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{{cleanup|Article should be revised to reflect a less casual tone/style.}}
'''Interceptors''' (often called "inties" or "'ceptors") are a class of Tech 2 [[frigate]]. They are some of EVE's fastest ships, and they have attributes and bonuses which make them supremely effective [[Tackling Guide|tacklers]], or dangerous high-speed damage-dealers. Inties are often one of the first classes of T2 ships that pilots train, and they're often helpful in Eve University's fleets where they are normally used to do basic tackle well.
{{Planetary Interaction links}}
So now it's time to shop for a suitable planet.  You have read up on what is made from of what on the [[Planetary Industry]] page, and you have decided to make something. Now you need to find one or more planets that will keep your assembly line going.  As you might expect, the abundance of resources on a planet is affected by the system's Security Status, but this is not the only consideration.  If you want to  make a whole product chain on one planet, you need to look at the mix of resources available too.
This page won't make you a good interceptor pilot -- only practice can do that -- but it does cover a lot of information that's useful for new interceptor pilots.
Terminology note: "Point" and "Long Point" usually mean a Warp Disruptor, while "Scram" (and sometimes "Short Point") refers to a Warp Scrambler.
There are about 42,000 planets in the EVE universe, and some are Oceanic, some Lava, some Temperate.  Some are located in highsec, some in lowsec, some in nullsec, and some in wormhole space.  With such a range of choice, how do you pick the 1-6 planets that you want to commit your capital to?
Several variables come into play in making this decision:
There are two types of interceptor: interceptors designed purely for tackling ("tackle" or "fleet" inties), and interceptors designed for combat ("gank", "damage", "damage-dealing" or "combat" inties). Each of the four races has one interceptor of each type. For simplicity's sake this guide will refer to the two types as '''fleet''' and '''combat''' interceptors, but different players will use different terminology. Due to Eve University's general "Combined Arms" large fleet style, fleet inties are more useful in a normal E-Uni fleet.
# Whether you need a specific product for your goal, or are maximizing profit from resource extraction
# The abundance of the product you need for the goal
# The relative abundance of the multiple products you need to achieve the goal
# The radius of the planet, which determines the cost of all of its links
All interceptors, of both kinds, share certain characteristics:
= Resource Abundance by Sec Status =
* They all have an "''80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost''" role bonus, letting inty pilots permanently run warp disruptors/scramblers and webifiers much more easily.
* They all have a "''15% reduction in Microwarpdrive (MWD) [[signature|signature radius]] penalty''" for each level their pilot has in {{sk|Interceptors|icon=yes}}, dramatically reducing the signature bloom effect caused by having a MWD on.
** Most ships have to use MWDs in short bursts only, because the bloom makes them much more vulnerable to large guns and missiles. This crucial bonus lets interceptors run their MWDs permanently but still keep (relatively) small sig radii.
* They all have very high base velocities.
* They all have very high base scan resolution, letting them lock on to targets rapidly.
* Interceptors have the '''fastest base warp speed''' (8.0 AU/s) in EVE, which means they can catch up to any other ship at warp speed, except for speed-fit [[Blockade Runner|blockade runners]] and the [[Leopard]] (which trounces any other ship, at 20 AU/s).
As with [[Ore_Details|mining]] or ratting, better yields can be found in lower security space.  Looking at this effect alone lets us focus on one of the several variables you need to look at.
===Fleet Interceptors===
Fleet interceptors are so called because they are a great help to a fleet (especially in high- and lowsec where bubbles can't be used to pin the enemy down) but, being more or less pure tacklers, they aren't as effective when used solo.
To start off, let us make this simple and look at the abundance of something that will always require more than one planet, which means you can focus on just the one resource.  Lava planets are the only source of Felsmic Magma, which is processed into Silicon.  Below is a sampling of various lava planets of different security levels.
* Their defining feature is a 5% '''bonus to warp scrambler and warp disruptor range''' per level in the Interceptor skill
* They also have immunity to non-targeted interdiction, which means they can warp while inside a warp disruption bubble, however they still cannot warp while being tackled by a warp disruptor or scrambler like other ships.  
In highsec, you will note that Loggutur II and Aldrat I are singularly poor examples of Lava planets, having pretty much no Felsmic Magma at all, while Vullat IV is a rather good Lava Planet, having deposits that rival a lot of lower security systems in the highsec class.  In any case though, you are not very likely to find any Lava Planets with huge supplies of Felsmic Magma, but if you look around, you can find some fairly decent ones.
Fleet interceptors move fast, catch ships quickly and can hold a point while orbiting them at high speed and beyond 20km range -- for example, with {{sk|Interceptors|IV|icon=yes}}, the range of a T2 warp disruptor will be over 28km (and over 34km if you overheat). The rest of the fleet interceptors' bonuses, tied to the racial frigate skill (which will have been trained to 5), are weapon- or tank-related.
Moving to lowsec, we can see that Erstet VIII has no more Felsmic Magma than Vullat IV, despite having all the attached dangers of low security space.  On the other hand, Erstet II has about double the abundance of the high sec systems.  However, if we are going to dabble around in low sec, we might as well go all-in and jump to Egmar, Helgatild, or Todifrauan.
The four races' fleet inties, together with their racial frigate skill bonuses, are:
Finally, we could move into 0.0, but be careful -- to avoid being killed, obviously, but also to avoid planets like PF-346 I, where we can find all the dangers of 0.0, but an abundance that is half or less than that of many High Sec planets.  On the other hand, we could strike it lucky and find a planet like 93PI-4 I where Felsmic Magma is greater than half-way across the scale.  Likely there might even be some planets that are even better.
* {{icon|isis amarr|22}}[[Malediction]]: 5% bonuses to rocket damage and armor resistances per level
* {{icon|isis caldari|22}}[[Crow]]: 5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion radius and 10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket max velocity
* {{icon|isis gallente|22}}[[Ares]]: 5% bonus to hybrid damage and 7.5% bonus to hybrid tracking per level
* {{icon|isis minmatar|22}}[[Stiletto]]: 5% bonus to projectile damage and 7.5% bonus to projectile tracking per level
(I can only conjecture that Wormholes are similar to 0.0, and likely the higher the class, the better.)
All four of these are useful. The Stiletto and Crow's fourth midslot gives them more utility, while the Malediction and Ares' extra low allows them more speed.  It should be noted that CCP altered the Crow's slot configuration in the Oceanus release (September 2014) to remove one lowslot and add one highslot (among other changes to the Crow).
This survey suggests that the effect of security status on abundance is less linear security status, and more simply where it falls into the three classes of highsec, lowsec and nullsec.
===Combat Interceptors===
'''Note:''' these distributions were collected on Singularity server on 2010 May 9, so they may not be valid now that Tyranis has gone live on Tranquility.
{{ note box | Note: Combat interceptors used to have immunity to warp bubbles, but this was removed in [https://www.eveonline.com/article/pg4q8e/patch-notes-for-october-2018-release the October 2018 update].| italics = yes }}
Although the name implies so, combat interceptors are not that well suited to ''actual fighting'' as in being ''general damage dealers''. While they can be popular solo ships, usually going toe-to-toe with other frigates, or can actually contribute some DPS in/to ''frigate-only'' fleets, their overall damage output is not comparable to anything beyond the frigate size class, nor do they tank much better than the default T1 frigates.
In fleet environments, they are more useful to land fast scrams on target or take on single other frigates, although dedicated anti-frig cruisers can often be better suited for that role. For applying tackle via Warp Disruptors, Fleet Interceptors are usually better suited.
* Combat interceptors have '''more combat-orientated slot layouts''', usually more lowslots at the expense of midslots
* Combat interceptors have '''more powergrid''' than the fleet inties, making it easier to fit weapons
* Combat interceptors have '''an extra combat-related bonus''' tied to {{sk|Interceptors|icon=yes}}, instead of the fleet interceptors' tackling range bonus (which combat interceptors lack)
The four combat inties, together with their racial frigate skill bonuses, are:
== Lava ==
* {{icon|isis amarr|22}}[[Crusader]]:  10% less laser cap use, 5% bonus to laser damage, 7.5% bonus to laser tracking per level
* {{icon|isis caldari|22}}[[Raptor]]: 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret Damage, 10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
* {{icon|isis gallente|22}}[[Taranis]]: 10% bonus to hybrid damage, 7.5% bonus to hybrid tracking per level
* {{icon|isis minmatar|22}}[[Claw]]: 10% bonus to projectile damage, 7.5% bonus to projectile tracking per level
The Taranis's hefty damage bonus -- applied to the already face-meltingly high DPS potential of blasters -- has made it a very popular dogfighter. The other three all have their proponents, however, and they're all deadly in the right hands. It should be noted that CCP changed the Raptor's slot configuration in the Oceanus release (September 2014) to remove a highslot and add a midslot (among other changes to the Raptor).
!Sec Status
| [[File:Lava1_0-Loguttur-II.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava1_0-Vullat-IV.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava-1_0-Hulm-II.png|200px|frameless]]
| [[File:Lava9-Krilmokenur-III.png|200px|frameless]]
| 0.7
