Battle Cruiser Program

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Battle Cruiser Ship Program
Battle Cruiser Ship Program
Run By:
Quartermaster Department
Status Notes Available Soon
Where to Access

Stacmon - The Quad
Contact Quartermaster

EVE University has volunteers who manufacture items for EVE University and its members. One of the item types members can order is a standard fit battlecruiser ships.

EVE University members can view the standard fittings under Corporation Fittings in-game. We will supply either the hull plus fittings (without alterations).

Ships will be contracted to the member in any of the supported locations at 100% Jita sell.

As a bonus, every member is entitled to buy any one battlecruiser at 50% of Jita sell. This offer is limited to one battlecruiser per EVE University character.

Supported Locations

  • Stacmon - The Quad

Available Ships

The following ships are available:


  • Drake
  • Myrmidon
  • Hurricane
  • Harbinger

Requesting a Battlecruiser

To request a battlecruiser at 100% Jita sell complete this form:

To request a half price battlecruiser (limited to five per character in EVE University) complete this form:

Additional information regarding HPBC ships and fittings can be found HERE.

The item will be contracted to you at the requested location. This normally takes a few days, so please be patient.