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Both [[Eve University]] and [[Ivy League]] hold a unique position in [[New Eden]]. Conceived and implemented with the express purpose of assisting new pilots through the steep learning curve of the first few months of the [[capsuleer]] experience, with no long-term goal of retaining those assisted, we are truly different from the vast majority of other capsuleer-run [[corporations]], and the success of the University can be measured in the respect we have earned in the New Eden community.
{{#show: UniWiki:EVE University Graphics|?Has EVE University logo#250px;center}}
Part of that uniqueness are the rules that we adhere to as a group. These concepts are expressions of who we are and how we choose to interact with one another and with fellow capsuleers. They are not designed to be "fair" or "moral" or "ethical", they are simply the standards of conduct that we adhere to, which we have found to provide a suitable learning environment:
EVE University members (including members of the EVE University Alt Alliance) are free to make their own choices, subject to the following rules:
Any member is free to leave at any time if they find these policies repressive, and we reserve the right to remove members without warning if it is clear that they are not being followed.
In EVE Online, most corporations will have rules which tell members against whom they can take aggressive action. EVE University follows 'Not Red Don't Shoot' in high security space and 'Not Blue Shoot It' everywhere else.  It is ''expressly forbidden'' for members to take aggressive action against a player or group which has a non-aggression pact with EVE University.
== Code of Conduct ==
Provided a member is using the [[EVE University Overview]]:
==== Our members are honest in their dealings both with one another and the community ====
* You can ''only'' engage players marked with the following icons in self-defence (i.e. they shot you) or with their express permission (e.g. as part of an event): [[file:ColorTag-PlusDarkBlue9.gif|Dark Blue Plus - Excellent standings from your alliance/corp/self]] [[file:ColorTag-PlusLightBlue9.gif|Light Blue Plus - Good standings from your alliance/corp/self]] [[file:ColorTag-FleetMember9.gif|Fleet Member]] [[file:ColorTag-StarBlue9.gif|Blue Star - Member of your alliance]] [[file:ColorTag-StarGreen9.gif|Green Star - Member of your corporation]] [[file:ColorTag-StarPurple9.gif|Purple Star - Member of your militia]]
We don’t lie, cheat or deceive. Our word is trustworthy. In times of war, strategic and tactical considerations may require temporary departures from this concept from the perspective of our enemies, but our allies and other members should never be given doubt about our commitment to operate with integrity.
==== Our members treat all pilots both inside and outside the organization with respect ====
* You can engage players marked with the following icons in '''high security space''': [[file:ColorTag-MinusRed9.gif|Red Minus - Terrible standings from your alliance/corp]] <span class="flashy">[[file:ColorTag-StarRed9.gif|Red Star - At war with your corp/alliance]] [[file:ColorTag-StarOrange9.gif|Orange Star - At war with your militia]] [[file:ColorTag-SkullOrange9.gif|Orange Skull - Pilot has security status below -5]] [[file:ColorTag-SkullRedBlack9.gif|Red Skull - Pilot is a criminal]] [[file:ColorTag-SkullYellowBlack9.gif|Yellow Skull - Pilot is a suspect]] [[file:ColorTag-SkullTurquoise9.gif|Turquoise Skull - Pilot has a limited engagement with you]]</span> - Note: Even though EVE University rules state all these are valid targets, CONCORD will destroy your ship if you engage anyone who is not 'flashy' (i.e. with one of the flashing icons)
Personal attacks, abuse, disparaging remarks, ridicule and arguments are to be avoided if at all possible so things like [[smack talk]] will not be tollerated. Property rights of others, both members and the community, are always to be respected in all forms.
==== Our members keep all public communication channels free of inappropriate content ====
* You can engage players marked with the following icons in '''low security, null security, and wormhole space''': [[file:ColorTag-Neutral.gif|Neutral Standing]] [[file:ColorTag-MinusOrange9.gif|Orange Minus - Bad standings from your alliance/corp]] [[file:ColorTag-MinusRed9.gif|Red Minus - Terrible standings from your alliance/corp]] <span class="flashy">[[file:ColorTag-StarRed9.gif|Red Star - At war with your corp/alliance]] [[file:ColorTag-StarOrange9.gif|Orange Star - At war with your militia]] [[file:ColorTag-SkullOrange9.gif|Orange Skull - Pilot has security status below -5]] [[file:ColorTag-SkullRedBlack9.gif|Red Skull - Pilot is a criminal]] [[file:ColorTag-SkullYellowBlack9.gif|Yellow Skull - Pilot is a suspect]] [[file:ColorTag-SkullTurquoise9.gif|Turquoise Skull - Pilot has a limited engagement with you]]</span>
While we appreciate that losing your ship to the last [[Rat|rat]] in a mission, falling for a contract [[scam]], or having everything you own destroyed by a [[Piracy|pirate]] in [[LoSec]] can be infuriating, members avoid profanity where possible. While occasional mild profanity may be tolerated, it is neither required or expected in common usage. Sexual or other off-color chat is to be avoided at all times, and there is very little tolerance in this regard.
