Ship type quick reference

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This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Missing Triglavian, SOCT, FAX ships; Industrial breakouts to new shipnames... probably needs a full overhaul.
Iteron (I-VV} are renamed to Nereus, Kryos, Epithal and Miasmos. The Iteron Mark V is unchanged.

Below is a quick-reference table showing all player flyable ship types found in EVE and some helpful information.

  • Tank: Icon ISIS defense armor.png = Armor, Icon ISIS defense Shields.png = Shield, Icon ISIS defense Shieldsarmor.png = Armor or Shield ("+" indicates hp or resist bonus.)
  • DPS:

Icon turret pulse small.png = Energy weapons, Icon turret blaster small.png = Hybrid weapons, Icon turret autocannon small.png = Projectile weapons, Icon turret entropic disintegrator small.png = Entropic Disintegrators, Icon missiles light.png = Missiles, Icon drone link augmentor i.png = Drones, Icon shield transporter i.png = Remote Shield Repair, Icon remote armor repair i.png = Remote Armor Repair, Icon fighter support unit.png = Fighters,

('%' indicates bonus of greater than 5%, "#" indicates multiple bonuses)

  • Drones: Bandwidth / Bay Size (one number if same) (or for Carriers, Fighter Tubes / Bay Size)
Ship Empire Class Tank DPS Drones Notes
Abaddon Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Battleship A+ L+ 75
Absolution Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Command Ship A+ L++ 25 Laser cap bonus, Armor+Info Command
Adrestia Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Cruiser A H+ 50 / 100 Velocity Bonus; Warp Disrupt/Scram Rng; Ltd Ed
Aeon Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Supercarrier A+ F / Fb 5 / 90k Warp Strength; JumpDrive; LongTargetRange
Algos Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Destroyer A / S D+ 35 / 60
Anathema Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Covert Ops S M 0 CovOps; Scanning; CovertCyno
Anshar Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Jump Freighter n/a n/a 0 JumpDrive
Apocalypse Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Battleship A L 75 Laser Range
Apostle Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Force Aux. A+ RA+ 125 / 600 Armor Xfer amt; Cap Xfer amt; Triage; JumpDrive
Apotheosis Logo faction the society.png SoCT Shuttle n/a n/a 0 Limited Edition
Arazu Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Force Recon A / S H 40 CovOps; RSD Amt; Warp Dsrpt Rng; Covert Cyno
Arbitrator Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Cruiser A D+ 50 / 150 Tracking Disrupt Amt
Archon Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Carrier A+ F 3 / 60k Neut Fighter Amt; JumpDrive; LongTargetRange
Ares Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Interceptor A H 0 Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng; MWD Sig Radius
Ark Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Jump Freighter n/a n/a 0 JumpDrive
Armageddon Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Battleship A D+ 125 / 375 NOS/Neut Rng
Ashimmu Faction Cruiser A L+ 40 Blood Raider; NOS/Neut Amt; Web Rng
Astarte Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Command Ship A H++ 50 / 75 Local Armor Rep; Armor+Skirm Command
Atron Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Frigate A/S H 0 Web/Scram/Point cost
Augoror Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Cruiser A+ RA+ 20 Armor Xfer rng, amt, & cost; Cap Xfer rng & amt
Augoror Navy Issue Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Cruiser A+ L+ 15
Avatar Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Titan A L+ 0 DoomsdayDevice; EWAR Resist; Warp Strength; JumpDrive; JumpBridge
Badger Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Hauler S n/a 0 Higher Warp Speed
Bantam Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Frigate S RS+ 5 Shield Xfer rng, amt, & cost
Basilisk Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Logistics Cruiser S RS+ 25 Shield Xfer rng, amt, cost, & fitting; Cap Xfer rng, cost, & fitting; Logi Drone amt
Bellicose Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Cruiser A / S M 40 Target Painter Amt
Bestower Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Hauler S n/a 0 Large Cargo
Bhaalgorn Faction Battleship A L+ 100 / 150 Blood Raider; NOS/Neut Amt; Web Rng
Blackbird Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Cruiser S n/a 10 ECM Rng & Strength
Breacher Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Frigate S M 10
Broadsword Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar H. Interdictor S+ P+ 0 Warp Disruption Field Generator
Brutix Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser A+ H 50 / 75 Armor Rep, Hybrid Range
