Difference between revisions of "Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses"

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(Edited spelling and grammar, and updated module strengths to March 2024. Entry into the BEAUTIFY contest.)
(Edited spelling and grammar, and escalation data to March 2024. Entry into the BEAUTIFY contest.)
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== Loot ==
== Loot ==
The main attraction of this site is the Coreli A-Type modules. The Small Armor Repairer and Small Remote Armor Repairer aren't as strong as the corresponding deadspace modules due to widespread farming and cheaper prices. The Multispectrum Coating and prop mods are just as strong as corresponding deadspace modules from other factions.
The main attraction of this site is the Coreli A-Type modules. The Small Armor Repairer and Small Remote Armor Repairer aren't as strong as corresponding deadspace modules from other factions due to widespread farming and cheaper prices. The Multispectrum Coating and prop mods are just as strong as corresponding deadspace modules from other factions.
It is also possible to get faction modules from the overseers but this is very rare.
It is also possible to get faction modules from the overseers but this is very rare.
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[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nL6MOWStDWTWNYJb8Kt-asozgMC4ohUVYpALerRUSAM/ More loot data]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nL6MOWStDWTWNYJb8Kt-asozgMC4ohUVYpALerRUSAM/ More loot data]
== Escalation ==
== Escalation ==
This complex has a chance to escalate to another instance of itself. It is believed that this can happen only in narcotic warehouses gained as an escalation from an anomaly.
This complex has a chance to escalate to another instance of itself. It is believed that this can happen only in narcotic warehouses scanned down as a Cosmic Signature.
{{MessageBox|No Escalation message
{{MessageBox|No Escalation message

Revision as of 18:17, 9 March 2024

Site Details
Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses
Type DED Rated Complex
Rating 3/10
Found in High, Low, Null
Max ship size Cruisers
Faction Serpentis
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Thermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Sig. strength 10% in High, ? in Low

Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses is a DED Rated combat site belonging to the Serpentis Corporation pirate faction. It can be found via exploration by scanning signatures in high-security and low-security systems or by getting escalation from Serpentis Hideaway and Serpentis Refuge. Cruisers (Tech 2 Cruisers can enter) are the maximum ship class allowed to enter the site. Completing this complex may award the player with valuable Coreli A-type and Shadow Serpentis faction modules, as well as a Daredevil blueprint copy.

On warp in:
This deadspace complex was built by the Serpentis Corporation to protect and store narcotic and military supplies for their members. The complex also acts as a temporary storage area for the corporation's traffic of illicit substances. While the entrance check-in sectors of the complex are not known to be heavily guarded, certain sections house experienced security staff using top-of-the-line equipment funded by the Serpentis Corporation's income from illegal activity.

DED Threat Assessment: Unsafe (3 of 10)


The Serpentis Narcotic warehouse consists of total of five deadspace pockets. Due to branched nature only four of them need to be entered to get the final reward.

First Pocket

First Pocket
On warp in:
The entrance pocket of this complex contains light peripheral security around the advent ware storages. Two acceleration gates give way to two different routes inside the complex, one leading to the check-in tunnel and the other to the more heavily defended security corridor. Visitors are cleared by security at the Traffic Management office, allowing members of the Serpentis Corporation access to the Check-in Tunnel.

Fastest way through this room is to jump into security corridor ignoring all the rats in the room.

Initial defenders(gradual spawn)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 15 x Frigate Coreli Guard/Patroller/Watchman Remote Sensor Dampener

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 1 x Supply Traffic Management Contains Traffic Management Passkey, 5th Tier Overseers Effects and possibly Shadow Serpentis Modules
Container 2 x Minor Supply Container Metal scraps, T1 ammo
Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate to Security Corridor Can be entered without clearing pocket with having Traffic Management Passkey in drop.
Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate to Check-In Tunnel Locked until pocket is cleared

Second Pocket - Check-In Tunnel

On warp in:
Check-in tunnel contains warehouses and storage's for equipment and drugs ready for categorization and registration. Incoming vessels are required to check in at the Staff Quarters before continuing to the main drug refinery and central warehouses.

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 18 x Frigate Coreli Agent/Patroller/Spy/... Remote Sensor Dampener

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 1 x Staff Quarters Contains 6th Tier Overseers Effects and possibly Shadow Serpentis Modules
Container 2 x Serpentis Container T1 ammo
Container 2 x Charge Ammunition Storage T1 ammo
Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate to Central Warehouses Locked until all NPC ships are destroyed

Second Pocket - Security Corridor

Gate to 3rd room is 55km from warp in.

Second Pocket - Security Coridor
Information: Database Information:
The security corridor is the main defense barrier before continuing through the acceleration gate towards the main refinery and central warehouses. All guest passes and operation handling is made by the Chief of Security on duty.

