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This is a walkthrough of the Sisters of EVE epic arc. This is a work in progress - edits, additions and corrections welcome!
{{EpicMissionArcBoilerintro}} {{SistersOfEVEEpicArcNav}}
''"Remember the strange datacore you found? We've determined that it must have been made by rogue drones of some kind..."''
'''The Blood-Stained Stars''' is the [[Sisters of EVE]] Epic Arc which takes place all over [[New Eden]] in High Security Regions.
The Sisters of EVE epic arc, called "The Blood-Stained Stars", is a Level 1, 50-mission connected arc with several branching points.  The entire arc is fairly linear, however, and the decision points are not terribly relevant.  This arc is definitely worth completing, as it provides some good experience for new pilots, along with some nice rewards and standings boosts.  Most of these missions are fairly easy to complete in a frigate with entry-level skills.  However, a few can be quite challenging, and require some combat skill training and perhaps a larger ship - a destroyer or cruiser.
Note that you can complete this arc once every six months. Starting the arc again wipes your previous history of completing these missions away, and you start over from scratch.
The Blood-Stained Stars is an introductory Epic Arc that can be completed in a community fitted "Tech 1 SOE Epic Arc" [[Destroyer]].
You may also want to review the EVE-Survival.org mission guide for this arc, which can be found here: http://eve-survival.org/wikka.php?wakka=MissionReportsEpicArc
Note that mission rewards listed in this walkthrough are '''not''' affected by the {{Sk|Negotiation}} skill, but the standings gains (for various corporations during the arc, but mostly Sisters of EVE, and for the empire faction of your choice at the end) are affected by the {{Sk|Social}} skill. The arc does not give Loyalty Points.
=Missions Walkthrough=
Also, note that you sometimes can not interact with the mission [[NPC]]s you meet floating in space if you are a member of a fleet (tested with the "Retribution" expansion). Only after dropping fleet will the option "start conversation with..." become available.
==Part I: Quality of Mercy==
You will also receive an important storyline mission for every 16 missions (by type) you complete for the epic arc. These are optional but provide benefits if completed.
===Mission 1: A Beacon Beckons===
Though the epic arc requires a lot of traveling as well as being very long, it is completable in a few hours.
Go to Arnon IX - Moon 3 and dock up at the Sisters of EVE Bureau station.  Click on the Agents tab, and start a dialogue with Sister Alitura.
NOTE: The Blood-Stained Stars can be restarted after every 3 months (90 days), no matter if you failed or completed it the last time.
''I ask for help, and they send me a capsuleer. You are a capsuleer, aren't you? An immortal pilot who subverts the rules of life and death, who shapes the fate of empires? You'll have to excuse my skepticism.I work with a humanitarian organization, the Sisters of EVE. I've seen your kind hasten the deaths of millions every day. You expect me to believe that you're different? To prove yourself, your actions will have to do the talking.We've just received a distress call from a ship called the Damsel, and you're the closest aid available right now. Get out there and save some lives. Prove to me you're not just another murderous liar with a god complex. With all the power at your disposal, you certainly could be a force for good. And one thing is certain: Good is in dire need of allies these days.''
== Ship choice ==
The epic arc contains missions with moderate combat and lots of traveling. The best ships for doing the arc are destroyers as they have high firepower while also being fast. Common choices are {{sh|Thrasher}}, {{sh|Catalyst}}, {{sh|Cormorant}}, and {{sh|Coercer}}. A [[Tactical Destroyer]] will make this arc extremely easy, and due to its high speed and agility will be the fastest option as well. For older pilots with more training, a T3D will be the best option.  
The second last mission "Our Man Dagan" is especially notorious for its hard to kill boss. You may want to bring modules with you to refit for higher DPS for this mission. You will also need 150{{m3}} of cargo space for mission 19 in the chain.
Approach the wrecked ships. Location: 0.8 Manarq
== Rewards ==
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Completing the missions gives money but no LP. 
The more lucrative reward is the faction standing boost you get from the final mission. +0.7 to the empire faction of your choice with no derived standing changes (+0.875 with {{Sk|Social|V}}). This is especially useful to those who have ruined their standing to below -2.00.
Bonus reward for completing within 3 hours, and 56 minutes: 141,000.00 ISK
== Starting agent ==
{| class="wikitable"
|+ The Blood-Stained Stars Starting Agent
! Agent !! Corporation !! Faction !! System !! Region !! Mission
| Sister Alitura || Sisters of EVE || Servant Sisters of EVE || Arnon || Essence || [[A Beacon Beckons]]
