Electronic warfare

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Reason: Changes to EWAR in the December 2015 patch, including addition of Guidance Disruptors, needs to be added. This is being done in stages; please see comments in Edit History for details.
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Electronic Warfare (EWAR) decreases the enemy's effectiveness in battle using electronics-based modules. It is often categorized as a "force multiplier" because, without actually dealing any direct damage, electronic warfare can make a fleet several times more dangerous.

There are four basic kinds of electronic warfare:

  • Electronic Counter Measures (ECM, or "jams")
  • Weapon Disruption
  • Remote Sensor Dampening ("damps")
  • Target Painting

Each of the four player races specializes in one of these types of EWAR, and has ships specially bonused to that EWAR type. The use of tackling modules to hold the enemy in place, and of capacitor warfare modules to drain or steal capacitor, are both sometimes casually referred to as EWAR. However, at Eve University, EWAR typically refers to the four varieties above.

Visual effects for the different types of EWAR are shown on the Identifying Visual Effects page.

Electronic Counter Measures (ECM)

Targeted ECM: Mechanics, Modules, and Ships

ECM causes the targeted ship to lose all of its current target locks (often called 'jamming' the targeted ship). The jammed ship cannot target anyone or anything for the duration of the ECM module's cycle (20 seconds), and can only re-acquire its targets after the ECM module fails to jam its target or stops cycling. ECM is often considered the most powerful of the four types of EWAR, because it renders an opponent virtually helpless, disabling their interactions with other ships and with their environment.

However, there are two important, unique downsides to ECM. First, ECM modules jam their targets at the end of their 20-second module cycle, which means that the jamming ship has to stay alive and locked for 20 seconds before the opposing ship is jammed. As a result, ECM pilots are often high-priority targets for opposing fleets. Second, the success of each ECM module cycle is a matter of chance, with a probability that depends on the jam strength of the ECM module and the sensor strength of the target (with larger targets generally harder to jam than smaller ones). That probability is also affected by the distance to the target; ECM modules have the same, base chance-to-jam anywhere within the module's optimal range, but the chance decreases through falloff, such that ECM is only half as likely to work at (optimal + falloff). Taken together, all this means that sometimes you will jam the opposing ship, and sometimes you won't, and each cycle of your ECM modules is like a roll of the dice.

ECM is the EWAR specialty of the Caldari race. A number of Caldari ships are bonused for ECM:

In addition, the Tengu (the Caldari Tech III cruiser) can be fit with subsystems that give it bonuses to ECM, but these subsystems are rarely used. The Caldari are the only race that fields EWAR-bonused battleships (the Scorpion and Widow). Because of the low base strength of ECM modules, the bonuses from these Caldari ships are necessary, in practice, to get any useful effect from ECM. Fitting ECM to any other ship is a waste of a slot.

ECM modules can be racially specific—excellent at jamming one target race's sensor type, but poor against the other three—or they can be "multispectral", equally mediocre at jamming all four races' sensors. Tech I ECM modules are available in meta versions with improved range ("Scoped"), CPU fitting ("Compact"), or capacitor usage ("Enduring"). All of these variations means that there are very many Tech I modules that accomplish targeted ECM, and even more Tech II, faction and storyline variants. To illustrate the differences between the most common modules, the table below compares Tech I and II ECM modules that target Amarr (Radar) ships:

Targeted ECM Module Stats
Item CPU (tf) Powergrid (MW) Activation Cost (GJ) Optimal Range Falloff Racial jam strength Off-race jam strength Required Electronic Warfare skill level
Radar ECM I 40 1 48 24.0 km 27.0 km 3.0 1.0 I
Gloom Enduring Radar ECM 40 1 38 24.0 km 27.0 km 3.3 1.1 I
Shade Compact Radar ECM 32 1 48 24.0 km 27.0 km 3.3 1.1 I
Umbra Scoped Radar ECM 40 1 48 26.4 km 29.7 km 3.3 1.1 I
Radar ECM II 48 1 58 26.4 km 29.7 km 3.6 1.2 IV
Multispectral ECM I 50 1 72 16.0 km 18.0 km 2.0 I

The first five modules in the table—Tech I, meta, and Tech II—also exist, with slightly different names, for specific targeting of Minmatar (Ladar), Gallente (Magnetometric), and Caldari (Gravimetric) sensors. Multispectral ECM modules are likewise available in meta, Tech II, faction and storyline variants. For racially specific modules, the color of the module indicates the race that it targets. Multispectral ECM modules are white. All ECM modules have an activation (cycle) time of 20 seconds.

