Hauling Department

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Revision as of 22:23, 31 May 2024 by Xobekk Gao (talk | contribs) (→‎Hauling Officers: Samsam Retired, GabrielCHL joined team)
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Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

What is the Hauling Department?

The Hauling Department aims to provide a space where new Haulers can learn efficient Hauling and to support EVE University and its members in transporting goods between communities, trade hubs and fleet staging systems.

If you are interested in joining the Hauling Department, find all relevant information in this Recruitment Post in the EVE University Forum

Current Staff

Hauling Management

The Hauling Manager oversees EVE University's hauling staff and coordinates hauling services required by EVE University, IVY League and its holding corporations as part of the Logistics Directorate

XobekkGao.jpg Xobekk Gao

Senior Hauling Officers

Senior Hauling Officers oversee the day to day running of the department, lead on on-boarding & training, hauling related projects and guiding members of the department and EVE University members, on our hauling policies and processes.

SpookyBraj.jpg Spooky Braj

Hauling Officers

Hauling Officers operate the day to day running of the department, allocation of parcels and completion of deliveries, ensure our jump freighter support network is staged and maintain fuel and guide EVE University members on queries and hauling related support to the team.

Amfion Bravais.jpg Amfion Bravais
Asylum1987.jpg Asylum1987
EmjayYvormes.jpg Emjay Yvormes
Kardoon.jpg Kardoon
96px Kardoon

Hauling Services

EVE University's Sponsored Community Shipping Service provides Unistas free shipment of goods between EVE University communities, graciously supported through a group of dedicated hauling staff volunteers.

You can find all information about supported systems/stations, procedures, donations etc. in the above forum post.