== External links ==
Finding the ''Damsel'' - Sometimes objects and entities found in space are not displayed in the default overview settings. Adding "Large Collidable Objects" in Celestials and "Large Collidable Structures" in Entities to the overview can reveal details such as object names.
* [http://games.chruker.dk/eve_online/mission_view.php?id=84 Games Chruker The Blood-Stained Stars Guide]
* [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2C4F8D9B337870FC&feature=plcp Video walkthrough] by Seamus Donohue
* [https://eve-survival.org/wikka.php?wakka=MissionReportsEpicArc EVE-Survival mission guide]
* [https://eve-files.com/media/corp/jowen/soe_epic_arc_guide_by_jowen_datloran_v0.95.pdf Sisters of EVE Epic Arc guide] by Jowen Datloran (pdf)
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUr8TXlFgiI Full Playthrough] by JPNS (Youtube, 2023)
This is a very easy mission - there is no danger of attack. You can do this mission in an unarmed shuttle, in fact. Just fly to the center of the wrecks. Check out the dreadnought wrecks - they're interesting to see. You can complete this mission remotely when you achieve the objective.
===Mission 2: Agent Inquiry===
''We got some interesting information out of your trip. It seems no one fired on the Damsel. Something must have happened inside the ship. We'd like you to track those survivors down, see if you can get any information about the ship's path, pilot, or cargo. We need to know what caused this disaster. CONCORD is the first logical step. I’ve gotten in touch with CONCORD Agent Tevis Jak, who may have information for you. His location is being uploaded to your NeoCom: he's currently acting as an ORE agent. Go see if you can find a piece of this puzzle.''
[[Category:Epic Arcs]]
[[Category:Getting Started]]
Report to Tevis Jak - Agent Location: 0.8 Tevis Jak's Iteron Mark III in Tar.
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 2 hours, and 22 minutes: 96,000.00 ISK
Another very easy mission - just fly to the agent location and start a conversation.
===Mission 3: Of Interest===
Talking with Tevis Jak will give you this dialogue: ''Yeah, I picked up the crew that outlived that explosion – pretty massive, whatever it was. I'll see if I can track down the facilities they were sent to if you can do me a favor. A bunch of pirates have been scavenging the explosion site. Go and take them out for me. It shouldn't be too much trouble for a capsuleer, and you might even find some extra information. Hell, you can probably get it done in the time I'll need to look up the rest of this data. Damn legacy systems...''
Acquire these goods: 1 x Strange Datacore (0.1 m³) - Drop-off Location: 0.8 Tar (at Tevis Jak's location)
Eliminate any pirates present at the wreck site. Location: 0.8 Manarq
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 3 hours, and 36 minutes: 86,000.00 ISK
Wave 1: 2 x Corpii Worshipper frigates
Wave 2: 3 x Corpii Herald frigates
Wave 3: 3 x Corpii Worshipper frigates
After you destroy the last wave, you'll get this dialogue from Tevis Jak: "''My sensors are picking up a strange bit of tech that just dropped in that can. Open the can, take the item, and bring it to me.''" Pick up the "Strange Datacore", and return Tevis Jak in Manarq and start a conversation with him to complete the mission.
===Mission 4: Retrieving Red===
Tevis Jak tells you: ''Okay, I found your first guy, but it looks like he's already shipped out again. What a fighter, huh? He's down in the crew manifest as "Red", and his convoy has him listed under the same handle, so there you go. I'm giving you coordinates to intercept the convoy now. You should be able to catch them before they get too far. Go quick, though: I'm worried that they don't have enough security to deal with the number of 'rats – sorry, pirates – where they're headed. They might need your help.''
Acquire these goods: 1 x Red (1.0 m³)
Destroy the pirates, find Red and then bring him back to Tevis Jak. Location: 0.8 Tar
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 2 hours, and 26 minutes: 76,000.00 ISK
Two waves of frigates:<br>
Wave 1: 3 x Corpii Follower frigates<br>
Wave 2: 2 x Corpii Raider frigates
Collect Red's body from the cargo container that appears when all ships are destroyed.
Taking it back to Tevis Jak gives you this message: "''Dead, is he? Figures. I'll keep the investigation open, but unless something changes there's little CONCORD can do.''"
===Mission 5: Alerting Alitura===
Tevis Jak says: "''Just got a message from Sister Alitura. I sent her that weird datacore you found at the site. She says they weren't able to decipher it. Pity. Still, she's very interested in consulting with you. So go do what she wishes. The Sisters are good people.''"
Report to Sister Alitura - Agent Location: 0.6 Arnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Bureau
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 2 hours, and 30 minutes: 79,000.00 ISK
Fly back to Sister Alitura's station in Arnon, and open a dialogue with her for the next mission.
