Capsuleer Day XXI

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Capsuleer Day XXI is a limited time event celebrating 21 years of EVE from 30th April to 30th May 2023, downtime to downtime.

Login Campaign

Capsuleers must have logged in daily to collect all rewards. The campaign rewards SKINs, Boosters and 125.000 Skill Points for Alpha.png Alpha clones with 525.000 additional Skill Points, 26,500 EverMarks, and Society of Conscious Thought ships for Omega.png Omega clones.

Agency Campaign


Task Name Description Reward
Combat Challenges
Self-Preservation Destroy a hostile drone while exploring Treacherous Collapsed Conduit sites or the Abyssal Battlefields accessed by a Sinister Exotic Filament. Event icon.png 5 points
Exploration Challenges
Urgent Report SOCT has discovered the scattered emergence of new collapsed conduits from Abyssal Deadspace into New Eden. Equip your ship with core scanner probes and a Relic Analyzer module, scan down one of the Desolate Collapsed Conduit site signatures and then enter it. Event icon.png 10 points
Obtaining Data and Materials Use a Relic Analyzer on the Cache or Tower Vault Wrecks found within Desolate Collapsed Conduit sites. Initial reports suggest that these wrecks have a chance to contain materials and reconstructed blueprint data that will allow for the manufacturing of filaments opening the door to Abyssal Battlefields. Event icon.png 15 points
Triglavian Structure Wrecks
Continue analyzing additional Cache or Tower Vault Wrecks (x10) to discover what novel data and materials they contain. Event icon.png 15 points
Further Investigation Continue analyzing additional Cache or Tower Vault Wrecks (5x) to discover what novel data and materials they contain. Event icon.png 35 points
Urgent Report
SOCT has discovered the scattered emergence of new collapsed conduits from Abyssal Deadspace into New Eden. Equip your ship with core scanner probes and a Relic Analyzer module, scan down one of the Desolate Collapsed Conduit site signatures and then enter it. Event icon.png 5 point
Into the Abyss Obtain and activate a Ruined, Devastated, or Annihilated Electrical Filament while flying an exploration frigate or covert ops ship equipped with a Relic Analyzer module, and use your analyzer module to explore the contents of a Battle-Scarred Wreck in Abyssal Battlefields. Event icon.png 5 points
Detailed Investigation Continue analyzing additional battle-scarred wrecks (15x) in Abyssal Battlefields to discover what novel data and materials they contain. Event icon.png 25 point
Industry and trade
Making a Deal Other Capsuleers are also exploring these newly emerged collapsed conduit sites and may be willing to sell the materials they have collected. Purchase some Isolated Dimensional Threads and/or Entangled GQD’s from other Capsuleers using the market to prepare for your manufacturing endeavors. Event icon.png 15 points
Filament construction I Using the materials and blueprints that you obtained from your own exploration efforts and the market, manufacture a Ruined Electrical or Sinister Exotic Filament. Once construction has finished you can either use this filament yourself or sell it to someone else using the market. Event icon.png 10 points
Making a Deal
The SoCT, DED, Deathless Custodians and industrious Capsuleers all desire the materials and data that you have collected using your Relic Analyzer. Sell some Triglavian Encrypted Conduit Data, Isolated Dimensional Threads and/or Entangled GQD’s using the market. Event icon.png 5 points
Filament Construction II Using the materials and blueprints that you obtained from your own exploration efforts and the market, manufacture a Devastated Electrical or Vicious Electrical Filament. Once construction has finished you can either use this filament yourself or sell it to someone else using the market. Event icon.png 20 points


  • There are multiple tasks named "Making a Deal". They have different descriptions(Buying/selling) and point reward values. The selling one repeats
  • Second and consecutive time "Urgent Report" is offered it is only worth 5 points.


Event Rewards
Points Reward
75 Event Booster Green II.png SoCT Capacitor Booster II
150 Capsuleer Day XIX SKIN.png Apotheosis Capsuleer Day XXI SKIN
225 Capsuleer Day Filament Crate.png Capsuleer Day XXI Filament Crate
300 Capsuleer Day XIX SKIN.png Metamorphosis Capsuleer Day XXI SKIN
375 Event Booster Yellow II.png SoCT Relic Strength Booster II
450 Capsuleer Day XIX SKIN.png Sunesis Capsuleer Day XXI SKIN
525 Event Booster Purple III.png SoCT Repairer Booster III
600 Capsuleer Day XIX SKIN.png Stormbringer Capsuleer Day XXI SKIN
675 Capsuleer Day Filament Crate.png Capsuleer Day XXI Filament Crate
750 Event Booster Yellow III.png SoCT Relic Coherence Booster III
825 Capsuleer Day XIX SKIN.png Monitor Capsuleer Day XXI SKIN
900 Capsuleer Day Filament Crate.png Capsuleer Day XXI Filament Crate
975 Event Booster Red III.png SoCT Turret Booster III
1050 Capsuleer Day XIX SKIN.png Gnosis Capsuleer Day XXI SKIN
1125 Capsuleer Day Filament Crate.png Capsuleer Day XXI Filament Crate
1200 Capsuleer Day XIX SKIN.png Praxis Capsuleer Day XXI SKIN
1275 Capsuleer Day XIX SKIN.png Thunderchild Capsuleer Day XXI SKIN
1350 Capsuleer Day Glamourex Crate.png Capsuleer Day XXI Glamourex Crate


The Abyssal Battlefield filaments for both hacking and combat portions of the event follow a separate naming convention from standard Abyssal Deadspace filaments. In the Market browser they show up as Exotic filaments regardless of what kind of weather they actually use.

