Storyline mission reports

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Notes: Creating a list from the missions reported in Category:Storyline missions

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Last edited: 15:46, 23 February 2024 (UTC)

This is a list of reported storyline missions.

Encounter missions only really need the volume column used when bringing something to or from the mission location is part of the objective.

Name Level Type Volume
A Case of Kidnapping (Level 1) 1 Encounter 30
A Case of Kidnapping (Level 4) 4 Encounter ?
A Desperate Rescue 2 Courier 300
A Different Drone 1 Courier 320
3 Courier 4,500
A Force to be Reckoned with (Angel Cartel) 3 Encounter -
A Force to be Reckoned with (Blood Raiders) 3 Encounter -
A Force to be Reckoned with (Serpentis) 3 Encounter -
A Greener World 1 Courier 320
3 Courier 4,500
A Little Work On The Side 1 courier 320
? courier 4,500
A Load of Scrap 2 Courier 320
A Piece of History 1 Courier 120
A Special Delivery 1 Courier 50
2 Courier 1,500
3 Courier 7,500
4 Courier 40,000
A Watchful Eye 1 Courier 320
Amarrian Tyrants (Level 1) 1 Encounter -
Amarrian Tyrants (Level 2) 2 Encounter -
Amarrian Tyrants (Level 3) 3 Encounter -
Ambushed Ally 2 Encounter -
Amphibian Error 2 Courier 320
4 Courier 8,000
An End to Eavesdropping 1 Encounter -
Ancient Treasures ? ? 320 Based on objective and briefing this is probably a Courier mission.
It is not marked as Storyline but it is categorized as such.
Black Ops Crisis 2 Courier 450
4 Courier 7,500
Blood Farm 4 Encounter -
Brand New Harvesters 2 Courier 320
Clearing a Path 2 Encounter -
Covering your Tracks (Level 3) 3 Encounter 0.1
Covering your Tracks (Level 4) 4 Encounter
Crowd Control 4 Encounter -
Culture Clash 1 Courier 320
3 Courier 4,500
Diplomatic Incident 4 Encounter - In Storyline category, not marked as.
Dissidents 4 Encounter - In Storyline category, not marked as.
Ditanium 1 Courier 300
Divine Intervention 1 Courier 300
Eradication ? Courier 4,500
Evolution 4 Encounter -
Extract The Renegade 4 Encounter ?
Fetching Friends 2 Encounter ?
Fire and Ice 1 Courier 448
Fire and Ice 4 Courier 8,000
Forgotten Outpost 4 Encounter -
Gate to Nowhere 4 Encounter - In Storyline category, not marked as.
Guristas Strike 3 Mission chain 0.1-22 7x Encounter, 3x Courier. Only the final mission gives faction standing.
Heart of the Rogue Drone 2 Courier 320
4 Courier 8,000
Hidden Hope 4 encounter -
Hunting Black Dog 4 Courier 7,500
Illegal Mining 4 Encounter -
Innocents In The Crossfire 4 Encounter 3
Insorum Hijacking 4 Encounter ?
Jealous Rivals 4 Encounter 1
Lamb Amongst Lions 4 Encounter -
Materials For War Preparation 1 Trade 100 1,000x Veldspar
2 Trade 225 1,500x Scordite
3 Trade 6,000 10,000x Omber
4 Trade 9,600 8,000x Kernite
Matriarch 4 Encounter 20
Nine Tenths Of The Wormhole 4 Encounter - In Storyline category, not marked as.
Of Fangs and Claws 1 Courier 200
On the Run 1 Courier 250
Operation Doorstop 2 Courier 420
Opiate of the Masses 2 Courier 420
4 Courier 8,000
Patient Zero 4 Encounter -
Persistent Enemy 4 Encounter -
Pirate Radio 3 Encounter -
Prison Transfer 4 Encounter -
Quota Season 4 Encounter -
Record Cleaning 4 Encounter -