Difference between revisions of "Flight Deck"

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(→‎Flight Deck locations: removed Innuendo (not a valid destination currently), removed Abyssal Tristan (not offered currently))
(→‎Flight Deck locations: repaired listing (table ate the first ship entry in each line), added missing Derptrons)
Line 17: Line 17:
! Location !! Ship Type/Fit
! Location !! Ship Type/Fit
| Stacmon - The Quad || PvP Condor | PvP Executioner | PvP Slasher | PvP Crucifier | PvP Griffin | PvP Maulus | PvP Vigil | PvP Thrasher | PvP Algos | Explo Heron | PvE Corax | PvE Thrasher | PvE Algos | PvE Dragoon | Ore Venture T1 | Ore Venture T2
| Stacmon - The Quad || | Derptron | PvP Condor | PvP Executioner | PvP Slasher | PvP Crucifier | PvP Griffin | PvP Maulus | PvP Vigil | PvP Thrasher | PvP Algos | Explo Heron | PvE Corax | PvE Thrasher | PvE Algos | PvE Dragoon | Ore Venture T1 | Ore Venture T2
| Slays - Dairek's Chateau || UFC Breacher DualRep | UFC Condor LML Kiter | UFC Incursus Brawl | UFC Kestrel Armor | UFC Rifter 200mm ACs | UFC Tormentor Pulse | UFC Tristan Neuts
| Slays - Dairek's Chateau || | UFC Breacher DualRep | UFC Condor LML Kiter | UFC Incursus Brawl | UFC Kestrel Armor | UFC Rifter 200mm ACs | UFC Tormentor Pulse | UFC Tristan Neuts
| PC9-AY III || PvP Condor | PvP Executioner | PvP Slasher | PvP Crucifier | PvP Griffin | PvP Maulus | PvP Vigil | PvP Thrasher | PvP Algos | Explo Heron Cloak | Ore Venture T1 | Ore Venture T2
| PC9-AY III || | Derptron | PvP Condor | PvP Executioner | PvP Slasher | PvP Crucifier | PvP Griffin | PvP Maulus | PvP Vigil | PvP Thrasher | PvP Algos | Explo Heron Cloak| Ore Venture T1 | Ore Venture T2
| Brellystier - Ergan Eto Library || PvP Griffin | Explo Heron Cloak | Ore Venture T1 | Ore Venture T2
| Brellystier - Ergan Eto Library || | Derptron | PvP Griffin | Explo Heron Cloak | Ore Venture T1 | Ore Venture T2
| Ourapheh V || EM Venture | EM Magnate | EM Heron | EM Imicus | EM Probe | EM Punisher | EM Merlin | EM Incursus | EM Rifter
| Ourapheh V || | EM Venture | EM Magnate | EM Heron | EM Imicus | EM Probe | EM Punisher | EM Merlin | EM Incursus | EM Rifter

Revision as of 10:09, 14 March 2024

E-UNI Emblem.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

Flight Deck Program
Flight Deck Program
Run By:
Production Department
Where to Access
Contact Laura Karpinski

Flight Deck ships are fitted ships provided free by EVE University for members to use.

Flight Deck locations

Location Ship Type/Fit
Stacmon - The Quad Derptron | PvP Condor | PvP Executioner | PvP Slasher | PvP Crucifier | PvP Griffin | PvP Maulus | PvP Vigil | PvP Thrasher | PvP Algos | Explo Heron | PvE Corax | PvE Thrasher | PvE Algos | PvE Dragoon | Ore Venture T1 | Ore Venture T2
Slays - Dairek's Chateau UFC Breacher DualRep | UFC Condor LML Kiter | UFC Incursus Brawl | UFC Kestrel Armor | UFC Rifter 200mm ACs | UFC Tormentor Pulse | UFC Tristan Neuts
PC9-AY III Derptron | PvP Condor | PvP Executioner | PvP Slasher | PvP Crucifier | PvP Griffin | PvP Maulus | PvP Vigil | PvP Thrasher | PvP Algos | Explo Heron Cloak| Ore Venture T1 | Ore Venture T2
Brellystier - Ergan Eto Library Derptron | PvP Griffin | Explo Heron Cloak | Ore Venture T1 | Ore Venture T2
Ourapheh V EM Venture | EM Magnate | EM Heron | EM Imicus | EM Probe | EM Punisher | EM Merlin | EM Incursus | EM Rifter

Finding Flight Deck ships

Neocom path to Contrats

Flight deck ships are provided on corporation contracts. To find them, use the contract search window through Neocom(1) > Finance(2) > Contracts(3).

Contracts - Contracts Search

Once the contract window is open, make sure to select the Contract Search tab, select the Buy & Sell sub-tab and set the options on the left sidebar as follows. If you don't see some of these options, make sure to Show More Options.

  • Search field = the hull you want (The field remembers the last search and shows "Item Type" when empty)

Set the filters to:

  • Location = select the relevant location such as Current System or Pick Location > Stacmon
  • Contract Type = select All
  • Item Category = select All
  • Uncheck Exclude Multiple Items
  • Uncheck Exact Type Match
  • Price = 0 To 1 (million)
  • Availability = select My Corporation
  • Security Filters = check as relevant
  • Issuer = blank

If you aren't able to find any results, make sure results aren't being filtered out by the Page Filters. Page filters can be modified at the bottom of the contract search page and expanded or hidden using the up/down arrow icon.

Specialized Flight Deck ships

In addition to standard flight deck (FD) ships, there are a few other ships provided.

EverMark hulls

Frigate hulls are provided in Ourapheh to be used to complete Paragon missions to earn EverMarks. EverMarks can be used to purchase corporation or alliance logos to be displayed on your ships. In addition, EVE University will earn EverMarks as you complete missions and reach daily goals allowing us to put skins on our structures. To complete Paragon missions, talk to the agent in the Paragon Fulfilment Center and request a mission. If the mission is not for a frigate, decline and request another mission until you receive a frigate mission. From there, accept the mission, accept a contract for the hull, repackage the hull and complete the mission.

University Fight Club

University Fight Club ships are provided for use in the fight club. They are fitted for 1v1 frigate combat. For more details, see the fight club forum post. Flight Deck fits can be found on the EVE University Alliance Auth.