The table above shows that multispectral ECM modules are harder to fit, use more capacitor, and have poorer range than racially specific ECM modules. As a result, Unistas are often advised to initially fit a "rainbow" of racially specific modules, covering all four target races, instead of multispectral modules. ECM pilots can then carry additional modules in their cargo holds, to re-fit in station (or in space, if they also carry a Mobile Depot) and match racial types according to intel on enemy fleet compositions. To put these numbers into perspective, a low-skill Griffin pilot with a jam strength of ~6 on each racially matched ECM module would have a 35% chance of jamming an opposing Tech I cruiser with each module's cycle. Given that the Griffin is typically fit with four ECM modules, it is easy to imagine a new Unista ECM pilot countering even a skilled enemy.

The UniWiki's ECM Guide covers ECM mechanics in more detail, including a mathematical analysis of jamming probabilities for different scenarios.

Burst Jammers

Burst Jammers are non-targeted, multispectral ECM modules that jam all surrounding targets within an effect radius. Burst Jammers do not distinguish between enemy, friendly, and NPC ships; all nearby targets are jammed, including fleetmates and neutral pilots. Burst Jammers have much shorter range than targeted ECM modules, but higher jam strength, making them particularly effective against close-range frigates and drones.

Burst Jammer Stats
Item CPU (tf) Powergrid (MW) Activation Cost (GJ) Optimal Range Falloff Jam strength Required Electronic Warfare skill level
Burst Jammer I 30 1 240 5.0 km 5.0 km 6.0 I
Burst Jammer II 36 1 288 6.0 km 6.0 km 7.2 IV

Tech I Burst Jammers are also available in Compact, Enduring, and Scoped meta versions (not shown). Because they require so much capacitor, Burst Jammers can only practically be used on large ships. And, importantly, most of the Caldari ECM ships listed above are not bonused for Burst Jammers, only for targeted ECM; the Scorpion is the only ship in EVE that receives a Burst Jammer bonus (to range). Burst Jammers are especially dangerous to use in high-security space, because if there is anything non-engageable within the module's effect radius—including neutral ships, gates, stations, even asteroids—CONCORD will respond by destroying your ship.

ECM Bonuses

Signal Distortion Amplifiers and Warfare Links

ECM is also unique in being the only type of EWAR with a low-slot assistance module, the Signal Distortion Amplifier. Signal Distortion Amplifiers are passive modules that provide a percentage increase to the jam strength and ECM range of your ECM modules.

Signal Distortion Amplifier Stats
Item CPU (tf) Powergrid (MW) Scan Strength Increase Range Increase Required Electronic Warfare skill level
Signal Distortion Amplifier I 30 1 5% 5% III
'Hypnos' Signal Distortion Amplifier I (meta 4) 29 1 10% 10% III
Signal Distortion Amplifier II 30 1 10% 10% IV

Unlike ECM modules, Signal Distortion Amplifiers have not yet been re-balanced by CCP. So, because the Tech I, meta 4 'Hypnos' module has better stats than the Tech II module, it is the only version commonly used.

ECM can also assisted by a combat booster with the Information Warfare Link - Electronic Superiority (increases jam strength) and/or Recon Operation (increases range) modules active.

ECM Rigs

There are a few Electronics Superiority rigs that enhance ECM:

Particle Dispersion Augmentor: Increases the jam strength of a ship's ECM modules. (Tech I: 10%; Tech II: 15%)
Signal Disruption Amplifier: Reduces the activation cost (capacitor need) of ECM and Burst Jammer modules. (Tech I: -20%; Tech II: -25%)
Particle Dispersion Projector: Increases the optimal range of all targeted EWAR modules. (Tech I: 20%; Tech II: 25%)

These rigs are available in all sizes (Small, Medium, Large and Capital) and in both Tech I and Tech II variants. They all share the same drawback, a decrease in shields.