|[[File:Lava7-Eygfe-IV.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava7-Orvolle-I.png|200px|frameless]]
| [[File:Lava6-Aldrat-I.png|200px|frameless]]
| 0.5
|[[File:Lava5-Hek-I.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava5-Hek-II.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava5-Uttindar-I.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava5-Nein-II.png|200px|frameless]]
| [[File:Lava4-Ender-III.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava4-Erstat-VIII.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava4-Erstet-II.png|200px|frameless]]
| 0.2
| [[File:Lava2-Helgatild-I.png|200px|frameless]]
| 0.1
| [[File:Lava1-Todifrauan-IV.png|200px|frameless]]
| 0.0
| [[File:Lava00-PF-346-I.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava00-93PI-4-III.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava00-93PI-4-I.png|200px|frameless]]
== Temperate ==
===Necessary Skills===
Training to fly the Interceptor hull will probably take the most amount of time, particularly Evasive Maneuvering 5 and Racial Frigate 5.
*{{sk|Interceptors|I}} is required to fly interceptors, although having at least level 4 is strongly recommended for the interceptor skill bonuses.
Most of these modules are relatively quick to train for. T2 modules ''often'' (not always) give a significant advantage over T1 and so are recommended in most cases.
*{{sk|Propulsion Jamming|II}} is necessary for Tech 2 points, and level 4 allows T2 webs.
*{{sk|High Speed Maneuvering}} Helps your cap life tremendously. Level 4 is recommended, a T2 MWD is usually not a good idea on an interceptor.
*{{sk|Hull Upgrades|II}} is required for T2 Nanofibre Internal Structures and Overdrive Injectors.
*{{sk|Thermodynamics}} Allows overheating of modules: vital in tight situations to give an extra boost of speed or point range. {{sk|Nanite Operation}} is required for Nanite Paste, used to repair heat damage.
So that we are not limiting the conversation to just one planet type, let us see if this effect bears out for another type of planet.  Temperate planets are the only place you can find Autotrophs, from which you can make Industrial Fibers.  As you can see, we do have a bit of variation, but our prospects seem better for these than Felsmic Magma, particularly since Temperate planets are somewhat more common than Lava planets.
===Support Skills===
Orvolle IV is not a very good planet at all, but Orvolle V, Hardbako VI, Aldrat VIII or Eygfe III would be good places to setup for High Sec Industrial Fiber production.
*Basic fitting skills like {{sk|Hull Upgrades}}, {{sk|Electronics Upgrades}}, {{sk|Energy Grid Upgrades}}, and {{sk|Power Grid Management}} should be at level 5.
As can be expected, moving into lowsec or 0.0 improves the results, with a very impressive yield in PF-346 III (in comparison to the improvement we saw in Felsmic Magma.)
*{{sk|Navigation}} 5% bonus to sub-warp speed per level. Level 5 is recommended.
*{{sk|Acceleration Control}} 5% bonus to afterburner and MWD speed per level. Level 4 is recommended.
*{{sk|Spaceship Command}} 2% to ship agility per level. Level 5 is recommended.
*{{sk|Signature Analysis}} 5% scan resolution per level; getting this to level 5 will greatly boost your target locking speed.
*{{sk|Long Range Targeting|V}} will help make sure you can actually target out to the same range that you can point. A signal amplifier module or ionic field projector rig is still often required to match overheated point range.
=== Hi Sec ===
*{{sk|Capacitor Management|IV}} and {{sk|Capacitor Systems Operation|IV}} in these skills will help cap stability greatly, although you can fit a capacitor power relay module or capacitor control rig to cope with low cap skills.
Looking at the Temperate distributions in Orvolle (0.7) shows how you must base you decision on your target product:
*{{sk|Astronautics Rigging}} for navigation rigs.
*{{sk|Electronic Superiority Rigging}} for rigs that improve targeting speed and range.
*{{sk|Shield Upgrades|IV}} will allow Medium Shield Extender IIs to be fitted, a common midslot module.
Let us check out some more locations in High Security space:  Hardbako (0.7), Eygfe (0.7) and Aldrat (0.6)
*{{sk|Thermodynamics|IV}} to allow you to overheat your MWD and point.
T2 small weapon skills will be useful for combat inties, as Tech 2 ammo generally allows much more range control and damage.
=== Low Sec  and 0.0 ===
===Fitting Fleet Interceptors===
As for most support ships, the basic rule for fitting interceptors is: Fit for your role. Basically you want to have a fast (MWD+speed/agility), yet resilient (tank) platform for your long range point. Mods/rigs to adapt your locking range to overheated point range will also be used.
Ok, our processors are not really running at full capacity on Orvolle V, so let's try moving to Low Sec, for example Enden (0.4).  Clearly we are getting more Autotrophs, but the distribution of other products is similar to some of our high sec examples.
While one could also use fleet inties for close range scram role, often there would be better ships for that role, and you better know what you're doing. This part of the guide focuses on long range point inties.
====Priority considerations====
* Long range point (T2)
*: The meta 4 points still only have a 20km range, so we ''need'' T2 (which gives 24km pointing range). Don't fit a scram instead; if you have four mid slots you can add a scram as extra.
*: For combat interceptors, the Afterburner could be an option, but not so for the fleet inty. We want to orbit at range and keep a point. AB is just too slow for that job. Typically you will find that fitting a meta MWD will be the best option, as it's fitting requirements and cap usage are lower than the T1 and T2 variants. There are three MWDs to consider:
*:*5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive - Has the lowest powergrid and CPU requirements. Great for tight fits.
*:*5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive - Has the lowest cap usage, which is useful for running modules longer. Great for cap-heavy or active-tanked fits.
*:*5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive - Has the lowest penalty on signature radius and capacitor amount penalty. Best option for speed tanked fits. Its reduced capacitor amount penalty means it can also improve cap stability, although not as much as Cold-Gas.
* Targeting range of over 36km
*: You must ensure that you can target beyond your overheated point range, or there is very little use for your tackle mod. Note that most interceptors have a native targeting range below 36km even with all skills at V.  One option for a fourth midslot is a Sensor Booster, which without a script adds both targeting range and targeting speed (scan resolution).  See below.
* Tank
*: Yes, speed is not your only defense, rather a way to mitigate ''some'' of your incoming damage. Way too many interceptors die young to having no tank. Without a tank, all it takes is one volley from a hurricane and you're debris. With a DCII and a MSE, you can live (almost) forever, or at least have some time to GTFO. Highly recommended.
* Cap stability
*: You want to be cap stable (impossible on some fits) or at least have several minutes of cap running your MWD and point. If you cap out, you lose point or your speed, meaning you lose your target or die. Either is bad. If your skills aren't up to it, fit a cap mod in the lows or mids. Stiletto is the hardest to get cap stable.
* Speed
*: Speed is life. You want to go fast, but remember the stacking penalty. Having more than three mods/rigs that affect your speed (overdrives, nanos, polycarbs and aux thrusters) gives very little benefit over having three.
* Defense against incoming fire
*: When you tackle something, chances are it will try to kill you. Some guns will be able to track you (especially when accompanied by Tracking Enhancers), although many fits won't, and missiles can hurt. Often your worst enemy will be drones -- cruisers and larger ships often stock light drones for the sole purpose of killing or driving off interceptors.  With the nerf to Defender missiles a while ago (they used to fit into Rocket Launchers before, and also were able to one-shot enemy missiles - not like that anymore) you can't shoot down missiles any longer, so the only incoming damage you can mitigate with offense is drones. If you are a fleet inty and taking damage from a larger ship, check your overview to ensure that you can see drones, and if they are redboxing you, target and kill them.  Autocannons with Barrage ammo or rocket launchers will do that job effectively (albeit slowly - you have anemic DPS), and will not use up your valuable cap. Against the remaining DPS, you will have to rely on the agility and tank mentioned above - they will mitigate a good chunk of the damage.
====Mid slots====
When fitting a tackle ship, fit the midslots first, they are most important.
* The first thing you fit is a T2 warp disruptor, no exceptions, no excuses. Read above.
* Secondly, you chuck in an MWD. See above again for guidance.
* Medium Shield Extender
*: This buffer module gives you some leeway to screw up and a little time to kill drones/catch some fire. Having a shield extender will also let you hold targets in more dangerous situations and it allows you to regen your tank without docking for repairs. Does not slow you down like an armor buffer would (even an active armor tank would slow you down as you could dedicate fewer slots to speed/agility, plus you would lack buffer against alpha damage, obviously).  T2 MSEs are materially better than meta MSEs, but they require considerably more power grid.  If you are having fitting problems, consider training additional ranks of Shield Upgrades, which will reduce the power grid fitting requirements of MSEs.
* For the fourth midslot on the Stiletto and Crow, there's a few options, let's go over them here:
