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This guide aims to provide an overview of the different ships and their roles rather than specific fits.
This guide is meant to introduce new players to Tech 1 Gallente ships for combat missions and PvP. Required and recommended skill lists for various roles and fittings.
The Gallente Federation is one of the four playable factions and has a unique and distinct line of ships.
==Rookie Ship==
The rookie ship is the first ship you start with. If you are gallente, it will be a Velator. A new rookie ship is given whenever you dock at a station where you do not have any ships.
== General Traits ==
The following characteristics are shared across most or all Gallente ships:
* '''[[Hybrid Turret]]s''': many Gallente ships have bonuses for hybrid turrets. Hybrid turrets use some capacitor energy to fire, like lasers, but they are less cap-hungry than lasers; they use physical ammunition, like projectile guns, but they have a shorter reload time (5 seconds). Different ammunition types offer trade-offs between range, damage, and capacitor load, but all hybrid turret ammunition deals a mixture of kinetic and thermal damage.
** Close-ranged blasters track very well and have very high potential DPS, but have short ranges even compared to the other short-ranged weapons (autocannon and pulse lasers). Some Gallente ships are particularly suited to brawling at minimum range with blasters, though they can adopt other tactics too.
** Long-ranged railguns lack the alpha damage of artillery but can achieve extraordinarily long ranges. Caldari hybrid turret ships are more associated with railguns, but some Gallente turret ships can work well with railguns too.
* '''[[Drones]]''': many Gallente ships have bonuses for drones which make it viable to use drones as your main weapon--or even your only weapon; notable examples are the Algos, Vexor, Myrmidon, and Dominix. Almost all Gallente ships have substantial dronebays and drone bandwidth for their size and class.
* '''[[Tanking#Armor tanking|Armor tanks]]'''. Some Gallente ships have bonuses for armor repairers, which let them mount especially good active armor tanks. Some examples include the Incursus, Brutix, and Hyperion. Almost all Gallente ships armor tank well.
* '''[[Electronic warfare#Remote Sensor Dampening|Sensor Dampening]]'''. The Gallente racial EWAR specialty is sensor dampening, which cuts down enemy target locking range and/or slows down enemy targeting speed. Reducing target locking range works well against snipers and kiters; reducing targeting speed works well on large ships (which take a while to lock anything up anyway) and on [[Logistics|logistics ships]], which have to re-target their allies frequently in order to apply remote support.
* '''Tough hulls'''. Gallente ships have unusually tough hull ("structure") hit points, which means they tend to live a little longer when things turn bad and damage is getting through both the shields and the armor. (Some Gallente ships are frequently hull-tanked as that is just the best way to maximise EHP!)
The Velator can be used to go through the first tutorial missions, although upgrading to a frigate in the Military tutorial as soon as it is offered is recommended. A civilian shield booster will suffice for the first missions, although beyond the first few missions in the tutorial, civilian modules should never be used.
If there is a broader hallmark of Gallente ships, it is perhaps '''damage''': most Gallente combat ships can muster a lot of potential DPS at short range. The Vexor, for example, can achieve eye-watering potential DPS for a T1 cruiser if fitted with blasters, thanks to having damage bonuses to ''both'' turrets and drones. On the other hand, Gallente ships can be a little more fragile (the ships with tanking bonuses have bonuses to active armor tanks, not the resistance bonuses found on Amarr ships), with the lineup including some true "glass cannon" ships such as the Catalyst, and when fitted for DPS Gallente ships need to get to and maintain close ranges with their targets.
'''[Velator, Basic Skills PVE]'''<br>
== Notable uses ==
Damage Control I
Civilian Shield Booster I
The long range and fully selectable damage of drones (set against the locking of hybrid turrets to kinetic and thermal damage) makes the line of Gallente drone boats very popular for PvE combat, as it means that pilots can pack drones to target the damage type that their NPC enemies are weakest to. A typical [[mission]]-runner progression might involve the Incursus or Tristan and then the Algos for L1s, the Vexor for L2s, the Myrmidon for L3s, and the Dominix for L4s.
75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
Gallente drone ships are also popular as basic [[ratting]] ships in nullsec space, and for initial forays into low-tier [[Abyssal Deadspace]] PvE challenges; in both of these use-cases, Gallente ships are eventually elbowed aside in more advanced uses by Guristas ships such as the [[Gila]].
75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S
'''[Velator, Basic Skills PVE] Required skills'''<br>
The [[Catalyst]], with its many high slots, makes a good basic salvaging ship.
Hull Upgrades I
Frigates are small fast ships, used mostly for pve in level 1 missions. They are used mostly for tackling and electronic warfare roles in pvp.
Short-range brawling with blasters is one of the core Gallente ship archetypes, and unsurprisingly many Gallente ships wind up being used for this in PvP: notable examples include the Catalyst, Thorax, Brutix, and Megathron. Railguns do work on these hulls, though. The Megathron can snipe well, and the Brutix can be turned into a surprisingly fast kiting ship.
The Gallente drone boats are some of the most versatile and unpredictable hulls available for PvP. The hulls without direct bonuses for weapons other than drones, such as the Myrmidon and Dominix, are often fitted with projectile turrets (for additional capacitor-free DPS), energy neutralizers (for [[capacitor warfare]]), or remote repair modules (a group of Dominixes can "tank" by repairing each other). Large dronebays mean that drone boat pilots can select damage types and can bring along extra tactical options such as ECM drones. Drones carry on fighting even if their mothership is affected by EWAR or has its capacitor neuted out.
The Atron is the Gallente fast frigate, although only having two mid slots makes it unloved for tackling in pvp despite its speed and high scan resolution.
Drone boats are less popular, however, for highly mobile small gangs (drones tend to get left behind in tactical warps) and in large fleets fighting at long range (normal drones take too long to travel to their target, while sentry drones get left behind in fleet movements). Drones also cannot be [[overheat]]ed, unlike hull-mounted weapons systems.
'''[Atron, Basic Skills PVE]'''<br>
Thanks to its very attractive ratio of high potential DPS to cheap cost, the Catalyst is popular with [[Suicide ganking|suicide gankers]].
Damage Control I<br>
Small Armor Repairer I
1MN Afterburner I<br>
== Skills ==
Cap Recharger I
Gallente ships share many core skills with the ships of the other three main factions. Very new pilots should consider EVE University's [[Short Skill Plan]]; relatively new pilots should consider [[The Magic 14|the 14 skills which affect every ship]], the [[fitting skills]] which make it easier to fit modules onto ships, and the [[support skills]] which underpin much of your ship's performance. For longer-term training, EVE University's [[Pyramid Skill Plan]] offers one useful way of conceiving your goals.
75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
That said, there are some considerations that are specific to Gallente ships. Probably the most prominent one is the early importance of good [[Drones#Skills|drone skills]]. In particular, any Gallente pilot will want to train the "core" skill of this category, {{sk|Drones}}, to level V quickly. Drones V is a relatively quick train compared to some advanced skills, but it's likely to be one of the first level Vs that a new Gallente pilot trains, and it will require some patience. It <em>is</em> worthwhile: being able to control a full flight of five drones really matters with many Gallente ships. At the latest, a pilot will want to have Drones V when they start using cruisers, as the [[Vexor]] is a fine and versatile ship.
75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S
[empty rig slot]<br>
The good news about the early investment in drone skills is that every race's ships eventually have significant dronebays, and so all pilots will one day have to polish these skills; Gallente pilots will just have a head start on others.
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]
'''[Atron, Basic Skills PVE] Required skills'''<br>
Gallente pilots will also want to prioritize skills for armor tanking, and capacitor skills to keep their turrets running. Any Gallente pilots with an interest in electronic warfare should look into the skills {{sk|Sensor Linking}}, {{sk|Signal Suppression}}, {{sk|Long Distance Jamming}}, {{sk|Frequency Modulation}}. A fairly new character with these skills trained even just to III or IV can have a significant battlefield impact, and they open up the road to some very powerful advanced ships such as the [[Keres]] and [[Lachesis]].
Afterburner I<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Gallente Frigate II<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Repair Systems I
== Ships ==
Here are the Gallente T1 ships.  Please follow the links to the specific pages of the ship database for more details.
The Imicus is the Gallente scanning frigate, though it boasts a 15 m3 drone bay, enough for 3 light drones. Some players who train drone skills early will use if for level 1 missions instead of the incursus or catalyst.
=== Corvette ===
Little more than slower, armed shuttles, corvettes (or "noobships") are the basic frigates that new pilots start with. You can acquire a new corvette at no cost (together with a civilian weapon, a civilian mining laser, and a civilian afterburner) by clicking on the "Board my corvette" button available in the station menu when you're docked up. On their own, corvettes are useful for little other than basic errand-running, though since the ship is free a corvette can be spawned as a makeshift small station container when no other containers are available.
'''[Imicus, Basic Skills PVE]'''<br>
Damage Control I<br>
A Velator can be used for the initial tutorial missions, but pilots should consider up-shipping to a T1 frigate when they can.
Small Armor Repairer I
1MN Afterburner I<br>
=== Frigates ===
Cap Recharger I
Frigates are small, fast ships, used often for PvE in level 1 missions. They are also used for tackling and electronic warfare roles in PvP.
75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
75mm Gatling Rail I, Antimatter Charge S
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
The Atron is the Gallente Attack Frigate. It is designed to be fast and has a capacitor bonus to tackle modules and bonuses to hybrid turrets, favouring blasters. The Atron doesn't have great firepower and it still isn't the most durable of ships, but with its speed and agility, good piloting can keep it alive while tackling a target while other ships deliver the punch. Furthermore, it can serve as a level 1 mission runner until {{Sk|Gallente Frigate|III}} is trained for the [[Incursus]] and {{Sk|Gallente Destroyer|I}} for the [[Catalyst]].
[empty rig slot]
Hobgoblin I x3
The Atron is a great hull for new pilots interested in learning how to +1. The agile but fragile ship will assist new pilots in understanding some of the limitations of [[Interceptors]]. It can serve as an amazing long-point tackle ship.
'''[Imicus, Basic Skills PVE] Required skills'''<br>
"Scram Chasing" might be difficult and lethal in the Atron and should be left for tankier hulls like the [[Incursus]].
Afterburner I<br>
Drones III<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Gallente Frigate II<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Repair Systems I<br>
Scout Drone Operation I
The Atron is the "fastest" T1 attack Frigate. While the Minmatar [[Slasher]] is (originally) 10m/s faster than the Atron, the three low slots allow adding an Overdrive or Nanofiber Hull resulting in a faster ship while still retaining the same tank. A large capacitor allows a stable fit relatively easily, allowing you to keep point on a target for prolonged times until your fleet or gang arrives on grid. In addition, an ample Power Grid and CPU make the Atron easy to fit with little training.