===Mission 6: Jet-Canning a Janitor===
Sister Alitura says: "''We have another crew member located. The ship's janitor, Nebben Centrien, is stationed at a small outpost. We hope he'll have a lead on where some of the other personnel are recuperating. In light of what happened to Red, I'd like you to bring him back here once you've found him – for his own safety, you understand.''"
Kill the pirates, find Nebben Centrien, Janitor (3.0 m³) and return him to Sister Alitura.
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 5 hours, and 2 minutes: 205,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''Janitors - If you think it’s easy to find people to take on the janitor role between the stars -- well, it’s not, okay? Janitors are in high demand, especially in places frequented by capsuleers, who are not exactly famous for cleaning up after themselves.''<br>
Wave 1: 2 x Coreli Spy frigates<br>
Wave 2: 4 x Coreii Scout frigates
After destroying the enemy ships, you'll get a message from Nebben: "''Yeah, I know where Aubrei--the ship's cook--was headed, but I'll need a terminal to give you the coordinates. A terminal in a safe station. I'm not stupid.''"  Collect Nebben from the cargo container and return to Sister Alitura's station.
===Mission 7: Chivvying a Chef===
Sister Alitura says: "''We got the information from Nebben, but there's a problem. It appears Aubrei Azil, the ship's cook, has shipped out as well. There's no way they would all get reassignments so soon after an incident like this. They’re being shuffled through the system so we don't find them. And then there're the drones…. You need to find Aubrei. If we follow this long enough, we might discover who doesn't want the truth uncovered.''"
Rescue Aubrei Azil (3.0 m³) - Location: 0.6 Arnon
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 1 hour, and 46 minutes: 68,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''Vital Staff - A good ship’s cook is a valuable asset. It’s much easier to keep morale up when you don’t have to rely solely on generic frozen food. Real chefs who are willing to work in the often-cramped conditions aboard ships are in high demand.''
Upon arriving, Azil will transmit: "''Hey, could you give me a hand, here? The damn things took out my propulsion; I'm dead in the water!''"  As you approach his transport, the enemy will appear:
Wave 1: 2 x Splinter Alvi rogue drone frigates, at 25km range<br>
Wave 2: 4 x Splinter Alvi rogue drone frigates, at 20km range
You do not need to attack any of the enemy - you can simply get Azil aboard and head back to Sister Alitura's station.  However, if you do destroy the rogue drones, Sister Alitura will say: "''Rogue drones? Hmm. Well, bring Azil back here and we'll see what we can do for him.''"
Return to the SoE Bureau station in Arnon to complete the mission.
===Mission 8: Delivering a Doctor===
Sister Alitura tells you: "''We’ve located the doctor from the wrecked ship. Unfortunately, we’ve located her by way of a ransom demand. We want this doctor alive, so we're going to pay it. Luckily they just want planetary currency, so the real ISK value is minimal. I'll put the money in your hangar when you accept this mission. I need you to take the ransom to the designated drop location. They’re to drop off the doctor as soon as you drop off the money. That’s the plan, anyway. I’d be prepared for a double-cross, just in case.''"
Deliver ransom money (provided by Sister Alitura) for Dr. Lujia Elban (1.0 m³) - Location: 0.6 Arnon.  Then deliver Dr. Elban to the SoE Bureau station in Arnon.
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 2 hours, and 18 minutes: 85,000.00 ISK
Be sure to put the "A Lot of Money" item (3.0 m³) into your ship cargo hold before leaving the station.
You will warp in 15km from a container called "Dead Drop".  After placing the money in the container, the pirates will appear and attack you.
Wave 1: 2 x Coreli Agent frigates, at 25km range<br>
Wave 2: 3 x Coreli Spy frigates, at 25-30km range
After destroying the second wave, approach and loot the dropped Cargo Container.  Move Dr. Elban into your ship cargo hold.  Return to the SoE Bureau station to report back to Sister Alitura and complete the mission.
===Mission 9: Engineering a Rescue===
Sister Alitura reports: "''We've gone a long way, but we've found the key survivor. Her name is Tahaki Karin. She was the engineer on the main ship from the ruined fleet, and she's signed on to the crew of the Heartbreak. She may be the only one who knows what really happened. You know the drill by now: Get out there and get her before someone else does. I’m fairly certain there’ll be someone there to shoot at you.''"
Rescue Engineer Tahaki Karin (1.0 m³) from her ship, ''The Heartbreak'' - Location: 0.6 Arnon
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 1 hour, and 48 minutes: 75,000.00 ISK
You will warp in about 20km from ''The Heartbreak'', and Tahaki Karin will transmit a panicked distress call.  3 x Infester Alvi rogue drone frigates will be closing in, at 25km range.