Brutix Navy Issue Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser A+ H 50 / 75 Hybrid Range & Tracking
Burst Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Frigate S RS+ 5 Shield Xfer rng, amt, & cost
Bustard Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Transport S+ n/a 0 Warp Strength; Shield Rep
Buzzard Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Covert Ops S M+ 0 CovOps; Scanning; Covert Cyno
Caldari Navy Hookbill Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Frigate S M+ 0 Missile Range; Kinetic damage
Cambion Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Assault Frig. S+ M+ 0 Special Edition; Kinetic damage
Caracal Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Cruiser S M 10 Missile Range
Catalyst Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Destroyer A H 0 Hybrid Range & Tracking
Celestis Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Cruiser A / S H 50 Sens Damp rng & amt
Cerberus Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari H. A. Cruiser S M+ 0 Missile Range (x2); Kinetic damage
Chameleon Faction Cruiser n/a M+ 20 / 150 Special Edition; Guristas; ECM Str & cost; CopOps; Covert Cyno; Kinetic / Thermal damage
Charon Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Freighter n/a n/a 0
Cheetah Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Covert Ops S P 0 CovOps; Scanning; Covert Cyno
Chimera Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Carrier S+ F 3 / 55k ECM Fighter Rng; JumpDrive; LongTargetRange
Chremoas Faction Covert Ops S P+ 15 / 30 Special Edition; Angel Cartel; CovOps; No Decloak Delay; Covert Cyno; Scanning
Claw Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Interceptor S / A P++ 0 MWD Sig Penalty; Web/Scram/Point cost
Claymore Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Command Ship S M++ 50 / 75 Local Shield Rep; Shield+Skirm Command
Coercer Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Destroyer A L 0 Laser Range, Tracking, & cost
Condor Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Frigate S M+ 0 Web/Scram/Point cost
Corax Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Destroyer S M 0 Missile range; Kinetic damage
Cormorant Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Destroyer S H 0 Hybrid Range (x2) & Tracking
Covetor ORE Mining Barge S n/a 50 Mining, high yield
Crane Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Blockade Run. S n/a 0 CovOps; Shield Rep; Covert Cyno; Immune to Cargo Scan
Crow Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Interceptor S M 0 MWD Sig Radius; Missile Rng; Scram/Point Rng; Web/Scram/Point cost; Interdiction Nullified
Crucifier Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Frigate A L / D 15 / 45 Tracking Disrupt Range & Amt
Cruor Faction Frigate A L+ 0 Blood Raider; NOS/Neut Amt; Web Amt
Crusader Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Interceptor A L 0 MWD Sig Penalty; Web/Scram/Point cost; Laser Tracking & cost
Curse Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Combat Recon A / S D+ 50 / 150 NOS/Neut Rng/Amt; Tracking Disrupt Amt; D-Scan Immune
Cyclone Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Battlecruiser S M+ 50 Shield Rep
Cynabal Faction Cruiser A / S P++ 50 Angel Cartel; Projectile range
Damnation Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Command Ship A+ M 25 Armored Warfare
Daredevil Faction Frigate A H++ 0 Serpentis; Web Amt
Deimos Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente H. A. Cruiser A H+ 50 MWD Cap Bonus
Devoter Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr H. Interdictor A+ L 0 Warp Disruption Field Generator
Dominix Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Battleship A / S D+ / H 125 / 375
Dragoon Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Destroyer A D+ 25 / 75 20% Vamp/neut range bonus
Drake Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser S+ M 25
Dramiel Faction Frigate S P+ 15 / 20 Angel Cartel; Close Rng
Eagle Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari H. A. Cruiser S+ H 0 Long Range
Echelon Faction Frigate n/a n/a 0 Concord; Special Edition, Data Analy.
Echo Faction Frigate n/a P 0 Special Edition
Enyo Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Assault Frig. A H 5 Close Range
Eos Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Cmd. Ship A H 75 / 165(225) Armor Rep; Drone Bay; Information Warfare
Epithal Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Hauler S n/a 0 PI bay
Erebus Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Titan A H 125 / 475 Doomsday Device; Immune to EWAR
Eris Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Interdictor A H / M 5 Interdiction Sphere Launcher
Executioner Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Frigate A L 0 Prop jam activation bonus (-80%). Turret cap bonus.