ECM Skills and Implants

Skills that enhance ECM:

Electronic Warfare: 5% less capacitor need for ECM and ECM Burst systems per skill level.
Long Distance Jamming: 10% bonus to optimal range for targeted EWAR modules per skill level.
Frequency Modulation: 10% bonus to falloff for targeted EWAR modules per skill level.
Signal Dispersion: 5% bonus to strength of all ECM jammers per skill level.

In addition, the Low- and Mid-Grade Centurion implant series provides bonuses to the optimal range of all EWAR modules, and the Zainou 'Gypsy' Electronic Warfare EW-901/906 reduces the activation cost of ECM and Burst Jammers by 1-6%.

Weapon Disruption

Mechanics and Ships

Weapon disruption is used to interfere with the range of enemy weapons and their ability to hit moving targets. As a result, weapon disruption can allow pilots to evade being hit by weapons that might otherwise damage them. For most of EVE's history, there was only one type of weapon disruption—Tracking Disruption (TD)—which specifically affects the range and tracking of enemy turrets. However, in December 2015, CCP introduced a second disruption mechanic, Guidance Disruption, which affects the travel and explosion characteristics of enemy missiles. These two types of weapon disruption are associated with two different modules: Tracking Disruptors and Guidance Disruptors. That means that EWAR pilots fitting weapon disruptors have to choose which type of module to fit: Do I want my modules to interfere with turret damage, or missile damage? (Or should I fit some of each?)

Weapon disruption is the EWAR specialty of the Amarr. Amarr ships that are bonused for weapon disruption include:

Unlike ECM, and like all other types of EWAR, weapon disruption always succeeds. However, the extent of disruption is affected by the distance to the target. If the target is anywhere within the optimal range of the disruptor, the module will exert 100% of its effect on the target. Beyond optimal range, the effectiveness of disruption decreases; at (optimal + falloff), a weapon disruptor is only half as effective. This mechanic was newly introduced with the December 2015 patch. Before then, tracking disruption beyond optimal range worked via the same chance-to-hit mechanism as ECM (with 100% chance at optimal, and a decreasing chance of 100% disruption beyond that). Sadly, you can still find many websites that reference this old mechanic.

Weapon disruption—and specifically tracking disruption—was long considered the weakest form of EWAR in fleet PvP, as most of the PvP meta was focused on missiles and drones, which tracking disruption doesn't affect. But the introduction of guidance disruptors, and a shift of the PvP meta away from droneboats, has led to a resurgence of weapon disruption in PvP. Wings of Crucifiers, in particular, have become popular components of SovNull fleets.

Tracking Disruptors

Tracking disruptors are used to decrease the optimal range and falloff, and decrease the tracking speed, of turrets. Range disruption is most effective against opponents at long range, because it can keep you beyond the range of enemy guns. Tracking speed disruption, by contrast, is most effective at short range, because it makes it difficult for your opponents to hit ships moving at high transversal (and the highest transversal speeds occur at short range). Unscripted, tracking disruptors do both range disruption and tracking speed disruption. But tracking disruptors can be fitted with scripts (the Optimal Range Disruption Script and the Tracking Speed Disruption Script) that double their effectiveness in one area at the expense of the other. In general, all disruptor-fitted ships should carry as many copies of each script as they have fitted disruptors. (The scripts are very inexpensive.)

Like other EWAR modules, Tech I tracking disruptors are available in Scoped, Compact, and Enduring meta versions.

Tracking Disruptor Stats
Item CPU (tf) Powergrid (MW) Activation Cost (GJ) Optimal Range Falloff Range Bonus Tracking Speed Bonus Required Weapon Disruption skill level
Tracking Disruptor I 40 1 15 40.0 km 20.0 km -15.30% -15.30% I
Baker Nunn Enduring Tracking Disruptor I 40 1 12 40.0 km 20.0 km -16.24% -16.24% I
Balmer Series Compact Tracking Disruptor I 32 1 15 40.0 km 20.0 km -16.24% -16.24% I
DDO Scoped Tracking Disruptor I 40 1 15 44.0 km 22.0 km -16.24% -16.24% I
Tracking Disruptor II 48 1 18 48.0 km 24.0 km -17.19% -17.19% IV

All tracking disruptors have an activation (cycle) time of 10 seconds. Tracking disruptors (as well as guidance disruptors below) are the most capacitor-efficient form of EWAR, have the longest optimal range, and are just as easy or easier to fit compared to other EWAR modules.

