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Chris Halsky (talk | contribs) |
Chris Halsky (talk | contribs) |
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=Useful links= | =Useful links= | ||
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | ===Safety=== | ||
+ | https://localthreat.xyz/ - parses local chat to threat level<br> | ||
+ | https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/The_Forge/Jita#kills24 - Pick system, set "Ship/Pod kills 24h"<br> | ||
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | ===Market=== | ||
+ | http://evepraisal.com/ - quick appraisals<br> | ||
+ | https://janice.e-351.com/ - better quick appraisals<br> | ||
+ | https://www.adam4eve.eu/ - Market site, lot of info, great<br> | ||
+ | https://evemarketer.com/ - Market site, also useful<br> | ||
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | ===PvE=== | ||
+ | http://games.chruker.dk/eve_online/mission.php - detailed mission stats<br> | ||
+ | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SAv6bnGM-5etLoPHxVtCsbsz8Q8feN5CFSEgUZclPLI/pub#h.4u1aujok36kc - Burner mission guide<br> | ||
+ | https://eve-incursions.de/ - Incursions status, rats, info<br> | ||
+ | https://odealo.com/articles/eve-online-missions-guide - Mission guide, probably outdated, but good read<br> | ||
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | ===Mechanics=== | ||
+ | https://eve-search.com/thread/632650/page/1 - Standings thingy<br> | ||
+ | [https://wiki.quadratic.net/images/thumb/2/26/EVE-NPC-Damage-Types-Cheat-Sheet-v1.6.png/1800px-EVE-NPC-Damage-Types-Cheat-Sheet-v1.6.png NPC damage types] - NPC damage types | ||
+ | https://crossingzebras.com/medium-missiles-and-you/ - Missiles details<br> | ||
+ | http://schildwall-playground.stefan-damerau.de/basics/inter_faction/ - Standigns again<br> | ||
+ | |||
+ | |||
+ | ===Misc=== | ||
+ | https://eve-files.com/search/evemusic - EVE music!<br> | ||
+ | https://external-preview.redd.it/rWjVkJvscg65lM_GZmCjR1zg7zPqwh3_XChqtiOoDhQ.png?auto=webp&s=5f67320241d6abfb7f0fe6c3e35f1bba740ce9a4 - EVE subway<br> | ||
+ | https://imperium.news/alod-pay-to-win/ - Why pay to win doesn't work<br> | ||
+ | https://content.eveonline.com/pdf/eve_v1.4_black.pdf - EVE, the Book<br> | ||
+ | https://www.thealphasguide.com/ - Good guide for start<br> | ||
+ | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv7vPtXdWnk - I'm in a Rokh!<br> | ||
+ | https://eve-files.com/media/corp/tomiko/evechronicles13.pdf - EVE chronicles<br> | ||
+ | https://evetravel.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/mark726s-eve-lore-survival-guide-v-2-0-pics.pdf - More lore<br> |
Revision as of 16:33, 3 April 2022
1. The Ploy
2. Super Simple Salvage Split Solution
3. Evergreen Skill Plan
4. Ship breakdown
5. My mission ships
6. L4 mission log
7. Gallery
8. Q-Click-Click
9. Quick OBS setup guide
10. SoE Blitz
11. Build a Praxis
12. When to use Autopilot
13. Tinker Tank
14. No L4 Sec, what do?
15. Useful links
The Ploy
Super Simple Salvage Split Solution
- If dedicated salvager runs during fleet - they get double share for all missions
- If dedicated salvager stays after fleet is finished - they get double share for all missions
- If someone runs missions, and then goes salvaging - they get double share for all missions
- If no dedicated salvager - bookmarks are donated to shared folder, at least 30 minutes before despawn
Evergreen Skill Plan
Evergreen Skill Plan is my take on skills that you should train in the beginning. Feel free to modify it according to your taste - I find it a bit better than Pyramid Skill Plan - it covers more or less the same skills, but in different order.
Update: All skill plans are available in "Evergreen Skill Plan" chat channel in game :)
My general recommendation is to train Short Skill Plan, then Root skills. After that select your tank type and main weapon system, put both skill lists into queue, and start training from shortest skills - starting from short skills gives you the most gain in short time, and you'll gradually improve tank/weapon skills. You can also include Support skills list into that if you wish - I trained it after T2 tank. Later you can finish with T2 weapon support skills, and add Drones - for majority of ships at BC+ size drones are useful to have.
