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'''The Caldari Basic Ship and Skill Guide''' is intended to give fitting and skill recommendations for Tech 1 Caldari ships for Player vs. Environment (PvE) and Player vs. Player (PvP) encounters.
This is a work in progress, and the guide's [http://www.eve-ivy.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=27473&p=267643#p267643 Discussion Thread] is on the Eve University forum. Please direct comments, suggestions, and corrections to that thread.
The Caldari State is one of the four playable factions and has a unique and distinct line of ships.
=Rookie Ship=
The rookie ship is the first ship you start with. If you are Caldari, it will be an Ibis. A new rookie ship is given whenever you dock at a station where you do not have any ships.
== General Traits ==
The following characteristics are generally shared across most or all Caldari ships:
The Caldari rookie ship, often called the lolbis.
* '''[[Tanking#Shield tanking|Shield tanking]]'''. Caldari ships are designed to be shield tanked. They generally have more medium slots (so as to fit shield modules) and fewer low slots. Some Caldari ships, such as the Merlin, Drake, and Rokh, have bonuses to shield resistances. Many Caldari ships can mount a range of types of shield tank—buffer, active, or passive—depending on the situation. In some limited circumstances, some Caldari ships mount armor tanks (an EWAR ship can armor tank using its low slots to free up mid slots for more EWAR), but shield tanking is usually the order of the day.
* '''[[Missiles]]'''. Of the four factions, Caldari are most closely identified with using missiles. A line of Caldari ships have missile bonuses: examples include the Kestrel, Corax, Caracal, Drake, and Raven. Sometimes these bonuses boost missiles' range, as well as their damage.
This is the Caldari T1 scout ship, useful for quick transport of small cargo and some level 1 missions.
** Missiles don't use capacitor to fire, have good ranges, and always hit if they catch up with their target. Unlike lasers and hybrid turrets, missile launchers have selectable damage types, and unlike projectile turrets, the damage selection is easy and simple.
** On the other hand, missile damage takes a while to arrive (as the missile must travel to its target), which can be a weakness in PvP; very fast ships can outrun missiles. Medium and large missiles often have particular trouble applying their damage to smaller targets. And to balance out the highly selectable damage, reloading a missile launcher takes a long time.
* '''[[Turrets#Hybrid turrets|Hybrid Turrets]]'''. Other Caldari ships have bonuses for hybrid turrets. Hybrid turrets use some capacitor energy to fire, like lasers, but they are less cap-hungry than lasers; they use physical ammunition, like projectile guns, but they have a shorter reload time (5 seconds). Different ammunition types offer trade-offs between range, damage, and capacitor load, but all hybrid turret ammunition deals a mixture of kinetic and thermal damage.
** Close-ranged blasters track very well and have very high potential DPS, but have short ranges even compared to the other short-ranged turrets (autocannon and pulse lasers).
** Long-ranged railguns lack the alpha damage of artillery but can achieve extraordinarily long ranges. Some Caldari ships are particularly well-suited to sniping at long range with railguns.
* '''[[Electronic_Countermeasures|ECM jamming]]'''. The Caldari racial EWAR specialty is ECM ("electronic countermeasures"). ECM is an especially powerful form of EWAR: it does not suffer from [[Stacking penalties|stacking penalties]], unlike the other three main types of EWAR, and it can completely remove a target's ability to attack anything other than the ECM-jamming ship itself. In the larger ECM ships, it can also have a very long range. The Caldari are the only faction to have a T1 battleship with dedicated EWAR bonuses, the Scorpion. The main drawbacks of ECM are that it is chance-based, and can fail repeatedly if you're unlucky and that any ship using it is usually a primary target because it is widely feared.
* '''Fragility'''. The flipside of the extremely strong shields on Caldari ships is somewhat more fragile armour and hull hitpoints.
* '''Smaller dronebays'''. Caldari ships tend to have smaller dronebays and more limited drone bandwidth for their size and class: Caldari pilots begin to have access to enough drone space to launch a full flight of light drones when they get into battlecruisers, while Gallente ships, by contrast, offer this capacity as early as the {{sh|Tristan}}—a T1 frigate.  
If there is a broader hallmark of Caldari ships, it is perhaps '''range'''. Both Caldari missile ships and Caldari hybrid turret ships often have bonuses that help them fight at long range. Caldari ships can still fight effectively at close range, and a torpedo Raven or blaster Rokh is a dangerous opponent, but they can outshine other factions at long or very long ranges.
The Bantam is the Caldari mining frigate. It considered the best racial mining frigate due to it's relatively large cargo bay.
== Notable uses ==
The Griffin is an ECM frigate, often seen in Uni fleets offering EWAR support. It operates by breaking enemy target locks and preventing them from re-acquiring targets for 20 secs. This has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of damage being directed at your fleet, prevent enemies from using Remote Repair modules on each other or to break Warp Disruption, allowing an escape.
This is the T1 Caldari probing frigate.
The fact that missiles allow players complete control over which damage type they deal, permitting precise targeting of NPCs' weak points, combined with the very long range missiles can achieve on some Caldari hulls, make Caldari missile ships popular for PvE combat. A typical progression for mission running might be the Kestrel and Corax for Level 1 missions, the Caracal for L2s, the Drake for L3s, and the Raven for L4s. The Drake can mount a famously effective low-management passive shield tank. The missile, shield, and ship command skills trained for PvE combat in Caldari missile ships are one half of the skills necessary to do well in [[Guristas]] ships, the {{sh|Worm}}, {{sh|Gila}}, and {{sh|Rattlesnake}}, and Guristas ships are popular for high-end PvE such as lucrative nullsec ratting and mid-tier [[Abyssal Deadspace]] runs.
The Kestrel is the most commonly flown frigate in EVE, even beating the Rifter. This is due to its strong PvE capabilities with four standard launchers. It is perfect for Level 1 missions, static complexes up to DED 2 and can also complete virtually all of the Sisters of EVE Epic Arc. It can be comfortably flown with fairly low skills, primarily due to its ability to 'Range Tank'. ie; stay at sufficient range to eliminate or mitigate a great deal of incoming damage. Furthermore, missile systems make for ideal starter weapons as they do not require capacitor energy (so reducing the need for good capacitor skills) and their damage is not affected by such factors as tracking, optimal ranges and falloff. This greatly simplifies matters for a beginning pilot.
Below is a reasonably standard PvE fit for the Kestrel. The Afterburner allows the pilot to control the range of engagement and it has a basic shield tank to keep the ship intact in those situations where you find yourself in the middle of a group of enemies, such as immediately after using a Warp Gate.
The Cormorant, with its many high slots, makes a good basic salvaging ship.
Variations to consider for this fit include the use of Capacitor Control Circuit rigs to allow more extended use of the Shield Booster, swapping the Small Shield Extender for a Shield Boost Amplifier (would require Electronics V or a Co-Processor) or switching the Overdrive Injector System for Nanofiber Internal Structure. With Electronics IV it is possible to fit an Invulnerability Field. However, this is generally not practical as the capacitor simply cannot sustain prolonged activation of this module.
Missile Projection III is strongly recommended as this should give your launchers an approximate effective range of 24km - this is sufficient to stay out of range of most PvE enemies.
T1 Caldari ships find various popular niches in PvP combat. The Merlin and Kestrel can do well in faction warfare frigate fights, and the Merlin's toughness and potential DPS at short ranges can make gangs of them a danger to much larger, more expensive targets. The Caracal can contribute usefully to a fast-moving gang with mid-range damage and good damage against small ships if fitted with Rapid Light Missile Launchers; the skills used in a Caracal prepare a character for a kiting-fitted {{sh|Osprey Navy Issue}}, a popular ship for solo and small gang PvP, and for the advanced Tech 2 {{sh|Cerberus}}, which is used in some popular fleet compositions. Caldari hybrid turret ships are often prized for their range. The Ferox, for instance, can be made the backbone of a sniping fleet. The Osprey is a good T1 remote-shield-boost ship if several Ospreys can group up (the ship is designed for team use), and this role prepares pilots for the extremely powerful {{sh|Basilisk}}.
Approximate ISK cost is 700,000 with the bulk of this cost being for the 'Malkuth' launcher variants. This can be greatly reduced by using Standard Missile Launcher I in their place. However, as 'Malkuth' versions have lower CPU requirements, this change will almost certainly require the use of a Co-Processor in one of the low slots.
Both the small Griffin frigate and the medium-sized Blackbird cruiser are highly valued gang and fleet ships, as their ECM abilities offer a potentially huge battlefield impact in cheap, expendable hulls: ECM jams on opposing [[Logistics|logistics]] ships, tackle, or EWAR can swing a battle, and jams on opposing damage dealers can tip the DPS race in the right direction. The Scorpion sees some use, but its larger size, more limited agility and speed, and greater cost send ECM pilots to the smaller ECM ships more often.
===[Kestrel, Basic PvE]===
== Skills ==
