Distribution missions

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Distribution missions, also know as courier missions, are a type of mission given by distribution agents.


A Distribution mission is, typically, a mission to either collect a piece of cargo from one station and deliver it to another or to collect a piece of cargo from a deadspace location. When a Distribution mission is accepted, the necessary cargo is spawned in your personal hangar at the "Pickup Location". You then need to haul it to the "Drop-off Location" using your ship. Usually, the agent location is either the "Pickup" or "Drop-of" location. Once docked at the destination station you may complete the mission by talking to the agent. The cargo only counts as delivered if it is either in your personal hangar at the destination station, or in your ship's cargo hold while you are docked at the destination station. The exception to this is some mission chains (A New Venture, for example) do involve combat, as such it is worth having a combat orientated ship at, or near, your mission base.

TIP: Although located in your ship inventory, cargo held in containers will not be accepted.

Aside from the possibilities of any mission hazards, you only have to deal with the normal hazards of Stargate travel (gatecamps, suicide gankers, warp interdiction bubbles on Stargates in NullSec, and so on). Level 1 missions will keep you within the agent's constellation, level 2 and level 3 will possibly send you to a neighboring constellation, and level 4 missions will always send you to a neighboring constellation. [1]

It is worth noting that although you are at the destination station you can still talk to the original agent remotely to complete the mission without going back to the original station. They will be listed in the station's "Agents" tab after you dock, or you can start a conversation with them using your mission journal. However, until you fly back and dock at their station, they will not give you a new mission.

If a Distribution mission has an item as a reward instead of ISK, then the item will appear in your personal hangar at the issuing agent's station, which is usually located in the "Pickup" station.

Level 1 and 2 Distribution missions can be run using frigates, although you may need to use cargo modules in the low slots. Cargo size for L1/L2 missions can be up to 450  m3 in size. For level 3 and 4 courier missions, you will need an industrial hauler as cargo sizes will be in the 4 000–8 000  m3 range. Further information is in the following section.

Ship choices

Level 1 and Level 2

These can be easily accomplished in T1 Exploration Frigates, which come with a goodly cargo hold and are fairly quick to warp. However, as these are lacking offensive capabilities it is worth having a T1 combat frigate nearby should you run in to one of the mission chains that involve combat.

You will need to invest in an Expanded Cargohold module to bring your capacity up to 450  m3, however for most missions you will be focusing on Inertial Stabilizers for a faster time to warp. If you are rigging a ship for Distribution, then 3 x Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer will be your biggest asset helping with crossing systems, leaving align time speed to low slots. In your high and medium slots, fit whatever tank is appropriate for your skills. Your goal is to avoid conflict.

Exploration Frigates
Ship Base Suggested FitAssuming no skill bonuses
1 Expanded Cargohold II
Remaining low slots Inertial Stabilizer II
All Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II rigs
Ship Capacity Time to Warp Warp Speed Low Slots Capacity Time to Warp Warp Speed
Isis amarr.pngMagnate 400 m3 5.65s 5AU/s 4 510 m3 3.31s 8.69AU/s
Isis caldari.pngHeron 400 m3 5.69s 5AU/s 2 510 m3 4.55s 8.69AU/s
Isis gallente.pngImicus 400 m3 5.79s 5AU/s 3 510 m3 3.79s 8.69AU/s
Isis minmatar.pngProbe 400 m3 5.57s 5AU/s 3 510 m3 3.68s 8.69AU/s

Level 3 and Level 4

As the capacity can range up to 4 000 m3 for level 3 and 8 000 m3 for level 4, you will need to move up from a frigate to an Industrial ship.

As with lower levels, the goal is to move enough, as fast as you can. By now, you should have a few skills to begin improving your times as well. Anything that increases warp speed, increases agility, or decreases inertial modifiers will really help speed up your distribution runs. If you're still starting out, then your best bet is to move up to the Fast Industrials.

While you're going to need to be able to fit up to 8 000 m3, most require 4 000|-|5 000 m3 which will allow fitting more Inertial Stabilizers for faster warp. For the purposes of the table below, we'll assume you need to fit to 5 000 m3, but do bring along enough Expanded Cargoholds to replace Inertial Stabilizers when you do get the odd large load, and Inertial Stabilizers to swap in when 5 000 m3 isn't needed.

Fast Industrials
Ship Base Suggested FitAssuming all skills V
Expanded Cargohold II to >5 000 m3
Remaining low slots Inertial Stabilizer II
All Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II rigs
Ship Capacity Time to Warp Warp Speed Low Slots Capacity Time to Warp Warp Speed
Isis amarr.pngSigil 2100 m3 13.11s 4.5AU/s 6 5441 m3 3.89s 7.82AU/s
Isis caldari.pngBadger 3900 m3 13.88s 4.5AU/s 4 6216 m3 4.11s 7.82AU/s
Isis gallente.pngNereus 2900 m3 12.16s 4.5AU/s 5 5486 m3 3.61s 7.82AU/s
Isis minmatar.pngWreathe 2700 m3 11.23s 4.5AU/s 5 5893 m3 3.33s 7.82AU/s

All Levels

If you've decided to skill into Distribution Missions for an optimized ship, then your go to will be blockade runners. These are the fastest cargo haulers in the game, and as an added bonus, have the ability to warp cloaked which makes them safer in dangerous places. It is still an industrial class, so will never be truly safe. These are significantly more expensive than regular industrials, but easily outshine even frigates in terms of completion rates due to faster warp initiation and faster warp, allowing completing several Level 1 and Level 2 at once, or keeping a frigate pace on Level 3 and Level 4 missions.

Blockade Runners
Ship Base Suggested FitAssuming all skills V
Expanded Cargohold II to >5 000 m3
Remaining low slots Inertial Stabilizer II
All Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II rigs
Ship Capacity Time to Warp Warp Speed Low Slots Capacity Time to Warp Warp Speed
Isis amarr.pngProrator 2900 m3 7.75s 4.5AU/s 4 5893 m3 3.46s 11.4AU/s
Isis caldari.pngCrane 4300 m3 7.78s 6AU/s 2 5375 m3 3.47s 11.4AU/s
Isis gallente.pngViator 3600 m3 7.49s 6AU/s 3 5737 m3 3.34s 11.4AU/s
Isis minmatar.pngProwler 3500 m3 7.53s 6AU/s 3 5893 m3 3.36s 11.4AU/s

NOTE: While the Prowler has marginally worse align time than the Viator, it has a significantly higher base speed. When a warp to falls a little short, it makes up the distance faster than any other, making it the ideal Distribution mission ship.

Standing Grind

Distribution missions are by far the fastest mission type.

In a same-system destination and well fit ship, from acceptance to completion can take under 30 seconds. As a result, blitzing distribution missions is the fastest way to receive storyline missions. Even though the distribution missions give low corporation standing gain, the storyline mission will give more noticeable corporation standing gain and improve faction standings.

While regular Distribution missions have no standings loss, storyline Distribution missions will still incur penalties with opposing factions.