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 28 x Frigate Coreli Agent/Patroller/Spy/... Remote Sensor Dampener
Sentry 1 x Sentry Serpentis Point Defense Battery
Overseer Cruiser 1 x Overseer Cruiser Serpentis Chief of Security Drops 7th Tier Overseers Effects and up to two Shadow Serpentis Modules

WD EWAR CollapseL

Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate to Central Warehouses Locked until all NPC ships are destroyed
Container 1 x Charge Ammunition Storage T1 ammo

Third Pocket - Central Warehouses

Third Pocket
On warp in:
The central pocket of the complex houses the drug refinery, narcotics storages and military supply warehouses. The headmaster of the drug refinery must clear all visitors before allowing entry to the acceleration gate towards the administration sector.

Gate to 4th room 45km from warp in.

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 16 x Frigate Coreli Guard/Patroller/Safeguard/... Remote Sensor Dampener
Overseer Cruiser 1 x Overseer Cruiser Serpentis Refinery Headmaster Range of about 55 km Drops 8th Tier Overseers Effects and possibly Shadow Serpentis modules
Sentry 4 x Sentry Serpentis Sentry Gun

WD EWAR CollapseL

Container 3 x Charge Ammunition Storage T1 ammo
Container 1 x Military Supply Container Metal scraps, T1 ammo, drones
Acceleration Gate 1 x Acceleration Gate to Administration Sector Locked until all NPC ships are destroyed

Fourth Pocket - Administration Sector

Fourth Pocket
On warp in:
The final sector contains the Supply Stronghold which houses the administration staff for the entire complex. No further information is available.

The Serpentis Supply Stronghold has a lot of hit points, so it is recommended to bring a high DPS ship. It does not, however, repair itself. Shooting it will aggro all ships.

Initial defenders(no aggro until attacked)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 31 x Frigate Coreli Agent/Patroller/Spy/... Remote Sensor Dampener
Overseer Cruiser 1 x Overseer Cruiser Serpentis Supplystation Overseer
Sentry 3 x Sentry Serpentis Sentry Gun Will target drones if they get in range

WD EWAR CollapseL

Container 2 x Charge Ammunition Storage T1 ammo
Container 1 x Military Supply Container Metal scraps, T1 ammo, drones
Station 1 x Serpentis Supply Stronghold Very high passive tank Contains 9th Tier Overseers Effects and possibly Coreli Frigate A-Type, Shadow Serpentis Modules and/or Daredevil BPC
After destruction of Supply Stronghold:
The Serpentis Supply Stronghold is a smoking wreckage, and its administrators are dead, cloned, or on the run. There is now little left in the area except the quiet ruins of past criminal activity.


The main attraction of this site is the Coreli A-Type modules. The Small Armor Repairer and Small Remote Armor Repairer aren't as strong as corresponding deadspace modules from other factions due to widespread farming and cheaper prices. The Multispectrum Coating and prop mods are just as strong as corresponding deadspace modules from other factions.

It is also possible to get faction modules from the overseers but this is very rare.

Item Name Est. Value Drops from Note
5th Tier Overseer's Effects 190k ISK Supply Traffic Management 100% drop rate
6th Tier Overseer's Effects 360k ISK Staff Quarters 100% drop rate
7th Tier Overseer's Effects 600k ISK Serpentis Chief of Security 100% drop rate
8th Tier Overseer's Effects 1.2M ISK Serpentis Refinery Headmaster 100% drop rate
9th Tier Overseer's Effects 2.1M ISK Serpentis Supply Stronghold 100% drop rate
Coreli A-Type module Serpentis Supply Stronghold Up to 6x
Daredevil BPC 40M ISK Serpentis Supply Stronghold 12.5% drop rate
Shadow Serpentis module Serpentis Supply Stronghold
Shadow Serpentis module Supply Traffic Management
Shadow Serpentis module Staff Quarters
Shadow Serpentis module Serpentis Chief of Security
Shadow Serpentis module Serpentis Refinery Headmaster

Bounty: ± 1.1 Mil ISK (All five pockets)

More loot data


This complex has a chance to escalate to another instance of itself. It is believed that this can happen only in narcotic warehouses scanned down as a Cosmic Signature.

No Escalation message
The trail seems to run cold at this point.

If the Narcotic Warehouse was an escalation, the failed escalation message is:

Failed Escalation message
The Serpentis Supply Stronghold is a smoking wreckage, and its administrators are dead, cloned or on the run. There is now little left in the area except the quiet ruins of past criminal activity.

DED Complexes
[hide]Serpentis Corporation
Drug Outlet
Live Cargo Distribution Facilities
Narcotic Warehouses
Hydroponics Site
Logistical Outpost
Paramilitary Complex
Prison Camp
Fleet Shipyard