channel or the Q&A.E-Uni channel
Aside from the wormhole campus, which has shared assets and therefore needs to be careful about who they allow to access them, all our campuses are suitable for brand new members. If you are interested in joining a campus, read up on their wiki page to find out a little more about them and how to join. Some of the campuses have a hauler service to move your ships there with less risk. You can join as many campuses as you like and you can switch between them whenever you want to, you are not fixed to the campus you first choose. Once you have the sophomore title (see below about titles) you can also apply to our wormhole campus.
*If you are looking for some specific help in a single or specialized area of game knowledge you may want to look into getting a Mentor through our [[Mentor Program]]
*Again, review the Consolidated Information Page (notice we plug that a lot on this page?) here: [[EVE University Consolidated Information]]
= Frequently Asked Questions =
{{FAQ Simple
==Making Use of EVE University's Services==
|Question= War? War? What does that mean to me?
|Answer=The basics are explained below:
* '''What is a wardec?''' It means you can and will get shot in any system of any security level and anytime without repercussions.
* '''What are the uni wartime rules?''' In summary: Activities such as mining, missioning, exploring, ratting, and hauling can be  risky.  Be careful. More specifically, see the [[Tips For War]].
* '''When can I undock?''' Anytime there is not a lockdown you may undock. If you want to be safe, it's recommended to check there are no wartargets in local, log into Mumble, and form in a fleet (even if just yourself) before you undock. Look at local chat member list to check for wartargets (Recognizable by the red background, white star icon). Monitor LiveIntel.ILN (check bulletins), heed and pay attention to Travel Advisories and ask in appropriate channels (Mess.ILN and in Mumble Combat Lounge) if it's safe for you to travel. Travel as fast as possible (warp to zero, no AFK/autopilot travelling!) and dock up instantly if you see a wartarget appear in local.
* '''What is a Travel Advisory?''' See [[Travel Advisories]] for more information.}}
{{FAQ Simple
EVE University has lots of services to offer its members, and they are designed to give you a kick-start in EVE Online, so make the best use of them you can. You can find more information on all our our services in the [[:Category:Services|Services category]]. Of particular relevance to new players are the following:
|Question= How do the classes and events work?
|Answer= Classes and events are posted in the forums by an instructor or organiser in the [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=158 Events & Education forum]. They can also be seen on the [http://calendar.eveuniversity.org/ out-of-game calendar], as well as the in-game corp calendar, which can be found by clicking the clock at the bottom left of your game window. The in-game calendar can also be used to confirm or decline attendance, although this is not required to attend.
You can also find this calendar on [https://gate.eveonline.com EVE Gate], where you can view EVE University events and confirm attendance without logging in to the game.  You can also check your eve-mail there!
===Skillbook reimbursement===
Most classes are presented by voice using Mumble. They may involve working as a fleet and may require you to be logged in. The chat channel class.e-uni is used for questions, links and other text based feedback.
From the first day you join you can start making use of our skillbook reimbursement. You won't have access to the skillbook wallet at first, so you'll need to ask someone to help you out in the Corp chat channel (once you have the freshman title you can reimburse yourself, and also help out others who don't yet have the title). EVE Uni will reimburse any skillbooks you buy, provided they cost less than 1 mill ISK each. You can claim multiple reimbursements per day, up to a maximum of 1 mill ISK per day. For full details of how it works, see [[The Skillbook Program]].
{{FAQ Simple
===Corporation Hangar===
|Question= Apparently I should get a 'jump clone'. What are they, and where can I get them?
|Answer= All pilots in EVE have a 'medical clone' which acts as a 'respawn point' when your capsule or 'pod' is destroyed.
There is a second type of clone you may purchase, known as a jump clone, which is a spare body for your pilot where, when docked, you can 'jump' your consciousness into the jump clone, wherever it is in EVE, and then use it as you would your previous body. Your previous body then becomes a jump clone which you can return to in the same way.
EVE University has corporation hangars, both at our Headquarters and at all our [[Campuses]] which are intended for use by members. In the hangars we keep a stock of frigates, weapons, modules, ammunition, drones, skillbooks etc. Like with the skillbook reimbursement, you won't have able to access these at first, but you can ask in the Corp chat channel for someone to get something out of the hangar for you. Once you have the freshman title you can access the hangars yourself. For more information see [[Corporation Hangar]].
Additional details and locations for corporate jump clone services can be found in the [[Jump Clones| Jump Clone Guide]].
===+3 Implants Program===
{{FAQ Simple
There are certain implants which are used to speed up your skill training, which can give you a real boost, especially as a new player. EVE University gives all its new members the opportunity to purchase a set of +3 Implants at a significant discount. Your character will need to be less than 3 months old to qualify. For more information on how to request a set, see [[The_%2B3_Implants_Program|The +3 Implants Program]]