What these lists do not include, are skills for specific weapons - train them up to lvl III if you need them, to lvl V + Specialization if you really love them and they will become your main weapons. Don't be afraid to test different weapons systems - you might find that you prefer one over another. I also did not include ship skills - train them when you feel like flying different ships :)
Bottom line: If you need some skills to fly a new ship - train them and have fun, don't let this plan limit what you can do!
Root skills are almost the same as pyramid base - these skills are universally useful, I highly recommend training them first. I know that CPU/PG Management V are long trains, but this really opens up your fitting possibilities.
Root Skills - a must for every pilot [12d20h]
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Thermodynamics I Thermodynamics II Mechanics III Jury Rigging I Jury Rigging II Jury Rigging III Weapon Upgrades III Thermodynamics III CPU Management V Power Grid Management V Weapon Upgrades IV
T2 Tank skills - you don't need to train both types of tanks in the beginning. If you focus mainly on one type of tank, feel free to ignore the second one, and train it later. T2 tank skills are very useful - I recommend having them trained when you start flying in BCs.
T2 Shield
Skills for T2 Shield Tank. If you fly mainly shield tanked ships - it's a must [15d5h]
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Energy Grid Upgrades I Energy Grid Upgrades II Shield Upgrades II Shield Management II Tactical Shield Manipulation II Mechanics III Shield Operation III Shield Compensation I Shield Compensation II Shield Upgrades III Energy Grid Upgrades III Shield Compensation III Shield Management III Tactical Shield Manipulation III Mechanics IV Shield Operation IV Hull Upgrades IV Shield Upgrades IV Energy Grid Upgrades IV Shield Compensation IV Shield Management IV Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
T2 Armor
Skills for T2 Armor Tank. If you fly mainly Armor tanked ships - it's a must [25d13h]
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Repair Systems I Repair Systems II Mechanics III Armor Layering I Repair Systems III Energy Grid Upgrades I Energy Grid Upgrades II Energy Grid Upgrades III Mechanics IV Repair Systems IV Hull Upgrades IV Energy Grid Upgrades IV Mechanics V Repair Systems V Hull Upgrades V
T1 Weapon systems - again, at first you do not have to train everything. If you choose one weapon system you like the most, train support skills for that system first. For Launchers and Turrets you also need to add specific skills - I have not included them here, since that depends a lot on your preference and play style.
T1 Missiles
Support skills for missiles launchers. Good for start.[9d]
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Missile Launcher Operation II Rapid Launch I Target Navigation Prediction I Missile Bombardment I Missile Bombardment II Rapid Launch II Target Navigation Prediction II Missile Launcher Operation III Missile Projection I Missile Projection II Missile Bombardment III Rapid Launch III Target Navigation Prediction III Missile Launcher Operation IV Guided Missile Precision I Warhead Upgrades I Guided Missile Precision II Warhead Upgrades II Guided Missile Precision III Warhead Upgrades III Missile Launcher Operation V
T1 Turrets
Support skills for turrets. Good for start. [8d45h]
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Surgical Strike I Controlled Bursts II Surgical Strike II Trajectory Analysis II Motion Prediction III Rapid Firing III Sharpshooter III Controlled Bursts III Surgical Strike III Trajectory Analysis III Gunnery IV Sharpshooter IV Rapid Firing IV Controlled Bursts IV
T1 Drones
Drone skills. Basic skillset useful for everyone - but check which size of drones is needed [9d19h]
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Drone Avionics II Light Drone Operation I Light Drone Operation II Drones II Drones III Medium Drone Operation I Medium Drone Operation II Drone Avionics III Light Drone Operation III Medium Drone Operation III Drones IV Drone Navigation I Drone Durability I Drone Navigation II Drone Durability II Drone Navigation III Drone Durability III Drones V Drone Sharpshooting I Drone Interfacing I Heavy Drone Operation I Drone Sharpshooting II Drone Interfacing II Heavy Drone Operation II Drone Sharpshooting III Drone Interfacing III Heavy Drone Operation III
Support skills. This list might grow, but in my opinion that's minimum of support skills you need - they are useful for all different ships and tasks, and having them will be beneficial.
