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=Amarr General Information=
The Amarr Empire is one of the four playable factions and, like the others, has a distinct line of ships with specific quirks and abilities.
The Amarr Empire is one of the four playable factions and, like the others, has a distinct line of ships with specific quirks and abilities.
== General Traits ==
The Amarr lineup is characterized by the following:
The following traits are shared by most or all Amarr ships:
* [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Smurfprime%27s_Guide_to_Basic_Tanking#Armor_tanking Armour tanking].  Amarrian ships have high base armour and several ships have direct bonuses to armour resistances ([[Tech 1]] examples: Punisher, Maller, Prophecy, and Abaddon). Armour tanks can be extremely powerful in both PvP and PvE applications.
* '''[[Armour tanking]]'''.  Amarrian ships have high base armour, and several ships have direct bonuses to armour resistances: for example, the Punisher, Maller, Prophecy, and Abaddon. Armor tanks use up low slots, can slow ships down, and are hungry for powergrid, but they leave mid slots free, require relatively less CPU, and (in active tanks) place comparatively lower burdens on the capacitor than shield tanks
* '''[[Turrets#Energy turrets|Energy turrets]]'''.  These are the standard for the majority of Amarrian damage-dealing vessels.  Energy turrets (more usually "lasers") offer a reliable combination of range and damage when compared with projectile or hybrid turrets. Their ammo, energy crystals, can be swapped out instantly. Tech 1 crystals last forever, and faction and Tech 2 crystals wear out only slowly. On the other hand, energy turrets use a great deal of capacitor to fire, tend to have comparatively poor tracking speeds for their size, and can only ever deal thermal and EM damage, which can make it impossible to hit some enemies' weaker damage resistances.
** The short-ranged energy weapons, pulse lasers, have long ranges compared to projectile autocannon and hybrid turrets but lack the raw punch of hybrid blasters or the selectable damage and forgiving falloff of autocannon.
** The long-ranged energy weapons, beam lasers, have reliable DPS, but are shorter-ranged than hybrid railguns or projectile artillery, and lack the selectable damage and alpha strike potential of artillery.
* '''[[Drones]]'''. The Amarr ship line-up comes second only to the Gallente in terms of drone bays, bandwidth, and ships with drone bonuses. Amarr drone ships tend to have slightly larger drone bays than their Gallentean counterparts, which means more tactical flexibility and drone replacement, but also tend to have less drone bandwidth, which means a lower DPS cap. These differences even out at the battleship level, as the Armageddon and the Dominix match in these respects.
* '''Large capacitors.''' Amarr pilots rely heavily on their capacitors; lasers are heavy on the capacitor to such a degree that many Amarrian hulls have a bonus that decreases capacitor usage of energy turrets. Amarr hulls tend to have larger capacitors than the hulls of the other empires and many Amarrian pilots prioritize capacitor skills.
* '''[[Capacitor warfare]]'''. The Dragoon and the Armageddon have bonuses that make them particularly effective with energy neutralizers used to drain targets' capacitors. These synergise well with the naturally strong capacitors found on Amarr ships, and with the use of drones, which require no capacitor. Amarr proficiency with capacitor warfare continues in T2 ships with the Black Ops {{sh|Redeemer}} and the widely-feared {{sh|Curse}} and {{sh|Pilgrim}}.
* '''[[Electronic_warfare#Weapon_Disruption|Weapon Disruption]]''' is the Amarr EWAR specialism. Weapon disruption can cut the ranges and tracking speeds of turrets, or the ranges and precision of missiles. It is situationally powerful, but not as universally powerful as ECM or sensor dampening: different modules must be fitted to disrupt turrets or to disrupt missiles, which reduces tactical flexibility.
* '''Low speeds'''. Amarr ships tend to have low base speeds for their size and class, often fit armour plates which further reduce their speed and agility, and often use low slots for tank or damage rather than speed modules. Given the high low slots, Amarr ships ''can'' sometimes be speed-fitted, but at the cost of tank and damage.
* [[Missiles]]. No ''Tech 1'' Amarr ships focus on missiles, but there is a line of ''Tech 2'' Amarr ships with missile bonuses: the {{sh|Vengeance}}, {{sh|Malediction}}, {{sh|Heretic}}, {{sh|Sacrilege}}, and {{sh|Damnation}}. These are not a concern for Amarr pilots who are just starting out, but dedicated Amarr pilots might find themselves training into them one day.
* Energy [[turrets]].  These are the standard for the majority of Amarrian damage dealing vessels in the same way that Gallente and Caldari tend to use Hybrid turrets (although Caldari make greater use of missiles) while the Minmatar make extensive use of Projectile turrets.  Energy turrets (more usually 'lasers') offer an excellent combination of range, tracking and damage when compared with projectile or hybrid turrets. Frequency crystals, the Energy ammo type, can be changed instantly and [[Tech 1]] crystals are unlimited ammunition as they do not degrade like [[Faction]] or Advanced [[Tech 2]] variants. Unfotunately this all comes at a price; there is no variation on [[damage types]] and Energy turrets use a great deal of capacitor as well as tending to be quite demanding on a hull's powergrid for fitting.
If there is one broad characteristic that runs across Amarr ships, it is '''energy'''. Amarr ships aren't the most versatile, and they don't always have great speed or the highest on-paper DPS, but they have immense reserves of capacitor which they can use to pound opponents with extremely reliable and consistent laser damage—with potentially infinite ammo!—and to drain opponents dry with powerful capacitor warfare.
* Large Capacitors. Amarrian pilots rely heavily on their capacitors; lasers are heavy on the capacitor to such a degree that some Amarrian hulls have a bonus that decreases capacitor usage of Energy turrets rather than a damage bonus. Thus Amarrian hulls tend to have larger capacitors than the hulls of the other empires and many Amarrian pilots prioritize capacitor skills.
== Notable Uses ==
* [[Drones]]. Amarrian hulls have some of the best drone using hulls outside of the Gallentean hull line-up, including the only hulls with drone bonuses that are not Gallentean.
* Lack of Speed. Amarrian ships tend to have lower than average base speeds, fit armour plates which further reduce their base speed and agility, and often use low slots for tank or damage rather then speed modulesAt the cost of tanking potential (or damage), a typical Amarrian hull's numerous low slots can be used to achieve a great deal of speed if desired.
A classic progression of Amarr [[mission]] ships would be to train the Punisher and {{sh|Coercer}} for Level 1 missions, the {{sh|Omen}} or {{sh|Arbitrator}} for L2s, the {{sh|Harbinger}} for L3s, and finally the {{sh|Apocalypse}} for L4sAmarrian laser ships are more restricted when running missions and [[ratting]] than the other races. Within Amarr space, against the Blood Raiders and Sansha's Nation factions, Amarrian ships are probably the most effective of all (as is typical with the other empires). However, lasers only do thermal and EM damage, so other typical NPC enemy factions are tougher for lasers. This is a concern for some Eve University pilots who want to try mission-running close to home, as the University is based in Gallente space where Serpentis are the common faction.
* [[EWar 101 Guide|Electronic Warfare]]. The primary form of Amarrian electronic warfare is Tracking Disruption, which reduces the optimal range, falloff and tracking speed of turrets fitted to the target. Tracking disruption is fairly difficult to counter but limited in application as it affects only turrets. The secondary form is [[Capacitor Warfare Guide|Capacitor Warfare]] but bonuses to this are only found on [[Tech 2]] hulls, which are beyond the scope of this guide.
One alternative option is to brush up on drone skills and use the line of Amarr ships which use drones rather than lasers as their primary weapon. Since drones are easily swapped and allow fully-selectable damage, this lets pilots target whatever type of damage NPCs are weakest to. A pilot doing this would progress through the {{sh|Dragoon}}, {{sh|Arbitrator}}, {{sh|Prophecy}}, and {{sh|Armageddon}} (though note that until the battleship stage and the Armageddon, the Amarr drone ships have a little less bandwidth than their Gallente counterparts).
Amarrian ships are more restricted when running [[Missions|missions]] than the other races. Within Amarr space, against the Blood Raiders and Sansha's Nation factions, Amarrian ships are probably the most effective of all (as is typical with the other empires). However, lasers only do Thermal and Electromagnetic damage, so other factions are more difficult to combat than would be the case for pilots from the other empires fighting in Amarrian space. This is a concern for some Eve University pilots who want to try missioning close to home, as the University is based in Minmatari space where Angels are the common faction but there are effective solutions, such as the Arbitrator (which relies on drones and could carry another empire's drones with proper training) or using alternative turret weapons systems (such as a Punisher with projectile turrets).  A classic progression of Amarr mission ships would be to train the Punisher and Coercer for level 1 missions, move to the Omen or Arbitrator for level 2 missions, then Harbinger for level 3 missions, and finally the Apocalypse for level 4 missions.