Caldari ships share many core skills with the ships of the other three main factions. Very new pilots should consider EVE University's [[Short Skill Plan]]; relatively new pilots should consider [[The Magic 14|the 14 skills which affect every ship]], the [[Fitting skills|fitting skills]] which make it easier to fit modules onto ships, and the [[Support skills|support skills]] which underpin much of your ship's performance. For longer-term training, EVE University's [[Pyramid Skill Plan]] offers one useful way of conceiving your goals.
|name=[Kestrel, Basic PvE]
That said, there are some considerations that are specific to Caldari ships. Pilots using Caldari ships will want to polish their skills in [[Skills:Missiles|using missiles]], [[Skills:Gunnery|gunnery]], and [[Skills:Shields|the use of shields]]. Given Caldari strengths at range, {{sk|Missile Bombardment}}, {{sk|Missile Projection}}, {{sk|Sharpshooter}},{{sk|Trajectory Analysis}} and {{sk|Long Range Targeting}} might be higher priorities for pilots flying these ships. Though hybrid turrets are not as capacitor hungry as lasers, pilots using Caldari turret ships will want good capacitor skills and {{sk|Controlled Bursts}}.
|high='Malkuth' Standard Missile Launcher I<br>
Caldari ships tend to have small dronebays for their size and class, and pilots flying Caldari ships will be able to leave drone skills until a little later than Gallente pilots would. However, once you train in battlecruisers and battleships, you will want a full flight of drones and adequate drone support skills.
'Malkuth' Standard Missile Launcher I<br>
'Malkuth' Standard Missile Launcher I<br>
'Malkuth' Standard Missile Launcher I
|mid=1MN Afterburner I<br>
== Ships ==
Small Shield Booster I<br>
Small Shield Extender I
|low=Micro Auxillary Power Core<br>
Here are the Caldari T1 ships.  Please follow the links to the specific pages of the ship database for more details and particular fits.
Overdrive Injector System I<br>
|charges=Bloodclaw Light Missile<br>
=== Corvette ===
Little more than slower, armed shuttles, corvettes (or "noobships") are the basic frigates that new pilots start with. You can acquire a new corvette at no cost (together with a civilian weapon, a civilian mining laser, and one unit of Tritanium) by clicking on the "Board my corvette" button available in the station menu when you're docked up. On their own, corvettes are useful for little other than basic errand-running, though since the ship is free a corvette can be spawned as a makeshift small station container when no other containers are available.
|rigs=[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
An Ibis can be used for the first few tutorial missions, although upgrading to a frigate as soon as it’s offered during the military tutorial is recommended.
[empty rig slot]
|required1=Afterburner I<br>
=== Frigate ===
Electronics III<br>
Shield Operation I<br>
Shield Upgrades I
|required2=Caldari Frigate III <br>
Frigates are small fast ships, used mostly for level 1 missions or for tackling and electronic warfare roles in PvP.
Missile Launcher Operation I<br>
Standard Missiles I<br>
The Bantam's role was changed from that of mining frigate to logistics frigate in the Retribution patch.
Engineering III
|required3=Energy Management II<br>
Hull Upgrades I
The Condor is a fast Caldari frigate. It can be used for level 1 missions and also as a tackler in PvP encounters.
The Merlin is the most capable Caldari frigate for PvP, but still falls behind the Rifter in effectiveness. Its unique selling point is the possession of four midslots which allow Merlin tacklers to fit a Sensor Booster (with Scan Resolution script) without compromising a standard tackler setup. This is useful for quickly grabbing slippery targets such as enemy capsules.
The Griffin is an [[Electronic warfare|Electronic Counter Measure]] frigate, often seen in E-UNI fleets offering [[Electronic warfare|Electronic Warfare]] support. ECM is touted as the most useful form of Electronic Warfare as it operates by breaking enemy target locks and preventing them from re-acquiring targets for 20 secs. This has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of damage being directed at your fleet, prevent enemies from using Remote Repair modules on each other, or breaking Warp Disruption, allowing an escape.
For new players interested in trying out ECM the Griffin is the ideal starting place on your way up to the Blackbird and eventually the Scorpion. Expect to lose them a lot though, as ECM boats are often called primary by enemy commanders.
Destroyers are ships slightly larger than frigates. They use the same sized modules as frigates, have more high slots. They are often used in PvE for level 1 missions. They are rarely used in PvP, as their DPS is not impressive without high skills, although they sometimes fill the role of anti-interceptor.
Flying destroyers is not recommended for PvP Uni fleets. There are some exceptions, like Thrashers for a specialized Hit & Run fleet.
The Heron is the T1 Caldari [[probe scanning]] frigate and a good exploration starter ship. It is useful for probing down exploration sites and wormholes, though it is weak in combat so you should switch to a tougher ship to do any sites you find.  
The Cormorant has eight high slots, making it an excellent vessel to use for salvaging wrecks. Due to its small size it can move speedily across deadspaces, but also has enough cargo space to hold the salvage you collect.
The Kestrel is a commonly flown frigate in New Eden, both for PvP and PvE. With its four standard launchers, it is an excellent choice for level 1 missions and static complexes up to DED 2. It can be comfortably flown with fairly low skills, primarily due to its ability to 'Range Tank'. i.e.; stay at sufficient range to eliminate or mitigate a great deal of incoming damage. Furthermore, missile systems make for ideal starter weapons as they do not require capacitor energy (so reducing the need for good capacitor skills) and their damage is not affected by such factors as tracking, optimal ranges, and falloff.  
A typical Cormorant salvaging fit uses 4 x Small Tractor Beams, 4 x Salvagers and Small Salvage Tackle rigs to greatly speed up salvaging. The remaining slots usually contain a 1MN Afterburner or Microwarpdrive and Capacitor Recharger for the mid slots and Expanded Cargohold for the low. The Cormorant suffers slightly compared to other racial destroyers for salavging due to having only a single low slot for an Expanded Cargohold, while the unusually high number of medium slots are of no real use for this role. It should be noted, however, that even with one Expanded Cargohold it will hold enough to clear up virtually all L1 and L2 missions in a single trip.
The Merlin is a capable Caldari frigate, commonly used in PvP. It has overall higher damage and survivability than other comparable racial frigates. The four mid-slots make the Merlin useful as a tackler and its use of turrets makes it a relatively quick train.
The Osprey is primarily used as a mining vessel by Caldari pilots. It's 20% bonus to mining laser yield can mean with high cruiser skills, it can outmine the Procurer mining barge. Caldari miners will tend to continue to use the Osprey, until they are ready to fly a Retriever.
Osprey can also be fitted out as a logistics vessel in fleets. It's skill bonus is focussed on reduced shield repairing capacitor costs, and it has a large extended range for shield repairing.
=== Destroyer ===
The Blackbird is an excellent ewar cruiser -- in fact, given its ability to stop the enemy fighting, it might be the most dangerous Caldari T1 PvP cruiser. The main focus of any Blackbird fit should be the midslots, followed by the lowslots. You can find a detailed discussion of Blackbird fitting [[ECM_Guide#Fitting_Fleet_Blackbirds|here]].
A 'rainbow' fit of jammers to specifically jam each of the four races is better than a fit with multispectral jammers in almost all situations. It's good to carry spare jammers so you can refit accordingly if you get intel about the enemy's fleet composition.
Destroyers are ships slightly larger than frigates. They use the same sized modules as frigates but have more high slots. They are often used in PvE for level 1 missions. They are rarely used in PvP, as their DPS is not impressive without high skills, although they can sometimes fill the role of anti-interceptor.  
===[Blackbird, PvP Rainbow/LSE]===
The Corax was introduced in the Retribution expansion. An alternative to the Cormorant's hybrid turret weapon preference, it offers new pilots the opportunity to follow the missile centric play style of the Kestrel and, later, the Caracal, without being forced to train into the gunnery skills of the Cormorant. The Corax's fragile tank lends itself well to a sniping style of combat, one that uses the ship's nimble body to keep it at ranges larger than 20Km. In PVE, by keeping targets at range, the Corax should have no problem running most level 1 and level 2 missions. The same philosophy works for PVP where the Corax can kite most ships with relative ease.
|name=[Blackbird, PvP Rainbow/LSE]
The Cormorant has eight high slots, making it a good starting vessel to use for salvaging wrecks. Due to its small size, it can move speedily across deadspaces, but also has enough cargo space to hold the salvage you collect.  When it is used in PvE as a combat ship (Level 1 missions and the Sisters of EVE storyline arc) it is strongly recommended that a 'kiting' technique is used, meaning that the capsuleer should keep his range from the NPC ships.  In PvP it suffers from a comparatively large signature radius, making it easier to hit with bigger weapons, which can be problematic with the frigate sized tank of the Cormorant.
|high=Assault Missile Launcher I<br>
Assault Missile Launcher I<br>
Assault Missile Launcher I
|mid=10MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
=== Cruiser ===
ECM - Spatial Destabilizer I <br>
ECM - Phase Inverter I <br>
ECM - Ion Field Projector I <br>
ECM - White Noise Generator I <br>
Large Shield Extender I
|low=Signal Distortion Amplifier I <br>
Cruisers are EVE's medium-sized ships.
Signal Distortion Amplifier I
|charges=Piranha Light Missile<br>
The Blackbird makes a formidable [[Electronic warfare| ewar]] ship and is generally used as such.