Approach ''The Heartbreak'' to loot it and bring Karin into your cargo hold.  If you destroy the first set of rogue drones, a second wave will appear at 5-10km ranges consisting of 4 x Decimator Alvi rogue drone frigates.  Note: you do not need to destroy any of the rogue drones to complete this mission.
===Mission 10: Going Gallente===
Sister Alitura reports: "''Remember the strange datacore you found? We've determined that it must have been made by rogue drones of some kind. I’m sending you to Gallente space, where I’ve contacted someone who can help you continue this investigation. Her name is Delphine Xarasier, an agent for CreoDron and the daughter of their chief researcher. We've tapped out our other leads for now, which leaves us in need of more information on drones, and she can certainly give you that.''"
Report to Delphine Xarasier: located in 0.8 Harerget V - Moon 1 - CreoDron Factory
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 6 hours: 217,000.00 ISK
No worries here - just set destination and travel to Harerget, eight high sec jumps away, and dock at the CreoDron Factory station.
==Part II: Automaton Impediment==
===Mission 11: Studying the Scene===
Check in with Delphine Xarasier, who then tells you: "''Alitura said you needed more information about some kind of drone problem. The Sisters have referred a few promising capsuleers in the past, so I’m willing to give you a chance, but I can't do anything else until this mess I'm dealing with has been taken care of. If you could retrieve some drones from Harerget, that would speed things up considerably. You see, every drone in that system has ceased responding to signals. That just doesn’t happen with Federation technology… unless the drones have been destroyed. Our research and development team needs whatever components still exist in order to analyze the remains. Fly out there and bring back one of the drones – or any parts that might remain. You'll need to be careful. There were no signs of other ships in the system, so I have no idea what could have destroyed our drones.''"
Retrieve the Corrupted Drone Components (1.0 m³) and return them to Delphine Xarasier - Location: 0.8 Harerget
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 2 hours, and 42 minutes: 60,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''Early Drones - The first drones in the Gallente-Caldari war were little more than mines with proximity detonators and limited movement, but soon they advanced to a level where a single drone rivaled a solo-fighter’s capabilities. The drones reversed the tide of the war and helped create a stalemate between the two empires.''
You will warp in at 36 km from the Corrupted Drone container.  Head towards that container to loot it.  At 45-50 km, 3 x "Broken Duvolle Laboratories Recon Drone" will be orbiting.  You can ignore these drones completely - they will not attack.  If you attack them anyway, they will pop quickly - and interestingly, the names of their wrecks become 2 x Mammon Apis Wreck and 1 x Belphegor Apis Wreck.
Return to Delphine in the CreoDron station to complete the mission.
===Mission 12: Rendering Assistance===
Delphine says: "''A recently established colony still depends on Federation support for items they can’t produce yet. Their last shipment of medical supplies was lost en route, and we think it may be due to rogue drone action. Regardless, this batch of supplies needs to get through. Lives are depending on it.''"
Deliver the antibiotics to the Colonial Supply Depot - Location: 0.8 Harerget
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 1 hour, and 40 minutes: 41,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''Colonial Supplies - The Gallente Federation emphasizes personal freedoms and accomplishments, but they also believe in providing the tools for personal advancement. Gallente believe in ”investing in the future,” so shipments of supplies for new colonies are almost always supported by lobbyists and the government. History has shown that the returns generated over the years more than repay the initial investment.''
Be sure to load the 1 x Antibiotics (0.2 m³) into your ship cargo bay before leaving the station.  This is a very easy mission.  You will warp in at 45 km from the Colonial Supply Depot container.  Simply approach it, open it, and transfer the Antibiotics to that container.  You can then complete the mission remotely.
===Mission 13: Lair of the Snakes===
You can accept this mission remotely - you do not need to fly back to the CreoDron station to request it.
Delphine says: "''I told you I'd help if you helped me. Well, the Serpentis Corporation has just kidnapped one of CreoDron’s top minds, Dr. Aspasia Castille. She was analyzing those drone parts that you recovered earlier. The information she has is critical to figuring out what’s going wrong with the drones, but the Serpentis aren’t going to let her go without a fight. They’re planning to take her to their installation at Harerget. I want you to get there first. Destroy their base and the ships guarding it before the transport ship arrives.''"