For salvaging, the Coercer can fill the role until the Noctis can be purchased.  
In Wormholes, the Harbinger can run C1 and C2 combat sites, although it may have trouble with either range or tracking due to the variety of sleeper hulls that can orbit either close or far. Like the other turret-based BCs, the Harbinger does much better in fleets than solo for wormholes. C3 wormholes can also be done in a Harbinger with a fleet of sufficient size.
In Wormholes, the Harbinger can run C1 and C2 combat sites, although it may have trouble with either range or tracking due to the variety of sleeper hulls that can orbit either close or far. Like the other turret-based BCs, the Harbinger does much better in fleets than solo for wormholes. C3 wormholes can also be done in a Harbinger with a fleet of sufficient size.
The Harbinger is the first T1 ship that can run Incursion Vanguard sites effectively, and the Abaddon can be used by more experienced players.  The best armour incursion fleets in highsec currently run with T2 and T3 Amarr ships.
For salvaging, a {{sh|Coercer}} makes a very good, cheap salvager.
Exceptional tanks, large capacitors and a combination of good damage and range make Amarrian ships a firm favourite in armour fleets, though fits with shield tanks or alternate weapon systems also see some use.  Most notably, the AHAC and Hellcat fleet doctrines are centered around Amarr ships.
At the basic level Amarr ships tend to stick to the formula of lots of armour for defence and lots of lasers for damage with fewer 'exceptions to the rule' than in other races' line-ups. As a result Amarr are sometimes said to be the simplest race to fly.  There are some good candidates for 'breaking the mould' even for a new player (Punisher fitted with Autocannon turrets is a classic) but they are more skill intensive and often require cross-training.  New pilots are likely best served by playing to the Amarr formula until they know when and how to break the rules.
For PvP progression, there are countless possibilities, but the conventional roles are as follows:
Amarr ships are also highly popular with armour [[Incursions|incursion]] fleets, especially the {{sh|Paladin}} and {{sh|Legion}}. While not technically an Amarrian ship, the {{sh|Nightmare}} is one of the most sought after ships for shield incursion fleets and uses energy turrets, so is a natural progression for an Amarr pilot willing to cross-train.
Pilots who want to specialize in Damage Dealing will follow the laser hulls from Punisher, to Omen, Harbinger, and the Amarr Battleships (all three are effective in different roles)breaking off towards T2 hulls at some point.
EWAR specialists will follow a different path from cruicifier into arbitators before moving into T2 ship training.
Exceptional tanks, large capacitors, and reliable damage and range make some Amarrian ships a firm favourite in armour fleets, though fits with shield tanks or alternate weapon systems also see some use. At the basic level, Amarr ships tend to stick to the formula of lots of armour for defence and lots of lasers for damage with fewer atypical ships than in other races' line-ups. As a result, Amarr are sometimes said to be the simplest race to fly. There are some good candidates for 'breaking the mould' even for a new player (a {{sh|Punisher}} fitted with projectile turrets is a classic), but they are more skill intensive and often require cross-training.
In frigate hulls, the Punisher is typically used for tackling, and the Crucifier for EW. In cruiser hulls, the Omen is very difficult to fit for damage dealing, so the Arbitrator is very popular.  The Harbinger makes an excellent damage dealing battlecruiser. In battleship hulls, the Armageddon, Apocalypse, and Abaddon all have their uses. The Armageddon is used by pilots that do not wish to risk too much ISK with a short range pulse fit.  The Apocalypse is used as a sniper (sometimes with a very weak tank to maximize damage potential). The Abaddon performs excellently in fleets with logi and other support.
In frigate hulls, the Punisher or Executioner are typically used for tackling, and the Crucifier for EW. The Arbitrator makes an excellent DPS-and-EWAR boat, the Omen is a focused damage-dealer, and the Maller's massive potential tank makes it great (if obvious) bait. In battleship hulls, the {{sh|Armageddon}}, {{sh|Apocalypse}}, and {{sh|Abaddon}} all have their uses.  The Apocalypse can be used as a sniper (sometimes with a very weak tank to maximize damage potential) and the Abaddon's bonus to armor resists grants it gigantic tank, making it one of the most survivable battleships when supported by [[Logistics|logistics]], although a combination of (relatively) weak capacitor and no cap use bonuses can make it power-hungry. The Armageddon's bonus to energy neutralizers makes it the best base T1 capacitor warfare platform in the game.
== Skills ==
The skills which are important to Amarr characters are the same skills which are crucial to every pilot who wants to use the same basic systems. There is already good information on [[Basic Skills]] and [[Support Skills]] elsewhere. So if you want maximize [[turrets|turret]] weapon damage you will train the same [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Gunnery_Guide#Gunnery_Support_Skills gunnery support skills] as other projectile or hybrid users (but pay particular attention to Controlled Bursts and Sharpshooter). Similarly the skills are the same for all pilots who want to survive with an [http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Smurfprime%27s_Guide_to_Basic_Tanking#Armor_tanking armour tank], or use [[drones]] effectively, and all of this backed up by solid support and fitting skills (prioritize the capacitor skills such as Energy Systems Operation and Energy Management). Amarr pilots should aim for a full T2 armour tank early in their careers.
Amarr ships share many core skills with the ships of the other three main factions. Very new pilots should consider EVE University's [[Short Skill Plan]]; relatively new pilots should consider [[The Magic 14|the 14 skills which affect every ship]], the [[Fitting skills|fitting skills]] which make it easier to fit modules onto ships, and the [[Support skills|support skills]] which underpin much of your ship's performance. For longer-term training, EVE University's [[Pyramid Skill Plan]] offers one useful way of conceiving of your goals.
Amarr pilots should eventually acquire T2 energy weapon skills, though this is often done after having stepped into a battleship, or earlier in their career for dedicated PvPers.
That said, there are some considerations that are specific to Amarr ships. Capacitor skills are especially crucial for Amarr pilots, and should be an early priority; these are mostly found in the [[Skills:Engineering|Engineering]] category, though {{sk|Controlled Bursts}}, in Gunnery, is also very important. [[Skills:Armor|Armour]] skills will be essential for flying any Amarr combat ships, and being able to mount a T2 armour tank can help bring out the strengths of many T1 Amarr hulls in PvP and PvE. [[Skills:Drones|Drone skills]] are also important for any pilot taking the drone ship path through the Amarr ships, and eventually for an Amarr pilot: at around cruiser size, all Amarr ships begin being able to fly a full flight of 5 drones, making Drones V a highly desirable tain.
=====Cross Training=====
Cross training into or out of Amarr can be quite skill intensive. The easiest prospect is probably [[Gallente Basic Ship and Skill Overview|Gallente]], as the two ship lineups share armour tanking, gunnery, and drone synergies. A combination of Amarr and Gallente ship skills also opens up the popular [[Pirate_Faction_Ship_Overview#Servant_Sisters_of_EVE|Sisters of EVE ships]]. Pilots cross-trained for Caldari ships will be able to make good use of the niche set of T2 Amarr ships with missile bonuses.
Cross training into or out of Amarr can be quite skill intensive. The easiest prospect is probably [[Gallente Basic Ship and Skill Guide|Gallente]] (armour tanking, gunnery and drone synergies) with [[Minmatar Basic Ship and Skill Guide|Minmatar]] second (some gunnery and armour tanking synergies). [[Caldari Basic Ship and Skill Guide|Caldari]] have the fewest skills in common, despite Khanid missile ships at the Amarr Tech 2 level, and could require the most retraining.
== Ships ==
Later once pirate faction ships become a consideration, cross training to Minmatar will give access to Blood Raider pirate faction ships.  Cross training to Caldari will give access to Sansha ships.  There is no faction which uses Amarr and Gallente ship skills.
Here are the Amarr T1 ships.  Please follow the links to the specific pages of the ship database for more details and particular fits.
Here are the Amarr T1 ships.  Please follow the links to the specific pages of the ship database for more details and particular fits.
==Rookie Ship==
=== Corvette ===
The rookie ship is the first ship you start with. If you are Amarr, it will be a Impairor. A new rookie ship is given whenever you dock at a station where you do not have any ships.  
Little more than slower, armed shuttles, corvettes (or "noobships") are the basic frigates that new pilots start with. You can acquire a new corvette at no cost (together with a civilian weapon, a civilian mining laser, and one unit of Tritanium) by clicking on the "Board my corvette" button available in the station menu when you're docked up. On their own, corvettes are useful for little other than basic errand-running, though since the ship is free a corvette can be spawned as a makeshift small station container when no other containers are available.
The corvette is the first ship you start with. If you are Amarr, it will be an Impairor.
{{Infobox Ship Horizontal2
=== Frigates ===