|Question= Everyone is saying o/ or o7, what do they mean?
|Answer= o/ is a person waving hello or goodbye. o7 is a person saluting. There is also a handy [[Eve Lexicon|lexicon]] on the wiki which contains a list of the common acronyms and terms used in EVE.
{{FAQ Simple
===Ship Replacement Program===
|Question= Where can I ask questions?
|Answer= When you are in game, most questions can be answered by other members in the "Chat.E-Uni" channel, or if you prefer a quieter dedicated channel we have "Q&A.E-UNI" and out of game you can post questions on the [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/ forums], which are very well frequented by both current members and former members.
A more detailed list of available chat channels and mailing lists is available in the corporate bulletins.
At EVE University we want to promote people taking part in PVP and going on EVE University fleets. Therefore if you lose your ship on an EVE University PVP fleet, provided you meet certain conditions (e.g. you comment on the loss to show you have learned something, you were flying a reasonably fit ship and you were on an EVE University PVP fleet) you can claim reimbursement. So even if you lose your ship, you don't lose out! Each ship type has certain requirements to be eligible for reimbursement, see [[Ship Replacement Program]] for all the requirements and how to claim reimbursement.
{{FAQ Simple
|Question= The University is a large corporation, how do I meet fellow members with similar interests?
|Answer= The first place to look would be in various [[Chat Channels and Mailing Lists|chat channels]]. Exploration.E-UNI is the channel for exploration, from scanning to wormholes. Industry.E-UNI is the channel mining, research, production and marketing. Missions.E-UNI is the channel for mission and incursion runners. Mess.ILN is the channel for PVPers and those interested in fleet command.
There are also different channels on our Mumble server. There is the Public Lounge, various on-demand channels which users can create, and fleet operation channels.
==Titles in EVE University==
{{FAQ Simple
You will have noticed that some of our services and one of our campuses require a certain 'Title'. As you spend more time in EVE University and get involved more you will become eligible for different titles. For more information on how titles work and how to apply for them, see [[Titles Within EVE University]].
|Question= I have negative standing with the Amarr/Caldari/Gallente/Minmatar faction, is that going to be a problem?
|Answer= If your standings with an empire faction go below -5, you will not be able to enter their space without being shot. We usually recommend declining empire faction kill missions to avoid being in this situation. Having -5 or below standings with an empire faction can cause problems during war fleets, lowsec patrols, wormhole ops, and many other circumstances.
When you have -2 or below standing with a faction, only the Level 1 agents will be available to grind standings, which could be a lengthy process.
You can check mission information before accepting or declining on [http://eve-survival.org/wikka.php?wakka=MissionReports EVE Survival].
==Helping EVE University==
{{FAQ Simple
EVE University does not have any paid staff: all its programs, services and departments are run by volunteers. We also rely on members to create content for each other and to help each other out by answering questions. It may not seem like you know a lot about EVE Online at the moment, but you almost certainly know more already than some other players who have been playing for less time than you. We really appreciate any members helping others out, no matter how new you are to the game. If you'd like some ideas on how you can give back to EVE University and help out other members, see [[Helping EVE University]].
|Question= Should I join Faction Warfare?
|Answer= The Advanced Warfare tutorial gives a Letter of Recommendation which new players can use to join the militia without having to grind standings. However, if you join the NPC militia, or any other player-run Faction Warfare corporation, you will no longer be a member of EVE University.
For more information on Factional Warfare, [[Factional Warfare|click here]].
{{FAQ Simple
==Feeling a bit lost?==
|Question= Is there anything else I should know about?
|Answer= If you haven't done so already, check out the [[Getting Started in EVE Online]] page.
You might want to look at our [[Tips and Tricks|Tips & Tricks]] page for miscellaneous advice on a variety of subjects.
We know that this is a lot of information when you first join, so please don't panic! Bookmark this wiki page so you can refer back to it later. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the Chat.E-Uni or Q&A.E-Uni channel, or on our forums or in Mumble. Don't worry about asking 'stupid' questions - we have heard them all before and won't judge you! If you are new to the game, you should also consider applying for a mentor to help get you started.
General information about our services can be found in the [[EVE University Consolidated Information]] page.
If you have issues with another member contact our [[Student Advocate]] whose role is to mediate disputes between members and bring any necessary matters to the attention of EVE University management. If you need help from a particular department, there is a list of [[EVE University Management]] here showing who is responsible for each department.
}} {{EVE University}}  
{{EVE University}}  
[[Category:Guides]] [[Category:Getting_Started]] [[Category:Applying to Eve University]]
[[Category:Guides]] [[Category:Getting_Started]] [[Category:Applying to Eve University]]