** Sensor Booster
**: Outside of catching frigates in empire, I recommend against fitting a Sensor Booster. It needs cap, and can often make you cap out, and there's many other options to pick from instead (yes, it has its occasional use, but as mentioned, there are modules you will profit from more often).
** Cap booster/cap recharger
**: If you find yourself getting into neut range of enemy BS often, you could fit a cap booster. If your skills aren’t sufficient to make you cap stable, consider a cap recharger. However, I would rather stay out of neut range and not use/need it at all. Especially against staggered neuts, you will often get only limited value from a cap booster.
** Warp Scrambler/Stasis webifier (for the brave)
**: Sometimes, you want to stop that hurricane or vaga from running, and the point just won't do it. Go for a scram (or a web if you want to catch 100MN AB beasts), but do it at your own peril. Remember that your primary job is to point the target, and the scram/web is completely optional, often best left to the fast assault frigates. If you fit a scram/web, really consider it an "emergency" measure and nothing you want to try using regularly.
** Track/EWAR
**: Some sort of ewar mod can help both you and your fleetmates survive longer against a dangerous opponent. Often a worthwhile consideration, but bear in mind that they need cap. They also often lose their value in "defense enhancement" when facing more than one opponent.
** Medium Ancillary Shield Booster
**: Even after the "nerf" that cut its effectiveness by 30%, the MASB can still be a valid choice for the 4th slot. It even offers more overall EHP than a Medium Shield Extender mod, but relying on a MASB without a MSE would give you no buffer against "that unlucky hit". It can still be a good tool to regenerate the EHP gained from your shield buffer module, thus adding some staying power on the field. ''Note:'' Always use Navy Cap Booster 50 charges!
====Low slots====
First of all,  you must understand that speed is not everything. Far too many interceptors die young with nothing but nanofibers and overdrives in the lows. This is a common misunderstanding sadly carried over from before the nano-nerf. For your interceptor to do its job, it needs more than speed.
* Fit a Damage Control
*:A Damage Control II is the most effective tanking mod for a frigate in the game, and for the Gallente interceptors, with their added structural integrity, it's vital. On an Ares, a DCII will double your EHP and survivability.
* Fitting mod
*: If you're shield tanked, you'll often need a Micro Auxiliary Power Core (MAPC) to fit your shield mod.
* Cap stability
*:If your skills don't make you cap stable (or close), fit a cap power relay, but that really should be something you need to work on skills wise.
* Speed/agility mods
*: Go for a balance between mods that enhance both agility/speed and pure speed bonus - that mainly means using Nanofiber Internal Structure/Overdrive Injectors in the low slots. Balance with Polycarbon Engine Housings/Auxiliary Thrusters in the rig slots.
*: Beware of the stacking penalty of having more than three speed/agility mods and rigs.
* Signal Amplifier
*: You can fit one of those to increase your locking range up to the desired distance instead of the Ionic Field Projector rig - it is a matter of preference and priority if you satisfy that locking range requirement from your low slots or your rig slots.
While clearly low sec and 0.0 will get you generally better results, there are also some gems in High Sec just waiting to be discovered, depending on the products you want to produce.
====Rig slots====
* Locking range
*:It's very common to fit a targeting range mod, namely the Ionic Field Projector I. This increases your targeting range, on most inties enough to ensure you can target beyond 36km.
* Speed/agility
*:Go for a balance between mods that enhance your agility and pure speed bonus - that mainly means using Polycarbon Engine Housings/Auxiliary Thrusters. Balance with Nanofiber Internal Structure/Overdrive Injectors in the low slots.
* Tank
*: Some people use shield resist rigs to enhance their tank, especially to mitigate the resist hole that each racial interceptor has. Kinetic and explosive damage would be two very common damage types against interceptors (Barrage, Warrior drones, Drake missiles).
= Resource Abundance by Planet Type =
====High slots====
Your job is not killing the enemy, but finding hostiles/keeping them in place. Thus, your guns do not need to be able to kill the enemy at the range you are keeping a point on him. So the only thing you would need guns for is for shooting down drones. Bear in mind that you don’t want your guns to cap you out.
We know that you can get some resources on only one planet type, and that there are other resources that appear on multiple planet types. However, are some of the planet types better for some resources?
* Armament
*:''Auto Cannons'' and ''Rockets'' work well, and don't use cap either. ACs also have the advantage of pretty low fitting requirements. Don't worry too much about "bonussed weapon systems", DPSing is not your job.
*: As drones cycle their MWD and move in and out of range, you want an effective range of at least 5km. You'll need decent tracking to be able to hit them (T2 ACs with Barrage perform that job well).
* Nosferatu
*:A NOS is recommended against most of the time, as in order to use it you will have to move in very close, which often means death for an interceptor. If you go the "scram in the Stiletto's 4th slot" route, it might be a viable option, but operating in 5km range to an enemy is still pretty dangerous.
*Core Probe Launcher
*: This can be a good idea when hunting in sov space. A core probe lets you scan down those sites that the ship scanner can not 100% detect on its own. Works surprisingly well, but is far from being a priority module.
=== Aqueous Liquids / Water ===
===Fitting Combat Interceptors===
Update pending
Summary: Ice, Oceanic, Storm; Selected Temperate
==Flying Interceptors==
Generally, inty pilots want to keep speed and angular velocity high as these are the main form of tank.
===Fleet Interceptors===
Fleet interceptors are generally flown as a special tackler, often staying a couple of jumps ahead or behind the main fleet to hold enemies in place until the fleet arrives, or providing mini-warpin* points and mobile safespots during a battle. Depending on the fleet style, they can 'scout and skirmish', roaming around to find targets, often holding them in place for up to 10 or 15 minutes while the rest of the fleet arrives; sit at gatecamps and a put a fast point on anything flashy coming through; or get initial tackle and then hold valuable non-primary targets during a longer engagement until the fleet is ready to DD them.
Let us look at the question of Aqueous Liquids (which produce Water).   From the [[Planet#Resource Distribution by Planet Type|Planet]] page we know that this resource appears on Gas, Ice, Oceanic, Storm, and Temperate worlds. Intuitively, we would expect Oceanic and Ice worlds to be heavily biased toward watery stuff, but let us look at whether this bears out in reality. (We already know from the paradox that is Aldrat VIII (no water, teaming with life) that Temperate planets are not guaranteed to have very much water at all.)
Inties should approach targets at an angle to maximize traversal while spiraling in. If you are flying an inty and charging straight at a target from a distance rather than spiraling in, you are ignoring one of the ship's principle defensive abilities -- agility -- and are needlessly risking a potentially crippling amount of damage or even a fatal alpha strike. Once in place, the inty should orbit at around 15-25km in order to stay out of web/scram/neut range while keeping angular velocity up. **REPEAT:  wandering into scram range = very, very bad for fleet interceptors.**  Scrams nearly always portend the destruction of your fleet interceptor.  BEWARE!  Battleships can fit large neuts that can reach out to 25.2km, so these should be kept at a distance, while faster cruisers should be orbited at a smaller range so they don't escape. Orbit speed should be around 4-5km/s, so if the target launches drones, they will generally end up getting kited by the inty and be fairly easy to track and pick off. Note that, depending on skills and ships, the range at which the inty orbits will not necessarily be what the pilot has set in the UI. Pilots should check their actual orbit distances so they know what to choose in order to orbit at the correct range. When orbiting a target, avoid being "slingshotted" out of point range.  Savvy targets delight in slingshotting.
Scanning the samples below, we find that Ice, Oceanic, and Storm worlds do seem to be good sources. However, Temperate planets sometimes have amazing supplies, and sometimes really bad abundance.  These latter cases are easily identified by the high amount of land mass visible on the Temperate planet.
Fleet interceptors should generally avoid faster targets like frigates and speedfit cruisers: these have a good chance of breaking the inty's orbit and applying a scram or web. Some enemies, like the Privateers, specialize in kiting and picking off smaller tacklers and running before the fleet arrives: these should just be avoided unless a warpin for the whole fleet can be generated.
=== Autotrophs (Industrial Fibers) ===
In some circumstances, such as a planned long gatecamp, ships will be asked to fit remote sensor boosters to assist inties in grabbing targets quickly. This will generally be up to the fleet commander to organize, although you should know how many boosters can be assigned to you and still be useful (ie, before lag and reaction time become the dominant factor in how fast you can lock a target). An interceptor should also be the first to de-agress and jump back through a gate if the targets seem to be trying to jump back, chase after targets that break through the camp, or picket the other side of a gate during a fight- giving intel on what is coming through.
Summary: Temperate
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Providing mini-warp points ("tactical miniwarps"): An inty may be sent 150km+ from the rest of the fleet so that other ships can warp out to it if necessary -- to reduce incoming damage or break target locks without having to bounce all the way to a planet or station.
===Combat Interceptors===
A combat interceptor's job is to establish dominance of the frigates on the battlefield, including the enemy's tackle/interceptors, by counter-tackling and killing them. Combat interceptors fly like assault frigates in many ways. They will often have their own important targets independent of the fleet's primary.
This one is simple.  They can only be found on Temperate worlds, however if looking in High Sec, shop for your world a little carefully.
== Ships and Fitting ==
=== Base Metals (Reactive Metals) ===
This section will list some standard fits for different interceptors. As mentioned above, these can be modified depending on personal preference.
Summary: Barren, Gas, Storm
These can be found on Gas, Storm, Barren, Plasma, and Lava Planets, but the best abundance in our sample is on Barren, Gas, and Storm.  However, none of them give really horrible abundances.
===Standard Fleet Interceptor Fittings===
=== Carbon Compounds (Biofuels) ===
