Wormhole Community Etiquette

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E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

This page covers the guidelines and policies of EVE Uni's Wormhole Community. Most of the details on this page can be picked up far more easily from interacting with other WHC members, but this page can be referenced for clarification.

Rule Zero

The primary focus of WHC is to be a welcoming, pleasant, and inclusive learning environment for wormhole content at EVE Uni, and this goal supersedes all else. Be constructive, be respectful, and be polite.

Rules and Feedback

We are aware that EVE University brings together people of many backgrounds and skill levels. We all must work together to make EVE University and WHC the best they can be. Community Coordinators welcome questions on processes and fits (it’s how we learn!) as well as constructive criticism on rules. Additionally, Community Coordinators will provide instruction or correction regarding campus rules and etiquette which should be adhered to. Any concerns or issues can be raised to Community Coordinators and/or Uni leadership. Excessive arguing or ranting in comms or Discord is to be avoided as there is always a better way to discuss topics and share your opinion.

Being in Comms

Being in Discord comms while in fleet is required. Being able to speak is not required, but talking is much faster at conveying information than typing it out in fleet chat, and delays can be dangerous.

Being in Fleet

If you are in space in the WHC chain (including Cake), always be in fleet. If there is no WHC Standing fleet, create one! See Standing Fleet for details on how to get the settings correct and Standing Fleet MOTDs for the MOTD.

  • Do not go AFK for any extended period of time while in fleet. If you need to be AFK, dock up, leave fleet, and log off.
  • Structures show a count of who is inside them, including AFK players. This can lead potential adversaries to think we are able to engage with more numbers than we are actually able to field.
  • If a fleet boss is AFK, the fleet loses the ability to move members into wing command positions, which can negatively affect PvP fights.
  • When leaving the standing fleet as boss, ask to pass fleet boss to another EVE University character. If a fleet boss is in an alt corp, the fleet will no longer be advertised correctly.
  • Passing boss (including by logging out or leaving fleet) gives a session change timer to both old and new bosses. Surprise session change timers can get people killed, for instance by preventing wormhole jumps. Ask the person who says they can take fleet boss if they are ready for it.
  • Do not set fleet advert to automatically update fleet advert on boss change. This helps detect if someone was ninja-bossed and is AFK or out of corp before it becomes a problem during a fight.
  • If no one is able to take boss it is best to disband the fleet.


Before undocking in Cake you must be in fleet. It is good practice to ask if there is ongoing content prior to undocking. You don’t want to start jumping through the chain in your DST only to find bubble with hostiles or undock only to scare off a target someone is hunting. Contribute to content, don’t kill it!

Announcing Activations

Always call out activations for Alpha, Bravo, any hole within 2 jumps of Cake, and any wormholes into or out of a system you know/suspect contain other WHC members. Wormholes make a sound and have a visual effect. We use this to determine when we need to prepare for a fight, so announcing activations lets those watching a wormhole know that the activation is friendly and not a sign of an imminent fight. It is also best practice to call out activations further down the chain as this gives others in fleet a better understanding of where people are in chain.

  • If you are activating it: Call out “Friendly Alpha”, “Friendly Bravo”, “Friendly 1 Z1”, etc. in voice comms.
  • Depending upon the circumstances, you may write it in Fleet, commonly abbreviated as “fa a”, “fa b”, “fa 1 z1”, etc.
  • If you did not activate it: “Unannounced Activation Alpha”, “Did someone activate Alpha?”, etc.

WHC Ship Naming Scheme

WHC follows a ship naming scheme to help identify friendly ships on d-scan.

  • The format is 3 letters that represent your WHC main followed by 3 numbers that add up to 15. After this you can add any personal additions of your choice.
    • Ex. The WHC Main "Urist McExample" chooses UME for their 3 letters. They name their ship "UME 735 Amok".
  • The numbers are not specific to a pilot/ship/main/etc.
  • Alts should use the same 3 letters as the main character.