==== Our members do not exploit or otherwise violate the Eve Online EULA ====
* Areas of space in which CONCORD does not respond to aggression against a ship are considered to fall under the rules for '''low security, null security, and wormhole space'''. This includes, but is not limited to, max [[Corruption and Suppression|corruption]] high security space, [[Zarzakh]], and [[Pochven]]. Pods in these areas are permissible targets, even if pod-killing results in a CONCORD response.
For all members of Eve University and Ivy League, actions which breach the [http://www.eveonline.com/pnp/eula.asp End User Licence Agreement] (EULA) for Eve Online as set by CCP, are prohibited. Examples of these are account sharing and purchasing of ISK or in-game items for real money. Any member admitting they have engaged in any actions forbidden in the EULA during their time in the alliance, including using another character under their control, will be immediately removed. In the event that a member has mistakenly breached the EULA, they are encouraged to [http://support.eve-online.com/pages/petitions/createpetition.aspx petition] CCP themselves via the normal channels to resolve the issue. Similarly, if a member has reason believe another player is violating the EULA, they are encouraged to petition them, and must not take any action in-game.
==== Our members are free to make their own choices ====
* With the exception of the Incursions community, it is forbidden to steal sites, or loot from sites being run, from anyone who cannot be engaged by the rules above. A site with multiple possible paths is considered 'owned' as a whole. In most cases, this means sites being run, or loot owned, by players in High Security Space or with the following standings in all other areas of space: [[file:ColorTag-PlusDarkBlue9.gif|Dark Blue Plus - Excellent standings from your alliance/corp/self]] [[file:ColorTag-PlusLightBlue9.gif|Light Blue Plus - Good standings from your alliance/corp/self]] [[file:ColorTag-FleetMember9.gif|Fleet Member]] [[file:ColorTag-StarBlue9.gif|Blue Star - Member of your alliance]] [[file:ColorTag-StarGreen9.gif|Green Star - Member of your corporation]] [[file:ColorTag-StarPurple9.gif|Purple Star - Member of your militia]]
The corporation does not require members to live in certain star-systems and they may choose their own play times. Members are free to explore any of the skill sets available in New Eden at their own pace, in addition to participating in both scheduled and unscheduled classes and activities, as long as their actions do not conflict these policies. It is important that all members are aware that the restrictions laid out in the policies are based on many years of experience, and allow us to fulfil our mission while providing a suitable environment for new pilots.
==== Our members are encouraged to balance "self" with "service" ====
* In the event that another player “steals” a site from a university member who had already started it you are permitted to steal the loot
When they first join the University, members are primarily focused on advancing their skills, establishing a viable personal economy and generally learning how things work. As experience and knowledge levels increase, the members who were once new find that they are able to support the next generation of new pilots. The majority of our members naturally progress in this activity, and those that choose to stay with Eve University for longer periods often find this role very fulfilling and a primary reason for remaining.
== HiSec, LoSec, NPC NullSec, Claimable NullSec and W-space ==
* Unless explicitly allowed by the clauses above, engaging is not allowed
==== High Security Space ====
It is also forbidden to indirectly violate our rules of engagement by, for example, selling a [[Killrights|killright]] against a player with a non-aggression pact with EVE University, to allow another person to take aggressive action against them.
IVY members are permitted in all [[High Security]] space (security status of 0.5-1.0) without restriction, however all members must be aware that they are not protected from [[suicide ganking]] and similar actions, and should therefore avoid using the autopilot if carrying any moderately valuable cargo or modules.
==== Low Security Space ====
==Other rules==
IVY members are permitted in all [[LowSec]] space (security status of 0.1 - 0.4) without restriction, on the understanding that they are open to attack by all parties. Appropriate escorts should be used for any valuable cargoes, and the autopilot must not be used.
==== NPC NullSec ====
<big>{{co|green|Our members:}}</big>
IVY members are permitted in the [[Great Wildlands]], [[Curse]], [[Syndicate]] and [[Outer Ring]] regions, but are aware that they are open to attack by all parties. Appropriate escorts should be used for any valuable cargoes, and the autopilot must not be used. [[Venal]] and [[Stain]] are not open to members as to reach them you must travel through Claimable Null Security Space. Autopilot in these regions is prohibited.
==== Claimable NullSec ====
