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{{main|Alternate characters}}{{Skillplan Navbar}}
A hauler alt is a character trained specifically for hauling. There are many reasons to create such an alt, but it primarily stems from a need to move things to and from places on your own timetable.
This page will present an overview on how to most efficiently create an alternate character (usually on a second account) for hauling most efficiently. This can be considered a current, text version of the [http://classes.eve-ivy.com/ Alt Hauling 101] audio class.
This guide is designed to train an alt into [[Deep Space Transport]] and [[Blockade Runner]]. This is sufficient for most personal haulers, but if needed you can train an alt into a [[Freighter]], [[Bowhead]], and [[Jump Freighter]]. The guide is segmented to allow you to pick and choose which ship types you wish to train your alt into based on your needs. Hauling is generally a skill that requires {{clonestate|Omega}} and this guide assumes that your hauler alt is either on its own Omega account or that you are using [[Multiple Character Training]].
= Overview =
You will want to use the appropriate skill plan for the empire faction you're training into: Armor-tanked support skill for Gallente/Amarr and Shield-tanked support skill for Minmatar/Caldari.
Our goal is to be able to haul the most amount of stuff (measured in m^3) in the least amount of time from a new character's perspective. In doing this task, [http://evemon.battleclinic.com/ EVEMon] is your friend, and this guide basically shows you some career paths that you can then customize.
== Why use a hauler alt? ==
Training into a hauler can be a long train, especially if training into Jump Freighters. Training one character to do hauling as well as a variety of other activities takes significantly longer and delays being able to either well. Specialization with multiple characters means that you can do both well when training into the desired skills is completed. Additionally, training a hauler alt on a separate account means that you can haul your cargo while doing something else as opposed to choosing between two activities. A hauler alt is also useful because they can be put in a player-owned alt corp such as the [[EVE_University_Hall_of_Residence|Hall of Residence]] without much concern for things like [[Corporation_diplomacy#Wars|hisec wars]]. Without a hauler alt, hisec wars can mean losing cargo to war targets who camp trade hubs and have a proficiency in destroying anything that undocks from the main hub stations.  
The route you take depends on the race of the character, as all characters now (1/1/2010) start with minimal skills but those include racial frigate skills. The best route to take is to create an Amarr character to fly the [http://eve.wikia.com/wiki/Bestower Amarr Bestower], which can haul over 13,000 m^3 with a minimally trained set of skills!
When hauling with a Jump Freighter, it becomes almost entirely necessary to have an alt that can haul while another alt lights an [[Jump_drives#Industrial_Cynosural_Fields|industrial cyno]] at a waypoint to allow the Jump Freighter to get where it's going.  
'''Note''': You cannot train these skills (Racial ''Industrial'') on Trial accounts.
===Training multiple characters===
If you are creating an alt on an account with other characters, it is important to note that only one character can be training skills at a time '''unless''' you are willing to pay for [[Multiple Character Training]]. Attempting to add skills to the training queue will result in an error, so you will need to pause training on your currently training character if you don't want to pay for MCT.
= Creating a Bestower Pilot =
== Why no T1 haulers?  ==
T1 haulers fill a niche created by the fact that other ships simply cannot hold as much as [[haulers]]. If all you want to do is move a large amount of gas, ore, minerals, or planetary commodities from one station or structure within or to a nearby system, then you might consider training up the relevant faction's hauler to fly a [[Haulers#Specialized_transports|specialized hauler]]. For example, at {{Sk|Gallente Hauler|V}} the [[Miasmos]] can hold 63,000m3 which is almost as much as much as a Deep Space Transport's fleet hangar at max skills, but it has a paper tank that cannot hold up against any ganker. Moving anything valuable over longer distances, such as from Stacmon to Jita, puts your cargo at an unnecessary risk. Moving short distances in a T1 hauler in hisec is generally safe, but beyond that T2 haulers are necessary to prevent the loss of all your cargo.
== Create an Amarr Character ==
If you are a member of EVE University and cannot train into T2 hauling ships because you are an {{clonestate|alpha}}, consider using the [[Hauling_Department|University Hauling Service]] to move your stuff around safely for free and the [[Buyback|University Buyback Program]] to sell goods for profit.
The first step, of course, is to create your new character. Lets begin there. After logging in, you will be presented with the character select window. This has three squares of your character; the most recently played one will be on top in a big portrait window, and the others will be below in smaller squares. These may be blank squares that are barely visible, but they will say "Empty" below them in text. Click one of these Empty squares and you will be taken to the character creator.
{{ note box | Notes:
* There are some restrictions on where the University Hauling Service will take your goods and there is a recommended fee for hauling on goods you intend to make a profit on. See the forum post for additional information.
| italics= no }}
=== Choose Race ===
== Preparing for training  ==
It is important to read about [[hauling]] as it will save you a lot of time and frustration. Before you even create a character, consider that the Amarr, Gallente, and Minmatar start with {{Sk|Mechanics|III}} and {{Sk|Hull Upgrades|III}}. Regardless of which faction you start with, you can train into any hauling ship. The {{sh|Charon}} is generally considered the best freighter because of its carrying capacity, but the {{sh|Obelisk}} offers the highest EHP and the {{sh|Fenrir}} is the fastest. The {{sh|Providence}} comes in second for agility and tank which means that it might be considered a balanced option. For Deep Space Transports, the {{sh|Occator}} is the fastest at aligning while the {{sh|Impel}} can fit a solid amount of tank thanks to its generous number of low slots. The {{sh|Mastodon}} is a good choice for those looking for a balanced choice between align time and tank.
Obviously, since we want to fly the Amarr Bestower most quickly, we'll create an Amarr character, so at the "Choose Race" screen, select Amarr, the top right option. This is the only option that makes any difference from a gameplay perspective, as it affects your starting racial skills (namely, your racial Frigate skill).
The [[Bowhead]] is a unique freighter in that it does not have a large cargo hold like the other freighters. Instead, it features a massive ship maintenance bay which allows it to haul fitted ships. Note that the Bowhead is shield-tanked and if you want to train both a regular freighter and the Bowhead, you might consider training into one of the shield-tanked transport ships for the fastest train. Otherwise, you could train support skills for both shield and armor-tanked hauling ships.
=== Complete Creation ===
== Skill plan ==
The skill plans are divided up between armor-tanked and shield-tanked ships as well Transport Ships (DSTs and Blockade Runners), Freighters, and Jump Freighters. This guide assumes that if you are going to train into a freighter, you will also be training into DST. If you do not, you can remove the {{Sk|Transport Ships}} skill from the skill queue leaving only empire faction specific hauler skill at the beginning of your ship skills portion of the skill queue. To train {{Sk|Jump Freighters}} you will need to train one of the four main empire faction freighters.
