Scanning:Scan Results

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This page lists various exploration sites that have been found and catalogued. There are also some more sites detailed on Evelopedia.

General Exploration Points

  • The more difficult a site is to scan down, the better the site will be.
  • There is a specific, constant amount of each type of site.
  • When a site is completed it spawns somewhere else almost immediately.
  • Sites have a 3 day timer, if they are not completed within that time they despawn at the next server downtime and will spawn somewhere else.
  • Sites are given a 3 letter - 3 number identification tag, for example ILN-883. This identification tag is changed each day at sever downtime.
  • The Group normally shows at around 30% signal strength; and the Type around 70%.
  • You are normally prevented from opening cans when defenders are near, so combat skills will be needed for sites where NPCs are spawned at the start - cloaked ships especially won't be able to sneak in and take the loot.
  • Site quality is also tied to system security, with greater risks come greater rewards

Ore Sites

  • Pre-Odyssey these were called Gravimetric Sites, they now no-longer require scanning and will show up when you enter a system or undock.
  • This site will despawn when it is completely mined or when its 3 day timer expires.
  • The Asteroids will be those that are found in the security level below the current level of the solar system and/or will be larger than normal.
  • When spawned each site will have all flavors of each type of asteroid. For example a Small Omber Deposit will have Golden, Silvery, and regular Omber Asteroids in the site.
  • NPC Pirates can and do spawn in these asteroid fields.
  • As these sites now appear without scanning they can be as busy as normal asteroid belts.
  • There is an emote given in local when you complete (mine out) the site.
  • When a site is first found, all the asteroids of that particular site may not be spawned initially. Some spawn over time. This has given rise to an old myth of gravimetric asteroid fields "refilling"; if at least one asteroid is left and not mined in the field. <Has this be verified post Odyssey?>

Specific Ore Sites found in High Security Systems

Specific Ore Sites found in Low Security Systems

Specific Gravimetric Sites found in Null Security Systems

Gas Sites (Known Space)

  • This site will despawn when fully mined or when the 3 day timer expires.
  • Some sites may have loot cans with Blueprints and skillbooks that are associated with drug manufacturing.
  • Also see Mining:Gas Clouds


  • Nebulas in known space contain mykoserocin and cytoserocin gases, which are used in booster production.
  • Mykoserocin gases are the least profitable (so unprofitable that they are generally not worth the effort of mining), and the only gases found in high security space. They are also found in low security space. These gases are used in the production of synth boosters, which are very weak but legal in empire space.
  • Cytoserocin gases are usually worth mining, but are only found in low and null security space. These gases are used in the production of more powerful, illegal boosters.
  • Nebulas in nullsec space will often have pirate spawns; the gas clouds in nullsec are also unstable, and will periodically deal approximately 1,000 damage to a mining ship.
Nebula Type Region(s) Security Level Contents
Blackeye Nebula Aridia High/low 3,000 units of malachite mykoserocin (verified).
Boisterous Nebula Feythabolis Null 1,000 units of vermilion cytoserocin (unverified).
Bright Nebula Placid High/low? 2 clouds of viridian mykoserocin (quantity unknown).
Calabash Nebula Solitude High/low 1,000 units of celadon mykoserocin.
Cobra Nebula Delve Null 250 units of malachite cytoserocin (unverified).
Crab Spider Nebula Delve Null 750 units of malachite cytoserocin (unverified). 3 pirate battleships.
Crimson Nebula Aridia Low 500 units of malachite cytoserocin (minimum; full quantity unknown).
Crystal Nebula Wicked Creek Null 5,000 units of azure cytoserocin (unverified).
Diablo Nebula The Forge High/low 3,000 units of amber mykoserocin (unverified).
Flame Nebula Heimatar (unverified) High/Low (Unverfied) 2 clouds of vermilion mykoserocin (quantity unknown).
Ghost Nebula Molden Heath (Unverified) High/low 2 clouds of azure mykoserocin (quantity unknown).
Glass Nebula Solitude High/low 3,000 units of celadon mykoserocin.
Phoenix Nebula Solitude Low 500 units of celadon cytoserocin.
Pipe Nebula Unknown High/low? Unknown.
Sister Nebula Derelik (Unverified) High/low? Unknown
Sparkling Nebula Placid High/low? 3,000 units of viridian mykoserocin.
Sunspark Nebula The Forge High/low? 1,000 units of amber mykoserocin (unverified).
Wild Nebula Aridia High/low 1,000 units of malachite mykoserocin.

Chemical Labs

  • Chemical labs are illegal drug processing facilities run by NPC pirate factions.
  • These are combat sites, and also have hackable data containers. They do not contain minable gas.
Nebula Type Region(s) Security Level Contents
Blood Raider Chemical Lab Aridia Low Unknown.
Elohim Sooth Sayer Distribution Base Unknown Low Combat/data site.
Serpentis Chemical Lab Solitude Low Combat/data site.