*Treat others, both inside and outside of EVE University, with respect
For reasons of [[neutrality]], IVY members are not permitted in non-[[NPC nullsec]], unless as part of a director authorized event or project. Autopilot in these regions is prohibited.
*Are honest and keep their word
*Give back to the community
*Keep our communication channels welcoming for everyone, polite, and "family-friendly" - for more information see our [[Communications Policy]] and also [[Voice Communications Etiquette]]
==== Wormhole Space ====
<big>{{co|red|Our members do not:}}</big>
IVY Members are free to enter [[Wormholes|wormhole space]], however this is done so entirely at their own risk. Due to the nature of W-space, members should ensure that they take sufficient resources with them when entering. All members must avoid exits which lead to Claimable NullSec, only making use of a wormhole leading to these regions in the event there are absolutely no alternatives, and must contact a [[Director]] via '''convo or forum PM''' before proceeding, then travel directly and immediately to the nearest authorised system without stopping.
== Rules of Engagement ==
*Risk EVE University’s neutrality, including engaging in structure warfare without the appropriate permission - for more information see [[Neutrality]]
*Violate EVE Online’s [https://community.eveonline.com/support/policies/eve-eula-en/ EULA]
*Stream fleets without permission from the FC - see our [[Streaming and Video Publishing Policy]]
*Engage in ransoming other players
==== [[file:war.png|War Target]] War Target ====
==Loot distribution==
IVY members may initiate combat with war targets at will, however they should avoid doing so without sufficient support. Pod-killing of war targets is actively encouraged as a deterrent to the hostile force.
==== [[file:criminal.png|Criminally Flagged]] Criminally Flagged ====
In EVE Online when a ship is destroyed it leaves behind a 'wreck', which contains both loot and [[salvage]]. EVE University considers all wrecks of player's ships to belong to the player who lost the ship.
IVY members may initiate combat with player-pirates who are criminally flagged, for reason including (but not limited to) theft, unprovoked attack or [[security status]] below -5.0. Note that a criminal flag for theft does not propagate further than corporation members and other IVY corporations cannot retaliate for theft from another corporation.
==== [[file:minus10.png|Enemy of the Alliance]] Enemy of the Alliance ====
* Loot and salvage from wrecks of EVE University members should be given back to their owner
IVY members may initiate combat with these groups in lowsec, nullsec and w-space, including pursuing them into their space and attacking industrial assets (miners, facilities, etc).
* EVE University members may take loot and salvage from a wreck of a ship they were allowed to fight under our rules of engagement
* Any other wrecks should not be touched unless they have been abandoned, which means they will be blue on the overview, or the member has the consent of the player who owns the wreck
* If a fleet obtains loot or salvage from player ships they have destroyed during the fleet, the Fleet Commander may decide what to do with it. Any distribution of items or ISK must be done in a fair and transparent manner
==== [[file:minus5.png|Hostile to the Alliance]] Hostile to the Alliance ====
IVY members may initiate combat with these groups in lowsec, nullsec and w-space. You may not pursue into their own territory. Industrial assets are not to be engaged. Do not go out of your way to irritate orange backed pilots, but feel free to engage them.
==== [[file:neutral.png|Neutral]] Neutral ====
IVY members may only fire on neutrals when fired upon, except in sovereign IVY space, where we operate a NBSI (Not Blue, Shoot it) policy for security purposes. This includes claimed w-space systems where Ivy League has a director authorized permanent presence.
If a neutral fires upon you/your fleet, please notify a diplomat to apply alliance standings to the hostile and pursue diplomatic relations.
[[Category:EVE University Policies]]
==== [[file:plus5.png|Non Aggression Pact]] Non Aggression Pact (NAP) ====
IVY members will not engage any player who has 'NAP' standings unless fired upon, and then only as self defense (you may not follow nor retaliate). These groups have agreed to a ceasefire with IVY, and as such any pilot violating this should be reported to a director immediately.
==== [[file:plus10.png|Friend of the Alliance]] Friend of the Alliance ====
Joint operations and mixed membership fleets are available with these groups, however only against Enemies of the Alliance. IVY Members will not engage these Friends unless as a last resort. Any problems should be reported to a director immediately.
== War Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) ==
In the event of a war, IVY command changes to the [[Ivy League Navy]], and a number of restrictions are put in place to both prevent inappropriate losses and ensure the war is prosecuted appropriately. These are listed in detail on the [[War Time Policy]] page, however they are also summarised here.