The Incursus is the typical pve and pvp frigate for Gallente players. It is faster and has a better scan resolution than the tristan, which makes it better for tackling in pvp.
'''[Incursus, Basic Skills PVE]'''<br>
Damage Control I<br>
The Imicus is the Gallente Tech 1 exploration and scanning frigate. It is a good ship for rookies or veterans who are getting into probing and don't have the skills for the T2 version, the [[Helios]]. Its bonus to virus strength allows it to complete Data and Relic sites faster and more reliably.
Small Armor Repairer I
1MN Afterburner I<br>
Cap Recharger I<br>
Cap Recharger I
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
The Incursus is the typical PvE and PvP frigate for Gallente players. It is faster and has a better scan resolution than the [[Tristan]], which makes it better for tackling in PvP. The Incursus will likely deal more damage than a Tristan for pilots without {{Sk|Drones|V}}.
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]
Hobgoblin I x1
The Maulus is an electronic warfare frigate, specialized in dampening. Its low locking range makes it ineffective at range damping snipers. However, it can resolution damp effectively with the help of ECM in the fleet.
'''[Incursus, Basic Skills PVE] Required skills'''<br>
Afterburner I<br>
Drones I<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Gallente Frigate III<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Repair Systems I<br>
Scout Drone Operation I
'''[Incursus, Basic Skills PVP]'''<br>
Damage Control I<br>
The Navitas is the Gallente logistics frigate and is designed for remote armor repair. It makes an ideal entry point for beginner Gallente capsuleers who want to train into the [[Exequror]], the Gallente Tier 1 logistics Cruiser, before eventually moving on to the Tier 2 [[Oneiros]].
Overdrive Injector System I
1MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
Note: The Navitas is designed to be self-sufficient on capacitor (i.e. to fly without the need of a [[Logistics#Remote capacitor transmitters|cap chain]]) like its larger variants: the Exequror and Oneiros. However, logistics capsuleers can cross-train into the Amarr [[Augoror]] relatively easily, and from there to the T2 {{sh|Guardian}} although both of these ships require a cap chain.
Stasis Webifier I<br>
Warp Disruptor I
75mm Gatling Rail I, Lead Charge S<br>
75mm Gatling Rail I, Lead Charge S<br>
75mm Gatling Rail I, Lead Charge S
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
The Tristan is an excellent frigate for PvP and PvE. It is a dedicated drone boat - the only T1 frigate that can operate 5 drones - and thus requires high drone skills to be flown effectively. It offers a bonus to both Hybrid Turret tracking speed and Drone hitpoints and tracking speed. However, it is slower and has less scan resolution than the [[Incursus]], making it slightly worse for a dedicated tackling role in fleets.
[empty rig slot]
Hobgoblin I x1
=== Destroyers ===
[[Destroyers]] are ships slightly larger than frigates. They use the same sized modules as frigates, and they have more high slots. They are often used in PvE for Level 1 missions, and as salvaging ships for pilots that have not yet acquired a {{sh|Noctis}}.
'''[Incursus, Basic Skills PVP] Required skills'''<br>
Afterburner III<br>
Drones I<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Gallente Frigate III<br>
High Speed Maneuvering I<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Navigation III<br>
Propulsion Jamming I<br>
Repair Systems I<br>
Scout Drone Operation I
* Electronics IV is required to fit the third 75mm railgun with listed fitting. With Electronics III two 75mm rails will do.
The Algos is the second step on the Gallente drone boat path, between the [[Tristan]] and [[Vexor]].  It is slightly bulkier than the [[Catalyst]], and since it is capable of fitting a full flight of salvage drones in addition to a rack of railguns, the Algos is an excellent choice for L1 mission running. Unlike larger ships (i.e. the Vexor), the Algos is designed to be flown with very low skill points; with that in mind, it is the only drone ship where {{Sk|Drones|V}} is not an absolute necessity - although it should still be a top priority for new Gallente pilots. The Algos is a versatile destroyer, capable of running either rails or blasters while pushing through a respectable amount of DPS.
* For Uni fleets, ammo that gives an optimal range of approximately 7,500m is ideal to orbit battleships at this distance to avoid smartbomb range. This may vary according to skills. Although dealing damage is not a tackler's priority, and cap should not be wasted on guns if it is needed to mainting tackle in prolonged encounters.
The Catalyst is a Gallente destroyer. Its bonuses favor blasters, though it can also be rail fit. It has 2 mids, allowing it to fit a tackle module, and 3 low slots for an armor tank. Unfortunately, the Catalyst is still a destroyer, so it has a large signature for its tank, making it vulnerable to cruiser weapons, and its slow speed and lack of mid slots means it will have difficulty dictating range against frigates, which is important for a blaster ship. A railgun fit Catalyst is a very fast L1 mission runner but has trouble tanking level 2s. The catalyst's very high damage at short range makes it the ship of choice for high sec suicide ganks, as it is able to easily reach 900 Dps with T2 guns.
The Maulus is an electronic warfare frigate, specialized in dampening. Its low locking range makes it ineffecitve at range damping snipers. However, it can resolution damp effectively with the help of ECM in the fleet.
Like all destroyers, the Catalyst is also a great entry-level salvager ship on a player's path to a {{sh|Noctis}}.
'''[Maulus, Basic Skills PVP]'''<br>
Damage Control I<br>
Capacitor Power Relay I
Remote Sensor Dampener I, Scan Resolution Dampening<br>
=== Cruisers ===
Remote Sensor Dampener I, Scan Resolution Dampening<br>
[[Cruisers]] are EVE's medium-sized ships, larger than [[frigates]] and [[destroyers]] but still much smaller, faster and nimbler than [[battlecruisers]] and [[battleships]]. Cruisers mount medium-sized weapons and modules. Tech 1 cruiser hulls cost a few million ISK and tend to be the first major financial step up from frigates for new pilots.
Remote Sensor Dampener I, Scan Resolution Dampening
Small Nosferatu I<br>
Small Nosferatu I<br>
Small Nosferatu I
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
The Celestis is the Gallente EWAR cruiser. It can be made surprisingly tough for an EWAR cruiser with its 5 lows. Its extra lock range and bonus to sensor dampener range make it considerably better at range damping snipers than the smaller [[Maulus]].
[empty rig slot]
Hobgoblin I x2
'''[Maulus, Basic Skills PVP] Required skills'''<br>
Afterburner I<br>
The Exequror is the Gallente logistics cruiser. Its bonuses to remote armor repair range and power allow it to serve as a T1 armor logistic cruiser. It is an effective ship for new logistics pilots.
Drones II<br>
Energy Emission Systems I<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Gallente Frigate II<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Repair Systems I<br>
Scout Drone Operation I<br>
Sensor Linking I
The tristan is an excellent pvp frigate, but requires missile skills to use effectively, which many Gallente players will not train early in their career. It is also slower and has less scan resolution than the Incursus, making it a worse tackler for typical Uni fleets.
The Thorax is a gun boat, designed to use hybrid turrets. In PvP, the Thorax is used as a hard hitting blaster boat. This can be highly effective but is very "do or die", and will make most Thoraxes' lives glorious but short. In PvE, the Thorax is less popular; the slow and steady style of the [[Vexor]] is more suited to mission running. Despite this, the Thorax can be popular as a first mission running cruiser, because most pilots will have trained gunnery skills while piloting frigates and destroyers, while they will probably have neglected the drone skills required to use a Vexor effectively. Having said that, the Thorax has a 50{{m3}} drone bay, so will also benefit greatly from drone skills.
'''[Tristan, Recon PVE]'''<br>
Damage Control I<br>
Overdrive Injector System I<br>
Overdrive Injector System I
1MN Afterburner I<br>
Small Shield Extender I<br>
The Vexor, like the [[Myrmidon]] and [[Dominix]], is a drone boat. The Vexor is an excellent mission ship, and can also be a good PvP ship.  It has 75mb of drone bandwidth, allowing it to field a mixed flight of medium and heavy drones at a time, and has the drone bay to carry a few replacements or an additional flight of light drones. This gives the Vexor great flexibility for long roams, where it can carry a full flight of medium and light damage drones, as well as a flight of light repair or EWAR drones to deploy as the situation dictates. While the Vexor has a bonus to hybrid guns, this can be ignored if desired due to a large amount of the Vexor's DPS coming from drones anyway, and Vexors with autocannons, nosferatu and/or neutralisers are common. With 4 mids and 5 lows, Vexors are most often armor tanked.
Medium Shield Extender I
[empty high slot]<br>
The Vexor is also a great ship to use for salvaging missions as they are completed. By using 2 Salvagers, a Small Tractor Beam, a Drone Link Augmentor, and a single Hybrid Turret (to draw aggro) in the high slots a moderately drone-skilled capsuleer can securely complete level 2 missions while salvaging. Salvaging level 2 missions is debatably profitable however the salvage/mission fit Vexor can complete level 2s in respectable time when compared to a straight mission fit Vexor.
[empty high slot]<br>
[empty high slot]<br>
[empty high slot]
[empty rig slot]<br>
Among T1 cruisers the Vexor is a little more skill demanding than the [[Thorax]]. In particular, you should not get a Vexor unless you have at least {{Sk|Drones|IV}} and should make getting {{Sk|Drones|V}} a high priority.
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]
* This fitting is made specifically for the Recon missions (level 2). Since they require no fighting, a quick frigate with moderate tank will perform best to complete the missions quickly with minimal risk.
'''[Tristan, Recon PVE] Required Skills'''<br>
=== Battlecruisers ===
Afterburner I<br>
[[Battlecruisers]] are larger, slower, and have more slots than [[cruisers]], but they're smaller than [[battleships]] and fit the same medium-sized weapons that cruisers use. They occupy a position between cruisers and battleships analogous to [[destroyers]]' position between [[frigates]] and [[cruisers]], although battlecruisers are much more versatile and widely used than destroyers.
Gallente Frigate III<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Shield Upgrades I
Destroyers are ships slightly larger than frigates. They use the same sized modules as frigates, have more high slots. They are often used in pve for level 1 missions. They are rarely used in pvp, as their damage dealing is unimpressive, although they sometimes fill the role of anti-interceptor. Not recommended for typical Uni fleets.
The Brutix is renowned for its high DPS potential in PvP. It is also a popular suicide gank ship.
The Catalyst has 8 high slots, all of which can be fitted with guns. It is the typical level 1 mission runner ship for Gallente pilots once they have amassed enough ISK to purchase it and fit it out.
Although Gallente ships are usually better armor tanked, the Brutix benefits from a shield tank in several areas. Low slots can be dedicated to gank modules to increase DPS. The shield tank Brutix also has the advantage of being faster than an armor tank, which means it can get into the short blaster range sooner.
The Catalyst is also used as a salvaging boat.
It is also used as a suicide gank ship by outlaws who participate in the Hulkageddon event.
The Myrmidon is the typical level 3 missioning ship. It can fit a passive shield tank like the [[Drake]], but most Gallente players will focus on armor tanking skills, and its armor repair bonus makes it an excellent armor tanker.
'''[Catalyst, Basic Skills PVE]'''<br>
The Myrmidon can also be an excellent PvP ship, though the damage potential is less than the [[Brutix]] with most fittings. It is sometimes used in PvP with dual or triple reps. The Myrmidon has a 100 Mb drone bandwidth. Ogres may have difficulty tracking targets smaller than battleships, and travel time can also be an issue depending on the initial engagement range. Pilots without T2 ogres may wish to use hammerheads, valkyries, warriors, and ec-300 drones in their drone bay instead.
