Caldari State

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Founded on the tenets of patriotism and hard work that carried its ancestors through hardships on an inhospitable homeworld, the Caldari State is today a corporate dictatorship, led by rulers who are determined to see it return to the meritocratic ideals of old. Ruthless and efficient in the boardroom as well as on the battlefield, the Caldari are living emblems of strength, persistence, and dignity.


The home planet of the Caldari is Caldari Prime in the system of Gallente. The Gallente prime, the home planet of the Gallente, is located in the same system.


The Caldari were once part of the Gallente Federation. Soon after the technology for interstellar travel was rediscovered in Gallente Federation the Caldari corporations started secret colonization of their own. Once the Gallente Federation found out about these colonies the Federation of course demanded that they are put under the authority of the Federation. The Caldari corporations declined. The relationships were tense and Caldari Prime was put under blockade. Eventually, Caldari partisans in Caldari Prime sabotaged an underwater Gallente city. The Gallente retaliated with orbital bombardment and the Gallente - Caldari war began. The war lasted for a hundred years until the newly formed CONCORD was finally able to negotiate peace between the two factions. Caldari Prime is still under Gallente control to this day and the relationships between Gallente and Caldari are very bad.

Caldari in PvE

Caldari rats deal kinetic and thermal damage with a strong emphasis on kinetic damage as you go up in ship size. The best damage to use against Caldari is kinetic with thermal being second best.

The EWAR of choice for Caldari rats is jamming. This can make fighting against Caldari rats annoying.

Caldari ships

The Caldari State offers a full line of tech 1 ships designed to use both missile and hybrid weapons (mostly railguns) and are built for shield tanking. The Caldari Navy also offers multiple upgraded navy faction ships for capsuleers.

See also