Next, you'll have the ability to chose your bloodline and ancestry. These do not make any difference to the stats you will start with, but they will change your starting appearance and (I believe; this should be verified) the location your character starts.
All characters start with {{Sk|Cybernetics|I}} which allows the use of +3 [[Implants#Attribute_Enhancers|training implants]] and this guide assumes you are using them, but you may wish to train {{Sk|Cybernetics|V}} to unlock +5 implants and allows you to use implant sets like Amulets (armor) or Nirvanas (shield) for additional tank and Ascendancies (warp time) or Nomads (align time) for speed.
Then, you'll choose your gender, which again makes no gameplay difference, and then you'll have an opportunity to set up your appearance and select your name. There is also a very small option that lets you start in space instead of a station, but let's just start in a station.
The skill plan utilizes neural remaps to reduce training time. It is not required to use the neural remap, but the difference in time is significant. Because this skill plan utilizes three neural remaps, you will want to create a new character rather than training an existing alt. If you are using an existing character, you might consider using the first and third neural remaps to train up support and ship skills as these are the most lengthy skill trains. If your existing character only has the annual remap, consider remapping for the ship skills section as that will be the longest train. The remaps are as follows:
You'll hit "Create Character" and then be taken back to the character selection screen. Note, you have to wait at least 24 hours before you can delete your new character!
* Support skills: Intelligence-Memory
* Navigation skills: Intelligence-Perception
* Ship skills: Willpower-Perception
== Pause Training ==
The skills are not all maxed, meaning that after you have trained into the ships you wish to fly you may wish to train certain skills further than this skill plan covers, especially the support and navigation skills.
If you are creating an alt on an account with other characters, only one character can be training skills at a time. Attempting to add skills to the training queue will result in an error, so let's first go into all our other characters (if any) and pause training:
The skill plan has also been optimized for the dopamine effect of hearing that a skill has completed training by organizing skills from shortest to longest train wherever possible.
* Open Character Sheet (top left button)
==Support skills==
* Skills section (on the left, should be default)
First remap: '''Remapping (active) : i27 p17 c17 w17 m21'''
* Skills tab (on the right, should be default)
* Open Training Queue button (new window pops up)
* Pause (bottom middle of the new window)
Now, we're ready to train the alt.
|name=Armor-tanked support skills
|Jury Rigging I
Armor Layering I
Cloaking I
Industry II
Jury Rigging II
Armor Layering II
Cloaking II
Industry III
Jury Rigging III
Armor Layering III
Cloaking III
Industry IV
Hull Upgrades IV
Armor Layering IV
Explosive Armor Compensation I
EM Armor Compensation I
Kinetic Armor Compensation I
Thermal Armor Compensation I
Armor Rigging I
Astronautics Rigging I
EM Armor Compensation II
Thermal Armor Compensation II
Kinetic Armor Compensation II
Explosive Armor Compensation II
Astronautics Rigging II
Armor Rigging II
Explosive Armor Compensation III
Kinetic Armor Compensation III
Thermal Armor Compensation III
EM Armor Compensation III
Armor Rigging III
Astronautics Rigging III
Mechanics IV
Capacitor Systems Operation IV
EM Armor Compensation IV
Thermal Armor Compensation IV
Kinetic Armor Compensation IV
Explosive Armor Compensation IV
Capacitor Management IV
Astronautics Rigging IV
Armor Rigging IV
Industry V
Capacitor Systems Operation V
Cloaking IV
Capacitor Management V}}
== Send Money ==
{{Sk|Jury Rigging|III|mult=yes}} 7 hours, 18 minutes, 2 seconds
Now, your new avatar will start out flat broke. She'll need to buy these skills:
{{Sk|Industry|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
* Amarr Industrial (270,000)
{{Sk|Cloaking|IV|mult=yes}} 5 days, 4 hour, 11 minutes
* Hull Upgrades (54,000)
for a total of 334,000 ISK. They can in all likelihood be purchased in the starting station, so there's no need to travel.
{{Sk|Armor Layering|IV|mult=yes}} 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
You'll also want to buy a Bestower (best price in Amarr as of this writing is around 550,000 ISK, but 950,000 at the newbie station) as well as a shuttle to get to the Bestower (Around 15,000 for one actually at your station, or shop around for maybe 8,000 or so).
{{Sk|Hull Upgrades|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 9 hours, 6 minutes, 55 seconds
Then, you'll want four Expanded Cargohold II modules (about 650,000 each).
{{Sk|Explosive Armor Compensation|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
Grant total: About 3.5 million ISK (3,500,000). So, log in your main, find your alt in the ''People & Places'' window, under the ''Buddies'' tab, search for the character name and add to your addressbook. Then, right-click her portrait and ''Send Money'' to her.
{{Sk|EM Armor Compensation|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
Note that I believe if you complete the tutorial mission for industry, you will get a free Bestower, so go ahead and do that if you desire. That will make your training time longer, as I believe some missions require training other skills to complete them.
{{Sk|Thermal Armor Compensation|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
== Train for Bestower ==
{{Sk|Kinetic Armor Compensation|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
You will be flying the Bestower in under 12 hours (half a day) if you go this route!
{{Sk|Armor Rigging|IV|mult=yes}} 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
=== Start Training Quickly ===
{{Sk|Astronautics Rigging|IV|mult=yes}} 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
The first thing you're going to want to do is start training Amarr Frigate III as soon as you can when you log in. Do this:
{{Sk|Mechanics|IV|mult=yes}} 20 hours, 41 minutes, 49 seconds
* Open ''Character Sheet'' (top left button)
{{Sk|Capacitor Systems Operation|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
* ''Skills'' section (on the left, should be default)
* ''Skills'' tab (on the right, should be default)
* Open ''Training Queue'' button (new window pops up)
* Open the ''Spaceship Command'' skills (bottom of the left side)
* Highlight ''Amarr Frigate'' by clicking it
* Click ''Add'' at the bottom
* Click ''Apply'' at the bottom
Now you will show Amarr Frigate in the left side, counting down from 9h 8m 47s. You have a little time to relax now and do the rest at a more leisurely pace.
{{Sk|Capacitor Management|V|mult=yes}} 14 days, 15 hours, 14 minutes, 30 seconds
Go ahead and close the ''Character Sheet'' window but leave the ''Training Queue'' window open for now.
It's a good idea not to waste training time, so since you paused your other character's training, you want to get started learning as fast as possible.
|name=Shield-tanked support skills
|Shield Operation I
Jury Rigging I
Cloaking I
Shield Operation II
Shield Upgrades II
Industry II
Jury Rigging II
Tactical Shield Manipulation II
Cloaking II
Shield Operation III
Industry III
Jury Rigging III
Astronautics Rigging I
Shield Rigging I
Astronautics Rigging II
Shield Rigging II
Shield Upgrades III
Shield Rigging III
Astronautics Rigging III
Tactical Shield Manipulation III
Cloaking III
Shield Operation IV
Industry IV
Mechanics IV
Capacitor Systems Operation IV