General support skills
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Advanced Weapon Upgrades I Advanced Weapon Upgrades II Advanced Weapon Upgrades III Capacitor Management IV Capacitor Systems Operation IV Energy Grid Upgrades II Energy Grid Upgrades III Acceleration Control I Acceleration Control II Acceleration Control III Evasive Maneuvering II Evasive Maneuvering III Fuel Conservation I Fuel Conservation II Fuel Conservation III High Speed Maneuvering II High Speed Maneuvering III Signature Analysis III Long Range Targeting III Navigation IV Thermodynamics IV Warp Drive Operation III Target Management IV
T2 Wepons support skills - if you have found your favourite weapon system, train specific weapon skill to V, and then specialization - you will be able to use T2 variant of such weapon. Additionally, finish training support skill to lvl V. Below skill list do not contain every support skill - train to V if you wish :)
T2 Missiles
Missiles support skills. Train these if you go towards T2 launchers
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Missile Bombardment IV Rapid Launch IV Warhead Upgrades IV Guided Missile Precision IV Target Navigation Prediction IV Missile Projection IV
T2 Turrets
Turret support skills. Train these if you go towards T2 turrets
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Motion Prediction IV Surgical Strike IV Gunnery V Trajectory Analysis IV Motion Prediction V Surgical Strike V Trajectory Analysis V
T2 Drones
Drones skills. Train these if you fly drone boat.
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Drone Avionics IV Drone Navigation IV Light Drone Operation IV Medium Drone Operation IV Drone Durability IV Drone Sharpshooting IV Drone Interfacing IV Heavy Drone Operation IV Light Drone Operation V Medium Drone Operation V Heavy Drone Operation V
Rigs and Compensations skills get their own category. Most of them are not useful - for example EX shield amplifiers are almost not used, so it doesn't make sense to train them. If you use rigs from specific category (for example Shield rigs) - train these. The same with Compensation skills - if you use specific module (for example EM shield resistance amplifier is quite common) train only specific skill.
Rigging skills. Train them only if you use these rigs, and you have to - it doesn't matter otherwise
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
Drones Rigging I Drones Rigging II Drones Rigging III Energy Weapon Rigging I Energy Weapon Rigging II Energy Weapon Rigging III Hybrid Weapon Rigging I Hybrid Weapon Rigging II Hybrid Weapon Rigging III Projectile Weapon Rigging I Projectile Weapon Rigging II Projectile Weapon Rigging III Launcher Rigging I Launcher Rigging II Launcher Rigging III Astronautics Rigging I Astronautics Rigging II Astronautics Rigging III Shield Rigging I Shield Rigging II Shield Rigging III Armor Rigging I Armor Rigging II Armor Rigging III
Compensation skills. Train them only if you use these modules, and you have to - it doesn't matter otherwise
Expand this box to view a Skill queue to use in-game
EM Shield Compensation I Explosive Shield Compensation I Kinetic Shield Compensation I Thermal Shield Compensation I EM Shield Compensation II Explosive Shield Compensation II Kinetic Shield Compensation II Thermal Shield Compensation II EM Shield Compensation III Explosive Shield Compensation III Kinetic Shield Compensation III Thermal Shield Compensation III
EM Armor Compensation I Explosive Armor Compensation I Kinetic Armor Compensation I Thermal Armor Compensation I EM Armor Compensation II Explosive Armor Compensation II Kinetic Armor Compensation II Thermal Armor Compensation II EM Armor Compensation III Explosive Armor Compensation III Kinetic Armor Compensation III Thermal Armor Compensation III
Is that plan good? I don't really know. I find split for 2 different tank types and T1/T2 split of weapon systems to be eaiser to manage than pyramid. It's not complete - it does not include every skill (byt the time you are at that point, you should have good feeling what to train) and does not have EWAR/Tackle/Logi skills - by design, as I find their inclusion in basic skill plan for new players to be mistake. These skills are important - but I've seen new players training EWAR, because it's in the pyramid, before training any weapon skills - which is a mistake. If you want to specialize in these roles - Pyramid Skill Plan is your friend.