Revision as of 13:26, 22 August 2015


Hello and welcome to EVE University! If you've just joined you're one big step closer to learning more about EVE Online. The information on this page should be read along with the Welcome mail that you will have received when you were accepted. We understand that this is a lot of reading but please make sure you review this information as it will help you get started and make the most of your time in EVE University. You may find it useful to bookmark this page so you can refer back to it in your first few days and weeks with us.

First steps

What you should do first (once you're done reading this page) is visit our Hi and Bye Forum and introduce yourself. The button to create a new thread is in the top left of the forum next to the search bar (it looks like a golden page). It is quite normal not to get any response to threads in this section, because we do get a lot of new members! But this is a requirement to obtain your first title so its best to get it out of the way early.

EVE University, as you will have gathered during the application process, normally finds itself at war. During the application process you were asked to read the Tips For War page. It would be a good idea to read over this as a refresher now that you are a member. When you have time, you should also read over this forum thread on surviving during war time.

Remember that now you are a member we will expect you to follow the EVE University Rules and have our Overview installed.

Your access as a member of EVE University

During your interview the Personnel Officer will have changed your access to that of a member. You should now have the following access:

  • Your access on our forum will be updated so you can access the members-only sections of our forum, as well as the public areas. The icon to the left of each section shows you who can view it. An EVE logo means it is public, EVE University logo means current members and alumni, and an EVE University logo with a star on a green background means current members only.
  • Your Mumble access will be updated also, so you can access the members-only mumble channels. Please note that it will take several hours for Mumble to show this change, so don't panic if you can't get into the other channels straight away. If you need to get into the channel e.g. for a fleet or class, ask in the Chat.E-UNI in-game chat channel for someone to drag you in.
  • You will see our Corp and Alliance channels in game, and in addition to the default channels, the Personnel Officer will have brought you into some other channels for members. See below for more information on our chat channels.
  • Your kills and losses will now appear on the EVE University Killboard. You should review your kills and losses from after joining EVE University and comment on them to show what you have learned. For more information on how the Killboard works and how to post comments, see Killboard.
  • You will automatically be added to the Corp and Alliance mailing lists, meaning you will receive mails of general interest to the Corporation. These are often used to advertise classes, fleets and events, or to make announcements about the Corporation or Alliance. Please be careful about using these and do not click "Reply All" on a message, or it will be sent to the entire mailing list. It can be annoying for members to receive lots of mails about the same subject so keep these mailing lists as spam-free as possible.
  • EVE University uses an application called Fleet-Up for fittings and doctrines. For instructions see Fleet-Up.

Chat channels and their uses

We have various different chat channels and we understand that these can be a bit daunting for new members. The most important ones are summarised below.

