Difference between revisions of "Alphabetical Ship List"

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m (moved All:Alphabetical Ship List to Alphabetical Ship List: Minor title correction)
m (Add ships(4) for Equinox expansion.)
(75 intermediate revisions by 36 users not shown)
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{{Cleanup|date= 20 July 2024|Might be incomplete, or the total in the intro(393) is wrong. [[:Category:Ship Database]] has 420 articles, this includes 6 non-playable Jove ships, indicating 413 playable ships.}}
{{Work in Progress}}
All player flyable ships, sortable by Name, Type, Tech, Faction, and Typical Role (393 in total)<!-- 20220510 No idea if this number is correct. Updated by 1 anyway(Evon R'al)
{{Example|I am plan to add aproximate EHP, DPS, and Tank for typical PVP Build}}
20220930 add 8
{| border="1"
20221213 add 2 (Geri and Bestla)
|+ All Ships (Alphabetical) by Name
20230925 add 10 (Bane, Cybele, Hubris, Karura, Laelaps, Mamba, Mekubal, Raiju, Shapsh and Valravn)
! Ship !! Type !! Tech !! Race
20240121 add 10 ( Alligator, Azariel, Catalyst navy, Coercer navy, Cormerant navy, Khizriel, Moros Navy, Nagalfar Fleet issue, Phoenix Navy, Revelation Navy)
20240720 add 4 (Avalache, Deluge, Torrent, Squall)
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="margin-left: 2em;"
|- Style="background: #222222;
! Ship !! Type !! Tech !! Faction !! Typical Role !! ECM Priority Group
| Abaddon|| Battleships || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Abaddon]] || Battleship || T1 || Amarr ||  || 5
| Absolution|| Command Ships || T2 || Amarr  
| [[Absolution]] || Command Ship || T2 || Amarr || Booster || 6
| Aeon|| Carriers || T1 || Amarr
| [[Adrestia]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Gallente ||  ||  
| Amarr Navy Slicer|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Aeon]] || Supercarrier || T1 || Amarr || Immune, always || 0
| Anathema|| Covert Ops || T2 || Amarr
| [[Algos]] || Destroyer || T1 || Gallente || Drones || 2
| Anshar|| Jump Freighters || T2 || Gallente
| [[Alligator]] || Battlecruiser || T1 || Caldari || Droneboat, Booster ||  
| Apocalypse|| Battleships || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Amarr Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Amarr ||  ||
| Apocalypse  Navy Issue|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Anathema]] || Covert Ops || T2 || Amarr || Scout, Cloak || 0
| Apocalypse Imperial Issue|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Anshar]] || Jump Freighter || T2 || Gallente || Hauler, Strategic || 0
| Apotheosis|| Faction Shuttles || T1 || Faction
| [[Apocalypse]] || Battleship || T1 || Amarr || Sniper || 5
| Arazu|| Recon Ships || T2 || Gallente
| [[Apocalypse Imperial Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Amarr || Special || 5
| Arbitrator|| Cruisers || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Apocalypse Navy Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Amarr || Sniper || 5
| Archon|| Carriers || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Apostle]] || Force Auxiliary || T1 || Amarr || Fighters || 0
| Ares|| Interceptors || T2 || Gallente
| [[Apotheosis]] || Shuttle || T1 || Jove || Shuttle || 0
| Ark|| Jump Freighters || T2 || Amarr
| [[Arazu]] || Force Recon Ship || T2 || Gallente || Dampening, Tackler (long) || 7
| Armageddon|| Battleships || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Arbitrator]] || Cruiser || T1 || Amarr || TD/Tracking Disruption, Drones || 4
| Ashimmu|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Archon]] || Carrier || T1 || Amarr || Logistics, Triage, immune if active || 8
| Astarte|| Command Ships || T2 || Gallente  
| [[Ares]] || Interceptor || T2 || Gallente || Tackler, Scout (Skirmish) || 3
| Atron|| Frigates || T1 || Gallente
| [[Ark]] || Jump Freighter || T2 || Amarr || Hauler, Strategic || 0
| Augoror|| Cruisers || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Armageddon]] || Battleship || T1 || Amarr || Drones || 5
| Augoror Navy Issue|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Armageddon Imperial Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Amarr ||  ||
| Avatar|| Titans || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Armageddon Navy Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Amarr ||  ||
| Badger|| Industrial Ships || T1 || Caldari
| [[Ashimmu]] || Cruiser || T1 || Amarr || Neuts, webbing (range) || 4
| Bantam|| Frigates || T1 || Caldari
| [[Astarte]] || Command Ship || T2 || Gallente || Booster || 6
| Basilisk|| Logistics Cruisers || T2 || Caldari
| [[Astero]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente || Explorer?, Cloak || 2
| Bellicose|| Cruisers || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Atron]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente || Tackle || 2
| Bestower|| Industrial Ships || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Augoror]] || Cruiser || T1 || Amarr || Logistics, cap chain || 7
| Bhaalgorn|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Augoror Navy Issue]] || Cruiser || T1 || Amarr || DPS || 2
| Blackbird|| Cruisers || T1 || Caldari
| [[Avatar]] || Titan || T1 || Amarr || Immune, always || 0
| Breacher|| Frigates || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Avalanche]] || Freighter || T1 || Upwell ||  ||
| Broadsword|| Heavy Interdictors || T2 || Minmatar  
| [[Azariel]] || Titan || T1 || Minmatar || Immune, always || 0
| Brutix|| Battlecruisers || T1 || Gallente
| [[Badger]] || Hauler || T1 || Caldari || Hauler || 0
| Burst|| Frigates || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Bane]] || Lancer Dreadnought || T2 || Amarr ||  ||  
| Bustard|| Transport Ships || T2 || Caldari  
| [[Bantam]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari || Logistics || 5
| Buzzard|| Covert Ops || T2 || Caldari  
| [[Barghest]] || Battleship || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| Caldari Navy Raven|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Basilisk]] || Logistics || T2 || Caldari || Logistics, cap chain || 8
| Caldary Navy Hookbill|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Bellicose]] || Cruiser || T1 || Minmatar || TP/Target Painter || 2
| Caracal|| Cruisers || T1 || Caldari
| [[Bestla]] || Heavy Assault cruiser || T2 || Minmatar ||  ||
| Catalyst|| Destroyers || T1 || Gallente
| [[Bestower]] || Hauler || T1 || Amarr || Hauler || 0
| Celestis|| Cruisers || T1 || Gallente
| [[Bhaalgorn]] || Battleship || T1 || Amarr || Neuts || 6
| Cerberus|| Heavy Assault Cruisers || T2 || Caldari
| [[Bifrost]] || Command Destroyer || T2 || Minmatar ||  ||
| Cheetah|| Covert Ops || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Blackbird]] || Cruiser || T1 || Caldari || ECM || 9
| Chimera|| Carriers || T1 || Caldari  
| [[Boobook]] || Shuttle || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| Claw|| Interceptors || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Bowhead]] || Freighter || T1 || ORE ||  ||  
| Claymore|| Command Ships || T2 || Minmatar  
| [[Breacher]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 1
| Coercer|| Destroyers || T1 || Amarr
| [[Broadsword]] || Heavy Interdiction Cruiser || T2 || Minmatar || Tackler, Heavy (for capitals) || 4
| Condor|| Frigates || T1 || Caldari
| [[Brutix]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Gallente || DPS (Higher) || 4
| Cormorant|| Destroyers || T1 || Caldari
| [[Brutix Navy Issue]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| Covetor|| Mining Barges  || T1 || ORE
| [[Burst]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar || Logistics || 5
| Crane|| Transport Ships || T2 || Caldari  
| [[Bustard]] || Deep Space Transport || T2 || Caldari || Hauler (DST) || 0
| Crow|| Interceptors || T2 || Caldari  
| [[Buzzard]] || Covert Ops || T2 || Caldari || Scout, Cloak || 0
| Crucifier|| Frigates || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Caedes]] || Covert Ops || T2 || Amarr ||  ||
| Cruor|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Caiman]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| Crusader|| Interceptors || T2 || Amarr
| [[Caldari Navy Hookbill]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari ||  || 3
| Curse|| Recon Ships || T2 || Amarr
| [[Caldari Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Caldari ||  ||  
| Cyclone|| Battlecruisers || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Cambion]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Caldari ||  ||  
| Cynabal|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Caracal]] || Cruiser || T1 || Caldari ||  || 2
| Damnation|| Command Ships || T2 || Amarr
| [[Caracal Navy Issue]] || Cruiser || T1 || Caldari ||  ||  
| Daredevil|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Catalyst]] || Destroyer || T1 || Gallente || DPS (Higher), Ganker || 2
| Deimos|| Heavy Assault Cruisers || T2 || Gallente  
| [[Catalyst Navy Issue]] || Destroyer || T1 || Gallente || DPS (Higher), Ganker || 2
| Devoter|| Heavy Interdictors || T2 || Amarr