Damage Control I<br>
Small Armor Repairer I<br>
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
1MN Afterburner I<br>
Cap Recharger I
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
The Talos is the Gallente Attack Battlecruiser. With damage and a tracking bonus, it focuses on blasters, providing very high DPS, but limited range. In short, it has the DPS of a [[Megathron]] and the tank of a [[Thorax]]. However, with the range of heavy blasters and the second highest speed of the Tier 3 battlecruisers a shield-tanking Talos can be an effective kiter. A very good write-up can be found on [http://www.evealtruist.com/2012/01/know-your-enemy-tier-3-battlecruisers.html The Altruist's blog].
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S<br>
125mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge S
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]
Hobgoblin I x1
=== Battleships ===
[[Battleships]] ("BSs", sometimes "BBs" from US Navy terminology) are the biggest, heaviest sub-capital combat ships in the game. They are correspondingly expensive, with even the cheapest battleship hulls selling for many tens of millions of ISK. Tech 1 battleships are standard tools in PvP and PvE combat. There are two classes of Tech 2 battleships: Marauders, which are specialized for mission-running, and Black Ops battleships, which can transport fleets of stealthy ships across long distances using [[Jump drives#Covert Cynosural Fields|covert cynosural]] fields.
* Switch the Micro Auxiliary Power Core I to Adaptive Nano Plating I (omni tanking) or Reactive Plating I (to fill the explosive hole in armor tanking) if you have sufficient powergrid.
* Fit three Small Capacitor Control Circuit I rigs if you can afford it (requires Jury Rigging I and Mechanic III).
The Dominix (aka Domi) is one of two T1 battleship drone carriers, with a bonus to drone damage and hit points. It has the 125mb bandwidth required to field a full flight of heavy or sentry drones and a 375{{m3}} drone bay large enough to carry several flights of heavies, sentries, mediums, and/or lights. The Dominix's ability to choose damage types by switching drones makes it an attractive Level 4 mission runner. With its 5 mid slots and 7 low slots, the Dominix is normally armor tanked. Compared to the Amarr [[Armageddon]], the Dominix has bonuses towards drone tracking and optimal--this helps a little with normal drones but is most useful when using sentry drones.
'''[Catalyst, Basic Skills PVE] Required Skills'''<br>
Since Dominixes get a lot of their damage from drones, some high slots are often used for utility modules instead of weapons. One or two drone link augmentors will be required to make the most of the Dominix's maximum range with sentries. Remote repair Dominixes are also common. The Dominix lacks a bonus towards any particular type of weapon, so which guns (if any) are fitted are up to the pilot's taste. This flexibility, along with the ability to carry utility drones such as EWAR or repair, and the low price, also make the Dominix a popular pick for PvP. For [[capacitor warfare]] in particular, however, the {{sh|Armageddon}} has better bonuses.
Afterburner I<br>
Destroyers I<br>
Drones I<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Energy Management II<br>
Gallente Frigate III<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Repair Systems I<br>
Scout Drone Operation I
'''[Catalyst, Salvaging Boat]'''<br>
The Dominix is sometimes humorously called the "Space Potato" because of its squat and round appearance.
Capacitor Power Relay I<br>
Capacitor Power Relay I<br>
Co-Processor I
1MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
Cap Recharger I
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
For PvP fleets, the Hyperion doesn't get much love. In battleship fleets, remote repping is far superior, making the local rep bonus pointless. For Uni operations, it might act as a decent bait ship during lowsec patrols for pilots with too much ISK on their hands.
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
Salvager I<br>
Salvager I<br>
Salvager I<br>
Salvager I
Small Salvage Tackle I<br>
However, for [[incursions]], the Hyperion is an excellent starter blaster boat. The Hyperions bonus of 10% per level of {{Sk|Gallente Battleship}} gives it good damage output for a T1 Battleship, while its 5 medium slots allow fitting a comfortable amount of shield resistances, a web, and a sensor booster for vanguard sites, or a microwarp drive for assaults or headquarter sites. Most pilots aiming to fly a [[Vindicator]] for incursions will start out flying a Hyperion.
Small Salvage Tackle I<br>
Small Salvage Tackle I
'''[Catalyst, Salvaging Boat] Required Skills'''<br>
Afterburner III<br>
Armor Rigging I<br>
Destroyers I<br>
Electronics Upgrades I<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Gallente Frigate III<br>
High Speed Maneuvering I<br>
Jury Rigging III<br>
Mechanic III<br>
Navigation III<br>
Salvaging I<br>
The low slots and rigs on a salvaging boat can vary. The co-processor is only needed if you are lacking cpu. The capacitor power relays help running the modules for longer periods of time, especially if cap skills are low. Some people will insist on putting cargo expanders in low slots, but this usually only becomes necessary in level 4 missions where battleship-sized loot requires more cargo space to store. The salvage tackle rigs can be changed to capacitor control circuit rigs if cap runs out too often.
The Megathron is one of the best PvP ships available to the Gallente. With its high amount of high slots and low slots, it can fit a sporty tank while dealing out a relatively high amount of DPS. Common setups for the Megathron include "Blaster"-throns and "Sniper"-throns, the former being a close range blaster fitted ship while the latter being a railgun fitted long range ship.
=== Haulers ===
The Gallente [[haulers]] provide tremendous flexibility in hauling. The [[Nereus]] and the [[Iteron Mark V]] are the "standard" haulers, with the Nereus focusing on speed and tank over cargo capacity, and the Iteron Mark V focusing on the opposite. The [[Kryos]], [[Epithal]] and [[Miasmos]] are specialized haulers with massive cargo bays for specific cargo (minerals, planetary commodities, and ore, respectively).
The Celestis the the Gallente EW cruiser. It is little loved with reason. Damps have a poor optimal, and even in falloff, it has difficulty applying damps at typical sniper range. Although it can do well with range damping against mid-range snipers up to 100 km or so. It can resolution damp, but this is not terribly useful without ECM on the field as well.
T1 haulers are useful to transport large amounts of cargo, but they are vulnerable to suicide ganks in highsec, and piracy in lowsec. For war time hauling, a hauling alt is recommended. See the [[Creating an Alt Hauler]] article for more information.
The Nereus is the agile, tanked Gallente hauler. Its cargo hold can expand to 11 372 {{m3}} (no rigs), its align time can be reduced to 3.6 s, with a warp speed of 4.5 AU/s.
The Exequror is the Gallente logistics cruiser. It is not often used in pvp. It has a cargo bay bonus which can make it useful for players on trial accounts who cannot train industrial ships. An Exequror fitted with Expanded Cargohold in low slots can haul over 1000 m3 in its cargo bay.
The Kryos was changed from Iteron Mark II with the deployment of the Odyssey 1.1 patch. Its cargo hold was reduced in size and a dedicated mineral bay was added.
The Epithal was known as the Iteron Mark III prior to the deployment of Odyssey 1.1. Its cargo hold was reduced in size and a bay was added for hauling planetary industry (PI) materials or planetary commodities.
The Thorax is the first ship newbie pilots should look at to fill a damage dealing role in pvp fleets. Its bonus to MWD cap and high DPS potential make it an excellent heavy tackler.
The Miasmos is designed to haul raw ore in large amounts.
'''[Thorax, Basic Skills PVP]'''<br>
{{Ship|Iteron Mark V|box}}
Damage Control I<br>
With the Odyssey 1.0 expansion, the Iteron V was the largest T1 hauler available. However, the Odyssey 1.1 industrial rebalance gave the Bestower the highest potential cargo, the Mammoth, the fastest travel time, the Tayra a launcher and highest base cargohold, and made the Iteron Mark V average all-around due to the conversion of the Iteron Mark 2/3/4 into specialized ships for minerals, planetary commodities and ore.<!-- [https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=252819&find=unread] --> [https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/topic/252819] <!-- pretty sure this is the correct post -->
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I<br>
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I<br>
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I<br>
400mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
10MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
== Hybrid turret ammo Ttips ==
Stasis Webifier I<br>
{{main|Turrets#Hybrid ammo|Hybrid Ammo}}
Warp Scrambler I
Different kinds of hybrid turret ammunition carry different trade-offs in range, capacitor use, and damage. Antimatter requires the most capacitor, has the shortest range, and does the most damage. Lead requires the least capacitor, has no range modifier, and does middling damage. Iron has the longest range and the least damage.
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
In PvE combat, pilots could consider carrying 3 types of ammo, and switch when required. By default, close range (Antimatter or Plutonium) ammo should be used. If you are taking too much damage at close range, switch to medium range (Lead or Thorium) or long range (Iron or Tungsten) ammo, and fire from further away.
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Hammerhead I x5
For PvP, faction Antimatter ammunition and T2 Null are used for brawling with blasters, while sniping railguns often use T2 Spike (rails).
* If you're missing CPU due to not having Electronics IV and Weapon Upgrades IV, you can upgrade some modules to a higher meta level to reduce cpu required. You could also use a 200mm plate instead of the 400mm.
== Drone tips ==
{{main|Drone mechanics}}
* Faction ammo is not required, but the benefit to DPS is substantial. A full load of Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M (600 rounds total, 120 rounds per gun) costs around 600,000 ISK. More rounds are rarely needed, but having 2000 additional standard antimatter rounds in case of ratting or long engagements is recommended.
Small drones should be used against frigate-sized enemies, medium drones should be used against cruiser-sized enemies, and heavy drones should be used against battleship-sized enemies. Sentries are mostly meant for battleship-sized enemies, but if smaller enemies are far enough that tracking and signature radius isn't an issue, they can deal relatively well with those.
'''[Thorax, Basic Skills PVP] Required Skills'''<br>
All four races' drones are viable in PvE and you should select drones that deal the damage type which your target NPCs are weakest.
Drones V<br>
Electronics IV<br>
Gallente Cruisers III<br>
Gunnery III<br>
High Speed Maneuvering I<br>
Hull Upgrades II<br>
Medium Hybrid Turret I<br>
Propulsion Jamming I<br>
Scout Drone Operation I<br>
Weapon Upgrades IV
Watch out for enemies attacking your drones. If you're in a dedicated drone boat and see your drones taking damage, recall them: they are your main weapon and you don't want to be defanged. In PvE combat, try to get the NPCs to attack you before you launch your drones.
The Vexor, like the Mymidon and Dominix, is a drone boat. The drone boats are excellent pve ships, and they are also good pvp ships. Drone boats are sometimes fitted with tractors and salvagers to salvage wrecks during missions, this lowers dps, and thus increases mission completion time. Although it also saves time from not having to return to the mission site in another ship to salvage, but wether this saves time in total or merely makes it more convenient is debatable.
Keyboard / auxiliary mouse button shortcuts are recommended for drone management. Shortcuts can be set for attack and return to drone bay commands. One group of drones in the drone window can be designated as your "favorite", and a button can be assigned to the command "launch favorite group of drones".