Clear the area of Serpentis pirates and ambush the personal transport - Location: 0.8 Harerget
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 6 hours: 149,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''The Serpentis Corporation began as a Gallente research firm, developing over time into the notorious drug cartel that they are today. The Serpentis have an ongoing deal with the Angel Cartel to provide protection for various Serpentis research stations. There are substantial bounties issued by the Gallente Federation Navy on any ranking officer in the Serpentis Corporation.''
You will warp in about 25 km from the Serpentis base, which will be guarded by 2 x Coreli Scout frigate, 1 x Coreli Initiate frigate, 1 x Coreli Spy frigate, and 1 x Coreli Agent frigate - all at 25-30 km range.
Wave 2: 2 x Coreli Patroller frigate, 1 x Coreli Watchman frigate, 1 x Corelior Infantry destroyer, 1 x Corelior Soldier destroyer, all at 18-20 km range.
Wave 3: 2 x Coreli Watchman frigate, 1 x Coreli Patroller frigate, 1 x Corleum Chief Spy cruiser.  When you destroy this wave, a Serpentis Personnel Transport will appear at 70 km, and warp off.
You can then complete this mission remotely.
===Mission 14: Data Retrieval===
You can request this next mission remotely.  Agent Delphine says: "''I’m glad you contacted me, Neville Smit. Since you destroyed the Serpentis research station, the transport ship headed to another location to make the transfer. Though we were able to intercept, both ships were lost in the course of the ensuing battle. However, we believe a datacore containing Dr. Castille’s notes may still exist. Your task is to go to Harerget, locate the datacore, and bring it back to me. Be warned, all indications are that the ship was contracted by the Guardian Angels as part of their protection agreement with the Serpentis Corporation. I’m sure they’ll send a ship to scan the wreckage and see what can be salvaged as well. They will be looking for some way to recoup part of their loss.''"
Retrieve the CreoDron data core (1 x Dr. Castille's Data Core (Property of CreoDron) (0.1 m³)) from the Destroyed Ship and bring it to Agent Delphine - Location: 0.8 Harerget
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 6 hours: 177,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''The Guardian Angels are a division of the Angel Cartel occupied with guarding Serpentis space stations. The Angel Cartel is the largest and best organized of the space-based criminal factions. The Angels are divided into several groups, each with a distinct function. The Angels recruit members from all the races and are thus not bound to any one zone of operation.''
You will warp in at about 25-40 km from the Destroyed Ship container.  It will be guarded by 2 x Gistii Nomad frigates, 1 x Gistii Impaler frigate, 1 x Gistii Ruffian frigate, and 1 x Gistii Hunter frigate - all at about 40-50 km range.
Wave 2: 2 x Gistii Defacer frigates, 2 x Gistii Nomad frigates, 1 x Gistii Ruffian frigate, all within 10 km range.
Wave 3: 2 x Gistii Outlaw frigates, 2 x Gistii Thug frigates, 1 x Angel Forward Scout cruiser.
Don't forget to loot the Destroyed Ship container to retrieve the datacore! Return the datacore to Agent Delphine at Harerget V - Moon 1 - CreoDron Factory to complete the mission.
===Mission 15: Crossing Enemy Lines===
Agent Delphine says: "''The datacore you recovered has proved interesting. Before her kidnapping, Dr. Castille found several oddities in the drone components. Honestly, it’s created more questions than answers for CreoDron staff. As a sign of good faith, I’m going to share some information with you. Our drones are being corrupted by some other kind of drone. I need you to take some information to a friend of mine in Caldari space. They’ve also been suffering from drone problems recently, and this data may help him and his people. I need you to keep this quiet: Our friendship isn’t exactly something we’re broadcasting, not with both of our empires at each other’s throats. If you agree, I’ll make sure the information is securely hidden onboard your ship. You’ll never even know it’s there; all you have to do is go and talk to Immuri Asaka, and he’ll take care of the rest.''"
Report to Immuri Asaka - Agent Location: 0.9 Hatakani VI - Moon 4 - Hyasyoda Corporation Refinery
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 6 hours: 131,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''Recent Gallente-Caldari Relations - A Federation-owned Nyx-class carrier rammed into a Caldari station owned by the Ishukone mega-corporation, killing hundreds of thousands of people, including the Caldari State’s most popular centrist figure, Otro Gariushi. In retaliation, the Caldari Navy crossed the Border Zone, fighting their way to Caldari Prime in Luminaire. The Gallente Federation’s forces were soundly defeated. Caldari armed forces succeeded in taking control of the planet and seizing millions of Gallente hostages. For now, Caldari Prime is firmly in the hands of the Caldari State, despite its location in Federation Space and despite the exposed Caldari flanks in their own territories. Based on the rhetoric flowing from both sides, hostilities are only going to increase, and people maintaining connections with the enemy will place themselves and their corporations at risk.''