The Crucifier is the Amarr EWAR frigate and works great as an extremely cheap long range EWAR platform for very new pilots.  
|class=Rookie Ship
|bonuses='''Amarr Frigate Skill Bonus:'''<br>
10% bonus to energy turret capacitor use per skill level
|dronebay=5 m3
|bandwidth=5 Mbit/sec
|cargohold=120 m3
|info=The Impairor can be used to go through the first tutorial missions, although upgrading to a frigate in the Military tutorial as soon as it is offered is recommended.
|name=Impairor, Tutorials
|high=Dual Light Pulse Laser I<br>[empty high slot]
|mid=Cap Recharger I
|low=Small Armor Repairer I
|charges=Multifrequency S
|recommended1=Amarr Frigate II<br>Hull Upgrades I
|recommended2=Energy Grid Upgrades I
|recommended3=Small Energy Turret II
The Executioner is the Amarr fast frigate. The Executioner was buffed in the Inferno expansion, gaining an extra mid slot and a bonus to propulsion jamming so that it now resembles a T1 interceptor, making it a great stepping stone for new tacklers.
The Executioner is the Amarr fast frigate, although only having two mid slots makes it unloved for tackling in PvP despite its speed and high scan resolution. It can serve as a level 1 mission runner until Amarr Frigate III is trained for the Punisher and Destroyers I for the Coercer. For tackling, the Punisher is used more often since they have the same number of mid slots, but the punisher can fit a sturdier tank.
|name=Executioner, PvE Mission Basic
Damage Control I<br>
Small Armor Repairer I<br>
1MN Afterburner I<br>
Cap Recharger I<br>
Gatling Pulse Laser I<br>
Gatling Pulse Laser I<br>
Multifrequency S<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
Afterburner I<br>
Amarr Frigate II<br>
Controlled Bursts I<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Rapid Firing I<br>
Repair Systems I<br>
Sharpshooter I<br>
Small Laser Turret II<br>
|name=Executioner, PvP Tackler Basic
Damage Control I<br>
Overdrive Injector System I<br>
1MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
Warp Disruptor I<br>
Gatling Pulse Laser I<br>
Gatling Pulse Laser I<br>
Standard S<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
Acceleration Control III<br>
Afterburner III<br>
Amarr Frigate II<br>
Controlled Bursts III<br>
Energy Management III<br>
Energy Systems Operation III<br>
Evasive Maneuvering III<br>
Gunnery III<br>
High Speed Maneuvering III<br>
Hull Upgrades III<br>
Mechanic III<br>
Motion Prediction III<br>
Propulsion Jamming III<br>
Rapid Firing III<br>
Sharpshooter III<br>
Signature Analysis III<br>
Small Energy Turret III<br>
Targeting III<br>
Warp Drive Operation III<br>
|notes=* The pulse lasers can be replaced by 150mm or 200mm AutoCannons to avoid the cap problems of laser turrets.
The Inquisitor is the Amarr logistics frigate. It acquired this role in the Retribution expansion.
The Inquisitor is the only Amarr T1 ship with missile bonuses. Even with good missile skills, it has less than impressive attributes.
Magnates are a perfect platform to practice probing skills which will come in handy later both for exploration and PvP probing.
Fledgling Amarr miners will want to start here.
|name=Tormentor, Mining Basic
Miner I<br>
Miner I
Small Shield Booster I
Capacitor Power Relay I<br>
Expanded Cargohold I<br>
Expanded Cargohold I
Hobgoblin I<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]
Amarr Frigate II<br>
Drones I<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Mining II<br>
Scout Drone Operation I<br>
Shield Operation I<br>
*You can also use any other light scout drone, at best matching it to the rats you expect to encounter.
*The Capacitor Power Relay has a minor penalty to the shield booster. A Capacitor Flux Coil can be used instead if you have enough CPU, however the difference between the two modules are not significant on this fit.
This is easily the most tenacious of the T1 frigates. Due to excellent armour HP together with the bonus to armour resistances and the 5 low slots, this platform can handle a surprising amount of damage for a T1 frigate. The Punisher's 4 turrets can give it decent dps, but its 2 Mid slots prevent it from fitting the [[Tackling_Guide|tackling]] trinity: a propulsion module, a point, and a web.
This is easily the most tenacious of the T1 frigates. Due to excellent armour HP together with the bonus to armour resistances and the 4 low slots, this platform can handle a surprising amount of damage for a T1 frigate. The Punisher's 3 turrets can give it decent dps, but its 2 Mid slots prevent it from fitting the [[Tackling 101 Guide|tackling]] trinity: a propulsion module, a point, and a web.<br>
This the E-UNI tackler for new Amarr pilots, but it does not excel at this role due to the limited mid slots, low base velocity, and mediocre scan resolution.
Along with the Executioner, the Punisher is a popular E-UNI tackler for new Amarr pilots. However, it does not excel at this role due to the limited mid slots, low base velocity, and mediocre scan resolution.
|name=Punisher, PvE Mission Basic
Damage Control I<br>
Small Armor Repairer I<br>
Capacitor Power Relay I<br>
Heat Sink I<br>
1MN Afterburner I<br>
Cap Recharger I<br>
Dual Light Pulse Laser I<br>
Dual Light Pulse Laser I<br>
Dual Light Pulse Laser I<br>
Small Nosferatu I<br>
Multifrequency S<br>
While lacking the resistance bonus of the Punisher, or the speed of the Executioner, the Tormentor makes a good middle ground; four low slots allow for a good armor tank, and the three medium slots allow for better tackling than the Punisher.
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
Acceleration Control I<br>
Afterburner II<br>
Amarr Frigate III<br>
Controlled Bursts II<br>
Energy Emission Systems I<br>
Energy Grid Upgrades II<br>
Energy Management II<br>
Energy Systems Operation II<br>
Evasive Maneuvering I<br>
Gunnery III<br>
Hull Upgrades II<br>
Mechanic II<br>
Motion Prediction II<br>
Rapid Firing II<br>
Repair Systems II<br>
Sharpshooter II<br>
Small Energy Turret III<br>
Targeting II<br>
Weapon Upgrades I<br>
|name=Punisher, PvP Tackler Basic
Damage Control I<br>
400mm Reinforced Steel Plates I<br>
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I<br>
Adaptive Nano Plating I<br>
1MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
Warp Scrambler I<br>
Gatling Pulse Laser I<br>
Gatling Pulse Laser I<br>
Gatling Pulse Laser I<br>
[empty high slot]<br>
Standard S<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
Acceleration Control III<br>
Afterburner III<br>
Amarr Frigate III<br>
Controlled Bursts III<br>
Energy Management III<br>
Energy Systems Operation III<br>
Evasive Maneuvering III<br>
Gunnery III<br>
High Speed Maneuvering III<br>
Hull Upgrades III<br>
Mechanic III<br>
Motion Prediction III<br>
Propulsion Jamming III<br>
Rapid Firing III<br>
Sharpshooter III<br>
Signature Analysis III<br>
Small Energy Turret III<br>
Targeting III<br>
Warp Drive Operation III<br>
Weapon Upgrades I<br>
|notes=* The MWD can be switched to an AB for better speed tanking, however this will make catching up to any ship with a MWD difficult unless it is already tackled by fleetmates.
|name=Crucifier, PvP TD Basic
Damage Control I<br>
Signal Amplifier I<br>
Overdrive Injector System I<br>
1MN Afterburner I<br>
Tracking Disruptor I<br>
Tracking Disruptor I<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Standard S<br>
Optimal Range Disruption<br>
Tracking Speed Disruption<br>
Warrior I x2<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
Acceleration Control II<br>
Afterburner III<br>
Amarr Frigate III<br>
Combat Drone Operation III<br>
Controlled Bursts III<br>
Drones III<br>
Electronics Upgrades I<br>
Electronic Warfare III<br>
Energy Management III<br>
Energy Systems Operation III<br>
Evasive Maneuvering II<br>
Frequency Modulation III<br>
Fuel Conservation III<br>
Gunnery III<br>
Hull Upgrades III<br>
Long Distance Jamming III<br>
Long Range Targeting III<br>
Mechanic III<br>
Motion Prediction III<br>
Navigation III<br>
Rapid Firing III<br>
Scout Drone Operation III<br>
Sharpshooter III<br>
Signature Analysis III<br>
Small Energy Turret III<br>
Targeting III<br>
Weapon Disruption III<br>
Warp Drive Operation III<br>
|name=Magnate, Exploration Basic
Warp Core Stabilizer I<br>
Nanofiber Internal Structure I<br>
Nanofiber Internal Structure I<br>
1MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
Core Probe Launcher I<br>
Prototype Cloaking Device I<br>
=== Destroyers ===
Core Scanner Probe I<br>
Hobgoblin I x2<br>
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I<br>
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
Acceleration Control I<br>
Afterburner III<br>
Amarr Frigate IV<br>
Astrometric Acquisition III<br>
Astrometric Pinpointing III<br>
Astrometric Rangefinding III<br>
Astrometrics IV<br>
Cloaking I<br>
Drones II<br>
Electronics IV<br>
Energy Management II<br>
Energy Systems Operation II<br>
Evasive Maneuvering I<br>
High Speed Maneuvering III<br>
Hull Upgrades I<br>
Jury Rigging I<br>
Mechanic III<br>
Scout Drone Operation I<br>
Warp Drive Operation II<br>
|notes=* Use Sisters Core Scanner Probes for better scan results if you can afford them.
The Coercer sees some use in PvE activities or as a cheap Noctis substitute.  It was recently changed in the Retribution patch to have two mid slots, making it a very viable PvP ship.
|name=Coercer, Mission Basic
Small Armor Repairer I<br>
Armor EM Hardener I<br>
Armor Thermic Hardener I<br>
Capacitor Power Relay I<br>
Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Dual Light Beam Laser I<br>
Multifrequency S<br>
The Dragoon was introduced in the Retribution expansion. It is a drone / ewar ship. It is the only T1 ship smaller than a battleship to have a bonus to energy neutralizer and energy vampire range, allowing it to have a very unique combat style.
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
=== Cruisers ===
* Fit three Small Capacitor Control Circuit I rigs if you can afford it (requires Jury Rigging I and Mechanic III).