You can find a detailed discussion of Blackbird fitting [[Electronic Countermeasures#Fitting_Fleet_Blackbirds|here]].
|rigs=[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
The Caracal is arguably the most effective Caldari cruiser for PvE. It receives strong bonuses to increase the range of its missiles, as well as a rate of fire bonus for missiles.  It can fit an effective shield tank and keep opponents at bay while dealing damage to them from afar. It has no bonus for a specific damage type, so can match the missile type to the NPC.
[empty rig slot]
|required1=Afterburner III<br>
The Caracal is also very popular for PvP, for example as a dedicated frigate-hunter as its Rapid Light Missile Launchers can deal a huge amount of DPS to frigates. With higher fitting skills it is also possible to equip it with a full rack of Heavy Missile Launchers and achieve ranges in excess of 130km.
Electronics I<br>
Electronics Upgrade I<br>
Electronic Warfare I
|required2=Caldari Cruiser II <br>
Missile Launcher Operation II <br>
Standard Missiles I<br>
Shield Upgrades II
|required3=High Speed Maneuvering I<br>
Engineering II<br>
With the retribution patch, the Moa now has a bonus to hybrid damage as well as the usual shield resistance, rather than the previous range bonus. This means the Moa is now more suited to being a pure brawler rather than a sniper. With the extra damage, the Moa is quite suitable for PvE, and could also serve as a PvP brawler.
Science I
|recommended1=Acceleration Control III<br>
Afterburner III<br>
Electronics IV<br>
Electronics Upgrade I<br>
Electronic Warfare IV
|recommended2=Energy Management III<br>
Energy Systems Operation III<br>
The Osprey was changed in the Retribution patch to a full logistics cruiser. It is a t1 version of the more capable Basilisk but is by no means ineffective. It is one of the two Shield logistics ships, and because of its bonus to Energy Transfer works best when paired with other Ospreys or Basilisks.
Evasive Maneuvering III<br>
Frequency Modulation III<br>
Caldari Cruiser IV<br>
High Speed Maneuvering III<br>
Long Distance Jamming III
|recommended3=Long Range Targeting III<br>
Navigation III<br>
Signature Analysis III<br>
Targeting III<br>
Warp Drive Operation III
|notes=*The Large Shield Extender gives you a little buffer for extra warping-out time, without hurting your agility.
=== Battlecruiser ===
*If you're happy not having a tank, you could switch the LSE for a Sensor Booster or a fifth jammer. See also the 1600mm Blackbird below.
Battlecruisers are sometimes considered a more powerful version of Destroyer class ships.  They fit the same sized weapons as Cruisers except for the Attack Battlecruisers which fit Battleship sized weapons, and are more widely used as a damage dealing ship than Destroyers.  
*Cargohold should have spare racial jammers.
The Drake is an incredibly strong PvE ship due to its shield resistance which gives it an impressive tank. Unfortunately, it also features slow speed and relatively low DPS for a battlecruiser. Although it was at some time one of the most popular ships for PvP, due to ship balancing it is now only occasionally used PvP, typically as bait.
It is however still very effective in PvE because of its tank and range and its ease of use, especially with a passive tank.
*The Assault Missile Launchers are for shooting drones that attack you. Don't make a point of getting into AML range: damage dealing isn't your job. Stick to your ECM optimal range.
The Ferox is a versatile battlecruiser capable of a strong [[Tanking#Shield tanking|passive or active shield tank]] and of over 125km optimal range with railguns or heavy kinetic and thermal damage with blasters. It is a popular fleet PvP ship and part of some Nullsec fleet doctrines.
===[Blackbird, PvP Rainbow/2Red/1600mm]===
The Naga is the Caldari attack battlecruiser. While requiring a bit more training than the Drake and Ferox, it can fit battleship sized guns while retaining the agility and tank of a battlecruiser. It can be effectively fit with long or short range turrets but is rarely seen in PvP as pure sniper configurations are not effective with current doctrines.
|name=[Blackbird, PvP Rainbow/2Red/1600mm Plate]
=== Battleship ===
Battleships are the biggest combat ships in the game before Capital-class ships. Battleships usually mount large sized weaponry and are mostly used as a damage dealing combat ships in EVE, although there are several Battleships that have a different role, such as the Scorpion.
|mid=10MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
ECM - Spatial Destabilizer I <br>
The Raven is possibly the most used PvE ship for Level 4 missions as it has good range when fitted with Cruise Launchers (in addition to the usual effectiveness of selectable damage type from missiles) and can sport a good active shield tank (either cap-stable with a Large Shield Booster or an X-Large Shield Booster for non-cap-stable 'pulsing'). Its drawbacks are a small drone bay, usually filled with one flight of
ECM - Phase Inverter I <br>
light drones and one flight of medium drones. In addition, it is a very slow ship, as most Caldari boats are.
ECM - Phase Inverter I <br>
ECM - Ion Field Projector I <br>
ECM - White Noise Generator I
|low=Signal Distortion Amplifier I <br>
For PvP, it can be fitted with Torpedo Launchers to get good close range DPS or with Cruise missile Launchers for sniping distances.
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
The Rokh is a solid shield-tanked hybrid turret platform. Although it doesn't have the raw damage bonuses found on the Megathron and Hyperion, its optimal bonus sometimes helps it deal with more applied DPS when fitted with blasters. When rail-fitted it can achieve tremendous optimal ranges -- even, uselessly, beyond the hard 300km targeting range limit. Although it can be used for PvE, most Caldari mission-runners prefer missiles' flexibility and ease of use. It does have a role as one of the entry options for new pilots who want to join [[Incursions]].
|rigs=[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]
|required1=Afterburner III<br>
Electronics I<br>
The Scorpion is the Caldari [[Electronic warfare#Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)|ECM]] Battleship. With its 8 mid-slots, it is capable of fitting up to 8 jammers/bursts, making it the ECM weapons platform of choice. In order to free up mid-slots, some pilots choose to rely on a weak armour buffer tank in its four low-slots, while others fit shield modules for survivability and use their low slots to enhance their jammers.
Electronics Upgrade I<br>
Electronic Warfare I
|required2=Caldari Cruiser II <br>
=== Haulers ===
Mechanic I<br>
Caldari [[haulers]] tend to have the highest base cargo but as they don't have many low slots they cannot expand their cargo as well as other factions.
Engineering V
|required3=High Speed Maneuvering I<br>
Hull Upgrades III
The Badger is the basic Caldari hauler ship. It's useful to train to use a Caldari hauler in order to haul ore from your jetcans to the station, or for filling with mission loot to haul to a trade hub in order to sell for larger profit margins. Level 3 courier missions will likely need a ship the size of a Badger to complete them.
|recommended1=Acceleration Control III<br>
Afterburner III<br>
The Tayra (formerly called the Badger Mark II) has a cargo hold considerably larger than the Badger's. However, it is marginally slower at subwarp speeds, is less tanky, has less fitting room and takes longer to turn. In general, though, the larger cargo hold offsets the disadvantages and so training Caldari Hauler to III to fly this ship is definitely worth it, particularly if you constantly find yourself filling the Badger's hold.
Electronics IV<br>
Electronics Upgrade I<br>
Electronic Warfare IV
|recommended2=Energy Management III<br>
==Missile Tips==
Energy Systems Operation III<br>
Evasive Maneuvering III<br>
Frequency Modulation III<br>
Caldari Cruiser IV<br>
High Speed Maneuvering III<br>
Long Distance Jamming III
|recommended3=Long Range Targeting III<br>
For each type of missile launcher, there are four types of missile, and each type deals one of the four damage types. You can tell the damage type from the flavor word in the missile's name:
Navigation III<br>
Signature Analysis III<br>
Targeting III<br>
Warp Drive Operation III
|notes=*The 1600mm plate gives you a little buffer to help you escape, like an LSE. It slows you down, but hopefully you'll be fighting aligned anyway. The loss of one SDA will slightly reduce your jam strength and jam range.
* "Mjolnir": EM damage
* "Inferno": thermal damage
* "Scourge": kinetic damage
* "Nova": explosive damage
*Even the T1 Meta 0 1600mm plate can be expensive for a new player, unlike the LSE. You also need Engineering V to get enough powergrid to squeeze it on.
In PvE combat, you can look up what your target NPCs' weakest damage resistance is, and target that. In PvP, you should bring a range of damage types and (where possible) select the appropriate damage before engaging.
*The extra midslot thus freed up can be fitted with a Sensor Booster, or a fifth jammer. This example fit has an extra Minmatar jammer for lowsec roams -- although Minmatar ships have weaker sensor strengths, they're also very popular with lowsec pirates. For war fleets or nullsec work you may want to consider a different race.
A missile's range is its flight time multiplied by its velocity. You can check missile ranges easily by turning on the [[Tactical overlay|tactical overlay]] and hovering your cursor over the module button for your missile launcher(s): doing this will display the range as a red zone on the overlay, centered on your ship.
*Cargohold should still have spare racial jammers.
Unlike turret weapons, missiles take time to travel to their target. They also struggle to apply their damage to targets smaller than their own size: medium-sized missiles don't apply damage well to frigates, and large missiles don't apply damage well to cruisers. When missiles aren't going to apply damage well, you can try using small drones to scrape small targets off you.
==Hybrid Turret Ammo Tips==
{{main|Turrets#Hybrid ammo|Hybrid Ammo}}
