Drone-capable ships

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This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Tables should be updated to add newer ships including EDENCOM, Trig, and special edition.

This page provides an easy-to-parse overview of the drone-using subcapital ships in EVE. Skinned, unique and very rare ships are not included in this list.

Bonuses in the table below are either single values or a range of values. Value ranges represent bonuses which are tied to the skills the pilot has trained, while single values are either role bonuses or skill bonuses where the prerequisite level is fixed.

For example:
  • When flying a Gallente Tristan frigate, your drones get a 10% bonus to hitpoints and tracking for every level of the Icon skillbook2.png Gallente Frigate skill you have trained. In the table, this would be indicated as "10%-50% bonus to hitpoints and tracking" (for skill levels I to V, respectively).
  • When flying a Velator, your drones get a 20% bonus to damage and hitpoints, irrespective of what skills you may have trained.
  • When flying a Gallente Eos command ship, your drones get a 10% bonus to hit points and damage for every level of the Icon skillbook2.png Gallente Battlecruiser skill you have trained. However, you need Gallente Battlecruiser V to even fly an Eos, so this would be indicated as "50% bonus to hit points and damage" in the table below.

As a reminder (for more details, see the Drones page):

  • Light drones require 5 Mbit/s bandwidth and take up 5 m3 of dronebay space. They are most effective against frigates and destroyers.
  • Medium drones require 10 Mbit/s bandwidth and take up 10 m3 of dronebay space. They are most effective against cruisers and battlecruisers.
  • Heavy and sentry drones require 25 Mbit/s bandwidth and take up 25 m3 of dronebay space. They are most effective against battleships (sentry drones can also hit smaller ships, provided they are far away).

Frigates and Destroyers

Ship Class Faction Bay BW Damage HP Velocity Tracking Mining
Impairor Rookie ship Amarr 5 5
Ibis Rookie ship Caldari 5 5
Velator Rookie ship Gallente 10 10 20% 20% 20%
Reaper Rookie ship Minmatar 5 5
Crucifier Frigate Amarr 45 15
Inquisitor Frigate Amarr 5 5
Magnate Frigate Amarr 40 15
Tormentor Frigate Amarr 10 10
Bantam Frigate Caldari 5 5
Griffin Frigate Caldari 5 5
Heron Frigate Caldari 35 15
Imicus Frigate Gallente 40 20
Incursus Frigate Gallente 5 5
Maulus Frigate Gallente 30 20
Navitas Frigate Gallente 5 5
Tristan Frigate Gallente 40 25 10-50% 10-50%
Federation Navy Comet Frigate Gallente 30 15
Breacher Frigate Minmatar 10 10
Burst Frigate Minmatar 5 5
Probe Frigate Minmatar 35 15
Vigil Frigate Minmatar 5 5
Dramiel Frigate Angel Cartel 20 15
Worm Frigate Guristas 25 10 300%[1] 300%[1]
Astero Frigate Sisters of EVE 75 25 60-100%
Enyo Assault Frigate Gallente 5 5
Ishkur Assault Frigate Gallente 30-50[2] 25 50%
Helios Covert Ops Frigate Gallente 5 5 50%[3]
Sentinel Electronic Attack Frigate Amarr 60 20
Keres Electronic Attack Frigate Gallente 10 10
Taranis Interceptor Gallente 10 10
Dragoon Destroyer Amarr 75 25 10-50% 10-50% 25%
Algos Destroyer Gallente 60 35 10-50% 10-50% 25%
  1. ^ a b Applies to light combat drones only.
  2. ^ The Ishkur's drone bay starts at 25m3, but increases by 5m3 for each level of the Assault Frigates skill trained.
  3. ^ This bonus only applies to drones dealing thermal damage (i.e. Gallente drones).


