Capacitor warfare

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or Why These Pictures are Some of the Prettiest Things You Will See in EVE.

You have probably heard the phrase 'cap is life' during your time in EVE. There are many good reasons why this is true, and each one is also a reason why Capacitor Warfare can be extremely effective. Capacitor keeps many tanks working, directly feeds laser and hybrid turrets, and fullly powers the fighting midslot modules including all EWAR modules and propulsion systems. An enemy without capacitor is an enemy without options, allowing you to dictate the flow of the battle - kill them your way or if something goes wrong you can always be confident of escape since warp jamming requires cap.

Rarely will you see EWAR guides include anything but ECM, TP, RSD, or TD even though that is where capacitor warfare rightfully belongs (just like warp jamming). Capacitor warfare has had its ups and downs in the history of EVE, with its wild days of overpowered glory, and subsequent 'rebalancing' lows. It is still and will always be an extremely viable tactic in the sandbox of EVE, and the pendulum will continue to swing back and forth over the impossible 'balanced' ideal, but knowing what and how is extremely important even if you never plan to employ capacitor warfare yourself.

Capacitor Warfare, defined as direct action taken to reduce or eliminate the capacitor of a target, can be accomplished in a few ways:

  • Using two types of Engineering Equipment modules
    • Energy Destabilizers - neutralizers (neuts) of various sizes and meta levels
    • Energy Vampires - nosferatu (nos) of various sizes and meta levels
  • Using one of three Combat Utility Drones
    • Light, medium and heavy energy neutralizer drones based on Amarr drone models - the Acolyte EV-300, Infiltrator EV-600, and Praetor EV-900

(as an aside if you have ever been curious where the word nosferatu comes from check out this link.)

Although focussed on the same goal, each of these systems has its own strengths and weaknesses and each is very different in implementation. Capacitor warfare drones operate like other EWAR drones and share strengths and weaknesses with the TD and RSD drones. In contrast, capacitor warfare modules are very different from other EWAR modules. They fit like weapons in high slots with three sizes corresponding to hull sizes, so they compete for fitting slots with DPS and high slot utility rather than mid slot utility or tank. Compared to other EWAR modules capacitor warfare modules have short ranges. They don't have a binary effect like other EWAR and instead kill capacitors incrementally in the same way that DPS destroys shields. Similarly to TDs, capacitor warfare has setups against which it is inherently limited. For example, a passive tanked drake will still be able to tank and DPS with 0 capacitor (it won't be able to run active hardeners, warp jamming, or propulsion modules though!).

Capacitors are a common thread for every single ship in EVE. This is fairly unique, as the same can't even be said for module slots. Every engagement, PvP or PvE, will involve cap. Cap to get there, cap to keep someone there, cap to tank, cap to kill. Cap is life!

When you are planning a shiny new ship, fitting one, or actually undocking, countering or using capacitor warfare is something which needs to be considered. Hopefully this guide will give you enough information to do that effectively.

How Destabilizers, Vampires, and Neutralizer Drones Work

TL;DR this is the boring numbers part; skip this section if you don't care about the fine print.

General Principles

Capacitor warfare can only be understood if you first understand capacitors. Capacitors are a self recharging resource with a Capacitor Recharge Rate that changes relative to the level of the capacitor. The 'peak' recharge takes place at 25% with the recharge rate decreasing from either side of this peak. Therefore, the rate of recharge is lowest when the capacitor is full (100%) or empty (0%). Shield tankers should inherrently understand this principle as it is the same recharge mechanism as shields use. EVE university folks are lucky to have access to the Capacitor Management 101 class that Neville Smit teaches.

Since capacitor warfare deals in the removal of capacitor it works in opposition to the recharge rate. Since the recharge rate is lowest at 100% and 0%, capacitor warfare will have the greatest effect (defined as amount of cap removed over the time of a cycle) at these levels. The cap will be removed in a 'chunk' each cycle and will start being refilled by the recharge rate until the next chunk is removed. Capacitor warfare will have the least effect at peak recharge as the amount of cap removed will be countered by the highest recharge the capacitor is capable of. Therefore, we know that it is more difficult to cap out an enemy than it is to keep them capped out - ie. you may have three neuts on them to drain their cap as quickly as possible but only need 1 to keep them capped out. (Incidentally when selecting cap booster charges you always want to select a charge at least 25% of the size of your capacitor to push you instantly to the 'good' side of your peak recharge rate.)

