The Merlin is the most powerful combat frigate of the Caldari. Its role has evolved through the years, and while its defenses have always remained exceptionally strong for a Caldari vessel, its offensive capabilities have evolved from versatile, jack-of-all-trades attack patterns into focused and deadly gunfire tactics. The Merlin's primary aim is to have its turrets punch holes in opponents' hulls. SHIP BONUSES
Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level):
Ship Attributes
The changes brought to the Merlin in the Inferno release have made it one of the best (if not the best) Tech 1 frigates in the game, especially for running Level I combat missions. You may fit this ship to fulfil almost any need, whether it be a swift shield tanked tackler, a very tough shield tank, or an above-average damage dealer.
For more info on fittings, please go here
The Merlin is a powerful frigate in that it can be fit for either DPS or tackle, whilst maintaining a respectable tank for a T1 frigate (thanks to its shield resist bonus). A Merlin fit for DPS with Tech 2 Neutron Blasters firing Void can reach around 160 dps. Even with Ion Blasters and a fit more geared to tackling in a fleet, the Merlin can put out over 100 DPS with ease.
When flying a blaster Merlin, get in close. Your minuscule optimal ranges means you basically have to face hug your enemies. This can cause serious problems when fighting Kitey frigates or cruisers, especially since the Merlin isn't the fastest frigate out there. In these cases it's best to either run from the fight, or wait until an ally can web/scram down the enemy allowing you to catch up/warp to them.
Because Merlins are slow but tough, tackle Merlins usually serve as second tackle, applying a scram and web to hold a target still after faster frigates secure the initial point. Their significant DPS is a bonus in this role.
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