This is a simple travel mission - there is no danger of attack.  Make Hatakani your destination - seven high sec jumps - and check in with Immuri Asaka there.
===Mission 16: Passive Observation===
[[File:SoEArcDroneHive.png|right|300px]]Immuri Asaka says: "''We've been dealing with the same drone corruption described by Xarasier. We’ve managed to contain the contaminated ones inside a deadspace pocket, but that is only a temporary solution. I need you to scout out the situation personally. I’ve been trying to get updates from my colleague in the field, but apparently she is having trouble getting clearance for outside communication. Fly over there and make sure the drones are still adequately contained. If they aren’t, report back to me. Do not enter into any confrontations with the security forces attempting to contain the drones. Am I clear?''"
Scout out the drone hive and report back on friendly vessels - Location: 0.9 Hatakani
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 5 hours, and 58 minutes: 125,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''Battle Scars - The Caldari are very protective of their way of life and tolerate only those foreigners that stick to the rules. Almost any time the Gallente seek to influence events inside the State, the Caldari are swift to label it as nothing less than a violation of their sovereignty. The Caldari paid a huge cost fighting the Federation, losing millions of people between the exodus from Caldari Prime and the war itself.''
There's no danger here if you don't shoot at anything.  You'll warp to an acceleration gate.  Activate the gate, and you'll emerge into the deadspace room at 75 km from the massive Drone Hive.  There are also eight rogue drone frigates, but they will not attack if you leave them alone.  Fly towards the Drone Hive - the mission objective will be fulfilled when you are about 10 km from it.  Return to Asaka's station to complete the mission.
===Mission 17: House of Records===
Agent Asaka says: "''The situation has gotten complicated. That current security deployment won’t last long against those drones. The local commander, Vitimala, seems happy just to contain the drones, but that only buys the little bastards more time to escape or supplement their numbers. I need to know more about the commander and why he doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing. I have a friend named Nachi Koruda working for the House of Records who should have those answers. Fly over to the archives facility where she works and return to me with anything that might offer some explanations. It isn’t glamorous work, but it needs to be done if we want to make informed decisions about how to proceed.''"
Pick up 1 x Hidden Data Sheets (1.0 m³) at 0.9 Chainelant VIII - Moon 3 - Imperial Armaments Factory, then deliver them to Agent Asaka at 0.9 Hatakani VI - Moon 4 - Hyasyoda Corporation Refinery
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 3 hours, and 24 minutes: 93,000.00 ISK
This is a simple courier mission.  Set Chainelant as your destination - just three high sec jumps away - and travel there.  Pick up the data sheets, and come back to Asaka's station.  He'll inform you that Vitimala got his command because of family connections, which isn't good news.
===Mission 18: Mercenary Distractions===
Agent Asaka says: "''We can’t go after Vitamala directly. Even though he doesn’t really have a clue about what he’s doing, he’s too well-connected to displace without good reason. I'd expect this sort of thing from the Gallente, but not in the State. A man achieves rank because of his hard work and dedication, not because his father has friends in the bureaucracy. There is another commander I can reassign. The first difficulty is in freeing up his schedule. He’s currently on deployment in a nearby system, busy dealing with a mercenary force we believe to be funded by Guristas Pirates. If you can take out all of the Guristas ships, then I can arrange to have him reassigned to the drone problem.''"
Kill the mercenaries protecting the Guristas facility, then report back to Immuri Asaka - Location: 0.9 Hatakani
Base mission reward: 112,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 4 hours, and 8 minutes: 106,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''The Guristas Pirates have been a thorn in the side of the Caldari State for many years, constantly threatening the security of outlying systems and poorly defended convoys. The Guristas tend to shy away from prolonged and overt assaults, preferring instead to take down weaker prey during opportunistic raids.''
This mission is about as simple as they get. You will warp in at 33km from 3 x Pithi Infiltrator frigates. Kill them, then return to the Asaka's station to complete the mission.