Understanding this information we can discuss the particulars of how the individual capacitor warfare systems work.

Energy Destabilizers

Energy Destabilizers - ie. the assortment of Neutralizers (Neuts) are the heavy hitters of cap warfare. They can remove large amounts of cap and leave an enemy capped out faster than any other form of cap warfare.

  • Strengths
    • Neutralizes large portions of the enemies capacitor every cycle
  • Weaknesses
    • Requires large amounts of capacitor to activate
    • Long cycle time
    • Relatively short ranges (improves with module size)

Here is screenshot of the attributes of the meta 0 heavy neut:


All neutralizers have a similar set of attributes. The different sizes of neutralizer differ significantly, but for each size tier they are fairly consistent across meta levels. Aside from fitting considerations, the only attributes that change from meta 0 all the way to commander modules is the range and the amount of energy neutralized. The energy 'cost' to neutralize is consistent (45 GJ for small, 150 GJ for medium, and 500 GJ for heavy). Therefore, at each size higher meta modules are more efficient: meta 0 modules destabilize as much as their activation cost (100% efficiency), and it trends up to meta 5 (tech II) and higher modules at 120% efficiency. Using the heavy neut example a Tech II neut would neutralize 600 GJ with its 500 GJ activation cost. The cycle time is also consistent (6 seconds for small neuts, 12 seconds for medium, and 24 seconds seconds for heavy) and the range for modules from meta 0 to the highest are: small from 5,250m - 7,350m; medium from 10,500m - 14,000m; and heavy from 21,000m - 39,200m.

Stats for Small Neuts 0 - 6 meta level and meta 8 (faction) example

Meta Level Name Cycle Time Range Energy Cost Energy Neuted Neut Efficiency Neuting per Sec
0 Small Energy Neutralizer I 6 sec 5,250m 45 GJ 45 GJ 100% 7.5 GJ/sec
1 Small Rudementary Energy Destabilizer I 6 sec 5,500m 45 GJ 47 GJ ~104% ~7.8 GJ/sec
2 Small 'Gremlin' Power Core Disruptor I 6 sec 5,750m 45 GJ 49 GJ ~109% ~8.2 GJ/sec
3 5W Infectious Power System Malfunction 6 sec 6,025m 45 GJ 51 GJ ~113% 8.5 GJ/sec
4 Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I 6 sec 6,300m 45 GJ 54 GJ 120% 9.0 GJ/sec
5 Small Energy Neutralizer II 6 sec 6,300m 45 GJ 54 GJ 120% 9.0 GJ/sec
6 'Caltrop' Small Energy Neutralizer I 6 sec 6,300m 45 GJ 54 GJ 120% 9.0 GJ/sec
eg 8 Imperial Navy Small Energy Neutralizer 6 sec 7,350m 45 GJ 54 GJ 120% 9.0 GJ/sec
  • note: the only difference between meta 4 to 6 is the fitting requirements
  • the only difference between meta 8 (faction) and from meta 4 to 6 is the range and fitting

Stats for Medium Neuts 0 - 6 meta level and meta 8 (faction) example

Meta Level Name Cycle Time Range Energy Cost Energy Neuted Neut Efficiency Neuting per Sec
0 Medium Energy Neutralizer I 12 sec 10,500m 150 GJ 150 GJ 100% 12.5 GJ/sec
1 Medium Rudementary Energy Destabilizer I 12 sec 11,025m 150 GJ 158 GJ ~105% ~13.2 GJ/sec
2 Medium 'Gremlin' Power Core Disruptor I 12 sec 11,550m 150 GJ 165 GJ 110% 13.75 GJ/sec
3 50W Infectious Power System Malfunction 12 sec 12,075m 150 GJ 173 GJ ~115% ~14.4 GJ/sec
4 Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I 12 sec 12,600m 150 GJ 180 GJ 120% 15 GJ/sec
5 Medium Energy Neutralizer II 12 sec 12,600m 150 GJ 180 GJ 120% 15 GJ/sec
6 'Ditch' Medium Energy Neutralizer I 12 sec 12,600m 150 GJ 180 GJ 120% 15 GJ/sec
eg 8 Imperial Navy Medium Energy Neutralizer 12 sec 14,000m 150 GJ 180 GJ 120% 15 GJ/sec
  • note: the only difference between meta 4 to 6 is the fitting requirements
  • the only difference between meta 8 (faction) and from meta 4 to 6 is the range and fitting

