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[[Category:EVE University]]EVE University runs primarily on donations from its members and alumni, along with well-wishers and supporters of our cause. Without these people and their donations, we would not be able to provide the new pilots the resources that we currently offer.
EVE University runs primarily on donations from its members and alumni, along with well-wishers and supporters of our cause. Without these people and their donations, we would not be able to provide the new pilots the resources that we currently offer.
= Real-Life Donations =
== Real-Life Donations ==
EVE University has minimal real life expenses but we do run a paid server for hosting our web services including this wiki. If you wish to donate toward the cost of this we have an [https://www.patreon.com/EVEUni EVE University Patreon page].
EVE University also accepts donations via PayPal, and is a member of affiliate programs for both Game Time Cards and new accounts, the payments of which are used solely to offset the cost of the EVE University server, which hosts these forums, the UniWiki, our Mumble server and various other resources. For more information, [http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=168 see this link].
== EVE Creator Code ==
You can also support EVE University by using our Creator Code on the EVE Online store - we receive 5% of any purchase [https://store.eveonline.com made on the EVE Store] using code 'eveuni' at checkout. This code does not provide a discount, and solely supports EVE University. All proceeds, like the Patreon funds, will be used for the costs of EVE University.
= Making an In-Game Donation =
== Using our Buddy Link ==
== Donating ISK ==
If you want to create a second account, you can sign up using our [https://www.eveonline.com/signup?invc=5256b044-61ff-4e70-9aef-79f461d07e63 Buddy Link].
For any monetary donations, please simply locate EVE University in-game via your People and Places window, then select 'Give Money' from the right click menu. If prompted, select the 'Master Wallet' as the account, enter your amount and reason, then click OK. Please ensure that you have the correct corporation (show info if necessary) as there are a number of lookalikes and similar sounding corporations.
=== EVE University Benefactors List ===
If you sign up using this link EVE University will receive rewards as follows:
As of July 11th 2010, EVE University maintains an [http://benefactors.eveuniversity.org automated list of benefactors] who have donated ISK to the University. As all donations are welcome, the value of any donations is not listed, and all donations are private by default.
* REWARD 1 - Your Recruitee upgrades to 1+ Month Omega on secure.eveonline.com > You receive 15 Days Omega
* To make your donation public, include the word PUBLIC in all caps in the 'reason' field.
* REWARD 2 - Your Recruitee buys PLEX on secure.eveonline.com > You receive 4x24H Accelerator
* To make your donation private, and remove yourself from the list, include the word PRIVATE in all caps in the 'reason' field.
The list is updated periodically based on API data, so please allow at least 12 hours for any changes to take place.
== Modules, Ships, Charges and other items ==
There are also improved rewards for higher numbers of recruits:
=== Donations from E-UNI members ===
* 1 RECRUIT - You receive Unique Triglavian Apparel
Please remember to repair and repackage all of the items that you wish to donate if at all possible. If you are donating something which cannot be repackaged (such as a rigged ship) then please name it after yourself so we know where it came from.
* 2 RECRUITS - You receive Pacifier BPC + Unique SKIN
* 5 RECRUITS - You receive 1 Month Omega
* 10 RECRUITS - You receive Enforcer BPC + Unique SKIN
* 20 RECRUITS - You receive 2000 PLEX
* 40 RECRUITS - You receive Marshal BPC + Unique SKIN
If you have [[Alpha]] access or above, you should place any modules, charges or similar into the 'E-UNI Donations' container in the Alpha Hangar at [[HQ]]. If the items are too large or you do not have access, please drop them directly into the 'Restricted' Hangar, preferably within a container named after you so we know where they came from. Note that you will not have access to view the items inside the hangar, but you can still drop donations into it.
All rewards received will be received initially by the CEO and given to EVE University. If the reward is Omega time, the equivalent PLEX will be given instead.
'''IMPORTANT''': Please do '''not''' place donated items directly onto the stacks or into the hangars or other containers! Use only the 'E-UNI Donations' container or Restricted Hangar for donations. It may seem like you are saving the Hangar Section some time and hassle, but it actually creates more work for them to take your excess items back out!
== Making an In-Game Donation ==
=== Donating ISK ===
For any monetary donations, please simply locate EVE University in-game via your Contacts window, then select 'Give Money' from the right click menu. If prompted, select the 'Master Wallet' as the account, enter your amount and reason, then click OK. Please ensure that you have the correct corporation (show info if necessary) as there are a number of lookalikes and similar sounding corporations.
=== Donations from Third Parties ===
=== Modules, Ships, Charges and other items ===
Item donations can be contracted directly to a director in-game, and they will be accepted on behalf of the corporation. The best location for any deliveries such as these is usually our headquarters in '''Aldrat IX - Pator Tech School''', however donations can be accepted anywhere in [[hisec]] space, and our logistics department can relocate them as needed.
==== Donations from E-UNI members ====
Item donations can be contracted directly to a director in-game, Please remember to repair and repackage all of the items that you wish to donate if at all possible. If you are donating something which cannot be repackaged (such as a rigged ship) then please name it after yourself so we know where it came from.
If you have any queries on the above, please contact either our [[EVE_University_Management#Director_of_Public_Relations|Director of Public Relations]] or [[Director of Logistics]].
Members should note that any personal items placed in corporate hangars will be treated as a donation which may include it being used by other members with access, relocated, repurposed or reprocessed. Therefore, items placed in cans or hangars by accident should be alerted to a Manager or Director promptly to be retrieved.
== Sponsorship and Others ==
==== Donations from Third Parties ====
From time to time we are approached by parties offering donations or sponsorship in other forms. If you would like to discuss an arrangement outside the above, please speak to our [[EVE_University_Management#Director_of_Public_Relations|Director of Public Relations]].
Item donations can be contracted directly to a director in-game, and they will be accepted on behalf of the corporation. The best location for any deliveries such as these are usually our headquarters in '''Korsiki - Horizon'''. However, donations can be accepted anywhere in [[hisec]] space, and our logistics department can relocate them as needed.
If you have any queries on the above, please contact a Director.
=== Sponsorship and Others ===
From time to time we are approached by parties offering donations or sponsorship in other forms. If you would like to discuss an arrangement outside the above, please speak to our [[CEO]].
[[Category:EVE University]]

