Wormhole Community

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Crimson Harvest Spooky Eagle Logo.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.


What is the Wormhole Community?

The Wormhole Community is one of the four recognized communities of EVE University, dedicated to teaching students about wormhole life through immersion. It was born in late November 2012 and relocated in March 2024 on EVE University's 20th birthday. WHC is currently based out of a C4 wormhole with a C2 and a C3 static.

WHC is a group-focused, PvP-first community. Every member is encouraged and given room to participate, and due to the ever-changing nature of wormhole space, WHC tends to fly as a single cohesive group in whatever is going on. Like the rest of EVE's wormhole players, PvP is central to life in J-space, and WHC prioritizes PvP fights while still encouraging and supporting all types of PvE activity.

Location: J105433 (Anoik.is)

In-Game Chat Channel: Wormhole (Eve Uni)

Contact Us

For questions, information, or assistance regarding WHC, please contact a Wormhole Community Coordinator. On Discord, they can be reached by pinging @Community Officer - WHC.

For EVE University diplomatic matters, please contact the Diplomacy Directorate. On Discord, they can be reached by pinging @Diplomat.

For general questions about wormholes or WHC, EVE University members can also join the #whc-public channel in Discord.

Joining WHC


In order to join the Wormhole Community, you must have the Freshman title and meet certain skill point requirements. Broadly, we require two things:

  • You are able to use a covert ops cloaking device. Because of the lack of local chat, cloaking is a necessity in wormhole space. While WHC strives for inclusivity, it is ultimately not practical to achieve our teaching mission without this fundamental ability. Unfortunately, since cloaking is locked behind the Omega character state, Alpha characters are not able to obtain it and, as a result, cannot join WHC.
  • You are able to fly at least one damage and logistics ship from our core PvP doctrines: AAF and SBC. Wormhole groups like WHC tend to live and die together. We want everyone in WHC to be able to participate from the minute they step foot into the our home hole.

Don't worry about trying to figure these out yourself. Instead, WHC provides a corporate skill plan that contains the bare minimum skills needed to meet these requirements. If you train it, you're set. The entire plan is under a month of training time for even a zero-day-old character. You can find it by searching for it in-game in the EVE University corporate skill plans or by copying the URL link below into the in-game notepad and clicking it.

  • EVE University Corporate Skill Plan Name: EUni - WHC Requirements
  • Corporate Skill Plan link: <url=skillPlan:737e8a2d-04b0-4020-84e4-e216ccc62de2:917701062>EUni - WHC Requirements</url>

EUni - WHC Requirements
Entry requirements for WHC
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game

Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 1
Amarr Frigate 1
Caldari Frigate 1
Mechanics 1
Power Grid Management 1
CPU Management 1
Capacitor Systems Operation 1
Power Grid Management 2
CPU Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
CPU Management 3
Capacitor Systems Operation 2
Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Astrometrics 1
Hull Upgrades 1
Hull Upgrades 2
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Navigation 3
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
CPU Management 4
Astrometrics 2
Astrometrics 3
Cloaking 1
Cloaking 2
Cloaking 3
Cloaking 4
Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Weapon Upgrades 1
Propulsion Jamming 1
Propulsion Jamming 2
Spaceship Command 2
Mechanics 2
Weapon Upgrades 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 2
Capacitor Systems Operation 3
Hull Upgrades 3
Hull Upgrades 4
Spaceship Command 3
Mechanics 3
Power Grid Management 4
Weapon Upgrades 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Capacitor Emission Systems 1
Small Energy Turret 1
Drones 1
Light Drone Operation 1
Biology 1
Sensor Linking 1
Target Painting 1
Tactical Shield Manipulation 1
Tactical Shield Manipulation 2
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Tactical Shield Manipulation 3
Tactical Shield Manipulation 4
Shield Emission Systems 1
Shield Upgrades 3
Shield Upgrades 4
Caldari Frigate 2
Caldari Frigate 3
Caldari Destroyer 1
Caldari Destroyer 2
Caldari Destroyer 3
Caldari Cruiser 1
Caldari Cruiser 2
Caldari Cruiser 3
Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Light Missiles 1
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Light Missiles 2
Light Missiles 3
Heavy Assault Missiles 1
Caldari Battlecruiser 1
Repair Systems 1
Repair Systems 2
Remote Armor Repair Systems 1
Hull Upgrades 5

Applying to WHC

We use EVE University's Alliance Auth system for applications. Once you have your Freshman title and met the skill requirements above, you can use the WHC tool here:

Apply to WHC:
WHC Application (Alliance Auth)

Once you've applied, a Community Coordinator will review the application and approve it, giving you access to our structures and our discord channels. This can take anywhere from hours to a couple of days depending on how swamped our staff is. If you've been waiting close to a week, feel free to reach out on discord to a WHC Community Coordinator.