Ship breakdown
Faction | Ship | Ship Class | Tank | Major Weapon | Additional weapon | |
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Kestrel | Frigate | Shield | Light Missiles Rockets |
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Merlin | Frigate | Shield | Small Hybrid Turrets | ||
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Cormorant | Destroyer | Shield | Small Hybrid Turrets | ||
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Corax | Destroyer | Shield | Light Missiles Rockets |
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Caracal | Cruiser | Shield | Light/Heavy/Assault Missiles | Light Drones | |
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Moa | Cruiser | Shield | Medium Hybrid Turrets | Light Drones | |
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Drake | Battle Cruiser | Shield | Heavy/Assault Missiles | Light Drones | |
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Ferox | Battle Cruiser | Shield | Medium Hybrid Turrets | Light Drones | |
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Naga | Battle Cruiser | Shield | Large Hybrid Turrets | ||
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Tormentor | Frigate | Armor | Small Energy Turrets | |
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Punisher | Frigate | Armor | Small Energy Turrets | ||
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Coercer | Destroyer | Armor | Small Energy Turrets | ||
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Dragoon | Destroyer | Armor | Light Drones | ||
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Maller | Cruiser | Armor | Medium Energy Turrets | Light Drones | |
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Omen | Cruiser | Armor | Medium Energy Turrets | Light/Medium Drones | |
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Prophecy | Battle Cruiser | Armor | Light/Medium/Heavy Drones | ||
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Harbinger | Battle Cruiser | Armor | Medium Energy Turrets | Light/Medium Drones | |
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Oracle | Battle Cruiser | Armor | Large Energy Turrets | ||
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Tristan | Frigate | Armor | Small Hybrid Turrets | |
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Incursus | Frigate | Armor | Small Hybrid Turrets | ||
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Catalyst | Destroyer | Armor | Small Hybrid Turrets | ||
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Algos | Destroyer | Armor | Light/Medium Drones | Small Hybrid Turrets | |
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Vexor | Cruiser | Armor | Light/Medium/Heavy Drones | Medium Hybrid Turrets | |
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Thorax | Cruiser | Armor | Medium Hybrid Turrets | Light/Medium Drones | |
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Brutix | Battle Cruiser | Armor | Medium Hybrid Turrets | Light/Medium Drones | |
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Myrmidon | Battle Cruiser | Armor | Light/Medium/Heavy Drones | ||
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Talos | Battle Cruiser | Armor | Large Hybrid Turrets | Light Drones | |
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Breacher | Frigate | Shield | Light Missiles Rockets |
Light Drones |
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Rifter | Frigate | Shield | Small Projectile Turrets | ||
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Thrasher | Destroyer | Shield | Small Projectile Turrets | ||
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Talwar | Destroyer | Shield | Light Missiles Rockets |
Light Drones | |
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Rupture | Cruiser | Shield | Medium Projectile Turrets | Light/Medium Drones | |
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Stabber | Cruiser | Shield | Medium Projectile Turrets | Light Drones | |
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Cyclone | Battle Cruiser | Shield | Heavy/Assault Missiles | Light/Medium Drones | |
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Hurricane | Battle Cruiser | Shield | Medium Projectile Turrets | Light/Medium Drones | |
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Tornado | Battle Cruiser | Shield | Large Projectile Turrets |
My mission ships
Lazy Gila
Cheap and easy to fly - for a L4 runner. Manages to run all L4s without big issues - some of them require manual flying, but nothing really bad should happen. Important to note - webs are super dangerous, as it relies heavily on speed tanking.
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Drone Link Augmentor I
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner
Large Shield Extender II
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Valkyrie II x2
Hammerhead II x2
Vespa II x4
Infiltrator II x2
Scourge Auto-Targeting Light Missile I x300
Scourge Light Missile x2000
Scourge Fury Light Missile x2000

- Shield Management IV
- Shield Operation IV
- Shield Upgrades IV
- Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
- Caldari Cruiser IV
- Cap stability with AB on is crucial
- Good Drone skills will improve completion times, but are not strictly necessary.