* Missions, Ratting, Mining, Hauling and Exploration sites in known-space are prohibited. Members must use alts for these activities, or leave the corporation for the duration of the conflict. Autopilot is of course prohibited.
* Faction ships and modules are prohibited at all times. More detail on fittings and prohibited ships is available in the [[War Time Policy]].
* Members are encouraged to form a fleet and either explore wormhole space or patrol losec space in the event there are no targets available.
* All conflicts are evaluated on an ongoing basis, and dependent on the level of hostile activity, the Directorship may move to a [[Relaxed SOP]], which will be communicated to the members via the normal methods.
Anyone found violating the above will be warned, and should dock immediately. Failure to do so may lead to the destruction of their ship and/or capsule.
== Mixed Membership Fleets ==
All members of IVY are reminded that that fleets containing anyone other than current Ivy League members are prohibited for all PvP operations, other than engaging a specific [[Enemy of the Alliance]] (-10), in which case a fleet containing both [[Friends of the Alliance]] (+10) and IVY members is authorised.
Any other combinations, whether the pilots have had membership in IVY previously or not, are prohibited and risk everyone involved being removed from the alliance. There are no excuses for unauthorised mixed fleets.
In the event you are in a non-PvP (industry, missions etc) fleet and are involved in PvP, the kill or loss must be posted to the killboard and include a full description of the situation. Due to the aggressive nature of the space involved all activities in nullsec and w-space are considered live fire and classified PvP fleets at all times.
== Communications ==
==== In-Game and Teamspeak ====
* IVY members will not speak to hostile parties via local, private conversations or any other channel, either during Empire wars or in lowsec/nullsec and w-space. Any attempts by hostiles parties to contact a member must be reported to a director.
* During fleet operations there is a strict no-talking-in-local policy. Fleet Commanders may soften this at their discretion.
* During fleet operations there is a 'no chat' restriction on the teamspeak channel for the duration of the operation. Communications must be kept clear for reporting. Fleet Commanders may soften this at their discretion.
==== Official Eve Online Forums ====
* IVY members are not authorised to post on the 'Corporations, Alliances and Organizations Center' of the Eve Online forums unless given explicit permission by a director.
* IVY members are not authorised to post on any thread on the Eve Online forums which mentions a current or past conflict involving IVY or E-UNI, unless given explicit permission by a director.
==== Killboards ====
* IVY members must post all PvP kills and losses to the Eve University [http://killboard.eve-ivy.com Killboard]. NPC losses and in-corp losses should not be posted.
* All posts to the Killboard must include a comment on the situation which lead to the kill/loss. These are an invaluable resource for both Fleet Commanders and the Diplomatic Team, and do not include losses from NPCs or from other members of your corporation such as events.
* Failure to post a comment on your pvp kills/losses may result in suspension from E-UNI while an investigation is carried out. Please ensure you always post a comment on your kills and losses to avoid this.
== Looting and Salvaging ==
* Wrecks of player ships are considered the property of the owner of the lost ship.
* Any containers (wrecks and cans) which are unwanted should be [[Abandoned Containers|abandoned]] at the first opportunity.
* IVY members may take loot and salvage items from all abandoned (blue) containers and wrecks.
* The owners of an in-corp (white) container must be asked before looting or salvaging.
* Any owners of out-of-corp (yellow) containers must be asked before looting or salvaging. If possible, they should mark the container as abandoned to prevent criminal [[flagging]].
* IVY members may loot, salvage or steal from Enemies of the Alliance or Criminally Flagged groups, however you do this at your own risk.
* All loot and salvage from war targets is considered property of the ILN. The closest pilot to the wreck has permission to loot and salvage at the Fleet Commanders discretion, and members must not rush to the wreck hoping to get the loot. This loot should be passed to a tanked ship to return to HQ at the end of the fleet op where all the spoils are to be deposited directly into the ILN hangar. Fleet and Wing Commanders will keep track of this, if you are found to be stealing you will be punished.
== Consequences ==
Failure to follow the above may result in one or more of the below consequences.
* An unpleasant talk with a senior member of your corporation or another senior member of the alliance.
* Reduction or removal of roles/titles within your corporation.
* Suspension pending investigation.
* Destruction of your ship and/or pod.
* Expulsion from your corporation.
Any questions on or clarifications of the above policies should be referred to a [[Director]] or the [[Student Relations Manager]].
[[Category:Eve University]] [[Category:Policies]]