Latest revision as of 17:52, 19 February 2025

E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

EVE University runs primarily on donations from its members and alumni, along with well-wishers and supporters of our cause. Without these people and their donations, we would not be able to provide the new pilots the resources that we currently offer.

Real-Life Donations

EVE University has minimal real life expenses but we do run a paid server for hosting our web services including this wiki. If you wish to donate toward the cost of this we have an EVE University Patreon page.

EVE Creator Code

You can also support EVE University by using our Creator Code on the EVE Online store - we receive 5% of any purchase made on the EVE Store using code 'eveuni' at checkout. This code does not provide a discount, and solely supports EVE University. All proceeds, like the Patreon funds, will be used for the costs of EVE University.

Using our Buddy Link

If you want to create a second account, you can sign up using our Buddy Link.

If you sign up using this link EVE University will receive rewards as follows:

  • REWARD 1 - Your Recruitee upgrades to 1+ Month Omega on secure.eveonline.com > You receive 15 Days Omega
  • REWARD 2 - Your Recruitee buys PLEX on secure.eveonline.com > You receive 4x24H Accelerator

There are also improved rewards for higher numbers of recruits:

  • 1 RECRUIT - You receive Unique Triglavian Apparel
  • 2 RECRUITS - You receive Pacifier BPC + Unique SKIN
  • 5 RECRUITS - You receive 1 Month Omega
  • 10 RECRUITS - You receive Enforcer BPC + Unique SKIN
  • 20 RECRUITS - You receive 2000 PLEX
  • 40 RECRUITS - You receive Marshal BPC + Unique SKIN

All rewards received will be received initially by the CEO and given to EVE University. If the reward is Omega time, the equivalent PLEX will be given instead.

Making an In-Game Donation

Donating ISK

For any monetary donations, please simply locate EVE University in-game via your Contacts window, then select 'Give Money' from the right click menu. If prompted, select the 'Master Wallet' as the account, enter your amount and reason, then click OK. Please ensure that you have the correct corporation (show info if necessary) as there are a number of lookalikes and similar sounding corporations.

Modules, Ships, Charges and other items

Donations from E-UNI members

Item donations can be contracted directly to a director in-game, Please remember to repair and repackage all of the items that you wish to donate if at all possible. If you are donating something which cannot be repackaged (such as a rigged ship) then please name it after yourself so we know where it came from.

Members should note that any personal items placed in corporate hangars will be treated as a donation which may include it being used by other members with access, relocated, repurposed or reprocessed. Therefore, items placed in cans or hangars by accident should be alerted to a Manager or Director promptly to be retrieved.

Donations from Third Parties

Item donations can be contracted directly to a director in-game, and they will be accepted on behalf of the corporation. The best location for any deliveries such as these are usually our headquarters in Korsiki - Horizon. However, donations can be accepted anywhere in hisec space, and our logistics department can relocate them as needed.

If you have any queries on the above, please contact a Director.

Sponsorship and Others

From time to time we are approached by parties offering donations or sponsorship in other forms. If you would like to discuss an arrangement outside the above, please speak to our CEO.