| [[Celestis]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente || Dampening || 7
| Dominix|| Battleships || T1 || Gallente
| [[Cerberus]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Caldari ||  || 4
| Drake|| Battlecruisers || T1 || Caldari  
| [[Chameleon]] || Force Recon Ship || T2 || Caldari || Special || 1
| Dramiel|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Charon]] || Freighter || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| Eagle|| Heavy Assault Cruisers || T2 || Caldari
| [[Cheetah]] || Covert Ops || T2 || Minmatar || Scout, Cloak || 1
| Enyo|| Assault Ships || T2 || Gallente
| [[Chemosh]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Amarr ||  ||  
| Eos|| Command Ships || T2 || Gallente
| [[Chimera]] || Carrier || T1 || Caldari || Logistics, triage, immune if active || 8
| Erebus|| Titans || T1 || Gallente
| [[Chremoas]] || Covert Ops || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| Eris|| Interdictors || T2 || Gallente
| [[Civilian Amarr Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Amarr ||  ||  
| Executioner|| Frigates || T1 || Amarr
| [[Civilian Caldari Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| Exequror|| Cruisers || T1 || Gallente  
| [[Civilian Gallente Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| Exequror Navy Issue|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Civilian Minmatar Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| Falcon|| Recon Ships || T2 || Caldari
| [[Claw]] || Interceptor || T2 || Minmatar || Tackle || 2
| Ferox|| Battlecruisers || T1 || Caldari
| [[Claymore]] || Command Ship || T2 || Minmatar || Booster - Skirmish || 3
| Flycatcher|| Interdictors || T2 || Caldari
| [[Coercer]] || Destroyer || T1 || Amarr ||  || 2
| Gallente Navy Comet|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Coercer Navy Issue]] || Destroyer || T1 || Amarr ||  || 2
| Gila|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Condor]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari || Tackle || 1
| Gold Magnate|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Confessor]] || Tactical Destroyer || T3 || Amarr ||  || 4
| Golem|| Marauders || T2 || Caldari  
| [[Corax]] || Destroyer || T1 || Caldari ||  || 2
| Goru's Shuttle|| Faction Shuttles || T1 || Faction
| [[Cormorant]] || Destroyer || T1 || Caldari || Sniper || 2
| Griffin|| Frigates || T1 || Caldari  
| [[Cormorant Navy Issue]] || Destroyer || T1 || Caldari || Sniper || 2
| Guardian|| Logistics Cruisers || T2 || Amarr
| [[Council Diplomatic Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Gallente ||  ||  
| Guardian-Vexor|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Covetor]] || Mining Barge || T1 || ORE || Mining || 0
| Guistas Shuttle|| Faction Shuttles || T1 || Faction
| [[Crane]] || Blockade Runner || T2 || Caldari || Hauler || 0
| Harbinger|| Battlecruisers || T1 || Amarr
| [[Crow]] || Interceptor || T2 || Caldari || Tackler, Scout (Skirmish/+1) || 2
| Harpy|| Assault Ships || T2 || Caldari
| [[Crucifier]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr || TD/Tracking Disruptor || 4
| Hawk|| Assault Ships || T2 || Caldari
| [[Crucifier Navy Issue]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr ||  ||  
| Helios|| Carriers || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Cruor]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr || Neuts || 1
| Helios|| Covert Ops || T2 || Gallente
| [[Crusader]] || Interceptor || T2 || Amarr || Tackle || 2
| Heretic|| Interdictors || T2 || Amarr  
| [[Curse]] || Combat Recon Ship || T2 || Amarr || Neuts, TD/Tracking Disruptor || 5
| Heron|| Frigates || T1 || Caldari
| [[Cybele]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || || Gallente ||  ||  
| Hoarder|| Industrial Ships || T1 || Minmatar  
| [[Cyclone]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 4
| Hound|| Covert Ops || T2 || Minmatar  
| [[Cyclone Fleet Issue]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| Hound|| Stealth Bombers || T2 || Minmatar  
| [[Cynabal]] || Cruiser || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 4
| Huginn|| Recon Ships || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Dagon]] || Force Auxiliary || T1 || Amarr ||  ||  
| Hulk|| Exhumer Barges || T2 || ORE
| [[Damavik]] || Frigate || T1 || Triglavian ||  ||  
| Hurricane|| Battlecruisers || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Damnation]] || Command Ship || T2 || Amarr || Booster - Armor || 2
| Hyena|| Electronic Attack Frigates || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Daredevil]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente || Webbing || 3
| Hyperion|| Battleships || T1 || Gallente
| [[Deacon]] || Logistics Frigate || T2 || Amarr ||  ||  
| Imicus|| Frigates || T1 || Gallente  
| [[Deimos]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Gallente || DPS (Higher) || 4
| Impel|| Transport Ships || T2 || Amarr
| [[Deluge]] || Blockade Runner || T2 || Upwell || Hauler ||
| Incursus|| Frigates || T1 || Gallente
| [[Devoter]] || Heavy Interdiction Cruiser || T2 || Amarr || Tackler, Heavy || 3
| Inquisitor|| Frigates || T1 || Amarr
| [[Dominix]] || Battleship || T1 || Gallente || Drone Boat || 4
| Ishkur|| Assault Ships || T2 || Gallente  
| [[Dominix Navy Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| Ishtar|| Heavy Assault Cruisers || T2 || Gallente
| [[Dragoon]] || Destroyer || T1 || Amarr || Neuts, Drones || 2
| Iteron|| Industrial Ships || T1 || Gallente
| [[Drake]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Caldari || Tanky || 4
| Jaguar|| Assault Ships || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Drake Navy Issue]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Caldari ||  ||  
| Keres|| Electronic Attack Frigates || T2 || Gallente
| [[Dramiel]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 3
| Kestrel|| Frigates || T1 || Caldari
| [[Draugur]] || Destroyer || T2 || Triglavian ||  ||  
| Kitsune|| Electronic Attack Frigates || T2 || Caldari
| [[Drekavac]] || Battlecriuser || T1 || Triglavian ||  ||  
| Kronos|| Marauders || T2 || Gallente
| [[Eagle]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Caldari || Sniper || 4
| Lachesis|| Recon Ships || T2 || Gallente
| [[Echelon]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr ||  ||  
| Legion|| Strategic Cruisers || T3 || Amarr
| [[Echo]] || Corvette || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||  
| Leviathan|| Titans || T1 || Caldari
| [[Endurance]] || Expedition Frigate || T2 || ORE ||  ||  
| Loki|| Strategic Cruisers || T3 || Minmatar
| [[Enforcer]] || Force Recon Ship || T2 || None ||  ||  
| Machariel|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Enyo]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Gallente ||  || 3
| Mackinaw|| Exhumer Barges || T2 || ORE
| [[Eos]] || Command Ship || T2 || Gallente || Booster - Information || 2
| Maelstrom|| Battleships || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Epithal]] || Hauler || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| Magnate|| Frigates || T1 || Amarr
| [[Erebus]] || Titan || T1 || Gallente || Immune, always || 0
| Malediction|| Interceptors || T2 || Amarr
| [[Eris]] || Interdictor || T2 || Gallente ||  || 3
| Maller|| Cruisers || T1 || Amarr
| [[Etana]] || Logistics || T2 || Caldari ||  ||  
| Mammoth|| Industrial Ships || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Executioner]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr || Tackle || 1
| Manticore|| Covert Ops || T2 || Caldari
| [[Exequror]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente || Logistics, independent || 6
| Manticore|| Stealth Bombers || T2 || Caldari
| [[Exequror Navy Issue]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente || DPS || 3
| Mastodon|| Transport Ships || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Falcon]] || Force Recon Ship || T2 || Caldari || ECM || 10
| Maulus|| Frigates || T1 || Gallente  
| [[Federation Navy Comet]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente ||  || 2
| Megathron|| Battleships || T1 || Gallente
| [[Fenrir]] || Freighter || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| Megathron Federate Issue|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Ferox]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Caldari ||  || 4
| Megathron Navy Issue|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Ferox Navy Issue]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| Merlin|| Frigates || T1 || Caldari
| [[Fiend]] || Heavy Interdiction Cruiser || T1 || Amarr ||  ||
| Moa|| Cruisers || T1 || Caldari  
| [[Flycatcher]] || Interdictor || T2 || Caldari ||  || 3
| Moros|| Dreadnoughts || T1 || Gallente
| [[Freki]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Minmatar ||  ||  
| Muninn|| Heavy Assault Cruisers || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Gallente Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Gallente ||  ||  
| Myrmidon|| Battlecruisers || T1 || Gallente
| [[Garmur]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari || Tackle (Long range) ||  ?