Scanning and Updating Wanderer

Intelligence is life and death in J-space and part of this includes ensuring signatures are properly scanned, bookmarked, and updated in Wanderer along with other important information. If everybody does a little bit, it’s not much work!

  • Make sure you are keeping Wanderer updated and cleaned up. This means properly updating new signatures, updating information on structures and POSs, deleting old sigs that aren’t there, deleting chains that have collapsed, and detaching connections that appear if someone gets podded or death clones.
  • One of the first things you should do when undocking is ensuring all signatures in Cake have been updated. It is also good practice to do this while passing through the chain. See this forum post on how best to accomplish this.
  • Make sure you have read and understand our guide on Wormhole Community Navigation.
  • Finish scanning a system and updating Wanderer completely before running sites. Others are relying on the completion of the scanning to be able to plan content.
  • Those who scan down Null Data/Relic sites have the right to run them first. If someone has already bookmarked a site, ask them if they plan on running it.

PvP Content

PvP Pings

Any ping is better than no ping at all. But if your ping contains the following others can join in much more effectively:

  • What you are fighting or expecting
  • What time you are expecting it (not needed for instant PvP)
  • Where you are fighting (system name, what gate/wormhole, ...)
  • What you need to come (Logi, DD, ECM, .....)

FC Commands

When a member steps-up and is FC-ing an engagement the commands from that individual for combat related activities should be adhered to. They have the final say on what doctrine is being used, where to go, who to shoot, and all that fun stuff.

  • Suggestions during fleet time can be noted in fleet chat for the FC to read and to keep comms clear.
  • Any feedback or constructive criticism of a call the FC makes that is best left for discussion during the post-engagement debrief or commented on the AAR (if one is created).
  • The FC Feedback form can be used to submit feedback to FCs that are part of the EVE Uni FC Team.


Doctrines exist for a reason. They allow for engagement in specific situations with fits that provide synergy with each other for performance while also keeping skill requirements in mind. As such, when a doctrine is called for in an engagement that doctrine should be adhered to unless expressly given the go-ahead by the FC to bring something else.

  • For example, "FC can I bring my huggin/rapier/curse/pilgrim" is likely to be met with a "yes" from inexperienced FCs, whereas "FC would bringing webs / TDs help us in this engagement?" allows a newer FC to consider whether that role is useful without having to be the FC-that-said-no. In essence, don’t just bring a Tengu to a Small Ships fight for funzies.

Combat Comms

While in combat members may become excited or discouraged and offer up many ideas or suggestions. It is vital that these ideas be put into fleet chat, where they may be safely used or referred to without being lost in a sea of voices.

  • Saturated voice communications cause a variety of problems.

Keep space clean

Leaving wrecks, corpses, and drones in space is a dead giveaway that a system is active and dangerous. Do not give intel away for free.

PvE Content

We are a community-oriented campus. Members are encouraged (and in some cases, expected) to make an attempt to invite other members to participate. When planning content it is best to ping in the "#whc-pings" channel in Discord using the “@everyone” command to include other campus members in the content if it can be run as a group.

PvE Pings

Any ping is better than no ping at all. But if your ping contains the following others can join in much more effectively:

  • Where the PvE will take place
  • What PvE you want to do (gas huffing, NPC shooting, mining, .....)
  • What time you want to do this
  • What you are looking for to log in with the ping


@everyone Forming Harvester for 10 Sites in Bravo Undocking at 1300 (in 5 mins)

Combat Sites

Ask in fleet, voice comms, and ping in Discord to form a doctrine fleet so that other members, especially lower SP members, can share in the fun and blue loot. See Wormhole Community PvE Doctrines for a summary of doctrines that we fly.

