Difference between revisions of "User:Noemie belacqua"

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* [[Drone Capable Ships]] needs a formatting whack and better integration with the other drone pages
* [[Drone Capable Ships]] needs a formatting whack and better integration with the other drone pages
* All the pages (and the skill pages and templates) need to be updated with the new Kronos drone skills
* All the pages (and the skill pages and templates) need to be updated with the new Kronos drone skills
** And with the new Drone stats and mechanics: [http://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/giving-drones-an-assist/ Giving Drones and Assist dev blog]
* [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=166&t=81452] would be useful to have on the drone pages
* [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=166&t=81452] would be useful to have on the drone pages

Revision as of 08:47, 4 August 2014


Wiki editing

UniWiki CSS

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To do

My own personal to-do list. Yes, it's growing faster than I can tick things off it :)


Modules and Fitting

  • Afterburner Details is a good start, but could use expanding and integrating into the broader Wiki world
  • Fitting Modules and Rigs Guide is great, but how about expanding it with the stats of the various modules?
  • Module could use some love (add some info about how "Show Info" works?)
    • What module variants are (link to tech, tiers and meta levels), high/med/low/rig etc slots, continuous effects/start-of-cycle/end-of-cycle, link to short-cycling (mining modules), what is is cycle time and why is it important, repackaging modules
  • Faction Modules and You and Techs, Tiers and Meta levels should be harmonised as well
    • Information about the icons used and where to get them from (meta 0 are manufactured with NPC-sold BPOs, etc)
  • Merge Module Stacking and Speed Modules and Stacking penalties
    • And merge in Eve math while I'm at it (it's a good page, and could be linked to from many other places!). This also needs an explanation of skill bonuses (they are additive per skill level, not multiplicative).
    • Related class: Fitting Math 101
  • Fitting Guidelines should tie into all this (as a starting page to the different race, ship and tank types?)

Exploration & Scanning

Missions & PvE

Faction Warfare

  • To be clarified:
    • Is just LP rewards from plexing that's removed from the system pool, or also from PvP?
    • Complexes: what's the difference between "outposts" and "facilities"? Only cosmetic?
    • Confirm i-Hub stats
    • Confirm ship restrictions for FW missions? [1]
    • Is there an LP reward for destroying an i-Hub? Perhaps 40,000 LP (basic payout).
    • Are there items which are only available in the FW LP stores?
  • Factional Warfare Missions (based on this legendary thread) needs more detailled guides to individual missions.




Core game mechanics

General cleanup