| Naglfar|| Dreadnoughts || T1 || Minmatar  
| [[Geri]] || Assault Frigate || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| Navitas|| Frigates || T1 || Gallente
| [[Gila]] || Cruiser || T1 || Caldari || Droneboat || 1
| Navy Issue Megathron|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Gnosis]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Jove ||  || 5
| Navy Vexor|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Gold Magnate]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr || Special || 2
| Nemesis|| Covert Ops || T2 || Gallente
| [[Golem]] || Marauder || T2 || Caldari ||  || 6
| Nemesis|| Stealth Bombers || T2 || Gallente
| [[Goru's Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Caldari || Shuttle || 0
| Nidhoggur|| Carriers || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Griffin]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari || ECM || 5
| Nighthawk|| Command Ships || T2 || Caldari  
| [[Griffin Navy Issue]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| Nightmare|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Guardian]] || Logistics || T2 || Amarr || Logistics, cap chain || 8
| Nomad|| Jump Freighters || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Guardian-Vexor]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente || Special || 3
| Nyx|| Carriers || T1 || Gallente
| [[Guristas Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Caldari || Shuttle || 0
| Occator|| Transport Ships || T2 || Gallente
| [[Harbinger]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Amarr ||  || 4
| Omen|| Cruisers || T1 || Amarr  
| [[Harbinger Navy Issue]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Amarr ||  ||
| Omen Navy Issue|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Harpy]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Caldari ||  || 3
| Oneiros|| Logistics Cruisers || T2 || Gallente
| [[Hawk]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Caldari ||  || 3
| Onyx|| Heavy Interdictors || T2 || Caldari
| [[Hecate]] || Tactical Destroyer || T3 || Gallente ||  || 4
| Orca|| Capital Industrial Ships || T1 || ORE
| [[Hel]] || Supercarrier || T1 || Minmatar || Immune, always || 0
| Osprey|| Cruisers || T1 || Caldari
| [[Helios]] || Covert Ops || T2 || Gallente || Scout, Cloak || 0
| Osprey Navy Issue|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Hematos]] || Corvette || T1 || Amarr ||  ||
| Paladin|| Marauders || T2 || Amarr  
| [[Heretic]] || Interdictor || T2 || Amarr ||  || 3
| Panther|| Black Ops || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Heron]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari || Explorer || 1
| Phantasm|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Heron Navy Issue]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari || Explorer ||
| Phobos|| Heavy Interdictors || T2 || Gallente
| [[Hoarder]] || Hauler || T1 || Minmatar || Hauler || 0
| Phoenix|| Dreadnoughts || T1 || Caldari
| [[Hound]] || Stealth Bomber || T2 || Minmatar ||  || 3
| Pilgrim|| Recon Ships || T2 || Amarr
| [[Hubris]] || Lancer Dreadnought || T2 || Gallente ||  ||
| Proator|| Transport Ships || T2 || Amarr
| [[Huginn]] || Combat Recon Ship || T2 || Minmatar || Webbing (long range) || 5
| Probe|| Frigates || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Hulk]] || Exhumer || T2 || ORE || Mining || 0
| Procurer|| Mining Barges  || T1 || ORE
| [[Hurricane]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 4
| Prophecy|| Battlecruisers || T1 || Amarr
| [[Hurricane Fleet Issue]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| Proteus|| Strategic Cruisers || T3 || Gallente
| [[Hydra]] || Covert Ops Frigate || T2 || Triglavian ||  ||  
| Prowler|| Transport Ships || T2 || Minmatar  
| [[Hyena]] || Electronic Attack Ship || T2 || Minmatar || Webbing, TP/Painting || 4
| Punisher|| Frigates || T1 || Amarr
| [[Hyperion]] || Battleship || T1 || Gallente ||  || 5
| Purifier|| Covert Ops || T2 || Amarr
| [[Ibis]] || Corvette || T1 || Caldari ||  || 1
| Purifier|| Stealth Bombers || T2 || Amarr
| [[Ikitursa]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser|| T2 || Triglavian||  ||
| Ragnarok|| Titans || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Imicus]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente || Exploration || 1
| Rapier|| Recon Ships || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Imicus Navy Issue]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente || Exploration ||  
| Raptor|| Interceptors || T2 || Caldari
| [[Immolator]] || Corvette || T1 || Amarr ||  ||  
| Rattlesnake|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Imp]] || Interceptor || T1 || Amarr ||  ||
| Raven|| Battleships || T1 || Caldari
| [[Impairor]] || Corvette || T1 || Amarr ||  || 1
| Raven Navy Issue|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Impel]] || Deep Space Transport || T2 || Amarr || Hauler || 0
| Raven State Issue|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Imperial Navy Slicer]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr ||  || 3
| Redeemer|| Black Ops || T2 || Amarr
| [[Incursus]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente ||  || 1
| Republic Fleet Firetail|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Inquisitor]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr || Logistics || 5
| Retribution|| Assault Ships || T2 || Amarr
| [[InterBus Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Gallente ||  ||  
| Retriever|| Mining Barges  || T1 || ORE
| [[Ishkur]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Gallente || || 3
| Revelation|| Dreadnoughts || T1 || Amarr
| [[Ishtar]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Gallente || Sniper || 3
| Rhea|| Jump Freighters || T2 || Caldari
| [[Iteron Mark V]] || Hauler || T1 || Gallente || Hauler || 0
| Rifter|| Frigates || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Jackdaw]] || Tactical Destroyer || T3 || Caldari ||  || 4
| Rohk|| Battleships || T1 || Caldari
| [[Jaguar]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Minmatar ||  || 3
| Rook|| Recon Ships || T2 || Caldari  
| [[Karura]] || Lancer Dreadnought || T2 || Caldari ||  ||
| Rorqual|| Capital Industrial Ships || T1 || ORE
| [[Keres]] || Electronic Attack Ship || T2 || Gallente || Dampening || 6
| Rupture|| Cruisers || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Kestrel]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari ||  || 1
| Sabre|| Interdictors || T2 || Minmatar  
| [[Khizriel]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| Sacrilege|| Heavy Assault Cruisers || T2 || Amarr
| [[Kikimora]] || Destroyer || T1 || Triglavian ||  ||  
| Scimitar|| Logistics Cruisers || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Kirin]] || Logistics Frigate || T2 || Caldari ||  ||
| Scorpion|| Battleships || T1 || Caldari  
| [[Kitsune]] || Electronic Attack Ship || T2 || Caldari || ECM || 8
| Scythe|| Cruisers || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Komodo]] || Titan || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| Scythe Fleet Issue|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Kronos]] || Marauder || T2 || Gallente ||  || 6
| Sentinel|| Electronic Attack Frigates || T2 || Amarr
| [[Kryos]] || Hauler || T1 || Gallente ||  ||  
| Sigil|| Industrial Ships || T1 || Amarr
| [[Lachesis]] || Combat Recon Ship || T2 || Gallente || Dampening, Tackle (Long Range), Cloak || 7
| Silver Magnate|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Laelaps]] || Heavy Interdiction Cruiser || F || Mordu's ||  ||  
| Sin|| Black Ops || T2 || Gallente
| [[Legion]] || Strategic Cruiser || T3 || Amarr ||  || 6
| Skiff|| Exhumer Barges || T2 || ORE
| [[Leopard]] || Shuttle || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||  
| Slasher|| Frigates || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Leshak]] || Battleship || T1 || Triglavian ||  ||
| Sleipnir|| Command Ships || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Leviathan]] || Titan || T1 || Caldari || Immune, always || 0
| Stabber|| Cruisers || T1 || Minmatar  