The Vexor is also an excellent pvp ship. For low skill pilots, it is usually easier to get DPS out of the Thorax, even with more skills in drones than gunnery.
In general, it is better to keep drones in Passive mode. In missions and wormholes, drones set to Aggressive can trigger a new wave earlier than desired. In PvP, drones set to Aggressive can give you an unwanted [[Timers#Weapon_Timer|weapon timer]] which then prevents you from docking up or jumping through a gate to safety.
'''[Vexor, Basic Skills PVE]'''<br>
== Related links ==
Damage Control I<br>
Armor Thermic Hardener I<br>
Armor Kinetic Hardener I<br>
Medium Armor Repairer I
10MN Afterburner I<br>
Cap Recharger I<br>
Cap Recharger I
Dual 150mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M<br>
Dual 150mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M<br>
Dual 150mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M<br>
Dual 150mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M<br>
Drone Link Augmentor I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Hammerhead I x4<br>
Hobgoblin I x4
* Drones IV is the minimum amount of drones recommended to start running level 2 missions in a Vexor.
* The damage control can be substituted for a third rat-specific hardener, especially on missions with a lot of explosive damage.
* The Drone Link Augmentor can be left out with insufficient cpu. Electronics IV and Weapon Upgrades III should provide the required cpu.
* Rigs are relatively expensive and they can be left out when starting level 2 missions if you have insufficient ISK.
'''[Vexor, Basic Skills PVE] Required Skills'''<br>
Afterburner I<br>
Drones IV<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Gallente Cruiser II<br>
Gallente Frigate IV<br>
Gunnery III<br>
Hull Upgrades III<br>
Medium Hybrid Turret I<br>
Repair Systems I
'''[Vexor, Basic Skills PVE] Recommended Skills'''<br>
Acceleration Control II<br>
Afterburner II<br>
Combat Drone Operation II<br>
Controlled Bursts III<br>
Drones V<br>
Drone Interfacing III<br>
Drone Navigation III<br>
Electronics IV<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades III<br>
Energy Management III<br>
Energy Systems Operation III<br>
Fuel Conservation II<br>
Gallente Cruiser III<br>
Gunnery III<br>
Hull Upgrades III<br>
Jury Rigging I<br>
Mechanic III<br>
Medium Hybrid Turret III<br>
Motion Prediction III<br>
Rapid Firing III<br>
Repair Systems IV<br>
Scout Drone Operation II<br>
Sharpshooter III<br>
Targeting III<br>
Weapon Upgrades III<br>
* This recommended skill plan should take approximately two weeks to complete, depending on learning skills trained and implants used. The Vexor can be piloted earlier to get into level 2 missions, after about one week, depending one how the character was skilled and the player's ability to pilot the ship effectively using proper kiting techniques in difficult missions.
The Iteron line of ships, from I to V, are excellent haulers. The Iteron V when rigged is the industrial ship with the largest cargo capacity, although for most players and Iteron I or III will suffice. Industrials can be used to store mission loot and salvage, to haul at a later time and sell at a trade hub for more ISK than can be made in most backwater mission stations.
'''[Iteron Mark III, Hauler]'''<br>
Expanded Cargohold II<br>
Expanded Cargohold II<br>
Expanded Cargohold II
Medium Shield Extender I<br>
Medium Shield Extender I<br>
Medium Shield Extender I
[empty high slot]<br>
[empty high slot]
Medium Cargohold Optimization I<br>
Medium Cargohold Optimization I<br>
Medium Cargohold Optimization I
'''[Iteron Mark III, Hauler] Required Skills'''<br>
Astronautics Rigging I<br>
Gallente Industrial III<br>
Hull Upgrades II<br>
Jury Rigging III<br>
Mechanic III<br>
Shield Upgrades I
* An Iteron III fitted like this is a moderate skill investement, and can carry up to 17,672 m3.
* A repackaged frigate is 2,500 m3, a repackaged destroyer is 5,000 m3, a repackaged cruiser is 10,000 m3, and a repackaged battlecruiser is 15,000 m3.
* For war time hauling, a hauling alt is recommended. For this purpose, an Amarr pilot trained for a Bestower is best for the least skill investment.
* Industrial ships are easily suicide ganked in highsec. Suicide ganks are more likely close to trade hubs, or on paths between trade hubs, especially in 0.5 or 0.6 systems. If you are carrying less than 20 million ISK in goods, a suicide gank is extremely unlikely. Many suicide gankers will not bother with cargo worth less than 50 million ISK, but some will. Some suicide gankers will do it simply to cause grief rather than for profit. The shield tank fitted is mostly to avoid random suicide ganks from ships with low firepower or untargeted smartbomb suicide ganks. See 'The Dark Side of Eve' in the [http://classes.eve-ivy.com/ Audio Library] for more information about suicide ganking and how to avoid it.
The Brutix is reknowned for its high DPS potential in pvp. It is also a popular suicide gank ship.
Although Gallente ships are usually better armor tanked, the Brutix benifits from a shield tank in several areas. Low slots can be dedicated to gank modules to increase DPS. The shield tank Brutix also has the advantage of being faster than an armor tank, which means it can get into the short blaster range faster.
'''[Brutix, Intermediate Skills PVP Shield Tank]'''<br>
Damage Control I<br>
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I<br>
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I<br>
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I<br>
Tracking Enhancer I
10MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
Warp Scrambler I<br>
Large Shield Extender I<br>
Invulnerability Field I
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster I, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Hammerhead I x5
'''[Brutix, Advanced Skills PVP Shield Tank]'''<br>
Damage Control II<br>
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II<br>
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II<br>
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II<br>
Tracking Enhancer II
10MN MicroWarpdrive II<br>
Invulnerability Field II<br>
Large Shield Extender II<br>
Warp Scrambler II
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M<br>
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Medium Core Defence Field Extender I<br>
Medium Core Defence Field Extender I<br>
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Hammerhead II x5
* For large Uni fleets with its abundance of warp jammers and webs, the warp scrambler can be dropped for a second Large Shield Extender II, though this may require a Reactor Control I instead of the Tracking Enhancer II to fit. A second shield extender will give about 10k more EHP. For most gangs, the scrambler is recommended.
The Mymidon is the typical level 3 missioning ship. It can fit a passive shield tank like the Drake, but most Gallente players will focus on armor tanking skills, and its armor repair cap bonus make it an excellent armor tanker. The myrmidon should be fitted with Hobgolins and Hammerheads, as well as Minmatar or Caldari drake depending if the rats are weak to explosive or kinetic damage.
The Myrmidon can also be an excellent pvp ship, though the damage potential is much less than the Brutix. It can have a decent buffer, and some myrmidon pvp fits have double or triple repair modules. Myrmidons can also be fit and rigged for speed with a shield tank.
'''[Myrmidon, Intermediate Skills PVE]'''<br>
Medium Armor Repairer II<br>
Medium Armor Repairer II<br>
Armor Explosive Hardener II<br>
Armor Explosive Hardener II<br>
Armor Kinetic Hardener II<br>
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
10MN Afterburner II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II
200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M<br>
200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M<br>
200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M<br>
200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M<br>
200mm Railgun I, Antimatter Charge M<br>
Drone Link Augmentor I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Hobgoblin II x5<br>
Hammerhead II x5<br>
Warrior II x5<br>
Valkyrie II x5
'''[Myrmidon, Intermediate Skills PVE] Required Skills'''<br>
Afterburner IV<br>
Battlecruisers II<br>
Drones V<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades III<br>
Gallente Cruisers III<br>
Gallente Drone Specialization II<br>
Gunnery III<br>
Hull Upgrades V<br>
Jury Rigging I<br>
Mechanic IV<br>
Medium Hybrid Turret I<br>
Minmatar Drone Specialization II<br>
Repair Systems IV<br>
Scout Drone Operation V
==Ammunition, Range, and Kiting==
You should carry 3 types of ammo during missions, and switch when required. By default, close range (antimatter or plutonium) ammo should be used. If you are taking too much damage at close range, switch to medium range (lead or thorium) or long (iron or tungsten) range ammo and fire from further away. Guns can suffer from tracking issues, so I would recommend using the 'keep at range' option instead of the 'orbit' option. With the amount of enemies in missions, orbiting is less likely to mitigate the total incoming damage from rats. Even close to optimal, when using close range ammo, guns can have difficulty tracking enemies. Enemies should be kept close to optimal, this should keep angular velocity low to avoid suffering from tracking issues, and as long as enemies are within optimal there will be no reduction in damage.
Antimatter requires the most cap, has the shortest range, and does the most damage. Lead requires the least cap, has no range modifier, and does middling damage. Iron has the longest range, and the least damage.
To find out your optimal with ammo, load ammo in your guns, then right click and show info. The optimal displayed in the attributes will be adjusted for ammo and skills.
==Tech and Meta Levels==
These fittings were made using Tech 1 Meta 0 modules, or Tech 2 when required. This is partly to avoid confusion with higher meta names. Also, this insures that ship fittings are relatively cheap to get into without spending too much for new players with cash flow difficulties. And during war, pvp fittings using Tech 1 Meta 0 modules are provided by the university.
Higher Meta items up to meta 4 will often be easier to fit. Tech 2 is Meta 5, and harder to fit. Meta 3 and 4 are expensive, often more expensive than Tech 2. Meta 1 and 2 will often be less expensive than Meta 0, due to supply and demand on the market.
==Damage Resistance==
Different rats (NPC pirates) factions have different damage type resistances, and deal different damage types.
Never use amarr drones, due to their low damage multiplier, they are useless even against enemies who's lowest resistance is EM damage. Gallente drones have the highest damage multiplier, and thermal damage is the best or second best damage to deal against most rat types. For level 1 to 3 missions, gallente drones are fine to use exclusively, although switching drones will make more efficient runs. At level 4 missions, it is strongly recommended to always fit the best drone types to match rat weaknesses.
Drone aggro should be watched. When arriving in a mission room, aggro should be aquired by approaching enemies and shooting them with guns.
Hot keys are recommended for drone management. They need to be initially launched manually from the drone window, though hot keys can be set for attack and return to drone bay.
Drone aggro can be used by griefers to flag you for pvp.
In pvp, Gallente and Minmatar drones are used almost exclusively. Gallente drones for their damage potential, Minmatar drones for their speed and explosive damage which armor tankers will not always patch.
==Salvaging Boats==
Salvaging boats are usually used to clean up rooms after missions are complete. To do so, make sure you bookmark one wreck for each room in the mission, since the acceleration gates will disappear after the mission has be turned in at the agent. Once the mission is turned in, the MWD can be used to propel the salvaging boat within tractor range faster.
For level 4 missions, many players switch from the destroyer to a battlecruiser. Unfortunately, the Gallente battlecruisers have 6 or 7 high slots, instead of 8 like for some other races. The hurricane is well liked as a salvaging boat for its speed (for a BC sized ship) and 8 high slots.
==Tank & Gank==
==Learning & Social Skills==
Basic Learning Skills<br>
*Analytical Mind<br>
*Instant Recall<br>
*Iron Will<br>
*Spatial Awareness
Advanced Learning Skills<br>
*Eidetic Memory<br>
Social Skills for easier access to level 2 missions<br>
*Social III<br>
*Connections III