Agent Asaka will then report to you: ''I’m pleased to inform you that everything went smoothly with the transfer. One of the first things our new commander did was to request frigate and cruiser backup for his fleet. They should be capable of defending themselves if the drones try to fight their way out.''
===Mission 19: An Economy Under Threat===
Agent Asaka isn't happy: "''Damn Vitamala! He wasn’t coordinating with the Navy’s emergency logistics division. There’s a colony nearby that missed a shipment of farming supplies thanks to the chaos caused by these drones. If we don’t make the delivery ourselves, then we risk their entire agricultural economy. Once you take these goods over to our fleet, they will deal with the rest; we can finally turn our focus towards the underlying cause of all these problems. You will need at least 150m3 of cargo space to make the delivery. Keep that in mind.''"
Deliver 1 x Farming Supplies (150 m3) to the storage warehouse - Location: 0.9 Hatakani
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within 3 hours, and 54 minutes: 93,000.00 ISK
Colorful mission note: ''The Caldari Mindset - Despite the existence of several popular political ideologies, financial concerns are the primary driving force among the Caldari people. Although the Federation often tries to paint the Caldari as soulless capitalists, most Caldari view any economic concerns as an extension of their pragmatic mindset, not as an inherent love for money.''
This is a simple courier mission. Check your cargo hold - the farming supplies require 150 cubic meters as warned by Agent Asaka. You'll warp to an acceleration gate.  After activating the gate, you'll arrive in a deadspace room - the Storage Warehouse container will be 16km away. 
''The Caldari forces look far better prepared this time around. “Anti-support” Frigates and Cruisers flank their larger allies, standing ready and able to deal with any smaller hostiles that come their way. If these drones try to escape, the faster and more agile ones won’t slip past the amassed fleet so easily now.''
Simply travel to the warehouse and drop your cargo into it.  Your mission objectives will then be fulfilled.  You can complete the mission remotely - after which, you'll receive this message from Agent Asaka: ''Yes, I just received word from the colony. They should be able to stick to their production schedule, which is great news. Thank you, Neville Smit, you’ve done the Caldari people a great service today. If you need any further help with your drone investigation, just say the word.''
===Mission 20: Every Drone Inside===
You may request this mission remotely, if you are space.  Agent Asaka says: "''Normally, the local security forces would want to handle this drone threat themselves, but we’re willing to contract the job out to a capsuleer. You’ll have to go in alone while our fleet holds the line. I suggest you take some friends into the fight. The drones have been growing in number as more are corrupted and somehow find their way to the swarm. Once you neutralize the threat, you should search the wreckage for something that will help with your investigation.''"
Neutralize every drone inside the quarantine area - Location: 0.9 Hatakani
Base mission reward: 1 x Destroyers skillbook
Bonus reward for completing within 6 hours: 146,000.00 ISK
This is a straightforward kill mission - and the payoff is a nice ship command skillbook.  There are 12 frigate and three destroyer rogue drones attacking you in this mission, however, and you can get overwhelmed if your combat skills are undeveloped.  Fit an afterburner on your ship, and be ready to use a kiting strategy - that is, set your "keep at" combat control to your optimal weapon range, then turn on your afterburner and use that to keep at your optimal distance from each target, starting with the closest targets first.  That will maximize your damage while keeping the drones at a safer distance.  Remember: if you start to get overwhelmed, warp out - you can always warp back in after some repairs.
You'll warp to an acceleration gate.  Once in the deadspace room, you'll find yourself at about 100 km from 7 x Mammon Apis frigates, 3 x Belphegor Apis frigates and 5 x Infestor Alvi rogue drone destroyers.  When you approach, they will all target you at 65 km, and close to attack.
After you destroy all the targets, Agent Asaka will say: "''Nice flying pilot. That’s the last of the drones taken care of. Feel free to inspect the wreckage if you like but I just received an official transmission for you from the Sisters of Eve. Looks like they’ve got a new lead for you to chase up anyways.''"  Return to Asaka's station to turn in the mission.
Looting the wrecks will provide you with about 15 drone alloys, which you can sell in the market for a few thousand ISK - or reprocess them and sell the minerals.  The Destroyers skillbook is very useful - set it in your queue if you've not yet trained for that class of ship.
===Mission x: xxx===
Agent says: "''xxx''"
Base mission reward: 100,000.00 ISK
Bonus reward for completing within x hours, and xx minutes: xxx

