Following in the time-honored Caldari spaceship design tradition, the Basilisk sports top-of-the-line on-board computer systems specially designed to facilitate shield transporting arrays, while sacrificing some of the structural strength commonly found in vessels of its class. SHIP BONUSES
Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus: 150% bonus to Shield Transport and Energy Transfer Array range and 20% bonus to Shield Maintenance Bot transfer amount per level
Ship Attributes
The Basilisk is a ship designed for shield and capacitor transfer. The capacitor transfer is usually put to use trading with another basilisk to create capacitor out of thin air, fulfilling the capacitor needs of both ships. Because of its reliance on cap transfer with other ships the basilisk is almost exclusively used partnered with other basilisks and never alone. The use of cap transfer to fulfill its cap needs means the basilisk can fit a stronger tank, but leaves it more vulnerable to jamming, because if one logistics ship is jammed then the cap chain must be adjusted or soon all will be out of capacitor.
Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Basilisk for a specific or it's common role(s) can be written here.
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