Latest revision as of 20:50, 21 August 2024

This guide provides general information and recommendations for T1 ships of a single player faction.

For more advanced and in-depth information on specific ships refer to EVE ships. This guide simply gathers the characteristics and overview of racial lineups in an easy to browse format for the very new player.

Basic Ship and Skill Overviews -- Amarr | Caldari | Gallente | Minmatar | ORE | Pirate

This guide aims to provide an overview of the different ships and their roles rather than specific fits.

The Gallente Federation is one of the four playable factions and has a unique and distinct line of ships.

Link= Gallente Federation Characteristics

 Tank Type: Icon ISIS defense armor.png Armor
 Main Weapon Systems: Icon ISIS weapon Hybridturrets.png Hybrid Turrets and Icon ISIS weapon Drones.png Drones
 Electronic Warfare: Icon ISIS Sensordampening.png Remote Sensor Dampening and Icon ISIS Warpprevention.png Warp Prevention

General Traits

The following characteristics are shared across most or all Gallente ships:

  • Hybrid Turrets: many Gallente ships have bonuses for hybrid turrets. Hybrid turrets use some capacitor energy to fire, like lasers, but they are less cap-hungry than lasers; they use physical ammunition, like projectile guns, but they have a shorter reload time (5 seconds). Different ammunition types offer trade-offs between range, damage, and capacitor load, but all hybrid turret ammunition deals a mixture of kinetic and thermal damage.
    • Close-ranged blasters track very well and have very high potential DPS, but have short ranges even compared to the other short-ranged weapons (autocannon and pulse lasers). Some Gallente ships are particularly suited to brawling at minimum range with blasters, though they can adopt other tactics too.
    • Long-ranged railguns lack the alpha damage of artillery but can achieve extraordinarily long ranges. Caldari hybrid turret ships are more associated with railguns, but some Gallente turret ships can work well with railguns too.
  • Drones: many Gallente ships have bonuses for drones which make it viable to use drones as your main weapon--or even your only weapon; notable examples are the Algos, Vexor, Myrmidon, and Dominix. Almost all Gallente ships have substantial dronebays and drone bandwidth for their size and class.
  • Armor tanks. Some Gallente ships have bonuses for armor repairers, which let them mount especially good active armor tanks. Some examples include the Incursus, Brutix, and Hyperion. Almost all Gallente ships armor tank well.
  • Sensor Dampening. The Gallente racial EWAR specialty is sensor dampening, which cuts down enemy target locking range and/or slows down enemy targeting speed. Reducing target locking range works well against snipers and kiters; reducing targeting speed works well on large ships (which take a while to lock anything up anyway) and on logistics ships, which have to re-target their allies frequently in order to apply remote support.
  • Tough hulls. Gallente ships have unusually tough hull ("structure") hit points, which means they tend to live a little longer when things turn bad and damage is getting through both the shields and the armor. (Some Gallente ships are frequently hull-tanked as that is just the best way to maximise EHP!)

If there is a broader hallmark of Gallente ships, it is perhaps damage: most Gallente combat ships can muster a lot of potential DPS at short range. The Vexor, for example, can achieve eye-watering potential DPS for a T1 cruiser if fitted with blasters, thanks to having damage bonuses to both turrets and drones. On the other hand, Gallente ships can be a little more fragile (the ships with tanking bonuses have bonuses to active armor tanks, not the resistance bonuses found on Amarr ships), with the lineup including some true "glass cannon" ships such as the Catalyst, and when fitted for DPS Gallente ships need to get to and maintain close ranges with their targets.

Notable uses


The long range and fully selectable damage of drones (set against the locking of hybrid turrets to kinetic and thermal damage) makes the line of Gallente drone boats very popular for PvE combat, as it means that pilots can pack drones to target the damage type that their NPC enemies are weakest to. A typical mission-runner progression might involve the Incursus or Tristan and then the Algos for L1s, the Vexor for L2s, the Myrmidon for L3s, and the Dominix for L4s.

Gallente drone ships are also popular as basic ratting ships in nullsec space, and for initial forays into low-tier Abyssal Deadspace PvE challenges; in both of these use-cases, Gallente ships are eventually elbowed aside in more advanced uses by Guristas ships such as the Gila.

The Catalyst, with its many high slots, makes a good basic salvaging ship.


Short-range brawling with blasters is one of the core Gallente ship archetypes, and unsurprisingly many Gallente ships wind up being used for this in PvP: notable examples include the Catalyst, Thorax, Brutix, and Megathron. Railguns do work on these hulls, though. The Megathron can snipe well, and the Brutix can be turned into a surprisingly fast kiting ship.