Shield Upgrades IV
Capacitor Management IV
Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
Shield Rigging IV
Astronautics Rigging IV
Capacitor Management V
Industry V
Capacitor Systems Operation V}}
=== Skills Required ===
{{Sk|Jury Rigging|III|mult=yes}} 7 hours, 18 minutes, 2 seconds
You will need to learn these skills to fly the Bestower:
{{Sk|Industry|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
* Amarr Frigate III
{{Sk|Cloaking|IV|mult=yes}} 5 days, 4 hour, 11 minutes
* Amarr Industrial I (depends on the above)
* Hull Upgrades II
Since we can't even put the Industrial skill into the queue until we have learned Frigate III, plan to set a timer approximately 9h 8m from now to come back and add that to the training queue.
{{Sk|Shield Operation|IV|mult=yes}} 20 hours, 41 minutes, 49 seconds
=== Remaining Training ===
{{Sk|Shield Upgrades|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
Now that Frigate III is training, let's purchase Hull Upgrades and add it to the queue.
{{Sk|Hull Upgrades|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 9 hours, 6 minutes, 55 seconds
* Open the ''Market'' window
{{Sk|Explosive Shield Compensation|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
* Click the ''Search'' tab on the top left
* Type "Hull Upgrades" into the text box and click the ''Search'' button
* Select the ''Hull Upgrades'' that shows up below the ''Search'' button by clicking it
* Click the ''Jumps'' column header under ''Sellers'' to the right so it has a triangle pointing up (▲ - this will only display if you have a good Unicode font)
There should now be a row starting ''Station'' with the skill book for sale for 54,000.00 ISK at your current location, with an expiration in 364d and change. Right click that row and choose ''Buy This''. Verify the information in the window that pops up, and click ''Buy''. Now you have your next skill to add to the queue. Close the ''Market'' window.
{{Sk|EM Shield Compensation|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
Open your station items by clicking the ''Items'' button on the left of the screen. In there, you'll see a book labeled ''Hull Upgrades''. Right-click this and select ''Inject Skill''. Now, that skill will be in your ''Training Queue'' window under the ''Mechanic'' skills.
{{Sk|Thermal Shield Compensation|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
So, go back to your ''Training Queue'' window, find the ''Hull Upgrades'' skill, and click ''Add'' twice on it to train it to level II. In total, these two things will take just under two hours.
{{Sk|Kinetic Shield Compensation|IV|mult=yes}} 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
Now, because it's a bad idea to leave your queue less than full (in case something comes up in real life), pick other skills and fill out your queue (using the ''Add'' button). Preferably, add a long skill to the very end, and as many short skills before then. Your longest training skill now will be Frigate IV, but you might also wish to learn Spaceship Command III.
{{Sk|Shield Rigging|IV|mult=yes}} 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
While we're waiting, let's purchase the ''Amarr Industrial'' skill book in the same manner as you did the Hull Upgrades book above, so we have it when we need it. Only do this if you're planning to stay at the same station, and do not transport the book. Skill books are safest in a dock and in your head, so I recommend not to make a habit of traveling around with them if you want to learn them (using them as trade items is another story).
{{Sk|Astronautics Rigging|IV|mult=yes}} 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
=== Amarr Industrial ===
{{Sk|Tactical Shield Manipulation|IV|mult=yes}} 2 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, 19 seconds
So, you now have a two hour window between the end of training Frigate IV and the end of your Hull Upgrades requirements. Plan to be back at the computer during this window (some 9 to 11 hours from now).
{{Sk|Mechanics|IV|mult=yes}} 20 hours, 41 minutes, 49 seconds
At this point, right-click the skill book in your ''Items'' list, and select ''Train now to level 1'', and say "OK" to any pop-up window. If that is not an option, do this instead:
{{Sk|Capacitor Systems Operation|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
* Right-click and choose ''Inject Skill''
{{Sk|Capacitor Management|V|mult=yes}} 14 days, 15 hours, 14 minutes, 30 seconds
* In your Training Queue window, it should now show up under ''Spaceship Command''. Drag it from there to the top of the queue to the right, so it trains first.
* Click the ''Apply'' button
This skill will train in just over 40 minutes.
=== Conclusion ===
Now, after under 12 hours, you will have a fully trained Bestower pilot. All you need now is a fitted Bestower and something to do with it. That's up to you!
|name=Jump Freighter support skills
|desc=Only add this skill if you're planning to train Jump Freighters
|Science V}}
== Get and Fit your Bestower ==
{{Sk|Science|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
(This is a little bit beyond the scope of this document, but here's a summary.)
Second remap: '''Remapping (active) : i27 p21 c17 w17 m17'''
* Open your ''Market'' window
* Search for a reasonably priced Bestower nearby by clicking the ''Price'' column header to sort it descending (upward pointing triangle, ▲)
|name=Navigation skills - Transport Ships/Freighter
* Note the location of the Bestower you'd like to buy - don't buy it yet
|desc=Valid for all empire factions
* Search again for ''Expanded Cargohold II'' for a good price (this will probably be in Amarr, the local trade hub)
|Acceleration Control I
* Decide where you want to buy each of these knowing you will have to travel to both places in either a shuttle (if you buy one) or your Ibis
Acceleration Control II
* Purchase both
High Speed Maneuvering II
* Fly to your Bestower and get into it
Warp Drive Operation III
* Fly to your Expanded Cargohold IIs and fit them into your Bestower
Acceleration Control III
* Start hauling 13,319 m^3 wherever you want!
High Speed Maneuvering III
Warp Drive Operation IV
Acceleration Control IV
Navigation IV
High Speed Maneuvering IV
Warp Drive Operation V
Micro Jump Drive Operation I}}
== Optimize with Giant Secure Containers ==
{{Sk|Acceleration Control|IV|mult=yes}} 3 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, 19 seconds
There are items called ''Giant Secure Containers'' (called a ''GSC'') which take up 3,000 m^3 in your cargo hold. Hence, you can fit four of these in your bestower.
{{Sk|Navigation|IV|mult=yes}} 20 hours, 41 minutes, 49 seconds
The interesting thing is that you can actually put 3,900 m^3 of stuff in a GSC - which means you get a 30% space bonus. Hence, using four of these gets you 3,600 m^3 extra space, as long as nothing you are hauling can't fit in one.
{{Sk|High Speed Maneuvering|IV|mult=yes}} 4 days, 7 hours, 29 minutes, 10 seconds
That brings your Bestower total close to 17,000 m^3.
{{Sk|Warp Drive Operation|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
'''Note''': To use these, you do ''not'' need to train the skill ''Anchoring'', unless you plan to place ("anchor") them in space. This skill has no prerequisites but is a 3x skill, so it will probably take about half an hour to train if you do plan to anchor your GSCs. However not having them anchored (in space) will enable other people to flip the can and even scoop the entire GSC to their cargo hold.
{{Sk|Micro Jump Drive Operation|I|mult=yes}} 33 minutes, 20 seconds
= Other Racial Haulers =
The Bestower is the fastest return for the most space. However, other races (well, except the Caldari like me) have decent hauling capability depending on the training investment. The Mammoth is often considered the best hauler for a week of training, giving almost half again the Bestower's space (with Expanded Cargohold IIs).
