Drone Patrol

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Site Details
Drone Patrol
Type Combat Anomaly
Rating Class 9
Found in Null
Max ship size Not Gated
Pirate faction Rogue Drones
Damage to deal Varied
Damage to
Sig. Strength 100% Anomaly

Drone Patrol is a combat anomaly found null-security systems across New Eden.


Before hacking and slashing, beware that there is two versions of the site, and the spawns may vary considerably. There is at least one version of the site that is considerably more difficult than what is listed below!

The site consists of one ungated pocket. There is an Abandoned Station about 3 km from warp-in and around 30-40 Ship Debris spread around the pocket. New wave spawns once ships from previous spawn are dead. Some of the frigates scramble and warp disrupt.

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate Strain Silverfish Alvi/ Hunter Alvi
Battleship 3 x Battleship Alvus Creator/Patriach Alvus
In local:
Drone Transmission: 0100010001110010011011110110111001100101001000000101000001100001011101000111001001101111011011000010000100100000010001000111001001101111011011100110010100100000010100000110000101110100011100100110111101101100001000010010000001000100011100100110111101101110011001010010000001010000011000010111010001110010011011110110110000100001 which is binary and translate into "Drone Patrol! Drone Patrol! Drone Patrol!"

Wave #1
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Dismantler Alvior / Predator Alvior / Marauder Alvior
Battleship 3 x Battleship Alvus Creator / Patriach Alvus

Wave #2
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 2 x Frigate Strain Render Alvi
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Enforcer Alvatis / Defeater Alvatis
Battleship 3 x Battleship Patriach Alvus / Alvus Creator

Wave #3
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 3 x Frigate Strain Devilfish Alvi / Strain Barracuda Alvi
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Strain Disintegrator Alvum / Strain Bomber Alvum
Battleship 3 x Battleship Patriach Alvus / Alvus Creator

Ghost Colony

This variant contains a prominent Infested Station Ruin

On warp in:

which is binary and translate into "Drone Patrol! Drone Patrol! Drone Patrol!"


Bounty and loot

  • The drones drop no loot
  • Bounty amount to about 22-23 million ISK
  • There is a rare sentient spawn


Site may escalate to Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive (10/10)

See also

Combat Anomalies
[hide]Rogue Drones
Cluster Collection Assembly Gathering Surveillance Menagerie Herd Squad Patrol Horde