|name=Coercer, Salvaging Boat
Co-Processor I<br>
Capacitor Power Relay I<br>
Capacitor Power Relay I<br>
Capacitor Power Relay I<br>
1MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
Salvager I<br>
Salvager I<br>
Salvager I<br>
Salvager I
Small Salvage Tackle I<br>
Small Salvage Tackle I<br>
Small Salvage Tackle I<br>
* The low slots on a salvaging boat can vary. The co-processor is only needed if you lack cpu, Electronics IV will give enough cpu to fit another Capacitor Power Relay I. The capacitor power relays help running the modules for longer periods of time, especially if cap skills are low. Cargo expanders can be of use in missions with many wrecks to loot. Even with cargo expanders, a destroyer will often run out of cargo space in level 4 missions.
* Rigs are optional, they are very expensive for most newbies.
* If salvaging sleeper sites in wormhole space, it is recommended to replace one tractor and one salvager by a prototype cloaking device and a core probe launcher.
You can easily argue this is the most flexible and capable platform for Amarr T1 cruisers, and even make a strong case for it being the best T1 drone cruiser in the game.  There are many effective configurations for both PvE and PvP with this ship.
|name=Arbitrator, PvE Mission Basic
Damage Control I<br>
N-Type EM Hardener I<br>
N-Type Thermic Hardener I<br>
Medium Inefficient Armor Repair Unit<br>
Y-S8 Hydrocarbon I Afterburners<br>
F-b10 Nominal Capacitor Regenerator<br>
F-b10 Nominal Capacitor Regenerator<br>
Large Peroxide I Capacitor Power Cell<br>
Civilian Gatling Pulse Laser<br>
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
Salvager I<br>
Drone Link Augmentor I<br>
Hammerhead I x5<br>
Hobgoblin I x5<br>
Valkyrie I x5<br>
Warrior I x5<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
* The example fitting has drones and hardeners fitted for Blood Raider and Sansha rats.
* Drones IV is the minimum amount of drones recommended to start running level 2 missions in an Arbitrator.
* This fit uses a large battery instead of a second cap recharger; with cruiser fits that are not cap stable, the large battery adds a significant amount to capacitor duration for low skill point pilots.
* The civilian gun is used to grab aggro.
|name=Arbitrator, PvE Mission T2
Medium Armor Repairer II<br>
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II<br>
Armor Thermic Hardener II<br>
Armor EM Hardener II<br>
10MN Afterburner II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Heavy Pulse Laser II<br>
Heavy Pulse Laser II<br>
'Arbalest' Assault Missile Launcher<br>
Small Tractor Beam I<br>
Multifrequency M<br>
Bloodclaw Light Missile<br>
Hammerhead II x5<br>
Hobgoblin II x5<br>
Warrior II x5<br>
Valkyrie II x5<br>
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I<br>
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
|name=Arbitrator, PvP Electronic Warfare Basic
Damage Control I<br>
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates I<br>
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I<br>
Signal Amplifier I<br>
10MN MicroWarpdrive I<br>
Tracking Disruptor I<br>
Tracking Disruptor I<br>
Tracking Disruptor I<br>
Small Energy Neutralizer I<br>
Small Energy Neutralizer I<br>
Small Nosferatu I<br>
Small Nosferatu I<br>
Optimal Range Disruption<br>
Tracking Speed Disruption<br>
Hammerhead I x5<br>
Warrior I x10<br>
Vespa EC-600 x5<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
*The neuts on this version are purely defensive if some small ship decides to tackle the Arbitrator and orbits close.
|name=Arbitrator, PvP Electronic Warfare T2
Damage Control II<br>
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II<br>
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II<br>
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I<br>
Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon I Microwarpdrive<br>
Tracking Disruptor II<br>
Tracking Disruptor II<br>
Tracking Disruptor II<br>
Small Energy Neutralizer II<br>
Small Energy Neutralizer II<br>
Small Nosferatu II<br>
Small Nosferatu II<br>
Optimal Range Disruption<br>
Tracking Speed Disruption<br>
Hammerhead II x5<br>
Vespa EC-600 x5<br>
Warrior II x5<br>
Hobgoblin II x5<br>
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
*The neuts on this version are purely defensive if some small ship decides to tackle the Arbitrator and orbits close.
*The MWD can be changed to an AB for speed tanking, depending on how the pilot wants to fly the ship.
The Augoror is the Amarr logistics cruiser. It is one of the two armor logistics cruisers, the other being the Gallente Exequror. While the Exequror is bonused for more of a solo role, the bonus to Energy Transfer amount on the Augoror means it works best when paired with one or more other logistics ships with an Energy Transfer bonus.
The Augoror is the Amarr logistics cruiser. It's bonused towards capacitor transfer, which if of limited use by itself. While cap transfer is strong when paired with armor remote repair, as on the Guardian or some remote repair battleship gangs, the Augoror is limited enough that it is rarely used in PvP. Granted, the Augoror can have a tough tank, but it's hard to make that tank useful.
|name=Omen, PvE Mission Basic
Medium Inefficient Armor Repair Unit<br>
N-Type EM Hardener I<br>
N-Type Thermic Hardener I<br>
Local Power Plant Manager: Capacity Power Relay I<br>
Local Power Plant Manager: Capacity Power Relay I<br>
Y-S8 Hydrocarbon I Afterburners<br>
F-b10 Nominal Capacitor Regenerator<br>
F-b10 Nominal Capacitor Regenerator<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser I<br>
Standard M<br>
Hobgoblin I x3<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
[empty rig slot]<br>
The Maller was buffed in the Retribution patch to have a bonus to medium laser damage rather than a capacitor use bonus. It can obtain a good tank while retaining decent DPS. However, due to the lack of a capacitor use bonus, for PvE, an Omen might be a better choice for lower skilled players. The Maller is likely to become much more popular in PvP.
For PvE, both the Omen and Arbitrator are more common choices, as each can fit a sufficient tank for L2 missions while maintaining a higher damage output than the Maller. Because it's only significant ability is to tank, the only role it can fill in PvP is bait. However, because this is the only role it can fill and it is well known for being used this way, it makes a poor bait ship.
The Omen is one of the two dedicated DPS cruisers. It is more adept at speed tanking than the Maller because of the lower signature radius and higher base velocity.
The Prophecy is not a commonly used ship. It certainly can fit a excellent tank for slightly less cost than the Harbinger, but it has a comparatively weak damage output with fewer turrets than the Harbinger, and no damage bonus. Because it's only significant ability is to tank, the only role it can fill in PvP is bait. However, because this is the only role it can fill and it is well known for being used this way, it makes a poor bait ship.
=== Battlecruisers ===
The Harbinger is an extremely capable Combat Battlecruiser and is well balanced with its competitors from the other races.  It is the first real laser powerhouse in the Amarr lineup.
|name=Harbinger, Mission Basic
Heat Sink II<br>
Armor EM Hardener II<br>
Armor Thermic Hardener II<br>
Armor Thermic Hardener II<br>
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II<br>
Medium Armor Repairer II<br>
10MN Afterburner II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Focused Medium Beam Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Beam Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Beam Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Beam Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Beam Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Beam Laser I<br>
Focused Medium Beam Laser I<br>
[empty high slot]<br>
Multifrequency M<br>
The Oracle is the Amarr Attack Battlecruiser, swapping the tank of most Battlecruisers for the ability to fit battleship-sized weaponry. This allows it to project heavy DPS while maintaining the agility of a battlecruiser.
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I<br>
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Hobgoblin II x5<br>
Warrior II x5<br>
The Prophecy is a Combat Battlecruiser that is primarily focused on being a tanky drone carrier.
|name=Harbinger, PvP Armor
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I<br>
Damage Control II<br>
Adaptive Nano Plating II<br>
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon I Microwarpdrive<br>
Warp Scrambler II<br>
X5 Prototype I Engine Enervator<br>
Medium Capacitor Booster II<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II<br>
Focused Medium Pulse Laser II<br>
[empty high slot]<br>
=== Battleships ===
Imperial Navy Multifrequency M<br>
Cap Booster 800<br>
The Abaddon has a bonus for laser damage and armor resistances, but the normal bonus for laser capacitor use is conspicuously missing. This makes the Abaddon a "high skill" ship because it requires good core skills to keep its lasers firing while powering its tank. The bonus to tank and the high damage makes the Abaddon a popular PvP ship, where its difficulty staying cap stable is also not so much of an issue.
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Hammerhead II x5<br>
* Pilots with Engineering V and Advanced Weapons Upgrades IV can fit a Medium Energy Neutralizer II in the utility high slot.
The Apocalypse has a bonus to optimal range that with the Amarr ability to switch crystals instantly can be turned into a damage bonus quite easily. Pulse laser Apocalypses with T2 Scorch ammunition are able to deliver good damage at a decent distance and the tracking bonus can allow it to hit smaller ships quite well. Apocalypses are also well suited to beam laser sniper fits, making the hull surprisingly versatile for any Amarr ship. The Apocalypse does not have the raw firepower of the Abaddon however but is an easier ship to skill for.