  • The "Corp" channel is used to request skillbook reimbursement and to request items from our hangars.
  • The "Alliance" channel is used for forming fleets and also making announcements about fleets, classes or events happening soon. To understand how fleets are formed in the Alliance channel please read The Rookie's Guide To Fleet Ops.
  • The "Mess.ILN" channel is used for general chat about PVP. If you need a fit, or have questions about joining a fleet, this is the best place to ask.

The below channels are password protected.

  • The "Chat.E-UNI" channel is the general chat channel for EVE University, as well as where new members are welcomed into the Corporation. You can ask general questions in here. The password can be found here.
  • The "Q&A.E-UNI" channel is a chat-free question and answer channel. You can ask any type of questions here, and since there is no chat it may be easier to get an answer. The password can be found here.
  • The "LiveIntel.ILN" channel is our channel for reporting intel on war targets. Read the Message of the Day for instructions on how to post information. There is also a handy "Intel map" which you can use to report intel from your current location with one click. The password for this one is found in-game under NeoCom -> Social -> Corporation -> Alliances -> Bulletins.

Other channels can be found here Chat Channels and Mailing Lists. Feel free to join any of the chat channels which cover an area you are interested in.

What to do next?

Now you've taken the step of joining EVE University you are free to make use of the various activities we offer, and we would encourage you to do so. If you're not sure where to start, try the following:

Obtain a mentor

Mentors are members who volunteer to assist newer players one-on-one. If you have less than 4 months experience in EVE Online and less than 6 million skillpoints you may be eligible to apply for a mentor. You will need to fill in a form indicating your timezone and areas of interest so that you can be paired with a mentor with a similar timezone and with experience in the areas you want to learn about. For more information and to apply for a mentor see our page on the Mentor Program.

Attend a class

Classes are advertised in various ways. Almost all classes will be listed on our calendar (if you click the clock in the bottom left corner of your screen in-game you will see the in-game calendar), as well as our Scheduled Classes forum. In addition, we send out regular bulletins to the mailing list about upcoming classes and they are normally advertised in the Alliance channel in-game shortly before they start.

Most of our classes are suitable for new players, check the forum thread of the class you are interested in to see whether there are any pre-requisites and where it will be held. Most will be held in voice on our public mumble server and will have an in-game channel assigned for questions. You do not need to RVSP to attend a class, just join the class' Mumble channel at the scheduled time. For more information on joining a class see our wiki page on Classes. We also record a lot of our classes for people to listen to later, and they are accessed via our Class Library.

Attend an event

Like classes, events are normally announced beforehand on the calendar, and will also be posted in our Corporation Events forum. Again, check the forum thread to see whether there are any pre-requisites for joining in. For some events there may be particular ships you should fly, so make sure you have the skills and the ship ready beforehand. You do not need to RSVP, just turn up on the day. Most events will also be suitable for spectators, if you just want to watch.

Go on a fleet

You may think that you need more skillpoints before you are ready to go on a fleet, but this is not the case. EVE University is a corp with hundreds of brand new players, and our fleet commanders will be prepared for inexperienced fleet members. A lot of fleets are advertised in advance on the calendar and the Combat Fleets (ILN) forum, but some of them are just announced when a fleet commander feels like taking a fleet out, so keep an eye on the Alliance channel. Before you attend your first fleet make sure you read over the Rookie's Guide to Fleet Ops, which will teach you how to join a fleet and some basic fleet commands. Fleets labelled as Noobs on Patrol in particular will be aimed at brand new players (but they are not the only fleets you can join by any means!).

Once you see a fleet you are interested in joining, read the forum thread to see if there are any pre-requisites. Some fleets will have a 'doctrine' meaning only certain ship fittings are permitted, whereas some will be 'kitchen sink' meaning you are free to fly whatever you like (providing the fleet commander allows it). As with classes and events, there is no need to RSVP. If you are a little nervous, make sure you are at the starting destination a little bit early and ask any questions in the Mess.ILN chat channel in game. Our other members will be more than willing to help you out.