The chart above shows disruption penalties like EVE's infoboxes do, as negative "bonuses". The Range Bonus numbers are simple; range disruption cuts down the range of an opponent's turrets. The Tracking Speed Bonus numbers are less intutitive, because their effects depend on the tracking characteristics of an opponent's guns. To put these numbers into perspective, an E-UNI Derptron (Atron) pilot that has tackled a typically fit Stabber Fleet Issue (SFI)—an empire faction cruiser especially good against frigates—might have 10-15 seconds to live, because the SFI's guns apply most of their typical damage even at high transversal. If the Unista's Crucifier fleetmate, however, applied two scripted tracking disruptors to that SFI, it could drop the turret damage taken by the Atron to nearly zero. Tracking disruptors work poorly on drones (because drones track so well), and so that SFI's drones would still probably take down the Atron eventually. And the SFI could counter the disruption by fitting Tracking Computers or Tracking Enhancers. But it is easy to imagine how tracking disruptors might affect the outcome of a fight involving turrets.

Guidance Disruptors

Guidance disruptors reduce the range and precision of enemy missiles. Missile range disruption reduces both missile speed and flight time; by making enemy missiles fly slower, and for a shorter period of time, missile range disruption dramatically reduces missile range. In this way, missile range disruption is analogous to the optimal range disruption offered by Tracking Disruptors. Missile precision disruption, by contrast, is unique. By decreasing the explosion velocity of enemy missiles, precision disruption makes it harder for a missile's explosion to keep up with small, fast-moving targets. (It makes it easier for a small ship to speed away from the explosion.) And by increasing explosion radius, precision disruption makes the missile explosion more diffuse, decreasing the amount of damage dealt. Unlike tracking speed disruption, missile precision disruption is not affected by range or flight vector. But like tracking disruption, it does favor small, speedy ships. Unscripted, guidance disruptors affect both range and precision, but they can be fitted with scripts (either the Missile Range Disruption Script or Missile Precision Disruption Script) to double one effect at the expense of the other.

Guidance Disruptor Stats
Item CPU (tf) Powergrid (MW) Activation Cost (GJ) Optimal Range Falloff Missile Velocity Bonus Flight Time Bonus Explosion Velocity Bonus Explosion Radius Bonus Required Weapon Disruption skill level
Guidance Disruptor I 40 1 15 40.0 km 20.0 km -8.0% -8.0% -8.0% 8.0% I
A-211 Enduring Guidance Disruptor 40 1 12 40.0 km 20.0 km -8.5% -8.5% -8.5% 8.5% I
C-IR Compact Guidance Disruptor 32 1 15 40.0 km 20.0 km -8.5% -8.5% -8.5% 8.5% I
Highstroke Scoped Guidance Disruptor 40 1 15 44.0 km 22.0 km -8.5% -8.5% -8.5% 8.5% I
Guidance Disruptor II 48 1 18 48.0 km 24.0 km -9.0% -9.0% -9.0% 9.0% IV

Again, penalties are listed as negative bonuses. And again, even though the explosion velocity and radius effects aren't intuitive, the end result is that missiles that are intended to hit smaller targets—say, Rapid Light Missiles aimed at frigates—can be made to do no damage by applying bonused guidance disruptors at the enemy pilot.

Weapon Disruption Bonuses

There are two Electronics Superiority rigs that enhance weapon disruption:

Tracking Diagnostic Subroutines: Increases the effectiveness of weapons disruption modules. (Tech I: +5%; Tech II: +7.5%)
Particle Dispersion Projector: Increases the optimal range of all targeted EWAR modules. (Tech I: 20%; Tech II: 25%)

These rigs are available in all sizes (Small, Medium, Large and Capital). As with all Electronics Superiority rigs, they all share the same drawback, a decrease in shields.

