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The Ploy is a guide to simultaneously increasing Amarr Empire, Caldari State, Gallente Federation and Minmatar Republic Faction Standing to 5.0 as quickly as possible.
Advanteges | Drawbacks |
Access to all seven Epic Arcs | Hard to achieve 7.0 Faction Standing with any Empire |
Access to all Empire Level 4 Mission Agents | Derived Standing from Storyline Missions may drop you below 5.0 |
Reduced Broker Fee in all major Trade Hubs |
Social V (1x) to gain more Standing from each Mission. You can manage with Social IV, but the guide assumes you've trained Social V.
Connections IV (3x) to decrease the amount of Unmodified Standing you need to achieve 5.0 Effective Standing with each Faction.
Early in your capsuleer adventures:
- Avoid accepting Missions against an Empire; the Gallente will want you to fight the Caldari: decline it
- Complete the Career Agent Missions no more then once as you'll need the other two sets later
- Pick your favorite Empire and increase their Standing first
- Run Missions for as few Corporations in each Empire as possible
Tips for getting the sum of 20.0 Empire Standing:
- Do Level 4 Security Missions; blitz them with other pilots to speed up their completion
- Every 16th completed Mission you will be sent a Storyline Mission
- Sisters of EVE Epic Arc The Blood Stained Stars increases your Standing by 7% towards an Empire of your choice
- Standings set up in specific way, to ensure that target (5.0 with all Empires) is reachable
- At least 2 Career agents from each faction are available to run - if that's not possible, other means can be used, but with significant drawbacks
- Capability to run empire Epic Arcs - in terms of ship/skills
- Main faction chosen - faction for which you have the best standings (or the worst standings for it's enemy)
- Copy of Google spreadsheet
How it works
Standing | Amarr | Caldari | Gallente | Minmatar |
Amarr[1] | 1.0 | 0.7 | -0.2 | -0.5 |
Caldari | 0.5 | 1.0 | -0.5 | -2.0 |
Gallente | -0.2 | -0.5 | 1.0 | 8.0 |
Minmatar | -0.5 | -0.2 | 0.8 | 1.0 |
Storyline Missions will start decreasing your total sum of Empire Standings. This is because negative Derived Standing will become greater then positive Effective Standing gain.
Standings gain mechanics
When standings go up or down they do so as a percentage; this is always a percentage decay towards the extreme end of the scale. For example, if someone has 1.0 standing with an NPC corporation and completes a mission that changes standing by +5%, then the current standing is increased by 5% of the difference from 1 to 10; that's a change of +0.45 with an end result of 1.45. However, if someone else with a 4.0 standing completes the same mission under the same circumstances and also gets a 5% increase, then that's 5% of the difference from 4 to 10; that's a change of +0.30 with an end result of 4.30.
If something causes a standing decrease, then it's a percentage decay towards −10. For example, if someone with 1.0 standing suffers a −5% change, then that's 5% of the difference from 1 to −10; that's a change of −0.55 with an end result of 0.45. If someone with 4.0 standing suffers that same −5% change, then it's 5% of the difference from 4 to −10; that's a change of −0.7 with an end result of 3.3.
The formula for standing increase is
- [math] \text{ New standing} = \text{Old standing} + ( 10 - \text{Old standing} ) \times \text{Standing increase} [/math]
The formula for standing decrease is almost same, just towards -10
- [math] \text{ New standing} = \text{Old standing} + ( -10 - \text{Old standing} ) \times \text{Standing decrease} [/math]
where Standing decrease is the decimal form of standing change. For example 0.4% would be 0.004.
The consequence of this math is that the higher your standings are, the less effective standings increases become and the more dramatic penalties become. For example a standing loss of 1% turns 9.0 standing into 8.81 but increase of 1% would bring 9.0 standing to 9.01.
The Ploy
"The Ploy" is detailed plan how to get to 5.0 standings. This is the fastest way I've found - and has specific requirements:
- Standings set up in specific way, to ensure that target (5.0 with all Empires) is reachable
- Social skill trained to V and Connection skills trained to IV or V - depending on your connections level you will need different standings at start
- At least 2 Career agents from each faction are available to run - if that's not possible, other means can be used, but with significant drawbacks
- Capability to run empire Epic Arcs - in terms of ship/skills
- Main faction chosen - faction for which you have the best standings (or the worst standings for it's enemy)
- Copy of Google spreadsheet
Step 1. Adjusting standings
To be able to start this plan, you need unmodified standings set in one of following ways:
Chosen Path | ||||||||
Required Standings | Connections IV | Connections V | ||||||
Gallente | Caldari | Minmatar | Amarr | Gallente | Caldari | Minmatar | Amarr | |
Gallente | 3.74 | 1.28 | 3.75 | 0.08 | 3.17 | 0.65 | 3.17 | -0.62 |
Caldari | 1.55 | 3.92 | 0.35 | 3.92 | 0.93 | 3.36 | -0.32 | 3.35 |
Minmatar | 3.60 | 0.15 | 3.60 | 1.35 | 3.03 | -0.55 | 3.03 | 0.72 |
Amarr | 1.09 | 4.10 | 2.21 | 4.11 | 0.46 | 3.57 | 1.63 | 3.58 |
Alternatively, "Selector" sheet in Google spreadsheet allows you to put your current standings and check for which path the requirement are met.