Latest revision as of 00:55, 29 June 2024

"Remember the strange datacore you found? We've determined that it must have been made by rogue drones of some kind..."

The Blood-Stained Stars is the Sisters of EVE Epic Arc which takes place all over New Eden in High Security Regions.

The Blood-Stained Stars is an introductory Epic Arc that can be completed in a community fitted "Tech 1 SOE Epic Arc" Destroyer.

Note that mission rewards listed in this walkthrough are not affected by the Negotiation skill, but the standings gains (for various corporations during the arc, but mostly Sisters of EVE, and for the empire faction of your choice at the end) are affected by the Social skill. The arc does not give Loyalty Points.

Also, note that you sometimes can not interact with the mission NPCs you meet floating in space if you are a member of a fleet (tested with the "Retribution" expansion). Only after dropping fleet will the option "start conversation with..." become available.

You will also receive an important storyline mission for every 16 missions (by type) you complete for the epic arc. These are optional but provide benefits if completed.

Though the epic arc requires a lot of traveling as well as being very long, it is completable in a few hours.

NOTE: The Blood-Stained Stars can be restarted after every 3 months (90 days), no matter if you failed or completed it the last time.

Ship choice

The epic arc contains missions with moderate combat and lots of traveling. The best ships for doing the arc are destroyers as they have high firepower while also being fast. Common choices are MinmatarThrasher, GallenteCatalyst, CaldariCormorant, and AmarrCoercer. A Tactical Destroyer will make this arc extremely easy, and due to its high speed and agility will be the fastest option as well. For older pilots with more training, a T3D will be the best option.

The second last mission "Our Man Dagan" is especially notorious for its hard to kill boss. You may want to bring modules with you to refit for higher DPS for this mission. You will also need 150 m3 of cargo space for mission 19 in the chain.


Completing the missions gives money but no LP. The more lucrative reward is the faction standing boost you get from the final mission. +0.7 to the empire faction of your choice with no derived standing changes (+0.875 with Social V). This is especially useful to those who have ruined their standing to below -2.00.

Starting agent

The Blood-Stained Stars Starting Agent
Agent Corporation Faction System Region Mission
Sister Alitura Sisters of EVE Servant Sisters of EVE Arnon Essence A Beacon Beckons

External links