Join a campus

Campuses are groups of EVE University members living together in different areas of space, with EVE University support. They each have their own community, including their own forum, chat channels, mumble channels and hangars, but they are still part of the wider corporation. The campuses are one of the biggest strengths of EVE University, as they give members an opportunity to try out living in different areas of space to see what they enjoy, without the commitment of joining a more specialised corporation.

Aside from the wormhole campus, which has shared assets and therefore needs to be careful about who they allow to access them, all our campuses are suitable for brand new members. If you are interested in joining a campus, read up on their wiki page to find out a little more about them and how to join. Some of the campuses have a hauler service to move your ships there with less risk. You can join as many campuses as you like and you can switch between them whenever you want to, you are not fixed to the campus you first choose. Once you have the sophomore title (see below about titles) you can also apply to our wormhole campus.

Making Use of EVE University's Services

EVE University has lots of services to offer its members, and they are designed to give you a kick-start in EVE Online, so make the best use of them you can. You can find more information on all our our services in the Services category. Of particular relevance to new players are the following:

Skillbook reimbursement

From the first day you join you can start making use of our skillbook reimbursement. You won't have access to the skillbook wallet at first, so you'll need to ask someone to help you out in the Corp chat channel (once you have the freshman title you can reimburse yourself, and also help out others who don't yet have the title). EVE Uni will reimburse any skillbooks you buy, provided they cost less than 1 mill ISK each. You can claim multiple reimbursements per day, up to a maximum of 1 mill ISK per day. For full details of how it works, see The Skillbook Program.

Corporation Hangar

EVE University has corporation hangars, both at our Headquarters and at all our Campuses which are intended for use by members. In the hangars we keep a stock of frigates, weapons, modules, ammunition, drones, skillbooks etc. Like with the skillbook reimbursement, you won't have able to access these at first, but you can ask in the Corp chat channel for someone to get something out of the hangar for you. Once you have the freshman title you can access the hangars yourself. For more information see Corporation Hangar.

+3 Implants Program

There are certain implants which are used to speed up your skill training, which can give you a real boost, especially as a new player. EVE University gives all its new members the opportunity to purchase a set of +3 Implants at a significant discount. Your character will need to be less than 3 months old to qualify. For more information on how to request a set, see The +3 Implants Program

Ship Replacement Program

At EVE University we want to promote people taking part in PVP and going on EVE University fleets. Therefore if you lose your ship on an EVE University PVP fleet, provided you meet certain conditions (e.g. you comment on the loss to show you have learned something, you were flying a reasonably fit ship and you were on an EVE University PVP fleet) you can claim reimbursement. So even if you lose your ship, you don't lose out! Each ship type has certain requirements to be eligible for reimbursement, see Ship Replacement Program for all the requirements and how to claim reimbursement.

Titles in EVE University

You will have noticed that some of our services and one of our campuses require a certain 'Title'. As you spend more time in EVE University and get involved more you will become eligible for different titles. For more information on how titles work and how to apply for them, see Titles Within EVE University.

Helping EVE University

EVE University does not have any paid staff: all its programs, services and departments are run by volunteers. We also rely on members to create content for each other and to help each other out by answering questions. It may not seem like you know a lot about EVE Online at the moment, but you almost certainly know more already than some other players who have been playing for less time than you. We really appreciate any members helping others out, no matter how new you are to the game. If you'd like some ideas on how you can give back to EVE University and help out other members, see Helping EVE University.

Feeling a bit lost?

We know that this is a lot of information when you first join, so please don't panic! Bookmark this wiki page so you can refer back to it later. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the Chat.E-Uni or Q&A.E-Uni channel, or on our forums or in Mumble. Don't worry about asking 'stupid' questions - we have heard them all before and won't judge you! If you are new to the game, you should also consider applying for a mentor to help get you started.

If you have issues with another member contact our Student Advocate whose role is to mediate disputes between members and bring any necessary matters to the attention of EVE University management. If you need help from a particular department, there is a list of EVE University Management here showing who is responsible for each department.

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UniWiki EVE University
EVE University Classes EVE University Communication
Game Mechanics EVE University Communities and Groups
EVE University Services