Ship Class Faction Bay BW Damage HP Velocity Tracking Range Logistics Ctrl range Mining
Arbitrator Cruiser Amarr 150 50 10-50% 10-50% 10-50%
Augoror Cruiser Amarr 20 20
Maller Cruiser Amarr 15 15
Omen Cruiser Amarr 40 40
Augoror Navy Issue Cruiser Amarr 15 15
Omen Navy Issue Cruiser Amarr 50 50
Blackbird Cruiser Caldari 10 10
Caracal Cruiser Caldari 10 10
Moa Cruiser Caldari 15 15
Osprey Cruiser Caldari 20 20
Osprey Navy Issue Cruiser Caldari 10 10
Celestis Cruiser Gallente 50 50
Exequror Cruiser Gallente 50 50 100%
Thorax Cruiser Gallente 50 50
Vexor Cruiser Gallente 125 75 10-50% 10-50% 10-50%
Exequror Navy Issue Cruiser Gallente 25 25
Vexor Navy Issue Cruiser Gallente 200 75 10-50% 10-50% 10-50%
Bellicose Cruiser Minmatar 40 40
Rupture Cruiser Minmatar 30 30
Scythe Cruiser Minmatar 45 45 100%
Stabber Cruiser Minmatar 25 25
Scythe Fleet Issue Cruiser Minmatar 25 25
Stabber Fleet Issue Cruiser Minmatar 40 40
Ashimmu Cruiser Blood Raiders 10 10
Cynabal Cruiser Angel Cartel 50 50
Gila Cruiser Guristas 100 20 500%[1] 250%[1]
Phantasm Cruiser Sansha's Nation 15 15
Stratios Cruiser Sisters of EVE 400 100 20-50% 20-50%
Vigilant Cruiser Serpentis 50 50
Curse Combat Recon Amarr 150 50 50% 50%
Rook Combat Recon Caldari 25 25
Lachesis Combat Recon Gallente 50 50
Huginn Combat Recon Minmatar 40 40
Pilgrim Force Recon Amarr 150 50 50% 50%
Falcon Force Recon Caldari 10 10
Arazu Force Recon Gallente 40 40
Rapier Force Recon Gallente 40 40
Sacrilege Heavy Assault Cruiser Amarr 50 50
Cerberus Heavy Assault Cruiser Caldari 15 15
Deimos Heavy Assault Cruiser Gallente 50 50
Ishtar Heavy Assault Cruiser Gallente 375 125 50%[2]
37.5%[4] 37.5%[4]
5-25%[3] 5-25km
Vagabond Heavy Assault Cruiser Minmatar 25 25
Devoter Heavy Interdiction Cruiser Amarr 50 25
Guardian Logistics Amarr 25 25 100%[5]
Basilisk Logistics Caldari 25 25 100%[6]
Oneiros Logistics Gallente 50 50 100%[5]
Scimitar Logistics Minimatar 45 45 100%[6]
Legion[7] Strategic Cruiser Amarr 200 50 10-50% 7.5-37.5%
Tengu[8] Strategic Cruiser Caldari 50 25
Proteus[7] Strategic Cruiser Gallente 125 75 10-50% 7.5-37.5%
Proteus[9] Strategic Cruiser Gallente 75 50
Loki[10] Strategic Cruiser Minmatar 80 40
Loki[11] Strategic Cruiser Minmatar 50 25
  1. ^ a b Applies to medium combat drones only
  2. ^ a b Applies to light, medium, and heavy drones only.
  3. ^ a b c d Applies to sentry drones only.
  4. ^ a b Applies to heavy combat drones only.
  5. ^ a b Applies to armor repair drones only.
  6. ^ a b Applies to shield repair drones only.
  7. ^ a b Only when the Drone Synthesis Projector subsystem is installed.
  8. ^ Only when the Rifling Launcher Pattern subsystem is installed.
  9. ^ Only when the Hybrid Propulsion Armature subsystem is installed.
  10. ^ Only when the Hardpoint Efficiency Configuration subsystem is installed.
  11. ^ Only when the Projectile Scoping Array subsystem is installed.