| [[Lif]] || Force Auxiliary || T1 || Minmatar || Fighters || 0
| Stabber Fleet Issue|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Loggerhead]] || Force Auxiliary || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| Stiletto|| Interceptors || T2 || Minmatar  
| [[Loki]] || Strategic Cruiser || T3 || Minmatar ||  || 6
| Succubus|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Machariel]] || Battleship || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 6
| Taranis|| Interceptors || T2 || Gallente
| [[Mackinaw]] || Exhumer || T2 || ORE || Mining || 0
| Tempest|| Battleships || T1 || Minmatar  
| [[Maelstrom]] || Battleship || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 5
| Tempest Fleet Issue|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Magnate]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr || Explorer ||
| Tempest Tribal Issue|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Magnate Navy Issue]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr || Explorer || 1
| Tengu|| Strategic Cruisers || T3 || Caldari
| [[Magus]] || Command Destroyer || T2 || Gallente ||  ||  
| Thanatos|| Carriers || T1 || Gallente
| [[Malediction]] || Interceptor || T2 || Amarr || Tackler, Scout (Skirmish/+1) || 2
| Thorax|| Cruisers || T1 || Gallente
| [[Malice]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Amarr ||  ||  
| Thrasher|| Destroyers || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Maller]] || Cruiser || T1 || Amarr || Tanky || 2
| Tormentor|| Frigates || T1 || Caldari
| [[Mamba]] || Destroyer || F || Guristas ||  ||  
| Tristan|| Frigates || T1 || Gallente
| [[Mammoth]] || Hauler || T1 || Minmatar || Hauler || 0
| Typhoon|| Battleships || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Manticore]] || Stealth Bomber || T2 || Caldari ||  || 3
| Vagabond|| Heavy Assault Cruisers || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Marshal]] || Black Ops || T2 || None ||  ||
| Vargur|| Marauders || T2 || Minmatar  
| [[Mastodon]] || Deep Space Transport || T2 || Minmatar || Hauler || 0
| Vengeance|| Assault Ships || T2 || Amarr
| [[Maulus]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente || Dampening || 5
| Vexor|| Cruisers || T1 || Gallente  
| [[Maulus Navy Issue]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| Vexor Navy Issue|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Megathron]] || Battleship || T1 || Gallente ||  || 5
| Viator|| Transport Ships || T2 || Gallente  
| [[Megathron Federate Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Gallente || Special || 5
| Vigil|| Frigates || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Megathron Navy Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Gallente ||  || 5
| Vigilant|| Faction Cruisers || T1 || Faction
| [[Mekubal]] || Destroyer || F || Angel ||  ||  
| Vindicator|| Faction Battleships || T1 || Faction
| [[Merlin]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari ||  || 1
| Vulture|| Command Ships || T2 || Caldari
| [[Metamorphosis]] || Frigate || T1 || Jove ||  ||  
| Widow|| Black Ops || T2 || Caldari
| [[Miasmos]] || Hauler || T1 || Gallente ||  ||  
| Wolf|| Assault Ships || T2 || Minmatar
| [[Miasmos Amastris Edition]] || Hauler<ref name="SEIS" /> || T1 || Gallente ||  ||  
| Worm|| Faction Frigates || T1 || Faction
| [[Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition]] || Hauler<ref name="SEIS" /> || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| Wreathe|| Industrial Ships || T1 || Minmatar
| [[Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition]] || Hauler<ref name="SEIS" /> || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| Wyvern|| Carriers || T1 || Caldari
| [[Mimir]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Minmatar ||  ||  
| Zealot|| Heavy Assault Cruisers || T2 || Amarr  
| [[Minmatar Shuttle]] || Shuttle || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| [[Minokawa]] || Force Auxiliary || T1 || Caldari || Fighters || 0
| [[Moa]] || Cruiser || T1 || Caldari ||  || 2
| [[Molok]] || Titan || T1 || Amarr ||  ||
| [[Monitor]] || Flag Cruiser || T2 || None ||  ||
| [[Moracha]] || Force Recon Ship || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| [[Moros]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Gallente || Immune during siege mode || 3
| [[Moros Navy Issue]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Gallente || Immune during siege mode || 3
| [[Muninn]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Minmatar ||  || 4
| [[Myrmidon]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Gallente || Drones || 4
| [[Myrmidon Navy Issue]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Gallente || Drones ||
| [[Naga]] || Attack Battlecruiser || T1 || Caldari || Sniper || 5
| [[Naglfar]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Minmatar || Immune during siege mode || 3
| [[Naglfar Fleet Issue]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Minmatar || Immune during siege mode || 3
| [[Navitas]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente || Logistics || 5
| [[Nemesis]] || Stealth Bomber || T2 || Gallente ||  || 3
| [[Nereus]] || HAuler || T1 || Gallente || Hauler, Rarely fits weapons || 1
| [[Nergal]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Triglavian ||  ||
| [[Nestor]] || Battleship || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Nidhoggur]] || Carrier || T1 || Minmatar ||  ???/Unrated; Immune if in triage mode ||  ?
| [[Nighthawk]] || Command Ship || T2 || Caldari || Booster || 4
| [[Nightmare]] || Battleship || T1 || Amarr ||  || 6
| [[Ninazu]] || Force Auxiliary || T1 || Gallente || Fighters || 0
| [[Noctis]] || Hauler || T1 || ORE ||  ||
| [[Nomad]] || Jump Freighter || T2 || Minmatar || Hauler, Strategic || 0
| [[Nyx]] || Supercarrier || T1 || Gallente || Immune, always || 0
| [[Obelisk]] || Freighter || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Occator]] || Deep Space Transport || T2 || Gallente || Hauler || 0
| [[Omen]] || Cruiser || T1 || Amarr ||  || 2
| [[Omen Navy Issue]] || Cruiser || T1 || Amarr ||  || 3
| [[Oneiros]] || Logistics || T2 || Gallente || Logistics, independent || 7
| [[Onyx]] || Heavy Interdiction Cruiser || T2 || Caldari || Tackle (for Capitals) || 4
| [[Opux Luxury Yacht]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Oracle]] || Attack Battlecruiser || T1 || Amarr || Sniper || 5
| [[Orca]] || Industrial Command Ship || T1 || ORE || Mining Booster, Hauler || 0
| [[Orthrus]] || Cruiser || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| [[Osprey]] || Cruiser || T1 || Caldari || Logistics, cap chain || 7
| [[Osprey Navy Issue]] || Cruiser || T1 || Caldari || DPS || 2
| [[Pacifier]] || Covert Ops || T2 || None ||  ||
| [[Paladin]] || Marauder || T2 || Amarr ||  || 6
| [[Panther]] || Black Ops || T2 || Minmatar || DPS, Cloaky || 6
| [[Phantasm]] || Cruiser || T1 || Amarr ||  || 2
| [[Phobos]] || Heavy Interdiction Cruiser || T2 || Gallente || Tackle (on capitals) || 4
| [[Phoenix]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Caldari || Immune during siege mode || 4
| [[Phoenix Navy Issue]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Caldari || Immune during siege mode || 4
| [[Pilgrim]] || Force Recon Ship || T2 || Amarr || Neuts, Cloaky || 6
| [[Pontifex]] || Command Destroyer || T2 || Amarr ||  ||
| [[Porpoise]] || Industrial Command Ship || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Praxis]] || Battleship || T1 || Jove ||  ||
| [[Primae]] || Hauler<ref name="SEIS" /> || T1 || ORE ||  ||
| [[Probe]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar || Explorer || 1
| [[Probe Fleet Issue]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar || Explorer ||
| [[Procurer]] || Mining Barge || T1 || ORE || Mining || 0
| [[Prophecy]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Amarr || Drones || 4
| [[Prophecy Navy Issue]] || Combat Battlecruiser || T1 || Amarr || Drones ||
| [[Prorator]] || Blockade Runner || T2 || Amarr || Hauler || 0
| [[Prospect]] || Expedition Frigate || T2 || ORE || Scout, Cloak, Covert Cyno, Miner? ||  ?