These are reasonable fits that comply with EVE University Ship Replacement Program requirements, and which beginner to intermediate characters should be able to fit.  Guns/Rockets can be added to taste if required. Scrams are included on the crow and stiletto - it is suggested these only be used as the pilot gains more experience, and should at first be used purely defensively - to escape from being scrammed yourself.
Summary: Temperate, Barren; Selected Oceanic
| ship=Ares
| shipTypeID=11202
| fitName=My First Inty
| fitID=My-First-Inty
| low1name=Damage Control II
| low1typeID=2048
| low2name=F-89 Synchronized Signal Amplifier
| low2typeID=6296
| low3name=Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
| low3typeID=11563
| low4name=Local Hull Conversion Nanofiber Structure I
| low4typeID=5561
| mid1name=5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=5973
| mid2name=Warp Disruptor II
| mid2typeID=3244
| mid3name=Medium Shield Extender II
| mid3typeID=3831
| rig1name=Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I
| rig1typeID=31177
| rig2name=Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig2typeID=31716
| high1name=open
| high2name=open
| high3name=open
| charge1name=open
| charge2name=open
| charge3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone1name=open
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=KRON 1.0
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=11202:2048;1:6296;1:11563;1:5561;1:5973;1:3244;1:3831;1:31177;1:31716;1::
These can be found on Barren, Temperate, and Oceanic worlds.  There are pretty good yields on all three, but the most consistent abundances are on Temperate.  However, Oceanic worlds have the variability seen in Aqueous Liquids on Temperate worlds, so you could get fantastic abundance, or very little.
==== Crow ====
| ship=Crow
| shipTypeID=11176
| fitName=My First Inty
| fitID=My-First-Inty
| low1name=Nanofiber Internal Structure II
| low1typeID=2605
| low2name=Damage Control II
| low2typeID=2048
| low3name=Nanofiber Internal Structure II
| low3typeID=2605
| mid1name=Medium Shield Extender II
| mid1typeID=3831
| mid2name=Warp Disruptor II
| mid2typeID=3244
| mid3name=5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
| mid3typeID=5973
| mid4name=Warp Scrambler II
| mid4typeID=448
| rig1name=Small Ionic Field Projector I
| rig1typeID=31274
| rig2name=Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig2typeID=31716
| high1name=open
| high2name=open
| high3name=open
| charge1name=open
| charge2name=open
| charge3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone1name=open
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=KRON 1.0
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=11176:2605;2:2048;1:3831;1:3244;1:5973;1:448;1:31274;1:31716;1::
=== Complex Organisms (Proteins) ===
==== Malediction ====
| ship=Malediction
| shipTypeID=11186
| fitName=My First Inty
| fitID=My-First-Inty
| low1name=Damage Control II
| low1typeID=2048
| low2name=Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
| low2typeID=11563
| low3name=Nanofiber Internal Structure II
| low3typeID=2605
| low4name=F-89 Synchronized Signal Amplifier
| low4typeID=6296
| mid1name=5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=5973
| mid2name=Warp Disruptor II
| mid2typeID=3244
| mid3name=Medium Shield Extender II
| mid3typeID=3831
| rig1name=Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig1typeID=31716
| rig2name=Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I
| rig2typeID=31177
| high1name=open
| high2name=open
| high3name=open
| charge1name=open
| charge2name=open
| charge3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone1name=open
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=KRON 1.0
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=11186:2048;1:11563;1:2605;1:6296;1:5973;1:3244;1:3831;1:31716;1:31177;1::
Summary: Selected Oceanic and Temperate.
==== Stiletto ====
| ship=Stiletto
| shipTypeID=11198
| fitName=My First Inty
| fitID=My First Inty
| low1name=Damage Control II
| low1typeID=2048
| low2name=Nanofiber Internal Structure II
| low2typeID=2605
| low3name=Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
| low3typeID=11563
| mid1name=5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
| mid1typeID=5973
| mid2name=Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
| mid2typeID=5443
| mid3name=Medium Shield Extender II
| mid3typeID=3831
| mid4name=Warp Disruptor II
| mid4typeID=3244
| rig1name=Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
| rig1typeID=31716
| rig2name=Small Ionic Field Projector I
| rig2typeID=31274
| high1name=open
| high2name=open
| high3name=open
| charge1name=open
| charge2name=open
| charge3name=open
| charge4name=open
| charge5name=open
| drone1name=open
| drone2name=open
| drone3name=open
| drone4name=open
| drone5name=open
| skills=
| showSKILLS=N
| notes=
| showNOTES=N
| difficulty=0
| warsop=A
| warsopReason=
| version=KRON 1.0
| showTOC=Y
| shipDNA=11198:2048;1:2605;1:11563;1:5973;1:5443;1:3831;1:3244;1:31716;1:31274;1::
These can be found on Temperate and Oceanic worlds. Both have rather variable abundances, so choose carefully.
===Standard Combat Interceptor Fittings===
Update Pending
=== Felsic Magma (Silicon)  ===
Summary: Lava
Some discussion of fits and variations, are available at [http://forum.eveuniversity.org//viewtopic.php?f=129&t=27229 glepp's class thread] please note that this was made prior to the inty re-balance in Kronos, and as such is fairly out of date.
This can only be found on Lava worlds, but the high sec survey suggests that the best option might be start shopping in Low Sec or 0.0 if you want to get decent yields.
Audio recording of glepp's practical class is available at [http://eve-files.com/dl/226655 Tackling 201: Fleet Interceptors].
=== Heavy Metals (Toxic Metals) ===
==Countering Interceptors==
Various modules and tactics can be used to kill interceptors or drive them away. When in a ship with speeds similar to the inty then some [[Advanced Piloting Techniques|piloting techniques]] or [http://www.eve-tribune.com/index.php?no=2_40&page=6 maneuvers] can be used to break the inty's orbit and bring them into web or scram range. Cruisers and destroyers fit for tracking and killing frigates can also be effective. While most guns will have tracking problems against inties, missile systems can still be effective even though the inty's speed and small sig radius will mitigate much of the damage. Missiles can slowly eat through an inty's buffer if they don't have any repair or recharge ability on their armor or shields.  Drones are commonly used to counter interceptors and can be particularly dangerous.
Summary: Ice, Lava
Some ships, like combat interceptors and Dramiels have the speed and tracking to keep up with an interceptor, and should be avoided. Other frigate hulls and destroyers should be avoided by fleet interceptors as they are generally cheap, so not worthwhile to tackle, and have a decent chance of killing the interceptor. Afterburner-fit assault frigates may be worth chasing. Vagabonds and Cynabals are very dangerous to interceptors since they have heavy weaponry with good tracking but can move at around 4km/s, which severly cuts down on the amount of transversal that an interceptor can create.
These can be found on Ice, Lava, and Plasma worlds, but the best yields seem to be on Ice worlds.
Drones are a common defence against all small ships, interceptors included. The Minmatar Warrior II light drones are the nimblest and fastest drones, often matching interceptor speeds, and so are the most common choice. Since the release of the Kronos patch, and the rebalance of drones, Acolytes have become a threat to tackle frigates as they are often shield fit and lacks resistance for EM. Acolytes are almost as fast as Warriors.
=== Ionic Solutions (Electrolytes) ===
However, interceptors go so very fast that even those drones are likely to still spend time fruitlessly chasing them around. Furthermore, it is possible to tank an interceptor against drones so that it can soak up a lot of fire from Warriors and/or Acolytes.
Summary: Selected Storm
Ships with large dronebays and bonuses to drone hitpoints and damage, like the [[Arbitrator]] and [[Vexor]] have much more problematic drones (and if you do manage to kill them, they probably have more).
These can be found on Gas, and Storm worlds, but Storm worlds seem to have a better abundanceThough the Gas abundance is not too bad.
Webs (especially two at once) to directly cut an inty's speed or a warp scrambler to shut down its MWD are both excellent ways to slow down an inty and make it vulnerable. The problem is of course that webs and scrams have short ranges, and good inty pilots stay beyond web/scram range at all timesThe single most important defensive maneuver a newly trained fleet interceptor pilot can make is to manage distance from target and avoid scram range, which ranges from 10 km to significantly more for bonused ships.
=== Micro Organisms (Bacteria) ===
Apart from other inties, there are a few ships that are particularly effective at webbing. The Minmatar [[Huginn]] and [[Rapier]] recon ships both have bonuses to web range. They can push a normal T2 web out to 40km range before heat (overheating the web and/or fitting a faction web can produce considerably longer ranges). Both ships are consequently very dangerous to interceptors, and a good countermeasure.
Summary: Oceanic, Barren; Selected Temperate
A few other, rarer ships also have web bonuses but these are mostly to strength rather than range, so an inty that stays away from the range of normal webs shouldn't be troubled by them. Note, however, that the Blood Raider's ships, [[Cruor]], [[Ashimmu]] and [[Bhaalgorn]], has a web range bonus which can push the optimal of a T2 web out to 20km before heat.
These can be found on Ice, Barren, Temperate, and Oceanic worlds. The best abundances seem to be on Oceanic and Barren, with Temperate having a high variability giving almost nothing or very good.
The Gallente recons, the [[Lachesis]] and [[Arazu]] have bonuses to warp scrambler and warp disruptor range. They are most commonly fitted with disruptors, to point the enemy from a long way away, but they can be fitted with warp scramblers. This is less of a threat than the Minmatar recons' webs, but their bonuses can still put a T2 scram's range out to 18km before heat, so they should be treated with a bit of care.
=== Noble Gas  (Oxygen) ===
