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''This article is about the Student Advocate and how the role fits within EVE University and how he serves the general membership.''
{{hatnote|This article details a staff position internal to [[EVE University]] that mediates internal conflicts. For information about how EVE University mediates external conflicts, see [[Diplomacy Directorate]].}}
The role of the Student Advocate is to provide a voice for the student body to the Directorate and Management in a fashion much like EVE's CSM in that they filter through popular issues and concerns bringing forward those that are deemed most important. The Student Advocate also acts as mediator for when those inevitable clashes between members occur.  EVE University is both large in numbers and broad in the cultural and nationality scope.  When an issue arises it is the goal to bring them to a friendly resolution to allow members to continue enjoying their time in EVE University.  
The role of the '''Student Advocate''' is to provide a voice for the student body to the [[EVE University]] Directorate and management, and to mediate conflicts between University members. Student Advocates function similarly to the [[CSM]], in that they filter popular issues and concerns raised by the student body and bring forward those that are deemed most important. EVE University contains a large number of players representing a diverse range of cultures and nationalities; when an issue arises it is the goal of the Student Advocate to bring the situation to an amical resolution that allows members to continue to enjoy their time in EVE University.  
== Student Advocate ==
== Student Advocates ==
{| style="text-align: center"
| [[Image:Spanky_Ikkala.jpg|128px|link=User:Spanky Ikkala]]
| [[Image:Member.png|128px]]
| <big>'''[[User:Spanky Ikkala|Spanky Ikkala]]'''</big>
| <big>'''[[User:Maeden Starfire|Maeden Starfire]]'''</big>
| <big>'''EUTZ'''</big>
| <big>'''USTZ'''</big>
== What are the duties of the Student Advocate? ==
The chief responsibility of the Student Advocate is to help ensure that the Uni is operating as smoothly as possible and that all members (and departments) are following all applicable policies, procedures and protocols.
A Student Advocate will:
* Mediate when issues arise between University members, staff, or management.
* Monitor and moderate University chat channels and Mumble.
* Provide input where needed to all the Divisions of the University to ensure student needs and expectations are being met.
The Student Advocate has no authority to change policy or independently act in establishing it. They can mediate disputes from a position of authority within the confines of established policy at the direction of senior management.
== What to do if you have a problem or conflict ==
If you have a disagreement with another Uni Member, a Member of Staff, a Manager, or even a Director that remains unresolved or can't be resolved by yourself, do not hesitate to talk to a Student Advocate.
Before you do, you should make a reasonable effort to resolve the conflict yourself. Remember EVE is a social game, there is another person behind that avatar, who like you has a goal of enjoying the game. Communicating effectively and respectfully is necessary for your success here at EVE University. Also remember that sometimes conflicts develop from simple misunderstandings or "information differentials", where you may not have the same information another member has. Directly communicating by private convo, EVE mail, or forum PM may be all that is necessary to resolve whatever conflict there is. And it's much more rewarding to build lasting relationships as well, so try that first.
If that fails:
| valign="top" | [[Image:Bashir.jpg|thumb|left|128px]]
| valign="top" | <big>'''[[Bashir]]'''</big>
'''About the role:''' The Student Advocate essentially functions as a mediator, addressing issues at student level before they escalate to the point where a director should need to get involved. They are a point of contact for the student body, acting much like EVE's CSM in that they try to filter through the popular issues and bring the important ones to the attention of the directorate. The Student Advocate (SA) can also be considered the "voice" of the students, acting on their behalf in dealings with the directorate. It is for this reason that the Student Advocate (SA) has much the same levels of access as directors, though I lack the in-game powers and roles. Have you got an issue or need and explanation? Then the Student Advocate is the person you should speak to.
'''About the person:'''  I've played eve on and off (and off and on) for quite some time, I remember the dark early days of eve with no skill queue and no "warp to 0 on gates", I enjoy putting some knowledge back into the game and the Uni.
* First, consider that if your disagreement involves a Staff Member, Manager, or Director, they may be reminding you of, or enforcing, University rules and policies and Student Advocates do not have the authority to change that policy.
'''Reports to:''' [[CEO]] and [[CEO#Director_of_Operations|Director of Operations]]
* Complete the [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12APyX5rYFjnk20Vr-IaUIlf8dnddDlmNbjtJ-dPSS0A/viewform Student Advocate Contact Form] outlining your concerns and the first available Student Advocate will get in contact with you to start the resolution process.
* Contact a Student Advocate via forum private message, or eve-mail with your concern. Your chatlogs or copies of EVEmails, forum PMs and/or any other correspondence as these will help us get to a resolution quicker.
== What duties does the Student Advocate carry on? ==
* '''Always talk to one of us first''', as things tend to escalate quickly and often in unexpected and unpleasant ways which even more often leads to increased conflict. So please, do not discuss your conflict with others or bring it forward to other Staff, Managers, or Directors.
The scope of the duties is to ensure that the Uni is running smoothly as possible with all members (and departments) following policies, procedures, and protocols, and not letting issues grow to the point of explosions. Those should be for pew-pew.
* Please be patient and give us some time to investigate and understand your issue.  
*I will intercede in issues you may have with another member or staff/management member.
* As a mediator, our job is to facilitate a resolution process and help both parties towards a mutually beneficial settlement of your differences. Our role is NOT to impose or force any resolution upon either party nor decide any aspect of your disagreement. We are impartial and have no interest in the outcome. Your role is to earnestly participate in the process in seeking that settlement.  
*The Student Advocate will moderate Uni chat channels and Mumble.
*Will give input where needed to all the Divisions of the Uni to ensure your needs and expectations are being met. Note that some things I don't have any control over.
== What do I do if I have a complaint? ==
* You need to follow the Student Advocate's instructions during the dispute. They are designed to keep the conflict contained and prevent it from worsening and creating delays in resolution.
Should you have a complaint with another member, a staff member, manager, or even a director that has not been resolved of it's own accord then I are who you want to get in touch with.
* All information you provide to the Student Advocate in the dispute is confidential. Communications made during the mediation process are confidential, except where it is in violation of the EULA.
*Ensure that you have taken reasonable steps to resolve the issue yourself.  Try a private convo, evemail, or forum PM with the other party.  Most issues are simply misunderstandings based on someone's mood, cultural or language difference, or playstyle, and if it was in chat only the communication between you and the other party can be difficult to "read" as in what mannerisms or tones are intended.  Example, one person is making a joke and believes you're enjoying/getting it, yet you don't "know" that's the intent and you've taken it personally, and vice versa.
We are here to help resolve conflicts between you and the other members quickly so we can all get back to enjoying the game, which is why we are here.  
*Contact me via [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/ucp.php?i=pm&mode=compose&u=12627 forum private message], or evemail with your complaint.  Be perpared to provide chatlogs and/or copies of evemails, forum PMs, or any other correspondence/evidence as this will help us get to a resolution quicker.
*If your issue is with a staff member, manager, or director, and they were simply reminding you of or enforcing Uni rules and/or policies I may not treat it as a complaint. 
*Please do not discuss your complaint with others or bring it forward to other staff, managers, or directors, as this can widen the situation and make it much more difficult to deal with and bring to a timely resolution. I had cases of this in the past and what could have been resolved quickly ended up taking weeks, and no one was happy at the end of it all.
*Give me the courtesy of patience and time to get to the bottom of the issue.  We all have real lives and we also like to enjoy playing EVE Online.  And there may be other, more critical issues that need handling.
*In cases of complaints against someone I am not here to determine who is who is right or wrong but rather to bring the complaint issue to a peaceful and amicable resolution between the parties involved.
*If I issue you interim instructions please be sure to follow them.  These are designed to keep the issue from getting worse, thus complicating and delaying a resolution.
*I will do our best to help you resolve the issue in a timely fashion.
[[Category:EVE University Services]]
[[Category:EVE University Departments]]