Different kinds of hybrid turret ammunition carry different trade-offs in range, capacitor use, and damage. Antimatter requires the most capacitor, has the shortest range, and does the most damage. Lead requires the least capacitor, has no range modifier, and does middling damage. Iron has the longest range and the least damage.
In PvE combat, pilots could consider carrying 3 types of ammo, and switch when required. By default, close range (Antimatter or Plutonium) ammo should be used. If you are taking too much damage at close range, switch to medium range (Lead or Thorium) or long range (Iron or Tungsten) ammo, and fire from further away.
For PvP, faction Antimatter ammunition and T2 Null are used for brawling with blasters, while sniping railguns often use T2 Spike ammo.
The [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Drake Drake] is the most commonly flown ship in all of EVE, effective in both PvE and PvP combat.
* classic missile ship, bonus to kinetic missile damage
== Related Links ==
* quick shield recharge rate and shield resistance bonuses allow great PvE [[Shield_tanking#Shield_Tanking_Styles|passive regen tanks]]; standard Caldari Level 3 mission ship
* with good skills, is capable of running some Level 4 missions -- albeit slowly
* alternatively, can fit a large buffer tank for PvP combat
* . . . or, because it's usually ridiculously well-tanked, and therefore not primary target, it can be only lightly tanked , focusing on damage-dealing and ewar
==Badger Mk. I==
This is the basic Caldari industrial hauler ship. It's useful to train to use a Caldari Industrial in order to haul ore from your jetcans to the station, or for filling with mission loot to haul to a trade hub in order to sell for larger profit margins. Level 3 courier missions will likely need a ship the size of a badger to complete them.
==Badger Mk. II==
The Badger Mk. II has a cargo hold noticeably larger than the Badger, and is better defended. However it is marginally slower at subwarp speeds, and takes longer to turn. In general though the larger cargo hold offsets the disadvantages and so training Caldari Industrial to III to fly this ship is definitely worth it. Particularly if you constantly find yourself filling Badger's hold.
=Ammunition, Range, and Kiting=
In PvE you are likely to be using [[Missile Launchers|missiles]], since missiles have some advantages over turrets in PvE, especially for new pilots. One of missiles' advantages is that each kind of missile comes in four versions, each of which does one of the game's four damage types.
This means you can always target [[NPC_Damage_Types#A_brief_Summary_of_NPC_Damage_Types|the weaknesses]] of NPC enemies by selecting the missiles which will damage them most. You should select the missile that will hit their weakest resistance (so, for example, explosive missiles against the Angel Cartel) unless you're in a ship (like the Drake) which has per-level bonuses to kinetic damage. If you're in a ship with kinetic missile damage bonuses and you have the relevant ship skill (Battlecruiser, for the Drake) trained high enough then kinetic may do more damage.
[[Missile_Launchers#Range|Missile range]] is roughly (not exactly) flight time multiplied by speed. Missiles have no optimal or falloff, they are either in or out of range. The long range missiles popular in PvE often let you outrange the enemy, and a propulsion module (an afterburner, for missions, because a microwarpdrive won't work in deadspace) will hopefully let you kite the enemy and keep them at range.
===Hybrid Turrets===
If you've chosen to fight with [[Turrets#Hybrid_Turrets|hybrid turrets]] you should carry 3 types of ammo during missions, and switch when required. Use close range (antimatter or plutonium) ammo by default. If you are taking too much damage at close range, switch to medium range (lead or thorium) or long (iron or tungsten) range ammo and fire from further away.
Guns can suffer from [[Gunnery_Guide#Tracking|tracking]] issues, so try using the 'keep at range' option instead of the 'orbit' option. With the amount of enemies in missions, orbiting is less likely to mitigate the total incoming damage from rats. Even close to optimal, when orbiting and using close range ammo, guns can sometimes have difficulty tracking enemies. Enemies should be kept close to optimal, this should keep angular velocity low to avoid suffering from tracking issues, and as long as enemies are within optimal there will be no reduction in damage.
To find out your optimal with ammo, load ammo in your guns, then right click and show info. The optimal displayed in the attributes will be adjusted for ammo and skills.
=Tech and Meta Levels=
These fittings were made mostly using Tech 1 Meta 0 modules, or Tech 2 for larger ships. This is partly to avoid confusion with higher meta names. Also, this insures that ship fittings are relatively cheap to get into without spending too much for new players with cash flow difficulties. During war, pvp fittings using Tech 1 Meta 0 modules are provided by the university.
Higher Meta items up to meta 4 will often be easier to fit than Tech 2, and are also heavily used for PvE where the extra effects from the item can be leveraged, but the loss from the cost kept to a minimum. Tech 2 is Meta 5, and harder to fit, since it has much higher skill requirements. Note that Meta 3 and 4 modules are expensive, often more expensive than Tech 2. Meta 1 and 2 modules will often be less expensive than Meta 0, simply due to supply and demand on the market.
Of particular note to Caldari pilots are the keywords for meta levels associated with highly needed Caldari modules. These include those for missiles, hybrid turrets, passive shield modules and active shield modules. Knowing the keywords for these might help spot them from standard mission drops or within contracts on the market. This is not an extensive or all inclusive list, only those of particular need within Caldari specialties. When in doubt, check the item information for its meta level or consult the market price for its value.
==='''Missile Module Meta Levels'''===
#Meta 1 - 'Malkuth'
#Meta 2 - 'Limos'
#Meta 3 - LL-NNNN (Where LL is a two character letter designator, and NNNN is a 4 character number designator.)
#Meta 4 - 'Arbalest'
==='''Hybrid Turret Module Meta Levels'''===
Blaster based:
#Meta 1 - Regulated
#Meta 2 - Limited
#Meta 3 - Anode
#Meta 4 - Modal
Railgun based:
#Meta 1 - Carbide
#Meta 2 - 'Scout'
#Meta 3 - Compressed Coil
#Meta 4 - Prototype I Gauss
==='''Passive shield module meta levels'''===
Shield Extenders:
#Meta 1 - Supplemental Barrier
#Meta 2 - Subordinate Screen
#Meta 3 - Azeotropic Ward
#Meta 4 - F-S9 Regolith
==='''Active shield module meta levels'''===
Shield Amps:
#Meta 1 - Ionic Field Accelerator
#Meta 2 - 5a Prototype
#Meta 3 - 'Stalwart'
#Meta 4 - 'Copasetic'
Shield Boosters:
#Meta 1 - Converse I Deflection
#Meta 2 - Neutron Saturation
#Meta 3 - Clarity Ward
#Meta 4 - C5-L Emergency
Caldari ships never have large dronebays for their size, and never rely on [[Drones|drones]] as a primary weapon system. However, Caldari pilots should still train some drone skills for PvE and PvP combat since they provide useful supplementary DPS and are an essential defence for large ships; in L4 missions the most dangerous enemies can be frigates since, unlike all the other rats, they can warp scramble you, stopping you from escaping if your tank breaks. And light drones are the Raven's only effective defence against frigates. Consider Tech 2 light and medium drones a good medium-term goal.
Small drones kill frigates and destroyers, mediums drones hunt cruisers and battlecruisers, and heavy drones do well against battleships and reasonably well against battlecruisers.
As with missiles, you can pick the drone type that hits your enemy's weakest resist. (With the exception of Amarr drones, which do such low damage that it's not worth it.) Gallente drones have the highest damage multiplier, and thermal damage is the best or second best damage to deal against most rat types. For Level 1 to 3 missions, it's fine to exclusively use Gallente drones, although switching drones may make you more efficient. In Level 4 missions, consider varying between Gallente, Caldari and Minmatar drones to match rat weaknesses.
Watch for drone aggro. When arriving in a mission room, don't launch your drones until you've gotten the attention of a group of rats by shooting them. If a new wave of enemies arrives and attacks the drones or a new group of enemies aggro the drones, they should be recalled to the drone bay, and released only when you have full aggro. Under normal circumstances, you should never lose drones when using proper aggro management with rats.
Hot keys are recommended for drone management. They need to be initially launched manually from the drone window, though hot keys can be set for attack and return to drone bay.
In PvP Gallente and Minmatar drones are used almost exclusively. Gallente drones for their damage potential, Minmatar drones for their speed and explosive damage which armor tankers will not always patch.
=Tank & Gank=
Different rat (NPC pirates) factions have different damage type resistances, and deal different damage types.
Drones and hardeners should be switched around based on rat types.
Damage type resistance and dealt by rats can be found in the [http://www.eve-ivy.com/wiki/index.php?title=NPC_Damage_Types#A_brief_Summary_of_NPC_Damage_Types NPC Damage Types] article.
Mission-specific damage profiles can be found on [http://eve-survival.org/wikka.php?wakka=MissionReports Eve Survival].
All EHP in this guide is given with EFT calculations, not in-game EHP.
=Salvaging After the Mission=
Salvaging boats are usually used to clean up rooms after missions are complete. To do so, make sure you bookmark one wreck for each room in the mission, since the acceleration gates will disappear after the mission has be turned in at the agent. Once the mission is turned in, the MWD can be used to propel the salvaging boat within tractor range faster.
For level 4 missions, many players switch from the destroyer to a battlecruiser. Unfortunately, the Gallente battlecruisers have 6 or 7 high slots, instead of 8 like for some other races. The hurricane is well liked as a salvaging boat for its speed (for a BC sized ship) and 8 high slots.