A bit of breakdown:
High slots: RLMLs - I use T2s, but you can load Arbalests if you don't have skills. On Gila missiles are used only to get frigates down - they have very low DPS compared to drones, so it's not super important. Link Augmentor I, as II will push CPU to dangerous areas.
Med slots: All dedicated to tank. Large Shield Extender IIs would be enough, but Caldari version uses less CPU, which helps. AB chosen to be cap stable - you can use any type, but cap stability is very important - you need to move fast all the time, otherwise you will have a bad day.
Low slots: All DPS. I considered briefly Federation variant, but that's bling for not much gain - in the end I skipped it. Take it if you want it.
Rigs: Unfortunately set of Purgers II is required to tank all L4s. Rather expensive, but take them, do not downgrade to Is
Drones: Sets of T2s - I prefer Vespas over all other types, as they have decent DPS, Kinetic is 'good enough' for missions, and Vespas are shield tanked - they survive almost anything.
Cargo: Same story - Kinetic is good enough, and carrying 4 types of missiles is cumbersome. Or I'm too lazy for it :P I usually use normal missiles or Furies, auto-targeting might be useful when damped/jammed - that rarely happens.
Other Notes: Fit is over CPU - I need EE-603 for it. If you want to avoid having implant, then Arbalests are required. Fit is perfectly fine with Navy Drones, and you can even Meta-down shield modules - but I would recommend taking Damage Control II in low slot. Overall if tank is not compromised, you will be fine in all missions - maybe slower with such changes. I tested all L4s with shield skills on IV - so max skills are not needed by any means.
Black Gila
Quote |
Gila is innefficient mission runner |
I cannot leave that without reaction :) It looks like this:
Black Eagle Drone Link Augmentor
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Pithum A-Type Medium Shield Booster
Sentient Sensor Booster
Domination Shield Boost Amplifier
Sentient Drone Navigation Computer
Republic Fleet 10MN Afterburner
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
C3-X 'Hivaa Saitsuo' Ballistic Control System
Sentient Drone Damage Amplifier
Sentient Drone Damage Amplifier
Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II
Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer II
Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II
'Augmented' Hammerhead x2
'Augmented' Infiltrator x2
'Augmented' Valkyrie x2
'Augmented' Vespa x2
'Subverted' JVN-UC49 x1
Inferno Fury Heavy Missile x1000
Scourge Fury Heavy Missile x1000
Scourge Precision Heavy Missile x1000
Scourge Heavy Missile x1000

That's a completely different beast. Active tank, to get 2 utility med slots, Heavy Missiles for more DPS, and bling all over the place, to make it fit on CPU. It also assumes you have at least Med-grade Hydra set (and High-grade being better) to fix application of missiles and drones and heavy missile hardwirings. It can spit out 916 DPS with Hammerheads and Fury missiles, has adequate tank and looks great in black SKIN. Costs 6 Billions together with implants, so be careful :P I do not recommend that ship, unless you obey rule 0 (Fly what you can afford to lose), and losing 2B ship and 4B pod is not a big deal for you.
For cheaper option (probably more reasonable too) swap Heavy Missiles to RLMLs - then you can take 3x DDA II in low slots, Drone Link Augmentor II in high slot, and replace sensor booster with Omni Tracking link - that way Hydras are not needed, and it uses up 99.37% of available CPU, which works ok. Also take T2 drones, not Augs. That lowers the price to 750-ish M, and DPS to 760.
Land Speeder
Big, bad and ugly. This Machariel chews through rats, flies fast and is super fun to play. Probably overtanked, a bit blingy, requires EE-605. It's my second most used ship after Gila, but requires your attention - no coffee breaks during missions :)
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
800mm Repeating Cannon II
Auto Targeting System I
Domination Shield Boost Amplifier
Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
'Marketeer' Tracking Computer
Domination 500MN Microwarpdrive
Pith A-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Domination Shield Boost Amplifier
Damage Control II
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Large EM Shield Reinforcer II
Large Thermal Shield Reinforcer II
Large Projectile Collision Accelerator I
Hornet II x5
Vespa II x10
Barrage L x10000
Hail L x10000
Tracking Speed Script x1
Optimal Range Script x1

Stupidly tanked Praxis, for running Epic Arcs. It can run all of them, doesn't require perfect skills (Shield skills at IV) and is designed to survive every mission in Epic Arcs. Some (Studio 1) are tricky, but all of them are doable solo. Tested here.