| [[Proteus]] || Strategic Cruiser || T3 || Gallente ||  || 6
| [[Providence]] || Freighter || T1 || Amarr ||  ||
| [[Prowler]] || Blockade Runner || T2 || Minmatar || Hauler || 0
| [[Punisher]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr ||  || 1
| [[Purifier]] || Stealth Bomber || T2 || Amarr ||  || 3
| [[Rabisu]] || Logistics || T2 || Amarr ||  ||
| [[Ragnarok]] || Titan || T1 || Minmatar || Immune, always || 0
| [[Raiju]] || Electronic Attack Ship || F || Mordu's ||  ||
| [[Rapier]] || Force Recon Ship || T2 || Minmatar || Webbing, Cloak || 6
| [[Raptor]] || Interceptor || T2 || Caldari || Tackle || 3
| [[Rattlesnake]] || Battleship || T1 || Caldari || Drones || 6
| [[Raven]] || Battleship || T1 || Caldari ||  || 5
| [[Raven Navy Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Caldari ||  || 5
| [[Raven State Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Caldari || Special || 5
| [[Reaper]] || Corvette || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 1
| [[Redeemer]] || Black Ops || T2 || Amarr || DPS, Cloak || 6
| [[Republic Fleet Firetail]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 2
| [[Retribution]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Amarr ||  || 3
| [[Retriever]] || Mining Barge || T1 || ORE || Mining || 0
| [[Revelation]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Amarr || Immune during siege mode || 4
| [[Revelation Navy Issue]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Amarr || Immune during siege mode || 4
| [[Revenant]] || Supercarrier || T1 || Pirate ||  ||
| [[Rhea]] || Jump Freighter || T2 || Caldari || Hauler, Strategic || 0
| [[Rifter]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 1
| [[Rodiva]] || Cruiser|| T1 || Triglavian||  ||
| [[Rokh]] || Battleship || T1 || Caldari ||  || 5
| [[Rook]] || Combat Recon Ship || T2 || Caldari || ECM || 9
| [[Rorqual]] || Capital Industrial Ship || T1 || ORE || Mining Support || 2
| [[Rupture]] || Cruiser || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 1
| [[Sabre]] || Interdictor || T2 || Minmatar ||  || 2
| [[Sacrilege]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Amarr || Tanky || 5
| [[Scalpel]] || Logistics Frigate || T2 || Minmatar ||  ||
| [[Scimitar]] || Logistics || T2 || Minmatar || Logistics, independent || 7
| [[Scorpion]] || Battleship || T1 || Caldari || ECM || 10
| [[Scorpion Navy Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| [[Scythe]] || Cruiser || T1 || Minmatar || Logistics, independent || 6
| [[Scythe Fleet Issue]] || Cruiser || T1 || Minmatar || DPS || 2
| [[Sentinel]] || Electronic Attack Ship || T2 || Amarr || TD/Tracking Disruption || 4
| [[Shapash]] || Assault Frigate ||  || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Sigil]] || Hauler || T1 || Amarr || Hauler || 0
| [[Silver Magnate]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr || Special || 2
| [[Sin]] || Black Ops || T2 || Gallente || Drones, Cloak || 7
| [[Skiff]] || Exhumer || T2 || ORE || Miner (tanky) || 0
| [[Skybreaker]] || Frigate || T1 || Edencom ||  ||
| [[Slasher]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar || Tackle || 1
| [[Sleipnir]] || Command Ship || T2 || Minmatar || Booster || 6
| [[Squall]] || Hauler || T1 || Upwell || Hauler ||
| [[Stabber]] || Cruiser || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 2
| [[Stabber Fleet Issue]] || Cruiser || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 3
| [[Stiletto]] || Interceptor || T2 || Minmatar || Tackler, Scout (+1/Skirmish) || 2
| [[Stork]] || Command Destroyer || T2 || Caldari ||  ||
| [[Stormbringer]] || Cruiser || T1 || Edencom ||  ||
| [[Stratios]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente || Exploration?, Cloak || 2
| [[Stratios Emergency Responder]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Succubus]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr ||  || 1
| [[Sunesis]] || Destroyer || T1 || Jove ||  ||
| [[Svipul]] || Tactical Destroyer || T3 || Minmatar ||  || 4
| [[Taipan]] || Corvette || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| [[Talos]] || Attack Battlecruiser || T1 || Gallente || Brawler || 5
| [[Talwar]] || Destroyer || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 2
| [[Taranis]] || Interceptor || T2 || Gallente || Tackler || 2
| [[Tayra]] || Hauler || T1 || Caldari ||  ||
| [[Tempest]] || Battleship || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 5
| [[Tempest Fleet Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 5
| [[Tempest Tribal Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Minmatar || Special || 5
| [[Tengu]] || Strategic Cruiser || T3 || Caldari ||  || 6
| [[Thalia]] || Logistics Frigate || T2 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Thanatos]] || Carrier || T1 || Gallente ||  ???/Unrated ||  ?
| [[Thorax]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente || DPS (Higher) || 2
| [[Thunderchild]] || Battleship || T1 || Edencom ||  ||
| [[Tiamat]] || Cruiser || T2 || Triglavian || ||
| [[Thrasher]] || Destroyer || T1 || Minmatar || Instalocker || 2
| [[Torrent]] || Deep Space Transport || T2 || Upwell || Hauler ||
| [[Tormentor]] || Frigate || T1 || Amarr ||  || 1
| [[Tornado]] || Attack Battlecruiser || T1 || Minmatar || Sniper || 5
| [[Tristan]] || Frigate || T1 || Gallente || Drones || 1
| [[Typhoon]] || Battleship || T1 || Minmatar ||  || 5
| [[Typhoon Fleet Issue]] || Battleship || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| [[Utu]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Vagabond]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Minmatar ||  || 4
| [[Valravn]] || Lancer Dreadnought || T2 || Minmatar ||  ||
| [[Vangel]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Amarr ||  ||
| [[Vanquisher]] || Titan || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Vargur]] || Marauder || T2 || Minmatar ||  || 6
| [[Vedmak]] || Cruiser || T1 || Triglavian ||  ||
| [[Vehement]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Velator]] || Corvette || T1 || Gallente ||  || 1
| [[Vendetta]] || Supercarrier || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Vengeance]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Amarr ||  || 3
| [[Venture]] || Frigate || T1 || ORE || Mining || 0
| [[Vexor]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente || Droneboat || 2
| [[Vexor Navy Issue]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente || Droneboat || 2
| [[Viator]] || Blockade Runner || T2 || Gallente || Hauler, Cloak || 0
| [[Victor]] || Force Recon Ship || T2 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Victorieux Luxury Yacht]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Vigil]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar || TP/Target Painting || 3
| [[Vigil Fleet Issue]] || Frigate || T1 || Minmatar ||  ||
| [[Vigilant]] || Cruiser || T1 || Gallente || Webbing || 5
| [[Vindicator]] || Battleship || T1 || Gallente || Webbing || 6
| [[Violator]] || Corvette || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Virtuoso]] || Stealth Bomber || T2 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Vulture]] || Command Ship || T2 || Caldari || Booster || 6
| [[Whiptail]] || Interceptor || T2 || Caldari ||  ||
| [[Widow]] || Black Ops || T2 || Caldari || ECM || 9
| [[Wolf]] || Assault Frigate || T2 || Minmatar ||  || 3
| [[Worm]] || Frigate || T1 || Caldari || Droneboat || 1
| [[Wreathe]] || Hauler || T1 || Minmatar || Hauler, Rarely fits weapons || 1
| [[Wyvern]] || Supercarrier || T1 || Caldari || Immune, always || 0
| [[Zarmazd]] || Support Cruiser || T2 || Triglavian || ||
| [[Zealot]] || Heavy Assault Cruiser || T2 || Amarr || Sniper || 4
| [[Zephyr]] || Compact Exploration Ship || T1 || Gallente ||  ||
| [[Zirnitra]] || Dreadnought || T1 || Triglavian ||  ||
== References ==
<ref name="SEIS">Special Edition Industrial Ship on the market</ref>
== See also ==
For a more detailed list of ships, see [[Ship type quick reference]].