Latest revision as of 21:01, 21 August 2024

This guide provides general information and recommendations for T1 ships of a single player faction.

For more advanced and in-depth information on specific ships refer to EVE ships. This guide simply gathers the characteristics and overview of racial lineups in an easy to browse format for the very new player.

Basic Ship and Skill Overviews -- Amarr | Caldari | Gallente | Minmatar | ORE | Pirate

The Caldari State is one of the four playable factions and has a unique and distinct line of ships.

Link= Caldari State Characteristics

 Tank Type: Icon ISIS defense Shields.png Shield
 Main Weapon Systems: Icon ISIS weapon Missiles.png Missile Launchers or Icon ISIS weapon Hybridturrets.png Hybrid Turrets
 Electronic Warfare: Icon ISIS Ecm.png Electronic Counter Measures

General Traits

The following characteristics are generally shared across most or all Caldari ships:

  • Shield tanking. Caldari ships are designed to be shield tanked. They generally have more medium slots (so as to fit shield modules) and fewer low slots. Some Caldari ships, such as the Merlin, Drake, and Rokh, have bonuses to shield resistances. Many Caldari ships can mount a range of types of shield tank—buffer, active, or passive—depending on the situation. In some limited circumstances, some Caldari ships mount armor tanks (an EWAR ship can armor tank using its low slots to free up mid slots for more EWAR), but shield tanking is usually the order of the day.
  • Missiles. Of the four factions, Caldari are most closely identified with using missiles. A line of Caldari ships have missile bonuses: examples include the Kestrel, Corax, Caracal, Drake, and Raven. Sometimes these bonuses boost missiles' range, as well as their damage.
    • Missiles don't use capacitor to fire, have good ranges, and always hit if they catch up with their target. Unlike lasers and hybrid turrets, missile launchers have selectable damage types, and unlike projectile turrets, the damage selection is easy and simple.
    • On the other hand, missile damage takes a while to arrive (as the missile must travel to its target), which can be a weakness in PvP; very fast ships can outrun missiles. Medium and large missiles often have particular trouble applying their damage to smaller targets. And to balance out the highly selectable damage, reloading a missile launcher takes a long time.
  • Hybrid Turrets. Other Caldari ships have bonuses for hybrid turrets. Hybrid turrets use some capacitor energy to fire, like lasers, but they are less cap-hungry than lasers; they use physical ammunition, like projectile guns, but they have a shorter reload time (5 seconds). Different ammunition types offer trade-offs between range, damage, and capacitor load, but all hybrid turret ammunition deals a mixture of kinetic and thermal damage.
    • Close-ranged blasters track very well and have very high potential DPS, but have short ranges even compared to the other short-ranged turrets (autocannon and pulse lasers).
    • Long-ranged railguns lack the alpha damage of artillery but can achieve extraordinarily long ranges. Some Caldari ships are particularly well-suited to sniping at long range with railguns.
  • ECM jamming. The Caldari racial EWAR specialty is ECM ("electronic countermeasures"). ECM is an especially powerful form of EWAR: it does not suffer from stacking penalties, unlike the other three main types of EWAR, and it can completely remove a target's ability to attack anything other than the ECM-jamming ship itself. In the larger ECM ships, it can also have a very long range. The Caldari are the only faction to have a T1 battleship with dedicated EWAR bonuses, the Scorpion. The main drawbacks of ECM are that it is chance-based, and can fail repeatedly if you're unlucky and that any ship using it is usually a primary target because it is widely feared.
  • Fragility. The flipside of the extremely strong shields on Caldari ships is somewhat more fragile armour and hull hitpoints.
  • Smaller dronebays. Caldari ships tend to have smaller dronebays and more limited drone bandwidth for their size and class: Caldari pilots begin to have access to enough drone space to launch a full flight of light drones when they get into battlecruisers, while Gallente ships, by contrast, offer this capacity as early as the GallenteTristan—a T1 frigate.