Latest revision as of 12:06, 27 September 2024


EVE University members (including members of the EVE University Alt Alliance) are free to make their own choices, subject to the following rules:

In EVE Online, most corporations will have rules which tell members against whom they can take aggressive action. EVE University follows 'Not Red Don't Shoot' in high security space and 'Not Blue Shoot It' everywhere else. It is expressly forbidden for members to take aggressive action against a player or group which has a non-aggression pact with EVE University.

Provided a member is using the EVE University Overview:

  • You can only engage players marked with the following icons in self-defence (i.e. they shot you) or with their express permission (e.g. as part of an event): Dark Blue Plus - Excellent standings from your alliance/corp/self Light Blue Plus - Good standings from your alliance/corp/self Fleet Member Blue Star - Member of your alliance Green Star - Member of your corporation Purple Star - Member of your militia
  • You can engage players marked with the following icons in high security space: Red Minus - Terrible standings from your alliance/corp Red Star - At war with your corp/alliance Orange Star - At war with your militia Orange Skull - Pilot has security status below -5 Red Skull - Pilot is a criminal Yellow Skull - Pilot is a suspect Turquoise Skull - Pilot has a limited engagement with you - Note: Even though EVE University rules state all these are valid targets, CONCORD will destroy your ship if you engage anyone who is not 'flashy' (i.e. with one of the flashing icons)
  • You can engage players marked with the following icons in low security, null security, and wormhole space: Neutral Standing Orange Minus - Bad standings from your alliance/corp Red Minus - Terrible standings from your alliance/corp Red Star - At war with your corp/alliance Orange Star - At war with your militia Orange Skull - Pilot has security status below -5 Red Skull - Pilot is a criminal Yellow Skull - Pilot is a suspect Turquoise Skull - Pilot has a limited engagement with you
  • Areas of space in which CONCORD does not respond to aggression against a ship are considered to fall under the rules for low security, null security, and wormhole space. This includes, but is not limited to, max corruption high security space, Zarzakh, and Pochven. Pods in these areas are permissible targets, even if pod-killing results in a CONCORD response.
  • With the exception of the Incursions community, it is forbidden to steal sites, or loot from sites being run, from anyone who cannot be engaged by the rules above. A site with multiple possible paths is considered 'owned' as a whole. In most cases, this means sites being run, or loot owned, by players in High Security Space or with the following standings in all other areas of space: Dark Blue Plus - Excellent standings from your alliance/corp/self Light Blue Plus - Good standings from your alliance/corp/self Fleet Member Blue Star - Member of your alliance Green Star - Member of your corporation Purple Star - Member of your militia
  • In the event that another player “steals” a site from a university member who had already started it you are permitted to steal the loot
  • Unless explicitly allowed by the clauses above, engaging is not allowed

It is also forbidden to indirectly violate our rules of engagement by, for example, selling a killright against a player with a non-aggression pact with EVE University, to allow another person to take aggressive action against them.

Other rules

Our members:

  • Treat others, both inside and outside of EVE University, with respect
  • Are honest and keep their word
  • Give back to the community
  • Keep our communication channels welcoming for everyone, polite, and "family-friendly" - for more information see our Communications Policy and also Voice Communications Etiquette

Our members do not:

  • Risk EVE University’s neutrality, including engaging in structure warfare without the appropriate permission - for more information see Neutrality
  • Violate EVE Online’s EULA
  • Stream fleets without permission from the FC - see our Streaming and Video Publishing Policy
  • Engage in ransoming other players

Loot distribution

In EVE Online when a ship is destroyed it leaves behind a 'wreck', which contains both loot and salvage. EVE University considers all wrecks of player's ships to belong to the player who lost the ship.

  • Loot and salvage from wrecks of EVE University members should be given back to their owner
  • EVE University members may take loot and salvage from a wreck of a ship they were allowed to fight under our rules of engagement
  • Any other wrecks should not be touched unless they have been abandoned, which means they will be blue on the overview, or the member has the consent of the player who owns the wreck
  • If a fleet obtains loot or salvage from player ships they have destroyed during the fleet, the Fleet Commander may decide what to do with it. Any distribution of items or ISK must be done in a fair and transparent manner