|name=Navigation skills - Jump Freighter
|desc=Only use this if you are planning to train into jump freighter
|Navigation IV
Navigation V
Warp Drive Operation III
Warp Drive Operation IV
Warp Drive Operation V
Jump Drive Operation I
Evasive Maneuvering II
High Speed Maneuvering II
Jump Drive Operation II
Evasive Maneuvering III
High Speed Maneuvering III
Jump Drive Operation III
High Speed Maneuvering IV
Jump Drive Operation IV
Evasive Maneuvering IV
Jump Drive Operation V
Micro Jump Drive Operation I
Jump Fuel Conservation I
Jump Drive Calibration I
Jump Fuel Conservation II
Jump Drive Calibration II
Jump Fuel Conservation III
Jump Drive Calibration III
Jump Fuel Conservation IV
Jump Drive Calibration IV
Jump Drive Calibration V}}
All stats include a maximum number of these Expanded Cargohold IIs.
{{Sk|Acceleration Control|IV|mult=yes}} 3 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, 19 seconds
== Mammoth Pilot (Minmatar) ==
{{Sk|Navigation|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
If you're willing to wait a week to haul almost 18,000 m^3 instead of half a day to haul just over 13,000 m^3, then consider training a Mammoth pilot instead.
{{Sk|High Speed Maneuvering|IV|mult=yes}} 4 days, 7 hours, 29 minutes, 10 seconds
You'll need these skills:
{{Sk|Warp Drive Operation|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
* Minmatar Frigate III
{{Sk|Micro Jump Drive Operation|I|mult=yes}} 33 minutes, 20 seconds
* Minmatar Industrial IV
* Hull Upgrades II
== Iteron Pilot (Gallente) ==
{{Sk|Jump Drive Operation|V|mult=yes}} 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds
For the investment of a month training, an Iteron Mark V pilot will haul over 25,000 m^3. Here's how to do that.
{{Sk|Jump Fuel Conservation|IV|mult=yes}} 6 days, 21 hours, 34 minutes, 38 seconds
You'll need these skills:
{{Sk|Jump Drive Calibration|V|mult=yes}} 43 days, 21 hours, 43 minutes, 32 seconds
* Gallente Frigate III
==Ship skills==
* Gallente Industrial V (~24 days from IV with a new character)
Third remap: '''Remapping (active) : i17 p27 c17 w21 m17'''
* Hull Upgrades II
== Badger Pilot (Caldari) ==
|name=Amarr Transport Skills
|desc=Amarr DST/Blockade Runner
|Amarr Hauler I
Amarr Hauler II
Amarr Hauler III
Amarr Hauler IV
Amarr Hauler V
Transport Ships I
Transport Ships II
Transport Ships III
Transport Ships IV
Transport Ships V}}
Finally, if you desire to fly a Caldari Badger Mark II, capable of hauling just over 12,500 m^3, here's how you can do this. This is most useful for Caldari pilots who already have the Frigate and Hull Upgrade skills and want to be flying in under two hours.
{{Sk|Amarr Hauler|V|mult=yes}} 19 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds
You'll need these skills:
{{Sk|Transport Ships|V|mult=yes}} 29 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes
* Caldari Frigate III
* Caldari Industrial II
* Hull Upgrades II
= Reference =
|name=Gallente Transport Skills
|desc=Gallente DST/Blockade Runner
|Gallente Hauler I
Gallente Hauler II
Gallente Hauler III
Gallente Hauler IV
Gallente Hauler V
Transport Ships I
Transport Ships II
Transport Ships III
Transport Ships IV
Transport Ships V}}
Haulable amounts (in m^3) with minimal skills and full Expanded Cargohold IIs:
{{Sk|Gallente Hauler|V|mult=yes}} 19 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds
{{Sk|Transport Ships|V|mult=yes}} 29 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes
! Ship
! Cargo m^3
! Race
| Bestower || align="right" | 13,319 || Amarr
| Mammoth || align="right" | 17,838 || Minmatar
| Iteron Mark IV || align="right" | 13,058 || Gallente
| Iteron Mark V || align="right" | 25,270 || Gallente
| Badger || align="right" | 7,041 || Caldari
| Badger Mark II || align="right" | 12,514 || Caldari
= Credits =
[http://www.eve-ivy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=24304&p=242308 Raddick Tseng] for suggesting this, and giving some interesting statistics.
|name=Minmatar Transport Skills
|desc=Minmatar DST/Blockade Runner
|Minmatar Hauler I
Minmatar Hauler II
Minmatar Hauler III
Minmatar Hauler IV
Minmatar Hauler V
Transport Ships I
Transport Ships II
Transport Ships III
Transport Ships IV
Transport Ships V}}
{{Sk|Minmatar Hauler|V|mult=yes}} 19 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds
{{Sk|Transport Ships|V|mult=yes}} 29 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes
|name=Caldari Transport Skills
|desc=Caldari DST/Blockade Runner
|Caldari Hauler I
Caldari Hauler II
Caldari Hauler III
Caldari Hauler IV
Caldari Hauler V
Transport Ships I
Transport Ships II
Transport Ships III
Transport Ships IV
Transport Ships V}}
{{Sk|Caldari Hauler|V|mult=yes}} 19 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds
{{Sk|Transport Ships|V|mult=yes}} 29 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes
|name=Caldari Freighter Skills
|Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Advanced Spaceship Command I
Advanced Spaceship Command II
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
Caldari Freighter I
Caldari Freighter II
Caldari Freighter III
Caldari Freighter IV}}
{{Sk|Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds
{{Sk|Advanced Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds
{{Sk|Caldari Freighter|IV|mult=yes}} 8 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds
|name=Gallente Freighter Skills
|Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Advanced Spaceship Command I
Advanced Spaceship Command II
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
Gallente Freighter I
Gallente Freighter II
Gallente Freighter III
Gallente Freighter IV}}
{{Sk|Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds
{{Sk|Advanced Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds
{{Sk|Gallente Freighter|IV|mult=yes}} 8 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds
|name=Amarr Freighter Skills
|Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Advanced Spaceship Command I
Advanced Spaceship Command II
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
Amarr Freighter I
Amarr Freighter II
Amarr Freighter III
Amarr Freighter IV}}
{{Sk|Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds
{{Sk|Advanced Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds
{{Sk|Amarr Freighter|IV|mult=yes}} 8 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds
|name=Minmatar Freighter Skills
|Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Advanced Spaceship Command I
Advanced Spaceship Command II
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
Minmatar Freighter I
Minmatar Freighter II
Minmatar Freighter III
Minmatar Freighter IV}}
{{Sk|Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds
{{Sk|Advanced Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds
{{Sk|Minmatar Freighter|IV|mult=yes}} 8 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds
|name=ORE Freighter Skills
|Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
ORE Hauler I
Advanced Spaceship Command I
ORE Hauler II
Advanced Spaceship Command II
ORE Hauler III
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
ORE Freighter I
ORE Freighter II
ORE Freighter III
ORE Freighter IV}}
{{Sk|Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds
{{Sk|Advanced Spaceship Command|V|mult=yes}} 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds
{{Sk|ORE Freighter|IV|mult=yes}} 7 days, 18 hours, 16 minutes, 28 seconds
|name=Jump Freighter Skills
|desc=Valid for all empire factions
|Jump Freighters I
Jump Freighters II
Jump Freighters III
Jump Freighters IV}}
{{Sk|Jump Freighters|IV|mult=yes}} 12 days, 1 hour, 45 minutes, 36 seconds
== Fitting haulers  ==