|name=Harbinger, PvP Shield
F85 Peripheral Damage System I<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Tracking Enhancer II<br>
Nanofiber Internal Structure II<br>
Nanofiber Internal Structure II<br>
Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon I Microwarpdrive<br>
Large Shield Extender II<br>
Large Shield Extender II<br>
Warp Disruptor II<br>
Heavy Pulse Laser II<br>
Heavy Pulse Laser II<br>
Heavy Pulse Laser II<br>
Heavy Pulse Laser II<br>
Heavy Pulse Laser II<br>
Heavy Pulse Laser II<br>
Heavy Pulse Laser II<br>
[empty high slot]<br>
Scorch M<br>
Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I<br>
Medium Core Defence Field Extender I<br>
Medium Core Defence Field Extender I<br>
Valkyrie II x5<br>
While previously all Amarr battleships were fairly similar, the Armageddon's new face makes it an entirely different beast. With the bonus to cap warfare range, the Armageddon is now the premier T1 neuting battleship, whilst still being able to put out a very respectable amount of DPS through its drones.
|name=Armageddon, PvP Pulse RR
=== Haulers ===
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I<br>
[[Haulers]] are useful to transport large amounts of cargo, but they are vulnerable to suicide ganks in highsec, and piracy in lowsec. For war time hauling, a hauling alt is recommended. See the [[Creating an Alt Hauler]] article for more information.
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I<br>
Adaptive Nano Plating II<br>
Adaptive Nano Plating II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Fourier Transform I Tracking Program<br>
Damage Control II<br>
Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets<br>
Medium Capacitor Booster II, Cap Booster 800<br>
Warp Disruptor II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Large 'Solace' I Remote Bulwark Reconstruction<br>
Large Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Arguably the best of the T1 haulers from a skill training time per cargo capacity perspective, the Bestower is a favourite for alternate character hauling setups. If only training an alt to the faction's hauler III, the Bestower has the highest capacity for less than 18 hours of training time. With the Odyssey expansion, it is only necessary to train to faction's hauler III instead of V on the way to faction's freighter I. Additionally, the removal of faction's frigate III as a requirement for Haulers means that any faction can select the Bestower as their hauler of choice on the way to becoming a freighter alt.
Large Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Large Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Berserker II x5<br>
Imperial Navy Multifrequency L<br>
Cap Booster 800<br>
Although lacking the cargo capacity of the [[Bestower]], it is significantly faster, more agile, and more flexible with five low slots that can be swapped between nanofibers, expanders, or warp core stabilizers as needed. It can easily be expanded to hold 8000 {{m3}}, the max needed for [[Making Money with Hauling - Level 4 Cargo Missions|running L4 distribution missions]], while still having three nanofibers for an under eight second align, or a nanofiber and a couple of stabs if the mission takes you into lowsec.
* Requires a 3% turret cpu implant ''KZA1000'' (slot 10).
* With Advanced Weapon Upgrades IV, this fit requires a ''PG2'' 1% powergrid implant (slot 6).
|name=Apocalypse, Mission Pulse Basic
Large Armor Repairer II<br>
Large Armor Repairer II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Damage Control II<br>
Armor EM Hardener II<br>
Armor Thermic Hardener II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I<br>
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Hobgoblin II x5<br>
Hammerhead II x5<br>
Multifrequency L<br>
|name=Apocalypse, Mission Beam Basic
Large Armor Repairer II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Armor EM Hardener II<br>
Armor EM Hardener II<br>
Armor Thermic Hardener II<br>
Armor Thermic Hardener II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Cap Recharger II<br>
Tracking Computer II<br>
Tracking Computer II<br>
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I<br>
Mega Modulated Energy Beam I<br>
Dual Modulated Heavy Energy Beam I<br>
Dual Modulated Heavy Energy Beam I<br>
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I<br>
Hobgoblin II x5<br>
Hammerhead II x5<br>
Multifrequency L<br>
Optimal Range<br>
Tracking Speed<br>
|name=Apocalypse, PvP Sniper
Heat Sink II<br>
Heat Sink II<br>
Adaptive Nano Plating II<br>
Adaptive Nano Plating II<br>
Reactor Control Unit II<br>
Damage Control II<br>
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I<br>
Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets<br>
Tracking Computer II<br>
Sensor Booster II<br>
Sensor Booster II<br>
Tachyon Beam Laser II<br>
Tachyon Beam Laser II<br>
Tachyon Beam Laser II<br>
Tachyon Beam Laser II<br>
Tachyon Beam Laser II<br>
Tachyon Beam Laser II<br>
Tachyon Beam Laser II<br>
Tachyon Beam Laser II<br>
Large Ancillary Current Router I<br>
Large Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Large Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Warrior II x5<br>
Vespa EC-600 x5<br>
Aurora L<br>
Targeting Range<br>
Optimal Range<br>
==Energy Turret Tips==
{{main|Turrets#Energy_turrets|Energy Turrets}}
Since ammo crystals can be swapped instantly, you should feel able to shift rapidly between crystals as the situation demands. You will want to swap crystals in and out to keep up with the ranges of your targets: lasers have little falloff range, which means little margin for error at the edge of your range. The Tech 1 crystals offer a three-way trade-off of range, damage, and capacitor use: short-ranged crystals do high DPS and are cap-hungry, long-ranged crystals do low DPS and are cap-hungry, and mid-ranged crystals do moderate DPS and are gentler on the capacitor.
Tech 2 pulse laser crystals are widely liked and well worth using. Conflagration manages excellent DPS but will struggle to track evasive/fast targets. Scorch pushes pulse lasers out to truly impressive distances for a "short"-range weapon.
|name=Abaddon, PvP Hellcat
Heat Sink II<br>
Damage Control II<br>
Adaptive Nano Plating II<br>
Armor Explosive Hardener II<br>
Armor Kinetic Hardener II<br>
Armor Thermic Hardener II<br>
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I<br>
Quad LiF Fueled I Booster Rockets<br>
Heavy Capacitor Booster II<br>
Tracking Computer II<br>
Tracking Computer II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Mega Pulse Laser II<br>
Large Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Large Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Large Trimark Armor Pump I<br>
Warrior II x5<br>
Valkyrie II x5<br>
Imperial Navy Multifrequency L<br>
Cap Booster 800<br>
Tracking Speed<br>
Optimal Range<br>
Of the Tech 2 beam laser crystals, Gleam only offers a small boost over comparable faction ammo and see only limited use, but Aurora offers a massive range bonus and is popular for PvP sniping fits.
T1 industrials are useful to transport large amounts of cargo, but they are vulnerable to suicide ganks in highsec, and piracy in lowsec. For war time hauling, a hauling alt is recommended. See the [[Creating an Alt Hauler]] article for more information.
Arguably the best of the T1 industrials from a skill training time per cargo capacity perspective, the bestower is a favourite for alternate character hauling setups.
==Drone Tips==
{{main|Drone mechanics}}
|name=Bestower, Hauler
Small drones should be used against frigate-sized enemies, medium drones should be used against cruiser-sized enemies, and heavy drones should be used against battleship-sized enemies.  Sentries are mostly meant for battleship-sized enemies, but if smaller enemies are far enough that tracking and signature radius isn't an issue, they can deal relatively well with those too.
[empty high slot]<br>
[empty high slot]<br>
Magnetic Scattering Amplifier II<br>
Medium Shield Extender II<br>
Medium Shield Extender II<br>
Medium Shield Extender II<br>
Expanded Cargohold II<br>
Expanded Cargohold II<br>
Expanded Cargohold II<br>
Expanded Cargohold II<br>
All four races' drones are viable in PvE and you should select drones that deal the damage type which your target NPCs are weakest.
Medium Cargohold Optimization I<br>
Medium Cargohold Optimization I<br>
Medium Cargohold Optimization I
Watch out for enemies attacking your drones. If you're in a dedicated drone boat and see your drones taking damage, recall them: they are your main weapon and you don't want to be defanged. In PvE combat, try to get the NPCs to attack you before you launch your drones.
Amarr Frigate III<br>
Amarr Industrial III<br>
Astronautics Rigging I<br>
Evasive Maneuvering III<br>
Hull Upgrades IV<br>
Jury Rigging III<br>
Mechanic IV<br>
Shield Management IV<br>
Shield Upgrades IV<br>
Keyboard / auxiliary mouse button shortcuts are recommended for drone management. Shortcuts can be set for attack and return to drone bay commands. One group of drones in the drone window can be designated as your "favorite", and a button can be assigned to the command "launch favorite group of drones".
* With recommended skills this fit has 8,667 EHP and can carry up to 19,292 m3.  
=Related Links=
In general, it is better to keep drones in Passive mode. In missions and wormholes, drones set to Aggressive can trigger a new wave earlier than desired. In PvP, drones set to Aggressive can give you an unwanted [[Timers#Weapon_Timer|weapon timer]] which then prevents you from docking up or jumping through a gate to safety.
== Related Links ==