The Caldari and Amarr recon also have range bonuses to ECM and neuts respectively, both of which can also heavily counter an interceptor, and should be avoided. Range damping a fleet inty can be an efficient use of a sensor damp; it will essentially nullify the fleet inty's bonus point range, forcing it to orbit much closer to hold tackle, making its job considerably more difficult and dangerous.
Summary: Gas, Storm
===Energy Neutralizers===
A few cycles from a medium energy neutralizer or just one cycle from a large neut can remove all of an interceptor's capacitor, shutting down its MWD and point and leaving it dead in the water.
These can be found on Gas, Ice, and Storm worlds. While Ice worlds give OK yield, Gas and Storm worlds seem to give the best abundances.
Medium neuts have similar ranges to scrams and webs, and so are not dangerous to a competent inty pilot (who stays clear of scram range) unless they're mounted on a ship which has range bonuses for them. The Amarr combat recon, the [[Curse]], does have such a range bonus, and it can neut at nearly 40km if the pilot has good skills. (Being based on the Arbitrator hull, it also has drone bonuses, making it a nightmare target for an interceptor to tackle!)
=== Noble Metals  (Precious Metals) ===
T2 large neuts have 25km range. Fleet inties must therefore maintain a very careful orbit, further than 25km but near enough to be within warp disruptor range, when pointing a battleship which they know or suspect has one or more energy neutralisers fitted. Neuts are particularly common on the [[Dominix]], the [[Scorpion]], in solo/small gang fits for the [[Typhoon]] and [[Tempest]], and on the previously mentioned Bhaalgorn (which has bonuses to neut strength, though not to their range). The [[Armageddon]] was changed to a drone/neut boat as well and now can reach out to >37km when mounting heavy neuts.
Summary: Plasma
These can be found on Barren, and Plasma worlds, but Plasma worlds give somewhat better abundances.
=== Non-Cs Crystals (Chiral Structures) ===
Summary:  Lava
These can be found on Lava, and Plasma worlds, but Lava worlds seem to have somewhat better abundances.
=== Planktic  Colonies (Biomass) ===
Summary: Ocean, Ice
These can be found on Ice and Ocean worlds, in about equal abundances.
=== Reactive Gas (Oxidizing Compound) ===
Summary: Gas
This is only available on Gas worlds, and as usual to get decent abundances, you have to look into visitting Low Sec.
=== Suspended Plasma  (Plasmoids) ===
Summary: Storm, Lava
This can be found on Storm, Lava, and Plasma worlds.  Ironically, Storm and Lava worlds seem to have much better abundance of this than Plasma worlds.
=== Table of Resource Abundance by Type ===
|Barren [[File:BarrenIcon.png]]
| [[File:PI_Barren6-Aldrat II.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI_Barren6-Aldrat III.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI Barren6-Aldrat IV.png|200px|frameless]]
|Gas [[File:GasIcon.png]]
| [[File:PI_Gas06-Aldrat-IX.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI_Gas06-Du_Annes-VI.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI_Gas06-Jaschercis-III.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI_Gas06-Odixie-IX.png|200px|frameless]]
|Ice [[File:IceIcon.png]]
| [[File:PI_Ice06-Du_Annes-VII.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI_Ice06-Jaschercis-V.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI_Ice06-Jaschercis-IV.png|200px|frameless]]
|Lava [[File:LavaIcon.png]]
| [[File:Lava6-Aldrat-I.png|200px|frameless]][[File:Lava8-Avesber.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Lava9-Krilmokenur-III.png|200px|frameless]]
|Oceanic [[File:OceanicIcon.png]]
| [[File:PI_Oceanic06-Aldrat-V.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI_Oceanic07-Hardbako-XI.png|200px|frameless]]
|Plasma [[File:PlasmaIcon.png]]
|Storm [[File:StormIcon.png]]
| [[File:PI_Storm07-Eygfe-II.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI_Storm06-Odixie-X.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:PI_Storm06-Odixie-IV.png|200px|frameless]]
|Temperate [[File:TemperateIcon.png]]
| [[File:Temperate6-Aldrat-VIII.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Temperate7-Orvolle-IV.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Temperate7-Orvolle-V.png|200px|framless]] [[File:Temperate7-Hardbako-VI.png|200px|frameless]] [[File:Temperate7-Eygfe-III.png|200px|frameless]]
= Resource Mixes =
Moving on to the more complicated question of looking at resource mixtures, we now consider the possibility of not just feeding other producers of the higher levels of production with raw materials, but trying to make something completely ourselves, preferably on one planet.  We know from the [[Planetary Commodities#Tier 2 (P2)|Planetary Commodities]] page that there are some planets that can completely make a particular product.  For example,
* Livestock are made from Biofuels (made from Carbon Compounds) and Proteins (made from Complex Organisms).  Both of these could be found on Oceanic and Temperate planets.  Looking at the abundances, both are fairly variable, and so it bears some work hunting for one with a balance of both.  The sampling on 0.0 suggests that on Oceanic worlds one is more likely to hit Carbon Compounds being off the chart with decent Complex Organisms than vice versa.
* Test Cultures come from Water and Bacteria, so Barren, Ice, Oceanic or Temperate planets could produce these completely.
* Nanites come from Micro Organisms and Base Metals, a combination only available on Barren worlds.
Note that Eygfe III would be a good planet to produce Test Cultures, since it has equal parts Micro Organisms (makes Bacteria) and Aquaeous Liquid (makes Water), meaning that you are not filling your storage with extra stuff you do not need.  This would of course depend on the exact distribution of those two resources as well as their abundance.  If we found a planet that has 30% Aqueous Liquids, and 30% Micro Orgasms, this is a good choice.  However, what if we found a planet with 30% Aqueous Liquids and 40% Micro Organisms.  If we are willing to collect the excess Micro Organisms on a regular basis, we can produce the Test Cultures, and have a small amount of extra revenue selling Bacteria to producers of Nanites, sited on Barren worlds where the abundance of Micro Organisms is less than on the Oceanic world we chose.  (We obviously would not be selling to people on Aldrat II, III, or IV, who have chosen a good planet for making Nanites (equal quantities of Micro Organisms and Base Metals), threatening to make this an appallingly poor teaching example.)
= Planet Radius =
Planets come in different sizes - the radius of each planet can be looked up in its attribute tab. This is an extremely important variable, as it determines the cost of each and every link that is built between planetary buildings. The size of planets varies greatly, but mainly depends on the type of planet; for example, Gas planets tend to always be much larger than most other planets, while Lava planets are uniformly small.
The difference in link costs is massive and should not be underestimated. While on a Lava planet with a radius of 2,000 km, a link to an adjacent structure will cost less than 20 MW of powergrid, that same link costs in excess of 100 MW on a Gas planet with a 30,000 km radius. Since Gas planets have been observed to come in sizes up to and exceeding 150,000 km in radius, this has significant impact on the potential productivity of any colony - in some cases it may be an even more important factor than the abundance of resources on the planet and should thus definitely be considered when searching for suitable candidates for colonization.
= Abundance Project =
To expand on the concepts explored on this page we desire data - lots of it! To be able to calculate accurate averages and expected resource outputs we want to record resource bar counts from all types of planets and sec levels, as well as extractor output.
Data will be solicited from anybody willing to share and submit it, likely via a Google doc + form when we get one up.
The form is in beta testing, and is available at
[http://euni.puppytech.net/abundance_estimate.cgi Abundance Project].
== Resource bar counts ==
Our going theory is that the resource bars on the initial planet scan view are linear in expected resource output. Thus a simple "percentage bar full" count will be very useful in estimating said output. Do note that the bars cannot necessarily be compared between resources - some resources are gathered in a few tight spots, so despite a planet having very little of it overall, the few hot spots are comparatively very rich. This can also vary for the same resource across multiple planet types.
Ultimately somebody will probably code an image / screenshot scraper utility that'll calculate the percentages from you simply by looking at a planet or running the utility on a screenshot. While we'd love to provide that it would take some time and effort.
In the meanwhile there is a far simpler, if more brute-force approach, that will gain us the same data: Simply measure the width of the filled part of a resource bar / total width of resource bar * 100 = percentage of resource availability. No, put the ruler down from the monitor, not that brute-force and inaccurate! We resort to fancy technology!
If you're interested in this kind of effort, grab a screenshot / image editor app such as Greenshot and it'll be as easy as hitting a key, selecting the filled resource bar box and note a number of pixels that pop up. That number divided by total pixels wide and multiplied by 100 will then get you the percentage.  (There are 100 pixels in the resource bar at 1280x1024, and I believe other resolutions, so the calculation is pretty simple.)
The planet + sec level (or WH class) + resource + percentage will then be entered into a growing database to be used to calculate averages and determine if there is a substantial difference between sec levels within the hisec / lowsec / nullsec categories, as well as WH class.
Data entry details coming soon!
== Extractor output ==
With percentages in hand we can then compare the same resource being extracted on multiple different planets with differing percentages. In theory a planet with 20% abundance of resource X should produce twice as much per cycle (any duration) as a planet with 10% of resource X - with the caveat that at this point you'll also have to set the contrast bar to the exact same level and find a white peak looking as similar between the two planets as possible.
This will take scanning and placement of actual extractors, so it will take more in-person work than the resource bars, since that can be done by anybody anywhere without any sort of skills.
[[Category:Planetary Interaction]]