Skills that enhance weapon disruption:

Weapon Disruption: 5% less capacitor need for weapon disruptors per skill level.
[[Skills:Turret Destabilization]]: 5% bonus to the effectiveness of weapon disruptor modules per skill level.
Long Distance Jamming: 10% bonus to optimal range for targeted EWAR modules per skill level.
Frequency Modulation: 10% bonus to falloff for targeted EWAR modules per skill level.

The Low- and Mid-Grade Centurion implant series provides bonuses to the optimal range of all EWAR modules. Also, the Zainou 'Gypsy' Weapon Disruption WD-901/906 reduces the activation cost of weapon disruptors by 1-6%.

Remote Sensor Dampening

Mechanics, Modules and Ships

Remote sensor dampening (or "damps") is used to reduce the targeting range and scan resolution (which is related to the locking time) of an opponent's ship. Range damps can be concentrated onto one target, to reduce its targeting range to nearly zero; or it can be spread across multiple attackers, to strategically create a mismatch between opponents' weapons range and targeting range. Scan resolution damps are less common, but can make it such that a battleship requires minutes to lock smaller ships. Unscripted, remote sensor dampeners apply both range damps and scan resolution damps. But sensor dampeners can be fitted with scripts (the Targeting Range Dampening Script and the Scan Resolution Dampening Script) that double their effectiveness in one area at the expense of the other. Damps pilots usually carry both.

Remote sensor dampening is the EWAR specialty of the Gallente. Gallente ships that are bonused for damps include:

Damps and ECM are used in comparable situations—interfering with enemy logistics, sidelining an enemy fleet's most powerful ships, and countering opponents' own EWAR. But the mechanics of damps and ECM are very different. Unlike ECM, the effects of damps are felt immediately by the target, at the beginning of module activation. Damps are guaranteed to affect the target; there is no chance-to-hit, like there is with ECM. (Prior to December 2015, damps had a chance to fail in the falloff region. This was changed in the Frostline update, so that now, damps just become less effective in falloff.) This has led remote sensor dampening to be more popular than ECM in solo and small-gang combat, where a 20-second module cycle can seem like an eternity, and has made the Maulus and Keres very popular small-gang support ships. However, a damped ship can still lock at short ranges, and so damps are less effective than ECM against close-range brawlers.

Remote Sensor Dampener Stats
Item CPU (tf) Powergrid (MW) Activation Cost (GJ) Optimal Range Falloff Maximum Targeting Range Bonus Scan Resolution Bonus Required Sensor Linking skill level
Remote Sensor Dampener I 35 1 30 25.0 km 50.0 km -13.7% -13.7% I
LFT Enduring Sensor Dampener 35 1 20 25.0 km 50.0 km -14.5% -14.5% I
Kapteyn Compact Sensor Dampener 28 1 30 25.0 km 50.0 km -14.5% -14.5% I
Phased Muon Scoped Sensor Dampener 35 1 30 27.5 km 55.0 km -14.5% -14.5% I
Remote Sensor Dampener II 42 1 36 30.0 km 60.0 km -15.3% -15.3% IV

As the table above shows, in general, remote sensor dampeners are easier to fit (require less CPU) than other EWAR modules. However, they require much more capacitor per 10-second cycle than other forms of EWAR.

Remote Sensor Dampening Bonuses

There are two Electronics Superiority rigs that enhance remote sensor dampening:

Inverted Signal Field Projector: Increases the effectiveness of remote sensor dampening modules. (Tech I: +5%; Tech II: +7.5%)
Particle Dispersion Projector: Increases the optimal range of all targeted EWAR modules. (Tech I: 20%; Tech II: 25%)

These rigs are available in all sizes (Small, Medium, Large and Capital). As with all Electronics Superiority rigs, they all share the same drawback, a decrease in shields.

Skills that enhance remote sensor dampening:

Sensor Linking: 5% less capacitor need for remote sensor dampeners per skill level.
Signal Suppression: 5% bonus to the effectiveness of remote sensor dampening modules per skill level.
Long Distance Jamming: 10% bonus to optimal range for targeted EWAR modules per skill level.
Frequency Modulation: 10% bonus to falloff for targeted EWAR modules per skill level.

The Low- and Mid-Grade Centurion implant series provides bonuses to the optimal range of all EWAR modules. Also, the Zainou 'Gypsy' Sensor Linking SL-901/906 reduces the activation cost of weapon disruptors by 1-6%.