Stats for Heavy Neuts 0 - 6 meta level, meta 8 (faction) and meta 14 (commander) example

Meta Level Name Cycle Time Range Energy Cost Energy Neuted Neut Efficiency Neuting per Sec
0 Heavy Energy Neutralizer I 24 sec 21,000m 500 GJ 500 GJ 100% ~20.8 GJ/sec
1 Heavy Rudementary Energy Destabilizer I 24 sec 22,050m 500 GJ 525 GJ 105% ~21.9 GJ/sec
2 Heavy 'Gremlin' Power Core Disruptor I 24 sec 23,100m 500 GJ 550 GJ 110% ~22.9 GJ/sec
3 500W Infectious Power System Malfunction 24 sec 24,150m 500 GJ 575 GJ 115% ~24.0 GJ/sec
4 Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I 24 sec 25,200m 500 GJ 600 GJ 120% 25 GJ/sec
5 Heavy Energy Neutralizer II 24 sec 25,200m 500 GJ 600 GJ 120% 25 GJ/sec
6 'Moat' Heavy Energy Neutralizer I 24 sec 25,200m 500 GJ 600 GJ 120% 25 GJ/sec
eg 8 Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Neutralizer 24 sec 29,400m 500 GJ 600 GJ 120% 25 GJ/sec
eg 14 Draclira's Modified Heavy Energy Neutralizer 24 sec 39,200m 500 GJ 600 GJ 120% 25 GJ/sec
  • note: the only difference between meta 4 to 6 is the fitting requirements
  • the only difference between meta 8 (faction), meta 11 to 14 (commander), and from meta 4 to 6 is the range and fitting
  • meta 11 to 14 (commander) have a huge increase in range - the meta 14 example is the longest range neut in EVE

With these capabilities in mind and a victi... er... target located, the neut can be put into action.

There is no 'falloff' and unless you are within the max neut range you will not be able to activate the module. If you are within range of a target the activation cost will immediately be deducted from your capacitor and the destabilized amount will be immediately deducted from the target's capacitor. Each cycle time if still within range this will be repeated for as long as you have the neut activated. Pretty simple, right?

The important thing to remember is that your goal is to cap out your opponent and that you need to use enough neutralization to overcome the peak recharge rate of their capacitor. Yes, if you neut less then that amount you will make it harder for them to run cap stable, but likely you would be a more efficient killing machine using that high slot for something else if that is all you are accomplishing. What this boils down to is that you don't use a small neut on an Apoc and expect to accomplish anything. The basic rule of thumb is that a good capacitor warfare setup has a neutralization rate MUCH higher than any conceivable recharge rate. You want to cap out your opponent quickly and then have an easy way to keep the other pilot running on empty.

Energy Vampires

Energy Vampires - ie. the assortment of Nosferatus (Nos) remove small amounts of cap, but instead of costing your own cap to do this they will actually give you the cap your opponent lost. Because of the huge potential of being able to hurt a target while only aiding yourself there are several rather severe limitations on these modules.

  • Strengths
    • Amount of cap removed from the target is transferred to you
    • Quick cycle time
  • Weaknesses
    • Only transfers cap when your PERCENTAGE of capacitor is below the percentage of the targets capacitor
    • Relatively short ranges (improves with module size)
    • Removes much less cap than neutralizers and require more CPU to fit

Here is screenshot of the attributes of the meta 0 heavy nos:


All nosferatus have a similar set of attributes. The different sizes of nosteratus differ significantly, but for each size tier they are fairly consistent across meta levels. Aside from fitting consideration, the only attributes that change from meta 0 all the way to commander modules is the range and the amount of energy transferred to you. The cycle time is consistent (3 seconds for small nos, 6 seconds for medium, and 12 seconds for heavy). Small nos will transfer from 8 - 10 GJ across the meta levels, medium from 30 - 36 GJ, and heavy from 100 - 135 GJ. The ranges for all the modules from meta 0 to the highest are between: small from 5,500m - 10,214m; medium from 10,500m - 19,500m; and heavy from 21,000m - 43,000m.