Latest revision as of 17:28, 20 October 2022

Interceptors (often called "inties" or "'ceptors") are a class of Tech 2 frigate. They are some of EVE's fastest ships, and they have attributes and bonuses which make them supremely effective tacklers, or dangerous high-speed damage-dealers. Inties are often one of the first classes of T2 ships that pilots train, and they're often helpful in Eve University's fleets where they are normally used to do basic tackle well.

This page won't make you a good interceptor pilot -- only practice can do that -- but it does cover a lot of information that's useful for new interceptor pilots.

Terminology note: "Point" and "Long Point" usually mean a Warp Disruptor, while "Scram" (and sometimes "Short Point") refers to a Warp Scrambler.


There are two types of interceptor: interceptors designed purely for tackling ("tackle" or "fleet" inties), and interceptors designed for combat ("gank", "damage", "damage-dealing" or "combat" inties). Each of the four races has one interceptor of each type. For simplicity's sake this guide will refer to the two types as fleet and combat interceptors, but different players will use different terminology. Due to Eve University's general "Combined Arms" large fleet style, fleet inties are more useful in a normal E-Uni fleet.

All interceptors, of both kinds, share certain characteristics:

  • They all have an "80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost" role bonus, letting inty pilots permanently run warp disruptors/scramblers and webifiers much more easily.
  • They all have a "15% reduction in Microwarpdrive (MWD) signature radius penalty" for each level their pilot has in Icon skillbook2.png Interceptors, dramatically reducing the signature bloom effect caused by having a MWD on.
    • Most ships have to use MWDs in short bursts only, because the bloom makes them much more vulnerable to large guns and missiles. This crucial bonus lets interceptors run their MWDs permanently but still keep (relatively) small sig radii.
  • They all have very high base velocities.
  • They all have very high base scan resolution, letting them lock on to targets rapidly.
  • Interceptors have the fastest base warp speed (8.0 AU/s) in EVE, which means they can catch up to any other ship at warp speed, except for speed-fit blockade runners and the Leopard (which trounces any other ship, at 20 AU/s).

Fleet Interceptors

Fleet interceptors are so called because they are a great help to a fleet (especially in high- and lowsec where bubbles can't be used to pin the enemy down) but, being more or less pure tacklers, they aren't as effective when used solo.

  • Their defining feature is a 5% bonus to warp scrambler and warp disruptor range per level in the Interceptor skill
  • They also have immunity to non-targeted interdiction, which means they can warp while inside a warp disruption bubble, however they still cannot warp while being tackled by a warp disruptor or scrambler like other ships.

Fleet interceptors move fast, catch ships quickly and can hold a point while orbiting them at high speed and beyond 20km range -- for example, with Icon skillbook2.png Interceptors IV, the range of a T2 warp disruptor will be over 28km (and over 34km if you overheat). The rest of the fleet interceptors' bonuses, tied to the racial frigate skill (which will have been trained to 5), are weapon- or tank-related.

The four races' fleet inties, together with their racial frigate skill bonuses, are:

  • Isis amarr.pngMalediction: 5% bonuses to rocket damage and armor resistances per level
  • Isis caldari.pngCrow: 5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion radius and 10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket max velocity
  • Isis gallente.pngAres: 5% bonus to hybrid damage and 7.5% bonus to hybrid tracking per level
  • Isis minmatar.pngStiletto: 5% bonus to projectile damage and 7.5% bonus to projectile tracking per level

All four of these are useful. The Stiletto and Crow's fourth midslot gives them more utility, while the Malediction and Ares' extra low allows them more speed. It should be noted that CCP altered the Crow's slot configuration in the Oceanus release (September 2014) to remove one lowslot and add one highslot (among other changes to the Crow).

Combat Interceptors

Note: Combat interceptors used to have immunity to warp bubbles, but this was removed in the October 2018 update.

Although the name implies so, combat interceptors are not that well suited to actual fighting as in being general damage dealers. While they can be popular solo ships, usually going toe-to-toe with other frigates, or can actually contribute some DPS in/to frigate-only fleets, their overall damage output is not comparable to anything beyond the frigate size class, nor do they tank much better than the default T1 frigates. In fleet environments, they are more useful to land fast scrams on target or take on single other frigates, although dedicated anti-frig cruisers can often be better suited for that role. For applying tackle via Warp Disruptors, Fleet Interceptors are usually better suited.

  • Combat interceptors have more combat-orientated slot layouts, usually more lowslots at the expense of midslots
  • Combat interceptors have more powergrid than the fleet inties, making it easier to fit weapons
  • Combat interceptors have an extra combat-related bonus tied to Icon skillbook2.png Interceptors, instead of the fleet interceptors' tackling range bonus (which combat interceptors lack)

The four combat inties, together with their racial frigate skill bonuses, are:

  • Isis amarr.pngCrusader: 10% less laser cap use, 5% bonus to laser damage, 7.5% bonus to laser tracking per level
  • Isis caldari.pngRaptor: 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret Damage, 10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
  • Isis gallente.pngTaranis: 10% bonus to hybrid damage, 7.5% bonus to hybrid tracking per level
  • Isis minmatar.pngClaw: 10% bonus to projectile damage, 7.5% bonus to projectile tracking per level

The Taranis's hefty damage bonus -- applied to the already face-meltingly high DPS potential of blasters -- has made it a very popular dogfighter. The other three all have their proponents, however, and they're all deadly in the right hands. It should be noted that CCP changed the Raptor's slot configuration in the Oceanus release (September 2014) to remove a highslot and add a midslot (among other changes to the Raptor).


Necessary Skills

Training to fly the Interceptor hull will probably take the most amount of time, particularly Evasive Maneuvering 5 and Racial Frigate 5.

  • Interceptors I is required to fly interceptors, although having at least level 4 is strongly recommended for the interceptor skill bonuses.

Most of these modules are relatively quick to train for. T2 modules often (not always) give a significant advantage over T1 and so are recommended in most cases.

  • Propulsion Jamming II is necessary for Tech 2 points, and level 4 allows T2 webs.
  • High Speed Maneuvering Helps your cap life tremendously. Level 4 is recommended, a T2 MWD is usually not a good idea on an interceptor.
  • Hull Upgrades II is required for T2 Nanofibre Internal Structures and Overdrive Injectors.
  • Thermodynamics Allows overheating of modules: vital in tight situations to give an extra boost of speed or point range. Nanite Operation is required for Nanite Paste, used to repair heat damage.

Support Skills

  • Navigation 5% bonus to sub-warp speed per level. Level 5 is recommended.
  • Acceleration Control 5% bonus to afterburner and MWD speed per level. Level 4 is recommended.
  • Spaceship Command 2% to ship agility per level. Level 5 is recommended.
  • Signature Analysis 5% scan resolution per level; getting this to level 5 will greatly boost your target locking speed.
  • Long Range Targeting V will help make sure you can actually target out to the same range that you can point. A signal amplifier module or ionic field projector rig is still often required to match overheated point range.
  • Shield Upgrades IV will allow Medium Shield Extender IIs to be fitted, a common midslot module.

T2 small weapon skills will be useful for combat inties, as Tech 2 ammo generally allows much more range control and damage.


Fitting Fleet Interceptors

As for most support ships, the basic rule for fitting interceptors is: Fit for your role. Basically you want to have a fast (MWD+speed/agility), yet resilient (tank) platform for your long range point. Mods/rigs to adapt your locking range to overheated point range will also be used.

While one could also use fleet inties for close range scram role, often there would be better ships for that role, and you better know what you're doing. This part of the guide focuses on long range point inties.