Exequror Navy Issue Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Cruiser A H+ 20
Exequror Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Cruiser A n/a 50 Armor Xfer rng; Logi drone amt
Falcon Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Force Recon S H 10 CovOps; ECM Strength; Covert Cyno
Federation Navy Comet Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Frigate A H+ 15 / 30
Fenrir Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Freighter n/a n/a 0
Ferox Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Battlecruiser S+ H / M 25
Flycatcher Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Interdictor S M 0 Interdiction Sphere Launcher
Freki Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Assault Frig. S P 0 AF/MWD Cap Bonus; Web Rng; Limited Edition
Gila Faction Cruiser S+ D+ / M 125 / 400 Guristas
Golem Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Marauder S M+ 75 Shield Rep; Target Paint Amt
Griffin Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Frigate S n/a 5 ECM Strength & cap bonus
Guardian Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Logistics A n/a 25 Rmt Armor Rep; Rmt Energy Xfer
Harbinger Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser A L 50
Harpy Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Assault Frig. S+ H 0 Longe Range
Hawk Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Assault Frig. S+ M+ 0 Shield Rep
Hel Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Supercarrier S F / Fb 12.5K / 225K Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Armor Rep Rng; F. Bombers
Helios Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Covert Ops S H 5 CovOps; Scanning
Hematos Faction Frigate n/a L 0 Neuts, Webs, Special Edition
Heretic Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Interdictor A M 0 Interdiction Sphere Launcher
Heron Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Frigate S M 15 / 35 Scan Str
Hoarder Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Hauler S n/a 0
Hound Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar S. Bomber S M 0 CovOps; Torpedos; Bomb Launcher
Huginn Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Combat Recon S P / M 40 Web Rng; Target Painter Amt
Hulk ORE Exhumer S+ n/a 50 Strip Miner; Ice Harvester
Hurricane Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Battlecruiser A / S P+ 30
Hyena Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar EWAR Frig. A n/a 0 Web Rng; Target Painter Amt;
Hyperion Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Battleship A H 100 Armor Rep
Ibis Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Frigate S H 5 Corvette. ECM jam bonus.
Imicus Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Frigate A n/a 20 / 40 Scan Str; codebreaker, analyzer, salvager cycle time
Immolator Faction Frigate n/a L 0 Special Edition
Impairor Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Frigate A L 5 Corvette. Tracking disrupt bonus.
Imperial Navy Slicer Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Frigate A L+ 0
Impel Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Transport A+ n/a 0 Warp Strength; Armor Rep
Incursus Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Frigate A H 5 Armor rep
Inquisitor Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Frigate A M 5 Armor rep rng & amt
Ishkur Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Assault Frig. A D / H 25 / 30(50) Drone Bay
Ishtar Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente H. A. Cruiser A / S D+ / H 125 / 175(375) Drone Rng
Iteron Mark V Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Hauler S n/a 0
Jaguar Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Assault Frig. S P+ 0
Keres Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente EWAR Frig. A n/a 5 / 10 RSD Amt; Warp Disrupt Range
Kestrel Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Frigate S M 0
Kitsune Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari EWAR Frig. S n/a 0 ECM Strength; ECM Range
Kronos Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Marauder A H+ 75 / 125 Armor Rep; Web Amt
Kryos Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Hauler S n/a 0 Mineral + Ice bays
Lachesis Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Combat Recon S H / M 40 Warp Disrupt Rng; Sens Damp
Legion Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Strat. Cruiser A L / M / D Varies Varies
Leopard Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Shuttle n/a n/a 0 Limited Edition
Leviathan Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Titan S M 125 / 250 Doomsday Device; Immune to EWAR
Loki Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Strat. Cruiser A / S P / M Varies Varies
Machariel Faction Battleship A / S P+ 100 / 125 Angel Cartel
Mackinaw ORE Exhumer S+ n/a 50 Ice Harvester
Maelstrom Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Battleship S P 100 Shield Rep
Magnate Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Frigate A L 15 / 40 Scan Str
Malediction Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Interceptor A+ M / L 0 Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng; MWD Sig Radius