Stats for Small Nos 0 - 6 meta level, meta 8 (faction) example, and meta

Meta Level Name Cycle Time Range Energy Transfered Nosing per Sec
0 Small Nosferatu I 3 sec 5,500m 8 GJ ~2.7 GJ/sec
1 Small 'Ghoul' Energy Siphon I 3 sec 5,775m 8.4 GJ 2.8 GJ/sec
2 Small 'Knave' I Energy Drain 3 sec 6,050m 8.8 GJ ~2.9 GJ/sec
3 E5 Prototype Energy Vampire 3 sec 6,325m 9.2 GJ ~3.1 GJ/sec
4 Small Diminishing Power System Drain I 3 sec 6,600m 9.6 GJ 3.2 GJ/sec
5 Small Nosferatu II 3 sec 6,600m 9.6 GJ 3.2 GJ/sec
6 'Upir' Small Nosferatu I 3 sec 6,500m 10 GJ ~3.3 GJ/sec
eg 8 Imperial Navy Small Nosferatu 3 sec 7,500m 9.6 GJ 3.2 GJ/sec
eg 13 Corpii A-Type Small Nosferatu 3 sec 10,214m 10 GJ ~3.3 GJ/sec
  • note: the only difference between meta 4 and 5 is the fitting requirements
  • the only difference between meta 8 (faction) and from meta 4 and 5 is the range and fitting
  • the only difference between meta 11 to 13 (complex) and from meta 6 is the range and fitting

Stats for Med Nos 0 - 6 meta level, meta 8 (faction) example, and meta 12 (complex) example

Meta Level Name Cycle Time Range Energy Transfered Nosing per Sec
0 Medium Nosferatu I 6 sec 10,500m 30 GJ 5.0 GJ/sec
1 Medium 'Ghoul' Energy Siphon I 6 sec 11,025m 32 GJ ~5.3 GJ/sec
2 Medium 'Knave' I Energy Drain 6 sec 11,550m 33 GJ 5.5 GJ/sec
3 E50 Prototype Energy Vampire 6 sec 12,075m 35 GJ ~5.8 GJ/sec
4 Medium Diminishing Power System Drain I 6 sec 12,600m 36 GJ 6.0 GJ/sec
5 Medium Nosferatu II 6 sec 12,600m 36 GJ 6.0 GJ/sec
6 'Strigoi' Medium Nosferatu I 6 sec 12,500m 36 GJ 6.0 GJ/sec
eg 8 Imperial Navy Medium Nosferatu 6 sec 15,000m 36 GJ 6.0 GJ/sec
eg 12 Corpum B-Type Medium Nosferatu 6 sec 18,000m 33 GJ 5.5 GJ/sec
  • note: the only difference between meta 4 and 5 is the fitting requirements
  • the only difference between meta 8 (faction) and from meta 4 and 5 is the range and fitting
  • the only difference between meta 11 to 13 (complex) is the range and fitting

Stats for Heavy Nos 0 - 6 meta level, meta 8 (faction) example, meta 11 (complex) example, and meta (commander) example

Meta Level Name Cycle Time Range Energy Transfered Nosing per Sec
0 Heavy Nosferatu I 12 sec 21,000m 100 GJ ~8.3 GJ/sec
1 Heavy 'Ghoul' Energy Siphon I 12 sec 22,050m 105 GJ 8.75 GJ/sec
2 Heavy 'Knave' I Energy Drain 12 sec 23,100m 110 GJ ~9.2 GJ/sec
3 Heavy Prototype Energy Vampire 12 sec 24,150m 115 GJ ~9.6 GJ/sec
4 Heavy Diminishing Power System Drain I 12 sec 25,200m 120 GJ 10.0 GJ/sec
5 Heavy Nosferatu II 12 sec 25,200m 120 GJ 10.0 GJ/sec
6 'Vrykolakas' Heavy Nosferatu I 12 sec 25,500m 120 GJ 10.0 GJ/sec
eg 8 Imperial Navy Heavy Nosferatu 12 sec 30,000m 120 GJ 10.0 GJ/sec
eg 11 Corpum C-Type Heavy Nosferatu 12 sec 33,000m 120 GJ 10.0 GJ/sec
eg 14 Shaqil's Modified Heavy Nosferatu 12 sec 43,000m 120 GJ 10.0 GJ/sec
  • note: the only difference between meta 4 and 5 is the fitting requirements
  • the only difference between meta 8 (faction) and from meta 4 to 6 is the range and fitting
  • the only difference between meta 11 to 14 (complex and commander) is the range and fitting