If there is a broader hallmark of Caldari ships, it is perhaps range. Both Caldari missile ships and Caldari hybrid turret ships often have bonuses that help them fight at long range. Caldari ships can still fight effectively at close range, and a torpedo Raven or blaster Rokh is a dangerous opponent, but they can outshine other factions at long or very long ranges.

Notable uses


The fact that missiles allow players complete control over which damage type they deal, permitting precise targeting of NPCs' weak points, combined with the very long range missiles can achieve on some Caldari hulls, make Caldari missile ships popular for PvE combat. A typical progression for mission running might be the Kestrel and Corax for Level 1 missions, the Caracal for L2s, the Drake for L3s, and the Raven for L4s. The Drake can mount a famously effective low-management passive shield tank. The missile, shield, and ship command skills trained for PvE combat in Caldari missile ships are one half of the skills necessary to do well in Guristas ships, the GuristasWorm, GuristasGila, and GuristasRattlesnake, and Guristas ships are popular for high-end PvE such as lucrative nullsec ratting and mid-tier Abyssal Deadspace runs.

The Cormorant, with its many high slots, makes a good basic salvaging ship.


T1 Caldari ships find various popular niches in PvP combat. The Merlin and Kestrel can do well in faction warfare frigate fights, and the Merlin's toughness and potential DPS at short ranges can make gangs of them a danger to much larger, more expensive targets. The Caracal can contribute usefully to a fast-moving gang with mid-range damage and good damage against small ships if fitted with Rapid Light Missile Launchers; the skills used in a Caracal prepare a character for a kiting-fitted CaldariOsprey Navy Issue, a popular ship for solo and small gang PvP, and for the advanced Tech 2 CaldariCerberus, which is used in some popular fleet compositions. Caldari hybrid turret ships are often prized for their range. The Ferox, for instance, can be made the backbone of a sniping fleet. The Osprey is a good T1 remote-shield-boost ship if several Ospreys can group up (the ship is designed for team use), and this role prepares pilots for the extremely powerful CaldariBasilisk.

Both the small Griffin frigate and the medium-sized Blackbird cruiser are highly valued gang and fleet ships, as their ECM abilities offer a potentially huge battlefield impact in cheap, expendable hulls: ECM jams on opposing logistics ships, tackle, or EWAR can swing a battle, and jams on opposing damage dealers can tip the DPS race in the right direction. The Scorpion sees some use, but its larger size, more limited agility and speed, and greater cost send ECM pilots to the smaller ECM ships more often.


Caldari ships share many core skills with the ships of the other three main factions. Very new pilots should consider EVE University's Short Skill Plan; relatively new pilots should consider the 14 skills which affect every ship, the fitting skills which make it easier to fit modules onto ships, and the support skills which underpin much of your ship's performance. For longer-term training, EVE University's Pyramid Skill Plan offers one useful way of conceiving your goals.

That said, there are some considerations that are specific to Caldari ships. Pilots using Caldari ships will want to polish their skills in using missiles, gunnery, and the use of shields. Given Caldari strengths at range, Missile Bombardment, Missile Projection, Sharpshooter,Trajectory Analysis and Long Range Targeting might be higher priorities for pilots flying these ships. Though hybrid turrets are not as capacitor hungry as lasers, pilots using Caldari turret ships will want good capacitor skills and Controlled Bursts.

Caldari ships tend to have small dronebays for their size and class, and pilots flying Caldari ships will be able to leave drone skills until a little later than Gallente pilots would. However, once you train in battlecruisers and battleships, you will want a full flight of drones and adequate drone support skills.


Here are the Caldari T1 ships. Please follow the links to the specific pages of the ship database for more details and particular fits.


Little more than slower, armed shuttles, corvettes (or "noobships") are the basic frigates that new pilots start with. You can acquire a new corvette at no cost (together with a civilian weapon, a civilian mining laser, and one unit of Tritanium) by clicking on the "Board my corvette" button available in the station menu when you're docked up. On their own, corvettes are useful for little other than basic errand-running, though since the ship is free a corvette can be spawned as a makeshift small station container when no other containers are available.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
5 m³
drone capacity
5 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
125 m³
cargo capacity
200 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
125 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
27.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
52 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
295 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Role Bonus:
20% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
10% bonus to kinetic Light Missile and Rocket damage
30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
8% bonus to all shield resistances

The Caldari Ibis corvette is a small but stout vessel that fits admirably well as a cargo hauler or small-scale miner. Its reliability makes it a good choice for novice ship captains.

An Ibis can be used for the first few tutorial missions, although upgrading to a frigate as soon as it’s offered during the military tutorial is recommended.


Frigates are small fast ships, used mostly for level 1 missions or for tackling and electronic warfare roles in PvP.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
5 m³
drone capacity
5 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
270 m³
cargo capacity
500 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
225 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
40.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
35 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
370 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Remote Shield Booster amount
10% reduction in Remote Shield Booster activation cost
Role Bonus:
300% bonus to Remote Shield Booster falloff

In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Caldari State, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Bantam.

The Bantam, a strong and sturdy craft, was originally an extremely effective mining frigate. After its redesign, the Bantam's large structure had to give way for logistics systems that ate up some of its interior room but allowed it to focus extensively on shield support for fellow vessels.

The Bantam's role was changed from that of mining frigate to logistics frigate in the Retribution patch.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
130 m³
cargo capacity
400 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
250 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
30.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
33 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
400 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to kinetic Light Missile and Rocket damage
Role Bonus:
80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost

The Condor is fast and agile. It has limited cargo space so it's not very suitable for trading or mining. It is best used as an assault vessel in a hit-and-run type of operations.

The Condor is a fast Caldari frigate. It can be used for level 1 missions and also as a tackler in PvP encounters.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
5 m³
drone capacity
5 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
260 m³
cargo capacity
400 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
250 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
65.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
42 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
325 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
10% reduction in ECM Target Jammer activation cost

The Griffin is much used by the Caldari Navy as a support vessel in combat squadrons, using its impressive array of electronic gadgetry to disrupt the operation of target ships, making them easy prey for traditional combat vessels.

The Griffin is an Electronic Counter Measure frigate, often seen in E-UNI fleets offering Electronic Warfare support. ECM is touted as the most useful form of Electronic Warfare as it operates by breaking enemy target locks and preventing them from re-acquiring targets for 20 secs. This has the potential to greatly reduce the amount of damage being directed at your fleet, prevent enemies from using Remote Repair modules on each other, or breaking Warp Disruption, allowing an escape. For new players interested in trying out ECM the Griffin is the ideal starting place on your way up to the Blackbird and eventually the Scorpion. Expect to lose them a lot though, as ECM boats are often called primary by enemy commanders.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
35 m³
drone capacity
15 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
400 m³
cargo capacity
400 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
200 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
37.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
40 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
340 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe strength
5% reduction in Salvager duration
Role Bonus:
5+ bonus to Relic and Data Analyzer virus strength

The Heron has good computer and electronic systems, giving it the option of participating in electronic warfare. But it has relatively poor defenses and limited weaponry, so it's more commonly used for scouting and exploration.

The Heron is the T1 Caldari probe scanning frigate and a good exploration starter ship. It is useful for probing down exploration sites and wormholes, though it is weak in combat so you should switch to a tougher ship to do any sites you find.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
160 m³
cargo capacity
500 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
350 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
50.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
38 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
325 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket damage
10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket max velocity

The Kestrel is a heavy missile boat with one of the most sophisticated sensor arrays around. Interestingly enough, it has been used by both the Caldari Navy and several wealthy trade corporations as a cargo-hauling vessel. It is one of few trading vessels with good punching power, making it ideal for solo trade-runs in dangerous areas. The Kestrel was designed so that it could take up to four missile launchers but as a result it can not be equipped with turret weapons nor with mining lasers.