Relic Sites

  • This site will despawn when someone attempts to open a can and everyone leaves the site (whether successful or not) or the 3 day timer expires.
  • The loot from these sites usually consist of T2 Rig BPCs, normal salvaged materials (sometimes even rare salvaged materials), salvaging and rigging skillbooks.
  • Usually the loot corresponds to the specific region, for example Alloyed Tritanium Bars from Angel sites in Minmatar space.

Specific Relic Sites found in High Security Systems

Specific Relic Sites found in Low Security Systems

Specific Relic Sites found in Null Security Systems

Data Sites

  • This site will despawn after someone attempts to open a can and everyone leaves the site (whether successful or not) or the 3 day timer expires.
  • The loot from the containers normally has to do with invention such as decryptors, data cores, interface BPCs, other things used in T2 manufacturing, or skillbooks.
  • Usually the loot corresponds to the specific region, for example Minmatar Encryption Methods skillbook from Angel sites in Minmatar space.

Specific Data Sites found in High Security Systems

Specific Data Sites found in Low Security Systems

Specific Data Sites found in Null Security Systems

Combat Sites

Cosmic Anomaly Combat Sites

Cosmic Anomaly Combat Sites do not require scanning before they can be run, they automatically show up as warpable in the scanner window.

Cosmic Signature Combat Sites

Cosmic Signature Combat Sites require the pilot to scan them down before they can be run.

Basic Info

  • Combat sits or the actual location they inhabit, are often called "Complexes".
  • Most combat sites spawn a deadspace pocket around the site, preventing you from warping to anywhere other than the entrance acceleration gate.
  • Combat sites will despawn when the "Commander" is killed/destroyed and all players leave the site.
  • The beacon, that allows you to scan the site down as a cosmic signature, despawns immediately after the "Commander" is killed/destroyed.
  • The Commander of a site can be an enemy ship, or it can be a structure, and what the commander is depends on which site it is.
  • Unrated sites have the possibility to "Escalate" to another combat site, these sites are often called escalations, or expeditions.

Types of Combat Sites

Combat sites come in three general types, DED Rated Complexes, Unrated Complexes and Expeditions/Escalations.

DED Rated Complexes

DED Rated Complexes each have a difficulty rating associated with them on a ranking scale from 1/10 to 10/10. The rating can help to give a direct indication of the difficulty of the site, as well as the maximum size of ship that can be taken through the complexes acceleration gate. In general the ship hull class that can enter the site goes up by one as the rating goes up by one, until you reach 5/10.

Rating Maximum Ship Size Allowed
1/10 Frigate
2/10 Destroyer
3/10 Cruiser (Not including T3)
4/10 Battlecruiser
5+/10 Battleship

DED Rating Found In DED Rated Complexes
High Low Null Angel Cartel Blood Raiders Guristas Pirates Sansha's Nation Serpentis Corporation Rogue Drones
1/10 ? ? Minmatar Contracted Bio-Farm Old Meanie - Cultivation Center Pith Robux Asteroid Mining & Co. Sansha Military Outpost Serpentis Drug Outlet -
2/10 ? Angel Creo-Corp Mining Blood Raider Human Farm Pith Deadspace Depot Sansha Acclimatization Facility Serpentis Live Cargo Distribution Facilities Rogue Drone Infestation Sprout
3/10 Angel Repurposed Outpost Blood Raider Intelligence Collection Point Guristas Guerilla Grounds Sansha's Command Relay Outpost Serpentis Narcotic Warehouses Rogue Drone Asteroid Infestation
4/10 Angel Cartel Occupied Mining Colony Mul-Zatah Monastery Guristas Scout Outpost Sansha's Nation Occupied Mining Colony Serpentis Phi-Outpost -
5/10 Angel's Red Light District Blood Raider Psychotropics Depot Guristas Hallucinogen Supply Waypoint Sansha's Nation Neural Paralytic Facility Serpentis Corporation Hydroponics Site Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive
6/10 - Crimson Hand Supply Depot Guristas Troop Reinvigoration Camp Sansha War Supply Complex - -
7/10 Angel Military Operations Complex Blood Raider Coordination Center Gurista Military Operations Complex Sansha Military Operations Complex Serpentis Paramilitary Complex -
8/10 Cartel Prisoner Retention Blood Raider Prison Camp Pith's Penal Complex Sansha Prison Camp Serpentis Prison Camp -
9/10 - - - - - -
10/10 Angel Cartel Naval Shipyard Blood Raider Naval Shipyard The Maze Centus Assembly T.P. Co. Serpentis Fleet Shipyard -
- Serpentis Logistical Outpost: Though Unrated, seems to fill the role of the otherwise non-existent Serpentis 6/10 DED Site.
- Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost : Though Unrated, seems to fill the role of the otherwise non-existent Angel 6/10 DED Site.
- There are no 9/10 DED Rated Complexes, some consider the [faction] Fleet Staging Point to be their equivalent.
Unrated Complexes

Unrated Complexes, unlike DED Rated Complexes, do not have a direct in game difficulty rating assigned to them. However thanks to Unrated Complexes roughly following the pattern of [Faction Name][Site Name] (i.e. Serpentis Base) their relative difficulties can be very easy to remember. The exception to this naming convention is the Rogue Drone sites, which are named totally differently.