If you are within range of a target, and your opponent's cap amount (not percentage) is higher than your cap amount, then an activated nos acts like a neut. The difference is that the 'activation cost' is a negative amount subtracted from your capacitor (so the cap is added on) equivalent to the amount removed from the opponent. A nos will stay activated as long as you are in range and pull cap when the cap level condition is met, so keep it running every time a target is in range as there is no downside.

The caveat on only actively nosing when your own cap is lower than your opponent's mean that a NOS is highly likely to be effective when fighting bigger ships than yours, but not likely to work when fighting smaller ships.

A Nos is easier to effectively employ in a gang situation with multiple targets. While neuting your main target you nos an alternative target (ideally a bigger ship than you) and they spend the fight donating cap which is helping to destroy their fleet mate! Properly employed this synergy between neuts and nos is extremely important.

Nos are extremely useful modules in certain circumstances but they require a little more planning and their tactical employment is a little trickier than that of neuts.

Energy Neutralizing Drones

Light, medium and heavy neutralizing drones employ the same general principles as other drones. Generic information on Drones will not be discussed in this guide.

  • Strengths
    • normal Drone range mechanics
    • neutralizer drones have no impact on your cap
    • quick 6 sec cycle time for all sizes
  • Weaknesses
    • normal Drone weaknesses of vulnerability, flight times etc.
    • relatively small portions of cap neutralized

Here is a screenshot of the attributes with the information on neutralization for each of the drones:


As you can see cycle times are identical for all 3 sizes of drones at 6 seconds. The amount neutralized is easy to remember as well as it is identical to the drone bandwidth: 5 GJ for light, 10 GJ for medium, and 25 GJ for Heavy drones. Like all other drone based EWAR, pilot EWAR skills have no effect on the drones and there is no stacking or usage concerns between drones.


  • A full flight (5) light drones will neutralize 25 GJ every 6 seconds. This is roughly 1/2 as effective as 1 small neut.
  • A full flight (5) medium drones will neutralize 50 GJ every 6 seconds. This is roughly 2/3 as effective as 1 medium neut.
  • A full flight (5) heavy drones will neutralize 125 GJ every 6 seconds. This is exactly as effective as 1 meta 0 heavy neut.

So knowing this approximate effectiveness together with the strengths, such as great range, and weaknesses, such as vulnerability, neuting drones are comparable to TD or RSD drones.

Support to Capacitor Warfare


There are not many skills that directly impact capacitor warfare.

Prequisite skills:

Energy Emission Systems is the only skill that directly impacts the effectiveness of capacitor warfare modules; however, it only effects neuts. It will reduce the activation cost of all neuts by 5% per level which has excellent results on efficiency. At level 5 a Tech II heavy neut will only require 375 GJ per cycle to neutralize 600 GJ. This is 160% efficiency. Unfortunately this has no positive effect on nos or drones as strictly speaking they do not have a capacitor activation cost.

The better your capacitor the more effectively you can conduct capacitor warfare. Therefore both Energy Management and Energy Systems Operation are extremely important skills and should be trained to 5 for serious capacitor warfare users.

All the supporting capacitor management skills as listed in Capacitor Management 101 will assist in getting you to and through a fight with more cap available for capacitor warfare. Depending on preference, ship types and fits, the relative importance of each skill will change, but each can be considered a good investment of SP.


Talisman implants, the Bloodraider pirate faction set, directly enhance capacitor warfare by reducing the duration of modules requiring the Energy Emission Skill. The complete high-grade set (slots 1-6) will have an overall effect of -38.12%. This is of course a huge increase in the amount of cap removed per sec. A max skill Curse with a full Talisman set will destablize 40.4 GJ per sec with a single meta 4+ medium neut.