Maller Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Cruiser A+ L 15
Malice Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Assault Frig. A+ L+ 0 Special Edition, Vamps, Neuts
Mammoth Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Hauler S n/a 0
Manticore Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari S. Bomber S M+ 0 CovOps; Torpedos; Bomb Launcher
Mastodon Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Transport S+ n/a 0 Warp Strength; Shield Rep
Maulus Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Frigate A H 20 / 30 RSD Amt
Megathron Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Battleship A H 125
Merlin Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Frigate S+ H+ 0
Miasmos Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Hauler S n/a 0 Ore bay
Mimir Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Cruiser A+ P+ 30 Velocity Bonus; Limited Edition
Moa Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Cruiser S+ H 15
Moros Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Dreadnought A H+ 0
Muninn Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar H. A. Cruiser A P+ 25
Myrmidon Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser A / S D+ 75 / 150 Armor Rep
Naga Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser S H+ 0 Large Railguns; Sniper; Weak Tank
Naglfar Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Dreadnought A / S P+ 125 / 225
Navitas Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Frigate A n/a 5 Armor Xfer rng & amt
Nemesis Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente S. Bomber S M+ 0 CovOps; Torpedos; Bomb Launcher
Nereus Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Hauler S n/a 0
Nidhoggur Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Carrier A F 375 / 90K Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Armor Rep Rng; Fighters
Nighthawk Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Command Ship S+ M+ 25
Nightmare Faction Battleship S L+ 75 Sansha; Close Rng
Noctis ORE Hauler A n/a 0
Nomad Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Jump Freighter n/a n/a 0 Cyno Capable
Nyx Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Supercarrier A F+ / Fb+ 12.5K / 250K Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Armor Rep Rng; F. Bombers
Obelisk Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Freighter n/a n/a 0
Occator Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Transport A+ n/a 0 Warp Strength; Armor Rep
Omen Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Cruiser A L 40
Oneiros Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Logistics A n/a 50 Rmt Armor Rep; Tracking Links
Onyx Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari H. Interdictor S+ M 0 Warp Disruption Field Generator
Oracle Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser A / S L+ 0 Large Lasers; Sniper; Weak Tank
Orca ORE Ind. Cmd. S n/a 50 / 75 Mining Command
Osprey Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Cruiser S n/a 20 Shield Xfer rng; Energy Xfer rng & amt
Osprey Navy Issue Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Cruiser S M 20
Paladin Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Marauder A L+ 75 Armor Rep; Web Amt
Panther Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Black Ops A P+ 125 / 175 Cloak Speed; Covert Cyno
Phantasm Faction Cruiser S L+ 15 Sansha; Close Range
Phobos Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente H. Interdictor A+ H 0 Warp Disruption Field Generator
Phoenix Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Dreadnought S M+ 125 / 150
Pilgrim Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Force Recon A D+ / L 50 / 150 CovOps; NOS/Neut Amt; TD Amt; Covert Cyno
Primae ORE Industrial A n/a 0
Probe Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Frigate A / S n/a 15 / 35 Scan Str
Procurer ORE Mining Barge S n/a 25 Mining
Prophecy Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser A+ L 25
Prorator Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Blockade Run. A n/a 0 CovOps; Armor Rep
Proteus Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Strat. Cruiser A H / D Varies Varies
Providence Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Freighter n/a n/a 0
Prowler Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Blockade Run. S n/a 0 CovOps; Shield Rep
Punisher Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Frigate A+ L 0
Purifier Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr S. Bomber S M+ 0 CovOps; Torpedos; Bomb Launcher
Ragnarok Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Titan S P 125 / 375 Doomsday Device; Immune to EWAR
Rapier Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Force Recon A / S P 40 CovOps; Web Rng; TP Amt ; Covert Cyno
Raptor Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Interceptor S H 0 Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng; MWD Sig Radius
Rattlesnake Faction Battleship S+ D+ / M 50 / 175 Guristas
Raven Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Battleship S M 75
Reaper Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Frigate S P 5 Corvette. Target paint bonus.