Latest revision as of 13:36, 20 July 2024

This article should be cleaned up or improved, as of 20 July 2024.
The reason is: Might be incomplete, or the total in the intro(393) is wrong. Category:Ship Database has 420 articles, this includes 6 non-playable Jove ships, indicating 413 playable ships.

All player flyable ships, sortable by Name, Type, Tech, Faction, and Typical Role (393 in total)

Ship Type Tech Faction Typical Role ECM Priority Group
Abaddon Battleship T1 Amarr 5
Absolution Command Ship T2 Amarr Booster 6
Adrestia Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Gallente
Aeon Supercarrier T1 Amarr Immune, always 0
Algos Destroyer T1 Gallente Drones 2
Alligator Battlecruiser T1 Caldari Droneboat, Booster
Amarr Shuttle Shuttle T1 Amarr
Anathema Covert Ops T2 Amarr Scout, Cloak 0
Anshar Jump Freighter T2 Gallente Hauler, Strategic 0
Apocalypse Battleship T1 Amarr Sniper 5
Apocalypse Imperial Issue Battleship T1 Amarr Special 5
Apocalypse Navy Issue Battleship T1 Amarr Sniper 5
Apostle Force Auxiliary T1 Amarr Fighters 0
Apotheosis Shuttle T1 Jove Shuttle 0
Arazu Force Recon Ship T2 Gallente Dampening, Tackler (long) 7
Arbitrator Cruiser T1 Amarr TD/Tracking Disruption, Drones 4
Archon Carrier T1 Amarr Logistics, Triage, immune if active 8
Ares Interceptor T2 Gallente Tackler, Scout (Skirmish) 3
Ark Jump Freighter T2 Amarr Hauler, Strategic 0
Armageddon Battleship T1 Amarr Drones 5
Armageddon Imperial Issue Battleship T1 Amarr
Armageddon Navy Issue Battleship T1 Amarr
Ashimmu Cruiser T1 Amarr Neuts, webbing (range) 4
Astarte Command Ship T2 Gallente Booster 6
Astero Frigate T1 Gallente Explorer?, Cloak 2
Atron Frigate T1 Gallente Tackle 2
Augoror Cruiser T1 Amarr Logistics, cap chain 7
Augoror Navy Issue Cruiser T1 Amarr DPS 2
Avatar Titan T1 Amarr Immune, always 0
Avalanche Freighter T1 Upwell
Azariel Titan T1 Minmatar Immune, always 0
Badger Hauler T1 Caldari Hauler 0
Bane Lancer Dreadnought T2 Amarr
Bantam Frigate T1 Caldari Logistics 5
Barghest Battleship T1 Caldari
Basilisk Logistics T2 Caldari Logistics, cap chain 8
Bellicose Cruiser T1 Minmatar TP/Target Painter 2
Bestla Heavy Assault cruiser T2 Minmatar
Bestower Hauler T1 Amarr Hauler 0
Bhaalgorn Battleship T1 Amarr Neuts 6
Bifrost Command Destroyer T2 Minmatar
Blackbird Cruiser T1 Caldari ECM 9
Boobook Shuttle T1 Caldari
Bowhead Freighter T1 ORE
Breacher Frigate T1 Minmatar 1
Broadsword Heavy Interdiction Cruiser T2 Minmatar Tackler, Heavy (for capitals) 4
Brutix Combat Battlecruiser T1 Gallente DPS (Higher) 4
Brutix Navy Issue Combat Battlecruiser T1 Gallente
Burst Frigate T1 Minmatar Logistics 5
Bustard Deep Space Transport T2 Caldari Hauler (DST) 0
Buzzard Covert Ops T2 Caldari Scout, Cloak 0
Caedes Covert Ops T2 Amarr
Caiman Dreadnought T1 Caldari
Caldari Navy Hookbill Frigate T1 Caldari 3
Caldari Shuttle Shuttle T1 Caldari
Cambion Assault Frigate T2 Caldari
Caracal Cruiser T1 Caldari 2
Caracal Navy Issue Cruiser T1 Caldari
Catalyst Destroyer T1 Gallente DPS (Higher), Ganker 2
Catalyst Navy Issue Destroyer T1 Gallente DPS (Higher), Ganker 2
Celestis Cruiser T1 Gallente Dampening 7
Cerberus Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Caldari 4
Chameleon Force Recon Ship T2 Caldari Special 1
Charon Freighter T1 Caldari
Cheetah Covert Ops T2 Minmatar Scout, Cloak 1
Chemosh Dreadnought T1 Amarr
Chimera Carrier T1 Caldari Logistics, triage, immune if active 8
Chremoas Covert Ops T1 Minmatar
Civilian Amarr Shuttle Shuttle T1 Amarr
Civilian Caldari Shuttle Shuttle T1 Caldari
Civilian Gallente Shuttle Shuttle T1 Gallente
Civilian Minmatar Shuttle Shuttle T1 Minmatar
Claw Interceptor T2 Minmatar Tackle 2
Claymore Command Ship T2 Minmatar Booster - Skirmish 3
Coercer Destroyer T1 Amarr 2
Coercer Navy Issue Destroyer T1 Amarr 2
Condor Frigate T1 Caldari Tackle 1
Confessor Tactical Destroyer T3 Amarr 4
Corax Destroyer T1 Caldari 2
Cormorant Destroyer T1 Caldari Sniper 2
Cormorant Navy Issue Destroyer T1 Caldari Sniper 2
Council Diplomatic Shuttle Shuttle T1 Gallente
Covetor Mining Barge T1 ORE Mining 0
Crane Blockade Runner T2 Caldari Hauler 0
Crow Interceptor T2 Caldari Tackler, Scout (Skirmish/+1) 2
Crucifier Frigate T1 Amarr TD/Tracking Disruptor 4
Crucifier Navy Issue Frigate T1 Amarr
Cruor Frigate T1 Amarr Neuts 1
Crusader Interceptor T2 Amarr Tackle 2
Curse Combat Recon Ship T2 Amarr Neuts, TD/Tracking Disruptor 5
Cybele Heavy Assault Cruiser Gallente
Cyclone Combat Battlecruiser T1 Minmatar 4
Cyclone Fleet Issue Combat Battlecruiser T1 Minmatar
Cynabal Cruiser T1 Minmatar 4
Dagon Force Auxiliary T1 Amarr
Damavik Frigate T1 Triglavian
Damnation Command Ship T2 Amarr Booster - Armor 2
Daredevil Frigate T1 Gallente Webbing 3
Deacon Logistics Frigate T2 Amarr
Deimos Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Gallente DPS (Higher) 4
Deluge Blockade Runner T2 Upwell Hauler
Devoter Heavy Interdiction Cruiser T2 Amarr Tackler, Heavy 3
Dominix Battleship T1 Gallente Drone Boat 4
Dominix Navy Issue Battleship T1 Gallente
Dragoon Destroyer T1 Amarr Neuts, Drones 2
Drake Combat Battlecruiser T1 Caldari Tanky 4
Drake Navy Issue Combat Battlecruiser T1 Caldari
Dramiel Frigate T1 Minmatar 3
Draugur Destroyer T2 Triglavian
Drekavac Battlecriuser T1 Triglavian
Eagle Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Caldari Sniper 4
Echelon Frigate T1 Amarr
Echo Corvette T1 Minmatar
Endurance Expedition Frigate T2 ORE
Enforcer Force Recon Ship T2 None
Enyo Assault Frigate T2 Gallente 3
Eos Command Ship T2 Gallente Booster - Information 2
Epithal Hauler T1 Gallente
Erebus Titan T1 Gallente Immune, always 0
Eris Interdictor T2 Gallente 3
Etana Logistics T2 Caldari
Executioner Frigate T1 Amarr Tackle 1
Exequror Cruiser T1 Gallente Logistics, independent 6
Exequror Navy Issue Cruiser T1 Gallente DPS 3
Falcon Force Recon Ship T2 Caldari ECM 10
Federation Navy Comet Frigate T1 Gallente 2
Fenrir Freighter T1 Minmatar
Ferox Combat Battlecruiser T1 Caldari 4
Ferox Navy Issue Combat Battlecruiser T1 Caldari
Fiend Heavy Interdiction Cruiser T1 Amarr
Flycatcher Interdictor T2 Caldari 3
Freki Assault Frigate T2 Minmatar
Gallente Shuttle Shuttle T1 Gallente
Garmur Frigate T1 Caldari Tackle (Long range)  ?