Low-Grade: total effect -26.94%

Name Effect Set Effect Attribute
Alpha 1% reduction of duration 10% effect on bonus of the set +2 Perception
Bravo 2% reduction of duration 10% effect on bonus of the set +2 Memory
Gamma 3% reduction of duration 10% effect on bonus of the set +2 Willpower
Delta 4% reduction of duration 10% effect on bonus of the set +2 Intelligence
Epsilon 5% reduction of duration 10% effect on bonus of the set +2 Charisma
Omega 25% effect on bonus of the set

High-Grade: total effect -38.12%

Name Effect Set Effect Attribute
Alpha 1% reduction of duration 15% effect on bonus of the set +3 Perception
Bravo 2% reduction of duration 15% effect on bonus of the set +3 Memory
Gamma 3% reduction of duration 15% effect on bonus of the set +3 Willpower
Delta 4% reduction of duration 15% effect on bonus of the set +3 Intelligence
Epsilon 5% reduction of duration 15% effect on bonus of the set +3 Charisma
Omega 50% effect on bonus of the set

In addition the following hardwirings are worth considering in addition to or in place of the Talisman set.

  • Slot 6
    • Engineering - ['Squire' CR#] Reduce Capacitor Recharge Time (-1%/-3%-5%)
  • Slot7
    • Engineering - Reduce Capacitor Need for Energy Emmisions (-1%/-3%/-5%)
  • Slot8
    • Engineering - Increase Capacitor (+1%/+3%/+5%)
  • Slot9
    • Engineering hardwirings to reduce cap usage for each of the forms of racial primary EWAR

The cost versus effectiveness will have to be evaluated on a pilot by pilot basis but due to the huge increase in performance it is something worth considering.


When approaching boosters from a capacitor warfare perspective, Mindflood is the drug of choice. This booster increases capacitor by a percentage that stacks on top of all other modifiers without stacking penalty.

Type Increases Cap by Side Effect Chance Side Effect Strength
Synth 3% 0% 0%
Standard 10% 20% 20%
Improved 15% 30% 25%
Strong 20% 40% 30%

The potential side effects are:

  • Shield Boost Amount
  • Armor Repair Amount
  • Turret Optimal Range Penalty
  • Missile Explosion Cloud Penalty

On drone boats like the Sentinel, Curse, and Pilgrim these possible effects are usually minimal as DPS is from drones and many popular fits are buffer tanked only. The worst penalty is potentially armour repair amount for a solo fit Sentinel or Pilgrim, although there are Curse fits that use missle launchers to up DPS.

Bloodraider ships using lasers and cap warfare mods may have more of a trade-off to consider. Individual pilots will have a different risk assesment but there is a lot of potential for a relatively small chance of harmfull side effects after applicable skills are trained.


The Egress Port Maximizer rigs decrease the capacitor use of all energy emission modules. This includes energy neutralizers and energy vampires. The Tech I reduces activation cost by 15%, the Tech II by 20%. More than one rig can be used, but because of stacking the effect get lower as more rigs are added.
With Energy Emission at V, the activation cost of a Medium Unstable Power Fluctuator I is as follow:

  • With no rig: -9.4 GJ/s
  • With 1 Egress Port Maximizer I: -8 GJ/s
  • With 2 Egress Port Maximizer I: -6.9 GJ/s
  • With 3 Egress Port Maximizer I: -6.3 GJ/s

Capacitor Warfare and PvE

NPCs 'cheat' in EVE. One of the ways they do this is with infinite capacitors. It is impossible to 'cap out' a rat as there cap will never decrease below 100%.

The use of Cap Warfare in PvE is not common, and not much has been published on the matter. It has been reported that the use of neutralizers, neutralizing drones, or nos on NPCs will result in a chance of disrupting both shield or armour repairing by the NPC. The chance of disrupting repairs seem to increase with the size of the modules and decrease with the size of the NPC ship. So using a heavy neut on a frigate NPC should have a very high chance of stopping any repairs. Likewise using a small nos on a BS NPC will have little to no effect on stopping repairs.

Capacitor Warfare and PvP

PvP is where capacitor warfare really comes into its own.

Tips and Techniques

Specific ships and fits will be discussed in the next section. These tips and techniques are something to think about for any ship employing or defending against capacitor warfare although many can only be executed by an actual capacitor warfare bonused ship like a Curse.