The Kestrel is a commonly flown frigate in New Eden, both for PvP and PvE. With its four standard launchers, it is an excellent choice for level 1 missions and static complexes up to DED 2. It can be comfortably flown with fairly low skills, primarily due to its ability to 'Range Tank'. i.e.; stay at sufficient range to eliminate or mitigate a great deal of incoming damage. Furthermore, missile systems make for ideal starter weapons as they do not require capacitor energy (so reducing the need for good capacitor skills) and their damage is not affected by such factors as tracking, optimal ranges, and falloff.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
150 m³
cargo capacity
500 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
350 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
50.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
39 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
310 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage
4% bonus to all shield resistances

The Merlin is the most powerful combat frigate of the Caldari. Its role has evolved through the years, and while its defenses have always remained exceptionally strong for a Caldari vessel, its offensive capabilities have evolved from versatile, jack-of-all-trades attack patterns into focused and deadly gunfire tactics. The Merlin's primary aim is to have its turrets punch holes in opponents' hulls.

The Merlin is a capable Caldari frigate, commonly used in PvP. It has overall higher damage and survivability than other comparable racial frigates. The four mid-slots make the Merlin useful as a tackler and its use of turrets makes it a relatively quick train.


Destroyers are ships slightly larger than frigates. They use the same sized modules as frigates but have more high slots. They are often used in PvE for level 1 missions. They are rarely used in PvP, as their DPS is not impressive without high skills, although they can sometimes fill the role of anti-interceptor.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
450 m³
cargo capacity
1,000 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
750 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
45 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
69 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
235 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to kinetic Light Missile and Rocket damage
10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion velocity
Role Bonus:
50% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket max velocity

The Corax adheres to the well-established Caldari design philosophy that there is strength in numbers, and that the messages sent to an enemy should be strong and unequivocal. This applies equally to peace talks as it does to actual engagements on the battlefield - there should be no doubt in the strength of Caldari spirit, nor in the fact that when one blow has been struck, others are going to follow.

As such, the Corax does not pepper its opponents with pellets from a gun, nor does it toast them with continuous beams of light. Instead, it delivers strong, hard-hitting payloads at a pace that's not only steady, but rapid enough to rock its targets and knock them off-balance.

The Corax was introduced in the Retribution expansion. An alternative to the Cormorant's hybrid turret weapon preference, it offers new pilots the opportunity to follow the missile centric play style of the Kestrel and, later, the Caracal, without being forced to train into the gunnery skills of the Cormorant. The Corax's fragile tank lends itself well to a sniping style of combat, one that uses the ship's nimble body to keep it at ranges larger than 20Km. In PVE, by keeping targets at range, the Corax should have no problem running most level 1 and level 2 missions. The same philosophy works for PVP where the Corax can kite most ships with relative ease.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
425 m³
cargo capacity
900 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
700 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
36.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
65 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
250 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
Role Bonus:
50% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range

The Cormorant is the only State-produced space vessel whose design has come from a third party. Rumors abound, of course, but the designer's identity has remained a tightly-kept secret in the State's inner circle.

The Cormorant has eight high slots, making it a good starting vessel to use for salvaging wrecks. Due to its small size, it can move speedily across deadspaces, but also has enough cargo space to hold the salvage you collect. When it is used in PvE as a combat ship (Level 1 missions and the Sisters of EVE storyline arc) it is strongly recommended that a 'kiting' technique is used, meaning that the capsuleer should keep his range from the NPC ships. In PvP it suffers from a comparatively large signature radius, making it easier to hit with bigger weapons, which can be problematic with the frigate sized tank of the Cormorant.


Cruisers are EVE's medium-sized ships.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
10 m³
drone capacity
10 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
305 m³
cargo capacity
1,400 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,200 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
85.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
150 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
190 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
12.5% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff

The Blackbird is a small high-tech cruiser newly employed by the Caldari Navy. Commonly seen in fleet battles or acting as wingman, it is not intended for head-on slugfests, but rather delicate tactical situations.

The Blackbird makes a formidable ewar ship and is generally used as such. You can find a detailed discussion of Blackbird fitting here.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
10 m³
drone capacity
10 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
450 m³
cargo capacity
1,700 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,200 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
57.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
125 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
230 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Rapid Light Missile, Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire
10% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile max velocity

The Caracal is a powerful vessel that specializes in missile deployment. It has excellent shield defenses, but poor armor plating. Its missile arsenal, when fully stocked, is capable of making a piece-meal of almost anyone.

The Caracal is arguably the most effective Caldari cruiser for PvE. It receives strong bonuses to increase the range of its missiles, as well as a rate of fire bonus for missiles. It can fit an effective shield tank and keep opponents at bay while dealing damage to them from afar. It has no bonus for a specific damage type, so can match the missile type to the NPC.

The Caracal is also very popular for PvP, for example as a dedicated frigate-hunter as its Rapid Light Missile Launchers can deal a huge amount of DPS to frigates. With higher fitting skills it is also possible to equip it with a full rack of Heavy Missile Launchers and achieve ranges in excess of 130km.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
15 m³
drone capacity
15 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
450 m³
cargo capacity
2,500 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,000 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
55.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
135 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
190 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
4% bonus to all shield resistances

The Moa was designed as an all-out combat ship, and its heavy armament allows the Moa to tackle almost anything that floats in space. In contrast to its nemesis the Thorax, the Moa is most effective at long range where its railguns can rain death upon foes.

With the retribution patch, the Moa now has a bonus to hybrid damage as well as the usual shield resistance, rather than the previous range bonus. This means the Moa is now more suited to being a pure brawler rather than a sniper. With the extra damage, the Moa is quite suitable for PvE, and could also serve as a PvP brawler.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
20 m³
drone capacity
20 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
485 m³
cargo capacity
1,650 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,000 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
62.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
95 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
210 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
12.5% bonus to Remote Shield Booster amount
5% reduction in Remote Shield Booster activation cost
Role Bonus:
1000% bonus to Remote Capacitor Transmitter range
200% bonus to Remote Capacitor Transmitter transfer amount
430% bonus to Remote Shield Booster optimal range and falloff

In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Caldari State the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Osprey.

The Osprey originally offered excellent versatility and power for what was considered a comparably low price. After its redesign, its inbuilt mining technology - now a little creaky and long in the tooth - was gutted from the Osprey and replaced in its entirety with tech of a different type, capable of high energy and shield transfers.

The Osprey was changed in the Retribution patch to a full logistics cruiser. It is a t1 version of the more capable Basilisk but is by no means ineffective. It is one of the two Shield logistics ships, and because of its bonus to Energy Transfer works best when paired with other Ospreys or Basilisks.


Battlecruisers are sometimes considered a more powerful version of Destroyer class ships. They fit the same sized weapons as Cruisers except for the Attack Battlecruisers which fit Battleship sized weapons, and are more widely used as a damage dealing ship than Destroyers.

Combat Battlecruiser: INFORMATION
Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
25 m³
drone capacity
25 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
450 m³
cargo capacity
5,500 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
3,250 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
65.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
295 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
150 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
4% bonus to all shield resistances
10% bonus to kinetic Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile damage
Role Bonus:
• Can use one Command Burst module
25% bonus to Missile velocity
50% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range

Of the meticulous craftsmanship the Caldari are renowned for, the Drake was born. It was found beneath such a ship to rely on anything other than the time-honored combat tradition of missile fire, while the inclusion of sufficient CPU capabilities for decent electronic warfare goes without saying.

The Drake is an incredibly strong PvE ship due to its shield resistance which gives it an impressive tank. Unfortunately, it also features slow speed and relatively low DPS for a battlecruiser. Although it was at some time one of the most popular ships for PvP, due to ship balancing it is now only occasionally used PvP, typically as bait. It is however still very effective in PvE because of its tank and range and its ease of use, especially with a passive tank.