Target Painting (TP)

Target painting is used to increase the target's signature radius, increasing the effectiveness of weapons against the target. This module mainly comes in handy if you need a large ship to hit a smaller ship. Normally, for example, a battleship has a hard time hitting a frigate, or only does minimal damage to it. Using the target painter on the frigate will make it much easier for the battleship to hit it. Note that the target painter will help everyone shooting at that target, not just the painting ship. The painter is also useful for bombers against smaller targets. See Does a Target Painter help Turrets?

The Minmatar race has ships that get bonuses for using target painters. The tech 1 ships that get bonuses for using target painters are: Vigil and Bellicose.

Target Painter
Item Optimal Range Falloff Target Signature Increase
Tech 1 25km 50km 25%
Tech 2 30km 60km 30%

Required skills:

  • CPU Management III
  • Tech 1: Target Painting I
  • Tech 2: Target Painting IV

Capacitor Warfare

You have probably heard the phrase 'cap is life' during your time in EVE. There are many good reasons why this is true, and each one is also a reason why Capacitor Warfare can be extremely effective. Capacitor keeps many tanks working, directly feeds laser and hybrid turrets, and fully powers the fighting mid slot modules including all EWAR modules and propulsion systems. An enemy without capacitor is an enemy without options, allowing you to dictate the flow of the battle - kill them your way or if something goes wrong you can always be confident of escape since warp jamming requires cap.

Capacitor Warfare, defined as direct action taken to reduce or eliminate the capacitor of a target, can be accomplished by using two types of Engineering Equipment modules, the Energy Destabilizers (also called neutralizers or neuts) and the Energy Vampires (also called nosferatu or nos). There are also neuting drones (light, medium and heavy): Acolyte EV-300, Infiltrator EV-600, and Praetor EV-900. However these are significantly less powerful than equivalently sized modules.

Please see the Capacitor Warfare Guide for details.

Additional module(s)

Sensor Booster (sebo)

The sensor booster can increase the targeting range and/or the targeting speed (measured in scan resolution) of your ship when activated. With this increase you can either lock the target at a greater range and/or lock him faster due to the locking time decrease. Additionally you can use scripts for the sensor booster to focus on either increasing the targeting range bonus or the targeting speed bonus. With the specific script loaded the other bonus is taken away.

Sensor Booster
Item Targeting Range Scan Resolution
Tech 1 No script +25% +25%
Tech 1 Scan resolution script +0% +50%
Tech 1 Targeting range script +50% +0%
Tech 2 No script +30% +30%
Tech 2 Scan resolution script +0% +60%
Tech 2 Targeting range script +60% +0%

Skill Requirements:

  • CPU Management II
  • Tech 1: Long Range Targeting I
  • Tech 2: Long Range Targeting IV

Remote Sensor Booster (ReSeBo)

The remote sensor booster can be used on a target ship to increases its targeting range and/or the targeting speed (measured in scan resolution) when activated - thereby allowing it to lock a target at a greater range and/or lock it faster due to the locking time decrease. They have a much greater effect than local sensor booster. This can be used to counteract remote sensor dampening. Additionally like their local version, you can use scripts for the remote sensor booster to focus on either increasing the targeting range bonus or the targeting speed bonus. With the specific script loaded the other bonus is taken away.

Sensor Booster
Item Targeting Range Scan Resolution
Tech 1 No script +33.8% +33.8%
Tech 1 Scan resolution script +0% +67%
Tech 1 Targeting range script +67% +0%
Tech 2 No script +40% +40%
Tech 2 Scan resolution script +0% +80%
Tech 2 Targeting range script +80% +0%

Skill Requirements:

  • CPU Management III
  • Tech 1: Sensor Linking I
  • Tech 2: Sensor Linking IV

How to use EWAR

There are two techniques commonly used for EWAR. One is to sit at range with minimal tank and attack your enemies while hopefully being out of range of their damage. The other, is to fit (often a very heavy) tank and remain with the DPS. The advantage of this is being able to get reps from any logi ships you have with you and not being in trouble if you jump into a fleet. The disadvantage is that you give up rig slots (and, if in an ECM ship, low slots) for tank which could be used to make your EWAR more effective. The ranged technique is outlined below.