  • Alpha is as important to cap as it is to DPS

By using a neut a ship class larger then your target you can practically ensure you will cap them out completely on each and every cycle. There are a few factors at play here.

  • cycling and getting inside the nos or booster loop

BS, BC or Falcon/Rook: 1st cycle - 3 neuts, disable 2 2nd cycle - wait 2 seconds until I enable the 2nd one, and another 2 for the 3rd one

Cruiser: 2 neuts right away and 3rd one later, take one off in a few cycles for some extra cap.

Frigate: It doesn't matter 1 med will alpha majority cap.

  • the functionality of an undersized neut
  • maintaining the 'cap out'
  • Neuting through Cap Boosters
  • Neuting through a nos
  • Nosing through a neut

Capacitor Warfare and PvP Ships

Bonused ships

The following ships have some bonus related to energy neutralizers and energy vampire for range or drain amount


  • The Cruor is a pirate faction frigate with a bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer drain amount
  • The Sentinel is an Electronic Attack Frigate with a bonus to energy vampire and energy neutralizer range. The bonus is soon to be doubled in the Rubicon expansion.
  • The Hematos is a faction frigate with a bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer drain amount
  • The Malice is a rare faction frigate with a bonus to energy vampire and energy neutralizer transfer amount and range


  • The Dragoon is a destroyer with a bonus to energy vampire and energy neutralizer transfer range


  • The Ashimmu is a pirate faction cruiser with a bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer drain amount
  • The Pilgrim is a recon ship with a bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer transfer amount
  • The Curse is a recon ship with a bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer range and transfer amount
  • The Legion, when fitted with the Energy Parasitic module, has a bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer drain amount. The Legion is however very expensive, and a Curse is probably a better choice.
  • The Vangel is a rare faction cruiser with a bonus to energy vampire and energy neutralizer transfer amount and range


  • No battlecruiser is bonused for cap warfare


  • The Armageddon is a battleship with a bonus to Energy Neutralizer and Energy Vampire range
  • The Bhaalgorn is a pirate faction battleship with a bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer drain amount

Unbonused ships

A number of ships fitted for cap warfare are not bonused for it. The Dominix or the Prophecy are well known examples of ships with no bonus to cap warfare range or transfer amount which have been used with great effect. While any ship could conceivably be fitted with a neutralizer or a nos, the following elements help make an unbonused ship suitable for cap warfare:

  • Free high slots. You need a place to fit the module.
  • Drone capacity. If you use your high slots for neuts and you want to have some dps, you'll have to rely on drones. You therefore are looking at a minimum for dronebay capacity and drone bandwidth. A drone damage bonus is also nice.
  • Powergrid. Neuts cost a lot of powergrid to install. You won't have any turret or missile in your highs, but the more powergrid the higher the number of neut modules you can actually install.
  • Capacitor size. Neuts cost a lot of cap to run, and a ship with a big capacitor will be easier to fight with.
  • Tank. Your ship need to be close to your target. He probably won't like being neuted, so the bigger your tank, the harder you'll be to kill.
  • Range. In an unbonused ship, you need to be be close to your target to use cap warfare modules. Don't mix cap warfare modules with long range modules such as ewar.


  • The Punisher is often flown with an utility cap warfare module.
  • Many solo fits for frigates use a small cap wafare module


  • Except for the Dragoon (see above), destroyers are not usually used for cap warfare


  • The Arbitrator is usually flown with cap warfare modules. Its tank is not that great but it has a nice drone damage bonus.
  • The Maller can be used as a surprise neuting cruiser. It won't have any dps to speak of, but can fit a point, a scram or a web while being cap stable and have more than 50K EHP.
  • The Rupture is often flown with an utility cap warfare module.


  • The Prophecy can effectively fitted with cap warfare modules on its highs. It has a good tank, capacitor and with good drone skills a reasonable amount of dps.
  • Brawling Hurricane are often flown with a utility cap warfare module


  • The Dominix is often used a cap warfare ship. It's great drone bonus make it ideal as a close range cap warfare ship.
  • Brawling Typhoon are often flown with a utility cap warfare module
  • Tempest are often flown with a utility cap warfare module