The Gallente drone boats are some of the most versatile and unpredictable hulls available for PvP. The hulls without direct bonuses for weapons other than drones, such as the Myrmidon and Dominix, are often fitted with projectile turrets (for additional capacitor-free DPS), energy neutralizers (for capacitor warfare), or remote repair modules (a group of Dominixes can "tank" by repairing each other). Large dronebays mean that drone boat pilots can select damage types and can bring along extra tactical options such as ECM drones. Drones carry on fighting even if their mothership is affected by EWAR or has its capacitor neuted out.

Drone boats are less popular, however, for highly mobile small gangs (drones tend to get left behind in tactical warps) and in large fleets fighting at long range (normal drones take too long to travel to their target, while sentry drones get left behind in fleet movements). Drones also cannot be overheated, unlike hull-mounted weapons systems.

Thanks to its very attractive ratio of high potential DPS to cheap cost, the Catalyst is popular with suicide gankers.


Gallente ships share many core skills with the ships of the other three main factions. Very new pilots should consider EVE University's Short Skill Plan; relatively new pilots should consider the 14 skills which affect every ship, the fitting skills which make it easier to fit modules onto ships, and the support skills which underpin much of your ship's performance. For longer-term training, EVE University's Pyramid Skill Plan offers one useful way of conceiving your goals.

That said, there are some considerations that are specific to Gallente ships. Probably the most prominent one is the early importance of good drone skills. In particular, any Gallente pilot will want to train the "core" skill of this category, Drones, to level V quickly. Drones V is a relatively quick train compared to some advanced skills, but it's likely to be one of the first level Vs that a new Gallente pilot trains, and it will require some patience. It is worthwhile: being able to control a full flight of five drones really matters with many Gallente ships. At the latest, a pilot will want to have Drones V when they start using cruisers, as the Vexor is a fine and versatile ship.

The good news about the early investment in drone skills is that every race's ships eventually have significant dronebays, and so all pilots will one day have to polish these skills; Gallente pilots will just have a head start on others.

Gallente pilots will also want to prioritize skills for armor tanking, and capacitor skills to keep their turrets running. Any Gallente pilots with an interest in electronic warfare should look into the skills Sensor Linking, Signal Suppression, Long Distance Jamming, Frequency Modulation. A fairly new character with these skills trained even just to III or IV can have a significant battlefield impact, and they open up the road to some very powerful advanced ships such as the Keres and Lachesis.


Here are the Gallente T1 ships. Please follow the links to the specific pages of the ship database for more details.


Little more than slower, armed shuttles, corvettes (or "noobships") are the basic frigates that new pilots start with. You can acquire a new corvette at no cost (together with a civilian weapon, a civilian mining laser, and a civilian afterburner) by clicking on the "Board my corvette" button available in the station menu when you're docked up. On their own, corvettes are useful for little other than basic errand-running, though since the ship is free a corvette can be spawned as a makeshift small station container when no other containers are available.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
10 m³
drone capacity
10 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
135 m³
cargo capacity
150 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
175 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
23.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
54 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
305 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Role Bonus:
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage
20% bonus to Drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield
15% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
15% bonus to Armor Repairer amount

The Velator class corvette is one of the older vessel types in the Gallente fleet. It was first deployed on the market as a fast passenger craft but the extra passenger quarters were later modified into weapon hardpoints as the newer models came to be used for small-scale security and military duties. The Velator is still a very solid mining and trading vessel.

A Velator can be used for the initial tutorial missions, but pilots should consider up-shipping to a T1 frigate when they can.


Frigates are small, fast ships, used often for PvE in level 1 missions. They are also used for tackling and electronic warfare roles in PvP.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
145 m³
cargo capacity
300 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
350 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
25.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
35 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
420 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret falloff
5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage
Role Bonus:
80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost

The Atron is a hard nugget with an advanced power conduit system, but little space for cargo. Although it is a good harvester when it comes to mining, its main ability is as a combat vessel.

The Atron is the Gallente Attack Frigate. It is designed to be fast and has a capacitor bonus to tackle modules and bonuses to hybrid turrets, favouring blasters. The Atron doesn't have great firepower and it still isn't the most durable of ships, but with its speed and agility, good piloting can keep it alive while tackling a target while other ships deliver the punch. Furthermore, it can serve as a level 1 mission runner until Gallente Frigate III is trained for the Incursus and Gallente Destroyer I for the Catalyst.

The Atron is a great hull for new pilots interested in learning how to +1. The agile but fragile ship will assist new pilots in understanding some of the limitations of Interceptors. It can serve as an amazing long-point tackle ship.

"Scram Chasing" might be difficult and lethal in the Atron and should be left for tankier hulls like the Incursus.

The Atron is the "fastest" T1 attack Frigate. While the Minmatar Slasher is (originally) 10m/s faster than the Atron, the three low slots allow adding an Overdrive or Nanofiber Hull resulting in a faster ship while still retaining the same tank. A large capacitor allows a stable fit relatively easily, allowing you to keep point on a target for prolonged times until your fleet or gang arrives on grid. In addition, an ample Power Grid and CPU make the Atron easy to fit with little training.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
40 m³
drone capacity
20 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
400 m³
cargo capacity
275 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
325 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
35 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
41 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
330 m/s
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe strength
5% reduction in Salvager cycle duration

Role Bonus:
+5 bonus to Relic and Data Analyzer virus strength

The Imicus is a slow but hard-shelled frigate, ideal for any type of scouting activity. Used by merchant, miner and combat groups, the Imicus is usually relied upon as the operation's eyes and ears when traversing low security sectors.

The Imicus is the Gallente Tech 1 exploration and scanning frigate. It is a good ship for rookies or veterans who are getting into probing and don't have the skills for the T2 version, the Helios. Its bonus to virus strength allows it to complete Data and Relic sites faster and more reliably.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
5 m³
drone capacity
5 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
165 m³
cargo capacity
400 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
450 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
30.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
42 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
340 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount
5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage

The Incursus may be found both spearheading and bulwarking Gallente military operations. Its speed makes it excellent for skirmishing duties, while its resilience helps it outlast its opponents on the battlefield. Incursus-class ships move together in groups and can quickly and effectively gang up on ships many times their size and overwhelm them. In recent years the Incursus has increasingly found its way into the hands of pirates, who love its aggressive appearance.

The Incursus is the typical PvE and PvP frigate for Gallente players. It is faster and has a better scan resolution than the Tristan, which makes it better for tackling in PvP. The Incursus will likely deal more damage than a Tristan for pilots without Drones V.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
30 m³
drone capacity
20 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
275 m³
cargo capacity
300 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
350 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
64.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
40 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
375 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
10% reduction in Remote Sensor Dampener activation cost

The Maulus is a high-tech vessel, specialized for electronic warfare. It is particularly valued in fleet warfare due to its optimization for sensor dampening technology.

The Maulus is an electronic warfare frigate, specialized in dampening. Its low locking range makes it ineffective at range damping snipers. However, it can resolution damp effectively with the help of ECM in the fleet.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
5 m³
drone capacity
5 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
280 m³
cargo capacity
250 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
400 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
38.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
36 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
410 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer amount
10% reduction in Remote Armor Repairer activation cost
Role Bonus:
50% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer optimal range
600% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer falloff

In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Gallente Federation, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Navitas.

The Navitas had been a solid mining vessel that had seen wide use by independent excavators, along with being one of the best ships available for budding traders and even for much-maligned scavengers. After its redesign, its long-range scanners and sturdy outer shell gave way entirely for remote repairing capabilities, moving the Navitas away from the calming buzz of mining lasers and into the roar of battle.

The Navitas is the Gallente logistics frigate and is designed for remote armor repair. It makes an ideal entry point for beginner Gallente capsuleers who want to train into the Exequror, the Gallente Tier 1 logistics Cruiser, before eventually moving on to the Tier 2 Oneiros.

Note: The Navitas is designed to be self-sufficient on capacitor (i.e. to fly without the need of a cap chain) like its larger variants: the Exequror and Oneiros. However, logistics capsuleers can cross-train into the Amarr Augoror relatively easily, and from there to the T2 AmarrGuardian although both of these ships require a cap chain.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
40 m³
drone capacity
25 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
140 m³
cargo capacity
350 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
450 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
40.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
41 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
315 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and tracking speed

Often nicknamed The Fat Man, this nimble little frigate is mainly used by the Federation in escort duties or on short-range patrols. The Tristan has been very popular throughout Gallente space for years because of its versatility. It is rather expensive, but buyers will definitely get their money's worth, as the Tristan is one of the more powerful frigates available on the market.

The Tristan is an excellent frigate for PvP and PvE. It is a dedicated drone boat - the only T1 frigate that can operate 5 drones - and thus requires high drone skills to be flown effectively. It offers a bonus to both Hybrid Turret tracking speed and Drone hitpoints and tracking speed. However, it is slower and has less scan resolution than the Incursus, making it slightly worse for a dedicated tackling role in fleets.


Destroyers are ships slightly larger than frigates. They use the same sized modules as frigates, and they have more high slots. They are often used in PvE for Level 1 missions, and as salvaging ships for pilots that have not yet acquired a ORENoctis.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
60 m3
drone capacity
35 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
350 m3
cargo capacity
800 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
850 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
42 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
72 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
245 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed
Role Bonus:
25% bonus to Drone max velocity

The Algos, as is custom with the Gallente, relies on swiftness of action - preferably at a respectable distance - to accomplish its goals. In this it reflects well-honed Gallente values, which include taking independent action without taking forever to wait for a committee decision, and also doing so, if at all possible, in a fashion that allows for a nice, safe buffer for immediate retreat; because theory is one thing, and practice is sometimes quite another. As such, the Algos focuses on being able to hit its targets in rapid-fire fashion, with guns that fire fast and drones that race through space with destruction in mind.