  • Hogging PvE sites in Cake or 1 jump out from Cake for solo runs without communicating the opportunity is considered detrimental for the campus.
    • C1 and C2 sites are considered to have a low isk value for the effort involved, so pings are not required.
  • There is nothing wrong with solo site running if the opportunity has been communicated properly and no one responded.
  • WHC caters to all timezones. 'It was too late to ping' is not an excuse.
  • Roll Bravo when the combat sites have been finished and there is no active content down the Bravo chain. This gives the community a brand new C3 system with more content.
    • Don't leave an empty Bravo for others.
  • For C4 Sites within our home system, these should always be run as a group and run using a doctrine that provides inclusive options for people interested in participating.
    • There is an informal community-designed C4 doctrine that would be appropriate, but other options are allowed. Relegating folks to picket duty is frowned upon; the goal is for everyone to learn and participate actively.

Gas Sites

If the gas is valuable to huff solo, it is worth huffing as a group. WHC Members will respond to pings for gas huffing even several jumps down chain.

Ore Sites

As compression is typically utilized to reduce the need for repeated wormhole transits, most group mining activities take place in Cake or 1 jump out.

  • The large Gneiss rock that spawns in the Average Frontier Deposit has 2,250,000 m3 of ore and is often the focus of WHC mining ops.

Null Data/Relic Sites

Scout(s) who were involved in scanning the sites and bookmarking them have the first claim to these sites.

  • If the scout(s) passes on them, its fair game for any member of the fleet (Ask the scout before you run)
  • If multiple members are interested, they can come to an agreement on how to share the opportunity

Ghost Sites

As these highly valuable sites have a time limit, it is most efficient to take as many people as there are cans in a site (4-5). If there are not enough people who want to join in fleet, ping in Discord.

  • Make sure to assign everyone a specific can before warping to the site.
    • Enable the tactical overlay to see the colored line of north.
    • Cans spawn in the northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, and (with 5 can sites) up directions.
  • The site timer starts as soon as an uncloaked warp is initiated, so have a squad commander initiate warp from the closest celestial.


For any PvE content having other members and/or alts watching holes leading into the relevant system increases the chances of successfully avoiding and escaping hostile forces.

  • Everyone in the fleet should still be using D-scan. The more people actively checking for threats increases the chances of spotting something.
  • Prior to departing for PvE content ensure that all signatures in Cake, the target system, and systems in-between are scanned to avoid unexpected surprises from an unscanned wormholes.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • PvE ships are not covered under the Ship Replacement Program
  • PvE in wormholes is risky business. Scan all possible wormhole connections to make sure there's no activity nearby before you start. Leaving unscanned sigs is an easy way to lose ships/pods in a PvE fleet.
  • Expect to lose your ship to a ganks/poor target calling/latency etc. Avoid unnecessary bling in the ship or in the pod.
  • Social PvE is fun because of the people you take along with you. Feel free to chat on comms. Respect the call for Combat Comms.
  • Do not run sites in j-space systems with structures that are blue to EVE Uni or Ivy League.


WHC uses a corporate hangars as part of day-to-day operations.

  • For containers, if the contents are locked, select the items you want unlocked, right-click on locked items, and select "unlock".
    • If you take only part of a stack of items remember to lock it again afterward. The logs record who locked/unlocked each item so locking items after you use them show that you did not take everything.

Hangar Policies

  • Important: Anything in the General Hangar is considered property of WHC. That doesn't mean you can't use or take things (you should—that's why we have a hangar), but if you put something into the hangar or a container, you should think of that as a donation to the community. This prevents issues where people lay claim to resources the community relies upon. This policy is also in place so that the hangar can be cleaned out regularly so its value does not grow unchecked.
  • Some ships and items are free to take, some are loaners. The various hangar and container sections below detail which is which.
  • Take only what you need.
  • For loaner ships:
    • Return the ship to the General Hangar immediately after you are finished using it.
    • Please return the ship in the configuration you found it. If you need replacement ammunition or lost drones, please look in the "Ammunition, Drones, and Charges" container.
    • You are responsible for the ship if it explodes. If this happens, just contact a WHC Community Coordinator and pay for its replacement.
    • Do not rename any ship you borrow from the General Hangar. This helps WHC track which ships are missing or need to be restocked.