Revision as of 16:47, 13 March 2024

This guide provides general information and recommendations for T1 ships of a single player faction.

For more advanced and in-depth information on specific ships refer to EVE ships. This guide simply gathers the characteristics and overview of racial lineups in an easy to browse format for the very new player.

Basic Ship and Skill Overviews -- Amarr | Caldari | Gallente | Minmatar | ORE | Pirate

The Amarr Empire is one of the four playable factions and, like the others, has a distinct line of ships with specific quirks and abilities.

Logo faction amarr empire.png Amarr Empire Characteristics

 Tank Type: Icon ISIS defense armor.png Armor
 Main Weapon Systems: Icon ISIS weapon Energyturrets.png Energy Turrets and Icon ISIS weapon Drones.png Drones
 Electronic Warfare: Icon ISIS Trackingdisruption.png Weapon Disruption and Icon ISIS Energydestabilization.png Energy Neutralizers

General Traits

The following traits are shared by most or all Amarr ships:

  • Armour tanking. Amarrian ships have high base armour, and several ships have direct bonuses to armour resistances: for example, the Punisher, Maller, Prophecy, and Abaddon. Armor tanks use up low slots, can slow ships down, and are hungry for powergrid, but they leave mid slots free, require relatively less CPU, and (in active tanks) place comparatively lower burdens on the capacitor than shield tanks
  • Energy turrets. These are the standard for the majority of Amarrian damage-dealing vessels. Energy turrets (more usually "lasers") offer a reliable combination of range and damage when compared with projectile or hybrid turrets. Their ammo, energy crystals, can be swapped out instantly. Tech 1 crystals last forever, and faction and Tech 2 crystals wear out only slowly. On the other hand, energy turrets use a great deal of capacitor to fire, tend to have comparatively poor tracking speeds for their size, and can only ever deal thermal and EM damage, which can make it impossible to hit some enemies' weaker damage resistances.
    • The short-ranged energy weapons, pulse lasers, have long ranges compared to projectile autocannon and hybrid turrets but lack the raw punch of hybrid blasters or the selectable damage and forgiving falloff of autocannon.
    • The long-ranged energy weapons, beam lasers, have reliable DPS, but are shorter-ranged than hybrid railguns or projectile artillery, and lack the selectable damage and alpha strike potential of artillery.
  • Drones. The Amarr ship line-up comes second only to the Gallente in terms of drone bays, bandwidth, and ships with drone bonuses. Amarr drone ships tend to have slightly larger drone bays than their Gallentean counterparts, which means more tactical flexibility and drone replacement, but also tend to have less drone bandwidth, which means a lower DPS cap. These differences even out at the battleship level, as the Armageddon and the Dominix match in these respects.
  • Large capacitors. Amarr pilots rely heavily on their capacitors; lasers are heavy on the capacitor to such a degree that many Amarrian hulls have a bonus that decreases capacitor usage of energy turrets. Amarr hulls tend to have larger capacitors than the hulls of the other empires and many Amarrian pilots prioritize capacitor skills.
  • Capacitor warfare. The Dragoon and the Armageddon have bonuses that make them particularly effective with energy neutralizers used to drain targets' capacitors. These synergise well with the naturally strong capacitors found on Amarr ships, and with the use of drones, which require no capacitor. Amarr proficiency with capacitor warfare continues in T2 ships with the Black Ops AmarrRedeemer and the widely-feared AmarrCurse and AmarrPilgrim.
  • Weapon Disruption is the Amarr EWAR specialism. Weapon disruption can cut the ranges and tracking speeds of turrets, or the ranges and precision of missiles. It is situationally powerful, but not as universally powerful as ECM or sensor dampening: different modules must be fitted to disrupt turrets or to disrupt missiles, which reduces tactical flexibility.
  • Low speeds. Amarr ships tend to have low base speeds for their size and class, often fit armour plates which further reduce their speed and agility, and often use low slots for tank or damage rather than speed modules. Given the high low slots, Amarr ships can sometimes be speed-fitted, but at the cost of tank and damage.
  • Missiles. No Tech 1 Amarr ships focus on missiles, but there is a line of Tech 2 Amarr ships with missile bonuses: the AmarrVengeance, AmarrMalediction, AmarrHeretic, AmarrSacrilege, and AmarrDamnation. These are not a concern for Amarr pilots who are just starting out, but dedicated Amarr pilots might find themselves training into them one day.

If there is one broad characteristic that runs across Amarr ships, it is energy. Amarr ships aren't the most versatile, and they don't always have great speed or the highest on-paper DPS, but they have immense reserves of capacitor which they can use to pound opponents with extremely reliable and consistent laser damage—with potentially infinite ammo!—and to drain opponents dry with powerful capacitor warfare.

Notable Uses


A classic progression of Amarr mission ships would be to train the Punisher and AmarrCoercer for Level 1 missions, the AmarrOmen or AmarrArbitrator for L2s, the AmarrHarbinger for L3s, and finally the AmarrApocalypse for L4s. Amarrian laser ships are more restricted when running missions and ratting than the other races. Within Amarr space, against the Blood Raiders and Sansha's Nation factions, Amarrian ships are probably the most effective of all (as is typical with the other empires). However, lasers only do thermal and EM damage, so other typical NPC enemy factions are tougher for lasers. This is a concern for some Eve University pilots who want to try mission-running close to home, as the University is based in Gallente space where Serpentis are the common faction.

One alternative option is to brush up on drone skills and use the line of Amarr ships which use drones rather than lasers as their primary weapon. Since drones are easily swapped and allow fully-selectable damage, this lets pilots target whatever type of damage NPCs are weakest to. A pilot doing this would progress through the AmarrDragoon, AmarrArbitrator, AmarrProphecy, and AmarrArmageddon (though note that until the battleship stage and the Armageddon, the Amarr drone ships have a little less bandwidth than their Gallente counterparts).

In Wormholes, the Harbinger can run C1 and C2 combat sites, although it may have trouble with either range or tracking due to the variety of sleeper hulls that can orbit either close or far. Like the other turret-based BCs, the Harbinger does much better in fleets than solo for wormholes. C3 wormholes can also be done in a Harbinger with a fleet of sufficient size.

For salvaging, a AmarrCoercer makes a very good, cheap salvager.

Amarr ships are also highly popular with armour incursion fleets, especially the AmarrPaladin and AmarrLegion. While not technically an Amarrian ship, the Sansha's NationNightmare is one of the most sought after ships for shield incursion fleets and uses energy turrets, so is a natural progression for an Amarr pilot willing to cross-train.


Exceptional tanks, large capacitors, and reliable damage and range make some Amarrian ships a firm favourite in armour fleets, though fits with shield tanks or alternate weapon systems also see some use. At the basic level, Amarr ships tend to stick to the formula of lots of armour for defence and lots of lasers for damage with fewer atypical ships than in other races' line-ups. As a result, Amarr are sometimes said to be the simplest race to fly. There are some good candidates for 'breaking the mould' even for a new player (a AmarrPunisher fitted with projectile turrets is a classic), but they are more skill intensive and often require cross-training.

In frigate hulls, the Punisher or Executioner are typically used for tackling, and the Crucifier for EW. The Arbitrator makes an excellent DPS-and-EWAR boat, the Omen is a focused damage-dealer, and the Maller's massive potential tank makes it great (if obvious) bait. In battleship hulls, the AmarrArmageddon, AmarrApocalypse, and AmarrAbaddon all have their uses. The Apocalypse can be used as a sniper (sometimes with a very weak tank to maximize damage potential) and the Abaddon's bonus to armor resists grants it gigantic tank, making it one of the most survivable battleships when supported by logistics, although a combination of (relatively) weak capacitor and no cap use bonuses can make it power-hungry. The Armageddon's bonus to energy neutralizers makes it the best base T1 capacitor warfare platform in the game.


Amarr ships share many core skills with the ships of the other three main factions. Very new pilots should consider EVE University's Short Skill Plan; relatively new pilots should consider the 14 skills which affect every ship, the fitting skills which make it easier to fit modules onto ships, and the support skills which underpin much of your ship's performance. For longer-term training, EVE University's Pyramid Skill Plan offers one useful way of conceiving of your goals.

That said, there are some considerations that are specific to Amarr ships. Capacitor skills are especially crucial for Amarr pilots, and should be an early priority; these are mostly found in the Engineering category, though Controlled Bursts, in Gunnery, is also very important. Armour skills will be essential for flying any Amarr combat ships, and being able to mount a T2 armour tank can help bring out the strengths of many T1 Amarr hulls in PvP and PvE. Drone skills are also important for any pilot taking the drone ship path through the Amarr ships, and eventually for an Amarr pilot: at around cruiser size, all Amarr ships begin being able to fly a full flight of 5 drones, making Drones V a highly desirable tain.

Cross training into or out of Amarr can be quite skill intensive. The easiest prospect is probably Gallente, as the two ship lineups share armour tanking, gunnery, and drone synergies. A combination of Amarr and Gallente ship skills also opens up the popular Sisters of EVE ships. Pilots cross-trained for Caldari ships will be able to make good use of the niche set of T2 Amarr ships with missile bonuses.


Here are the Amarr T1 ships. Please follow the links to the specific pages of the ship database for more details and particular fits.


Little more than slower, armed shuttles, corvettes (or "noobships") are the basic frigates that new pilots start with. You can acquire a new corvette at no cost (together with a civilian weapon, a civilian mining laser, and one unit of Tritanium) by clicking on the "Board my corvette" button available in the station menu when you're docked up. On their own, corvettes are useful for little other than basic errand-running, though since the ship is free a corvette can be spawned as a makeshift small station container when no other containers are available.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
5 m³
drone capacity
5 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
115 m³
cargo capacity
125 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
200 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
25.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
50 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
300 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Role Bonus:
20% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost
10% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
15% bonus to Weapon Disruptor effectiveness
8% bonus to all armor resistances

The Impairor-class corvette has been mass-produced by the Amarr Empire for decades. It is the most common space vessel sighted within the Amarrian boundaries, and is used both as a basic trade vessel and as a small-scale slave transport.

The corvette is the first ship you start with. If you are Amarr, it will be an Impairor.


Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
45 m³
drone capacity
15 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
265 m³
cargo capacity
250 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
400 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
64.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
38 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
350 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Weapon Disruptor effectiveness
10% bonus to Weapon Disruptor optimal range

The Crucifier was first designed as an explorer/scout, but the current version employs the electronic equipment originally intended for scientific studies for more offensive purposes. The Crucifier's electronic and computer systems take up a large portion of the internal space leaving limited room for cargo or traditional weaponry.

The Crucifier is the Amarr EWAR frigate and works great as an extremely cheap long range EWAR platform for very new pilots.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
115 m³
cargo capacity
250 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
450 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
27.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
31 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
410 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost
5% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage
Role Bonus:
80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost

The Executioner is another newly commissioned ship of the Amarr Imperial Navy. The Executioner was designed specially to counter the small, fast raider frigates of the Minmatar Republic; thus it is different from most Amarr ships in favoring speed over defenses. With the Executioner, the Amarrians have expanded their tactical capabilities on the battlefield.

The Executioner is the Amarr fast frigate. The Executioner was buffed in the Inferno expansion, gaining an extra mid slot and a bonus to propulsion jamming so that it now resembles a T1 interceptor, making it a great stepping stone for new tacklers.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
5 m³
drone capacity
5 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
250 m³
cargo capacity
225 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
500 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
36.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
34 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
405 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer amount
10% reduction in Remote Armor Repairer activation cost
Role Bonus:
50% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer optimal range
600% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer falloff

In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Amarr Empire, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Inquisitor.

The Inquisitor was originally an example of how the Amarr Imperial Navy modeled their design to counter specific tactics employed by the other empires. After its redesign, it was exclusively devoted to the role of a support frigate, and its formerly renowned missile capabilities gave way to a focus on remote armor repair.

The Inquisitor is the Amarr logistics frigate. It acquired this role in the Retribution expansion.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
40 m³
drone capacity
15 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
400 m³
cargo capacity
250 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
350 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
34.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
39 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
350 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe strength
5% reduction in Salvager duration
Role Bonus:
5+ bonus to Relic and Data Analyzer virus strength

This Magnate-class frigate is one of the most decoratively designed ship classes in the Amarr Empire, considered to be a pet project for a small, elite group of royal ship engineers for over a decade. The frigate's design has gone through several stages over the past decade, and new models of the Magnate appear every few years. The most recent versions of this ship – the Silver Magnate and the Gold Magnate – debuted as rewards in the Amarr Championships in YC105, though the original Magnate design is still a popular choice among Amarr pilots.

Magnates are a perfect platform to practice probing skills which will come in handy later both for exploration and PvP probing.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
135 m³
cargo capacity
350 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
500 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
25.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
37 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
355 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost
4% bonus to all armor resistances

The Punisher is considered by many to be one of the best Amarr frigates in existence. As evidenced by its heavy armaments, the Punisher is mainly intended for large-scale military operations, acting in coordination with larger military vessels. With its damage output, however, it is also perfectly capable of punching its way right through unwary opponents.

This is easily the most tenacious of the T1 frigates. Due to excellent armour HP together with the bonus to armour resistances and the 5 low slots, this platform can handle a surprising amount of damage for a T1 frigate. The Punisher's 4 turrets can give it decent dps, but its 2 Mid slots prevent it from fitting the tackling trinity: a propulsion module, a point, and a web.

Along with the Executioner, the Punisher is a popular E-UNI tackler for new Amarr pilots. However, it does not excel at this role due to the limited mid slots, low base velocity, and mediocre scan resolution.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
20 m³
drone capacity
10 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
130 m³
cargo capacity
350 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
500 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
40.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
35 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
335 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost
5% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage

The Tormentor has been in service for many decades. For most of that time it saw service as a mining ship, its size barring it from making any kind of impact on the battlefield. As with most Amarr ships, however, its strong defenses always made it a tough opponent to crack, and with recent advances in turret capacitor use and damage output, its lasers have now stopped digging into dead ore and are instead focused on boring through the hulls of hapless vessels in combat.

While lacking the resistance bonus of the Punisher, or the speed of the Executioner, the Tormentor makes a good middle ground; four low slots allow for a good armor tank, and the three medium slots allow for better tackling than the Punisher.


Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
375 m³
cargo capacity
700 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
900 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
30.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
62 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
255 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Small Energy Turret tracking speed
10% reduction in Small Energy Turret activation cost
Role Bonus:
50% bonus to Small Energy Turret optimal range

Noticing the alarming increase in Minmatar frigate fleets, the Imperial Navy made its plans for the Coercer, a vessel designed specifically to seek and destroy the droves of fast-moving frigate rebels.

The Coercer sees some use in PvE activities or as a cheap Noctis substitute. It was recently changed in the Retribution patch to have two mid slots, making it a very viable PvP ship.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
75 m³
drone capacity
25 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
300 m³
cargo capacity
750 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
950 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
39.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
66 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
240 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
20% bonus to Energy Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizer optimal range
10% bonus to Energy Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizer falloff range
Role Bonus:
25% bonus to Drone max velocity

The Dragoon follows old religious tenets - ones thought rather dark by the majority of the cluster, but found perfectly normal by Amarr minds - that to exist as God's chosen people means fulfilling a very definite and often forceful role. This includes not only imposing the will of God, often through the time-honored methods of mindless proxies, but also profiting, even being nourished, off the energies of others.

As such, the Dragoon focuses on sending out a mass of drones, ones capable not only of swiftly hunting down their targets but also of inflicting tons of damage once contact is made. Moreover, the Dragoon is able to drain the target's energy in the meanwhile, all with the aim of leaving it little more than a trembling husk.

The Dragoon was introduced in the Retribution expansion. It is a drone / ewar ship. It is the only T1 ship smaller than a battleship to have a bonus to energy neutralizer and energy vampire range, allowing it to have a very unique combat style.


Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
150 m³
drone capacity
50 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
345 m³
cargo capacity
1,100 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,500 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
70.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
130 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
200 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Weapon Disruptor effectiveness
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints, damage and mining yield

The Arbitrator is unusual for Amarr ships in that it's primarily a drone carrier. While it is not the best carrier around, it has superior armor that gives it greater durability than most ships in its class.

You can easily argue this is the most flexible and capable platform for Amarr T1 cruisers, and even make a strong case for it being the best T1 drone cruiser in the game. There are many effective configurations for both PvE and PvP with this ship.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
20 m³
drone capacity
20 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
465 m³
cargo capacity
1,000 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,650 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
60.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
90 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
235 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
12.5% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer amount
5% reduction in Remote Armor Repairer activation cost
Role Bonus:
1000% bonus to Remote Capacitor Transmitter range
200% bonus to Remote Capacitor Transmitter transfer amount
430% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer optimal range and falloff

In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Amarr Empire the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Augoror.

The Augoror-class cruiser is one of the old warhorses of the Amarr Empire, having seen action in both the Jovian War and the Minmatar Rebellion. Like most Amarr vessels, the Augoror depended first and foremost on its resilience and heavy armor to escape unscathed from unfriendly encounters. After its overhaul, it had some of the armor stripped off to make room for equipment allowing it to focus on the armor of other vessels, along with energy transfers.

The Augoror is the Amarr logistics cruiser. It is one of the two armor logistics cruisers, the other being the Gallente Exequror. While the Exequror is bonused for more of a solo role, the bonus to Energy Transfer amount on the Augoror means it works best when paired with one or more other logistics ships with an Energy Transfer bonus.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
15 m³
drone capacity
15 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
480 m³
cargo capacity
1,000 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
2,300 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
47.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
130 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
205 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage
4% bonus to all armor resistances

Quite possibly the toughest cruiser in the galaxy, the Maller is a common sight in Amarrian Imperial Navy operations. It is mainly used for military duty, although a few can be found in the private sector acting as escort ships for very important dispatches.

The Maller was buffed in the Retribution patch to have a bonus to medium laser damage rather than a capacitor use bonus. It can obtain a good tank while retaining decent DPS. However, due to the lack of a capacitor use bonus, for PvE, an Omen might be a better choice for lower skilled players. The Maller is likely to become much more popular in PvP.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
40 m³
drone capacity
40 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
400 m³
cargo capacity
1,200 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,700 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
55.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
115 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
260 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% reduction in Medium Energy Turret activation cost
5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret rate of fire

The Omen is a stereotypical example of the Amarrian School of thinking when it comes to ship design: thick armor and hard hitting lasers. Advancements in heat dissipation allow the Omen to fire its lasers faster than other ships without this technology.

The Omen is one of the two dedicated DPS cruisers. It is more adept at speed tanking than the Maller because of the lower signature radius and higher base velocity.


Combat Battlecruiser: INFORMATION
Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
75 m³
drone capacity
50 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
375 m³
cargo capacity
3,000 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
5,250 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
65.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
270 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
175 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% reduction in Medium Energy Turret activation cost
10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret damage
Role Bonus:
• Can use one Command Burst module
25% bonus to Medium Energy Turret optimal range and falloff
50% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range

Right from its very appearance on a battlefield, the Harbinger proclaims its status as a massive weapon, a laser burning through the heart of the ungodly. Everything about it exhibits this focused intent, from the lights on its nose and wings that root out the infidels, to the large number of turreted high slots that serve to destroy them. Should any heathens be left alive after the Harbinger's initial assault, its drones will take care of them.