'Arbalest' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
'Arbalest' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
'Arbalest' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
'Arbalest' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
'Arbalest' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
'Arbalest' Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher I
Drone Link Augmentor I
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Missile Guidance Computer II
Large Micro Jump Drive
Copasetic Compact Shield Boost Amplifier
Pith X-Type X-Large Shield Booster
Copasetic Compact Shield Boost Amplifier
Co-Processor II
Co-Processor II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Ballistic Control System II
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Caldari Navy Vespa x6
Caldari Navy Warden x4
Federation Navy Garde x2

Cargo hold: |
1x 500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive 1x Caldari Shuttle |
Additionally, you will need Atron (or other frigate) fit for sub-2s align and MWD in your frigate escape bay. With that set all Epic Arcs are yours :)
Future plans
Cerberus - almost made, but lacking skills. Due to last changes without MWD, but with 100MN AB - should be fun when I finally build it.
Nighthawk - in plans, as a booster for mission fleets, and as a test 'How absurdly can you passive tank' - against Serpentis it has more than 1k EHP/s :D
L4 mission log
- ^ Garoun Investment Bank (Gallente) in Verge Vendor
- ^ Ministry of Internal Order (Amarr) in Domain
- ^ That's actually not a full clear. Do not attempt to clear that mission, unless you know what you're doing
- ^ Ishukone Watch (Caldari) in Lonetrek
- ^ Republic Security Services (Minmatar) in Lonetrek
- ^ Caldari Navy (Caldari) in Lonetrek
Out of hundreds of screenshots, few of them are worth saving. Here they are.
What's that?
Q-Click-Click, officially called 'using Approach hotkey' is superior way of manual piloting. It allows to manually go to any point in space, without moving your camera. This allows to move around grid with ease, while having good view of space around you.
How you do that?
As name suggest, you hold 'Q' (default keybind for 'Approach') and click twice.
1. Hold Q
2. First click determines your 'direction' and distance you want to travel, then you can select 'elevation' of your path. Notice how diameter of circle (distance) doesn't change.
3. Second click determines confirms destination and your ships starts to move
4. Keep in mind - target point distance is set by first click - if you reach it, your ship will stop
5. Useful for aligning down the gates
6. If you hold Q and doubleclick on any object, you will start direct approach to that object
It requires getting used to - but is really great when it comes to manual piloting :)
Quick OBS setup guide
What's OBS?
It's a freeware software for screen capture - has many useful features, but I'll cover here simple setup to grab your screen :)
1. Go to https://obsproject.com/ and download OBS for your OS
2. Install it
3. Launch OBS - you will see that screen: (you can re-launch it via Tool -> Auto configuration wizard)
4. Select "Optimize just for recording"
5. On next screen, select which resolution OSB should use. "Use Current" selects current screen settings, dropdown lists other options (other screens or resolutions)
6. Last screen will show summary, should look like that. Click Apply settings.
7. IMPORTANT STEP - in mixer (middle bottom) mute your Mic/Aux - otherwise OBS will also capture your mic input. You can mute (or not) Desktop Audio - that's your audio output - it will contain game sounds, but also voice of others from mumble, so if you're in comms, mute that also
8. In sources window (bottom) click "+" icon
9. In expanded list, select "Display Capture"
10. Click OK in next two dialogs
11. Go to Settings -> Output and select output directory
12. Done. When you press "Start Recording" it will record your screen, until you press stop :) Be careful though, as it will also record other things on your screen, like your desktop. Setting it up the so it won't is left as excercise to the reader :)
SoE Blitz
The Challenge
SoE Epic Arc can be blitzed. Pretty impressive times can be reached, using Interceptors/T3Ds/other advanced ships. The Challenge which I wanted to accomplish is to speedrun SoE Epic Arc counting from Character Generation - you start up new Alpha toon, and your only objective is to finish that Epic Arc. You can set up whatever you need in advance, but all missions have to be done solo. Can you beat me?