Ship Class Faction Bay BW Damage HP Velocity Tracking
Harbinger Battlecruiser Amarr 75 50
Prophecy Battlecruiser Amarr 225 75 10-50% 10-50% 12.5%
Harbinger Navy Issue Battlecruiser Amarr 75 50
Drake Battlecruiser Caldari 25 25
Ferox Battlecruiser Caldari 25 25
Drake Navy Issue Battlecruiser Caldari 75 50
Brutix Battlecruiser Gallente 75 50
Myrmidon Battlecruiser Gallente 200 100 10-50% 10-50% 12.5%
Talos Battlecruiser Gallente 25 25
Brutix Navy Issue Battlecruiser Gallente 75 50
Cyclone Battlecruiser Minmatar 50 50
Hurricane Battlecruiser Minmatar 40 40
Hurricane Fleet Issue Battlecruiser Minmatar 50 50
Gnosis Battlecruiser Jove 75 50 50% 50%
Absolution Command Ship Amarr 25 25
Damnation Command Ship Amarr 100 50
Nighthawk Command Ship Caldari 25 25
Vulture Command Ship Caldari 25 25
Astarte Command Ship Gallente 75 50
Eos Command Ship Gallente 250 125 50% 50% 7.5-37.5%[1] 7.5-37.5%[1]
Claymore Command Ship Minmatar 75 50
Sleipnir Command Ship Minmatar 25 25
  1. ^ a b Applies to heavy combat drones only.


Ship Class Faction Bay BW Damage HP Tracking Range
Abaddon Battleship Amarr 75 75
Apocalypse Battleship Amarr 75 50
Armageddon Battleship Amarr 375 125 10-50% 10-50%
Apocalypse Navy Issue Battleship Amarr 100 75
Armageddon Navy Issue Battleship Amarr 200 125
Raven Battleship Caldari 75 50
Rokh Battleship Caldari 50 50
Scorpion Battleship Caldari 75 75
Raven Navy Issue Battleship Caldari 100 75
Scorpion Navy Issue Battleship Caldari 75 75
Dominix Battleship Gallente 375 125 10-50% 10-50% 7.5-37.5% 7.5-37.5%
Hyperion Battleship Gallente 175 125
Megathron Battleship Gallente 75 75
Dominix Navy Issue Battleship Gallente 400 125 20-50% 20-50%
Megathron Navy Issue Battleship Gallente 175 125
Maelstrom Battleship Minmatar 100 100
Tempest Battleship Minmatar 75 75
Typhoon Battleship Minmatar 125 100
Tempest Fleet Issue Battleship Minmatar 100 75
Typhoon Fleet Issue Battleship Minmatar 200 125
Machariel Battleship Angel Cartel 125 100
Bhaalgorn Battleship Blood Raiders 75 75
Rattlesnake Battleship Guristas 175 50 275%[1] 275%[1]
Nightmare Battleship Sansha 75 75
Vindicator Battleship Serpentis 125 125
Nestor Battleship Sisters of EVE 500 125 10-50% 10-50%
Redeemer Amarr Black Ops 125 125
Widow Caldari Black Ops 75 75
Sin Gallente Black Ops 400 125 50% 50%
Panther Minmatar Black Ops 175 125
Paladin Amarr Marauder 75 50
Golem Caldari Marauder 75 25
Kronos Gallente Marauder 125 50
Vargur Minmatar Marauder 75 50
  1. ^ a b Applies to heavy combat and sentry drones only.

Non-combat ships

Ship Class Faction Bay BW Damage HP
Venture Mining frigate ORE 10 10
Covetor Mining barge ORE 50 50
Procurer Mining barge ORE 25 25 50% 50%
Retriever Mining barge ORE 25 25
Hulk Exhumer ORE 50 50
Mackinaw Exhumer ORE 50 50
Skiff Exhumer ORE 50 50 50% 50%
Noctis Industrial ORE 25 25
Nereus Industrial Gallente 30 15
Orca Industrial Command Ship ORE 200 50

See Also