The size of ship allowed in Unrated Complexes does not follow a predictable pattern, each site, even of the same size but from a different faction, can have a different ship size limit.

Found In Unrated Complexes
High Low Null Angel Cartel Blood Raiders Guristas Pirates Sansha's Nation Serpentis Corporation Rogue Drones
Angel Hideout Blood Hideout Gurista Hideout Sansha Hideout Serpentis Hideout Haunted Yard
Angel Lookout Blood Lookout Gurista Lookout Sansha Lookout Serpentis Lookout Desolate Site
Angel Watch Blood Watch Gurista Watch Sansha Watch Serpentis Watch Chemical Yard
Angel Vigil Blood Vigil Gurista Vigil Sansha Vigil Serpentis Vigil -
Provisional Angel Outpost Provisional Blood Outpost Provisional Gurista Outpost Provisional Sansha Outpost Provisional Serpentis Outpost Rogue Trial Yard
Angel Outpost Blood Raider Outpost Gurista Outpost Sansha Outpost Serpentis Outpost Dirty Site
Minor Angel Annex Minor Blood Annex Minor Guristas Annex Minor Sansha Annex Minor Serpentis Annex Ruins
Angel Annex Blood Annex Guristas Annex Sansha Annex Serpentis Annex -
Angel Base Blood Raider Base Gurista Base Sansha Base Serpentis Base Independence
Angel Fortress Blood Raider Fortress Gurista Fortress Sansha Fortress Serpentis Fortress Radiance
Angel Military Complex Blood Military Complex Gurista Military Complex Sansha Military Complex Serpentis Military Complex Hierarchy
Angel Provincial HQ Blood Provincial HQ Gurista Provincial HQ Sansha Provincial HQ Serpentis Provincial HQ -
Angel Domination Fleet Staging Point Dark Blood Fleet Staging Point Dread Guristas Fleet Staging Point True Sansha Fleet Staging Point Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point -
- Serpentis Logistical Outpost: Though Unrated, seems to fill the role of the otherwise non-existent Serpentis 6/10 DED Site.
- Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost : Though Unrated, seems to fill the role of the otherwise non-existent Angel 6/10 DED Site.

Expeditions / Escalations

When the commander of an Unrated Complex is destroyed, there is a relatively small chance that a pop up window will open explaining that details of the location of another enemy site have been found. The site's information is then added to the journal in the expeditions tab.

When the site listed in the journal is finished, there is a chance that it will escalate farther, leading to yet another site. Most expeditions have up to 4 parts.

Unrated Complex Expeditions
Angel Cartel Blood Raiders Guristas Pirates Sansha's Nation Serpentis Corporation Rogue Drones
High Sec Expeditions may appear in lower security systems.
(Faction) Hideout
Haunted Yard
Blue Pill Frentix Sooth Sayer Drop Mindflood Pulverize The Pioneers
(Faction) Lookout
Desolate Site
Chasing the Dragon Following the Blood Trap? Slave Breeding Plants Angel Kickbacks Mare Sargassum
(Faction) Watch
Chemical Yard
The Nuclear Small Arms Project Medical Twilight Terrorist Plot! Nation on the Rise Jet-Set Hooligans Hunting the Drudge Factory
(Faction) Vigil The Big Blue The Rewards of Devotion Kidnapped! True Power Shipyards Booster R&D -
Low Sec Expeditions may appear in lower security systems.
Provisional (Faction) Outpost
Rogue Trial Yard
Domination Surveillance Squad Blood Surveillance Squad Gurista Surveillance Squad Sansha Surveillance Squad Guardian Angels Surveillance Squad Moving Day
(Faction) Outpost
Dirty Site
Salvation Angel's Shipment Save The Slaves Gurista Productions Shipment Hidden Riches Elite Playground Loose Ends
Minor (Faction) Annex
Angel Owned Station Blood Owned Station Guristas Owned Station Sansha Owned Station Serpentis Owned Station Menacing Mechanics
(Faction) Annex Angel Powergrid Blood Raider Powergrid Guristas Powergrid Sansha Powergrid Serpentis Powergrid -
Null Sec
(Faction) Base
Toxic Waste Scandal! Religious Fury Consequences Smonsequences True Power HQ Contract Killers The Drone Roulette
(Faction) Fortress
Operation Spring Cleaning Dubious Assignment Hired Gun Shady Operation Shady Operation Molting Season
(Faction) Military Complex
Pioneers Peril Frontier in Flames Pirate's Path David V Goliath Colony Under Fire Trouble in Paradise
(Faction) Provincial HQ Special Forces Fountain of Youth No Quarter The Ancient City Serpentis Secrets -
(Faction) Fleet Staging Point Angel Domination Fleet Staging Point 2 - - - Shadow Serpentis Fleet Staging Point 2 -

Credit for the inspiration and a considerable amount of the information listed above goes to EVElopedia