1. 6h 51m First run - completely without preparation, including some Jita shipping - 6h 51m. That includes shipping time, figuring out skills, fumbling with corp invite, all that stuff. Super un-optimized, it was just a test run to check how fast you can get enough skills to beat Dagan.
2. 3h 57m Second run - timed from start of character creation to entering biomassing queue. I bothed the skills a bit, and probably I could squeeze our couple minutes from that time, but I consided 4h to be reasonable for blitz :)
1. Ship choice To run that arc fast, I need two ships. One fast ship, and one tough ship. For fast ship, I opted for Merlin - fresh toons have gunnery skills already trained, so I can use small hybrids right away. It's fitted and rigged for warp speed, as due to low skills I cannot make it sub3s. Also Expanded Cargohold is needed, due to one mission requiring moving 150m3 of materials.
For tough ship I chose Gnosis. I do not need any skills to fly it, and craptastic RLML fit had barely enough DPS to kill Dagan. In fact I'm using 2 different fits - one for Arnon (where I need AB and better tank for Dagan) and one for 4 (!) other Gnosises, located around SoE mission areas (Harerget, Hatakani, Hek, Lisudeh) - that saves on travel time with Gnosis. Each one is parked and waiting for me while I travel in Merlin
2. Skills Missile Launcher II Light Missiles I Light Drones I Social I Social II
Aaaand that's all. You do not have time to train anything else, and that plan assumes 2.500 SP from skilling spree.
You can't run SoE Arc on your Alpha alt to boost standings of your main, since you can't log on with 2 Alpha accounts. But you can trade with me :) How it works: 1. You run SoE on fresh alpha (be reasonable, train it for few days), and you finish it while my toon is in fleet - that way I get standings boost. Then you can scrap that alt. 2. In return, I do the same - I finish Arc with toon chosen by you in fleet with me. We both get standings boost on our main accounts, while using Alpha accounts to help each other. I have SoE solved - I need one evening to run it for you, so whenever you are ready to trade - DM me on Discord :)
When to use Autopilot
Click for Guide -> When to use Autopilot?
Tinker Tank
Tinker tank, idea that shouldn't work, but works. You use local tank (Armor/Shield Reps) or Remote Reps but instead of capacitor mods, you sacrifice High Slots for Cap transfers and you slap in some Egress Port Maximizer rigs to make it 'over-unity' efficient. Scary effective :D
Large Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Large Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Large Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Large Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Large Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Drone Link Augmentor I
Drone Link Augmentor I
Dread Guristas X-Large Shield Booster
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Co-Processor II
Co-Processor II
Damage Control II
Large Egress Port Maximizer II
Large Egress Port Maximizer I
Large Core Defense Operational Solidifier II
Tracking Speed Script x1
Federation Navy Garde x4
Federation Navy Ogre x3
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x5
Synth Blue Pill Booster x0
Agency 'Hardshell' TB3 Dose I x0

- 5 cap transfers + X-Large Guristas Booster. It's CAP STABLE!!! Awesome :D Unfortunately you don't get any high slots, all sacrificed for cap. Fit can be used for multiboxing AFK mission fleets, as that was it's original purpose.
Large I-ax Enduring Remote Armor Repairer
Large I-ax Enduring Remote Armor Repairer
Large I-ax Enduring Remote Armor Repairer
Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter II
Drone Link Augmentor II
Sensor Booster II
Target Painter II
Cap Recharger II
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
500MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Damage Control II
Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
Imperial Navy Multispectrum Energized Membrane
Reactive Armor Hardener
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Large Remote Repair Augmentor II
Large Egress Port Maximizer II
Large Egress Port Maximizer II
Scan Resolution Script x1
Acolyte II x5
Caldari Navy Warden x4
Federation Navy Garde x5
Federation Navy Ogre x5
Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Systems Operation EO-603 x0
Inherent Implants 'Noble' Remote Armor Repair Systems RA-703 x0
Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Management EM-803 x0
Mobile Depot x1
Stasis Webifier II x1

- Domi with Remote Reps. You need more than one to get cap stable, but when you get it - it's awesome. Similar to Praxis in a way, and probably a bit better.
No L4 Sec, what do?