Hauling ships can be fit in a few different ways. For DSTs, you can fit for extra cargo, tank, or align. For freighters, you can fit for extra cargo or extra tank. Generally speaking, you only want to replace what's necessary to carry the haul. The fits below are designed for tank with extra cargo in hold. Note that it is generally a good idea to keep the main hold of a DST solely for things the DST needs and the fleet hangar for cargo.
===Deep Space Transports===
These are fits that give you good tank somewhere between 70k-100k EHP.
| ship=Occator
| fitName=EUNI Wiki Example Fit
| fitID=
| high1name=Compact Interdiction Nullifier
| high1typeID=58966
| high2name=Improved Cloaking Device II
| high2typeID=11577
| mid1name=50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=35659
| mid2name=10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
| mid2typeID=35656
| mid3name=Large Shield Extender II
| mid3typeID=3841
| low1name=Damage Control II
| low1typeID=2048
| low2name=Inertial Stabilizers II
| low2typeID=1405
| low3name=Federation Navy Explosive Coating
| low3typeID=17553
| low4name=Federation Navy Explosive Coating
| low4typeID=17553
| low5name=Federation Navy 400mm Steel Plates
| low5typeID=31910
| low6name=Federation Navy Multispectrum Coating
| low6typeID=17549
| charge1name=Core Probe Launcher I
| charge1typeID=17938
| charge2name=Core Scanner Probe I x16
| charge2typeID=30013
| charge3name=Expanded Cargohold II
| charge3typeID=1319
| charge4name=Mobile Depot
| charge4typeID=33474
| rig1name=Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
| rig1typeID=31059
| rig2name=Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
| rig2typeID=31059
| difficulty=1
| version=2023.31.12
| skills=
| notes=Mobile depot, probes, and launcher are in case of getting lost in a wormhole.
| showTOC=N
| showSKILLS=N
| showNOTES=N
| ship=Bustard
| fitName=EUNI Wiki Example Fit
| fitID=
| high1name=Compact Interdiction Nullifier
| high1typeID=58966
| high2name=Improved Cloaking Device II
| high2typeID=11577
| mid1name=50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=35659
| mid2name=10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
| mid2typeID=35656
| mid3name=Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
| mid3typeID=2281
| mid4name=EM Shield Amplifier II
| mid4typeID=2553
| mid5name=EM Shield Amplifier II
| mid5typeID=2553
| mid6name=Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender
| mid6typeID=31932
| low1name=Reactor Control Unit II
| low1typeID=1355
| low2name=Damage Control II
| low2typeID=2048
| low3name=Inertial Stabilizers II
| low3typeID=1405
| charge1name=Core Probe Launcher I
| charge1typeID=17938
| charge2name=Core Scanner Probe I x16
| charge2typeID=30013
| charge3name=Expanded Cargohold II x3
| charge3typeID=1319
| charge4name=Mobile Depot
| charge4typeID=33474
| rig1name=Medium Ancillary Current Router I
| rig1typeID=31360
| rig2name=Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
| rig2typeID=31796
| difficulty=1
| version=2023.31.12
| skills=
| notes=Mobile depot, probes, and launcher are in case of getting lost in a wormhole.
| showTOC=N
| showSKILLS=N
| showNOTES=N
| ship=Impel
| fitName=EUNI Wiki Example Fit
| fitID=
| high1name=Compact Interdiction Nullifier
| high1typeID=58966
| high2name=Improved Cloaking Device II
| high2typeID=11577
| mid1name=50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=35659
| mid2name=10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
| mid2typeID=35656
| low1name=Damage Control II
| low1typeID=2048
| low2name=Inertial Stabilizers II
| low2typeID=1405
| low3name=Thermal Coating II
| low3typeID=1296
| low4name=Thermal Coating II
| low4typeID=1296
| low5name=EM Coating II
| low5typeID=1198
| low6name=Reactive Armor Hardener
| low6typeID=4403
| charge1name=Core Probe Launcher I
| charge1typeID=17938
| charge2name=Core Scanner Probe I x16
| charge2typeID=30013
| charge3name=Expanded Cargohold II
| charge3typeID=1319
| charge4name=Mobile Depot
| charge4typeID=33474
| rig1name=Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
| rig1typeID=31059
| rig2name=Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
| rig2typeID=31059
| difficulty=1
| version=2023.31.12
| skills=
| notes=Mobile depot, probes, and launcher are in case of getting lost in a wormhole.
| showTOC=N
| showSKILLS=N
| showNOTES=N
| ship=Mastodon
| fitName=EUNI Wiki Example Fit
| fitID=
| high1name=Compact Interdiction Nullifier
| high1typeID=58966
| high2name=Improved Cloaking Device II
| high2typeID=11577
| mid1name=50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=35659
| mid2name=Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
| mid2typeID=31930
| mid3name=Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
| mid3typeID=31930
| mid4name=Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
| mid4typeID=2281
| mid5name=Kinetic Shield Amplifier II
| mid5typeID=2547
| low1name=Reactor Control Unit II
| low1typeID=1355
| low2name=Damage Control II
| low2typeID=2048
| low3name=Inertial Stabilizers II
| low3typeID=1405
| low4name=Mark I Compact Reactor Control Unit
| low4typeID=8263
| charge1name=Core Probe Launcher I
| charge1typeID=17938
| charge2name=Core Scanner Probe I x16
| charge2typeID=30013
| charge3name=Expanded Cargohold II x3
| charge3typeID=1319
| charge4name=Mobile Depot
| charge4typeID=33474
| rig1name=Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
| rig1typeID=31796
| rig2name=Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
| rig2typeID=31796
| difficulty=1
| version=2023.31.12
| skills=
| notes=Mobile depot, probes, and launcher are in case of getting lost in a wormhole.
| showTOC=N
| showSKILLS=N
| showNOTES=N
Freighters are the easiest to fit. They have three low slots regardless of which empire you trained into. That's it. For tank, use Reinforced Bulkheads II. For extra cargo, use Expanded Cargohold IIs.
| ship=Obelisk
| fitName=EUNI Wiki Example Fit
| fitID=
| low1name=Reinforced Bulkheads II
| low1typeID=1335
| low2name=Reinforced Bulkheads II
| low2typeID=1335
| low3name=Reinforced Bulkheads II
| low3typeID=1335
| charge1name=Expanded Cargohold II x3
| charge1typeID=1319 
| difficulty=1
| version=2023.31.12
| skills=
| notes=
| showTOC=N
| showSKILLS=N
| showNOTES=N
== Optimize with Giant Secure Containers  ==
There are items called ''Giant Secure Containers'' (GSC) which take up 3,000 {{m3}} in your cargo hold. The interesting thing is that you can put 3,900 {{m3}} of stuff in a GSC - which means you get a 30% space bonus.
{{ note box | Notes:
* Giant Secure Containers are great but with a minor limitation, they cannot store some goods like frozen food, or livestock. So keep this in mind if you are using these containers to haul goods.
| italics= no }}
== Earning ISK via hauling  ==
Earning ISK via hauling can be done both with players and NPCs. To make money hauling for players, try keeping an eye out for courier contracts in the in-game channel: {{co|slateblue|Hauler's Channel}}. Just be mindful that people will sometimes try to use courier contracts to scam you.
You can also earn ISK hauling with [[Distribution missions]]. Be aware that L1 missions sometimes require combat and therefore if you're grinding standings, it may be worth reading mission guides to make sure you have what you need.
== Credits  ==
*[https://gate.eveonline.com/Profile/Raddick%20Tseng Raddick Tseng] for suggesting this, and giving some interesting statistics.  
== See also ==
* [[Using external tools to haul profitably]]
* [[Making Money with Hauling - Level 4 Cargo Missions]]
== References ==
* [https://forums-archive.eveonline.com/message/3263586 Odyssey 1.1 - Tech 1 Industrials, Round 2]
* [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/rebalancing-and-renaming-industrials Dev blog: Rebalancing and renaming industrials]
* [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/28-ships-later Dev blog: 28 ships later]
* [https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/patch-notes-version-20-04 Patch notes: Renaming T1 industrials class to haulers]
[[Category:Getting Started]]