Combat Battlecruiser: INFORMATION
Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
25 m³
drone capacity
25 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
475 m³
cargo capacity
5,250 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
3,500 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
75.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
325 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
145 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range
Role Bonus:
• Can use one Command Burst module
25% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range and falloff
50% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range

Designed as much to look like a killing machine as to be one, the Ferox will strike fear into the heart of anyone unlucky enough to get caught in its crosshairs. With the potential for sizable armament as well as tremendous electronic warfare capability, this versatile gunboat is at home in a great number of scenarios.

The Ferox is a versatile battlecruiser capable of a strong passive or active shield tank and of over 125km optimal range with railguns or heavy kinetic and thermal damage with blasters. It is a popular fleet PvP ship and part of some Nullsec fleet doctrines.

Attack Battlecruiser: INFORMATION
Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
0 m³
drone capacity
0 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
575 m³
cargo capacity
2,160 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,575 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
75.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
215 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
195 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
10% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret optimal range
Role Bonus:
95% reduction in Large Hybrid Turret powergrid requirement
50% reduction in Large Hybrid Turret CPU requirement
50% reduction in Large Hybrid Turret activation cost

The Naga was designed in YC 109 by Corporate Police Force as an anti-Guristas ship, sacrificing the usual robust Caldari Navy standards in favor of supporting battleship-class weaponry. It was rejected by Hyasyoda management for being overspecialized.

The Naga design remained in the Hyasyoda archives, forgotten (save for a cameo in the Gallente holo-series CPF Blue). In YC 113 the Caldari Navy entertained contracts for a new tier of gunboat battlecruiser. Hyasyoda quickly submitted and won with the Naga, underbidding both Kaalakiota and Ishukone.

The Naga is effective in any campaign where fast, mobile firepower is required.

The Naga is the Caldari attack battlecruiser. While requiring a bit more training than the Drake and Ferox, it can fit battleship sized guns while retaining the agility and tank of a battlecruiser. It can be effectively fit with long or short range turrets but is rarely seen in PvP as pure sniper configurations are not effective with current doctrines.


Battleships are the biggest combat ships in the game before Capital-class ships. Battleships usually mount large sized weaponry and are mostly used as a damage dealing combat ships in EVE, although there are several Battleships that have a different role, such as the Scorpion.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
75 m³
drone capacity
50 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
830 m³
cargo capacity
7,700 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
6,380 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
90.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
410 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
113 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Rapid Heavy Missile, Cruise Missile and Torpedo Launcher rate of fire
10% bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo max velocity
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

The Raven is the powerhouse of the Caldari Navy. With its myriad launcher slots and powerful shields, few ships can rival it in strength or majesty.

The Raven is possibly the most used PvE ship for Level 4 missions as it has good range when fitted with Cruise Launchers (in addition to the usual effectiveness of selectable damage type from missiles) and can sport a good active shield tank (either cap-stable with a Large Shield Booster or an X-Large Shield Booster for non-cap-stable 'pulsing'). Its drawbacks are a small drone bay, usually filled with one flight of light drones and one flight of medium drones. In addition, it is a very slow ship, as most Caldari boats are.

For PvP, it can be fitted with Torpedo Launchers to get good close range DPS or with Cruise missile Launchers for sniping distances.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
125 m³
drone capacity
75 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
820 m³
cargo capacity
9,350 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
7,700 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
108 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
500 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
89 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Large Hybrid Turret optimal range
4% bonus to all shield resistances
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

Having long suffered the lack of an adequate hybrid platform, the Caldari State's capsule pilots found themselves rejoicing as the Rokh's design specs were released. A fleet vessel if ever there was one, this far-reaching and durable beast is expected to see a great deal of service on battlefields near and far.

The Rokh is a solid shield-tanked hybrid turret platform. Although it doesn't have the raw damage bonuses found on the Megathron and Hyperion, its optimal bonus sometimes helps it deal with more applied DPS when fitted with blasters. When rail-fitted it can achieve tremendous optimal ranges -- even, uselessly, beyond the hard 300km targeting range limit. Although it can be used for PvE, most Caldari mission-runners prefer missiles' flexibility and ease of use. It does have a role as one of the entry options for new pilots who want to join Incursions.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
75 m³
drone capacity
75 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
690 m³
cargo capacity
7,700 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
6,050 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
108.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
480 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
94 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer and ECM Burst Jammer strength
25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer and ECM Burst Jammer optimal range and falloff
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

The first Scorpion-class battleship was launched only a couple of years ago, and those that have been built are considered to be prototypes. Little is known of its capabilities, but what has been garnered suggests that the Scorpion is crammed to the brink with sophisticated hi-tech equipment that few can match.

The Scorpion is the Caldari ECM Battleship. With its 8 mid-slots, it is capable of fitting up to 8 jammers/bursts, making it the ECM weapons platform of choice. In order to free up mid-slots, some pilots choose to rely on a weak armour buffer tank in its four low-slots, while others fit shield modules for survivability and use their low slots to enhance their jammers.


Caldari haulers tend to have the highest base cargo but as they don't have many low slots they cannot expand their cargo as well as other factions.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
3,900 m³
cargo capacity
1,440 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
750 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
42.5 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
190 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
127 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship cargo capacity
5% bonus to ship inertia modifier
Role Bonus:
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue

The Badger-class hauler is the main cargo-carrier for the Caldari State, particularly in long, arduous trade-runs. Its huge size and comfortable armament makes it perfectly equipped for those tasks, although the Caldari seldom let it roam alone.

The Badger is the basic Caldari hauler ship. It's useful to train to use a Caldari hauler in order to haul ore from your jetcans to the station, or for filling with mission loot to haul to a trade hub in order to sell for larger profit margins. Level 3 courier missions will likely need a ship the size of a Badger to complete them.

Caldari State
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
7,300 m³
cargo capacity
1,100 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
550 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
45 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
230 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
115 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Caldari Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship cargo capacity
5% bonus to ship max velocity
Role Bonus:
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue

The Tayra, an evolution of the old Badger Mark II hauler, focuses entirely on reaching the highest potential capacity that Caldari engineers can manage in a standard cargo carrier.

The Tayra (formerly called the Badger Mark II) has a cargo hold considerably larger than the Badger's. However, it is marginally slower at subwarp speeds, is less tanky, has less fitting room and takes longer to turn. In general, though, the larger cargo hold offsets the disadvantages and so training Caldari Hauler to III to fly this ship is definitely worth it, particularly if you constantly find yourself filling the Badger's hold.

Missile Tips

Main article: Missiles

For each type of missile launcher, there are four types of missile, and each type deals one of the four damage types. You can tell the damage type from the flavor word in the missile's name:

  • "Mjolnir": EM damage
  • "Inferno": thermal damage
  • "Scourge": kinetic damage
  • "Nova": explosive damage

In PvE combat, you can look up what your target NPCs' weakest damage resistance is, and target that. In PvP, you should bring a range of damage types and (where possible) select the appropriate damage before engaging.

A missile's range is its flight time multiplied by its velocity. You can check missile ranges easily by turning on the tactical overlay and hovering your cursor over the module button for your missile launcher(s): doing this will display the range as a red zone on the overlay, centered on your ship.

Unlike turret weapons, missiles take time to travel to their target. They also struggle to apply their damage to targets smaller than their own size: medium-sized missiles don't apply damage well to frigates, and large missiles don't apply damage well to cruisers. When missiles aren't going to apply damage well, you can try using small drones to scrape small targets off you.

Hybrid Turret Ammo Tips

Main article: Hybrid Ammo

Different kinds of hybrid turret ammunition carry different trade-offs in range, capacitor use, and damage. Antimatter requires the most capacitor, has the shortest range, and does the most damage. Lead requires the least capacitor, has no range modifier, and does middling damage. Iron has the longest range and the least damage.

In PvE combat, pilots could consider carrying 3 types of ammo, and switch when required. By default, close range (Antimatter or Plutonium) ammo should be used. If you are taking too much damage at close range, switch to medium range (Lead or Thorium) or long range (Iron or Tungsten) ammo, and fire from further away.

For PvP, faction Antimatter ammunition and T2 Null are used for brawling with blasters, while sniping railguns often use T2 Spike ammo.

Related Links

Ship Skill and Fitting Overviews -- Amarr | Caldari | Gallente | Minmatar | ORE | Pirate Factions