Moving In

Our goal is to make getting started as easy as possible. To achieve this, WHC runs a number of programs designed to let new players hit the ground running without worrying about preparations. Moving in is just three steps:

  1. Jump into a scanning ship with a Covert Ops cloak.
  2. Join our voice comms and the WHC standing fleet.
  3. Open up Pathfinder to find a route in. Any WHC member will be happy to help you find the closest way in if you're unfamiliar.

That's it. You're home!

The most common question new players ask when they join is "which ships should I bring?" Our answer is J.B.Y.S.: Just Bring Your Scanner.

It can be hard for new players to know ahead of time what activities they're going to like and which ships they want to hold. We want new players to be able to experience a bit of wormhole life before having to make decisions about what to haul in. So we ensure that standard PvP doctrine ships are always available on contract in our home station for below-Jita prices and PvE loaner ships for running sites, harvesting gas clouds, or mining asteroids as well as rolling ships are available in the general hangar for anyone to borrow. Once you get a sense for what activities you want to pursue and what your goals are, then you can worry about buying new ships and getting them in. Until then, WHC has you covered.

WHC Moving In Draft.png

Community Rules and Etiquette

Because members tend to interact and rely on each other more than other parts of the University, WHC has some of its own conventions and rules. While most of the community etiquette is easy to pick up as you interact with other players, our policies are covered in detail in [this forum post]. New members are not expected to know everything, but many are important for day-to-day operations.

Alt Characters

Alternate characters are widespread and useful in wormhole space, and players are welcome to bring them to WHC. Alts receive docking rights to all structures and access to our shared bookmarks folder. The requirements are simple:

  • A player must have a main character accepted to WHC.
  • Alts must be a member of a corporation in either the Ivy League or the Ivy League Alt Alliance.

Alts do NOT need to meet the WHC entry requirements, and there is no limit on the number a player may have, within reason (WHC Community Coordinators hold final judgement on this). Alts may be either Omega or Alpha accounts.

Use the same WHC Application (Alliance Auth) to apply with an alt. The process works just like a normal application.

Life at WHC

Unlike most other areas of space in EVE, the shifting connections between wormholes mean that the content available to you is always different and highly unpredictable. This requires a certain mindset: only when you log in will you find out whether there is PvP conflict afoot, PvE opportunities nearby, or just the vast unknown waiting to be charted. Staying flexible and being willing to adapt to the current environment around our home is key to succeeding and enjoying wormhole life.


Scanning is the lifeblood of any wormhole group. Without it, we have no content, our ships are at risk, and we're isolated from known space. Every WHC member scans. It's just part of wormhole life, and it's one of the most fundamental contributions a member makes to the community. Scanning in a group is also a bit different than solo exploration: it requires discipline and standard practices to avoid the complete chaos that would come with everyone using their own idiosyncratic approach.

While new members are not expected to know the intricacies of either, all members will inevitably learn them, as they are fundamental to the operation of the community.


Wormholes are a hotbed of PvP activity, and PvP fights are considered a priority by most wormhole groups, including WHC. This mentality and the desire to seek out fights with other corps leads to a common culture across wormhole space. While nearly all pilots you will run into are bloodthirsty, most are also interested in fighting because it's fun. It's not unusual to have cordial discussion with an opponent, sometimes even leading to changes in the ships that a side is flying to ensure that the fight is more even---and thus more fun. On the flipside, wormhole groups that avoid conflict or are solely interested in ISK-making are generally shunned and often find themselves on the wrong end of an eviction. Wormhole space also has a reputation for smaller scale (but sometimes more expensive) fights. Fleet battles do happen, but most engagements that you will participate in are between 5 and 30 players. This means that your choices matter, and WHC members tend to rapidly gain a lot of first-hand experience fighting (and dying!) in PvP.


Wormhole space can be lucrative. Combat sites, gas clouds, ore anomalies, and hacking sites are all some of the best in EVE. Consistent with EVE University's mission statement, WHC adopts an inclusive, group-focused approach to PvE. Members are encouraged (and in some cases, expected) to make an attempt to invite other members to participate. Luckily, due to the ability to roll new connections, there is literally never a lack of opportunity for new content.

Combat Sites

WHC's C3 static is an efficient source of ISK. We use a fleet doctrine called Harvester to ensure new players and vets alike have access to the most common source of ISK-making in wormhole space.

Gas and Ore

Fullerene gas clouds found in J-space are not found anywhere else, and they are critical to Tech 3 and capital production. Likewise, ore anomalies contain fairly valuable products, rivaling anything short of capital-assisted R64 moon mining.


As any daytripper knows, relic and data sites can be a healthy income source with a very low barrier to entry. Like null-sec, low-class (C1-C3) wormhole systems contain pirate-named data and relic sites, which are among the most profitable. In addition, if you get lucky, wormhole-specific superior ghost sites can occasionally drop items worth billions of ISK.