The Algos is the second step on the Gallente drone boat path, between the Tristan and Vexor. It is slightly bulkier than the Catalyst, and since it is capable of fitting a full flight of salvage drones in addition to a rack of railguns, the Algos is an excellent choice for L1 mission running. Unlike larger ships (i.e. the Vexor), the Algos is designed to be flown with very low skill points; with that in mind, it is the only drone ship where Drones V is not an absolute necessity - although it should still be a top priority for new Gallente pilots. The Algos is a versatile destroyer, capable of running either rails or blasters while pushing through a respectable amount of DPS.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
450 m³
cargo capacity
750 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
800 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
33.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
68 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
265 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret falloff
Role Bonus:
50% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range

Ideally suited for both skirmish warfare and fleet support, the Catalyst is touted as one of the best anti-frigate platforms out there. Faced with its top-of-the-line tracking equipment, not many can argue.

The Catalyst is a Gallente destroyer. Its bonuses favor blasters, though it can also be rail fit. It has 2 mids, allowing it to fit a tackle module, and 3 low slots for an armor tank. Unfortunately, the Catalyst is still a destroyer, so it has a large signature for its tank, making it vulnerable to cruiser weapons, and its slow speed and lack of mid slots means it will have difficulty dictating range against frigates, which is important for a blaster ship. A railgun fit Catalyst is a very fast L1 mission runner but has trouble tanking level 2s. The catalyst's very high damage at short range makes it the ship of choice for high sec suicide ganks, as it is able to easily reach 900 Dps with T2 guns.

Like all destroyers, the Catalyst is also a great entry-level salvager ship on a player's path to a ORENoctis.


Cruisers are EVE's medium-sized ships, larger than frigates and destroyers but still much smaller, faster and nimbler than battlecruisers and battleships. Cruisers mount medium-sized weapons and modules. Tech 1 cruiser hulls cost a few million ISK and tend to be the first major financial step up from frigates for new pilots.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
50 m³
drone capacity
50 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
320 m³
cargo capacity
1,200 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,300 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
75.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
135 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
210 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener optimal range and falloff

The Celestis cruiser is a versatile ship which can be employed in a myriad of roles, making it handy for small corporations with a limited number of ships. True to Gallente style the Celestis is especially deadly in close quarters combat due to its advanced targeting systems.

The Celestis is the Gallente EWAR cruiser. It can be made surprisingly tough for an EWAR cruiser with its 5 lows. Its extra lock range and bonus to sensor dampener range make it considerably better at range damping snipers than the smaller Maulus.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
50 m³
drone capacity
50 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
495 m³
cargo capacity
1,000 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,400 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
55.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
80 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
240 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
12.5% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer amount
5% reduction in Remote Armor Repairer activation cost
Role Bonus:
430% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer optimal range and falloff
100% bonus to Logistic Drone transfer amount

In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Gallente Federation the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Exequoror.

The Exequror was a heavy cargo cruiser originally strong enough to defend itself against raiding frigates, though it lacked prowess in heavier combat situations. After its redesign, it had some of that bulk - and, necessarily, some of that strength - yanked out and replaced with the capability to help others in heavy combat situations, in particular those who needed armor repairs.

The Exequror is the Gallente logistics cruiser. Its bonuses to remote armor repair range and power allow it to serve as a T1 armor logistic cruiser. It is an effective ship for new logistics pilots.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
50 m³
drone capacity
50 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
465 m³
cargo capacity
1,200 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,600 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
52.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
120 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
240 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret tracking speed

The Thorax-class cruiser is the latest combat ship commissioned by the Federation. While the Thorax is a very effective ship at any range, typical of modern Gallente design philosophy it is most effective when working at extreme close range where its blasters and hordes of combat drones tear through even the toughest of enemies.

The Thorax is a gun boat, designed to use hybrid turrets. In PvP, the Thorax is used as a hard hitting blaster boat. This can be highly effective but is very "do or die", and will make most Thoraxes' lives glorious but short. In PvE, the Thorax is less popular; the slow and steady style of the Vexor is more suited to mission running. Despite this, the Thorax can be popular as a first mission running cruiser, because most pilots will have trained gunnery skills while piloting frigates and destroyers, while they will probably have neglected the drone skills required to use a Vexor effectively. Having said that, the Thorax has a 50 m3 drone bay, so will also benefit greatly from drone skills.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
125 m³
drone capacity
75 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
480 m³
cargo capacity
1,100 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
2,000 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
52.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
145 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
195 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield

The Vexor is a strong combat ship that is also geared to operate in a variety of other roles. The Vexor is especially useful for surveying in potentially hostile sectors as it can stay on duty for a very long time before having to return to base. Furthermore, it is well capable of defending itself against even concentrated attacks.

The Vexor, like the Myrmidon and Dominix, is a drone boat. The Vexor is an excellent mission ship, and can also be a good PvP ship. It has 75mb of drone bandwidth, allowing it to field a mixed flight of medium and heavy drones at a time, and has the drone bay to carry a few replacements or an additional flight of light drones. This gives the Vexor great flexibility for long roams, where it can carry a full flight of medium and light damage drones, as well as a flight of light repair or EWAR drones to deploy as the situation dictates. While the Vexor has a bonus to hybrid guns, this can be ignored if desired due to a large amount of the Vexor's DPS coming from drones anyway, and Vexors with autocannons, nosferatu and/or neutralisers are common. With 4 mids and 5 lows, Vexors are most often armor tanked.

The Vexor is also a great ship to use for salvaging missions as they are completed. By using 2 Salvagers, a Small Tractor Beam, a Drone Link Augmentor, and a single Hybrid Turret (to draw aggro) in the high slots a moderately drone-skilled capsuleer can securely complete level 2 missions while salvaging. Salvaging level 2 missions is debatably profitable however the salvage/mission fit Vexor can complete level 2s in respectable time when compared to a straight mission fit Vexor.

Among T1 cruisers the Vexor is a little more skill demanding than the Thorax. In particular, you should not get a Vexor unless you have at least Drones IV and should make getting Drones V a high priority.


Battlecruisers are larger, slower, and have more slots than cruisers, but they're smaller than battleships and fit the same medium-sized weapons that cruisers use. They occupy a position between cruisers and battleships analogous to destroyers' position between frigates and cruisers, although battlecruisers are much more versatile and widely used than destroyers.

Combat Battlecruiser: INFORMATION
Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
75 m³
drone capacity
50 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
475 m³
cargo capacity
3,500 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
4,500 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
60.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
305 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
160 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount
Role Bonus:
• Can use one Command Burst module
25% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range and falloff
50% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range

One of the most ferocious war vessels to ever spring from Gallente starship design, the Brutix is a behemoth in every sense of the word. When this hard-hitting monster appears, the battlefield takes notice.

The Brutix is renowned for its high DPS potential in PvP. It is also a popular suicide gank ship.

Although Gallente ships are usually better armor tanked, the Brutix benefits from a shield tank in several areas. Low slots can be dedicated to gank modules to increase DPS. The shield tank Brutix also has the advantage of being faster than an armor tank, which means it can get into the short blaster range sooner.

Combat Battlecruiser: INFORMATION
Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
200 m³
drone capacity
100 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
400 m³
cargo capacity
3,500 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
4,500 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
55.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
305 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
145 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount
Role Bonus:
• Can use one Command Burst module
12.5% bonus to Drone microwarp velocity
50% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range

Worried that their hot-shot pilots would burn brightly in their eagerness to engage the enemy, the Federation Navy created a ship that encourages caution over foolhardiness. A hardier version of its counterpart, the Myrmidon is a ship designed to persist in battle. Its numerous medium and high slots allow it to slowly bulldoze its way through the opposition, while its massive drone space ensures that no enemy is left unscathed.

The Myrmidon is the typical level 3 missioning ship. It can fit a passive shield tank like the Drake, but most Gallente players will focus on armor tanking skills, and its armor repair bonus makes it an excellent armor tanker.

The Myrmidon can also be an excellent PvP ship, though the damage potential is less than the Brutix with most fittings. It is sometimes used in PvP with dual or triple reps. The Myrmidon has a 100 Mb drone bandwidth. Ogres may have difficulty tracking targets smaller than battleships, and travel time can also be an issue depending on the initial engagement range. Pilots without T2 ogres may wish to use hammerheads, valkyries, warriors, and ec-300 drones in their drone bay instead.

Attack Battlecruiser: INFORMATION
Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
25 m³
drone capacity
25 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
600 m³
cargo capacity
1,750 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,890 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
70.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
220 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
220 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed
Role Bonus:
95% reduction in Large Hybrid Turret powergrid requirement
50% reduction in Large Hybrid Turret CPU requirement
50% reduction in Large Hybrid Turret activation cost

The Talos began in YC 110 as an R&D concept by ORE. Conceived as a patrol craft for mining operations in lawless space, the Talos would have been abandoned completely were it not adopted by the Black Eagles, a black-ops branch of the Gallente government. The Black Eagles stripped the Talos of non-essential systems and bolted on battleship-class weapons, creating a quick-strike craft ideal for guerilla action.

The Talos remained a military secret until YC 113, when it was introduced into wider circulation as a third tier battlecruiser. Today the Talos is manufactured by Duvolle Labs, who modified the original ORE designs to bring it in line with Gallente standards.

The Talos is the Gallente Attack Battlecruiser. With damage and a tracking bonus, it focuses on blasters, providing very high DPS, but limited range. In short, it has the DPS of a Megathron and the tank of a Thorax. However, with the range of heavy blasters and the second highest speed of the Tier 3 battlecruisers a shield-tanking Talos can be an effective kiter. A very good write-up can be found on The Altruist's blog.