If the target is in range:

  • 1. Turn Sensor Booster on. (If you have one. If are camping a gatecamp, this should be on already.)
  • 2. Lock target.
    • This step depends on the FC's orders and your location. Generally speaking ECM, TD and damps should be spread out on the opponents, ignoring primary. TP's should all be on the primary. (The designated targets should match the EW modules you have equipped: so don't put a TD on a missile boat. And it might be a good thing to open up a separate chat channel for all the EW people, so you can keep everything well spread.)
  • 3a. If your orders are to orbit a gate, keep orbiting. If you get targeted you can jump through. (Unless you activated an aggressive module so cannot.)
  • 3b. If you are at your optimal range, align to a planet. If you are targeted you can warp away and warp back in.
  • 4. Activate the electronic warfare module on your designated target. You may want to overheat your ECM module for the (often critical) first cycle and gain a 20% higher strength. TD/RSD/TP modules can't be overheated.
  • 5. If the hit on the designated target is successful, put a second electronic warfare module (if you have it) on another target in the opposing fleet.
  • 6. There is no 6, let's jam it.
  • 7. ECM: If you 'miss' a cycle be ready to warp away if you get targeted.

If the target is outside range there are two possibilities:

  • You messed up. You are in the wrong place.
  • The target warped to a bookmark where only the longest-range electronic warfare can reach.

Remember, always be either aligned to a celestial (preferably a planet) to warp to or be in range of a gate to jump through.

Electronic warfare skills

As explained above, each kind of electronic warfare requires that you have an associated skill (along with CPU Management III) before you can use it. Each skill reduces the capacitor need of the associated EWAR module by 5% per level. The four skills are:

One of these skills to level 1 together with the skill required to fly an appropriate EWAR frigate -- at the most, a few hours' training time in total -- are all you need to fly in an EWAR role in a uni fleet and potentially make a big battlefield impact. This is why the EWAR role is one of the roles recommended for new pilots in Eve University.

There are further skills which can increase your EWAR effectiveness: these aren't a concern for new players, but may be worth training if you are planning on regularly flying in the electronic warfare role. Each kind of electronic warfare also has a second associated skill which actually makes it more effective. These skills require CPU Management V and four levels in one of the skills listed above. The four skills are:

  • For ECM: Signal Dispersion - 5% bonus to strength of ECM jammers per level, requires CPU Management V and Electronic Warfare IV
  • For TD: Turret Destabilization - 5% bonus per level to the problems your TD modules cause the enemy, requires CPU Management V and Weapon Disruption IV
  • For damps: Signal Suppression - 5% bonus per level to the problems your dampeners cause the enemy, requires CPU Management V and Sensor Linking IV
  • For TP: Signature Focusing - 5% bonus per level to the effect of your painters on the target's signature radius, requires CPU Management V and Target Painting IV

There are also two skills which increase the range of all four kinds of electronic warfare:

Although it has 'jamming' in its name, Long Distance Jamming definitely affects target painting, tracking disruption and remote sensor dampening as well as ECM. Despite this, both these skills have Electronic Warfare (yes, the ECM skill) as a prerequisite: EW II for Frequency Modulation, EW III for Long Distance Jamming. Drone users might as well train EW to IV, since it is also a prerequisite for Advanced Drone Avionics, which increases your drone control range (for all drones) and unlocks EW drones.

Other significant skills for electronic warfare are your spaceship command skills for your EWAR platform of choice (ship bonuses mean that the Crucifier's TD gets better as your Amarr Frigate skill levels up, the Blackbird produces better ECM as your Caldari Cruiser skill levels up, and so on) and skills that help you target more things, faster and further away: Targeting, Signature Analysis and Long Range Targeting.

Hit Chance

It should be noted that while these modules don't have to worry about tracking, they do have a chance to 'miss.' If the target is outside your optimal range your chance to miss will depend on the target's range and your module's falloff. See Optimal and Falloff.

For example, say your target painter has an optimal of 25km and a falloff of 50km. Your target painter will always work within 25km. If your target is at 75km (25+50), you have a 50% chance of missing. This means either the 25% signature radius bonus will apply or not. It doesn't mean that the bonus is reduced by 50%.