Priority considerations

  • Long range point (T2)
    The meta 4 points still only have a 20km range, so we need T2 (which gives 24km pointing range). Don't fit a scram instead; if you have four mid slots you can add a scram as extra.
  • MWD
    For combat interceptors, the Afterburner could be an option, but not so for the fleet inty. We want to orbit at range and keep a point. AB is just too slow for that job. Typically you will find that fitting a meta MWD will be the best option, as it's fitting requirements and cap usage are lower than the T1 and T2 variants. There are three MWDs to consider:
    • 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive - Has the lowest powergrid and CPU requirements. Great for tight fits.
    • 5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive - Has the lowest cap usage, which is useful for running modules longer. Great for cap-heavy or active-tanked fits.
    • 5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive - Has the lowest penalty on signature radius and capacitor amount penalty. Best option for speed tanked fits. Its reduced capacitor amount penalty means it can also improve cap stability, although not as much as Cold-Gas.
  • Targeting range of over 36km
    You must ensure that you can target beyond your overheated point range, or there is very little use for your tackle mod. Note that most interceptors have a native targeting range below 36km even with all skills at V. One option for a fourth midslot is a Sensor Booster, which without a script adds both targeting range and targeting speed (scan resolution). See below.
  • Tank
    Yes, speed is not your only defense, rather a way to mitigate some of your incoming damage. Way too many interceptors die young to having no tank. Without a tank, all it takes is one volley from a hurricane and you're debris. With a DCII and a MSE, you can live (almost) forever, or at least have some time to GTFO. Highly recommended.
  • Cap stability
    You want to be cap stable (impossible on some fits) or at least have several minutes of cap running your MWD and point. If you cap out, you lose point or your speed, meaning you lose your target or die. Either is bad. If your skills aren't up to it, fit a cap mod in the lows or mids. Stiletto is the hardest to get cap stable.
  • Speed
    Speed is life. You want to go fast, but remember the stacking penalty. Having more than three mods/rigs that affect your speed (overdrives, nanos, polycarbs and aux thrusters) gives very little benefit over having three.
  • Defense against incoming fire
    When you tackle something, chances are it will try to kill you. Some guns will be able to track you (especially when accompanied by Tracking Enhancers), although many fits won't, and missiles can hurt. Often your worst enemy will be drones -- cruisers and larger ships often stock light drones for the sole purpose of killing or driving off interceptors. With the nerf to Defender missiles a while ago (they used to fit into Rocket Launchers before, and also were able to one-shot enemy missiles - not like that anymore) you can't shoot down missiles any longer, so the only incoming damage you can mitigate with offense is drones. If you are a fleet inty and taking damage from a larger ship, check your overview to ensure that you can see drones, and if they are redboxing you, target and kill them. Autocannons with Barrage ammo or rocket launchers will do that job effectively (albeit slowly - you have anemic DPS), and will not use up your valuable cap. Against the remaining DPS, you will have to rely on the agility and tank mentioned above - they will mitigate a good chunk of the damage.

Mid slots

When fitting a tackle ship, fit the midslots first, they are most important.

  • The first thing you fit is a T2 warp disruptor, no exceptions, no excuses. Read above.
  • Secondly, you chuck in an MWD. See above again for guidance.
  • Medium Shield Extender
    This buffer module gives you some leeway to screw up and a little time to kill drones/catch some fire. Having a shield extender will also let you hold targets in more dangerous situations and it allows you to regen your tank without docking for repairs. Does not slow you down like an armor buffer would (even an active armor tank would slow you down as you could dedicate fewer slots to speed/agility, plus you would lack buffer against alpha damage, obviously). T2 MSEs are materially better than meta MSEs, but they require considerably more power grid. If you are having fitting problems, consider training additional ranks of Shield Upgrades, which will reduce the power grid fitting requirements of MSEs.
  • For the fourth midslot on the Stiletto and Crow, there's a few options, let's go over them here:
    • Sensor Booster
      Outside of catching frigates in empire, I recommend against fitting a Sensor Booster. It needs cap, and can often make you cap out, and there's many other options to pick from instead (yes, it has its occasional use, but as mentioned, there are modules you will profit from more often).
    • Cap booster/cap recharger
      If you find yourself getting into neut range of enemy BS often, you could fit a cap booster. If your skills aren’t sufficient to make you cap stable, consider a cap recharger. However, I would rather stay out of neut range and not use/need it at all. Especially against staggered neuts, you will often get only limited value from a cap booster.
    • Warp Scrambler/Stasis webifier (for the brave)
      Sometimes, you want to stop that hurricane or vaga from running, and the point just won't do it. Go for a scram (or a web if you want to catch 100MN AB beasts), but do it at your own peril. Remember that your primary job is to point the target, and the scram/web is completely optional, often best left to the fast assault frigates. If you fit a scram/web, really consider it an "emergency" measure and nothing you want to try using regularly.
    • Track/EWAR
      Some sort of ewar mod can help both you and your fleetmates survive longer against a dangerous opponent. Often a worthwhile consideration, but bear in mind that they need cap. They also often lose their value in "defense enhancement" when facing more than one opponent.
    • Medium Ancillary Shield Booster
      Even after the "nerf" that cut its effectiveness by 30%, the MASB can still be a valid choice for the 4th slot. It even offers more overall EHP than a Medium Shield Extender mod, but relying on a MASB without a MSE would give you no buffer against "that unlucky hit". It can still be a good tool to regenerate the EHP gained from your shield buffer module, thus adding some staying power on the field. Note: Always use Navy Cap Booster 50 charges!

Low slots

First of all, you must understand that speed is not everything. Far too many interceptors die young with nothing but nanofibers and overdrives in the lows. This is a common misunderstanding sadly carried over from before the nano-nerf. For your interceptor to do its job, it needs more than speed.

  • Fit a Damage Control
    A Damage Control II is the most effective tanking mod for a frigate in the game, and for the Gallente interceptors, with their added structural integrity, it's vital. On an Ares, a DCII will double your EHP and survivability.
  • Fitting mod
    If you're shield tanked, you'll often need a Micro Auxiliary Power Core (MAPC) to fit your shield mod.
  • Cap stability
    If your skills don't make you cap stable (or close), fit a cap power relay, but that really should be something you need to work on skills wise.
  • Speed/agility mods
    Go for a balance between mods that enhance both agility/speed and pure speed bonus - that mainly means using Nanofiber Internal Structure/Overdrive Injectors in the low slots. Balance with Polycarbon Engine Housings/Auxiliary Thrusters in the rig slots.
    Beware of the stacking penalty of having more than three speed/agility mods and rigs.
  • Signal Amplifier
    You can fit one of those to increase your locking range up to the desired distance instead of the Ionic Field Projector rig - it is a matter of preference and priority if you satisfy that locking range requirement from your low slots or your rig slots.

Rig slots

  • Locking range
    It's very common to fit a targeting range mod, namely the Ionic Field Projector I. This increases your targeting range, on most inties enough to ensure you can target beyond 36km.
  • Speed/agility
    Go for a balance between mods that enhance your agility and pure speed bonus - that mainly means using Polycarbon Engine Housings/Auxiliary Thrusters. Balance with Nanofiber Internal Structure/Overdrive Injectors in the low slots.
  • Tank
    Some people use shield resist rigs to enhance their tank, especially to mitigate the resist hole that each racial interceptor has. Kinetic and explosive damage would be two very common damage types against interceptors (Barrage, Warrior drones, Drake missiles).

High slots

Your job is not killing the enemy, but finding hostiles/keeping them in place. Thus, your guns do not need to be able to kill the enemy at the range you are keeping a point on him. So the only thing you would need guns for is for shooting down drones. Bear in mind that you don’t want your guns to cap you out.

  • Armament
    Auto Cannons and Rockets work well, and don't use cap either. ACs also have the advantage of pretty low fitting requirements. Don't worry too much about "bonussed weapon systems", DPSing is not your job.
    As drones cycle their MWD and move in and out of range, you want an effective range of at least 5km. You'll need decent tracking to be able to hit them (T2 ACs with Barrage perform that job well).
  • Nosferatu
    A NOS is recommended against most of the time, as in order to use it you will have to move in very close, which often means death for an interceptor. If you go the "scram in the Stiletto's 4th slot" route, it might be a viable option, but operating in 5km range to an enemy is still pretty dangerous.
  • Core Probe Launcher
    This can be a good idea when hunting in sov space. A core probe lets you scan down those sites that the ship scanner can not 100% detect on its own. Works surprisingly well, but is far from being a priority module.

Fitting Combat Interceptors

Update pending

Flying Interceptors

Generally, inty pilots want to keep speed and angular velocity high as these are the main form of tank.

Fleet Interceptors

Fleet interceptors are generally flown as a special tackler, often staying a couple of jumps ahead or behind the main fleet to hold enemies in place until the fleet arrives, or providing mini-warpin* points and mobile safespots during a battle. Depending on the fleet style, they can 'scout and skirmish', roaming around to find targets, often holding them in place for up to 10 or 15 minutes while the rest of the fleet arrives; sit at gatecamps and a put a fast point on anything flashy coming through; or get initial tackle and then hold valuable non-primary targets during a longer engagement until the fleet is ready to DD them.