WHC offers a variety of industrial opportunities, including some that are unique to wormhole space.

Planetary Industry

J105433 contains 10 planets and is capable of producing all T2 PI products, three P4 products, and fuel blocks from the planets available. PI is popular at WHC, and experienced members are usually happy to share tips specific to our home system.


WHC's industrial park is designed to support efficient end-to-end production of T3 ships and subsystems as well as refining of common wormhole resources.

Structures at WHC
Name Type Services Rigs
Vicennial Hall Fortizar Clone Bay N/A
The Crucible Athanor Moon drill, Hybrid Reactions, Composite Reactions Hybrid Reaction ME I, Composite Reaction ME I
Salt Mines Athanor Reprocessing Asteroid Ore Grading I, Ice Grading I, Moon Ore Grading I
WHC Labs Raitaru Manufacturing, Invention, Research Structure ME I, Advanced Component ME I, Equipment Manufacturing ME I
Utopia Planitia Raitaru Manufacturing Advanced Small Ship ME I, Basic Medium Ship ME I, Basic Large Ship ME I


In addition to infrastructure, several members of the wormhole community are Perfect Refiners, which gives members access to refining efficiency better than or equal to anywhere else in the University.

The hybrid polymer outputs of WHC's Gas Upgrade Program are available weekly for sale to members looking to focus on T3 manufacturing at a discounted price.

WHC Culture

Living in wormhole space is demanding and requires a curious combination of self-reliance and cooperation. WHC is a close-knit community where individuals have a lot of freedom to create and guide group content and where communication and teamwork are central to our lifestyle. This unique blend has led to a strong sense of identity and culture, not unlike that of the larger wormhole community in EVE. When you arrive, you become one of us and a part of both those identities.

  • Comradery

WHC operates as a single, cohesive group, whether that means forming an attack fleet to hunt down an enemy, sharing tricks for efficient scouting, or hauling a ship in for a new member. We live and die by the strength of our allies, and empowering them forges a stronger group. These bonds often last well beyond our time in the University, and it is not uncommon to meet, fight, or learn from former Unistas in J-space.

  • Boldness

Wormhole life instills a strong sense of self-motivation and risk-taking. You never know what is lurking in the next system, and nearly every activity requires someone to take a risk to make it happen. WHC members are willing to make things happen, whether it's leading a harvester fleet for the first time, ambushing a stronger enemy target, or just flying something outside of their comfort zone. This mentality is rewarded by patience and understanding from the community: we encourage members to stretch themselves knowing that they will make mistakes. That's how we learn to be better.

  • Willingness to Act

The Wormhole Community is an icon of EVE University. It historically has some of the best pilots the Uni has to offer, it is one of the most active subgroups, and its members are well-respected. This perception has been earned through years of heeding the call of action, but it is ultimately built upon the same foundation of cooperation and teamwork. When the Uni needs combat pilots for stratops, you will find WHC pilots flying key roles; when the Uni needs experienced teachers, you will find WHC members preparing material; and when the Uni needs leadership, you will find WHC members in staff roles, keeping the lights on.


WHC's mission as an immersion program includes creating an environment suitable for learning. This means providing the essential infrastructure, learning material, and guidance that players need. The sections below outline some of these resources.

Community Services

Life in a wormhole comes with additional complexities. While the University provides a variety of services to its members, WHC also runs a number of its own programs that cater to the unique demands of J-space.

Learn about WHC services:
Wormhole Community Services

PvP Doctrines

EVE University maintains a full list of all its combat doctrines in Alliance Auth. WHC relies heavily on three in particular:

The WHC entrance requirements enable all pilots to fly the first two. KSG has a much broader range of ships and tends to be a more personal choice. Members are encouraged to try out various fits and find what they like.

Home Defense

J-space is lawless and does not offer Asset Safety, which means you and your belongings are always at risk. The responsibility of any wormhole denizen, of course, is to defend their home, and WHC is no exception. Briefly, our broad strategy for home defense is three-fold:

  1. Be Ready to Fight: WHC has a home defense doctrine, and all WHC members are eventually expected to train into and own a home defense ship.
  2. Pack Light and Share: The best way to avoid losing something is never to have it in the first place. Only bring what you need and take advantage of communal resources.
  3. Safeguard Your Assets: If the worst case comes to pass, ensure that your belongings don't end up floating in space.
Learn about Home Defense:
Wormhole Community Home Defense

Community Coordinators

Community Coordinators (CCs) help guide the Wormhole Community. They are content creators, custodians, teachers, and the point of contact for community members who don't know who to ask. They are here to help you, so if you have questions about WHC or issues that need to get sored out, please do not be afraid to contact them.

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Morra Deovindice
(Community Lead)
Boran Lordsworth Lord Finnbar Lucius Thrawla Maesma Starhunter NeedsNames Tealson Darkstar Torg Navatin