Revision as of 11:17, 12 May 2024

Main article: Alternate characters

A hauler alt is a character trained specifically for hauling. There are many reasons to create such an alt, but it primarily stems from a need to move things to and from places on your own timetable.

This guide is designed to train an alt into Deep Space Transport and Blockade Runner. This is sufficient for most personal haulers, but if needed you can train an alt into a Freighter, Bowhead, and Jump Freighter. The guide is segmented to allow you to pick and choose which ship types you wish to train your alt into based on your needs. Hauling is generally a skill that requires Omega.png Omega clone and this guide assumes that your hauler alt is either on its own Omega account or that you are using Multiple Character Training.

You will want to use the appropriate skill plan for the empire faction you're training into: Armor-tanked support skill for Gallente/Amarr and Shield-tanked support skill for Minmatar/Caldari.

Why use a hauler alt?

Training into a hauler can be a long train, especially if training into Jump Freighters. Training one character to do hauling as well as a variety of other activities takes significantly longer and delays being able to either well. Specialization with multiple characters means that you can do both well when training into the desired skills is completed. Additionally, training a hauler alt on a separate account means that you can haul your cargo while doing something else as opposed to choosing between two activities. A hauler alt is also useful because they can be put in a player-owned alt corp such as the Hall of Residence without much concern for things like hisec wars. Without a hauler alt, hisec wars can mean losing cargo to war targets who camp trade hubs and have a proficiency in destroying anything that undocks from the main hub stations.

When hauling with a Jump Freighter, it becomes almost entirely necessary to have an alt that can haul while another alt lights an industrial cyno at a waypoint to allow the Jump Freighter to get where it's going.

Training multiple characters

If you are creating an alt on an account with other characters, it is important to note that only one character can be training skills at a time unless you are willing to pay for Multiple Character Training. Attempting to add skills to the training queue will result in an error, so you will need to pause training on your currently training character if you don't want to pay for MCT.

Why no T1 haulers?

T1 haulers fill a niche created by the fact that other ships simply cannot hold as much as haulers. If all you want to do is move a large amount of gas, ore, minerals, or planetary commodities from one station or structure within or to a nearby system, then you might consider training up the relevant faction's hauler to fly a specialized hauler. For example, at Gallente Hauler V the Miasmos can hold 63,000m3 which is almost as much as much as a Deep Space Transport's fleet hangar at max skills, but it has a paper tank that cannot hold up against any ganker. Moving anything valuable over longer distances, such as from Stacmon to Jita, puts your cargo at an unnecessary risk. Moving short distances in a T1 hauler in hisec is generally safe, but beyond that T2 haulers are necessary to prevent the loss of all your cargo.

If you are a member of EVE University and cannot train into T2 hauling ships because you are an Alpha.png Alpha clone, consider using the University Hauling Service to move your stuff around safely for free and the University Buyback Program to sell goods for profit.

  • There are some restrictions on where the University Hauling Service will take your goods and there is a recommended fee for hauling on goods you intend to make a profit on. See the forum post for additional information.

Preparing for training

It is important to read about hauling as it will save you a lot of time and frustration. Before you even create a character, consider that the Amarr, Gallente, and Minmatar start with Mechanics III and Hull Upgrades III. Regardless of which faction you start with, you can train into any hauling ship. The CaldariCharon is generally considered the best freighter because of its carrying capacity, but the GallenteObelisk offers the highest EHP and the MinmatarFenrir is the fastest. The AmarrProvidence comes in second for agility and tank which means that it might be considered a balanced option. For Deep Space Transports, the GallenteOccator is the fastest at aligning while the AmarrImpel can fit a solid amount of tank thanks to its generous number of low slots. The MinmatarMastodon is a good choice for those looking for a balanced choice between align time and tank.

The Bowhead is a unique freighter in that it does not have a large cargo hold like the other freighters. Instead, it features a massive ship maintenance bay which allows it to haul fitted ships. Note that the Bowhead is shield-tanked and if you want to train both a regular freighter and the Bowhead, you might consider training into one of the shield-tanked transport ships for the fastest train. Otherwise, you could train support skills for both shield and armor-tanked hauling ships.

Skill plan

The skill plans are divided up between armor-tanked and shield-tanked ships as well Transport Ships (DSTs and Blockade Runners), Freighters, and Jump Freighters. This guide assumes that if you are going to train into a freighter, you will also be training into DST. If you do not, you can remove the Transport Ships skill from the skill queue leaving only empire faction specific hauler skill at the beginning of your ship skills portion of the skill queue. To train Jump Freighters you will need to train one of the four main empire faction freighters.

All characters start with Cybernetics I which allows the use of +3 training implants and this guide assumes you are using them, but you may wish to train Cybernetics V to unlock +5 implants and allows you to use implant sets like Amulets (armor) or Nirvanas (shield) for additional tank and Ascendancies (warp time) or Nomads (align time) for speed.

The skill plan utilizes neural remaps to reduce training time. It is not required to use the neural remap, but the difference in time is significant. Because this skill plan utilizes three neural remaps, you will want to create a new character rather than training an existing alt. If you are using an existing character, you might consider using the first and third neural remaps to train up support and ship skills as these are the most lengthy skill trains. If your existing character only has the annual remap, consider remapping for the ship skills section as that will be the longest train. The remaps are as follows:

  • Support skills: Intelligence-Memory
  • Navigation skills: Intelligence-Perception
  • Ship skills: Willpower-Perception

The skills are not all maxed, meaning that after you have trained into the ships you wish to fly you may wish to train certain skills further than this skill plan covers, especially the support and navigation skills.

The skill plan has also been optimized for the dopamine effect of hearing that a skill has completed training by organizing skills from shortest to longest train wherever possible.