Geri Assault Frigate T1 Minmatar
Gila Cruiser T1 Caldari Droneboat 1
Gnosis Combat Battlecruiser T1 Jove 5
Gold Magnate Frigate T1 Amarr Special 2
Golem Marauder T2 Caldari 6
Goru's Shuttle Shuttle T1 Caldari Shuttle 0
Griffin Frigate T1 Caldari ECM 5
Griffin Navy Issue Frigate T1 Caldari
Guardian Logistics T2 Amarr Logistics, cap chain 8
Guardian-Vexor Cruiser T1 Gallente Special 3
Guristas Shuttle Shuttle T1 Caldari Shuttle 0
Harbinger Combat Battlecruiser T1 Amarr 4
Harbinger Navy Issue Combat Battlecruiser T1 Amarr
Harpy Assault Frigate T2 Caldari 3
Hawk Assault Frigate T2 Caldari 3
Hecate Tactical Destroyer T3 Gallente 4
Hel Supercarrier T1 Minmatar Immune, always 0
Helios Covert Ops T2 Gallente Scout, Cloak 0
Hematos Corvette T1 Amarr
Heretic Interdictor T2 Amarr 3
Heron Frigate T1 Caldari Explorer 1
Heron Navy Issue Frigate T1 Caldari Explorer
Hoarder Hauler T1 Minmatar Hauler 0
Hound Stealth Bomber T2 Minmatar 3
Hubris Lancer Dreadnought T2 Gallente
Huginn Combat Recon Ship T2 Minmatar Webbing (long range) 5
Hulk Exhumer T2 ORE Mining 0
Hurricane Combat Battlecruiser T1 Minmatar 4
Hurricane Fleet Issue Combat Battlecruiser T1 Minmatar
Hydra Covert Ops Frigate T2 Triglavian
Hyena Electronic Attack Ship T2 Minmatar Webbing, TP/Painting 4
Hyperion Battleship T1 Gallente 5
Ibis Corvette T1 Caldari 1
Ikitursa Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Triglavian
Imicus Frigate T1 Gallente Exploration 1
Imicus Navy Issue Frigate T1 Gallente Exploration
Immolator Corvette T1 Amarr
Imp Interceptor T1 Amarr
Impairor Corvette T1 Amarr 1
Impel Deep Space Transport T2 Amarr Hauler 0
Imperial Navy Slicer Frigate T1 Amarr 3
Incursus Frigate T1 Gallente 1
Inquisitor Frigate T1 Amarr Logistics 5
InterBus Shuttle Shuttle T1 Gallente
Ishkur Assault Frigate T2 Gallente 3
Ishtar Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Gallente Sniper 3
Iteron Mark V Hauler T1 Gallente Hauler 0
Jackdaw Tactical Destroyer T3 Caldari 4
Jaguar Assault Frigate T2 Minmatar 3
Karura Lancer Dreadnought T2 Caldari
Keres Electronic Attack Ship T2 Gallente Dampening 6
Kestrel Frigate T1 Caldari 1
Khizriel Combat Battlecruiser T1 Minmatar
Kikimora Destroyer T1 Triglavian
Kirin Logistics Frigate T2 Caldari
Kitsune Electronic Attack Ship T2 Caldari ECM 8
Komodo Titan T1 Caldari
Kronos Marauder T2 Gallente 6
Kryos Hauler T1 Gallente
Lachesis Combat Recon Ship T2 Gallente Dampening, Tackle (Long Range), Cloak 7
Laelaps Heavy Interdiction Cruiser F Mordu's
Legion Strategic Cruiser T3 Amarr 6
Leopard Shuttle T1 Minmatar
Leshak Battleship T1 Triglavian
Leviathan Titan T1 Caldari Immune, always 0
Lif Force Auxiliary T1 Minmatar Fighters 0
Loggerhead Force Auxiliary T1 Caldari
Loki Strategic Cruiser T3 Minmatar 6
Machariel Battleship T1 Minmatar 6
Mackinaw Exhumer T2 ORE Mining 0
Maelstrom Battleship T1 Minmatar 5
Magnate Frigate T1 Amarr Explorer
Magnate Navy Issue Frigate T1 Amarr Explorer 1
Magus Command Destroyer T2 Gallente
Malediction Interceptor T2 Amarr Tackler, Scout (Skirmish/+1) 2
Malice Assault Frigate T2 Amarr
Maller Cruiser T1 Amarr Tanky 2
Mamba Destroyer F Guristas
Mammoth Hauler T1 Minmatar Hauler 0
Manticore Stealth Bomber T2 Caldari 3
Marshal Black Ops T2 None
Mastodon Deep Space Transport T2 Minmatar Hauler 0
Maulus Frigate T1 Gallente Dampening 5
Maulus Navy Issue Frigate T1 Gallente
Megathron Battleship T1 Gallente 5
Megathron Federate Issue Battleship T1 Gallente Special 5
Megathron Navy Issue Battleship T1 Gallente 5
Mekubal Destroyer F Angel
Merlin Frigate T1 Caldari 1
Metamorphosis Frigate T1 Jove
Miasmos Hauler T1 Gallente
Miasmos Amastris Edition Hauler[1] T1 Gallente
Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition Hauler[1] T1 Gallente
Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition Hauler[1] T1 Gallente
Mimir Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Minmatar
Minmatar Shuttle Shuttle T1 Minmatar
Minokawa Force Auxiliary T1 Caldari Fighters 0
Moa Cruiser T1 Caldari 2
Molok Titan T1 Amarr
Monitor Flag Cruiser T2 None
Moracha Force Recon Ship T1 Minmatar
Moros Dreadnought T1 Gallente Immune during siege mode 3
Moros Navy Issue Dreadnought T1 Gallente Immune during siege mode 3
Muninn Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Minmatar 4
Myrmidon Combat Battlecruiser T1 Gallente Drones 4
Myrmidon Navy Issue Combat Battlecruiser T1 Gallente Drones
Naga Attack Battlecruiser T1 Caldari Sniper 5
Naglfar Dreadnought T1 Minmatar Immune during siege mode 3
Naglfar Fleet Issue Dreadnought T1 Minmatar Immune during siege mode 3
Navitas Frigate T1 Gallente Logistics 5
Nemesis Stealth Bomber T2 Gallente 3
Nereus HAuler T1 Gallente Hauler, Rarely fits weapons 1
Nergal Assault Frigate T2 Triglavian
Nestor Battleship T1 Gallente
Nidhoggur Carrier T1 Minmatar  ???/Unrated; Immune if in triage mode  ?