Revision as of 22:32, 22 September 2024

This article details a staff position internal to EVE University that mediates internal conflicts. For information about how EVE University mediates external conflicts, see Diplomacy Directorate.
E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

The role of the Student Advocate is to provide a voice for the student body to the EVE University Directorate and management, and to mediate conflicts between University members. Student Advocates function similarly to the CSM, in that they filter popular issues and concerns raised by the student body and bring forward those that are deemed most important. EVE University contains a large number of players representing a diverse range of cultures and nationalities; when an issue arises it is the goal of the Student Advocate to bring the situation to an amical resolution that allows members to continue to enjoy their time in EVE University.

Student Advocates

Spanky Ikkala.jpg Member.png
Spanky Ikkala Maeden Starfire

What are the duties of the Student Advocate?

The chief responsibility of the Student Advocate is to help ensure that the Uni is operating as smoothly as possible and that all members (and departments) are following all applicable policies, procedures and protocols.

A Student Advocate will:

  • Mediate when issues arise between University members, staff, or management.
  • Monitor and moderate University chat channels and Mumble.
  • Provide input where needed to all the Divisions of the University to ensure student needs and expectations are being met.

The Student Advocate has no authority to change policy or independently act in establishing it. They can mediate disputes from a position of authority within the confines of established policy at the direction of senior management.

What to do if you have a problem or conflict

If you have a disagreement with another Uni Member, a Member of Staff, a Manager, or even a Director that remains unresolved or can't be resolved by yourself, do not hesitate to talk to a Student Advocate.

Before you do, you should make a reasonable effort to resolve the conflict yourself. Remember EVE is a social game, there is another person behind that avatar, who like you has a goal of enjoying the game. Communicating effectively and respectfully is necessary for your success here at EVE University. Also remember that sometimes conflicts develop from simple misunderstandings or "information differentials", where you may not have the same information another member has. Directly communicating by private convo, EVE mail, or forum PM may be all that is necessary to resolve whatever conflict there is. And it's much more rewarding to build lasting relationships as well, so try that first.

If that fails:

  • First, consider that if your disagreement involves a Staff Member, Manager, or Director, they may be reminding you of, or enforcing, University rules and policies and Student Advocates do not have the authority to change that policy.
  • Complete the Student Advocate Contact Form outlining your concerns and the first available Student Advocate will get in contact with you to start the resolution process.
  • Contact a Student Advocate via forum private message, or eve-mail with your concern. Your chatlogs or copies of EVEmails, forum PMs and/or any other correspondence as these will help us get to a resolution quicker.
  • Always talk to one of us first, as things tend to escalate quickly and often in unexpected and unpleasant ways which even more often leads to increased conflict. So please, do not discuss your conflict with others or bring it forward to other Staff, Managers, or Directors.
  • Please be patient and give us some time to investigate and understand your issue.
  • As a mediator, our job is to facilitate a resolution process and help both parties towards a mutually beneficial settlement of your differences. Our role is NOT to impose or force any resolution upon either party nor decide any aspect of your disagreement. We are impartial and have no interest in the outcome. Your role is to earnestly participate in the process in seeking that settlement.
  • You need to follow the Student Advocate's instructions during the dispute. They are designed to keep the conflict contained and prevent it from worsening and creating delays in resolution.
  • All information you provide to the Student Advocate in the dispute is confidential. Communications made during the mediation process are confidential, except where it is in violation of the EULA.

We are here to help resolve conflicts between you and the other members quickly so we can all get back to enjoying the game, which is why we are here.