Support skills

First remap: Remapping (active) : i27 p17 c17 w17 m21

Armor-tanked support skills

Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Jury Rigging I
Armor Layering I
Cloaking I
Industry II
Jury Rigging II
Armor Layering II
Cloaking II
Industry III
Jury Rigging III
Armor Layering III
Cloaking III
Industry IV
Hull Upgrades IV
Armor Layering IV
Explosive Armor Compensation I
EM Armor Compensation I
Kinetic Armor Compensation I
Thermal Armor Compensation I
Armor Rigging I
Astronautics Rigging I
EM Armor Compensation II
Thermal Armor Compensation II
Kinetic Armor Compensation II
Explosive Armor Compensation II
Astronautics Rigging II
Armor Rigging II
Explosive Armor Compensation III
Kinetic Armor Compensation III
Thermal Armor Compensation III
EM Armor Compensation III
Armor Rigging III
Astronautics Rigging III
Mechanics IV
Capacitor Systems Operation IV
EM Armor Compensation IV
Thermal Armor Compensation IV
Kinetic Armor Compensation IV
Explosive Armor Compensation IV
Capacitor Management IV
Astronautics Rigging IV
Armor Rigging IV
Industry V
Capacitor Systems Operation V
Cloaking IV
Capacitor Management V

Jury Rigging III (2x) 7 hours, 18 minutes, 2 seconds

Industry V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds

Cloaking IV (6x) 5 days, 4 hour, 11 minutes

Armor Layering IV (3x) 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds

Hull Upgrades IV (2x) 1 day, 9 hours, 6 minutes, 55 seconds

Explosive Armor Compensation IV (2x) 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds

EM Armor Compensation IV (2x) 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds

Thermal Armor Compensation IV (2x) 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds

Kinetic Armor Compensation IV (2x) 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds

Armor Rigging IV (3x) 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds

Astronautics Rigging IV (3x) 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds

Mechanics IV (1x) 20 hours, 41 minutes, 49 seconds

Capacitor Systems Operation V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds

Capacitor Management V (3x) 14 days, 15 hours, 14 minutes, 30 seconds

Shield-tanked support skills

Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Shield Operation I
Jury Rigging I
Cloaking I
Shield Operation II
Shield Upgrades II
Industry II
Jury Rigging II
Tactical Shield Manipulation II
Cloaking II
Shield Operation III
Industry III
Jury Rigging III
Astronautics Rigging I
Shield Rigging I
Astronautics Rigging II
Shield Rigging II
Shield Upgrades III
Shield Rigging III
Astronautics Rigging III
Tactical Shield Manipulation III
Cloaking III
Shield Operation IV
Industry IV
Mechanics IV
Capacitor Systems Operation IV
Shield Upgrades IV
Capacitor Management IV
Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
Shield Rigging IV
Astronautics Rigging IV
Capacitor Management V
Industry V
Capacitor Systems Operation V

Jury Rigging III (2x) 7 hours, 18 minutes, 2 seconds

Industry V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds

Cloaking IV (6x) 5 days, 4 hour, 11 minutes

Shield Operation IV (1x) 20 hours, 41 minutes, 49 seconds

Shield Upgrades IV (2x) 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds

Hull Upgrades IV (2x) 1 day, 9 hours, 6 minutes, 55 seconds

Explosive Shield Compensation IV (2x) 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds

EM Shield Compensation IV (2x) 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds

Thermal Shield Compensation IV (2x) 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds

Kinetic Shield Compensation IV (2x) 1 day, 17 hours, 23 minutes, 39 seconds

Shield Rigging IV (3x) 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds

Astronautics Rigging IV (3x) 2 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds

Tactical Shield Manipulation IV (4x) 2 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, 19 seconds

Mechanics IV (1x) 20 hours, 41 minutes, 49 seconds

Capacitor Systems Operation V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds

Capacitor Management V (3x) 14 days, 15 hours, 14 minutes, 30 seconds

Jump Freighter support skills

Only add this skill if you're planning to train Jump Freighters
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Science V

Science V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds


Second remap: Remapping (active) : i27 p21 c17 w17 m17

Navigation skills - Transport Ships/Freighter

Valid for all empire factions
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Acceleration Control I
Acceleration Control II
High Speed Maneuvering II
Warp Drive Operation III
Acceleration Control III
High Speed Maneuvering III
Warp Drive Operation IV
Acceleration Control IV
Navigation IV
High Speed Maneuvering IV
Warp Drive Operation V
Micro Jump Drive Operation I

Acceleration Control IV (4x) 3 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, 19 seconds

Navigation IV (1x) 20 hours, 41 minutes, 49 seconds

High Speed Maneuvering IV (5x) 4 days, 7 hours, 29 minutes, 10 seconds

Warp Drive Operation V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds

Micro Jump Drive Operation I (5x) 33 minutes, 20 seconds

Navigation skills - Jump Freighter

Only use this if you are planning to train into jump freighter
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Navigation IV
Navigation V
Warp Drive Operation III
Warp Drive Operation IV
Warp Drive Operation V
Jump Drive Operation I
Evasive Maneuvering II
High Speed Maneuvering II
Jump Drive Operation II
Evasive Maneuvering III
High Speed Maneuvering III
Jump Drive Operation III
High Speed Maneuvering IV
Jump Drive Operation IV
Evasive Maneuvering IV
Jump Drive Operation V
Micro Jump Drive Operation I
Jump Fuel Conservation I
Jump Drive Calibration I
Jump Fuel Conservation II
Jump Drive Calibration II
Jump Fuel Conservation III
Jump Drive Calibration III
Jump Fuel Conservation IV
Jump Drive Calibration IV
Jump Drive Calibration V

Acceleration Control IV (4x) 3 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, 19 seconds

Navigation V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds

High Speed Maneuvering IV (5x) 4 days, 7 hours, 29 minutes, 10 seconds

Warp Drive Operation V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, 50 seconds

Micro Jump Drive Operation I (5x) 33 minutes, 20 seconds

Jump Drive Operation V (5x) 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds

Jump Fuel Conservation IV (8x) 6 days, 21 hours, 34 minutes, 38 seconds

Jump Drive Calibration V (9x) 43 days, 21 hours, 43 minutes, 32 seconds

Ship skills

Third remap: Remapping (active) : i17 p27 c17 w21 m17

Amarr Transport Skills

Amarr DST/Blockade Runner
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Amarr Hauler I
Amarr Hauler II
Amarr Hauler III
Amarr Hauler IV
Amarr Hauler V
Transport Ships I
Transport Ships II
Transport Ships III
Transport Ships IV
Transport Ships V

Amarr Hauler V (4x) 19 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds

Transport Ships V (6x) 29 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes

Gallente Transport Skills

Gallente DST/Blockade Runner
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Gallente Hauler I
Gallente Hauler II
Gallente Hauler III
Gallente Hauler IV
Gallente Hauler V
Transport Ships I
Transport Ships II
Transport Ships III
Transport Ships IV
Transport Ships V

Gallente Hauler V (4x) 19 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds

Transport Ships V (6x) 29 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes

Minmatar Transport Skills

Minmatar DST/Blockade Runner
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Minmatar Hauler I
Minmatar Hauler II
Minmatar Hauler III
Minmatar Hauler IV
Minmatar Hauler V
Transport Ships I
Transport Ships II
Transport Ships III
Transport Ships IV
Transport Ships V

Minmatar Hauler V (4x) 19 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds

Transport Ships V (6x) 29 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes

Caldari Transport Skills

Caldari DST/Blockade Runner
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Caldari Hauler I
Caldari Hauler II
Caldari Hauler III
Caldari Hauler IV
Caldari Hauler V
Transport Ships I
Transport Ships II
Transport Ships III
Transport Ships IV
Transport Ships V

Caldari Hauler V (4x) 19 days, 12 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds

Transport Ships V (6x) 29 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes

Caldari Freighter Skills

Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Advanced Spaceship Command I
Advanced Spaceship Command II
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
Caldari Freighter I
Caldari Freighter II
Caldari Freighter III
Caldari Freighter IV

Spaceship Command V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds

Advanced Spaceship Command V (5x) 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds

Caldari Freighter IV (10x) 8 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds

Gallente Freighter Skills

Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Advanced Spaceship Command I
Advanced Spaceship Command II
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
Gallente Freighter I
Gallente Freighter II
Gallente Freighter III
Gallente Freighter IV

Spaceship Command V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds

Advanced Spaceship Command V (5x) 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds

Gallente Freighter IV (10x) 8 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds

Amarr Freighter Skills

Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Advanced Spaceship Command I
Advanced Spaceship Command II
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
Amarr Freighter I
Amarr Freighter II
Amarr Freighter III
Amarr Freighter IV

Spaceship Command V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds

Advanced Spaceship Command V (5x) 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds

Amarr Freighter IV (10x) 8 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds

Minmatar Freighter Skills

Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
Advanced Spaceship Command I
Advanced Spaceship Command II
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
Minmatar Freighter I
Minmatar Freighter II
Minmatar Freighter III
Minmatar Freighter IV

Spaceship Command V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds

Advanced Spaceship Command V (5x) 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds

Minmatar Freighter IV (10x) 8 days, 14 hours, 58 minutes, 17 seconds

ORE Freighter Skills

Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Spaceship Command IV
Spaceship Command V
ORE Hauler I
Advanced Spaceship Command I
ORE Hauler II
Advanced Spaceship Command II
ORE Hauler III
Advanced Spaceship Command III
Advanced Spaceship Command IV
Advanced Spaceship Command V
ORE Freighter I
ORE Freighter II
ORE Freighter III
ORE Freighter IV

Spaceship Command V (1x) 4 days, 21 hours, 49 seconds

Advanced Spaceship Command V (5x) 24 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes, 9 seconds

ORE Freighter IV (9x) 7 days, 18 hours, 16 minutes, 28 seconds

Jump Freighter Skills

Valid for all empire factions
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Jump Freighters I
Jump Freighters II
Jump Freighters III
Jump Freighters IV

Jump Freighters IV (14x) 12 days, 1 hour, 45 minutes, 36 seconds

Fitting haulers

Hauling ships can be fit in a few different ways. For DSTs, you can fit for extra cargo, tank, or align. For freighters, you can fit for extra cargo or extra tank. Generally speaking, you only want to replace what's necessary to carry the haul. The fits below are designed for tank with extra cargo in hold. Note that it is generally a good idea to keep the main hold of a DST solely for things the DST needs and the fleet hangar for cargo.

Deep Space Transports

These are fits that give you good tank somewhere between 70k-100k EHP.

Occator: EUNI Wiki Example Fit
[Occator, EUNI Wiki Example Fit]
Compact Interdiction Nullifier
Improved Cloaking Device II

50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Large Shield Extender II

Damage Control II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Federation Navy Explosive Coating
Federation Navy Explosive Coating
Federation Navy 400mm Steel Plates
Federation Navy Multispectrum Coating

Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II

Core Probe Launcher I
Core Scanner Probe I x16
Expanded Cargohold II
Mobile Depot

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png
  • Mobile depot, probes, and launcher are in case of getting lost in a wormhole.
Bustard: EUNI Wiki Example Fit
[Bustard, EUNI Wiki Example Fit]
Compact Interdiction Nullifier
Improved Cloaking Device II

50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
EM Shield Amplifier II
EM Shield Amplifier II
Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender

Reactor Control Unit II
Damage Control II
Inertial Stabilizers II

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

Core Probe Launcher I
Core Scanner Probe I x16
Expanded Cargohold II x3
Mobile Depot

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png
  • Mobile depot, probes, and launcher are in case of getting lost in a wormhole.

Impel: EUNI Wiki Example Fit
[Impel, EUNI Wiki Example Fit]
Compact Interdiction Nullifier
Improved Cloaking Device II

50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner

Damage Control II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Thermal Coating II
Thermal Coating II
EM Coating II
Reactive Armor Hardener

Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II

Core Probe Launcher I
Core Scanner Probe I x16
Expanded Cargohold II
Mobile Depot

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png
  • Mobile depot, probes, and launcher are in case of getting lost in a wormhole.
Mastodon: EUNI Wiki Example Fit
[Mastodon, EUNI Wiki Example Fit]
Compact Interdiction Nullifier
Improved Cloaking Device II

50MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Kinetic Shield Amplifier II

Reactor Control Unit II
Damage Control II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Mark I Compact Reactor Control Unit

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

Core Probe Launcher I
Core Scanner Probe I x16
Expanded Cargohold II x3
Mobile Depot

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png
  • Mobile depot, probes, and launcher are in case of getting lost in a wormhole.


Freighters are the easiest to fit. They have three low slots regardless of which empire you trained into. That's it. For tank, use Reinforced Bulkheads II. For extra cargo, use Expanded Cargohold IIs.

Obelisk: EUNI Wiki Example Fit
[Obelisk, EUNI Wiki Example Fit]

Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Reinforced Bulkheads II

Expanded Cargohold II x3

Fitting template high slot label.png
Fitting template mid slots label.png
Fitting template low slots label.png
Fitting template subsystem slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
Fitting template charge slots label.png
Fitting template rig slots label.png

Optimize with Giant Secure Containers

There are items called Giant Secure Containers (GSC) which take up 3,000  m3 in your cargo hold. The interesting thing is that you can put 3,900  m3 of stuff in a GSC - which means you get a 30% space bonus.

  • Giant Secure Containers are great but with a minor limitation, they cannot store some goods like frozen food, or livestock. So keep this in mind if you are using these containers to haul goods.

Earning ISK via hauling

Earning ISK via hauling can be done both with players and NPCs. To make money hauling for players, try keeping an eye out for courier contracts in the in-game channel: Hauler's Channel. Just be mindful that people will sometimes try to use courier contracts to scam you.

You can also earn ISK hauling with Distribution missions. Be aware that L1 missions sometimes require combat and therefore if you're grinding standings, it may be worth reading mission guides to make sure you have what you need.


  • Raddick Tseng for suggesting this, and giving some interesting statistics.

See also