General Hangar Organization


Ships in the general hangar come in two flavors: flight deck ships, which are free to take and need not be returned, and everything else, which should be put back after use. Ships are easily distinguished by their names:

  • Ships that start with FLT 555 are flight deck ships and are free to take. These ships are tracked by the WHC Community Coordinators and replaced as necessary.
  • Ships that start with PVE 555 are loaner ships for PvE content. Please put them back promptly after use. If you loose one please send the appropriate amount of ISK to the WHC Operations corporation. These ships are tracked by the WHC Community Coordinators and replaced as necessary.
  • Ships that start with WHC 555 are loaner ships for vrious other content. Mostly these are very specific fits for edge-case scenarios that we don't want everyone to have in their hangar. Please put them back promptly after use. If you loose one please send the appropriate amount of ISK to the WHC Operations corporation. These ships are tracked by the WHC Community Coordinators and replaced as necessary.
  • Ships that start with ROL 555 are loaner rolling ships. Please put them back promptly after use. If you loose one please send the appropriate amount of ISK to the WHC Operations corporation.
  • Anything else is generally a member-donated ship. WHC may decide to remove these at any point, but if you take one, please put it back promptly after use.

If you want to suggest a ship that should be in the hangar, talk to a WHC CC. Please to not put ships starting with FLT, ROL, PVE or WHC into the hangar as it will confuse the Community Coordinator asset tracking.

Ammunition, Drones, and Charges

Free to take: ✅ Restocked regularly: ✅

This is useful if you need a few more missiles to complete a fit.

Community Drop-Box (Free!)

Free to take: ✅ Restocked regularly: ❌

Sometimes PvP loot that is not donated to campus will be dropped here for the community's use.

PI Command Centers

Free to take: ✅ Restocked regularly: ✅

Please feel free to use them while setting up your Planetary Industry.

Rolling and Hole-Control

Free to take: ✅ Restocked regularly: ✅

Sometimes rolling accidents require rigs to be torn out or filaments to get home, and these supplies are for restoring a roller after it has been recovered.

Refit Modules

Free to take: ✅ Restocked regularly: ✅

This container holds a limited variety of commonly-used ship modules.

Used Crystals

Free to take: ✅ Restocked regularly: ❌

This is a dumping location for any crystals that have a high damage percentage that someone wanted to swap out for new versions. Do be cautious of how much life they have left in them.

Donations and Loot Hangar Organization

Loot Cans

These are the numbered cans "01" to "09". They are used for dropping off loot from group PvP and PvE content. Do not take from these cans unless you are the designated person to sell and payout members involved.

  • Items dropped into these containers create a log to see who added or removed items.
  • Do not leave loot inside these containers for extended periods. Create a buyback contract as soon as all the loot has been deposited. WHC CCs regularly clean up these containers and move any abandoned items to Donations if not claimed.

Donations to WHC

Items dropped into this can are donated to WHC to be sold to generate funds for Wormhole Community Services. Do not take

  • Consider dropping useful ammunition, drones, and modules into the "General PvP Loot" container to make them available to other WHC members.

WHC Corpse Locker

Place any unwanted corpses here. Praise Bob.

Interacting with Blues

EVE University Rules still apply in j-space for pilots appearing with Dark Blue Plus - Excellent standings from your alliance/corp/self Light Blue Plus - Good standings from your alliance/corp/self Fleet Member Blue Star - Member of your alliance Green Star - Member of your corporation Purple Star - Member of your militia. Just because someone with one of these icons is not responding to requests to communicate does not mean you can engage.

Blue Pilots

Characters/Corporations that have a +5 Standing to E-UNI/IVY are referred to as Blues.

  • We avoid running sites in systems with a Blue Structure.
  • Keep in mind +5 standings are based on a Mutual Agreement but the agreements may get forgotten over time. There may be cases where you come across someone who appears blue to IVY but may not necessarily have E-UNI/IVY set blue.
    • If you are aggressed by a blue, contact the EVE Uni Diplomacy team.

See Also

Original Forum Post