Upwell Covert Research Facilities

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Site Details
Upwell Covert Research Facilities
Type Combat Anomaly
Found in Low security, Null security
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damageThermal damageKinetic damageExplosive damage Omni
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damageThermal damageKinetic damageExplosive damage Omni

Upwell Covert Research Facilities are combat anomalies, which are part of the ingame Lightning Strikes event running from the 15th to 29th of June 2020. They are found on the anomaly scanner in low security space as well as areas of nullsec associated with Upwell member corporations.


The rats found and fought in the combat anomalies are Rogue Drones. They come in four types, each with its damage type and resist hole, as well as in different hull classes with different EWAR.

Damage and resist holes

  • Type-A : EM damage and weakness
  • Type-B : Thermal damage and weakness
  • Type-C : Kinetic damage and weakness
  • Type-D : Explosive damage and weakness


  • Frigates: Scram and web
  • Destroyer: point and neut
  • Cruiser: point and weapon disrupt
  • Battlecruiser: point


The combat anomaly is an ungated pocket in space. Once entered it will appear as a beacon in the overview for all players. The site consists of 4 waves of random ships and a final boss wave.

Each wave will have 3-7 random ships.

Waves x4

Frigate 0-4 x Frigate random Anomalous Alvi
Destroyer 0-2 x Destroyer random Anomalous Alvior
Cruiser 0-2 x Cruiser random Anomalous Alvum
Battlecruiser 0-2 x Battlecruiser Renewing Anomalous Alvatis

The final wave is always the same. The Swarm Overmind spawns alone. It does heavy neuting, points and webs.

Final wave

Battleship 1 x Battleship Swarm Overmind 2102 Destroying decloakes the Decloaked Backup Storage Vault Warp Disruptor Energy Neutralizer Stasis Webifier faction modules, BPC, EDENCOM crafting materials.


Icon PersonalHangarArray.png 1 x Decloaked Backup Storage Vault clear the site for it to decloak. BPCs, skillbooks, boosters, materials.


The rewards from clearing this site is:

  • BPCs
  • Skillbooks
  • Boosters
  • Crafting Materials

Bounty from clearing this site is about 20.000.000 ISK.


Destroying the Swarm Overmind can make the site escalate to the EDENCOM Covert Research Headquarters. This escalation comes in two parts and are increasingly more difficult.