Nighthawk Command Ship T2 Caldari Booster 4
Nightmare Battleship T1 Amarr 6
Ninazu Force Auxiliary T1 Gallente Fighters 0
Noctis Hauler T1 ORE
Nomad Jump Freighter T2 Minmatar Hauler, Strategic 0
Nyx Supercarrier T1 Gallente Immune, always 0
Obelisk Freighter T1 Gallente
Occator Deep Space Transport T2 Gallente Hauler 0
Omen Cruiser T1 Amarr 2
Omen Navy Issue Cruiser T1 Amarr 3
Oneiros Logistics T2 Gallente Logistics, independent 7
Onyx Heavy Interdiction Cruiser T2 Caldari Tackle (for Capitals) 4
Opux Luxury Yacht Cruiser T1 Gallente
Oracle Attack Battlecruiser T1 Amarr Sniper 5
Orca Industrial Command Ship T1 ORE Mining Booster, Hauler 0
Orthrus Cruiser T1 Caldari
Osprey Cruiser T1 Caldari Logistics, cap chain 7
Osprey Navy Issue Cruiser T1 Caldari DPS 2
Pacifier Covert Ops T2 None
Paladin Marauder T2 Amarr 6
Panther Black Ops T2 Minmatar DPS, Cloaky 6
Phantasm Cruiser T1 Amarr 2
Phobos Heavy Interdiction Cruiser T2 Gallente Tackle (on capitals) 4
Phoenix Dreadnought T1 Caldari Immune during siege mode 4
Phoenix Navy Issue Dreadnought T1 Caldari Immune during siege mode 4
Pilgrim Force Recon Ship T2 Amarr Neuts, Cloaky 6
Pontifex Command Destroyer T2 Amarr
Porpoise Industrial Command Ship T1 Gallente
Praxis Battleship T1 Jove
Primae Hauler[1] T1 ORE
Probe Frigate T1 Minmatar Explorer 1
Probe Fleet Issue Frigate T1 Minmatar Explorer
Procurer Mining Barge T1 ORE Mining 0
Prophecy Combat Battlecruiser T1 Amarr Drones 4
Prophecy Navy Issue Combat Battlecruiser T1 Amarr Drones
Prorator Blockade Runner T2 Amarr Hauler 0
Prospect Expedition Frigate T2 ORE Scout, Cloak, Covert Cyno, Miner?  ?
Proteus Strategic Cruiser T3 Gallente 6
Providence Freighter T1 Amarr
Prowler Blockade Runner T2 Minmatar Hauler 0
Punisher Frigate T1 Amarr 1
Purifier Stealth Bomber T2 Amarr 3
Rabisu Logistics T2 Amarr
Ragnarok Titan T1 Minmatar Immune, always 0
Raiju Electronic Attack Ship F Mordu's
Rapier Force Recon Ship T2 Minmatar Webbing, Cloak 6
Raptor Interceptor T2 Caldari Tackle 3
Rattlesnake Battleship T1 Caldari Drones 6
Raven Battleship T1 Caldari 5
Raven Navy Issue Battleship T1 Caldari 5
Raven State Issue Battleship T1 Caldari Special 5
Reaper Corvette T1 Minmatar 1
Redeemer Black Ops T2 Amarr DPS, Cloak 6
Republic Fleet Firetail Frigate T1 Minmatar 2
Retribution Assault Frigate T2 Amarr 3
Retriever Mining Barge T1 ORE Mining 0
Revelation Dreadnought T1 Amarr Immune during siege mode 4
Revelation Navy Issue Dreadnought T1 Amarr Immune during siege mode 4
Revenant Supercarrier T1 Pirate
Rhea Jump Freighter T2 Caldari Hauler, Strategic 0
Rifter Frigate T1 Minmatar 1
Rodiva Cruiser T1 Triglavian
Rokh Battleship T1 Caldari 5
Rook Combat Recon Ship T2 Caldari ECM 9
Rorqual Capital Industrial Ship T1 ORE Mining Support 2
Rupture Cruiser T1 Minmatar 1
Sabre Interdictor T2 Minmatar 2
Sacrilege Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Amarr Tanky 5
Scalpel Logistics Frigate T2 Minmatar
Scimitar Logistics T2 Minmatar Logistics, independent 7
Scorpion Battleship T1 Caldari ECM 10
Scorpion Navy Issue Battleship T1 Caldari
Scythe Cruiser T1 Minmatar Logistics, independent 6
Scythe Fleet Issue Cruiser T1 Minmatar DPS 2
Sentinel Electronic Attack Ship T2 Amarr TD/Tracking Disruption 4
Shapash Assault Frigate Gallente
Sigil Hauler T1 Amarr Hauler 0
Silver Magnate Frigate T1 Amarr Special 2
Sin Black Ops T2 Gallente Drones, Cloak 7
Skiff Exhumer T2 ORE Miner (tanky) 0
Skybreaker Frigate T1 Edencom
Slasher Frigate T1 Minmatar Tackle 1
Sleipnir Command Ship T2 Minmatar Booster 6
Squall Hauler T1 Upwell Hauler
Stabber Cruiser T1 Minmatar 2
Stabber Fleet Issue Cruiser T1 Minmatar 3
Stiletto Interceptor T2 Minmatar Tackler, Scout (+1/Skirmish) 2
Stork Command Destroyer T2 Caldari
Stormbringer Cruiser T1 Edencom
Stratios Cruiser T1 Gallente Exploration?, Cloak 2
Stratios Emergency Responder Cruiser T1 Gallente
Succubus Frigate T1 Amarr 1
Sunesis Destroyer T1 Jove
Svipul Tactical Destroyer T3 Minmatar 4
Taipan Corvette T1 Caldari
Talos Attack Battlecruiser T1 Gallente Brawler 5
Talwar Destroyer T1 Minmatar 2
Taranis Interceptor T2 Gallente Tackler 2
Tayra Hauler T1 Caldari
Tempest Battleship T1 Minmatar 5
Tempest Fleet Issue Battleship T1 Minmatar 5
Tempest Tribal Issue Battleship T1 Minmatar Special 5
Tengu Strategic Cruiser T3 Caldari 6
Thalia Logistics Frigate T2 Gallente
Thanatos Carrier T1 Gallente  ???/Unrated  ?
Thorax Cruiser T1 Gallente DPS (Higher) 2
Thunderchild Battleship T1 Edencom
Tiamat Cruiser T2 Triglavian
Thrasher Destroyer T1 Minmatar Instalocker 2
Torrent Deep Space Transport T2 Upwell Hauler
Tormentor Frigate T1 Amarr 1
Tornado Attack Battlecruiser T1 Minmatar Sniper 5
Tristan Frigate T1 Gallente Drones 1
Typhoon Battleship T1 Minmatar 5
Typhoon Fleet Issue Battleship T1 Minmatar
Utu Assault Frigate T2 Gallente
Vagabond Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Minmatar 4
Valravn Lancer Dreadnought T2 Minmatar
Vangel Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Amarr
Vanquisher Titan T1 Gallente
Vargur Marauder T2 Minmatar 6
Vedmak Cruiser T1 Triglavian
Vehement Dreadnought T1 Gallente
Velator Corvette T1 Gallente 1
Vendetta Supercarrier T1 Gallente
Vengeance Assault Frigate T2 Amarr 3
Venture Frigate T1 ORE Mining 0
Vexor Cruiser T1 Gallente Droneboat 2
Vexor Navy Issue Cruiser T1 Gallente Droneboat 2
Viator Blockade Runner T2 Gallente Hauler, Cloak 0
Victor Force Recon Ship T2 Gallente
Victorieux Luxury Yacht Cruiser T1 Gallente
Vigil Frigate T1 Minmatar TP/Target Painting 3
Vigil Fleet Issue Frigate T1 Minmatar
Vigilant Cruiser T1 Gallente Webbing 5
Vindicator Battleship T1 Gallente Webbing 6
Violator Corvette T1 Gallente
Virtuoso Stealth Bomber T2 Gallente
Vulture Command Ship T2 Caldari Booster 6
Whiptail Interceptor T2 Caldari
Widow Black Ops T2 Caldari ECM 9
Wolf Assault Frigate T2 Minmatar 3
Worm Frigate T1 Caldari Droneboat 1
Wreathe Hauler T1 Minmatar Hauler, Rarely fits weapons 1
Wyvern Supercarrier T1 Caldari Immune, always 0
Zarmazd Support Cruiser T2 Triglavian
Zealot Heavy Assault Cruiser T2 Amarr Sniper 4
Zephyr Compact Exploration Ship T1 Gallente
Zirnitra Dreadnought T1 Triglavian


  1. ^ a b c d Special Edition Industrial Ship on the market

See also

For a more detailed list of ships, see Ship type quick reference.