User:Noemie belacqua

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Wiki editing

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To do

My own personal to-do list. Yes, it's growing faster than I can tick things off it :)



  • Afterburner Details is a good start, but could use expanding and integrating into the broader Wiki world
  • Fitting Modules and Rigs Guide is great, but how about expanding it with the stats of the various modules?
  • Module could use some love (add some info about how "Show Info" works?)
    • What module variants are (link to tech, tiers and meta levels), high/med/low/rig etc slots, continuous effects/start-of-cycle/end-of-cycle, link to short-cycling (mining modules), what is is cycle time and why is it important
  • Faction Modules and You and Techs, Tiers and Meta levels should be harmonised as well
    • Information about the icons used and where to get them from (meta 0 are manufactured with NPC-sold BPOs, etc)
  • Merge Module Stacking and Speed Modules and Stacking penalties
    • And merge in Eve math while I'm at it (it's a good page, and could be linked to from many other places!). This also needs an explanation of skill bonuses (they are additive per skill level, not multiplicative).
    • Related class: Fitting Math 101
  • Fitting Guidelines should tie into all this (as a starting page to the different race, ship and tank types?)


Missions & PvE

Faction Warfare

  • Factional Warfare could use some more noob-friendly information
    • Joining FW, FW UI elements (FW window, system info), overview settings, finding plexes (overview & scanner), maps (ombeve, dotlan), tier and system levels, LP store
  • Start a page on Faction Warfare Missions (based on this legendary thread). A list of FW missions, how FW missions are different from normal missions, LP payout (depending on tier), running missions in SBs (+ fits, + tactics), running in other ships
    • To be clarified:
      • How do system levels carry over when the system is captured (and re-taken)?
      • Is just LP rewards from plexing that's removed from the system pool, or also from PvP?
      • How much of a VP buffer can the offensive faction plex into a system (to keep it "vulnerable")?
      • How many victory points per captures plex (seems to be 20?)
      • Complexes: what's the difference between "outposts" and "facilities"?
      • Confirm i-Hub stats
      • UI: what's the right-click option to "donate" LP at an i-Hub called?
      • Do system upgrades affect neutrals in FW space?
      • Does warzone/faction tier increase LP payout for PvP? Any other benefits of high tier?
      • I seem to recall that the militia window looks different for enlisted and non-enlisted; confirm what info can be seen by whom?
      • Do FW missions give victory points?
      • There is no penalty for declining FW missions?
      • Confirm ship restrictions for FW missions
      • Do FW missions not affect faction standings?
      • Is there an LP reward for destroying an i-Hub?
      • Are there items which are only available in the FW LP stores? Can you still buy things from the LP store even when you are no longer enlisted (and at the same price)?
      • Do faction navies attack pods?
      • Can you dock at enemy-held stations in highsec?
      • how hard is it to evade the faction navies? when do they spawn? do they pursue into the system?
      • confirm that large plexes take 20 or 25 minutes?
  • missions (probably link to a separate page)
    • damage types
    • no standings loss on decline - pick the ones you like (mission type, location)
    • higher payout for agents in low-sec, train security connections, high faction tier
    • what ships to run, how to run each mission
  • geography of warzones (which regions; link to Dotlan)
  • Split off a separate page on strategy and tactics (include the FAQ?)
    • plexing: check whether it's on the overview ("visited")
    • i-Hub bash: SB does about 300-400 dps, battleship 600-800 dps, tier 3 battlecruiser 600-800 dps
    • choose plex size to fight particular ship classes
    • D-scan!!
    • maximising profit (donating LP, LP rewards scale with tier, cashing out)
    • system upgrades rarely worth it for the benefits, definitely worth it for the militia tier
    • plex sniping
    • travelling through enemy high-sec
    • overview settings
    • neutral = pirate? (both as a target and a threat)
  • communication within militias (chat channels)
  • generally check the page on FW standings - what affects standings with whom (link back to access to FW agents)
    • how FW impacts your standings (faction / FW corp)
    • how to either get to 0.0 to join, or how to hold your faction standings

A militia community to participate in, fleet up with and meet new people / corps. Plexes of varying sizes to allow newer players to restrict opponent ship size. Want to fight only frigate vs frigate? Find a novice plex. Defensive plexes that provide very low skilled players with the opportunity to participate and earn Loyalty points. Faction mission agents that provide LP rewards along with a higher potential for PVP. A reason to enter low security space, take risks and get rewards. War targets in high sec due to the constant state of war-dec.

Recommended before joining: Skill-wise, you should be able to fly a frigate with a MWD, scram/disruptor, and web. This correlates with having the Tackling level I certificate and the Navigation level II certificate. Understand the different overview settings A fleet movement class will be very useful Understand how to operate the onboard scanner (Apocrypha changes not taken into account yet) Understanding how to use the star map is not a must, but can be an advantage Understand the directional scanner What should I do before I join a militia? Before you join a militia, make sure you don't have assets you need that are too dangerous or too expensive to be moved through the opposing empire's faction space. Further, check your overview settings and adapt them. Personally, I have a separate tab with opposing militia members just as normal war dec's with a flashy background on overview. I also have neutrals on overview to identify “out of corp” spies in rookie ships. You will also want to prepare a few ships before hand to quickly jump into a new one if desired. For Minmatar FW Amamake is a common rally ground, so a base near or in this low-sec system can be handy. For other militias, I suggest looking at the FW Map pack from Ombey's Eve 2D Maps [2]. Having Teamspeak, Ventrilo and Eve Voice ready for usage will help as well. In the Minmatar militia, Eve Voice is commonly used by all corporations, though the corporations usually have an internal TS or Ventrilo server. From hearsay, I heard that the Amarr militia has been using a more or less Amarr militia public Ventrilo server to handle militia fleets. I personally prefer Eve Voice as it is available for everybody and you don't need to setup an additional program. Identifying who is talking is also a little easier. Apart from that, I suggest being partially self sufficient ISK wise and being able to lose several frigates and cruisers including their fittings.




General cleanup