The Harbinger is an extremely capable Combat Battlecruiser and is well balanced with its competitors from the other races. It is the first real laser powerhouse in the Amarr lineup.

Attack Battlecruiser: INFORMATION
Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
500 m³
cargo capacity
1,575 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
2,160 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
65.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
210 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
200 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% reduction in Large Energy Turret activation cost
5% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage
Role Bonus:
95% reduction in Large Energy Turret powergrid requirement
50% reduction in Large Energy Turret CPU requirement
50% reduction in Large Energy Turret activation cost

In YC 113 Empress Jamyl Sarum I challenged Amarr ship manufacturers to build a new battlecruiser that would break the stalemate of the Empyrean War. Deviating from the doctrine of brute-force and heavy armor, the engineers at Viziam took inspiration from Caldari history.

During the Gallente-Caldari War, the Caldari developed light, maneuverable ships to counter the slow ships of the Gallente Federation. This philosophy, along with a cutting-edge powertrain and ultra-light alloy armor plating, led to the Oracle.

The Empire immediately ordered the ship into production. The Empress personally congratulated Viziam Chief Researcher Parud Vakirokiki, calling the ship "a work of Divine Grace for the Empire, and retribution to our enemies."

The Oracle is the Amarr Attack Battlecruiser, swapping the tank of most Battlecruisers for the ability to fit battleship-sized weaponry. This allows it to project heavy DPS while maintaining the agility of a battlecruiser.

Combat Battlecruiser: INFORMATION
Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
225 m³
drone capacity
75 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
400 m³
cargo capacity
3,000 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
5,500 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
50.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
270 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
170 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
4% bonus to all armor resistances
Role Bonus:
• Can use one Command Burst module
12.5% bonus to Drone microwarp velocity
50% bonus to Command Burst area of effect range

The Prophecy is built on an ancient Amarrian warship design dating back to the earliest days of starship combat. Originally intended as a full-fledged battleship, it was determined after mixed fleet engagements with early prototypes that the Prophecy would be more effective as a slightly smaller, more mobile form of artillery support.

The Prophecy is a Combat Battlecruiser that is primarily focused on being a tanky drone carrier.


Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
75 m³
drone capacity
75 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
740 m³
cargo capacity
7,700 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
9,350 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
96.00 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
470 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
89 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret damage
4% bonus to all armor resistances
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

The Abaddon class ship is a celestial tool of destruction. It is designed to enter combat from the outset, targeting enemies at range and firing salvo after salvo at them, and to remain intact on the battlefield until every heretic in sight has been torn to shreds.

The Abaddon has a bonus for laser damage and armor resistances, but the normal bonus for laser capacitor use is conspicuously missing. This makes the Abaddon a "high skill" ship because it requires good core skills to keep its lasers firing while powering its tank. The bonus to tank and the high damage makes the Abaddon a popular PvP ship, where its difficulty staying cap stable is also not so much of an issue.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
75 m³
drone capacity
50 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
845 m³
cargo capacity
6,600 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
7,700 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
87.60 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
380 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
113 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret optimal range
7.5% bonus to Large Energy Turret tracking speed
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

In days past, only those in high favor with the Emperor could hope to earn the reward of commanding one of the majestic and powerful Apocalypse class battleships. In latter years, even though now in full market circulation, these golden, metallic monstrosities are still feared and respected as enduring symbols of Amarrian might.

The Apocalypse has a bonus to optimal range that with the Amarr ability to switch crystals instantly can be turned into a damage bonus quite easily. Pulse laser Apocalypses with T2 Scorch ammunition are able to deliver good damage at a decent distance and the tracking bonus can allow it to hit smaller ships quite well. Apocalypses are also well suited to beam laser sniper fits, making the hull surprisingly versatile for any Amarr ship. The Apocalypse does not have the raw firepower of the Abaddon however but is an easier ship to skill for.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
375 m³
drone capacity
125 Mbit/sec
drone bandwidth
750 m³
cargo capacity
7,480 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
9,350 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
82.50 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
450 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
100 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage
10% bonus to Energy Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizer optimal range
5% bonus to Energy Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizer falloff range
Role Bonus:
100% bonus to Shield Extender hitpoints
50% bonus to Armor Plate hitpoints
5% Additional bonus to Reinforced Bulkhead hitpoints

The mighty Armageddon class is one of the enduring warhorses of the Amarr Empire. Once a juggernaut that steamrolled its way into battle, it has now taken on a more stately and calculated approach, sending out a web of drones in its place while it drains the enemy from a distance.

While previously all Amarr battleships were fairly similar, the Armageddon's new face makes it an entirely different beast. With the bonus to cap warfare range, the Armageddon is now the premier T1 neuting battleship, whilst still being able to put out a very respectable amount of DPS through its drones.


Haulers are useful to transport large amounts of cargo, but they are vulnerable to suicide ganks in highsec, and piracy in lowsec. For war time hauling, a hauling alt is recommended. See the Creating an Alt Hauler article for more information.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
4,800 m³
cargo capacity
450 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
850 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
45 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
215 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
110 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship cargo capacity
5% bonus to ship max velocity
Role Bonus:
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue

The Bestower has for decades been used by the Empire as a slave transport, shipping human labor between cultivated planets in Imperial space. As a proof to how reliable this class has been through the years, the Emperor has used an upgraded version of this very same class as transports for the Imperial Treasury. The Bestower has very thick armor and large cargo space.

Arguably the best of the T1 haulers from a skill training time per cargo capacity perspective, the Bestower is a favourite for alternate character hauling setups. If only training an alt to the faction's hauler III, the Bestower has the highest capacity for less than 18 hours of training time. With the Odyssey expansion, it is only necessary to train to faction's hauler III instead of V on the way to faction's freighter I. Additionally, the removal of faction's frigate III as a requirement for Haulers means that any faction can select the Bestower as their hauler of choice on the way to becoming a freighter alt.

Amarr Empire
high slots
launcher hardpoints
turret hardpoints
middle slots
low slots
drones & cargo
No drone bay
2,100 m³
cargo capacity
780 HP
shield electromagnetic resistance
shield thermal resistance
shield kinetic resistance
shield explosive resistance
1,900 HP
armor electromagnetic resistance
armor thermal resistance
armor kinetic resistance
armor explosive resistance
target & nav
45 km
max. targeting range
tgt. range
175 m
ship signature radius
sig. radius
125 m/sec
max. velocity
max. velocity
S H I P   B O N U S E S

Amarr Hauler bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to ship cargo capacity
5% bonus to ship inertia modifier
Role Bonus:
90% reduction to effective distance traveled for jump fatigue

The Sigil is a recent ship from Viziam based on an old slave transport design.

Although lacking the cargo capacity of the Bestower, it is significantly faster, more agile, and more flexible with five low slots that can be swapped between nanofibers, expanders, or warp core stabilizers as needed. It can easily be expanded to hold 8000  m3, the max needed for running L4 distribution missions, while still having three nanofibers for an under eight second align, or a nanofiber and a couple of stabs if the mission takes you into lowsec.

Energy Turret Tips

Main article: Energy Turrets

Since ammo crystals can be swapped instantly, you should feel able to shift rapidly between crystals as the situation demands. You will want to swap crystals in and out to keep up with the ranges of your targets: lasers have little falloff range, which means little margin for error at the edge of your range. The Tech 1 crystals offer a three-way trade-off of range, damage, and capacitor use: short-ranged crystals do high DPS and are cap-hungry, long-ranged crystals do low DPS and are cap-hungry, and mid-ranged crystals do moderate DPS and are gentler on the capacitor.

Tech 2 pulse laser crystals are widely liked and well worth using. Conflagration manages excellent DPS but will struggle to track evasive/fast targets. Scorch pushes pulse lasers out to truly impressive distances for a "short"-range weapon.

Of the Tech 2 beam laser crystals, Gleam only offers a small boost over comparable faction ammo and see only limited use, but Aurora offers a massive range bonus and is popular for PvP sniping fits.

Drone Tips

Main article: Drone mechanics

Small drones should be used against frigate-sized enemies, medium drones should be used against cruiser-sized enemies, and heavy drones should be used against battleship-sized enemies. Sentries are mostly meant for battleship-sized enemies, but if smaller enemies are far enough that tracking and signature radius isn't an issue, they can deal relatively well with those too.

All four races' drones are viable in PvE and you should select drones that deal the damage type which your target NPCs are weakest.

Watch out for enemies attacking your drones. If you're in a dedicated drone boat and see your drones taking damage, recall them: they are your main weapon and you don't want to be defanged. In PvE combat, try to get the NPCs to attack you before you launch your drones.

Keyboard / auxiliary mouse button shortcuts are recommended for drone management. Shortcuts can be set for attack and return to drone bay commands. One group of drones in the drone window can be designated as your "favorite", and a button can be assigned to the command "launch favorite group of drones".

In general, it is better to keep drones in Passive mode. In missions and wormholes, drones set to Aggressive can trigger a new wave earlier than desired. In PvP, drones set to Aggressive can give you an unwanted weapon timer which then prevents you from docking up or jumping through a gate to safety.

Related Links

Ship Skill and Fitting Overviews -- Amarr | Caldari | Gallente | Minmatar | ORE | Pirate Factions