This is minimum required to follow. Differences between main faction and required standings are result of asymmetrical standings gains modifiers between Amarr and Caldari. It's way easier to grind standings now, than to try fix it later. If you're stuck in place where on faction is too low, you can run COSMOS missions or datacenters or more storylines to make it up. If you start with standings below these, you will not be able to finish it - keep that in mind before starting. Since the whole process is long, you might want to run SoE epic arc to fix last faction to required level. Keep in mind that SoE will give you around 0.7 gain if run for enemy faction - so it's best to run it for faction with the lowest standings.
If you have required total standings, but they need to be balanced, you can run Storyline/COSMOS/Datacenter missions for faction with lowest standings. COSMOS and Datacenter missions are one-time only - keep in mind that you won't be able to repeat them.
Step 2. Last check
Check if you have Social at V, standings above minimums. For now you should stop running storyline missions - they will mess up this plan
Step 3. Career agents
Run all 8 Career agent chains, in following order:
- Major enemy
- Minor enemy
- Major enemy
- Minor enemy
- Chosen faction
- Friendly faction
- Chosen faction
- Friendly faction
Alternatively, you can copy this sheet: Google spreadsheet, and use "Simulator" sheet, which will show for which factions you have to run.
The main point if this part of The Ploy is to get both friendly empires to 5.0 modified standing (to be able to run Epic Arcs) and keep both enemy factions at correct level, which will be required later.
Step 4. Epic Arcs
With 3.81 (Standings V) or 4.10 (Standings IV) you have 2 Epic arcs unlocked - run them both, picking standings reward (Minmatar!) and avoiding standing losses (Minmatar Arc has unavoidable ASmarr loss of 0.004, and Caldari Arc has potential losses that can be avoided). This will push friendly empires to 4.75 - which allows us to lower them in next step, while gaining standings for 2 enemy factions.
Step 5. Rebalancing
This is the tedious step. Right now storyline missions give very small net standings gains, they only shift them around. What you need to achieve are (minimum) the following standings:
Chosen faction - 3.81
Friendly faction - 3.81
Major enemy - 3.00
Minor enemy - 2.30
To get to that point, you need to run 7 Storyline missions with 1% reward - faster storylines to farm come from L2 Distro missions. Simply run L2 distro missions for Major and Minor enemy factions, either swapping them every couple of missions, or start with Major enemy and run it until Chosen faction drops to 3.96. If you choose corps required for Step 6 - it will shorten whole process
With this step 2 faction are complete - at 3.81 unmodified, you have effective 5.05 with Connections V
Step 6. Last two
This step might take the longest. To Close the gap for two remaining factions, you need:
- Major enemy - run faction Epic Arc
- Minor enemy - run faction Epic Arc, then SoE Epic Arc - the order is important if you started with minimum standings!
Step 7. Deviations from The Ploy
If needed, whole plan can be adjusted to suit your needs. Two possible adjustments:
- Step 3 - If your initial standings are higher that minimum required
You can skip some Career agents (they are very useful for Step 5 if available) - but keep in mind that you still need to achieve desired results after Step 3, which are available in Google Spreadsheet . Due to asymmetrical standings modifiers these requirements are different depending on Friendly/Enemy faction chosen. Having wrong requirements after Step 3 might delay whole process by 90-180 days, needed for next run of Epic Arcs.
- Step 5 - If your standings are higher, or other means of standings gain are available
You can skip some Storyline missions and replace them with Career agents, COSMOS or Datacenters - again, important thing is to achieve desired results. Assuming Connections V, for all starting factions it's 3.81 with two friendly factions and 2.3 and 3.0 with enemy factions. With initially high standings it's also possible to achieve 3.0 with both enemy factions, which skips one SoE Epic arc. If 3.0 and 3.2 is achieved with enemy factions, one faction Epic Arc can be changed to SoE Epic Arc, which is significantly easier, but offers less rewards.
- ^ Row reads: completing an Amarr Storyline Mission will add 100% of the Standing value to Amarr, 70% to Caldari, -20% to Gallente and -50% to Minmatar.