Inties should approach targets at an angle to maximize traversal while spiraling in. If you are flying an inty and charging straight at a target from a distance rather than spiraling in, you are ignoring one of the ship's principle defensive abilities -- agility -- and are needlessly risking a potentially crippling amount of damage or even a fatal alpha strike. Once in place, the inty should orbit at around 15-25km in order to stay out of web/scram/neut range while keeping angular velocity up. **REPEAT: wandering into scram range = very, very bad for fleet interceptors.** Scrams nearly always portend the destruction of your fleet interceptor. BEWARE! Battleships can fit large neuts that can reach out to 25.2km, so these should be kept at a distance, while faster cruisers should be orbited at a smaller range so they don't escape. Orbit speed should be around 4-5km/s, so if the target launches drones, they will generally end up getting kited by the inty and be fairly easy to track and pick off. Note that, depending on skills and ships, the range at which the inty orbits will not necessarily be what the pilot has set in the UI. Pilots should check their actual orbit distances so they know what to choose in order to orbit at the correct range. When orbiting a target, avoid being "slingshotted" out of point range. Savvy targets delight in slingshotting.

Fleet interceptors should generally avoid faster targets like frigates and speedfit cruisers: these have a good chance of breaking the inty's orbit and applying a scram or web. Some enemies, like the Privateers, specialize in kiting and picking off smaller tacklers and running before the fleet arrives: these should just be avoided unless a warpin for the whole fleet can be generated.

In some circumstances, such as a planned long gatecamp, ships will be asked to fit remote sensor boosters to assist inties in grabbing targets quickly. This will generally be up to the fleet commander to organize, although you should know how many boosters can be assigned to you and still be useful (ie, before lag and reaction time become the dominant factor in how fast you can lock a target). An interceptor should also be the first to de-agress and jump back through a gate if the targets seem to be trying to jump back, chase after targets that break through the camp, or picket the other side of a gate during a fight- giving intel on what is coming through.

* Providing mini-warp points ("tactical miniwarps"): An inty may be sent 150km+ from the rest of the fleet so that other ships can warp out to it if necessary -- to reduce incoming damage or break target locks without having to bounce all the way to a planet or station.

Combat Interceptors

A combat interceptor's job is to establish dominance of the frigates on the battlefield, including the enemy's tackle/interceptors, by counter-tackling and killing them. Combat interceptors fly like assault frigates in many ways. They will often have their own important targets independent of the fleet's primary.

Ships and Fitting

This section will list some standard fits for different interceptors. As mentioned above, these can be modified depending on personal preference.

Standard Fleet Interceptor Fittings

These are reasonable fits that comply with EVE University Ship Replacement Program requirements, and which beginner to intermediate characters should be able to fit. Guns/Rockets can be added to taste if required. Scrams are included on the crow and stiletto - it is suggested these only be used as the pilot gains more experience, and should at first be used purely defensively - to escape from being scrammed yourself.


My First Inty
Ares: My First Inty
[Ares, My First Inty]

5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Disruptor II
Medium Shield Extender II

Damage Control II
F-89 Synchronized Signal Amplifier
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Local Hull Conversion Nanofiber Structure I

Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

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Icon hi slot.png
Icon hi slot.png
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Icon fit drone.png
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KRON 1.0


My First Inty
Crow: My First Inty
[Crow, My First Inty]

Medium Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Scrambler II

Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I

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Icon hi slot.png
Icon hi slot.png
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Icon fit drone.png
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KRON 1.0


My First Inty
Malediction: My First Inty
[Malediction, My First Inty]

5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Warp Disruptor II
Medium Shield Extender II

Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
F-89 Synchronized Signal Amplifier

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I

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Icon hi slot.png
Icon hi slot.png
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Icon fit drone.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
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Fitting template rig slots label.png
KRON 1.0


My First Inty
Stiletto: My First Inty
[Stiletto, My First Inty]

5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
Medium Shield Extender II
Warp Disruptor II

Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Ionic Field Projector I

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Icon hi slot.png
Icon hi slot.png
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Fitting template drone slots label.png
Icon fit drone.png
Fitting template drone slots label.png
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Fitting template rig slots label.png
KRON 1.0

Standard Combat Interceptor Fittings

Update Pending

Some discussion of fits and variations, are available at glepp's class thread please note that this was made prior to the inty re-balance in Kronos, and as such is fairly out of date.

Audio recording of glepp's practical class is available at Tackling 201: Fleet Interceptors.

Countering Interceptors

Various modules and tactics can be used to kill interceptors or drive them away. When in a ship with speeds similar to the inty then some piloting techniques or maneuvers can be used to break the inty's orbit and bring them into web or scram range. Cruisers and destroyers fit for tracking and killing frigates can also be effective. While most guns will have tracking problems against inties, missile systems can still be effective even though the inty's speed and small sig radius will mitigate much of the damage. Missiles can slowly eat through an inty's buffer if they don't have any repair or recharge ability on their armor or shields. Drones are commonly used to counter interceptors and can be particularly dangerous.

Some ships, like combat interceptors and Dramiels have the speed and tracking to keep up with an interceptor, and should be avoided. Other frigate hulls and destroyers should be avoided by fleet interceptors as they are generally cheap, so not worthwhile to tackle, and have a decent chance of killing the interceptor. Afterburner-fit assault frigates may be worth chasing. Vagabonds and Cynabals are very dangerous to interceptors since they have heavy weaponry with good tracking but can move at around 4km/s, which severly cuts down on the amount of transversal that an interceptor can create.


Drones are a common defence against all small ships, interceptors included. The Minmatar Warrior II light drones are the nimblest and fastest drones, often matching interceptor speeds, and so are the most common choice. Since the release of the Kronos patch, and the rebalance of drones, Acolytes have become a threat to tackle frigates as they are often shield fit and lacks resistance for EM. Acolytes are almost as fast as Warriors.

However, interceptors go so very fast that even those drones are likely to still spend time fruitlessly chasing them around. Furthermore, it is possible to tank an interceptor against drones so that it can soak up a lot of fire from Warriors and/or Acolytes.

Ships with large dronebays and bonuses to drone hitpoints and damage, like the Arbitrator and Vexor have much more problematic drones (and if you do manage to kill them, they probably have more).


Webs (especially two at once) to directly cut an inty's speed or a warp scrambler to shut down its MWD are both excellent ways to slow down an inty and make it vulnerable. The problem is of course that webs and scrams have short ranges, and good inty pilots stay beyond web/scram range at all times. The single most important defensive maneuver a newly trained fleet interceptor pilot can make is to manage distance from target and avoid scram range, which ranges from 10 km to significantly more for bonused ships.

Apart from other inties, there are a few ships that are particularly effective at webbing. The Minmatar Huginn and Rapier recon ships both have bonuses to web range. They can push a normal T2 web out to 40km range before heat (overheating the web and/or fitting a faction web can produce considerably longer ranges). Both ships are consequently very dangerous to interceptors, and a good countermeasure.

A few other, rarer ships also have web bonuses but these are mostly to strength rather than range, so an inty that stays away from the range of normal webs shouldn't be troubled by them. Note, however, that the Blood Raider's ships, Cruor, Ashimmu and Bhaalgorn, has a web range bonus which can push the optimal of a T2 web out to 20km before heat.

The Gallente recons, the Lachesis and Arazu have bonuses to warp scrambler and warp disruptor range. They are most commonly fitted with disruptors, to point the enemy from a long way away, but they can be fitted with warp scramblers. This is less of a threat than the Minmatar recons' webs, but their bonuses can still put a T2 scram's range out to 18km before heat, so they should be treated with a bit of care.

The Caldari and Amarr recon also have range bonuses to ECM and neuts respectively, both of which can also heavily counter an interceptor, and should be avoided. Range damping a fleet inty can be an efficient use of a sensor damp; it will essentially nullify the fleet inty's bonus point range, forcing it to orbit much closer to hold tackle, making its job considerably more difficult and dangerous.

Energy Neutralizers

A few cycles from a medium energy neutralizer or just one cycle from a large neut can remove all of an interceptor's capacitor, shutting down its MWD and point and leaving it dead in the water.

Medium neuts have similar ranges to scrams and webs, and so are not dangerous to a competent inty pilot (who stays clear of scram range) unless they're mounted on a ship which has range bonuses for them. The Amarr combat recon, the Curse, does have such a range bonus, and it can neut at nearly 40km if the pilot has good skills. (Being based on the Arbitrator hull, it also has drone bonuses, making it a nightmare target for an interceptor to tackle!)

T2 large neuts have 25km range. Fleet inties must therefore maintain a very careful orbit, further than 25km but near enough to be within warp disruptor range, when pointing a battleship which they know or suspect has one or more energy neutralisers fitted. Neuts are particularly common on the Dominix, the Scorpion, in solo/small gang fits for the Typhoon and Tempest, and on the previously mentioned Bhaalgorn (which has bonuses to neut strength, though not to their range). The Armageddon was changed to a drone/neut boat as well and now can reach out to >37km when mounting heavy neuts.