Redeemer Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Black Ops A L 125 Cloak Speed; Covert Cyno
Republic Fleet Firetail Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Frigate S P 0
Retribution Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Assault Frig. A L 0
Retriever ORE Mining Barge S n/a 25 Mining
Revelation Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Dreadnought A L 125 / 250
Revenant Faction Supercarrier A / S F+ / Fb+ 13K / 250K Sansha; Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Energy Xfer Rng
Rhea Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Jump Freighter n/a n/a 0 Cyno Capable
Rifter Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Frigate A / S P 0
Rokh Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Battleship S+ H 50 Long Range
Rook Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Combat Recon S M 25 ECM Strength
Rorqual ORE Cap. Ind. S D+ 125 / 300 Rmt Shield Rep
Rupture Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Cruiser A P+ 30
Sabre Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Interdictor S P 0 Interdiction Sphere Launcher
Sacrilege Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr H. A. Cruiser A+ M+ 15
Scimitar Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Logistics S n/a 45 Rmt Shield Rep; Tracking Links
Scorpion Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Battleship A M / D 75 ECM Strength; ECM Range
Scythe Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Cruiser S n/a 45 Shield Xfer rng; Logi drone amt
Scythe Fleet Issue Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Cruiser S P / M 25
Sentinel Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr EWAR Frig. A D 20 / 60 NOS/Neut Rng/Amt; Weapon Disruptor Effectiveness
Sigil Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Hauler S n/a 0
Sin Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Black Ops A D+ / H 125 / 400 Cloak Speed; Covert Cyno
Skiff ORE Exhumer S+ n/a 50 Mexrocit; Warp Strength
Slasher Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Frigate A P 0 Prop jam activation bonus (-80%)
Sleipnir Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Cmd. Ship S P+ 40 Shield Rep
Stabber Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Cruiser S P 0 Velocity Bonus
Stiletto Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Interceptor A P 0 Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng
Succubus Faction Frigate S L+ 0 Sansha
Taipan Faction Frigate S+ D 15 / 15 Special Edition
Talos Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser A / S H+ 25 / 25 Large Blasters; Weak Tank
Talwar Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Destroyer A / S M 0
Taranis Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Interceptor A H 10 MWD Sig Radius
Tayra Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Hauler S n/a 0
Tempest Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Battleship A P+ 75
Tengu Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Strat. Cruiser S M / H Varies Varies
Thanatos Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Carrier A F+ 375 / 100K Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Armor Rep Rng; Fighters
Thorax Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Cruiser A H 50 MWD Cap Bonus
Thrasher Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Destroyer A / S P 0 Range Bonus
Tormentor Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Frigate A L 10 Turret cap bonus
Tornado Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Battlecruiser S P+ 0 Large Projectiles; Sniper; Weak Tank
Tristan Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Frigate A H 25 / 40
Typhoon Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Battleship A P / M / D 125 / 175
Utu Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Assault Frig. A D+ / H 25 / 75 Special Edition, Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng
Vagabond Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar H. A. Cruiser S P+ 25 Velocity Bonus
Vargur Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Marauder S P+ 75 Shield Rep
Velator Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Frigate A H 10 Corvette. Sensor damp bonus.
Vengeance Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr Assault Frig. A+ M 0
Venture ORE Frigate S n/a 10 Mining & gas yield; +2 warp stab
Vexor Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Cruiser A D+ / H 75 / 125
Viator Logo faction gallente federation clean.png Gallente Blockade Run. A / S n/a 0 CovOps; Armor Rep
Vigil Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Frigate S n/a 5 Target Paint Amt; Velocity Bonus
Vigilant Faction Cruiser A H+ 50 Serpentis; Web Amt
Vindicator Faction Battleship A H+ 125 Serpentis; Web Amt
Violator Faction Frigate n/a H+ 0 Special Edition, Webs
Vulture Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Icon bracket battlecruiser.png Command Ship S+ H 25 Long Range; Siege Warfare
Whiptail Faction Interceptor S+ M+ 10/40 Special Edition, Light Combat Drones, Warp Scram/Disrupt Rng
Widow Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Black Ops S M 75 Cloak Speed; ECM Strength; Covert Cyno
Wolf Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Assault Frig. A P+ 0
Worm Faction Frigate S+ M 25 / 40(50) Guristas; Drone Bay
Wreathe Logo faction minmatar republic clean.png Minmatar Hauler S n/a 0
Wyvern Logo faction caldari state clean.png Caldari Supercarrier S+ F / Fb 625 / 200K Rmt Shield Rep/Rmt Energy Xfer Rng; F. Bombers
Zealot Logo faction amarr empire clean.png Amarr H. A. Cruiser A L+ 0
Zephyr Faction Frigate n/a n/a 0 Limited Edition; Probe Launcher