The weather applied within the site appears to stay relatively consistent with that of normal Abyssal filaments (e.g. Electrical provides an EM resist penalty and a capacitor recharge bonus).

Hacking filaments appear to only be available in the Electrical variant.

Each tier of combat filament is only available in one specific type of weather.

  • Tier 1 - Exotic
  • Tier 2 - Electrical
  • Tier 3 - Gamma
  • Tier 4 - Firestorm
Tier Hacking Combat
Name Appearance Name Appearance
1 Ruined Electrical T1 XXI.png Sinister Exotic T1 XXI.png
2 Devastated Electrical T2 XXI.png Vicious Electrical T2 XXI.png
3 Annihilated Electrical T3 XXI.png Disastrous Gamma T3 XXI.png
4 Calamitous Firestorm T4 XXI.png

Combat sites

The combat sites are ungated deadspace, therefore accepting ships of all sizes. Recommended ship size is cruiser and above.

For more information regarding the combat-oriented portion of this event, follow the link below.

Hacking sites

See also: Hacking

Desolate Collapsed Conduit

System Core Defensive Subsystems Utility Subsystems
Small Cache Wreck
System Core Firewall Self Repair
Medium Cache Wreck
System Core Firewall Self Repair
Tower Vault Wreck
System Core Firewall Anti Virus Node Restoration Node Self Repair Kernel Rot Polymorphic Shield
EDENCOM Surveyor Stash (rare spawn)
System Core Firewall Self Repair

Desolate Collapsed Conduit is a cosmic signature relic site of Level I scanning difficulty. The site is ungated and not deadspaced, so one can warp between the cans, which are spread relatively far apart. The site will be removed from the probe scan window once one of the cans is hacked.

The site contains:

  • Small Cache Wreck (4x)
  • Medium Cache Wreck (2x)
  • Tower Vault Wreck (1x)
  • EDENCOM Surveyor Stash (0-1x) rare spawn

Possible Wreck loot:

  • Metal Scraps
  • Salvaged Materials
  • x-yy Entangled GQD (Abyssal Battlefield Filament Materials)
  • Isolated Dimensional Thread
  • Jump Filament Blueprint
    • Ruined Electrical Filament Blueprint
    • Sinister Exotic Filament Blueprint
  • Triglavian Encrypted Conduit Data (It is reported on reddit that these can be sold at DED NPC stations for 100k ISK apiece)

Possible Surveyor Stash loot:

  • Apparel (e.g. Woman's Capsuleer Networker XV Cap)
  • Boosters
  • Capsuleer Starburst Firework

Filament sites

System Core Defensive Subsystems Utility Subsystems
Damavik Battle-Scarred Wreck
System Core Firewall Self Repair
Vedmak Battle-Scarred Wreck
System Core Firewall Self Repair
Drekavac Battle-Scarred Wreck
System Core Firewall Anti Virus Node Restoration Node Self Repair Kernel Rot Polymorphic Shield
Leshak Battle-Scarred Wreck (Tier 2+)
System Core Firewall Anti Virus Node Restoration Node Virus Suppressor Self Repair Kernel Rot Polymorphic Shield Secondary Vector

While the sites will vary in amount of hacking containers and positioning of said containers, they will generally feature a disposition of Triglavian 'battle-scarred' ship wreckage alongside the cache and vault wrecks from K-Space sites. The loot tables of the filament sites are the same compared to K-Space ones, only with more higher-quality loot from each type on average as well as blueprints for higher-tier filaments. A non-exhaustive list of possible cans is shown on the right:

Tier 3 sites feature Zirnitra Battle-Scarred Wrecks with even higher difficulty hacks [100 HP Firewall, 70 HP Antivirus, 120 HP Red core]

EVE X Twitch rewards

Connect your Twitch account for even more rewards during Capsuleer Day celebrations! Tune in to CCP TV for an exciting look at various challenges and possibly pick up a trick or two. By watching Twitch, you can earn Prophecy Navy Issue Arkombine Arisen Skin and a Mysterious booster crate containing one of the following:

  • a random Agency dose
  • a random Quafe booster
  • a random Starsi booster
  • a random Antipharmakon booster

Game mechanics

  • The loot drop rate for all player ships and POS's has been increased from 50% to 75%. [1]


External links