Sansha Port

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Site Details
Sansha Port
Type Combat Anomaly
Rating Class 7
Found in Low/ Null
Max ship size Not Gated
Pirate faction Sansha
Damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EM
Thermal damage Th
Damage to
53% Electromagnetic damage EM
47% Thermal damage Th
Sig. Strength 100% Anomaly

Sansha Port is a combat anomaly found in Sansha infested regions.

Total expected enemies
Enemy Type Count
Icon red frigate.png Frigates 0- 7
Icon red destroyer.png Destroyers 0- 8
Icon red cruiser.png Cruiser 0- 6
Icon red battlecruiser.png Battlecruisers 10- 18
Icon red battleship.png Battleships 4- 8


Single ungated normal space pocket. Warping to beacon for close range would require a very good tank to handle the swarm’s incoming damage. Using a propulsion module or a Micro Jump Drive is recommended.

Initial Group
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 0-4 x Elite Frigate Centii Loyal Enslaver/Centii Loyal Butcher/Centii Loyal Plague
Cruiser 0-3 x Cruiser Centum
Battlecruiser 3-4 x Battlecruiser Centatis Phantasm/Centatis Specter
Sentry 2 x Sentry Sansha Sentry Turret II
Sentry 2 x Sentry Sansha Heavy Missile Battery

Wave #1
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 0-3 x Elite Frigate Centii Loyal Enslaver/Centii Loyal Plague
Destroyer 0-4 x Destroyer Centior
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Centatis Behemoth/Centatis Daemon

Wave #2
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 0-4 x Destroyer Centior Cannibal/Centior Horror
Cruiser 0-3 x Cruiser Centum
Battlecruiser 0-8 x Battlecruiser Centatis Behemoth/Centatis Devil/Centatis Specter/Centatis Wraith
Battleship 2-4 x Battleship Centus Dark Lord/Centus Overlord

3rd Reinforcement Spawn
WD EWAR CollapseL

Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Centatis Daemon/Centatis Phantasm
Battleship 2-4 x Battleship Centus Mutant Lord
Commander Cruiser 0-1 x Commander Cruiser True Sansha Possible DED Modules


This site can escalate to Sansha Military Operations Complex

See also

Combat Anomalies
[hide]Sansha's Nation
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Burrow Refuge Den
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Yard Rally Point
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Port Hub
Hidden · Forsaken · Forlorn
Haven Sanctum