If you really, really want to grind standings, and Corporation you want has no L4 Security agents, what's the best way to do it?
L4 Mining Missions
Oh Bob, they are painful. I was running them in tanky Retriever, so not really the most efficient mining ship (but I'm not a miner), and here's what I found out:
- Ivestment required - 60M or so
- Missions max 1 jump away
- Relatively safe - no issues with rats, one failed gank attempt (got away with 3% hull or something like that)
- Missions give 1.6% or 2.6% Corp Standings, but take between 40 to 80 minutes (AAARGH)
- In total 20 missions were needed from 0.0 to 5.0 (with Social V and Connections IV)
- Total time - around 5-6 normalized evenings of play :)
L4 Distro Missions
That was my second approach (and the Corp in question had no other L4 agents anyway). Swapped ship to Badger with Cloak trick ready and WCS in low slot. I juggled Expanded Cargo and IStabs depending on mission.
- Investment - 10M
- Missions between 2 to 8 jumps away (3-4 being most common, YMMV)
- I had to visit LowSec, (let's say 15% of missions), so ship losses were calculated
- All L4 Distros give 1% (+/- 0.1) Corp standings, no matter distance and Security of target system. Missions took me between 7 to 15 minutes, depending on route.
- Total of 51 missions were required. Ufff, that's a lot.
- From 0 standings to 5.0 it took me 2-3 evenings from start to finish. Comparable to L4 Security, maybe tad slower.
L3 Security Missions
Surprising. L3 Security have almost the same standing rewards as L4s, but with correct ship (think of L4 capable ship with improved application) you can run them super fast - several of them are doable in 5-10 minutes.
- Investment - L4 ship, fix application
- Missions couple of jumps away
- Safe, keep in mind that speedtanking is worse and more webs/neuts than in L4s
- Rewards between 0.3% and 3.5%, averaging roughly 2%
- I've run 32 missions to get 5.0
- I would say 2 evenings. But you need more missions than L4s, so higher chance of missions against factions
But what about L4s?
For completenes, stas about L4 Security:
- Investment - L4 ship
- Couple of jumps, except few missions
- Safe as L4s :D
- Standings gains between 0.6% for Recon 3 up to 5.7% for Worlds and Angel Vaganza, average about 3%
- You will need about 20 missions
- 2 to 3 evenings, depending on missions
Useful links
https://localthreat.xyz/ - parses local chat to threat level
https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/The_Forge/Jita#kills24 - Pick system, set "Ship/Pod kills 24h"
http://evepraisal.com/ - quick appraisals
https://janice.e-351.com/ - better quick appraisals
https://www.adam4eve.eu/ - Market site, lot of info, great
https://evemarketer.com/ - Market site, also useful
http://games.chruker.dk/eve_online/mission.php - detailed mission stats
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SAv6bnGM-5etLoPHxVtCsbsz8Q8feN5CFSEgUZclPLI/pub#h.4u1aujok36kc - Burner mission guide
https://eve-incursions.de/ - Incursions status, rats, info
https://odealo.com/articles/eve-online-missions-guide - Mission guide, probably outdated, but good read
https://eve-search.com/thread/632650/page/1 - Standings thingy
NPC damage types - NPC damage types
https://crossingzebras.com/medium-missiles-and-you/ - Missiles details
http://schildwall-playground.stefan-damerau.de/basics/inter_faction/ - Standigns again
https://eve-files.com/search/evemusic - EVE music!
https://external-preview.redd.it/rWjVkJvscg65lM_GZmCjR1zg7zPqwh3_XChqtiOoDhQ.png?auto=webp&s=5f67320241d6abfb7f0fe6c3e35f1bba740ce9a4 - EVE subway
https://imperium.news/alod-pay-to-win/ - Why pay to win doesn't work
https://content.eveonline.com/pdf/eve_v1.4_black.pdf - EVE, the Book
https://www.thealphasguide.com/ - Good guide for start
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv7vPtXdWnk - I'm in a Rokh!
https://eve-files.com/media/corp/tomiko/evechronicles13.pdf - EVE chronicles
https://evetravel.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/mark726s-eve-lore-survival-guide-v-2-0-pics.pdf - More lore