User:Enta en bauldry/SCOG

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The Special Combat Operations Group is a division of the ILN in charge of creating new doctrines and certifying players to use advanced ships for these doctrines. These ships include Logistics, Heavy Interdictors, Heavy Assault Cruisers, Command Ships and Strategic Cruisers.

SCOG Officers

Guillome Renard
Bubba DaShmoo
Qynn Qyksilver
Darko Fett
Guillome Renard

Commanding Officer
Bubba DaShmoo

Executive Officer
Qynn Qyksilver

SRG Liasion Officer
Darko Fett

LSC Liasion Officer

Doctrine Librarian


Master of Electronic Warfare

Master Of Capacitor Warefare
Boniface Vachon
Boniface Vachon

Master of Logistics Command
Nys Cron
Nys Cron

Master of Advanced Tackle
Roxx Weltraum
Roxx Weltraum

Master of the Line

Master of the Line
Karimson Safehold
Karimson Safehold

Master of Maneuver


The SCOG aims to provide the ILN with a coherent list of experienced pilots in the university. By doing this the ILN can have access to WSOP limited ships and experienced pilots that can fly them. This in turn allows specialized and better prepared fleets to engage war targets, hopefully resulting in a safer learning environment. The SCOG forms and runs these specialized fleets. The SCOG also provides standardized fitting suggestions for these ships.

Available Certifications

Heavy Assault Cruiser Certification

Allows Heavy Assault Cruisers to be flown in SCOG compliant fleets without the risk of getting the X title.

Ships covered: Zealot, Sacrilege, Cerberus, Eagle, Ishtar, Deimos, Muninn, Vagabond

<some info, what is needed etc>

You can apply for this certification here[1].

Heavy Interdictor Certification

Allows Heavy Interdictors to be flown in SCOG compliant fleets without the risk of getting the X title.

Ships covered: Broadsword, Devoter, Onyx, Phobos

<some info, what is needed etc>

You can apply for this certification here[2].

Logistics Certification

Allows Logistics Ship to be flown in SCOG compliant fleets without the risk of getting the X title.

Ships covered: Basilisk, Guardian, Oneiros, Scimitar

<some info, what is needed etc>

You can apply for this certification here[3].

Command Ships Certification

Allows Command Ships to be flown in SCOG compliant fleets without the risk of getting the X title.

Ships Covered: Absolution, Damnation, Nighthawk, Vulture, Astarte, Eos, Claymore, Sleipnir

<some info, what is needed etc>

You can apply for this certification here[4]. Note: This might be split into 2 certifications based on the roles(dd or booster).

Strategic Cruiser Certification

Allows Strategic Cruisers to be flown in SCOG compliant fleets without the risk of getting the X title.

Ships Covered: Legion, Loki, Proteus, Tengu

<some info, what is needed etc>

You can apply for this certification here[5].

Other Certifications

For Covert Ops, Stealth Bomber, Force Recon and Combat Recon Ship Certifications visit the Strategic Reconnaissance Group's page.

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