Battleships ("BSs", sometimes "BBs" from US Navy terminology) are the biggest, heaviest sub-capital combat ships in the game. They are correspondingly expensive, with even the cheapest battleship hulls selling for many tens of millions of ISK. Tech 1 battleships are standard tools in PvP and PvE combat. There are two classes of Tech 2 battleships: Marauders, which are specialized for mission-running, and Black Ops battleships, which can transport fleets of stealthy ships across long distances using covert cynosural fields.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
375 m³
drone capacity
125 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
750 m³
cargo capacity
7,920 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
8,800 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
84.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
465 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
109 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
7.5% bonus to Drone optimal range and tracking speed
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

The Dominix is one of the old warhorses dating back to the Gallente-Caldari War. While no longer regarded as the king of the hill, it is by no means obsolete. Its formidable hulk and powerful drone arsenal means that anyone not in the largest and latest battleships will regret ever locking horns with it.

The Dominix (aka Domi) is one of two T1 battleship drone carriers, with a bonus to drone damage and hit points. It has the 125mb bandwidth required to field a full flight of heavy or sentry drones and a 375 m3 drone bay large enough to carry several flights of heavies, sentries, mediums, and/or lights. The Dominix's ability to choose damage types by switching drones makes it an attractive Level 4 mission runner. With its 5 mid slots and 7 low slots, the Dominix is normally armor tanked. Compared to the Amarr Armageddon, the Dominix has bonuses towards drone tracking and optimal--this helps a little with normal drones but is most useful when using sentry drones.

Since Dominixes get a lot of their damage from drones, some high slots are often used for utility modules instead of weapons. One or two drone link augmentors will be required to make the most of the Dominix's maximum range with sentries. Remote repair Dominixes are also common. The Dominix lacks a bonus towards any particular type of weapon, so which guns (if any) are fitted are up to the pilot's taste. This flexibility, along with the ability to carry utility drones such as EWAR or repair, and the low price, also make the Dominix a popular pick for PvP. For capacitor warfare in particular, however, the AmarrArmageddon has better bonuses.

The Dominix is sometimes humorously called the "Space Potato" because of its squat and round appearance.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
175 m³
drone capacity
125 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
845 m³
cargo capacity
8,250 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
8,800 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
85.40 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
485 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
115 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

Recognizing the necessity for a blaster platform to round out their high-end arsenal, the Federation Navy brought in top-level talent to work on the Hyperion. The result: one of the most lethal and versatile gunboats ever to take to the dark skies.

For PvP fleets, the Hyperion doesn't get much love. In battleship fleets, remote repping is far superior, making the local rep bonus pointless. For Uni operations, it might act as a decent bait ship during lowsec patrols for pilots with too much ISK on their hands.

However, for incursions, the Hyperion is an excellent starter blaster boat. The Hyperions bonus of 10% per level of Gallente Battleship gives it good damage output for a T1 Battleship, while its 5 medium slots allow fitting a comfortable amount of shield resistances, a web, and a sensor booster for vanguard sites, or a microwarp drive for assaults or headquarter sites. Most pilots aiming to fly a Vindicator for incursions will start out flying a Hyperion.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
75 m³
drone capacity
75 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
845 m³
cargo capacity
6,930 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
7,150 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
87.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
380 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
122 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret rate of fire
7.5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there.

The Megathron is one of the best PvP ships available to the Gallente. With its high amount of high slots and low slots, it can fit a sporty tank while dealing out a relatively high amount of DPS. Common setups for the Megathron include "Blaster"-throns and "Sniper"-throns, the former being a close range blaster fitted ship while the latter being a railgun fitted long range ship.


The Gallente haulers provide tremendous flexibility in hauling. The Nereus and the Iteron Mark V are the "standard" haulers, with the Nereus focusing on speed and tank over cargo capacity, and the Iteron Mark V focusing on the opposite. The Kryos, Epithal and Miasmos are specialized haulers with massive cargo bays for specific cargo (minerals, planetary commodities, and ore, respectively).

T1 haulers are useful to transport large amounts of cargo, but they are vulnerable to suicide ganks in highsec, and piracy in lowsec. For war time hauling, a hauling alt is recommended. See the Creating an Alt Hauler article for more information.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
30 m³
drone capacity
15 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
2,700 m³
cargo capacity
960 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,050 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
37.5 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
185 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
130 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship cargo capacity
5% bonus to ship inertia modifier
Role Bonus:
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue

Originally set to sail under the guise of "Iteron", this new iteration of an old stalwart is fast and reliable. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries due to its low price and ability to be fitted in myriad different ways. Despite its speed and resilience, however, it may need to be guarded while in particularly unfriendly territories, which is why it has also been outfitted with a drone bay for extra protection.

The Nereus is the agile, tanked Gallente hauler. Its cargo hold can expand to 11 372  m3 (no rigs), its align time can be reduced to 3.6 s, with a warp speed of 4.5 AU/s.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
550 m³
cargo capacity
600 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
700 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
41.25 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
210 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
120 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to ship mineral hold capacity
10% bonus to ship Icehold capacity
5% bonus to ship max velocity
Role Bonus:
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue

Aside from being endowed with the usual hauling capabilities of haulers, the Kryos possesses two extra cargo bays. They are both equipped with precise temperature and pressure controls; the first is celebrated specifically for ferrying minerals, while the second is calibrated at the extremely low temperatures required for harvested cosmic ice. The Kryos was originally designed as a variant of the Iteron, but eventually evolved to perform an entirely separate role.

The Kryos was changed from Iteron Mark II with the deployment of the Odyssey 1.1 patch. Its cargo hold was reduced in size and a dedicated mineral bay was added.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
550 m³
cargo capacity
580 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
740 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
45 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
195 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
120 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to ship planetary commodity hold capacity
5% bonus to ship max velocity
Role Bonus:
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue

Aside from being endowed with the usual carrying capabilities of haulers, the Epithal possesses two extra cargo bays. The Planetary Commodities Hold is equipped with sealed sub-chambers capable of maintaining hospitable environments for practically any kind of organism or entity, from biocells to viral agents, and is meant solely for ferrying planetary commodities. The Command Center Hold is equipped to handle up to six Command Centers at one time. The Epithal was originally designed as a variant of the Iteron, but eventually evolved to perform an entirely separate role.

The Epithal was known as the Iteron Mark III prior to the deployment of Odyssey 1.1. Its cargo hold was reduced in size and a bay was added for hauling planetary industry (PI) materials or planetary commodities.

Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
550 m³
cargo capacity
590 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
710 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
48.75 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
205 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
120 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to ship mining hold capacity
5% bonus to ship max velocity
Role Bonus:
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue

Aside from being endowed with the usual hauling capabilities of Haulers, the Miasmos possesses an extra cargo bay. That bay is equipped with sealed, temperature-controlled vats, and is meant solely for ferrying all types of interstellar ore: ice, gasses and asteroids. The Miasmos was originally designed as a variant of the Iteron, but eventually evolved to perform an entirely separate role.

The Miasmos is designed to haul raw ore in large amounts.

Iteron Mark V
Gallente Federation
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
5,800 m³
cargo capacity
540 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
650 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
52.5 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
220 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
105 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Gallente Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship cargo capacity
5% bonus to ship max velocity
Role Bonus:
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue

This lumbering giant is the latest and last iteration in a chain of haulers. It is the only one to retain the original "Iteron"-class callsign, but while all the others eventually evolved into specialized versions, the Iteron Mk. V still does what haulers do best: Transporting enormous amounts of goods and commodities between the stars.

With the Odyssey 1.0 expansion, the Iteron V was the largest T1 hauler available. However, the Odyssey 1.1 industrial rebalance gave the Bestower the highest potential cargo, the Mammoth, the fastest travel time, the Tayra a launcher and highest base cargohold, and made the Iteron Mark V average all-around due to the conversion of the Iteron Mark 2/3/4 into specialized ships for minerals, planetary commodities and ore. [1]

Hybrid turret ammo Ttips

Main article: Hybrid Ammo

Different kinds of hybrid turret ammunition carry different trade-offs in range, capacitor use, and damage. Antimatter requires the most capacitor, has the shortest range, and does the most damage. Lead requires the least capacitor, has no range modifier, and does middling damage. Iron has the longest range and the least damage.

In PvE combat, pilots could consider carrying 3 types of ammo, and switch when required. By default, close range (Antimatter or Plutonium) ammo should be used. If you are taking too much damage at close range, switch to medium range (Lead or Thorium) or long range (Iron or Tungsten) ammo, and fire from further away.

For PvP, faction Antimatter ammunition and T2 Null are used for brawling with blasters, while sniping railguns often use T2 Spike (rails).

Drone tips

Main article: Drone mechanics

Small drones should be used against frigate-sized enemies, medium drones should be used against cruiser-sized enemies, and heavy drones should be used against battleship-sized enemies. Sentries are mostly meant for battleship-sized enemies, but if smaller enemies are far enough that tracking and signature radius isn't an issue, they can deal relatively well with those.

All four races' drones are viable in PvE and you should select drones that deal the damage type which your target NPCs are weakest.

Watch out for enemies attacking your drones. If you're in a dedicated drone boat and see your drones taking damage, recall them: they are your main weapon and you don't want to be defanged. In PvE combat, try to get the NPCs to attack you before you launch your drones.

Keyboard / auxiliary mouse button shortcuts are recommended for drone management. Shortcuts can be set for attack and return to drone bay commands. One group of drones in the drone window can be designated as your "favorite", and a button can be assigned to the command "launch favorite group of drones".

In general, it is better to keep drones in Passive mode. In missions and wormholes, drones set to Aggressive can trigger a new wave earlier than desired. In PvP, drones set to Aggressive can give you an unwanted weapon timer which then prevents you from docking up or jumping through a gate to safety.

Related links

Ship Skill and Fitting Overviews -- Amarr | Caldari | Gallente | Minmatar | ORE | Pirate Factions